Specific Competences (Units of Competences) Units Content (Phonics, Grammar, Vocabulary) Nr. Hours Date Evaluatin Notes

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Specific Competences Units Content Nr.

Date Evaluatin Notes

(Units of Competences ) (phonics, grammar, vocabulary) hours
Lesson 1:
Introductory Lesson. “To be”
2.4. Reproducing certain simple sentences, Meeting Friends present
formulas of addressing, greeting people, and other simple
basic formulas of politeness in simple and Vocabulary :
familiar communication situations. age, classmate, country, hobby
1. 18. Filling out a certain simple form respecting th – /ɵ/
spelling norms specific to the English language; th - /ð/
Speech acts:
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the Greeting and introducing friends: Ex. Singing ABC
cultural patrimony of the English speaking 1, 2, 5
countries Giving personal information:
completing one’s profile: Ex. 3, 4
“to be” present simple (review): Ex.

Unit 1: All About Me

Singing ABC (review): Ex. 6
1.2.Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 2:
and My Friend’s Profile Personal and
groups of sounds specific to the English language Grammar : possessive
in Personal and possessive pronouns pronouns
simple and familiar contexts. The words are (review)
pronounced slowly, clearly, and repeated several Possessive case
times. Dan’s hair is short.
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the ou – /aʊ/ The genitive
English language in short sentences; ou - /əʊ/ case
Vocabulary :
1.12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in head, nose, eyes, ears, shoulders,
printed and handwritten texts while reading; knees, toes
Speech acts:
3.1. Identifying the global meaning of spoken and New vocabulary (parts of the body):
written messages related to personal information Ex. 1, 2, 3
and familiar objects; Possessive case: Ex. 1
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the Reading and responding: Ex. 4, 5, 6,
cultural patrimony of the English speaking 7
countries. Personal pronouns (review): Ex. 8
Unit 1: All About Me
1.2.Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 3:
and What Do You Do Every Day? Formative Present
groups of sounds specific to the English language Evaluation simple
in Grammar : on lessons (affirmative,
simple and familiar contexts; Irregular plurals (teeth) 1 – 3 from interrogatie)
Present simple (affirmative, this unit
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in interrogative) (Review)
simple sentences while listening; Phonetics:
sh – /ʃ/ “To have”
1.11. Recognizing groups of letters, syllables in c - /s/ present
isolation and in words, in printed and handwritten c - /k/ simple
texts while reading Vocabulary :
face, hair, teeth, hand, finger, legs,
1. 12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in comb, do
printed and handwritten texts while reading; Speech acts:
New vocabulary (parts of the body):
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the Ex. 1, 2, 3
cultural Reading and responding: Ex. 4, 5
patrimony of the English speaking countries; Listening and speaking: Ex. 4, 6
Writing: Ex. 7
1. 18. Filling out a certain simple form respecting
spelling norms specific to the English language.
1.2.Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 4:
and My Week Agenda
groups of sounds specific to the English language Grammar : “To do”
in Present simple (affirmative, present
simple and familiar contexts; negative) simple
I go to school. I don’t get up early.
2.6. Distinguishing simple formulas of greeting Phonetics:
and addressing people, formulas of exclamation ee – /i:/
and other formulas of politeness corresponding to j - /dʒ/
communication; ck - /k/
Vocabulary :
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the morning, afternoon, evening, night,
cultural breakfast, good, get up, get dressed
patrimony of the English speaking countries; Speech acts:
New vocabulary (parts of the day,
1. 18. Filling out a certain simple form respecting greetings, daily activities): Ex. 1, 2, 3
spelling norms specific to the English language; Reading and responding: Ex. 4, 5, 6
1.9.Using correct grammar structures specific to Writing: Ex. 7
the English language according to certain models
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar
communication contexts.

Unit 1: All About Me

1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Lesson 5:
English language in short sentences; Does He Ride His Bike?
1.9.Using correct grammar structures specific to
the English language according to certain models Grammar :
of Present simple (interrogative)
simple short sentences in simple and familiar Does he …?
communication contexts; Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Phonetics:
simple sentences while listening; Silent w
1. 12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in Vocabulary :
printed and handwritten texts while reading; clock, o’clock, time, excuse
1.10. Applying linguistic norms while reading Speech acts:
aloud; Present simple (interrogative and
1.11. Recognizing letters, groups of letters, negative sentences): Ex. 1, 2, 3
syllables in isolation and in words, in printed and Asking and telling the time: Ex. 4, 5,
handwritten texts, while reading; 6
4.6. Applying certain norms of verbal behavior Reading and responding: Let’s sing
specific to the cultures of the English speaking Practicing speech acts in short
countries in simple and familiar socio-cultural dialogues (polite request): Ex. 7
contexts; Writing: Ex. 8

