Fs1 Episode 1 Vic

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FS 1 Learning Episode 1: The School Environment

Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Instruction: Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school.
Check the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are
available, and say how each and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning
and development.
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why?
Office of √ The office of the principal is Yes, it contribute to the
the located near the entrance gate students’ learning and
Principal along the road. development through where
the learners can seek advice
and guidance especially if they
have misbehaviour.
Library √ The library is combined in the Yes, it contribute to the
office of the principal. It is well- students’ learning and
organized and there are development wherein the
available books where the learners can read book/s to
learners can read. gain, acquire knowledge and
also can it be one of their past
Gymnasium √ The gymnasium is located Yes, it can contribute to the
upper of school buildings. It students’ learning and
can accommodate such school development wherein the
events/program like Parent learners can interact with each
Teachers Association other through playing which
meetings, flag ceremony and can build their self-esteem to
others. boost their self-confident in
their growth and development.
Outdoor/ / The garden is located at the Yes it can contribute to the
Garden back of grade 5. learners were they gain
knowledge in planting.
Comfort The comfort rooms are Yes, it can contribute to the
Room for common wherein it can be students’ learning and
Boys √ used by the boys and girls. It is development where the
located inside the classroom. students can feel comfortable
in attending their classes.
Room for
Others The classroom is clean and Yes, it can contribute to the
(Please organized. students’ learning and
specify.) development because it is a
stable building where the
Classroom √ learners gain knowledge.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on
the space provided.
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report
1. Describe the community The community or neighbourhood where the school is
or neighbourhood where found are friendly, kind, responsible and culturally
the school is found. aware. The community is willing to help in the school
to become better for the learners to become more
likely go to school.
2. Describe the school The school campus has fence that surrounds the
campus. What colors do school and have two gates that serves as entrance
you see? What is the and exit of the school. The condition of the buildings
condition of the buildings? are good.
3. Pass by the offices. What My impression when I pass the offices amazed
impression do you have of because it is well organized and clean also, the
these offices? teachers are very kind and approachable.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to
record your data.
Classroom Facilities Description
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays The classroom visit posted on the walls on the
classroom are the bulletin board and learning

2. Teacher’s Table It is located at the right side in front. The table is

organized and clean.
3. Learner’s Desks The location of the learner’s desk is facing the
blackboard. There are 20 learners’ desk. It is
divided in 2 rows.
4. Blackboard It is wide provided for teacher and for the student’s
stability and value of focus to learning.

5. Learning Materials / The learning materials is at the left side where the
Visual Aids students can browse or read. There is also one TV
in the classroom where the teacher can use to
project or play some videos that is related on the

Write your observation report here.

Name of the school Observed:
It was October 2, 2023 when we started our first actual observation in accordance
to our field study. I was so nervous and exited on that day. I and my group mates
arrived at exactly 7:15 early in the morning at Impugong Elementary school.
We go directly at the office of the principal for the instruction. Each one of us were
assigned to a certain classroom and observed everything. I was amazed by the
different classroom. I could say that the school lot of improvement and one object got
my attention, the old chair is still there like I was in elementary. Most of the rooms have
a TV screen to project. We went back on another days and continued our observation.

How do school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
A friendly and comfortable school campus and classroom is a quality impact
learners learning. They can focus better more likely to attend their class. I conclude that
the school has a great impact in learning, in the sense that they have a lot of learners in
school and that only shows how great is the impact of the school to a particular learning
process. The classroom are filled with thoughts, and learning that a learner can learn.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/
how does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
In relation to my knowledge of child and adolescent development, learners learn
easily if they were exposed to a friendly atmosphere and safe. They could learn easily if
the teachers uses variety of learning material and motivate them always. Also in doing
our task as a teacher I should follow the methods and techniques that are best for
learners and see to it that is effective.
1. Would you like in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, I like the school environment that I just observe because I want to gain
more knowledge and learn from the students. I also want to contribute on the
development, skills and improvement of the learners and the school.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
In my own view the kind of school campus that conducive to me is clean and
green, comfortable classroom, relevant teaching materials and interesting classrooms.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
The kind of classroom that conducive to me is a friendly room where learners are
able to sit comfortably, see and understand their lesson, as well to collaborate with their
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
In the future I’ll do my best to do also my part, make my room friendly, clean and
green. Also applying may best strategies in teaching for them to learn well.
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
Being a teacher is also being a mother. We need to be a flexible to teach the
learners, be ready any time and always show a positive to the learners because actions
can affect the learners.
Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS
Read the following carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board
displays do you see?
-it is all about the reminders

