Circuits 2 Laboratory L31A: Score

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Circuits 2


Impedance of RL Circuits
Experiment 2


Group No: 3
Guilalas, Mark Conrad Z.
Madeja, Mitz Mackenzie
Mendoza, Anna Cecilia P.
Moñedera, Aaron Paul U.
Mulingbayan, Lemuel N.


1. To determine the characteristics of series RL circuits using calculated and measured
2. To verify the results with the oscilloscope.

1- F.A.C.E.T. Base Unit
1- AC1 FUNDAMENTALS Circuit Board
2- 15Vdc Power Supply
1- Oscilloscope, dual trace
1- Multimeter
1- Generator, sine wave

Many RL circuits contain multiple resistors and inductors that are in series. The total
inductive reactance of a circuit is determined in much the same way as total circuit resistance.
When inductors are in series, the total inductive reactance (XLT) is the sum of the individual

XLT = XL1 + XL2 + XL3 + …

The total inductive reactance increases as the number of inductors in series increases. The
result is lower circuit current and higher circuit impedance. As in circuits with resistors only, the
current flowing through each component in a series RL circuit is the same. Figure 2.1-1 shows a
series RL circuit.
Figure 2.1-1. Series RL Circuit

Circuit impedance (Z) is the square root of the sum of the squares of the total
resistance (RT) and the total inductive reactance (XLT). For the circuit in Figure 2.1-
1, Z is determined as follows.

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 XLT = XL1 + XL2

RT = 1,000 + 200 + 500 XLT = 1,000 + 1,500

RT = 1,700 Ω XLT = 2,500 Ω

Z = 3,023 Ω

The applied voltage (Vac ), Z, and Ohm’s Law is the used to determine the circuit current.
IT = V-ac/Z

IT = 8/3023

IT = 0.00265 mApk-pk (2.64 mApk-pk)

Voltage drops across individual components are determined from the circuit current,
Ohm’s law, and the resistance or reactance of the individual component. For example, the
voltage drops across L1 (VL1) in Figure 2.1-1 is as shown.

VL1 = I x XLT

VL1 = 0.00265 x 1000

VL1 = 2.65 Vpk-pk

In circuits with resistors only, the sum of the voltage drop across each resistor equals the
applied voltage. In RL circuits, however, the applied voltage does not equal the sum of the
voltage drops, but the square root of the sum of the squares of the voltage drops. For the circuit
in Figure 2.1-1, Vac is determined by the following formula.

Figure 2.1-2 shows this relationship in a phasor diagram. If the voltage drops in the
circuit in Figure 2.1-1 were added together, the sum would be greater than the applied voltage
Figure 2.1-2. Phasor diagram of voltage drops in an RL circuit.

1. Turn off the power sources. Insert the AC 1 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board into the
base unit. Install the GENERATOR BUFFER if required. Turn on the power sources.

2. On the INDUCTANCE/INDUCTIVE REACTANCE circuit block, connect the circuit

shown in Figure 2.1-3. Adjust VGEN for a 10 Vpk-pk 20 kHz sine wave. What type of circuit
is shown in Figure 2.1-3? SERIES RL CIRCUIT

Figure 2.1-3

3. Measure the voltage drops across R1 (VR1) and L3 (VL3). Record your results in table 2.1-

NOTE: Use the ADD-INVERT method to measure the voltage drops across R1

V R1 V L3 V GEN V R1 + V L3 √(V R12+V L 32)

5.8V pk−pk 7.6V pk−pk 10V pk−pk 13.4V 9.4

Table 2.1-1
4. Add VRL and VL3 and record your results in Table 2.1-1. Does the sum of the voltage
drops equal the amplitude of the applied voltage (VGEN = VR1 + VL3)? No

5. Determine the square root of the sum of the squares of VR1 and VL3. Record your results in
Table 2.1-3. Does the result equal the applied voltage of VR1 and VL3 (
V GEN = (V
√ 2 +V 2)
R1 L3 )? Yes

NOTE: Your result will not be exact. It will differ slightly due to the resistance of L3 and
typical measurement errors.

6. Measure circuit current by using current-sensing resistor R2. Record your result in table
2.1-2 (Be sure to remove the two-post connectors shorting R2 only when taking the
current measurement. Replace the two-post connector after measurement).



