MCQ 250 Paper OB

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Organizational Behaviour Sem VI

250 Sample questions Low Difficulty Level /Easy

1) A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have
on behavior within organizations

a) Organizational structure c) Organization development

b) Organizational Psychology d) Organizational behaviour.

2) A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans
to coordinate activities

a) Planning c) Leading
b) Controlling d) organizing

3) All managers, to some degree, collect information from outside organizations and

a) Interpersonal roles c) Decisional roles

b) Informational roles d) Individual roles

4) An individual's capacity to perform the various tasks in a job

a) Individual Behaviour c) Individual ability

b) Individual learning d) Perception

5) This role includes hiring, training, motivating, and disciplining employees.

a) Interpersonal roles c) Decisional roles

b) Informational roles d) Individual roles

6) Monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting
any significant deviations

a)Planning c) Leading
b) Controlling d) organizing

7) The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.

a) Technical skills c) Human Skills

b) Conceptual skills d) Individual skills
8) Determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be
grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made

a) Planning c) Leading
b) Controlling d) organizing

9) The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

a) Technical skills c) Human Skills

b) Conceptual skills d) Individual skills

10) Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities - This activity consists of exchanging
routine information and processing paperwork

a) Traditional management c) Human resource management

b) Communication d) Networking

11) A function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most
effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts

a) Planning c) Leading
b) Controlling d) organizing

12) The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually
and in groups

a) Technical skills c) Human Skills

b) Conceptual skills d) Individual skills

13) The study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

a) Sociology c) Anthropology
b) Psychology d) Political science

14) Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities - This activity consists of motivating,
disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training.

a) Traditional management c) Human resource management

b) Communication d) Networking
15) Study areas: structuring of conflicts, allocations of power, how people manipulate
power for individual self-interest

a) Sociology c) Anthropology
b) Psychology d) Political science

16) Ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time.

a) Dynamic Strength c) Static strength

b) Trunk strength d) Explosive strength

17) Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities - This activity involves socializing,
politicking, and interacting with outsiders

a) Traditional management c) Human resource management

b) Communication d) Networking

18) An area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and
that focuses on the influence of people on one another.

a) Sociology c) Anthropology
b) Psychology d) Social Psychology

19) Personal characteristics that are objective and easily obtained from personnel

a) Age c) Martial Status

b) Gender d) All the above.

20) Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

a) Personality c) Motivation
b) Leadership d) Learning

21) Individuals can also learn by observing what happens to other people

a) Classical conditioning learning b) Social learning

c) Operant conditioning learning d) All the above.
22) A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in
order to give meaning to their environment.

a) Values c) Attitude
b) Perception d) personality

23) Study of group behaviour in organisations, group dynamics, design of work teams

a) Sociology c) Anthropology
b) Psychology d) Social Psychology

24) A number of factors determine the personality of individual.

a) Biological factors c) Environmental factors

b) Family factors d) All the above

25) The stage characterized by competition and conflict in the personal-relations

dimension an organization in the task-functions dimension.

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Storming d) Performing

26) Factors are those, which exists in and around the individual.

a) Situational Factors c) Family Factors:

b) Environmental Factors d) Biological Factors

27) A task group is usually formed to solve a problem. It is comprised of the employees
who work together to complete a particular task.

a) Primary & Secondary Groups c) In-Groups &Out-Groups

b) Membership & Reference Group d) Command & Task Groups

28) Refers to a particular tendency within the individual regarding that individuals
experience; as a person, events that has happened or matters arising out of those events

a) Perception c) Attitude
b) Values d) All the above
29) The stage, which Tuckman calls is characterized by competition and conflict in the
personal-relations dimension an organization in the task-functions dimension.

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Storming d) Performing

30) The Five Stage Model (Group Dynamics/Development

a) Forming, Storming, Norming, Adjourning, Performing

b) Storming, Adjourning, Forming, Norming, Preforming
c) Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
d) Norming, Forming, Storming, Performing, Adjourning.