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target
viewers can see them?
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What
images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are boarders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies
and the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
8. Take photos of the display boards (if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:
Observation REPORT
As we go around Impugong, Elementary School, I’ve noticed that their bulletin boards
are only few. All of those were readable, well presented and have a good design.
They can still improve this by putting challenge questions to involve learners and
catch their attention
From among the board displays that you saw, pick one that you got most interested
in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display: Core Values
Location of the Board Display in School: Grade 5 classroom
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your
4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria N S V O Comments
1 2 S 4
Effective Communication / Very satisfactory
It conveys the message quickly and clearly.

Attractiveness / The colors and

Colors and arrangement catch and hold interest. arrangement is
Balance / The objects are
Objects are arrange, so stability is perceived. arranged.

Unity / Borders is observed.

Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders hold display

Interactivity / Very Satisfactory

The style and approach entice learners to be involved and

Legibility / Very Satisfactory

Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance.

Correctness / Very Satisfactory

It is free from grammar errors, misspelled words, and

Durability / Due to span of time

It is well-constructed, items are securely attached. that it has been in
service, some parts
are already
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: WACLIN,VICTORY
Location: Impugong elementary school
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: To give us important information.
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Its location can be seen
Board layout easily.
Evaluation of educational Easily understand by the
content and other aspects learners and faculties
and other people.
Recommendations or Suggestions for Improvement
The school may hired carpenter to repair the broken parts of board.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay out, you may present your
output through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage
My Board Display Layout

guitar m u love
I c
Confidence stress free


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

The purpose of the board display is to give information or a reminder to everyone
who are reading.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience?
Why? Why not?
Yes, the design can reflect the likes/interest of its target audience because it is
attractive and friendly colors are used and also the written ones gives the information
needed especially by the teachers to be reminded.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?
Yes, the language used was clear and simple. So that the audience could easily
read the writings on the board.

Figure 1
Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
Yes, the board display is effective because the audience are going to read what
is written or posted in there to become updated.

What suggestions can you make?

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board.

Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: Extra discipline makes up for lack of talent and a lack of discipline quickly
siphons away extra talent.

Board Title: Music Instrument

Rationale: To enhance the skills in playing music Instrument.


Objectives: To encourage the skill of the learners and appreciate the music.

Best features of my proposal bulletin board enhancement: Announced

information, skills to be practice and audience.

Content Resource (Name each needed resource and give each brief
description): Playing instrument makes you smarter and build your confidence.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement: Board, sample pictures, and plastic covers.

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
Creativity, Resourceful, Originality, and Good in communication and artistic.
Teachers need to be creative to present concepts and content in an interesting way,
resourceful to conserve teacher’s time, effort and money. Originality it is a work created
unique style. An education need good communication and must know word combined
with visual content can often communicate more than words and learners can easily
comprehend the message. Lastly, be artistic to visualize the presentation effectively and
impacts they want to create then apply those to the display.
2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I think the skill that I have already are being creative, originality, artistic and
resourceful as I have remembered in my past experiences in making board display. I
practiced these skills by making my own version of board display, I recycled some
materials and design them in attractive way.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills?
The skill that I still to improve are the good communication because I admit I have
poor skills in grammar. I should help myself by practicing and studying the correct ones
to make my self-used to it.

SHOW Your Learning Artefacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective

School Environment

Effectiveness of school environment relies on its safe learning environment

that is free from hazardous places. And it should have a clean environment to
make the learners comfortable in their studies. Facilities and resources should
be present and ready to give support whenever it is needed like the library,
audio visuals, etc. Learners should know how to respect their classmates and
teachers must be able to adjust smoothly in certain situations. The school is a
center of learning, therefore, its safety standards should be tight to avoid
accidents inside the classroom and the campus itself. Every learner should be
develop and given equal attention during classes and they are expected to
follow instructions from their teachers. A school should be well organized to
attract learners to focus more on studies

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