RULE 111 Prosecution of Civil Actions 2019.wpd.2 PDF

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RULE 111

Prosecution of Civil Action

Re ad : Rian o , p p . 141-182

A. In s titu tio n o f c rim in al w ith c iv il ac tio n .

1. When civil liability deemed instituted with criminal action:
Sec. 1 (a), par. 1
2. When civil liability not deemed instituted with criminal action:
a) Reservation to institute separately:
Sec. 1 (a), par. 2
b) Civil liability by way of moral, nominal, temperate or exemplary
damages & Filing fees:
Sec. 1 (a), par. 3, 4 & 5
c) No counterclaim, cross-claim or 3rd party complaint
Sec. 1 (a), par. 6
People vs. Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239, G.R. No. 102007,
September 2, 1994**T
Doctrine of election of remedies:
Rodriguez v. Ponferrada, G.R. Nos. 155531-34. July 29, 2005

3. Damages Ex Delicto:
Art. 1157 (4), Art. 1161 (Civil Code)
a) Civil Indemnity
- Art. 100 (RPC)
- Art. 2206 (Civil Code)
b) Moral Damages
- To person:
Art. 2219 (Civil Code)
- Damage to Property:
Art. 2020 (Civil Code)
c) Exemplary Damages:
- Art. 2229 & 2230 (Civil Code)
d) Nominal Damages:
- Art. 2221 (Civil Code)
e) Temperate Damages:
- Art. 2224 (Civil Code)
Increase in amount of damages under the Revised Penal Code:
People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124. April 5, 2016**T

4. Rules for Civil Actions in B.P. Blg. 22 cases:

Sec. 1 (b), filing fees in B.P. 22 cases:
Chua v. Executive Judge MTC Mla., G.R. No. 202920, Oct. 2, 2013

5. Effect of grant of demurrer on civil liability :

Accused can adduce evidence:
Salazar v. People, G.R. No. 151931, [September 23, 2003]
Automatic Reservation of Civil Liability:
Jarantilla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 80194, [March 21, 1989]

(Rule 111)

B . Su s p e n s io n o f s e p arate c iv il ac tio n
1. When criminal action has commenced
Sec. 2, par. (a)
2. Criminal action filed after civil action is instituted
Sec. 2, par. (b)
3. Suspension of period of prescription
Sec. 2, par. (c)

C. In d e p e n d e n t c iv il ac tio n s
Rule 111, sec. 3;
Lim v. Kou Co Ping, G.R. No. 175256, 179160, [August 23, 2012],
693 PHIL 286-302 T

D. Effe c t o f d e ath o f th e ac c u s e d o n c iv il ac tio n s

Rule 111, sec. 4;
People vs. Rogelio Bayotas y Cordova, G.R. No. 102007, Sept. 2, 1994
People v. Layag, G.R. No. 214875, 2016-10-17

E. Extin c tio n o f p e n al ac tio n d o e s n o t c arry e xtin c tio n o f c iv il ac tio n

Sec. 2, par. (d)
Dy v. People, G.R. No. 189081, [August 10, 2016]
Padilla v. C.A., GR No. 39999, May 31, 1984T
Rimando v. Winston, G.R. No. 203583, October 13, 2014
Acquittal and Civil liability (Art. 29, Civil Code)
Manantan v. C.A., 350 SCRA 387 (2001)T
Preponderance of Evidence (Rule 133, Sec. 1)
Balerta v. People, G.R. No. 205144, Nov. 26, 2014

F. Effe c t o f ju d g m e n t in c iv il ac tio n o n c rim in al ac tio n

Sec. 5

G. Pre ju d ic ial q u e s tio n

1. Elements of prejudicial question:
Sec. 7
Elements of prejudicial question:
People v. Arambulo, G.R. No. 186597. June 17, 2015T
Civil action must be instituted prior to criminal action:
Dreamwork Construction, Inc., Vs. Janiola, 591 SCRA 466 (2009)T

2. Suspension by reason of prejudicial question:

Sec. 6
Reason for suspension of criminal action:
Magestrado vs. People, 527 SCRA 125 (2007)T
Administrative case pending:
San Miguel Properties v. Perez, G.R. No. 166836, Sep. 4, 2013
Can prosecution seek suspension due to prejudicial question?
See Carandang v. Ragasa, G.R. No. 161829, [April 13, 2007]


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