Field Study 1

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Field study 1

Activity 2.2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

Name: Sanchez, Ria Joy M. Program and Year: BSED ENGLISH 3-A

Date: 2/15/21

Task A.

Instructions: Analyze the different elements of physical classroom management and

answer the following questions.

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?


Your voice as a teacher plays a role in classroom management. The tone of the voice
somehow signifies the control of the student's behavior inside the classroom. In terms of
giving instructions, utilizing voice contributes an impact on its effectiveness. For example,
upon instructing for the next activity, the students are talking loudly. Instead of shouting
over your class and hoping they might stop talking, use your voice deliberately to make
them stop and look at you. Use a short, loud command like the word SILENCE. In this way,
it serves as a signal for your students in the future that they need to stop talking and should
focus on listening to you. Rather than nagging or shouting to your students, the proper
control of voice can help to minimize and maximize student’s behavior.

2. How does punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?


The punctuality of a teacher affects classroom discipline. We all know that teachers are
known to be the role model. They are the philosophers and guides for the young students.
The character and the personality of a teacher greatly influence the students whom they
teach. One necessary good trait to impart to the students is punctuality. Punctuality among
the teachers reflects self-discipline and devotion to work, which students can adopt.
Teachers must be punctual because it is one way to influence the students. If the teacher is
always late, then he/she does not have the right to impose punctuality on his/her students.
3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?
A teacher needs to check on the physical aspects of classroom management. It is the way to
make sure that the environment or the physical setting is conducive for students' learning.
A classroom that has a well-defined physical arrangement and appears organized will
promote a positive learning environment. A well-planned classroom has clearly defined
boundaries designating where different types of activities will take place. It would help
teachers to teach what the expected behavior is for that specific area and activity. Aside
from that, it can maximize engagement between the students and the teacher, which leads
to more learning opportunities.

Task B.

Instructions: Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. “NO amount of good
instruction will come out without effective classroom management.”
The statement above is relevant to me as a future teacher. For me, it wants to imply that
effective classroom management is significant in terms of giving instructions to the
students. It does not matter how concise or good you are in giving the instruction, at the
end of the day it would be pointless if there is no classroom management. An example of
this is when you are giving your best to instruct the students what needs to be done during
the presentation of their role play. However, your students are not listening and just
playing around the classroom. The instructions that you are imposing in front will be
useless, as a result of the misbehavior of the students. To avoid this kind of scenario, it
would be best to make sure that effective classroom management must manifest inside the
learning environment.

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?


As a future educator, it requires me to ensure the effectiveness of my classroom

management. In this way, I can assure myself that my students can maximize learning
opportunities inside the classroom. There are several plans that I can utilize for classroom
management. Firstly, I will make sure that the physical aspect of my classroom is conducive
to learning. I want my students to feel welcome, regardless of diversity. Also, everyone
must be comfortable inside the classroom setting. Secondly, I will set classroom rules.
These rules are essential since they eliminate and avoid all distractions and possible
misconduct that interferes with learning. Thirdly, as a teacher, I will model ideal behavior
towards my students. Inside the classroom, I should be the first person who will follow the
set rules. In this way, it will influence my students to do the same thing.

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