Basic Principles On NMR by Kouridakis

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Basic Principles on NMR

and its Applications on

MRI & Spectroscopy
Dr. Stilianos J. Kouridakis
Telecommunication Systems and
Applications Lab.
Department of Electronics Engineer
School of Applied Sciences – ΤΕΙ of Crete
Romanou 3 – Chalepa 73133 Chania
Email: [email protected] ;
[email protected]
Part I

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


S.J. Kouridakis 2
The principle of NMR

The following analysis is focused to

hydrogen nucleus, the proton.

S.J. Kouridakis 3
What are the basic properties of
proton for NMR?
• A proton turns around itself, so it has its intrinsic
angular momentum. We call it spin

S.J. Kouridakis 4
S.J. Kouridakis 5
Why proton looks like a magnetic

• The positively electric charged proton, after its

spin, is equivalent to a very small current loop.
• That current loop creates a small magnetic
dipole and has a magnetic moment μ.

S.J. Kouridakis 6
Approximations of Proton spin and
its magnetic moment

S.J. Kouridakis 7
In quantum mechanics we take for μ:

S.J. Kouridakis 8
What happens when a proton is
placed in a static magnetic field B?

S.J. Kouridakis 9
S.J. Kouridakis 10
• When a proton is placed in a static magnetic field
B, spins (rotates) about its own axis and precesses
about the direction of B. The precessing frequency
f0 is proportional to the magnetic field B:
f0 = γ*Β
• f0 is called “the Larmor frequency”,
• γ* is called “the gyromagnetic ratio”.
For H2 protons γ* = 42,58 MHz / T
spin never aligns to B.
Spin only precesses about the direction of B.
S.J. Kouridakis 11
For H2 protons, magnetic moment has one of two
components (states) on direction z of magnetic
field B.
• A parallel to it (μz) or
• an antiparallel (-μz) (opposite direction).

• More spins tend to precess about the magnetic

field B, with their z component (μz) to be parallel
(same direction) with the field B.
• Spins parallel to B have lower energy than spins
antiparallel to B.
S.J. Kouridakis 12
Macroscopic view of magnetization.
Net Magnetization Mz

• When hydrogen atoms are placed in a static

magnetic field B, a slightly larger fraction of
spins aligns parallel to this field B.
• Summation of individual magnetic moment
vectors represent the Longitudinal
magnetization Mz in the z-direction.

S.J. Kouridakis 13
Macroscopic view of magnetization.
Net Magnetization Mz
• Energy difference between spin orientations
(parallel and antiparallel) depends on the
strength of the external magnetic field.
• Spins parallel to B are directly proportional to
• Longitudinal Magnetization Mz increases with
the field strength.

S.J. Kouridakis 14
Building up of net magnetization,
the Longitudinal Magnetization Mz.

S.J. Kouridakis 15
Net Magnetization depends on B as well as on
temperature T

S.J. Kouridakis 16
The interaction of Mz and RF pulse
When protons are excited by an RF pulse of
magnetic field B1, perpendicular to B and having
the Larmor frequency f0 then NMR happens and:
• Longitudinal magnetization Mz precesses with f0
and flips gradually to the transverse xy plane
building the transverse magnetization Mxy.
• Actually, a phase coherent movement of spins is
imposed during RF pulse, so Mxy magnetization is
developed gradually.
S.J. Kouridakis 17
RF pulse excitation and Mz
rotation to Mxy plane

S.J. Kouridakis 18
1)Uncoherent spins give Mxy=0 (upper)
2)Coherent spins after 90o RF pulse give Mxy>0

S.J. Kouridakis 19
The interaction of Mz and RF pulse
After Mxy is built, RF excitation pulse - called
900 pulse - stops. Then:
• Transverse Magnetization Mxy continuous
precessing with f0 and slowly flips out to its
original direction, Mz.
• With a coil placed axially to x or y axis a voltage
(signal) is induced in f0 which is exponentially
reduced with time constant T2.
• This is called FID (Free Induction Decay) signal.
S.J. Kouridakis 20
Excitation of Mz with 900 RF pulse (left)
and FID signal with pick up coil (right)

