Stutz Dalyworldgeosyllabusfa20-2
Stutz Dalyworldgeosyllabusfa20-2
Stutz Dalyworldgeosyllabusfa20-2
Welcome to Columbine High School and World Geography! The central question we want you to think about
throughout this course is: how does where we live impact how we live?
As your teachers, we are here to ensure your success and will strive to make your time in this class both
educational and enjoyable. The issues and concepts that we focus on in this class are important. They will
not only affect your grade, but have a direct impact on your everyday life now and in the future. We are
asking you to work hard, ask questions, & learn as much as you can by applying this class to your own life.
Supplies Needed
● Dedicated space for geography note taking
o This could be a folder on your Google drive or a notebook
● Pocket folder for any handouts you may receive
Course Overview
World Geography will provide you with a background on basic geographic
concepts and how they apply to our everyday lives. You should give special consideration to note taking, the
assigned reading material, weekly assignments, and discussions. Through these methods we will be covering
the following units…
Hybrid BLUE AND SILVER DAYS 2:00pm - 3:00pm REBEL DAYS 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Learning (Zoom code in Classroom or in person) (Zoom code in Classroom or in person)