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Camarines Sur National High School


Physical Education and Health 3: Quarter 1 – Module 3


Rodel T. Buenafe Jr.

Name: ________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________
Score: __________

I. True or False. ____________________
Direction: On the space
provided, write T if the statement is Pantomina
true. Write F if the statement is false. 3. __________________
Pantomina (Spanish for pantomime) was originally a wedding dance from the
(5 points) towns of Bicol's Estandarte and Sorsogon subregions. This dance is tradionally
performed during wedding festivities by the couple and their visitors. The
dance is still popular in the Bicol Region even up to this time.
_____1. A dance developed by
people that reflect the life of the The pantomina is very popular in the northern part of Samar especially in
F 4.of Allen and Capul - both directly facing Bicolandia. Traditionally,
people of a certain country or region musicians accompanying the dancers pause from playing the pantomina music
is called Folk Dance. to allow the dancers to wipe their perspiration. The wiping of perspiration has
become a little flirty, with the male dancer--as expected--offering his own
_____2. The Philippine national ____________________
handkerchief for the woman to wipe herself. The delighted audience would, as
5. tease
T for women is Kimono. expected, the couple (especially if the two are young and unmarried) as
doing a "love pantomime" and the musicians would immediately resume
_____3. The Philippine national ________________________________________________
playing the music. After the love pantomine has waned, the focus of the
T for men is Barong Tagalog. pantomina returns to the dance itself.
_____4. Itik-Itik is a Philippines folk Pandango sa ILaw
dance form created by imitating the Pandanggo is a Philippine folk dance which has become popular in the
F of a duck” such as rural areas of the Philippines. The dance evolved from Fandango,
wading, flying, and short steps and a Spanish folk dance, which arrived in the Philippines during the
Hispanic period. The dance is accompanied by castanets[1]. This dance,
splashing water on their backs like together with the Jota, became popular among the illustrados or the
the ducks do upper class and later adapted among the local communities. In the
early 18th century, any dance that is considered jovial and lively was
_____5. Pantomina is not an called Pandanggo.
example of Philippine Folk Dance.

The Maglalatik is an indigenous dance from the Philippines.

II. Folk Dance: A Short Research Coconut shell halves are secured onto the dancers' hands and
on vests upon which are hung four or six more coconut shell
          Direction: Describe FIVE (5) halves.
Philippine folk dances in not more
than five sentences each: (20 points)
1. _____________

Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folk dance which originated

during the Spanish colonial era. The dance involves two people
beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and
against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who
step over and in between the poles in a dance.
2. __________________
Cariñosa (Spanish pronunciation: [kaɾiˈɲosa], meaning the loving or
affectionate) is a Philippine dance of colonial era origin from the
Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances, where the fan or
handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it places the couple in
romance scenario.
Camarines Sur National High School

Physical Education and Health 3: Quarter 1 – Module 3


Rodel T. Buenafe Jr.

Name: ________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________
Score: __________

III. Essay Folk arts, specifically folk music and dance,

Direction: Answer the following embody fundamental values of great worth
questions. You can use the back of to our culture, our nation, and our children.
the paper if necessary. (20 points)
There is no better way to share time
As a Filipino, what is the importance of together as families and friends. Our job is
knowing our Folk Dances? to preserve the joyful tunes we've inherited
___________________________________ from our ancestors and to pass them on to
___________________________________ others. A group called Colerain Connection
___________________________________ is quite dedicated to the dissemination and
preservation of traditional folk arts. It is
___________________________________ very important to see musical artists
___________________________________ performing on instruments they have hand
____________ crafted, or playing vibrant melodies from
R U B R I C S 
their grandfather's fiddle. This group is all
4 point 6 points 8 points 10 points
SCO about preserving history and tradition.
Quality Piece Piece Piece Piece
of had no had little was was Philippine folk dance helps keep the people
Writing style or style or written written in
voice voice in an an connected to their ancestry and their
interesti extraordi
Gives Gives ng style nary
traditions. Folk dance helps to preserve the
no new some and style and cultural unity of the people
informati new voice voice
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very on but Somewh Very People think folk dances are important
poorly poorly at informati because they help keep a culture alive. 
organize organize informati ve and
d d ve and well- People have been doing folk dances for
organize organize hundreds of years, and there is value
d d  
Gramm Many A Few Virtually keeping that tradition alive.
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and ion and spelling, punctuat punctuati Folk dances are important because they
Mechan gramma punctuat ion on or preserve the Philippine culture and pass it
ics tical ion or errors, grammati
errors grammat minor cal errors on to the next generation. They are a
that it ical gramma
interfere errors tical uniting force to the Philippine people.
s with errors

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