31) Stage, involves the termination of task behaviors and disengagement from

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Adjourning d) Performing

32) The stage, personal relations are characterized by dependence

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Adjourning d) Performing

33) Describes the pattern of inter-relationship existing between the various units of an

a) Organizational structure c) Organization development

b) Organizational Psychology d) Organizational behavior

34) The formal conjuration between individuals and groups with respect to the allocation
of tasks, responsibilities and authorities within the organization

a) Greenberg and Baron c) Lewis Allen

b) Stephen Robbins d) Mc Cleland’s
35) Each manager is responsible ofan area within the organization depending of his/her

a) Functional Departmentalization c) Geographical Departmentalization

b) Product Departmentalization d) Process Departmentalization

36) A organization is one in which its design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal,
vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.

a)Learning Organization c) Boundary less Organization

b)Structure Organization d) All of these

37)A learning organization is defined as an organization that has developed the capacity
to continuously

a) Learn c) Change
b) Adapt d) All of these

38)Employees work during a common core time period each day but have discretion

a)Job Sharing c) Job Enrichment

b)Flexitime d) Job Salary

39)It refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and
the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.

a) Work Specialization c) Span Of Control

b) Formalization d) Chain Of Command

40)A structure is made up of separate, semi-autonomous units or divisions

a) Divisional Structure c) Functional Structure

b) Team Structure d) Matrix Structure

41)It is defined as a continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational
levels to the lowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom

a) Span Of Control c)Centralization And Decentralization

b) Chain of Command d) All the above
42) Its groups jobs on the basis of common customers.

a) Functional Departmentalization c) Geographical Departmentalization

b) Customer Departmentalization d) Process Departmentalization

43) A structure is defined as a design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control,
centralized authority, and little formalization

a) Simple Structure c) Functional Structure

b) Team Structure d) Matrix Structure

44) The obligation to perform any assigned duties.

a) Unity of command c) Responsibility

b) Authority d) All of these

45) A matrix structure is one that assigns specialists from different functional departments
to work on one or more projects.

a) Simple Structure c) Functional Structure

b) Team Structure d) Matrix Structure

46)The periodic shifting of a worker from one task to another.

a) Job Rotation c) Job Enrichment

b) Flexitime d) Job Salary

47) Employees do their work at home on a computer that is linked to their office

a) Job Rotation c) Job Enrichment

b) Flexitime d)Telecommuting/Telecommunication

48)The organization is comprised of many independent decentralized business units, each

with its own products, clients, competitors, and profit goals.

a)Divisional Structure c) Functional Structure

b)Autonomous Internal Units d) Matrix Structure
49) Elements Of Organization Structure

a) Work Specialization c) Span of Control

b) Chain of Command d) All the above

50)Determines the number of employees a manager can efficiently and effectively


a) Work Specialization c) Span of Control

b) Chain of Command d) All the above

51) Defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours.

a) Motivation c) Training
b) Leadership d) All the above

52) The act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a get a desired course of action

a) Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b) Koontz and O’Donnell d William G Scott

53) Maslow Abraham’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

a)Physiological Needs, Social Needs, Security / Safety Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-
Actualization Needs
b)Physiological Needs, Security / Safety Needs, Social Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-
Actualization Needs
c) Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization Needs, Physiological Needs, Security / Safety Needs,
Social Needs
d)Self-Actualization Needs, Social Needs, Security / Safety Needs, Esteem Needs,
Physiological Needs

54) Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired


a)Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b)Koontz and O’Donnell d William G Scott

55) These are the needs connected with the psychological fear of loss of job, property,
natural calamities or hazards

a)Security / Safety Needs c) Self-Actualization Needs

b)Physiological Needs d) Social Needs
56)This category of needs include the need to be respected by others, need to be
appreciated by others

a)Security / Safety Needs c) Self-Actualization Needs

b)Physiological Needs d) Esteem Needs

57) Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, needs, wishes and
similar forces.

a) Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b)Koontz and O’Donnell d) William G Scott

58) This is the highest among the needs in the hierarchy of needs advocated by Maslow

a)Security / Safety Needs c) Self-Actualization Needs

b)Physiological Needs d) Social Needs

59) The well-known psychologist Douglas McGregor has given his theory of motivation

a)Theory X c) Both a and c

b)Theory Y d) None of the above.

60) Management is responsible for organising the element of productive enterprises

money and people in the interest of economic ends
a)Theory X c) Theory A
b)Theory Y d) Theory B

61) These needs include food, shelter, clothing, rest, air, water, sleep and sexual

a)Security / Safety Needs c) Self-Actualization Needs

b)Physiological Needs d) Social Needs

62) Motivation is the work a manager performs to inspire, encourage and impel people to
take required action

a) Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b) Koontz and O’Donnell d None of the above
63) Work is as natural as play or rest, provided the conditions are favourable; the average
human being does not inherently dislike work.

a)Theory X c) Both a and c

b)Theory Y d) None of the above.