1.2.Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 6:

and Stay Healthy
groups of sounds specific to the English language Grammar : Formative
in simple and familiar contexts; « Wh » questions Evaluation
What do you have for breakfast? on lessons
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, Phonetics: 4 – 6 from
which contain sounds specific to the English ch – /tʃ/ this unit
language , in simple and familiar communication ch - /k/
contexts, following models; Vocabulary :
tea, milk, juice, fruit, sandwich,
1.9.Using correct grammar structures specific to vegetable, drink, healthy
the English language according to certain models Speech acts:
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar New vocabulary (food and drinks):
communication contexts. Ex. 1, 2
Listening and speaking: Ex. 2, 3, 4, 5
Reading and responding: Ex. 6
Present simple (negative sentences):
Ex. 7
Writing: Ex. 8
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 7:
and groups of sounds specific to the English I Am Happy
language in simple and familiar contexts;
Vocabulary :
1.6. Using certain intonation patterns and other happy, sad, tired, hungry, thirsty,
phenomena specific to the English language in glass, water, smile, cry
simple and familiar communication contexts; Phonetics:
silent h
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Speech acts:
following phonology rules (with appropriate New vocabulary (feelings): Ex. 1, 2,
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); 3
Listening and speaking: Ex. 4
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, Reading and responding: Ex. 5
which contain sounds specific to the English Writing: Ex. 4
language , in simple and familiar communication
contexts, following models.
Lesson 8: written
Summative Evaluation form
Lesson 9: Time for self-assessment
PROJECT: My Busy Day Project
Unit 2: The World is Beautiful
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 1:
and groups of sounds specific to the English Autumn
language in simple and familiar contexts; Grammar :
Plural nouns
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Phonetics:
and simple short sentences which describe people, Our - /Ə/
objects, and familiar places while reading; Our - /Ɔ:/
Ai - /eı/
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Vocabulary :
English language in short sentences; weather, cloud, rain, sun, wind,
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Speech acts:
the English language according to certain models New vocabulary (food and drinks):
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Ex. 1, 2
communication contexts. Reading and responding: Ex. 3,4,5,6
Plural nouns: Ex. 3,4
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the Writing: Ex. 7
cultural Listening and singing: Ex. 8
patrimony of the English speaking countries;
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 2:
and groups of sounds specific to the English I live in Moldova
language in simple and familiar contexts;
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Grammar :
English language in short sentences; There is/ there are
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Phonetics:
the English language according to certain models Silent k: know, knee, knock
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Vocabulary :
communication contexts. Fortress, field, forest
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Speech acts:
following phonology rules (with appropriate New vocabulary (Moldova): Ex. 1, 2
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); There is/ there are: Ex. 3,4,5
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Reading and responding: Ex. 5
and simple short sentences which describe people, Writing: Ex. 7
objects, and familiar places while reading;
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 3: Formative
and groups of sounds specific to the English My town Evaluation
language in simple and familiar contexts; Grammar : on lessons
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to There is/ there are 1 – 3 from
the English language according to certain models Phonetics: this unit
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar ur /З:/
communication contexts. Vocabulary :
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in town, library, block of flats, church,
simple sentences while listening; hospital
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Speech acts:
following phonology rules (with appropriate New vocabulary (town): Ex. 1, 2
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); There is/ there are: Ex. 3,4,5
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Listening and responding: Ex. 6,7
and simple short sentences which describe people, Writing: Ex. 8
objects, and familiar places while reading;

Unit 2: The World is Beautiful

1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Lesson 4:
English language in short sentences; On my street
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to
the English language according to certain models Grammar :
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar There is/ there are (interrogative
communication contexts. and negative sent.)
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Numbers 20-100
following phonology rules (with appropriate Phonetics:
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); Silent e
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Speech acts:
simple sentences while listening; There is/ there are: Ex. 1,2
4.5. Comparing certain elements specific to the Reading and responding: Ex. 3,4
culture of the English speaking countries and to Numbers 20-100: Ex.5,6
the student’s own culture. Asking and answering: Ex. 7
Writing one’s address: Ex.8
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 5:
and groups of sounds specific to the English Welcome to Chisinau
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Tre /tə/
following phonology rules (with appropriate C /s/
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); Vocabulary :
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Museum, park, monument, theatre.
simple sentences while listening; Speech acts:
1.6. Using certain intonation patterns and other New vocabulary (Chisinau): Ex. 1, 2
phenomena specific to the English language in Listening and responding: Ex. 3,4
simple and familiar communication contexts; Reading and responding: Ex.5,6,7
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to
the English language according to certain models
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar
communication contexts.
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words
and simple short sentences which describe people,
objects, and familiar places while reading;