I 4.16mA 8mA
Z 2403.85 Ω 940 Ω

Table 2.1-2

7. Determine the value of Z from VGEN and IT ( Z = VGEN / IT (measured) ). Record your
result in Table 2.1-2

8. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 2.1-4 to essentially add an inductor in series. Adjust
VGEN if necessary, for a 10Vpk-pk 20kHz sine wave.
Figure 2.1-4.

9. Calculate and record XLT and RT and Z (XLT = XL1+XL2, RT = R1, Z= √( RT 2+ X LT 2) .

NOTE: Because there are no other resistors in the circuit and because we are ignoring
coil resistance, RT=R1

XLT = 1181.24 Ω RT = 470 Ω Z = 1271.31 Ω

10. Calculate and record circuit current (I = VGEN / Z). I = 7.87mA

11. Measure IT, and record your result 2.1-2. Did the added series inductor increase or
decrease the circuit current?


12. Determine the measured value of Z [Z(measured) = VGEN / I(measured)]. Record your
result in table 2.1-2. Did the added series inductor increase or decrease the impedance?

Z= 1250 Ω, Increased

13. Turn of the power sources and remove all the circuit board connection.


Series RL Circuit

 As we add an inductor L4 to the series circuit the impedance increases.

 As we add an inductor the current of the series circuit decreases.
 As we add the voltage drop together, the answer is greater than the applied voltage


Series RL Circuit

 As the inductance increases the impedance also increases.

 As the inductance increases the current decreases, it is indirectly proportional.
 The summation of voltage drop is greater than the applied voltage.

Review Questions:

Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. An RL circuit containing three series inductors with reactances of 500Ω, 1000Ω, and
2100Ω has a total inductive reactance of
a) 288Ω
b) 3600Ω
c) 3400Ω
d) 500Ω

2. As inductors are in series,

a) Circuit current increases
b) Circuit impedance decreases
c) Circuit current decreases
d) Total inductive reactance decreases

3. The total inductive reactance of inductors in series is..

a) The sum of the individual reactances
b) Determined from the reciprocal formula
c) The sum of the individual inductances
d) The reciprocal of the individual inductances

4. What is the total inductive reactance of the circuit shown in figure 2.1-5?
a) 2.2Ω
b) 3.6Ω
c) 327Ω
d) 10.2Ω

Figure 2.1-5.

5. If another inductor were added in series to the circuit in figure 2.1-5. The…
a) Circuit current would increase
b) Circuit impedance would increase
c) Total inductance would decrease
d) Circuit impedance would decrease


1. To determine the characteristics of parallel RL circuits by using calculated and

measured values.
2. To verify the result with an oscilloscope.


1-F.A.C.E.T Base Unit

1-AC1 FUNDAMENTALS Circuit Board

2-15vdc Power Supply

1-Oscilloscope, dual trace

1-Generator, sine wave



When inductors are in parallel, the total inductive reactance is determined from
the reciprocal formula.

X ¿=
1 1 1
+ +
X L 1 X L2 X L3

When the two inductors are in a parallel, use the product-over-sum method to find the total
inductive reactance.

X L1 x X L2
X ¿=
X L 1+ X L 2
Inductive reactance decreases as the number of inductors in parallel increases. The results is
higher circuits current and lower circuit impedance.

As in circuits with resistors only, the voltage drop across each component in a parallel RL
circuit is the same. Figure 2.2-1 shows a parallel RL circuit. The total inductive is reactance is
determined as follows:

X l 1 x X L2
X ¿=
X L1 ÷ X L 2

1000 x 1500
X ¿=
1000+1500 ❑

15 x 105
X ¿=

X ¿ =600 Ω

Total resistance is that of R1

RT =R1=750 Ω
Figure 2.2-1. Parallel RL circuit.

The coil resistance of of L1 and L2 were ignored to simplify the calculation. If coil resistance
is so small that they have minimal or no measurable effect on circuit performance, you can
ignore them.

Knowing total resistance and reactance, you can simply the parallel circuit to two distinct
branches. Figure 2.2-2 shows the simplified (equivalent) parallel circuit.

Figure 2.2-2. Simplified (equivalent) parallel RL circuit.