64) Fredick Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory is also called

a)Dual Factor Theory c) Both a and c

b)Hygiene / Maintenance Theory d) None of the above

65) Hygiene / Maintenance Factors is also called

a)Intrinsic Factor c) Extrinsic Factor

b)Motivator Factor d) None of the above

66) The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed.

a) Need for Power (N Power) c) Need for Affiliation (NAff):

b) Need for Achievement (NAch) d) All the above.

67) Feels that he should belong to one or the other group and the member of the group
should accept him with love and affection

a) Security / Safety Needs c) Self-Actualization Needs

b) Physiological Needs d) Social Needs

68) Research indicates that individuals are motivated based on three needs who said this.

a) David McClelland’s c)Lewis Allen

b) Fredick Herzberg’s d) William G Scott

69) The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved

a)Need for Power (N Power) c) Need for Affiliation (NAff):

b)Need for Achievement (NAch) d) All the above.
70) According to, a U.S psychologist, man is a wanting animal,he has a variety of wants or

a) Michael J Juicus c) Fredick Herzberg’s

b) Maslow Abraham’s d) David McClelland’s

71) They enjoy being with people and being accepted and liked by the people around
them.They prefer cooperation over competition.

a)Need for Power (N Power) c) Need for Affiliation (NAff)

b)Need for Achievement (NAch) d) All the above.

72) Theory is a precursor of self-determination theory and centers on the distinction

between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

a)Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b)Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

73) The ability of a company's management to make sound decisions and inspire others to
perform well.

a)Directorship c) Both a and c

b)Leadership d) None of the above.

74) He or she will actively define the work and the roles required, put structures in place,
plan, organize and monitor.

a) People-Oriented Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

75) According Researcher Edwin Locke this theory include five basic - clarity, challenge,
commitment, feedback, and task complexity.

a) Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

76) The leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts
high levels of power over his or her employees or team members.
a) People-Oriented Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership
b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

77) According to Bandura (1982), one's ability to perform a task within a specific domain

a) Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

78) The leaders "work by the book", ensuring that their staff follow procedures exactly

a) Charismatic Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Bureaucratic Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

79) Proposed by Victor Vroom suggests that motivation occurs if there is favorable

a) Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

80)The leadership style can appear similar to a transformational leadership style, in that
the leader injects huge doses of enthusiasm into his or her team

a) Charismatic Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Bureaucratic Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

81) "let them do" and is used to describe a leader who leaves his or her colleagues to get
on with their work.

a) Charismatic Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Bureaucratic Leadership d) Laissez-Faire Leadership

82) A behavioral construct where control is achieved by manipulating the consequences of


a) Reinforcement Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory
83) The leader will make the final decision, he or she invites other members of the team
to contribute to the decision-making process.

a) Participative Leadership c) Both a and c

b) Democratic Leadership d) People-Oriented Leadership

84) A fair balance to be struck between an employee's inputs - hard work, skill level,
tolerance, enthusiasm.

a) Equity Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

85) Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, describes a leader who is often not formally recognized

a) Charismatic Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Servant Leadership d) Laissez-Faire Leadership

86) The leader is totally focused on organizing, supporting and developing the people in
the leader's team.

a) People-Oriented Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

87) A person with this leadership style is a true leader who inspires his or her team with a
shared vision of the future.

a) Task-Oriented Leadership c) Transformational Leadership

b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

88) A good leader will find him or herself switching instinctively between styles according
to the people and work they are dealing.

