Expt 5.1
Expt 5.1
Expt 5.1
b. ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
d. ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e. ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
g. ability to communicate effectively
Many RL circuits contain multiple resistors and inductors that are in series. The total
inductive reactance of a circuit is determined in much the same way as total circuit
resistance. When inductors are in series, the total inductive reactance (XLT) is the sum of
the individual reactances.
XLT = XL1 + XL2 + XL3 + …
The total inductive reactance increases as the number of inductors in series
increases. The result is lower circuit and higher circuit impedance. As in circuits with
resistors only, the current flowing through each component in a series RL circuit is the
same. Figure 2.1-1 shows a series RL circuit.
Z= √(𝑅 𝑇2 + 𝑋𝐿𝑇 2 )
Z= √(17002 + 25002 )
Z= √(9, 140, 000)
Z= 3, 023 Ω
To applied voltage (Vac), Z, and Ohm’s law is then used to determine the circuit current.
I-T = V-ac/Z
I-T = 8/3023
I-T = 0.00265 mApk-pk (2.65 mApk-pk)
Voltage drops across individual components are determined from the circuit current,
Ohm’s law, and the resistance or reactance of the individual component. For example, the
voltage drop across L1 (VL1) in Figure 2.1-1 is as shown.
VL1 = I x XL1
VL1 = 0.00265 x 1000
VL1 = 2.65 Vpk-pk
In circuits with resistors only, the sum of the voltage drop across each resistor equals the
applied voltage. In RL circuits, however, the applied voltage does not equal the sum of the
voltage drops, but the square root of the sum of the squares of the voltage drops. For the
circuit in Figure 2.1-1, Vac is determined by the following formula.
Figure 2.1-2 shows this relationship in a phasor diagram. If the voltage drops in the circuit
in Figure 2.1-1 were added together, the sum would be greater than the applied voltage
5A.5 Materials/Equipment
1- F. A. C. E. T. Base Unit
1- AC 1 FNDAMENTALS Circuit Board
2- 15 Vdc Power supply
1- Oscilloscope, dual trace
1- Multimeter
1- Generator, sine wave
5A.6 Circuit Diagrams / Figures / Source Codes (if Applicable)
Table 2.1-1
4. Add VR1 and VL1’ and record your results in Table 2.1-1. Does the sum of the voltage
drops equal the amplitude of the applied voltage (VGEN = VR1 and VL1)? ______________
5. Determine the square root of the sum of the squares of VR1 and VL3. Record your result
in table 2.1-3. Does this result equal the applied voltage of VR1 and VL3 ? _____________
NOTE: Your result will not be exact. It will differ slightly due to the resistance of L3 and
typical measurement errors. _______________________________________________.
6. Measure circuit current by using current-sensing resistor R2. Record your result in the
Table 2.1-2. (Be sure to remove the two post connectors shorting R2 only when taking-the
current measurement. Replace the two-post connector after measurement.) __________
NOTE: Because there are no other resistors in the circuit and because we are ignoring
coil resistance, RT=Rr
XLT=________ RT=________Ω, Z=________Ω
10. Calculate and record circuit current (I = VGEN / Z). I = ______A
11. Measure IT, and record your result in Table 2.1-2. Did the added series inductor
increase or decrease the circuit current?
IT = ________ A , ________
12. Determine the measured value of Z [Z (measured) = VGEN/ I (measured)]. Record
your result in Table 2.1-2. Did the added series inductor increase or decrease circiut
Z=________ Ω , ________
13. Turn off the power sources and remove all circuit board connections.