Hydro Dynamic Assg III

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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Architectural and Civil Engineering

Hydraulic Engineering stream

Program Masters Regular

Hydro Dynamic Assignment (Individual)

Name Manamno Beza

Id: GSR/116/12

Sub. Date 03/01/2020

Sub. To Dr. Sisay D. (Ass. Professor)

Addis Ababa

Above all of everything on earth I said praise, glory and honour to the almighty God to his
shepherd. I beholden to Dr.Sisay D. who is my instructor to his kindness way of teaching
method and giving his Knowledge without tiredness to build up my knowledge in
hydrodynamic course, not only the course he also guiding us the way of how to organizing
and presenting a document. At the end I would like to express my gtatitude to my classmates
since they are willing to share their information and capability.

This paper is figure out the derivation of Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation starting from
Navier-Stokes equation. The Navier-Stokes equation is based on the assumption that the fluid
is continuous rather than discrete particles and incompressible fluids. It arises from Newton’s
second law of motion in fluids which states that the rate of change of momentum of a
material region is equal to the sum of forces acting on the region. The forces which can be
considered under the derivation of N-S equation are pressure force, body (gravity) force and
viscous (shear) force. When the fluid is non-viscous the N-S equations become the well
known Euler’s equation of fluid again when the fluid is ideal and steady the equation give
Bernoulli’s equations. The paper also includes Couette flow which is a typical example of exact
solutions for Navier-Stokes equation. Finally the derivation of the above three equation are put in
vector forms by using del and inverted del mathematical operators.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................ i

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................ii

List of figures ............................................................................................................................ iv

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. v

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Back ground ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Specific Objective ........................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Questions and answers ..................................................................................................... 3

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 13

Reference ................................................................................................................................. 14

List of figures
Figure 1.1 control volume for convective terms ........................................................................ 5
Figure 1.2 component of shear force ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.3 Couette flow between parallel plates ...................................................................... 10

AASTU Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Fgr Force of gravity
Fpr Force of pressure
Fvisc Viscous force
N- S Navier – Stokes
N-S.E Navier-Stokes equation

a acceleration
F Force
g Gravity
h Height between two parallel plates
m Mass
p Pressure
Q flow rate
t Time
U Velocity at height h
u Velocity component in x- direction
v Velocity component in y- direction
V Volume
w Velocity component in z- direction
Greek notation
ρ Density
ν Kinematic viscosity
µ Dynamic viscosity
Shear stress

Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020



1.1 Back ground

Navier Stokes Equation is named after Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes. The
Navier Stokes Equations are the fundamental governing equations to describe the motion of a
viscous, heat conducting fluid substances. These equations are obtained by applying
Newton’s Law of motion to a fluid element and are also called the momentum equation.
Supplemented by the mass conservation equation, these equations are also referred to as
energy equation or continuity equation. Navier Stokes equations assume that the stress tensor
in the fluid element is the sum of a diffusing viscous term that is proportional to the gradient
of velocity, plus a pressure term (Esfandiari, 2013).

The Euler equation is after the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Euler. The Euler
equation is for steady flow of an ideal fluid along a streamline is a relatively between the
pressure, velocity and density of moving fluid due to applied force.

The various forces that may influence fluid motion are due to gravity, pressure, viscosity,
turbulence, surface tension and compressibility. Gravity and pressure forces are assumed to
be acting on the mass of fluid in motion which forms the basis of the Euler’s equation of
motion. Further in the derivation of this equation it is assumed that the fluid is non-viscous,
so that the pressure forces may be considered to be acting in the direction normal to the

There is a second class of conservation theorems, closely related to the conservation of

energy. These conservation theorems are collectively called Bernoulli Theorems since the
scientist who first contributed in a fundamental way to the development of these ideas was
Daniel Bernoulli.

Bernoulli’s theorem gives the interaction between the pressure acting at a point on the surface
of the liquid and the velocity of its particles. This principles states that the total energy of a
small amount of an incompressible liquid flowing from one point to another remains constant
throughout the displacement.

1 Manamno B. AASTU
Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020

1.2 Objective

The main objective of this assignment is to understand and apply Navier Stokes equation in a
fluid by application of Newton’s second law of motion.

1.3 Specific Objective

 To apply Navier Stokes equation to derive Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation
 To apply Navier Stokes equation for derivation of Coutee flow

1.4 Methodology
The methods that I have used to do this assignment are taking different notes from different
literatures and books. But most of the works are taken from the hand outs which is given
from you prepared for lecture for the class.