a)Relations-Oriented Leadership c) Transactional Leadership

b) Autocratic Leadership d) Situational Leadership
89) It is associated with constraints and demands

a) Stress c) Unemphatic
b) Anxiety d) Depression

90) What are Potential Sources of Stress

a) Group Stress c) Both a and b

b) Individual Stress d) None of the above

91) Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through

a) Job satisfaction c) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

b) Organizational commitment d) None of the above

92) At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining

a) Goals c) Relations

b)Roles d) All of the above

93) Feature(s) of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is (are)

a) Theory of human motives

b)Theory of human motivation

c) Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy

d) All of the above

94) The philosophy that guides an organization’s policies towards its employees and
customers is an important part of

a) Management strategy c) Organization behavior

b) Organizational culture d) Organization development

95) The model(s) of Organizational Behaviour is (are)

a) Autocratic c) Custodial

b) Supportive d) All of the above

96) A common definition of Organisational Behaviour is that it is the study of

a) Individual behavior c) Patterns of organisational structure

b) Group behavior d) All of the above

97) Which is the process to resolve conflict

a) Problem solving c) Politics

b) Persuation d) All of these

98) Theory Y includes

a) In general, for most people, the excuse of physical and mental effort in work and play is
as natural in play or rest

b) Man will exercise self control in those spheres where the objectives tally with his own

c) The capacity for developing and utilising their capacities, knowledge and skill does exist
in people

d) All of the above

99) The Objective(s) of Organisational behaviour includes

a) To describe the actions and reactions of individuals and groups in the system as they
interact with each other in the course of their working day

b) To describe the role of capital and location

c) To describe the role of man and machines

d) All of the Above

100) Systems approach of Management consists

a) Information requirements c) Decision Making techniques

b) Communication methodology d) All of the Above

101) Early Theories Of Motivation represented by

a) Maslow Abraham’s c) Douglas Mcgregor’s

b) Fredick Herzberg’s d) All of the above

102) Learning can be in the form of

a) Objective-oriented c) Stimulus

b) Motivation d) All of the above

103)Conflict Management you cooperate to a high-degree, and it may be at your own

expense, and actually work against your own goals, objectives, and desired outcomes

a) Avoiding c) Accommodating
b) Collaborating d) Competing

104) Sources of Conflict

a) Scarce Resources c) Poor Communication

b) Different Values d) All of the above

105) A change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of a
change action based on what the analysed data indicate

a) Action Research c) Coercion

b) Negotiation d) None of the above

106) The application of direct threats or force upon the resisters.

a) Facilitation and support c) Negotiation

b) Manipulation and co-optation d) Coercion

107) Lewin’s 3 Step Model

a) Unfreeze, Freeze & Change c) Unfreeze , Change & Freeze

b) Freeze ,Change & Unfreeze d) None of the above

108) This stage involves creating the right conditions for change to occur

a) Unfreeze Stage c) Change stage

b) Freeze Stage d) All of the above
109) Environment of an organization refers to events, factors, people, systems,
structures and conditions inside the organization that are generally under the control
of the company.

a) The External Environment c) Both a & b

b)The Internal Environment d) None of the above

110) The Appreciative Inquiry process essentially consists of following steps

a) Discovery c) Dreaming.
b) Design d) All of the above

111) A term used to encompass a collection of planned-change interventions built on

humanistic-democratic values that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and
employee well-being.
a) Organizational development c) Organization structure
b) Organizational Training d) Organizational Conflict

112) Refers to a conflict between two individuals

a) Intrapersonal conflict c) Interpersonal conflict

b) Intragroup conflict d) Intergroup conflict

113) This is where you partner or pair up with the other party to achieve both of your

a) Avoiding c) Accommodating
b) Collaborating d) Competing

114) The ability of one party to change or control the behavior, attitudes, opinions,
objectives, needs, and values of another party

a) Basis of Power c) Basis of Leadership

b) Basis of Motivation d) None of the above

115) Based on subordinates' belief that a superior has job experience and special
knowledge or expertise in a given area.

a) Reward Power c) Referent Power

b) Coercive Power d) Expert Power
116) This is the “win-lose” approach

a) Avoiding c) Accommodating
b) Collaborating d) Competing

117) Takes place when a misunderstanding arises among different teams within an

a) Intrapersonal conflict c) Interpersonal conflict

b) Intragroup conflict d) Intergroup conflict

118) A tactic may be necessary when resistance comes from a powerful source.

a) Action Research c) Coercion

b) Negotiation d) Participation

119) Based on subordinates' interpersonal attraction to and identification with a superior

because of their admiration or personal liking of the superior.

