Ent501r Ent515r
Ent501r Ent515r
Ent501r Ent515r
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Notice to students:
This is an “open book” assessment, you may make use of any resource
The use of calculators / computers is permitted
You are expected to work without communication with any other person
By submitting your solutions, you declare that your submission (and all the material
contained in it), is your own work, and you have not shared it with anyone else
The examiners reserve the right to further question you, if necessary, in the form of a
viva, so you can further explain the answers provided in your submission. The
University’s plagiarism detection software may also be used to check originality of, and
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By submitting your solutions, you declare you understand that deceiving, or attempting
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Module Code: ENT501 /ENT515R
Equation Sheet
y j 1 y j xf ( x j , y j )
y j 1 y j [ f ( x j , y j ) f ( x j 1 , y j 1 )]
Numerical Integration
Module Code: ENT501 /ENT515R
Question 1
The stiffnesses of the springs are given in Nmm1 in Fig. 1. Nodes 1 and 4 are fixed, i.e.
u1 u 4 0 . The applied forces at nodes 2 and 3 are indicated in Newton. Use Finite Element
Concepts and Methods to determine the unknown nodal displacements u 2 and u3 and the
Fig. 1
[20 Marks]
Question 2
The position x of a moving javelin and its velocity v in the horizontal direction can be
described by the following simultaneous equations
When t=0 s, the initial position is x(0) x0 0 m and the initial horizontal velocity is
v(0) v0 50 m/s. If it takes 3 seconds for the javelin to touch the ground, use
dt t 0
the Improved Euler’s Method and take 3 steps (i.e. t 1 second) to calculate the whole
distance x(3) that the javelin has gone during the 3 seconds.
[20 marks]
Module Code: ENT501 /ENT515R
Question 3
a) A real four-node element and the associated Master element are shown in Fig. 2.
The nodes A, B, C, D of the real element correspond to the nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 of the
Master element, respectively. The shape functions for the four-node element are
given below.
1 1
N 1 ( , ) (1 )(1 ) N 2 ( , ) (1 )(1 )
4 4
1 1
N 3 ( , ) (1 )(1 ) N 4 ( , ) (1 )(1 )
4 4
J J 12 x / y /
J 11
J 21 J 22 x / y /
(12 Marks)
b) For the master element point (0.5 , 0.5) , find the co-ordinates (x, y) of the
corresponding point in the real element.
(10 Marks)
Fig. 2
(12 5 10 4 4 3 6 2 2 1)d ,
and check your answer using analytical method.
(10 Marks)
Module Code: ENT501 /ENT515R
Question 4
A thin uniform metallic rod, with a length of 80 cm, is isolated except for its two ends. At
t 0 , the temperature of the rod is 10 0 C and the boundary conditions are fixed for all
times at T ( x 0cm) 00C and T ( x 80cm) 1000C . The temperature distribution along the
rod is governed by
T 2T
D 2
t x
where D 8cm / s .
b) Use the above explicit scheme and x 20cm to determine the temperature at
x 40cm and t 40s .
(8 marks)
(12 marks)
End of online assessment