Tugas 1 N.04 Maritime English: Name: Roby Aditama Nipd: Class: Ant I - B

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Please choose the correct answer !

1. The most appropriate measure to reduce the build-up of ice on containers

during a sea passage is to:
a. Reduce speed, whilst maintaining course.
b. Increase speed, whilst maintaining course.
c. Have the crew remove the ice.
d. Heave to and wait for ambient temperature to rise to safe levels

2. The most appropriate measure to reduce the build-up of ice on containers

during a sea passage is to:
a. Reduce speed, whilst maintaining course.
b. Increase speed, whilst maintaining course.
c. Have the crew remove the ice.
d. Heave to and wait for ambient temperature to rise to safe levels

3. The Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing was prepared
to give guidance for:
a. Preparation and content of the Cargo Securing Manual.
b. Securing of deck cargoes.
c. Securing of cargoes in hazardous ocean areas.
d. Port State Control Officers when carrying out ship inspections.

4. On multi-purpose vessels, responsibility for the stowage and securing of

containers is:
a. Determined by the clauses of the charter-party.
b. Provided as per advice from the Supercargo.
c. Always upon the attending cargo surveyor.
d. Always upon the charterer of the vessel.

5. For guidance on lashing arrangement of containers on-board the vessel,

the most important document to refer is:
a. The Cargo Securing Manual.
b. The Code for the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.


c. The company's ISM handbook.
d. The Stability Manual.

.6. Bulk liquid cargoes carried in flexi-tank containers are considered dangerous:
a. When the associated material safety data sheet shows a
constituent(s) listed in the IMDG Code
b. When declared as a non-hazardous chemical.
c. When declared as bulk liquid foodstuff.
d. When the shipper instructs that the container be carried on-deck only.

7. Best location to stow containers loaded with Calcium Hypochlorite would be:
a. On deck, away from sources of heat.
b. Away from reefer units, below deck.
c. Under deck, away from sources of heat.
d. Abaft the accommodation

8. Besides normal loads, the lashings of the containers stowed at the

outboard part of the deck stow are additionally subjected to:
a. The effect of wind on the containers.
b. Transverse accelerating load condition, leading to loss of GM.
c. The effect of green seas breaking over the containers.
d. Lack of support from adjacent columns of containers.

9. A heavy piece of machinery is loaded on deck of a container vessel,

stowed across several flat rack containers. The most appropriate method
for lashing such cargo would be by:
a. Taking some of the lashings to flat-racks and rest to hatch tops.
b. Taking all lashings to the flat-rack lashing points.
c. Taking all lashings to the hatch top.
d. Taking all lashings to the hatch coamings, pillars and lashing bridges.

10. A container vessel has lost several dangerous goods containers

overboard. The master must report this loss of container incident to:
a. The nearest Coastal state.
b. The Flag state.
c. The ship owner.
d. Vessels in the immediate vicinity.

11. Which special regulations cover transportation of grain on a Bulk Carrier?

a. Classification Society Rules?
b. Statutory Regulations?
c. Port State Regulations?
d. IMO Grain Rules?

12. Which of these covers the rules and regulations for General Average on
a Bulk Carrier?
a. The Hague Visby rules
b. The Hamburg rules
c. The York Antwerp rules
d. The Hague rules

13. When considering how to deal with cargo residues during hatch cleaning at sea
on a Bulk Carrier, what is the most careful consideration?
a. Check procedures and Arrangements manual
b. Consult MARPOL handbook and the vessels Safety Management
System (SMS) for guidance
c. There are no restrictions on discharge of cargo residues to sea
d. Follow actions of previous crews

14. What measures should be taken in order to avoid flammable gases forming on
top of coal cargoes on a Bulk Carrier?
a. Ventilation to be carried out as indicated in the IMO solid Bulk Cargo Code
b. Ventilation to be continuous?
c. Cargo not to be ventilated?
d. Cargo to be ventilated by opening hatch covers at sea?