a) Reward Power c) Referent Power

b) Coercive Power d) Expert Power

120) study the social system in which individuals fill their roles

a) Sociology c) Anthropology
b) Psychology d) Social Psychology

121) Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress

a.Task demand c.Role conflict

b.Role demand d. Satisfaction

122) Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

a. Job relocation c. Recreational facility

b. Career counseling d. All the above
123)Which of the following is/are OD intervention techniques

a. Sensitivity training c. Quality of work life

b. MBO d. All the above

124) the following is an environmental force that shapes personality

a)Gender c) Height
b)Brain size d) Experience

125) While managing political behaviours in organization, the manager requires


a. Negotiation c. Self interest

b. Relationships d. Dialogue

Medium Difficulty Level/ Medium

126) In which stage of the conflict process does conflict become visible

a. Illumination c. Behaviour
b. Intentions d. Cognition

127) In Maslow’s hierarchy needs which of the following pair of needs is ranked as”
lower order needs”

a. Physiological and safety needs c. Self actualization and safety needs

b. Physiological and social need d. Social and esteem needs

128) Mintzberg concluded that managers perform different interrelated roles. Which of
the following is one of the which these roles could be grouped

a. Intrapersonal c. Decisional
b. Institutional d. affective

129) According to Mintzberg, one of management’s interpersonal roles is .

a. spokesperson c. leader
b. Negotiator d. monitor
130) The most significant management skills are

a) Technical, Human and Conceptual c)Technical,behavioural&Conceptual

b)Systematic, Human and Conceptual d) Technical, Human and cognitive

131) The Framework of Organizational Behaviour are

a) Cognitive, Social and Technical c) Cognitive, Behaviouristic, Social

b) leadership, attribution, motivation d) attribution, Perception and
132) Scope of OB does not include

a.Leadership c. Job Design

b. Perception d. Technology

133). Which of the following is not a contributing discipline of OB

a) Anthropology c) physiology
b) Psychology d) sociology

134). is a Study of individual Behaviour

a) Anthropology c) political science

b) Psychology d) sociology

135). is a Study of Group Behaviour

a) Anthropology c) physiology
b) Psychology d) sociology

136) is a Study of man, his work and Culture

a) Anthropology c) Social psychology

b) Psychology d) sociology

137). focuses on the influence of people on one another

a) Anthropology c) Social psychology

b) Psychology d) Sociology
138). The job satisfaction of an employee is depend on the

a) behaviour c) personality
b) attitude d) employer

139). Success of each organization is depending upon the performance of

a) employer c) employee
b) management d) All of the above

140) Motivation includes

a) job enrichment c) Job enlargement

b) Job rotation d) all of the above

141) Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the
organization are called

a. formal groups c. task groups

b. informal groups d. interest groups

142) Environment are those factors that occur outside of the company that cause change
inside organizations

a) The External Environment c) Both a & b

b) The Internal Environment d) None of the above

143) The planned organizational change process may comprise of following steps”

a) Planning for change c) Assessing change forces

b) Implementing the change d) All of the above

144) The first step in the process of change is to identify the need for change and the area
of changes
a) Planning for change c) Assessing change forces
b) Implementing the change d) All of the above

145) Tactics used by change agents in dealing with resistance to change.

a) Education and communication c) Participation

b) Facilitation and support d) All of the above
146) Process by which managers make specific organizing choices that result in a
particular kind of organizational structure
a) organizational structure c) Organizational design
b) organizational development d) organizational behaviour

147) The purpose of job enrichment is to

a) Expand the number of tasks c) increase job effectiveness

b) increase job efficiency d) increase job satisfaction

148) Organisational behaviour is

a) A science c) A science as well as an art

b)An art d) None of the above

149) The field of organisational behaviour examines such questions as the nature of
leadership, effective team development, and

a) Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals

b) Organisational control; conflict management

c) Motivation of individuals; planning

d)Planning development

150) At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining

a. Goals c. Relations
b. Roles d. None of the above

151) A system of retirement benefits that provides benefits like disability

insurance, survivor’s benefits, and Medicare is called
a. Encoding c. Workers’ Compensation
b. Unemployment Compensation d. Social Security benefit

152) is solely responsible for managing individual’s career.

a. Individual c. Organisation
b. Team d. HR Manager
153) Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic leader model

a. Obedience c. Power
b. Authority d. Dependence on manager

154) Which of these suggestions is an effective way to deal with stress?

a. Meditation c. Talking with others

b. Exercise d. All of the above

155) The everyday tasks of manager

a) planning and creativity c) planning and commanding

b)planning and leading d) None of the above

156) Studying the future and arranging the means for dealing with it is part of the process
a) organizing c) controlling
b) commanding d)planning

157) Designing a structure to assist in goal accomplishment is known as

a) planning c)organising
b) co-ordinating d) commanding

158) Mintzberg's roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are what he calls the roles.

a)interpersonal c) decisional
b) Informational d) None of the above.