Unit 2: The World is Beautiful

1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 6:
and groups of sounds specific to the English This is Londan Formative
language in simple and familiar contexts; Evaluation
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Grammar : on lessons
simple sentences while listening; Comparative degree of adjectives 4 – 6 from
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Phonetics: this unit
and simple short sentences which describe people, tue /ʧu:/
objects, and familiar places while reading; ow /aʊ/
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the ow /əʊ/
English language in short sentences;
4.1. Identifying while listening and reading Vocabulary :
certain elements specific to the cultures of the Town, statue, Big Ben
English speaking countries (typical names and Speech acts:
surnames of countries, names countries and their New vocabulary (London): Ex. 1, 2
capitals, the principal cities, traditional holidays) Listening and responsing: Ex. 2,3
in the framework of classroom activities; Reading and responding: Ex. 4
4.4. Describing certain specific to the cultures of Comparative degree of adjectives:
the English speaking countries (the country, the Ex.5,6
capital, traditional holidays) in simple Listening and speaking: Ex.7
communication situations; Writing: Ex. 8
4.5. Comparing certain elements specific to the
culture of the English speaking countries and the
student’s own culture.
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 7:
and groups of sounds specific to the English I like travelling by train
language in simple and familiar contexts;
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Phonetics:
simple sentences while listening; ou – /aʊ/
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words ou /ə/
and simple short sentences which describe people, ou /ʌ/
objects, and familiar places while reading; Vocabulary :
4.5. Comparing certain elements specific to the Transport
culture of the English speaking countries and the Speech acts:
student’s own culture. New vocabulary (transport); Like+…
2.3. Understanding non-verbal language in social ing: Ex. 1, 2
contexts. Listening and responsing: Ex.3
Reading and responding: Ex. 4,6
Listening and speaking: Ex.5,7
Writing: Ex. 8
Lesson 8: Written
Summative Evaluation form

Lesson 9:
PROJECT: My neighborhood Project
Time for self-assessment

End of the term revision

Unit 3: Family and Home

Lesson 1:
Winter is fun
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds
and groups of sounds specific to the English Grammar :
language in simple and familiar contexts; Present progressive (now) vs present
3.1. Identifying the global meaning of spoken and simple (usually);
written messages related to personal information Phonetics:
and familiar objects; dg /dƷ/
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic silent gh
structures in simple short real life conversation; Vocabulary :
4.1. Identifying while listening and reading Winter games and activities
certain elements specific to the cultures of the Speech acts:
English speaking countries (typical names and New vocabulary: Ex. 1, 4,5
surnames of countries, names countries and their Giving arguments: Ex. 2,3,7
capitals, the principal cities, traditional holidays) Reading and responding: Ex. 4
in the framework of classroom activities; Present progressive (now) vs present
1.12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in simple (usually): Rhyme time
printed and handwritten texts while reading; Understanding instructions: Ex.6,8
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 2:
and groups of sounds specific to the English A winter day
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in ture /tʃə/
simple sentences while listening; you /jʌ/
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, you /iu:/
which contain sounds specific to the English your /jƆ:/
language, in simple and familiar communication Vocabulary :
contexts, following models. Winter games and activities
3.2. Implementing communicative functions and Speech acts:
speech acts by using schemes or descriptors of New vocabulary: Ex. 1, 2
spoken and writing interaction; Using degrees of comparison to
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in describe winter clothes and family
simple sentences while listening; members: Ex. 5,7
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Present progressive (now) vs present
the English language according to certain models simple (usually): Ex. 3,4
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Writing about a family member: Ex.
communication contexts; 6,8

