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Teaching practicum for student teachers becomes one of the essential stages in which they
have a chance to apply what they have learned during the academic program in the real
teaching situations. Such as getting practical classroom experience, putting theories into
practices, gaining insight from observing experienced teachers, improving lesson planning
ability, improving ability in designing and developing materials, sharpening their teaching
ability, strengthening their understanding of teaching in terms of theory and practice, and
improving decision-making ability in teaching by looking and exploring into themselves and
other’s teaching practices.
As the leading position of English as the world’s primary language for international
communication has evidently been continuing for several decades, English language teacher
education is getting more and more important. One of the most major components of
teacher education programs is the practicum.
By following this, there has been increasing research focusing on identifying Difficulties In
Their Teaching practicum in order to maximize the efficiency of practicum. This paper
presents the response of a study that explores kinds of difficulties faced by the student
teachers during their teaching practicum in secondary schools and the efforts they do to
overcome such difficulties.

Experience provided by teaching practicum is also seen to serve the basis of human
expertise. By practising, teachers will better strengthen their “knowing how” of teaching. A
place to practice and Reflecting is one important factor related to the teacher's experience
in teaching. many believe, is mainly intended to provide an opportunity for students
teachers to become a pedagogically more practical person by having a real teaching
experience by observing and applying (most of) what they have learned in the teacher
education program in the real classrooms with real students, teachers and curriculum.
Reflection is important for teachers to provide different perspectives about themselves and
how they work, so that they can learn about themselves more critically in terms of who they
are and how they teach. Doing reflection, can be realized in many possible ways such as
discussions, analysing critical incidents, journal writing. in fact, self-reflection cannot be
used as the only one teacher's reference to measure their ability to teach. Because if only
relying on self-reflection can make teachers feel quickly satisfied if they have achieved a
success in teaching and make teachers forget that learning techniques must continue to
develop over time.

Novice teachers experience indicated some important findings to underline. The first issue,
which is often considered to be the biggest main concern for novice teachers, is classroom
management, many novice teachers found serious problems with classroom management.
Novice teachers often spent much of their attention to enforce discipline and appropriate
techniques to control student behaviour to create a conducive and positive atmosphere for
effective learning in the classroom. Another important thing from novice teachers’
experience is that the role of creating identity. Part of constructing teacher professionalism
is creating an identity, particularly that of becoming a ‘real’ teacher within an established
school culture. This identity construction is mostly socio-culturally bound since novice
teachers do not only struggle with “the how to teach” but also have to be familiar and be
able to adjust with the school community as a whole. From the sociocultural perspective on
teacher education.
This may become an indicator that many novice teachers’ attention to linguistic content is
not as much as what is shown by more experienced teachers. Novice teachers, in this case,
tend to focus on how to manage, to control, and at the same time to please the students in
order to create a good atmosphere so that students can carry out every single task given to

The results of this study indicate that, reflection from oneself negatively affects the
performance of language teachers. If not removed, it can also have a negative impact on
their future professions as language teachers. By identifying difficulties within generating
factors and giving proper instruction to novice teachers in early teacher education can
systematically solve this problem to some extent. On the other hand, we must recognize
that strategy use language service teachers to overcome their dificulties. We must give
them the oThe results of this study indicate that, reflection from oneself negatively affects
the performance of language teachers. If not
removed, it can also have a negative impact on their future professions as language
teachers. By identifying difficulties within generating factors and giving proper instruction to
novice teachers in early teacher education can systematically solve this problem to some
extent. On the other hand, we must recognize that strategy
use language service teachers to overcome their dificulties. We must give them the
opportunity to use and develop strategies from themselves in their class during the
practicum. Teacher education programs at universities must be emphasized the more
practical side of practicum opportunity to use and develop strategies from themselves in
their class during the practicum. Teacher education programs at universities must be
emphasized the more practical side of practicum.

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