QS-4-025, Issue 01, Halal Food Safety Team

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Issue No: 01
Title: Page 1 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020

# Job Role with Minimum Competency Criteria RESPONSIBILITIES Contact Number

1 Manager Quality Role : Halal Food  MSc Food Science &  To provide direction to HACCP  0321 - 3857699
Assurance & Quality Safety Team Leader Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio Team members w.r.t. HACCP
Control Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Study, Halal Control Points,
Chemistry with minimum experience new developments in the field
of 10 to 12 years with similar of Halal food safety , GMP etc
Designation in a Food Processing  To develop all the documents
and / or Manufacturing Industry. related to HACCP study mainly
 HACCP, GMP , Food Safety & Halal Process Flows, Hazard
Basic awareness. Analysis, HACCP Plan, HACCP
Verification schedules.
 To ensure regular HACCP
 To ensure implementation
change control procedure and
identify the changes which
require HACCP study
 To identify the training needs
for the Halal Food Safety team
and provide trainings.
 To provide feedback to
executive management on the
status of Food safety
Management system.
 To ensure that all the plant
and infrastructure
maintenance activities are
carried out in accordance with
 To ensure cleaning of water
storage tanks, machines.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 2 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020

2 Role : Halal Food  MSc Food Science &  To provide Resource assurance  0334 - 3207379
Safety Team Sponsor Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio to HACCP Team members
Manager Operations Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / w.r.t. HACCP Study, Halal
Chemistry with minimum experience Control Points, new
of 10 to 12 years with similar developments in the field of
Designation in a Food Processing Halal food safety , GMP etc
and / or Manufacturing Industry.  To approve all the documents
 HACCP, GMP , Food Safety & Halal related to HACCP study mainly
Basic awareness. Process Flows, Hazard
Analysis, HACCP Plan, HACCP
Verification schedules.
 To ensure regular HACCP
 To ensure implementation
change control procedure and
identify the changes which
require HACCP study
 To identify the training needs
for the Halal Food Safety team
and provide trainings.
 To provide feedback to
executive management on the
status of Food safety
Management system.
 To ensure that all the plant
and infrastructure
maintenance activities are
carried out in accordance with
 To ensure cleaning of water
storage tanks, machines.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 3 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020

3 Halal Food Safety  BSc (Chemistry, Bio Chemistry,  To ensure that the contractor  0334 - 2678610
Team Member Applied Chemistry Microbiology )/ and its workers follow the
Asst.Manager Quality MSc Food Science & Technology/ Bio required GMP and Halal Food
Control-Quality Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Safety practices.
Assurance Chemistry with minimum experience  To ensure that all resources
of 3 to 4 years with similar required for the
Designation in a Food Processing implementation of GMP
and / or Manufacturing Industry. controls are in place and in
 HACCP, GMP & Halal Food Safety use.
Basic awareness.  To ensure adequate
housekeeping of the plant and
its perimeters.
 To ensure strict compliance on
Sickness reporting and Visitor
Control procedures.
 To maintain all the records
related to Halal HACCP study.
 To coordinate with the
external labs for the testing.
 To maintain records related to
Management Review, Internal
Audits, Customer Complaints,
Training records
 To perform cGMP inspections
and internal audits in
coordination with the other
Halal Food Safety Team
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 4 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020

4 Member  B.E Food / Mechanical/ Chemical/  To draw the process flow chart 0300-3287933
Industrial Engineering/ BS /MSc Food in coordination with Process
Shift Engineer Science & Technology Bio Chemistry / Analyzer.
Organic Chemistry / Chemistry with  To perform the Hazard
minimum experience of 1 to 3 years Analysis in coordination with
in a Relevant and / or Food the Plant Incharge and Process
Processing and / or Manufacturing Analyzer
Industry.  To identify the OPRP’s
 HACCP, GMP , Halal & Food Safety  To develop HACCP Plan with
Basic awareness. HACCP Team.
 To ensure monitoring of
OPRP’s as per the HACCP Plan
 To perform validation of
OPRP’s in coordination with
QC & QA Team.

5 Production Manager Member  MSc Food Science &  Maintain Facilities HSE and  0300-2729655
Technology/Applied Chemistry/ Bio Continues Monitoring of area
Chemistry / Organic Chemistry /  Proper Stacking of raw
Chemistry with minimum 10 to 12 material and final product
years of experience in a relevant Role  To perform GMP Inspections
in Food Processing and / or Food
Manufacturing Industry.
 HACCP, GMP , Halal & Food Safety
Basic awareness.
Document Code:
Issue No: 01
Title: Page 5 of 2
Dept: Halal Food Safety Team Issue date:
Quality System June 06, 2020

6 Member  BA/B.Com/BBA/M.A/M.Com/MBA  Works with HACCP Team to  0300-3055820

with minimum 10 to 12 years of ensure all food safety and
Store /Admin Manager experience in a relevant Role in Food quality programs are
Processing and / or Food developed and properly
Manufacturing Industry. implemented.
 HACCP, GMP , Halal & Food Safety  Maintains HACCP documents,
Basic awareness. databases, records, binders &
filings Schedule.
 Help HACCP Team in
conducting Food Safety-
related Trainings – assist in
development of training
programs, conducting training
 Conduct routine Good
Manufacturing Practice
compliance inspections –
conduct audits, maintain
 Conduct routine audits of the
facility to ensure compliance
with respect to GMP and Halal
Food Safety Requirements.

Approved By: ____________________

Manager Operations

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