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Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020


2.1 Questions and answers

1. The rate at which water flows through a horizontal 25cm pipe is increased linearly from 30 to
150l/s in 3.5 seconds. Assume density of water is 1000kg/m3 and:
i. What pressure gradient must exist to produce this acceleration?
ii. What change in pressure intensity will prevail between sections in
the pipe flow of 10m apart?
Diameter = 25cm = 0.25m
Water flow increase ( ) =30L/sec to 150L/sec= 0.03m3/sec to 0.15m3/sec
ρ = 1000kg/m3
time = 3.5sec

i. (pressure gradient)

ii. Difference in pressure intensity between the sections

The Euler’s equation for one dimensional flow along the pipe axis may be written as

As the pipe is of uniform cross sectional area the velocity remains constant along the flow
direction. Therefore

Since the pipe has been laid horizontally the body force per unit volume in the direction x =0.
Thus the above equation reduced to

The change in velocity when the flow changes from 0.03m3/s to 0.15m3/s

The change in velocity takes place with 3.5s then

3 Manamno B. AASTU
Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020

i. Pressure gradient,

ii. Difference in pressure intensity between two section that apart 10m

2. Start with the general form of N-S-Es

a. List important assumptions to reach at Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations
b. What is the difference between Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations
The general form of Navier-Stokes equation

A. The assumptions which were made by Euler’s and Bernoulli’s are mostly similar but there
are a slightly a few differences.
Assumption of Euler’s
 The fluid is no viscous: which means the viscous term under Navier-Stokes
equation will be neglected
 The fluid is homogenous and incompressible: (mass density of fluid is
constant through the given time.)
 The flow is continuous, steady and along stream line.
 The velocity of flow is uniform over the section and equal to mean velocity.
 The only deriving force is gravity force and pressure force.
 Non turbulence flow

Assumption of the Bernoulli’s equation

According to (Rajput, 2013) we mentioned that the following assumptions are made during
the derivation of Bernoulli’s equations
 The fluid is ideal and incompressible: this means that like to Euler’s
assumption the viscous term will be neglected

4 Manamno B. AASTU
Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020

 The flow is steady and continuous: flow is steady means the time derivative
term in the Navier-Stokes equation will be eliminated
 The flow is along the stream line that is one dimensional
 The velocity is uniform over the section and is equal to the mean velocity
 The forces are derivable from a potential that is time independent
 The only force acting on the fluid are the gravity forces and the pressure forces

B. difference between Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation

Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation are similar but they have one big difference between
them. But Euler’s consider the flow is unsteady but Bernoulli’s consider the flow is not
change with time that is flow is under steady state.

3. Apply N-S.Es to derive Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation.

(What changes occur on Euler’s equations due to the steady flow assumption?)
First derive the N-S.Es so as to derive Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation. N-S.Es is based on
the Newton’s second law motion for a fluid.

The Newton second law is based on the conservation of momentum
( ⃗⃗ ) ( ⃗⃗ ) ( ⃗⃗ ) ( ⃗⃗ ) ( ⃗⃗ )
∑F =

To derive N.S.Es control volume is used

Figure 1.1 control volume for convective terms

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Derivation of convective terms

 Momentum change by convection
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
∫ ( ) ( )

Momentum change per time

⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
[∫ ( ) ( )

⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
( ) ( )

For an infinitesimal volume dxdydz with uniform density the convection terms are written as:
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
ρ[ ( ) ( ) ] dxdydz

dx/dt,dy/dt, and dz/dt are the velocity component along the x, y, and z direction, so that the
momentum changes per time per volume is:
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
ρ[ ( ) ( ) ]

but are the velocity component in the x, y and z direction so that ,

and then substitute the velocity component on to convective term then the

convective terms in the three direction derived from m*a becomes:

ρ[ ( ) ( )

ρ[ ( ) ( ) ]

ρ[ ( ) ( ) ]

Derivation of the forcing terms

There are three most forces which imposed on a fluid (e.g gravity forces, pressure forces,
viscous forces that are always acting on a fluid.
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
Fgr + Fpr + Fvisc = ρ [ ( ) ( )

1. Gravity force (Fg) is the force due to gravity acceleration on the fluids
Fg = ρg dxdydz

6 Manamno B. AASTU
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2. Pressure force (Fpr) is a surface stress always acting normal and inward to the surface of a
fluid control volume.
Fpr = - P*dv
The gradient is applied in the direction of the forces examined

i.e ( k)

These changes in pressure may be directly caused by external forces (e.g pumps or a
consequence of other forces e.g gravity forces causes’ hydrostatic pressure).
3. Viscous force (Fvisc): The final general forces active on a fluid is viscosity. A shear stress
i.e stress acting parallel to a surface. It is analogous to the friction forces of a solid
mechanics. Just as with the pressure, a normal stress, the force due to viscosity, a shear stress
is defined according to a gradient.