159) The lower a manager is in the organisational hierarchy, the more important his skills
a) human c) conceptual
b) technical d) interpersonal

160) The selection, organisation, and interpretation of sensory is called

a) aptitude. c)ability.
b) perception d) awareness
161) They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain

a) Managers c) Employee
b) Employer d) Investors

162) Conflict occurs when individual workers ‘fight’ for their personal goals, ignoring
organizational goals and organizational well-being

a) Different Values c) Personality Clashes

b) Poor Performance d) Differing Interests

163) Managers require the support of others to achieve their goals, implement changes,
and overcome opposition

a) Controlling the Agenda c) Making Everyone a Winner

b) Bringing in an Outside Expert d) Relying on Objective Information

164) All work environments are made up of differing personalities.

a) Scarce Resources c) Different Values

b) Personality Clashes d) Poor Performance

165) Mintzberg called this the monitor role

a) Decisional Roles c) Informational Roles

b) Interpersonal roles d) Leading Roles

166) Ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements

a) Extent flexibility c) Static strength

b) Dynamic flexibility d) Explosive strength

167) Conflict between two individuals

a) Intrapersonal conflict c) Interpersonal conflict

b) Intragroup conflict d) Intergroup conflict

168) Study of Group Behaviour

a) Anthropology c) physiology
b) Psychology d) sociology
169) Organization structure primarily refers to

a. how activities are coordinated & controlled

b. how resources are allocated

c. the location of departments and office space

d. the policy statements developed by the firm

170) The purpose of job enrichment is to

a. expands the number of tasks an individual can do

b. increase job efficiency
c. increase job effectiveness
d. increase job satisfaction of middle management

171) Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of

a. corporate strategy and business strategy

b. strategy formulation and strategy implementation

c. inputs and outputs

d. environmental analysis and internal analysis

172) According to Herzberg, which of the following is a maintenance factor

a. Salary c. Responsibility

b. Work itself d. Recognition

173) Communication begins with

a. encoding c. decoding

b. idea origination d. channel selection

174) a lot of stress is being put on the employee in the organisation

a. Character c. Behaviour
b. improvement d. Rewards
175) Organizational Behavior focuses at

a. Individuals, Organisation, Society c. Employee, Employer, Management

b. Society, Organisation, Nation d. Individual, Groups, Organisation.

176) Ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off

a) Balance c) Stamina
b) Body coordination d) Stress

177) In order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow’s five classes of needs

a. Social-esteem-physiological-safety-self-actualization

b. Physiological-safety-social-self-actualization-esteem

c. Physiological-safety-social-esteem-self-actualization

d. Self-actualization-esteem-safety-social-physiological

178) Ability to retain and recall past Experiences

a) Memory c) Visual
b) Imagine d) Recall

179) A strategy of job design that increases job depth

a. Job rotation c. Job enlargement

b. Job enrichment d. Job engagement

180) the key word in understanding organization structure

a. Control c. Process

b. Change d. Delegation

181) Employees plan their actions is called as

a) Symbolizing c) Forethought
b) Observational d) Self-regulatory
182) Organizational Behavior helps to understand behavior of human

a) work place and Society c) Society only

b)work place only d) Department only

183) A satisfied employee will be a

a) motivator to others c) High performer

b) manager d) Team Leader

184) a benefit to employee which results through positive attitude of an employee

a) Promotion c) Job security

b) Less stress d) enjoying life

185) Belief, opinion, knowledge, emotions feelings intention are

a) Originational Behaviour c) Attitude

b) Job satisfaction d) Personality

186) Attitude which is visible and can be observed directly.

a) Behavioural c) Affective
b) Cognitive d) Positive

187) Method used for changing the attitude of Employee

a) use of fear c) Providing new information

b)Performance appraisal d) Giving Feedback

188) The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive

a) Personality c) Attitude
b) Motivation d) behaviour
189) the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals.