15. What is the purpose of a draught survey before and after loading on a Bulk Carrier?
a. To calculate light displacement of the vessel
b. The calculate the stability of the vessel
c. To calculate the deadweight of the vessel
d. To ascertain the actual weight of cargo loaded

16. What governs the disposal of dry bulk cargo residues at sea?
a. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and
Other Matter
b. SOLAS 74/88 regulations
c. MARPOL regulations
d. The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes

17. A bulk carrier is to carry a full deck cargo of packaged timber; to what
regulations must the vessel comply?
a. International Code for the carriage of Dangerous Goods
b. IMO Code of Practice for the carriage of Timber Deck cargoes
c. International Code for the carriage of Dangerous Goods
d. Grain Regulations
e. Marine Pollution Regulations

18. A bulk cargo vessel is found to be 4.0 centimetres over her maximum loadline
draft after loading; what should be the actions of the master
e. Order the pumping out of fresh water or ballast
until the maximum allowed loadline is achieved.
f. Record a lower draught and sail
g. Inform the port authorities and sail
h. There is not a problem as over loading is permitted


19. As the SOLAS regulations “BOAT DRILL” for passenger ships should be done at least :
a. Every day
b. Every week
c. Every month
d. Every year
e. As soon as leaving the port

20. Required Performance use in English in written and oral form to :

a. Use charts and other nautical publications
b. Communicate with other ships and coast stations
c. Perform the officer’s duties with a multilingual crew
d. Understand meteorological information
e. All correct

21. Scope of cover by P&I :

a. Hull and war risk
b. Claim arising out of unlawful
c. Risk subject to double insurance
d. Liability for marine pollution damage
e. Members not maintain their vessels in class

22. Merchant ships can be also operate as Liners , means :

a. Carry particulars types of cargo
b. Do not Sail on regular routes
c. Keep sail in fixed time table
d. Sail all parts of the world
e. Sail full or not

23. Purser is :
a. Chief steward
b. Chief cook
c. The staff officer who handles the provision
d. The staff officer who handles the ship’s equipment
e. The staff officer who handles paper work and records for master

24. Stevedores means :

a. The contractors of cargo
b. The personnel who take care of the ship
c. The personnel who perform cargo operations
d. The personnel who take care of the ship’s departure
e. The personnel who preparing the ship’s documents

25. Agency means :

a. Ship’s supplier
b. A shore establishment which handles all the ship’s , while it is in port
c. Ship chandler
d. A shore establishment which handles the crew
e. A shore establishment which handles the provision


26. The manifest are :
a. An official list of everythyng carried by a vessel
b. List of dangerous cargo
c. List of ship’s equipment
d. List of life saving appliances
e. List of ship’s store

27. for following the instruction on compability and stowage , what should you do :
a. check the proper segregation of goods
b. technical names ‘re not necessary
c. IMO classs number ‘re not mention
d. Near the living quarters
e. Never brief the stevedore about the dangerous cargo

28. instruction on how to embark and behave in lifeboats / liferafts , what should you do :
a. Enter the lifeboat/liferaft when ordered by an officer/lifeboatman
b. Push each other when entering the lifeboat/liferaft
c. Never sit down in the lifeboat/liferaft
d. Do not your life jackets on
e. Take your drinking water by your own

29. The onboard management who can reads and understand charters parties, BL, MR,, we
call :
a. supporting level
b. operation level
c. management level
d. crew on board
e. passenger

30. The evening watch can be devided into two short watches as from , from 18.00 - 20.00
we call :
a. 2nd dog watch
b. aftrnoon watch
c. evening watch
d. night watch
e. morning watch
31. The agency that controls the maintenance and use of all the port ‘s facilities, we call :
a. port agent
b. ship chandler
c. port authority
d. harbour master
e. coast guard

32. A structure which maintains calm waters in a harbour and block the worst ocean waves ,
we call :
a. channel
b. breakwater
c. lighthouse
d. go down
e. wharf

