Dynamics Introduction

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ME232: Dynamics


Anshul Faye
[email protected]
Room # 106

Basic concepts
● Space: Geometric region occupied by bodies.
● Primary inertial system or Astronomical frame of reference:

The basic frame of reference for the laws of Newtonian mechanics.

An imaginary set of rectangular axes assumed to have no translation or rotation
in space.

The laws of Newtonian mechanics are valid for this reference system as long as
any velocities involved are negligible compared with the speed of light (i.e.,
300,000 km/s).

Measurements made with respect to this reference are said to be absolute, and
this reference system may be considered fixed in space.

A reference frame attached to the surface of the earth has a somewhat complicated
motion in the primary system, and a correction to the basic equations of mechanics
must be applied for measurements made relative to the reference frame of the earth.
Basic concepts
● Particle: A body can be treated as particle if

it has negligible dimensions.

when the dimensions of a body are irrelevant to the description of its motion or
the action of forces on it; e.g., an airplane may be treated as a particle for the
description of its flight path.
● Rigid body: A body is treated as rigid body when changes in shape are negligible
compared with the overall dimensions of the body or with the changes in position of
the body as a whole.

Newton’s Laws
● Newton’s Laws:

Law I. A particle remains at rest or continues to move with uniform velocity (in a
straight line with a constant speed) if there is no unbalanced force acting on it.

Law II. The acceleration of a particle is proportional to the resultant force acting
on it and is in the direction of this force.

Law III. The forces of action and reaction between interacting bodies are equal in
magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear.

The first two laws hold for measurements made in an absolute frame of reference,
and they are subject to some correction when the motion is measured relative to a
reference system having acceleration, such as one attached to the surface of the

The correction become insignificant for most engineering problems involving
machines and structures which remain on the surface of the earth and in such cases
these laws may be applied directly with measurements made relative to the earth.
Newton’s Laws

Newton’s second law forms the basis for most of the analysis in dynamics. For a
particle of mass m subjected to a resultant force F, the law may be stated as
where a is the resulting acceleration measured in a non-accelerating frame of
reference. Newton’s first law is a consequence of the second law since there is no
acceleration when the force is zero, and so the particle is either at rest or is moving
with constant velocity.


Vibration of mechanical systems

concerns the linear and angular oscillatory motions of bodies

motion in response to applied disturbances in the presence of restoring forces.

For example:

response of an engineering structure to earthquakes,

the time response of the plucked string of a musical instrument,

the vibration of an unbalanced rotating machine,

the wind-induced vibration of power lines,

the flutter of aircraft wings.

In many cases, presence of excessive vibration levels may lead to human discomfort,
non-smooth and noisy operation of machines and fatigue, which may ultimately
lead to failure. 6
Free vibration of particles

When a spring-mounted body is disturbed from its equilibrium position, its ensuing
motion in the absence of any imposed external forces is termed free vibration.

In practice, some retarding or damping force always exists which tends to diminish
the motion. Common damping forces are those due to mechanical and fluid friction.

We will first consider the ideal case where the damping forces are small enough to
be neglected.

Considering the horizontal vibration of the

simple friction-less spring-mass system. The
variable x denotes the displacement of the mass
from the equilibrium position, which is also the
position of zero spring deflection.

Figure shows a plot of the force Fs necessary to
deflect the spring vs. the corresponding spring
deflection for three types of springs.
If we consider a linear spring, then the restoring
force exerted by the spring on the mass is –kx, i.e.,
when the mass is displaced to the right, the spring
force is to the left, and vice versa.
The constant of proportionality k is called the
spring constant, modulus, or stiffness and has the
units N/m.
The equation of motion for the body of is obtained
by applying Newton’s second law,

················(1) 8
The oscillation of a mass subjected to a linear restoring force described by (1) is
called simple harmonic motion and is characterized by acceleration which is
proportional to the displacement but of opposite sign.
Normally, we write (1) as following:

Because we anticipate an oscillatory motion, we look for a solution which gives x as a

periodic function of time. Thus, a logical choice is


The constants A and B, or C and ψ, can be determined from knowledge of the initial
displacement x0 and initial velocity ẋ0 of the mass. For example, if we work with the
solution form of (3) and evaluate x and ẋ at time t = 0, we obtain,
x0 =A, and ẋ0=ωnB
Substitution of these values of A and B into (4) yields

The constants C and ψ of (4) can be determined in terms of given initial conditions
in a similar manner. Evaluation of (4) and its first time derivative at t = 0 gives
x0 =C sinψ, and ẋ0=Cωn cosψ. ························(6)
Solving for C and ψ yields,

Equations (3) and (4) represent two different mathematical expressions for the same
time-dependent motion. 10
Graphical representation of motion
The motion may be represented graphically,
where x is seen to be the projection onto a
vertical axis of the rotating vector of length C.
The vector rotates at the constant angular
velocity ωn=√(k/m), which is called the natural
circular frequency and has the units radians per

The number of complete cycles per unit time is the natural frequency ƒn=ωn/2π and is
expressed in hertz (1 hertz (Hz)=1 cycle per second).
The time required for one complete motion cycle (one rotation of the reference vector) is the
period of the motion and is given by τ=1/ƒn=2π/ωn.
Also note that x is the sum of the projections onto the vertical axis of two perpendicular
vectors whose magnitudes are A and B and whose vector sum C is the amplitude. Vectors A,
B, and C rotate together with the constant angular velocity ωn. Thus, as we have already
seen, C = (A2 + B 2 )½ and ψ = tan-1(A/B).
Now if the motion of mass is vertical rather than horizontal,
the equation of motion (and therefore all system properties)
is unchanged if we continue to define x as the displacement
from the equilibrium position. The equilibrium position now
involves a nonzero spring deflection δst. From the free-body
diagram, Newton’s second law gives
Note that at the equilibrium position (i.e., at x = 0),
Thus (8) becomes,
which is same as (1).
The lesson here is that by defining the displacement variable to be zero at equilibrium rather
than at the position of zero spring deflection, we may ignore the equal and opposite forces
associated with equilibrium.


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