Unit 3: Family and Home

Lesson 3:
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the They were busy yesterday
English language in short sentences;
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Grammar :
simple sentences while listening; “To be” past simple, affirmative, negative
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to and interoggative; reading a chart and
the English language according to certain models producing sentences (oral and weitten)
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar with ‘be’ in the past simple;
communication contexts; Phonetics:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words ear /iə/
and simple short sentences which describe people, ear /eə/
objects, and familiar places while reading; Speech acts:
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic past simple: Ex. 1, 2, 3,4
structures in simple short real life conversation; Asking and answering questions:
Using ‘be’ in the past: Ex.7
Lesson 4: Formative
Cleaning day evaluation
1.1. Recognizing sounds and groups of sounds Phonetics: on lessons
specific to the English language, pronounced in oo /u:/ 1-4 from
isolation and in words, while listening; Vocabulary : this unit
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds cleaning day vocabulary
and groups of sounds specific to the English Speech acts:
language in simple and familiar contexts; New vocabulary: Ex. 1, 2
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Past simple regular verbs: Ex. 3
and simple short sentences which describe people, Exchanging information about past
objects, and familiar places while reading; events: Ex. 4,6
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic Reading to identify the global
structures in simple short real life conversation; message: Ex.5
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Listening to distinguish present and
simple sentences while listening; past event: Ex.7
Writing about cleaning day family:
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the
English language in short sentences; Lesson 5:
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Did you have fun yesterday?
simple sentences while listening; Phonetics:
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to a(r) /A:/
the English language according to certain models Speech acts:
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Past simple regular verbs: Ex. 1,2
communication contexts; Asking and answering about actions
2.5. Applying speech acts and non-verbal in the past: Ex. 6
language in simple social context to demonstrate Expressing disagreement: Ex.4
gratitude, disagreement, regret; Checking comprehension while
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain reading/ listening: Ex.3,5
words and simple short sentences which describe Writing about activities in the past:
people, objects, and familiar places while reading; Ex.7
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the
patrimony of the English speaking countries;
Unit 3: Family and Home

1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 6:

and groups of sounds specific to the English Shopping day
language in simple and familiar contexts; Vocabulary :
2.5. Applying speech acts and non-verbal fruit vocabulary
language in simple social contexts to demonstrate Speech acts:
gratitude, disagreement, regret; New vocabulary: Ex. 1, 2
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic Making suggestions, polite refusal,
structures in simple short real life conversation; agreeing: Ex. 3,4
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Doing shopping (role play): Ex.6
following phonology rules (with appropriate Checking comprehension while
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups). listening: Ex.5,6,7
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Writing a shopping list: Ex.8
simple sentences while listening;
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 7:
and groups of sounds specific to the English Let’s make fruid salad
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in cious /ʃəs/
simple sentences while listening; cial /ʃl/
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Vocabulary :
and simple short sentences which describe people, fruit/vegetable vocabulary
objects, and familiar places while reading; Speech acts:
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, New vocabulary: Ex. 1
following phonology rules (with appropriate Ordering instructions while
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups). lestening: Ex. 2
2.5. Applying speech acts and non-verbal Reading and observing the use of
language in simple social contexts to demonstrate verbs (regular) in the simple past:
gratitude, disagreement, regret; Ex.3
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, Expressing disagreement: Ex.4
which contain sounds specific to the English Practicing fruit/vegetable salad:
language, in simple and familiar communication Ex.5,6,7,8
contexts, following models.
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the
patrimony of the English speaking countries;
Unit 3: Family and Home
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 8: Formative
and groups of sounds specific to the English Mother’s Day evaluation
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics: on lessons
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in silent d 5-8 from
simple sentences while listening; silent t this unit
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Vocabulary :
following phonology rules (with appropriate mother’s day vocabulary
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups). Speech acts:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words New vocabulary: Ex. 1,2
and simple short sentences which describe people, Telling the date and the time: Ex. 6,7
objects, and familiar places while reading; Listening/reading to check
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to comprehension: Ex.2,3,4
the English language according to certain models Reading for specific information:
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Ex.5
communication contexts; Reading and observing irregular
forms (got up, gave, made): Ex.3
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 9:
and groups of sounds specific to the English Lunch in a snack bar
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words ck /k/
and simple short sentences which describe people, Vocabulary :
objects, and familiar places while reading; food and drinks vocabulary
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Speech acts:
the English language according to certain models New vocabulary: Ex. 1,2,4
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Reading a menu. Asking and
communication contexts; answering questions about a menu/
4.1. Identifying while listening and reading lunch: Ex. 3,6
certain elements specific to the cultures of the Practicing reading-comprehension:
English speaking countries (typical names and Ex.5
surnames of countries, names countries and their Practicing past forms of irregular
capitals, the principal cities, traditional holidays) verbs in writing: Ex.7
in the framework of classroom activities;
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences,
following phonology rules (with appropriate
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups).
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words
and simple short sentences which describe people,
objects, and familiar places while reading;
Lesson 10: Written
Summative Evaluation form

Lesson 11:
Time for self-assessment
Individual project: “Mother’s Day”
Unit 4: School and Leisure