The individual branch currents are determined from the applied voltage (Vac), Ohm`s law and
the branch Impedances. The current flowing through the resistive branch is show below

V ac
I R=

I r=

I R =0.0107 A PK−PK

The current through the inductive branch is determined as follows.

V ac
I L=
X L3
I L=

I L =0.0113 A pk− pk

The total circuit (IT) current in milliamperes is calculated as shown

It =
√( R R2+I L2 )
IT = √(0.0107)2+(0.01132 )
IT = 17.07 mApk-pk

Finally, the circuit impedance is determined from Vac , IT, and Ohm’s Law

z = Vac / IT

z = 8 / 0.01707

z = 468 Ω

1. Turn off the power sources. insert the AC1 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board into
the base unit. Install the GENERATOR BUFFER if required. Turn on the power

2. on the INDUCTANCE\INDUCTIVE REACTANCE circuit block, connect the

circuit shown Figure 2.2-3(a). Adjust V GEN so that Vac, the voltage across R3 and L4
equals a 3 Vpk-pk 20 kHz sine wave. Consider Vac as the input voltage to the circuit so that
the series resistor R1 can be ignored. With R1 ignored, the circuit shown in Figure 2.2-
3(b) results.

Figure2.2-3. Circuit connected on INDUCTANCE/INDUCTIVE REACTANCE circuit

3. calculate XLT and RT (XLT =2fπL4, RT= R3). Record your results in table 2.2-1. What
type of circuit is shown in Figure 2.2-3(b)?

Table 2.2-1

4. Calculate the current flowing through IL4 (IL4=Vac / XLT,) and R3(IR3 = Vac / RT).
Record your results in Table 2.2-1.

5. Using the individual branch current and (IL4 + IR3), calculate the total circuit IT
(calculated) √ [ I T =I R 4 2+ I L3 2] Record your result in Table 2.2-1.

6. Measure IT by using current-sensing resistor R2 [IT (measured) = VR2/R2. Record

your results in Table 2.2-1. Do the calculated and measured values of IT agree?

IT = 2.13A

7. Copy the values for XLT and IT(measured) from Table 2.2-1 to Table 2.2-2(under
the column for parallel circuit with a single inductor).
8. Determine the circuit impedance (Z= Vac/IT). Record your results in table 2.2-

9. Use two-post connector to add inductor L to the circuit as shown in Figure 2.2-4.
Readjust Vac to 3Vpk-pk. Calculate the new value of XLT(XLT=(XL3 x XL4)/(XL3+XL4).
Record your results in table 2.2-2. Did the added parallel inductor cause the total
inductive reactance to increase or decrease? DECREASED

10. Measure the new IT, record your result in table 2,2-2 (IT= VR2/R2 ). Did IT increases
with the added parallel inductor? YES
11. Use Vac and the measure value of IT to determine the circuit impedance
(Z= Vac/ IT). Record your result in table 2.2-2. Did the added parallel inductor
Cause the circuit impedance to increase or decrease? INCREASE

12. Do not turn off the power sources. The F.A.C.E.T setup will be used for a review

2.2 Parallel RC Circuits

1. An RL circuit containing three parallel inductors with reactances of 500 Ω, 10k Ω, and
21kW has a total inductive reactance of
Answer: 600 Ω
2. The circuit current of a parallel RL circuit equals the square root of the sum of the
Answer: squares of the resistive and inductive branch circuits
3. The total inductive reactance of inductors in parallel is
Answer: the sum of individual inductances
4. What is the total inductive reactance of the circuit current shown in Figure 2.2-5

Answer: 14.1 Ω
5. On the IDUCTANCE/INDUCTIVE REACTANCE circuit block, connect the circuit

shown in Figure 2.2-6. Adjust Vac for a 3 , 20 kHz sine wave. When CM
switch 17 is activated, an unseen 1-mH inductor is added isn parallel to the circuit.
Place CM switch 17 in the ON position while observing the circuit current on the

oscilloscope (represented by ). Based on your observation of , you

conclude that adding a parallel inductor

Answer: increases circuit current


 The inductor in an AC circuit is similar to a resistor in a DC Circuit when it is converted

to its reactance.
 Adding parallel inductor decreases the impedance of the circuit


 Voltage and current divider can still be used in getting the voltage and current values.
 As the inductance increases the impedance decreases.

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