S.J. Kouridakis 21
The interaction of Mz and RF pulse

S.J. Kouridakis 22
FID signal
T2 is the transverse or spin-spin relaxation time

S.J. Kouridakis 23
After 900 pulse:
Recovery of Longitudinal Mz and decay of Mxy

S.J. Kouridakis 24
Longitudinal or Spin-Lattice
Relaxation Time T1
• Longitudinal or Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time T1 is
the time for Mz magnetization to recover to 63%
of its magnitude M0 after relaxing on z axis
• Mz increases exponentially with time constant T1
• T1 is greater than T2

S.J. Kouridakis 25
S.J. Kouridakis 26
Transverse or spin – spin relaxation
time T2
• Transverse or spin – spin relaxation time T2
represents the decay time constant of
transverse magnetization Mxy, to reach 37%
of its maximum magnitude, after 900 RF pulse
• Mxy decays exponentially with time
• T2 represents the duration of dephasing of μxy
vectors from individual spins

S.J. Kouridakis 27
S.J. Kouridakis 28
S.J. Kouridakis 29
S.J. Kouridakis 30
Bloch Equation
• Bloch equation describes the magnetization
attributes of a nuclei magnetization vector M

 
       x   M y j / T2*  M z  M o  k / T1

S.J. Kouridakis 31
Bloch Equation
• Magnetic coordinates after RF excitation are

dM x / dt     y Bo  M x / T 2

dM y / dt     x Bo  M y / T2*

dM z / dt  M z  M o  / T1

S.J. Kouridakis 32
Bloch Equation
• Their solutions are given by next equations
M y (t )  e T2*
M o
x sin  t  M coso t
y 
M x (t )  e T2*
M o
x cos t  M sin 0 t
y 
M z (t )  M zo exp t T1   M o 1  exp t T1 

S.J. Kouridakis 33
Part II

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


S.J. Kouridakis 34
How an image is achieved
• MRI scanner or MRI tomographer is an
imaging system of human body.
• It is based on NMR of Hydrogen atoms
(protons) in human body, after excitation of
chosen areas (slices) with RF pulses.
• FID signals are received by suitable coils and
after amplification and decoded they translate
the magnitude of FID to contrast for every
point of scanning area.
S.J. Kouridakis 35
How an image is achieved
• Slice selection of an image is achieved by a
gradient magnetic field Gz, linearly changed
on z direction
• Voxel selection on every point of slice is
achieved by two gradient magnetic fields Gx
and Gy, called the frequency and phase
encoding gradients.

S.J. Kouridakis 36
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) –
proton density imaging example

Frequency encoding

S.J. Kouridakis 37
Image contrast

• Contrast is the difference in brightness

between the light and dark areas of a picture.
For MRI imaging, tissues with high signal are
bright on the image and tissues with low
signal are dark. Tissues with intermediate
signal are gray.

S.J. Kouridakis 38
Image contrast

• Tissues with a large transverse component of

magnetisation give a large signal amplitude.
• Tissues with a small transverse component of
magnetisation give a low signal amplitude.

S.J. Kouridakis 39
MRI of head and dependence of
contrast on NMR signal

S.J. Kouridakis 40
Image contrast
• Different kinds of tissues on human body have
different T1 and T2 relaxation times, therefore
image contrast is obtained through three
mechanisms in MRI:
• T1 recovery,
• T2 decay and
• proton density.
The image contrast depends on how we
control these three parameters.
S.J. Kouridakis 41
Image contrast

The corresponding MRI imaging is:

• T1 weighted imaging
• T2 weighted imaging
• Proton Density weighted imaging

S.J. Kouridakis 42
T1 weighted imaging for two different tissues
(fat and cerebrospinal fluid CSF)

S.J. Kouridakis 43
T1 for some brain tissues
BRAIN tissues T1 (ms) 1.5 T
Gray matter 921
White matter 787
Tumours 1073
Meningioma 979
Glioma 959
Oedema 1090

S.J. Kouridakis 44
T1 weighted image (slice) of a head. Fat is
bright, CSF is dark because of different T1

S.J. Kouridakis 45
T1 weighted imaging
• Short TR → strong T1 weighting
Long TR → low T1 weighting
• For T1 weighting we should choose a short TR.
• Tissues with a short T1 appear bright
• Tissues with a long T1 appear dark
• A typical T1-weighted spin echo (SE) sequence
is acquired with a TR/TE of 400/15 msec

S.J. Kouridakis 46
T2 weighted imaging for two different tissues
(fat and cerebrospinal fluid CSF)

