PBI-ITP-QA-0001 Inspection and Test Plan Rev.0

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Job No : TBA


Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./ Acceptance
Ref Activity / Description Verifying Documents PROSPERA SAIPEM BP
Required Standard Proc. Criteria
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date

A Documentation
1 Fabrication Drawings & The documents and drawings issued by Contract Requisition and Drawings, Contract Documents and drawings H R R
Dimensional Tolerance Prospera shall be submitted for Client Associated Documents Requisition and Associated Sign off ITP.
review and approval. Documents
2 Welding Procedures - Check WPS/ PQR against corresponding TBA AWS D1.1 (2015) WPS/PQR H R R
Specification and/or PQR joint configuration. WPS/PQR Sign off ITP.
- The WPS/PQR shall be submitted for
Client review and approval.
3 Weld and NDE Map, - NDT requirments shall meet Client Approved drawings AWS D1.1 (2015) Weld and NDE Map H R R
requirements Weld and NDE Map Sign off ITP
- Weld and NDE Map shall followed for each
welding activity as Client and approved
drawings requirements.

4 NDE Procedures Procedures shall be referred to Client Client specification AWS D1.1 (2015) NDE procedures, H R R
specification for structural Fabrication ASME V 2017 Ed. Sign off ITP
- MT Procedure
The NDE Procedures shall be submitted for
Client review and approval.

5 Painting & Galvanizing Procedures shall be referred to Client Client specification ISO 1461 (2009) Reports H R R
Procedure specification and shall be submitted for
Client review and approval.
6 NDE Personnel Qualification - The NDE personnel list register with valid Client specification ISO 9712 or ASNT ACCP NDE Personnel Register & H R R
certificates shall be submitted for Client NDE Personnel Register & to minimum of level 2 certificate,
review and approval. Certificate" ASME V 2017 Ed. Sign off ITP

7 Welders and Welding - The welders and welding operators TBA AWS D1.1 (2015) Welder Qualification Register H R R
Operators qualification register with valid certificates With Certificate
shall be submitted for Client review and Signed off ITP.
Job No : TBA
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./ Acceptance
Ref Activity / Description Verifying Documents PROSPERA CSTS BP
Required Standard Proc. Criteria
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date
B Structure Fabrication and Assembly
1 Material Receiving - All incoming material shall be checked TBA Delivery Order Material Verification Report, H R R
against drawing for quality, Material Certificates
Signed Off ITP
- Dimension and certification prior to

- Check the mill certificates against

materials received.
- Checked material received is identified per
project number, material identification with
metal marker
- All received materials shall
recorded and verified as received condition.
2 Consumables Receiving and - All incoming weld consumables shall be TBA Purchase Order, Material Verification Report, H R R
Control checked and maintain as per approved Consumable Datasheet. Consumable Certificates
welding consumable control procedure Sign Off ITP
3 Fit-up - Check the dimension of material shall refer Approved Drawings AWS D1.1 (2015) Welding Traceability Records, H R R
to approved drawings. Approved WPS WPS/PQR Sign off ITP
- Check the alignment Welder and Welding
and joint geometry shall refer to approved Operator
WPS Drawings
- Check the cleanliness of weld preparation
shall refer to approved WPS
4 Welding - Check the welding consumable storage Approved Drawings AWS D1.1 (2015) Welding Traceability Records, H S S
and drying shall refer to approved Approved WPS Consumable Datasheet, Sign off ITP
procedure. WPS/PQR
- Check to all welders and welding Welder and Welding
operators certificates. Operator

- Check
the items to be welded shall be specified
with drawings, weld and NDE maps.

- Check the joint

geometry shall refer to approved WPS.

- Visual inspection on welding prior

to any NDE.

6 Removal of Temporary - All temporary attachment shall be removed Approved Drawings AWS D1.1 (2015) NDE Reports, H R S
Attachment and NDE and followed with NDT (MT/PT) Approved NDE procedure Sign Off ITP
Job No : TBA
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./ Acceptance
Ref Activity / Description Verifying Documents PROSPERA CSTS BP
Required Standard Proc. Criteria
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date
B Structure Fabrication and Assembly
7 Visual Inspection - Visual inspection of completed weld shall Client Specification AWS D1.1 (2015) Welding Traceability Report, H W S
be conducted as per visual inspection Approved Drawings Sign off ITP
- Ensure all completed weld shall be NDT
as per weld map

8 Non Destructive Examination - NDE shall be performed as per Weld and NDE procedures AWS D1.1 (2015) NDE Reports. H R R
(NDE) NDE Map NDE personnel register and ASME V 2017 Ed. Welding Traceability Records,
- The acceptance criteria shall be referred to certificates Sign Off ITP
the minimum extent of NDE

9 Weld Repair - Weld repair shall be conducted as per AWS D1.1 (2015) AWS D1.1 (2015) NDE Report, H SW R
weld repair procedure Welding Traceability Report,
- Defect removal can be use grinding / Sign Off ITP
- NDE (MT/PT) on excavated area.
- Re-welding repair area using approved
- Once weld repair completed the re-welded
shall be apply NDE same as per the
applicable original weld before repair.

