Stutz Dalyworldgeosyllabusfa20-2

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DALY – ​Fall 2020 SYLLABUS 

Primary Teacher  Co-Teacher  
Ms. Erin Stutz Mr. Sam Bowersox-Daly  Voicemail: 303.982.4442 
[email protected] [email protected]  
[email protected] [email protected]  
Insta: @stutzintheclassroom Insta: @daly_travels 
Website: ​ 

Welcome to Columbine High School and World Geography! The central question we want you to think about 
throughout this course is: ​how does ​where​ we live impact ​how ​we live?  

As your teachers, we are here to ensure your success and will strive to make your time in this class both 
educational and enjoyable. The issues and concepts that we focus on in this class are important. They will 
not only affect your grade, but have a direct impact on your everyday life now and in the future. We are 
asking you to work hard, ask questions, & learn as much as you can by applying this class to your own life.  

Supplies Needed 
● Dedicated space for geography note taking  
o This could be a folder on your Google drive or a notebook   
● Pocket folder for any handouts you may receive  
Course Overview 
World Geography will provide you with a background on basic geographic 
concepts and how they apply to our everyday lives. You should give special consideration to note taking, the 
assigned reading material, weekly assignments, and discussions. Through these methods we will be covering 
the following units… 

● Maps –​ Reading, navigating, and interpreting data in a physical space 

● World population and settlement -​ Demography, how countries become more developed 
● Human and Environment Interaction -​ Economic, social, political, and environmental impacts 
● Economic Interdependence -​ The diffusion of ideas, markets, good and services across the globe 
● Cooperation and Conflict –​ Current events, social issues around the world, and global politics 

Class Policies and Expectations 

General Expectations 
● Please be ​on time and​ be ​prepared to learn​ at the start of class with supplies noted above.  
● Use of the bathroom requires your phone on Ms. Stutz’s desk - one at a time, people. 
● It is your responsibility to make sure your chromebook is charged and ready to roll everyday. 
● Respect​ for others and our school is ​always​ expected. 
● Your best work is expected​ in everything that you do. School is a chance to grow – and this only happens when 
we are willing to challenge ourselves, listen to other perspectives and ideas with an open mind, expand our own 
comfort zones, and put our best effort into all that we do. Whether we’re at school or remote, you’ll be expected to 
be fully engaged during class time.  
● Plagiarism will be taken extremely seriously​ both in class and with administration – your words, your work. 
This is especially important as much of class is shifted to an online format. 
● ​Water is allowed in class.​ Your hot cheetos, takis, two liter bottles of mountain dew, tubes of cookie dough 
and sour patch kids are not. Staying hydrated is a good thing - if it’s not water it will be parked in the back of the 
room. ​If you need food - talk to me. 
● Technology...​ is pretty neat. It also has its time and place. We will discuss class expectations as well as the 
how and when of chromebook and other personal technology use as it pertains to various situations in class. As a 
general rule - when you are in class,​ be present​. ​This includes an acceptable background and an active camera 
during all video calls.​ To this end, the inappropriate or misuse of technology will result in a loss of points in the 
Participation and Accountability category of your grade. 
Participation and Accountability  
● (20 pts for each 6 week period) is a vital part of this class and will influence your final grade. Just because 
you’re in class or logged on doesn’t always mean you are present. You will be held accountable to the expectations 
listed here and discussed in class - If necessary, points may be deducted from this category for any lack of 
participation and/ or accountability. Conversely, ​this category can also be positively impacted by exceptional 
contributions and extra credit​ available throughout the semester.  
● Unexcused absences ​(-15 pts)​/tardies​ (-5 pts) w​ ill result in ​a loss of points from your overall grade (​ taken 
from the Participation and Accountability category)​. 
Grading & Late Work 
● If your absence is ​excused​,​ you have ​two days ​to make up work for each day that you missed. It is ​your 
responsibility to find out what you missed while you were absent. Notes, work, and assignments will be posted in 
Google Classroom and Google Calendar – you have no excuse for not knowing what is going on in class and what is 
expected of you. ​Communication is key. 
● All work must be turned in the day it is due. ​Late work will never be accepted for full credit (unless your 
absence is excused). A maximum of 50% will be offered on any late work turned in during the current unit. If 
turned in after the end of the unit in which it was assigned, late work will receive a 0. You must​ ​turn in ALL 
assignments in order to be eligible for extra credit​. 
● Late work will only result in a grade if accompanied by a completed late work survey (found in the ‘Class 
Resources’ section Google Classroom) 
● Please utilize your ​Infinite Campus​ portal to keep track of assignments and grades in class. Grades ​WILL NOT 
be entered in Google Classroom. You will be able to see the points you received for an assignment as well as the 
following codes if applicable:  
o “M”​ is a missing assignment that has not been turned in  
o “0”​ is a missing assignment that has been turned in late 
o “A”​ reflects an absence when the assignment was due - ​see absence policy above 
o “X”​ is an assignment that the student is excused from 
Remote or Hybrid Learning 
● In order to be marked ‘present’ students must answer the ‘check-in’ question posted on Google Classroom 
by 3pm. ​The ‘check-in’, or attendance question, will pertain to that day’s material or assignment.  
● Participation and Accountability​ ​will be assessed based on ​presence and engagement​ in both synchronous and 
asynchronous components of class. If circumstances limit your ability to participate and engage in synchronous 
activities (Zoom) please let Ms. Stutz know. ​Communication is key. 
● For Hybrid learning,​ tardies ​will be assessed as normal for in person students.  
Access & Office Hours 
● It is expected that you will utilize this time for test corrections, makeup work, making up a test, reviews, 
writing workshops and whatever additional help you may need in class. ​Take advantage of this time​ that is offered to 
to further your own understanding of concepts in class and invest in yourself. It will pay off. It is ​your r​ esponsibility to 
reach out to me in person, over email, or by phone for missing assignments or to arrange a time to connect for 
anything you may need. 

Access   Office Hours  

(drop-in via Zoom or in person)  (By appointment only) 

Remote  BLUE DAYS​ 2:00pm - 3:00pm   SILVER DAYS​ 1:00pm - 3:00pm  

Learning  (Zoom code in Classroom)  (Zoom code in Classroom) 

Hybrid  BLUE AND SILVER DAYS ​2:00pm - 3:00pm   REBEL DAYS ​12:00pm - 3:00pm 
Learning  (Zoom code in Classroom or in person)  (Zoom code in Classroom or in person)  

Assignments outline ​- ​**All points are weighted equally** Grading Scale  

Exams   75-100 points each A ​- 90% - 100%    
Quizzes 25 points each B ​- 80% - 89%   
Daily assignments/HW 10-50 points each C ​- 70% - 79%   
Participation and Accountability 20 points each 6 weeks D ​- 60% - 69%  
Final 100 points F ​- 0% - 59%    

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