Lesson Plan: Subject Form Date: Teacher: Topic: Specific Competences: Sub-Competences

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Subject: English
Form: 4

Teacher:Cebotari Alina
Topic:Unit 1, Lesson 4–An invitation to the village
Specific Competences:
Spoken Interaction
Written Interaction
2.2 Producing simple sentences to briefly describe summertime and schooltime
2.3 Participating in simple oral communication.
4.4. Writing simple, short sentences using Present Simple and Past Simple revision
Operational Objectives:
1. Knowledge-Pupils will be able to enrich their vocabulary
2. Skills - Pupils will be able to hold a conversation on the topic
3. Attitudes-Pupils will be able to use grammar revision

Materials: 1) I.Ignatiuc “Magic English”. Pupil’s book. Fourth form.

2) Pictures
3) Blackboard
4) Sheets of paper
Stages of the Resources Strategies Evalua Time Notes
Lesson (materials) (methods, techniques, tion
(Learning Activities) forms of activities)

 Warm Up activity textbooks Communicative Method attention 5min.
a) Gretting each pictures Individual work
other in copybooks Discussion
English. information Brainstorming
 Homework

 Vocabulary p.8 5min.

a) present
transcriptions Communicative Method
b) write the textbooks Poem
words blackboard Explanation understa
c) listen and copybooks Whole Class Work nding of
repeat pens the
d) asking the new flash cards meaning
vocabulary of the
e) making vocabula
3sentences ry and
with the new informati
words. on
 Motivation for the textbooks
new lesson : the
teacher asks the
pupils what do
they like.
 Realization
of meaning
Communicative Method expressin 5 min
 The teacher draws Direct Method g
pupils’ attention to Whole Class Work themselv
the text and reads Exercises es on the
it and propose: copybooks Discussion topic
a) to listen and pens Class work the
repeat papers ability to
b) to translate Individual work speak
certain sentences and read
c) to answer the 3 min
d) to give a title to 5min
the text.

 Read the text
Select from the
text all the new the
words ability to 5min
 The teacher form
explains the use of book new 8min
the Future Simple copybook grammar
“Will”, “Won’t” pens structure
 Practice Ex.5 p.9 s
worksheets in

 Homework : Learn Explanat 2min

the new words. ion of
 Ex.4 read the text. what was
Extension thinking
 Feedback
 Marks

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