33. If the charterers fail to load or to discharge the ship in the agreed lay times will be the
owner responsibilies as :
a. demurage
b. running cost
c. port cost
d. port fee
e. buyer cost

34. If the company accepts responsibility for any and all consequences arising from the
master signing BL , the company should make :
a. letter of credits
b. letter of employment
c. letter of indemnity
d. voyage report
e. statement of fact

35. At the discharging port the cargo as described in the Bill of Lading is to be delivered to:
a. the port
b. the consignee
c. the receivers
d. the ship’s owner
e. the carrier

36. The master is at all times the servant of :

a. the owners
b. the shipper
c. the buyer
d. the consignee
e. the port

37. The master should refuse to sign the Bill of Lading if :

a. the BL quantity and ship’s quantity differ by more than 0,1 %
b. the BL quantity and ship’s quantity differ by more than 0,3 %
c. the BL quantity and ship’s quantity differ by less than 0,2 %
d. the BL quantity and the ship’s quantity ‘re difference
e. so many marks on the BL

38. The night orders must address :

a. the master’s want in that situations
b. the master’s special requirements and expectations
c. the safety of the ship
d. the SOLAS regulations
e. the ISPS regulations

39. Master has over riding authority , means :

a. he may deviate from the procedure laid down in this manual
b. he may deviate from SOLAS regulations
c. he may do what he likes
d. base on the situation happened
e. he may deviate from government regulation

40. If you detect a fire or smell fumes or smoke act immediately , what should you do
a. call out “fire”
b. inform the DPA
c. telephone the owner
d. go to assembly station imediately
e. collect your personal belonging

41. For preventing fire on board we , what should you do:

a. always remember that fire is the greatest hazard aboard ship
b. always remember that fire is very important
c. always remember that fire is very useful for cooking
d. not necessary for fire drill
e. not necessary for inspected the fire detector

42. Drills on board the ship, what should you do:

a. a drill will be held to unfamiliarize passengers with their assembly stations
b. international regulations require all paassengers to be assembled in a drill
c. a drill will take wthin 20 hours of departure
d. a drill will be held if necessary
e. a drill will be held every once a year

43. Preparing for sea, what should you do:

a. close and secure the hatch cover for sea and report
b. open the hatch cover for loading
c. secure the hatch cover
d. secure the deck cargoes
e. secure all the movable things

44. Action in case of incidents, what should you do:

a. take actions based on crew list
b. take actions according to Emergency Plan
c. take action if neccessary
d. the team ‘re not ready
e. the team never do the exercise

45. Operating shipboard equipment for cargo care , what should you do
a. the equipment for cargo care should be in operational
b. the equipment for cargo opearational not yet ready
c. the equipment will ready in more minutes
d. the equipment still under repaired
e. part of the equipment ‘re not work properly

46. Taking care measures for cargo are in carrying out inspection , what should you do:
a. the hold must be cleaned up
b. the hold must be inspected by the surveyor before loading
c. the hold must be surveyed by master
d. the hold must be inspected by CO
e. the hold must be inspected by the top management

47. Safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter the following spaces :
a. navigating bridge
b. master’s cabin
c. crew’s cabin
d. engine room
e. all correct

48. Briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations, what should you say :
a. take your lifejacket
b. take your blanket
c. take your lifejacket and a blanket
d. prepare the LSAA
e. take ypur personal belonging

49. If you are going to enter the fairway , what should you say :
a. May I enter the fairway ?
b. Question . do I have permission to enter the fairway ?
c. Question may I enter the fairway ?
d. I will enter the fairways
e. please give me the permission for entering the fairways’

50. Administrations may consider that knowledge of English at a higher level would be
desirable Master and Chief Mate as outlined below :
a. Reads and understands charter parties, bill of lading, mate’s receipts,
b. Interprets appropriate endorsements on mate’s receipts and bill of lading
c. Complete a note of protest
d. Requests fuel water, ship store and spares
e. All correct

Podomoro, 5 APRIL 2021




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