S.J. Kouridakis 47
T2 for some brain tissues

BRAIN tissues T2 (ms) 1.5 T

Gray matter 101
White matter 92
Tumours 121
Meningioma 103
Glioma 111
Oedema 113

S.J. Kouridakis 48
T2 weighted image (slice) of a head. Fat is dark,
CSF is bright because of different T2

S.J. Kouridakis 49
T2 weighted imaging
• Short TE → low T2 weighting
• Long TE → strong T2 weighting
• Tissues with a short T2 appear dark on T2-
weighted images.
• Tissues with a long T2 appear bright on T2-
weighted images.
• A T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE) MR image
can be acquired with a TR/TE of 3000/100 msec

S.J. Kouridakis 50
Proton Density weighted imaging
• The image contrast in PD images is not
dependent on T1 or T2 relaxation. The signal
we receive is completely dependent on the
amount of protons in the tissue
• Short TE → diminish T2 weighting.
• Long TR → diminish T1 weighting
• A typical PD weighted spin echo (SE) sequence
is acquired with a TR/TE of 2500/15 msec.

S.J. Kouridakis 51
Proton Density weighted image (slice) of a head.
Fat and CSF are grey because of different PD’s

S.J. Kouridakis 52
Pulse sequences for NMR-MRI
Partial Saturation recovery sequence
I  ()(1  e TR / T1 )

S.J. Kouridakis 53
Inversion Recovery Sequence
I  ()(1  2e TI / T1  e TR / T1 )

S.J. Kouridakis 54
spin – echo sequence and multiple spin – echo
 
I  () 1  2e  (TR TI ) / T1  e TR / T1 e TE / T2

S.J. Kouridakis 55
multiple spin – echo sequence

S.J. Kouridakis 56
Imaging Techniques
Spin echo imaging for T1, T2, PD weighted images

S.J. Kouridakis 57
Spin echo Inversion recovery imaging

S.J. Kouridakis 58
Multislice spin echo Imaging

S.J. Kouridakis 59
Some MRI images examples

S.J. Kouridakis 60
MRI neck coronal STIR (Short Time
Inversion Recovery) image

S.J. Kouridakis 61
MRI Hips Coronal T1 Image

S.J. Kouridakis 62
MRI spine sagittal T1 image

S.J. Kouridakis 63
MRI head axial T2 weighted spin echo

S.J. Kouridakis 64
MRI hand coronal T1 image

S.J. Kouridakis 65
MRI knee sagittal T1 image

S.J. Kouridakis 66
Knee T1 spin echo sagittal MRI

S.J. Kouridakis 67
Knee T1 FLASH WE sagittal

S.J. Kouridakis 68
Spine T1 TSE sagittal MRI

S.J. Kouridakis 69
Head T2 TSE sagittal MRI (1)

S.J. Kouridakis 70
Head T1 FLASH sagittal MRI (2)

S.J. Kouridakis 71
Magnetic tomographer (scanner)

S.J. Kouridakis 72
Magnet and gradient coils

S.J. Kouridakis 73
Types of exciting – receiving coils

S.J. Kouridakis 74
The transmitter

S.J. Kouridakis 75
The receiver

S.J. Kouridakis 76
• Chemical shift is the variation in resonant frequency of a
particular nucleus. It is caused by slight non uniformity in
the local magnetic field ought to:
i. electronic shielding
ii. nucleus coupling
iii. interconnection between atoms in a molecule
iv. the surrounding molecular structure.
• NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to investigate and
extract detailed molecular information
• It is used to investigate foods, alcoholic drinks, on
chemistry, on biology, on genetics, on petroleum research
and many other applications.

S.J. Kouridakis 77
Proton chemical shifts of some
simple molecules and groups

S.J. Kouridakis 78
Some spectroscopy examples
Scotch and scotch liqueur spectrums

S.J. Kouridakis 79
Ethanol solution spectrum

S.J. Kouridakis 80
Alcoholic drinks spectrum

S.J. Kouridakis 81
Gasoline spectroscopy

S.J. Kouridakis 82
S.J. Kouridakis 83

• NMR is an important property of nucleus to

help us on modern science of medicine,
physics, chemistry, food technology,
petroleum industry and on NDT.

S.J. Kouridakis 84

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