10 Dimensional Check - QC Inspector with Client shall monitoring TBA AWS D1.1 (2015) Dimensional Reports H SW SW
and checking the dimensional performance Sign Off ITP
shall compliance with drawings and Client
Job No : JN-PRO-MCHE-001
Project : Tangguh ExpanSION - Project Execute LNG EPC
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./ Acceptance
Ref Activity / Description Verifying Documents PROSPERA CSTS BP
Required Standard Proc. Criteria
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date
B Structure Fabrication and Assembly
11 Correction of Distortion - Any dimension with out range of tolerance TBA AWS D1.1. Dimensional Reports, H S
shall be corrected - Cold straightening may be Sign Off ITP
- The correction of distortion shall be follow used if the distortion is
Client requirement below 5%.
- Hot straightening may be
used, the heated steel area
shall not exceed 550°C
- No water quenching shall
be applied during the flame

12 Final Inspection - QC inspector and Client shall ensure all Approved Drawings AWS D1.1 (2015) Material Tracebility Report, H R/W R
requirements welding, NDE, traceability, Welding Traceability Report,
dimensional, punchlist and weld repair is NDE Report,
already finished complete with signed report Dimensional Report,
Punch List
Sign Off ITP
Job No : TBA
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./ Acceptance
Ref Activity / Description Verifying Documents PROSPERA CSTS BP
Required Standard Proc. Criteria
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date
C Surface Preparation and Painting
1 Surface Treatment after - Ensure the surface profile are meet - TBA Surface Preparation and Blasting and Painting Report, H SW SW
blasting surface preparation and coating / - Any damage on coated surface Painting Procedure
Galvanizing procedure shall be repair as per approved Signed Off ITP
surface preparation and painting

2 DFT Check - Ensure the DFT are meet the approved - TBA Surface Preparation and Blasting and Painting / H SW SW
surface preparation and galvanizing - Any damage on coated surface Painting Procedure Galvanizing Report,
procedure shall be repair as per approved Signed Off
surface preparation and painting ITP

3 Final Visual of coating / - Ensure there is no damage on coated - TBA Surface Preparation and Blasting and Painting / H SW SW
Galvanized surface - Any damage on coated surface Painting Procedure Galvanizing Report,
- Any damage on coated surface shall be shall be repair as per approved Signed Off ITP
repair as per approved surface preparation surface preparation and painting
and galvanizing procedure procedure
Job No : TBA
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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Inspection Involment
Quality Control Activity Controlling Spec./
Ref Activity / Description Acceptance Criteria Verifying Documents PROSPERA CSTS BP
Required Standard Proc.
Sign/Date Sign/Date Sign/Date
D Final Documentation
1 Verification of - Documentation to be checked for TBA TBA Manufacturing Record Book H R R
Documentation (MRB) completeness and clarity. (MRB),
Signed Off ITP
2 Inspection Release Notes - Prospera issued inspection release notes TBA TBA Inspection Release Notes, H H R
Signed Off ITP
3 Shipping/Delivery - Ensure the fabricated beam are transport TBA TBA Packing List, H W SW
as per Client requirements Signed Off ITP
Job No : TBA
Description : Inspection and Test Plan
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E Legend

R: Review W : Witness H : Hold Point

The stage in manufacturing process where inspection will review instruction/ documentation/ Client, AI or 3rd party witness inspection (requires notification). And even if the client, AI or 3rd party Prospera shall notify Client/3rd party for the inspection and shall not proceed if
comment are not present work may proceed when notified parties cannot be present as long as it is properly Client/3rd party cannot attend
recorded/documented by QC Department
A : Approval V : Verification RA : Sample Inspection
Prospera to submit documents to Client for review and approval. Works shall commence only after The stage in manufacturing process where inspector will verify the objective evidence against the
documents submitted are approved or approved with comments specified requirement. Frequency of inspection:
1. Prospera QC will be 100% monitoring the project & 100% Hold point inspection
SW : Spot Witness RI : Random Inspection 2.Other shall be based on required inspection points and upon notice of Prospera
Prospera not required notifying client, AI or 3rd party the timing of inspection/ test. Spot witness Work in process to proceed but an inspector (Client or 3rd party) can perform random inspection QC
may be performed during witness inspection or when deemed necessary. NOTE:
M : Monitoring “H” In Prospera column is intended for Prospera QC Dept.
Activity will proceed as scheduled, without advance notification, monitor activities are intended for process
verification, not product inspection.

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