QS-4-025, Issue 01, Halal Food Safety Team
QS-4-025, Issue 01, Halal Food Safety Team
QS-4-025, Issue 01, Halal Food Safety Team
# Job Role with Minimum Competency Criteria RESPONSIBILITIES Contact Number
1 Manager Quality Role : Halal Food MSc Food Science & To provide direction to HACCP 0321 - 3857699
Assurance & Quality Safety Team Leader Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio Team members w.r.t. HACCP
Control Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Study, Halal Control Points,
Chemistry with minimum experience new developments in the field
of 10 to 12 years with similar of Halal food safety , GMP etc
Designation in a Food Processing To develop all the documents
and / or Manufacturing Industry. related to HACCP study mainly
HACCP, GMP , Food Safety & Halal Process Flows, Hazard
Basic awareness. Analysis, HACCP Plan, HACCP
Verification schedules.
To ensure regular HACCP
To ensure implementation
change control procedure and
identify the changes which
require HACCP study
To identify the training needs
for the Halal Food Safety team
and provide trainings.
To provide feedback to
executive management on the
status of Food safety
Management system.
To ensure that all the plant
and infrastructure
maintenance activities are
carried out in accordance with
To ensure cleaning of water
storage tanks, machines.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 2 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020
2 Role : Halal Food MSc Food Science & To provide Resource assurance 0334 - 3207379
Safety Team Sponsor Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio to HACCP Team members
Manager Operations Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / w.r.t. HACCP Study, Halal
Chemistry with minimum experience Control Points, new
of 10 to 12 years with similar developments in the field of
Designation in a Food Processing Halal food safety , GMP etc
and / or Manufacturing Industry. To approve all the documents
HACCP, GMP , Food Safety & Halal related to HACCP study mainly
Basic awareness. Process Flows, Hazard
Analysis, HACCP Plan, HACCP
Verification schedules.
To ensure regular HACCP
To ensure implementation
change control procedure and
identify the changes which
require HACCP study
To identify the training needs
for the Halal Food Safety team
and provide trainings.
To provide feedback to
executive management on the
status of Food safety
Management system.
To ensure that all the plant
and infrastructure
maintenance activities are
carried out in accordance with
To ensure cleaning of water
storage tanks, machines.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 3 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020
3 Halal Food Safety BSc (Chemistry, Bio Chemistry, To ensure that the contractor 0334 - 2678610
Team Member Applied Chemistry Microbiology )/ and its workers follow the
Asst.Manager Quality MSc Food Science & Technology/ Bio required GMP and Halal Food
Control-Quality Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Safety practices.
Assurance Chemistry with minimum experience To ensure that all resources
of 3 to 4 years with similar required for the
Designation in a Food Processing implementation of GMP
and / or Manufacturing Industry. controls are in place and in
HACCP, GMP & Halal Food Safety use.
Basic awareness. To ensure adequate
housekeeping of the plant and
its perimeters.
To ensure strict compliance on
Sickness reporting and Visitor
Control procedures.
To maintain all the records
related to Halal HACCP study.
To coordinate with the
external labs for the testing.
To maintain records related to
Management Review, Internal
Audits, Customer Complaints,
Training records
To perform cGMP inspections
and internal audits in
coordination with the other
Halal Food Safety Team
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 4 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020
4 Member B.E Food / Mechanical/ Chemical/ To draw the process flow chart 0300-3287933
Industrial Engineering/ BS /MSc Food in coordination with Process
Shift Engineer Science & Technology Bio Chemistry / Analyzer.
Organic Chemistry / Chemistry with To perform the Hazard
minimum experience of 1 to 3 years Analysis in coordination with
in a Relevant and / or Food the Plant Incharge and Process
Processing and / or Manufacturing Analyzer
Industry. To identify the OPRP’s
HACCP, GMP , Halal & Food Safety To develop HACCP Plan with
Basic awareness. HACCP Team.
To ensure monitoring of
OPRP’s as per the HACCP Plan
To perform validation of
OPRP’s in coordination with
QC & QA Team.
5 Production Manager Member MSc Food Science & Maintain Facilities HSE and 0300-2729655
Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio Continues Monitoring of area
Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Proper Stacking of raw
Chemistry with minimum 10 to 12 material and final product
years of experience in a relevant Role To perform GMP Inspections
in Food Processing and / or Food
Manufacturing Industry.
HACCP, GMP , Halal & Food Safety
Basic awareness.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 5 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020