Unlike pressure which has one force couple per direction shear stress has three forces couples
in each direction due to this the shear stress have nine components. i.e

Figure 1.2 component of shear force


( ) ( ) ( )

We know that the viscous stress component can be written as:

( ) ( )

7 Manamno B. AASTU
Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020

( )

Substitute this viscous stress component with

For simplicity let us proceed only in the x direction and then simplify the others as a similar
The viscous force along the x- direction

( ) ( )

( )

Herein assume that the velocity components are sufficiently smooth to permit interchange of
the order of partial differentiation so that the second term in the bracket from the above
equation will be zero. Therefore the viscous force along the x- direction become

( )

Similarly the viscous force along the y and z direction becomes:

( )

( )

Now after derivation of all the forces and convective terms the complete system of equations
representing momentum balance in an incompressible flow can be written as
Fgr + Fpr + Fvisc = m*a

( ) =ρ[ ( ) ( ) )

( ) =ρ[ ( ) ( ) ]

( ) ρ[ ( ) ( ) ]

Divide the previous equation by ρ since the flow is incompressible that means density is
constant does not change in the control volume so that the equation becomes

ν( )=[ ( ) ( ) )

8 Manamno B. AASTU
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( ) = [ ( ) ( ) ]

( ) [ ( ) ( ) ]

By using mathematical operators we can re write this as follows

This is the general form of Navier-Stokes equation of a fluid. Where V is the velocity field
Eulers consider that the fluid is ideal this means the flow is non viscous so that from Navier-Stokes
equation the viscous force will be eliminated. i.e

= [ ( ) ( ) )

=[ ( ) ( ) ]

[ ( ) ( ) ]

This is the general equation of Euler’s under incompressible and non viscous fluid
By using mathematical operators Euler’s equation also can be written as follows

Bernoulli’s consider that the flow is not only non viscous but also he assumes steady flow
state. so that from Navier-Stokes equation the velocity with respect to time and the viscous force
will be eliminated. i.e

= ( ) ( ) )

=( ) ( ) ]

9 Manamno B. AASTU
Assignment of Hydrodynamic 2020

( ) ( ) ]

It can also rewritten as by using mathematical operators

This is the general equation of Bernoulli’s under steady, non viscous and incompressible flow

The changes which occur on Euler’s equations due to the steady flow assumptions is the
velocity component with respect to time is to be eliminated because Bernoulli’s assumes the
flow is steady which means the flow does not change with time its characteristics.

4. Apply N-S equations to derive equation for Couette flow

Couette flow is a classical problem of primary importance in the history of fluid mechanics which is a
typical example of exact solutions for Navier-Stokes equation (Y.Rihan, 2008). It is the flow of
viscous fluid between two parallel plates one plate moving with a velocity of U and the other is
Movable plate
U m/s

Stationery plate
z Figure 1.3 Couette flow between parallel plates

 There is no x and z dependence in any flow variables because the plates are taken to

be infinite in the x and z directions , ,

 Assume that steady flow, i.e

 No flow in the z direction, and

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 Conservation of mass ( , here in because the flow along

x and z are zero so that  .since v = 0 at boundaries, v = 0

Based on the above deduction and general equation of the Navier – Stokes let us begin the
derivation of Couette flow equation between two parallel plates.

( )

( )

( )

This is the general equation of the Navier – Stokes. But under Couette flow we only consider
one dimensional flow that is the flow along the x-axis.

( )

( )

Since the flow is steady

, from conservation of mass,

, the flow is infinite in the x and z direction

, herein also the flow is infinite in the x and z direction

The simplified equation of N-S along the flow direction that is N-S equation in the x direction
is plane Coquette equation of flow. Then:

( )

Hence the flow is horizontal so that the body force due to gravity becomes zero and
multiplying both sides by ρ then the above equations are simplified to:

11 Manamno B. AASTU
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is independent of y, integrating the above equation with respect to y gives

∬ ∬

c1 and c2 are constant of integration to be evaluated from known boundary conditions.

Condition one, y = 0, u = 0

c2 = 0
Condition two, y = h, u = U

c1 =
Substitute c1 and c2 from the equation

This indicates that the velocity distribution in Couette flow depends on both U and .when

( ) there is no pressure gradient in the direction of flow then we have which

indicates that the velocity distribution is linear. This particular case is known as simple
(plane) Couette flow or simple shear flow.

12 Manamno B. AASTU
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From the beginning of the paper the pressure gradient and pressure intensity of a flowing
fluid in a horizontal pipe of diameter 25cm is determined by using Euler’s equation. The
remaining part of the paper is states about the derivation of the N-S-Es, Euler’s and
Bernoulli’s equation by considering a control volume of dimension dx, dy and dz and
different assumptions like the fluid is incompressible. After the derivation the general

equation of N-S is derived, that is ( )x + (

)y + ( )z. For Euler’s equation viscosity term is

eliminated and in cause of Bernoulli’s both the viscous and time derivative terms are
eliminated. At the end equation of couette flow is derived between parallel plates by applying
N-S equation.

13 Manamno B. AASTU
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1. Esfandiari, A. (2013). University of Bath-Academiya.edu.et. Retrieved from
2. Rajput, E. (2013). Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines. Ram Nagar, New delhi:
S. Chand and Company Ltd.
3. Y.Rihan. (2008, February 14). Computational study of couette flow between parallel
platesfor steady and unsteady case. Egypt, Sharm Al Sheikh, Egypt: International
Conference for Nuclear Sciences and Applications.

14 Manamno B. AASTU

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