Sanchez, Ria Joy - Prefinal Activities

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Cecilia's College
Department of Education

Prof Ed 8
(Building and Enhancing New
Literacies across the Curriculum)

Sanchez, Ria Joy M.

BSED English 3-A

Doc. Erlinda Desierto


IV. Learning Activities:

Read the questions and instructions carefully.

1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to develop? In what
ways can you develop it/them?


I am more of a listener than a talker. I feel more comfortable when I just listen to other people. The social skill
that I need to develop is initiating conversations. I’m an introverted person, that’s why I find it hard to start a
talk with others. Every time I travel to another place and met various people, I don’t do the first move to say hi
and hello to them. For this reason, most of their first impression of me is that I am a strict person, but in
reality, I’m just shy. I think the ways to cope up with this is to develop my self-esteem in facing other people
and to be confident to show my real self. Another way is to start communicating with other people without
the fear of rejection and share my beautiful ideas if I have to.

2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach to your children on social literacy? How would
you teach them?


As a parent, I will teach my children the social skills, knowledge, and to have positive human values. Most
importantly, I should be a role model for them. I must be a socially literate person for them to follow me as
their model. For social skills, I will show them my good relationship with my friends, for them also to apply it
with their peers. In this way, it allows them to practice their skills in communicating with other people. They
will be confident to initiate conversations, maintain, and end it. By engaging with their friends, they will also
learn to read signals, solve problems, and resolve them again if needed. For knowledge, as a parent, I should
show them that reading books and learning is fun. In that way, they will be exposed to a learning environment.
Another thing is to teach my children positive human values. I want to show what a morally upright person is
by modeling it to them.

3. If you were an employer, what would you look for in an aspirants or applicants to your company?


Luckily, if I become an employer of a company, I will hire aspirants who have social skills, knowledge, and
positive human values. These three are significant to have a harmonious workplace. The most important to me
is the positive human values. There should be a proper attitude, not only in terms of doing their job but also in
treating their co-workers in the right way. Competence in the workplace is also essential because it can
suggest motivation to the employees to make them put more effort and achieve good quality in their works.
However, I want to have a healthy competition, where there are still manifestations of respecting and
understanding of one another.

Which expenses are fixed and which are variable? Indicate the monthly total. Put a check mark on the
corresponding type.


FOOD ₱ 4,000 

CLOTHING ₱ 1,000 

GAS ₱ 700 

MEDICINE ₱ 500 

INTERNET ₱ 1,999 

LOAD ₱ 200 

Total: ₱ 8,399

Use the table below to list down all the expenses that belong to the needs and those that belong to the


 Food  Fancy car

 Clothing  Snacks
 Shelter/house  New Gadgets
 Medicine  Jewelries
 Education  Accessories
 Electricity  Load
 Gas  Internet
 Basic Hygiene products  New fancy dresses
 Movie tickets
 Collection of Channel bags

Interview at least 6 friends, classmates, and relatives. Explore their spending and saving behavior.
State an example of SALE advertisement. How would the different characteristics/ types toward this SALE
advertisement? What each type of person would likely say about the advertisement?

Mang Inasal Sale Advertisement

I’m a frugal type of person when it comes to spending my money. By looking at the
advertisement, I’m not satisfied with its offered sale, which is only 10%. Being a thrifty
person, I am not convinced by the advertisement to eat in Mang Inasal, unless if there is a
special occasion. A piece of chicken costs 89 pesos is still quite pricey for me. I’m not that big
eater also, so I think the size of the chicken is too much for me to finish it all. I’d rather go to
the cafeteria and buy one piece of chicken for only 20 pesos. In this act of mine, it would
surely makes me proud of myself, thinking that I can save money and avoid getting diabetes
by having unlimited rice in Mang Inasal.

Frugal - He/ she might say that the price is still too much for a piece of chicken.

Pleasure- He/ she will not mind the price as long as it’s Mang Inasal and can eat a big size of chicken and
unlimited rice as long as he/she wants to.

Status- He/she will most likely not give attention or even notice it. Besides, go to fancy restaurants and
order expensive menu.

Indifference- He/she might say that there’s no good about eating it. Grown plants and chicken at his/her
backyard tastes better.

Powerful- He/ she might reserve the whole place to have party with his friends without thinking that there
are lots of people eating in Mang Inasal.

Self-Worth- He/ she might say that Mang Inasal is for people who can’t afford to buy expensive meal. In this
reason, he/she will not eat there thinking that other people will judge him/her also.

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