1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 1:

and groups of sounds specific to the English My classroom
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words air /eə/
and simple short sentences which describe people, Vocabulary :
objects, and familiar places while reading; classroom vocabulary
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Speech acts:
the English language according to certain models New vocabulary: Ex. 1,2,3,4,8
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Reading to spot the differences: Ex.
communication contexts; 3
Using like+ing to express favourite
leisure activities: Ex.5,6,7
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 2:
and groups of sounds specific to the English We like sport
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics:
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in x /ks/
simple sentences while listening; Vocabulary :
1.12. Recognizing words and simple sentences in sport vocabulary
printed and handwritten texts while reading; Speech acts:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words New vocabulary: Ex. 1,3,5,6
and simple short sentences which describe people, Listening and reading for specific
objects, and familiar places while reading; information: Ex.1,2,7
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic Using sport vocabulary in short
structures in simple short real life conversation; dialogues: Ex.3,5,6
1.18. Filling out certain simple form representing Writing a short message: Ex.8,9
spelling norms specific to the English language.
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 3: Formative
and groups of sounds specific to the English On the animal farm evaluation
language in simple and familiar contexts; Phonetics: on lessons
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words g /dƷ/ 1-3 from
and simple short sentences which describe people, g /g/ this unit
objects, and familiar places while reading; Vocabulary :
2.5. Applying speech acts and non-verbal farm animal vocabulary
language in simple social contexts to demonstrate Speech acts:
gratitude, disagreement, regret; New vocabulary: Ex. 1,2,5
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Reading to understand the global
simple sentences while listening; message: Ex.3,4
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic Asking and answering questions
structures in simple short real life conversation; about farm animals and birds: Ex.6
Listening for specific information:
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Lesson 4:
English language in short sentences; Once there was…
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Phonetics:
the English language according to certain models eau /ju:/
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Speech acts:
communication contexts; Observing the difference between
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words forms that express the past and the
and simple short sentences which describe people, present: Ex. 1,3
objects, and familiar places while reading; Practice irregular verbs in the past
4.1. Identifying while listening and reading simple: Ex.2,4
certain elements specific to the cultures of the Reading an English tale: Ex.5
English speaking countries (typical names and Checking comprehension while
surnames of countries, names countries and their listening/reading: Ex.6,8
capitals, the principal cities, traditional holidays) Use active vocabulary to describe a
in the framework of classroom activities; picture: Ex.7

Unit 4: School and Leisure

1.8. Using words and simple short sentences,
which contain sounds specific to the English
language, in simple and familiar communication
contexts, following models;
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Lesson 5:
English language in short sentences; We like tales
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Phonetics:
the English language according to certain models aw /Ɔ:/
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar ng /ƞ/
communication contexts; Speech acts:
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words Asking and answering questions
and simple short sentences which describe people, using irregular forms in the past: Ex.
objects, and familiar places while reading; 1,2,3,5,7
4.1. Identifying while listening and reading Reading an English tale: Ex.6
certain elements specific to the cultures of the Checking comprehension while
English speaking countries (typical names and listening/reading: Ex.6,8
surnames of countries, names countries and their Asking and answering about favorite
capitals, the principal cities, traditional holidays) books
in the framework of classroom activities;
2.5. Applying speech acts and non-verbal
language in simple social contexts to demonstrate
gratitude, disagreement, regret;

1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds Lesson 6: Formative

and groups of sounds specific to the English Why do you like summer? evaluation
language in simple and familiar contexts; Vocabulary : on lessons
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in Summer vocabulary 4-6 from
simple sentences while listening; Speech acts: this unit
3.3. Integrating familiar for students linguistic New vocabulary: Ex. 1,2
structures in simple short real life conversation; Asking and answering questions
1.14. Understanding the meaning of certain words about summer leisure activities:
and simple short sentences which describe people, Ex.3,8
objects, and familiar places while reading; Reading a chat: Ex.7
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Reading a specific purpose: Ex.4,6
the English language according to certain models
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar
communication contexts;

SchoolUnit 4:
1.4. Observing grammar structures specific to the Lesson 7:
English language in short sentences;
1.9. Using correct grammar structures specific to Plans for the summer
the English language according to certain models Speech acts:
of simple short sentences in simple and familiar Lesson Expressing
8: plans for the summer Written
Summative evaluation form

Revising the material Lesson 9: Analyse

Analysing the test papers and working on of the test
the mistakes. paper
Time for self-assessment
Project: My favourite sport
My self-assessment sheet Project

1.1 participating in a familiar communicative

situation, using the norms of verbal and non- End-of-the book
verbal communication. ROUND-UP
1.6 learning about education, entertainment and
sport in English-Speaking countries.

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