a) Bonus c) Performance-based Incentive

b) Motivation d) Promotion

190) Maslow says that Human beings are full of needs & wants, these needs will lead to
a) Job c) Attitude
b) Behavior d) Motivation

191) Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

a) Personality c) Motivation
b) Leadership d) Learning

192) Hygiene / Maintenance Factors is also called

a) Intrinsic Factor c) Extrinsic Factor

b) Motivator Factor d) Learning factor

193) The person will try for the complex level need when his satisfied.

a) Basic need c) Income

b) family d) Job

194) Salary, and basic working condition will come under needs

a) Safety c) social need

b) Physiological need d) organizational

195) Conflict Management you cooperate to a high-degree, and it may be at your own
expense, and actually work against your own goals, objectives, and desired outcomes

a) Avoiding c) Accommodating
b) Collaborating d) Competing

196) Employees feel they have to compete for available resources in order to do their job.

a) Scarce Resources c) Different Values

b) Personality Clashes d) Poor Performance
197) Improves the confidence level of an employee when satisfied.
a) Social c) Basic
b) Safety d) Esteem

198) A person with this leadership style is a true leader who inspires his or her team with
a shared vision of the future.

a) Task-Oriented Leadership c) Transformational Leadership

b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

199) The philosophy that guides an organization’s policies towards its employees and
customers is an important part of

a) Management strategy c) Organization behavior

b) Organizational culture d) Organization development

200) At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining

a) Goals c) Relations
b)Roles d) Motivation

201) Management is responsible for organizing the element of productive enterprises

money and people in the interest of economic ends

a) Theory X c) Theory A
b) Theory Y d) Theory B

202) Lewin’s 3 Step Model

a) Unfreeze, Freeze & Change c) Unfreeze, Change & Freeze

b) Freeze, Change & Unfreeze d) Unfreeze & freeze

203) Determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be
grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made

a) Planning c) Leading
b) Controlling d) organizing
High Difficulty Level/ Hard

204) Ability to expend a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts

a) Dynamic Strength c) Static strength

b) Trunk strength d) Explosive strength

205) Involves the termination of task behaviors and disengagement from relationships

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Adjourning d) Performing

206) Structure is defined as a design that groups similar or related occupational specialties

a) Divisional Structure c) Functional Structure

b) Team Structure d) Matrix Structure

207) Factors are those, which exists in and around the individual.

a) Situational Factors c) Family Factors:

b) Environmental Factors d) Biological Factors

208) The formal conjuration between individuals and groups with respect to the allocation
of tasks, responsibilities and authorities within the organization

a) Greenberg and Baron c) Lewis Allen

b) Stephen Robbins d) Mc Cleland’s

209) The horizontal expansion of jobs

a) job enrichment c) Job enlargement

b) Job rotation d) Job sharing

210) A fair balance to be struck between an employee's inputs - hard work, skill level,
tolerance, enthusiasm.

a) Equity Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory
211) The application of direct threats or force upon the resisters.

a) Facilitation and support c) Negotiation

b) Manipulation and co-optation d) Coercion

212) It changes in working pattern, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions, rules
and regulations

a) Organizational change c) organizational structure

b) Organizational behavior d)Organizational Development

213) Groups created by managerial decision in order to accomplish stated goals of the
organization are called
a. formal groups c. task groups
b. informal groups d. interest groups
214) According to Bandura (1982), one's ability to perform a task within a specific domain

a) Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

215) Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, needs, wishes and
similar forces.

a) Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b)Koontz and O’Donnell d) William G Scott

216) Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired


a) Michael J Juicus c) Lewis Allen

b) Koontz and O’Donnell d William G Scott

217) All work environments are made up of differing personalities.

a) Scarce Resources c) Different Values

b) Personality Clashes d) Poor Performance

218) ) It is associated with constraints and demands

a) Stress c) Unemphatic
b) Anxiety d) Depression
219) Who proposed “ bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization

a. Elton Mayo c. F.W. Taylor

b. Henry Fayol d. Max Weber

220) The leader is totally focused on organizing, supporting and developing the people in
the leader's team.

a) People-Oriented Leadership c) Task-Oriented Leadership

b) Relations-Oriented Leadership d) Autocratic Leadership

221) According Researcher Edwin Locke this theory include five basic - clarity, challenge,
commitment, feedback, and task complexity.

a) Self-Efficacy Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b) Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

