EE-221 - Digital Logic Design: DE-41 (EE) - Syn A&B Final Project

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EE-221 – Digital Logic Design

DE-41(EE) - Syn A&B

Final Project
Design and simulate a 4-Bit ALU that performs following operations.

Operation Output / Description

Addition Output C = A+B
Status1 = Carry_out
Status2 = Overflow
Subtraction Output C = A-B
Status1 = Carry_out
Status2 = Overflow
2’s Complement Output C = 2’s Complement of A or B
of A or B Status = Don’t Care
1’s Complement Output C = 1’s Complement of A or B
of A or B Status = Don’t Care
Increment A or Output C = A + 1 or B + 1
B Status1 = Carry_out
Status2 = Overflow
Decrement A or Output C = A - 1 or B - 1
B Status1 = Carry_out
Status2 = Overflow
Bitwise OR Output C = Bitwise OR of A, B
Status = Don’t Care
Bitwise AND Output C = Bitwise AND of A, B
Status = Don’t Care
Bitwise XOR Output C = Bitwise XOR of A, B
Status = Don’t Care
Load A Load A into a 4 Bit Counter
Output C = A
Status = Don’t Care
Count Up Count Up from initial value of A
Output C = Count Value
Status = Don’t Care
Comparison Compare A and B
Status1 = 1 if A and B are equal, else zero
Status2 = 1 if A > B, else zero
Output C = Don’t Care
You can apply Inputs (A, B and OpSel) using DIP switches

Display your outputs (Status1, Status2 and Output C) on LEDs. LEDs should show result
according to the selected operation (OpSel).

You can select between different operations using OpSel input. It is up to you to decide OpSel
value for various operations.

4-Bit ALU
Logic inside this block should consist of at least one 4 bit Ripple carry adder, a 4 bit counter and
any other logic required to implement your design (multiplexers, gates, decoders etc.)

Use a 1 Hz clock from a function generator.

Your submission should include
1) A report including
o Complete circuit / block diagram
o Table listing the OpSel value of various operations
o Detailed explanation of the working of your design
o Expressions and K-map for all custom combinational logic functions/blocks
2) Working proteus simulation file

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