Petroleum Potential For Timo Leste (2005)

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The Petroleum Potential of

Geir K Ytreland
Ministry of Development and the Environment
May 2005



• Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate

(EMRD) administers all areas on- and
offshore Timor-Leste, outside of the JPDA
• Timor Sea Designated Authority (TSDA)
administers the JPDA
Petroleum Sector of Timor-Leste

Prime Minister
Dr. Mari Alkatiri

Timor Sea Treaty

Ministry for Development &

Ministry of Planning & Finance
Ministerial Council Environment

Timor Sea Office


for for
East Timor Revenue Service Office of Macroeconomic Policy
ENERGY & MINERAL Tourism Environment &

Energy & Mineral

Timor Sea Designated Authority Timor Sea Tax Devision
Resources Directorate
The NORAD/NPD project

• The project: Assistance in developing the management of the

petroleum sector in Timor-Leste government
• The goal of the project: That the public sector petroleum
administration in Timor-Leste will be capable of managing the
upstream petroleum activity without significant use of foreign
• How we do that: Cooperation between Norwegian Petroleum
Directorate and MDE and other units, offer Norwegian and
international experience for a period of six years with a budget of
4.7 MM USD
Petroleum in Timor-Leste
• Timor-Leste has known petroleum
occurences in all its territories, both
onshore and offshore
• The petroleum geology of T-L is almost
identical to what is found on the
Australian Northwest shelf
• Petroleum has been explored for and
produced for more than 100 years in T-L
Petroleum systems
• Today, world-class oil and gas discoveries
have been made in the Timor Sea (JPDA)
• Well documented petroleum systems are
found onshore T-L, wells, seeps and
petroleum combusting
• The area between the island and the JPDA
is now beeing mapped in preparation for
licensing later this year
New developments

• T-L has acquired morte than 6,600 kms of

modern 2D seismic in 2005, which will be
the data for the first exploration licensing
round in the country
• The are offered will be the sovereign T-L
offshore area between the JPDA and
Timor island. Including teh deepwater
Timor Trench
What does the new areas look like?

• The geology is very similar to the

prospective geology in the JPDA (Bayu
Undan, Sunrise etc.)
• The areas under the TT looks particularly
• Areas South of TT may have avoided
leaking of hydrocarbons
Open areas, JPDA

Timor Transect

Conventional view of Timor Geology showing

1) Oceanic Crust to North of Island
2) Continental Crust Underlies both Island and Trough
3) Mesozoic Rocks of Same Facies as Australian Equivalents
1997 Seismic
(N. Hoffmann, 2003)
2004 regional 2D seismic

Seismic Sunrise NW

Kelp High

Sunrise NW

Seismic Traverse Sunrise NW

Gravity map Timor-Leste
Onshore petroleum potential
Site Work - Harvesting System
Site Work - Membrane
Sealing Arrangement
Site Work - Installed Harvesting
Interpretation of results
(PRELIMINARY pending gas analysis)
Natural Flow
• Say 1 ft3/s
• Equates to between 130 & 275 kW Generation
Dependant upon quality of gas (pending analysis)

• Which is electricity for between 1300 & 2750 homes

Assuming low usage (100W / home)

Forced Flow
• Say 5 ft3/s
• Equates to between 650 kW & 1.300 MW Generation
Dependant upon quality of gas (pending analysis)

• Which is electricity for between 6500 & 13,000 homes

Assuming low usage (100W / home)

achieve > remarkable > success

Timelines, offshore Timor-Leste

• 1Q05 - 2D seismic acquisition, first data available

• 2Q05 - Block size and numbers decided

- Petroleum and tax laws, model PSC’s
- Final seismic datapackage ready (ticket)
- Road shows (Houston, Singapore, London)
- 1st expl. License round opens

• 3Q05 - Technical conference for potential bidders

- Industry interpret data

• 4Q05 - Bid deadline (yearend)

• 1Q06 - Bid awards

• Timor-Leste has a number of highly potential areas for
petroleum, with proven petroleum systems and low
geological risk, both onshore and offshore
• There is strong industry interest for both areas
• However, there is strong regional competition for
investor’s funds
• The proposed T-L commercial and legal regime is
considered competitive in SE Asia and Australasia, and
should not be a deterrant to investors
• The timely passing of the petroleum laws is of the
greatest importance, without those we cannot proceed!!

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