222) the reactions of individuals to new or threatening factors in their work

a.Attitude c.Behaviour
b.Stress d.Disappointment

223) The following is / are method of managing stress

a. Job relocation c. Recreational facility
b. Career counseling d. All the above

224) A technique to bring changes in the entire organization, rather man focusing
attention on individuals to bring changes easily.
a. Organizational development c. Organizational culture
b. Organizational change d. Organizational conflicts

225) Feature(s) of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is (are)

a) Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy c) Theory of Human Development

b) Theory of human motivation d) Theory of Human learning

226) The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved

a) Need for Power (N Power) c) Need for Affiliation (NAff)

b) Need for Achievement (NAch) d) Need for Recognition
227) The purpose of job enrichment is to

a)Expand the number of responsbility

b)Expand the number of tasks
c) increase job effectiveness an individual can do
d) increase job satisfaction of middle management

228) Focuses on the influence of people on one another

a) psychology c) Social psychology
b)Anthropology d) Sociology

229) The stage, personal relations are characterized by dependence

a) Forming c) Norming
b) Adjourning d) Performing

230) A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in
order to give meaning to their environment.

a) Values c) Attitude
b) Perception d) personality

231) Theory Y includes

A. The excuse of physical and mental effort in work and play is as natural in play or rest

B. Man will exercise self control in those spheres where the objectives tally with his own

C. Developing and utilising their capacities, knowledge and skill does exist in people

D. All of the above

232) Which is not the Maslow's needs

A. Esteem C. Self-actualisation
B. Control D. Social

233) The structure of an OB model includes three levels of analysis: individual, group, and
organization systems

A.change and stress. C.power and politics.

B.organizational culture and commitment design and

234) This is the “win-lose” approach
a) Avoiding c) Accommodating
b) Collaborating d) Competing

235) A motive is defined as

A. price of product
B. energizes, activates and directs the
C. provides difficult task to the player
D.cost individuals towards certain goals

236) Which of the following is/are importance of Motivation

A.Success in competition C.Measurement of Managerial action

B.Increases Morale D.All of the above

237) Perception may be defined as

A. people organise, interpret, experience C.The system of planning

B.The process of controlling D.The system of management

238) Most influenced by which behavioural science discipline

A.political science psychology

B.psychology D.anthropology

239) Theory X is a theory of

A.Controlling C.Motivation
B.Financial Planning D.Planning

240) The selection, organisation, and interpretation of sensory is called

a) aptitude. c)ability.
b) perception d) awareness

241) Organisation theory is mainly concerned with

A.Studying the limits of adaptability and change of its individuals

D.Studying the limits of accounting

242) Improves the confidence level of an employee when satisfied.

a) Social c) Basic
b) Safety d) Esteem

243) A behavioral construct where control is achieved by manipulating the consequences

Of behavior.

a)Reinforcement Theory c) Expectancy Theory

b)Goal Setting Theory d) Cognitive Evaluation Theory

244) Management is responsible for organizing the element of productive enterprises

money and people in the interest of economic ends
a)Theory X c) Theory A
b)Theory Y d) Theory B

245) The application of direct threats or force upon the resisters.

a) Facilitation and support c) Negotiation

b) Manipulation and co-optation d) Coercion

246)The Formal Conjuration Between Individuals And Groups With Respect To The
Allocation Of Tasks, Responsibilities And Authorities Within The Organization

a)Greenberg And Baron C) Lewis Allen

b) Stephen Robbins D) Mc Cleland’s

247) A Structure Is Made Up Of Separate, Semi-Autonomous Units Or Divisions

a)Divisional Structure C) Functional Structure

b)Team Structure D) Matrix Structure

248) It Is Defined As A Continuous Line Of Authority That Extends From Upper

Organizational Levels To The Lowest Levels And Clarifies Who Reports To Whom

a)Span Of Control C)Centralization And Decentralization

b)Chain Of Command D) All The Above
249) The Organization Is Comprised Of Many Independent Decentralized Business Units,
Each With Its Own Products, Clients, Competitors, And Profit Goals.

A)Divisional Structure C) Functional Structure

B)Autonomous Internal Units D) Matrix Structure

250) The Act Of Stimulating Someone Or Oneself To Get A Get A Desired Course Of Action

a)Michael J Juicus C) Lewis Allen

b)Koontz And O’Donnell D) William G Scott

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