Submitted by:
Putri Yuliza
NIM. 160203126
First of all, I would like to express the deepest praises and thanks to Allah
Azza Wa Jalla, the almighty, the lord of the universe who has given mercy and
blessings to this world. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW,
peace be upon him, together with his family and companions who have brought the
finished this thesis entitled ” An Analysis of the Strength of Jigsaw in Teaching and
Laerning”. This thesis aimed at fulfilled one of requirements to take the examination
Syarifah Dahliana, Ph. D and my thesis supervisors, Mr. Dr. T. Zulfikar, S.Ag., M.Ed
and Mrs. Siti Khasinah, M.Pd for their invaluable help, guidance, encouragement,
motivation, and suggestion. Also, I want to thank to all of English language education
lecturers and staff who have inspired, lectured and assisted me during my study in
this department. May Allah grant you heaven and make ease your way. The most
prestigious thanks and love are addressed to my big family, the best support system in
my life. To my father and mother, Hasboh and Zainabon, thanks for always
motivating me, supporting me, giving me much love and giving strength to live in
this tough life. I also dedicate my love and thank all my beloved sister and brothers,
Yeni Sahara, M. Zul Fikri, and Miswarul Farhan for always supporting and loving
me. May Allah SWT always bestow them grace, health, and blessings in the world
Melinda, Fitri, Fani, Juniar, Wida, Alfi, Nibek, Annisa, Amal and Hadi who always
am forever thankful to all of my wonderful friends of Unit 04, TEN 2016, PPKPM
Kute Lot, PMII, Relawan Anti Narkoba 2019, Duta Anti Narkoba 2019, and Rumput
Liar who always support each other and hopefully last till eternity. Thanks for all of
my friends that I cannot mention one by one who bring colors in my life, supporting
me, and inspiring me. You guys are priceless for me. May Allah bless and reward you
Putri Yuliza
The aim of this study was to find out the strength of jigsaw in teaching and learning.
The writer reviewed ten articles about jigsaw. Based on the article, she found that
eight of them claimed that the method gives positive effect in teaching and learning,
such as increase students’ motivation and achievement and good in teaching. In
addition, two articles show that students perceived Jigsaw Positively. It means that
Jigsaw method is a good one. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of jigsaw in
teaching and learning has a lot of advantages for students, and also proved to be
positively responded by students.
DECLARATIONS OF ORIGINALITY......................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................vii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
A. Background of the Study.....................................................1
B. Cooperative Learning Theories...........................................3
C. The History of Jigsaw.........................................................4
1. Definition of Jigsaw......................................................5
2. The Implementation of Jigsaw......................................6
3. The Advantages of Jigsaw............................................7
4. The disadvantages of Jigsaw.........................................9
D. Methodology.....................................................................10
A. Conclusion........................................................................61
B. Recommendation..............................................................62
Y ix
1. Appointment Letter of
must write a thesis. But, because of the current condition, namely the pandemic
make a crowd. It’s called social distancing because this virus can transmit in
various ways such as by air, by touching, sneezing, and others. Therefore, the
authors cannot collect the data in the field because all schools are closed. The Ar-
Raniry State Islamic University also helped the final student by offering several
why the writer chose to review several items to complete her final task.
reading. Students get the information by reading some texts such as books,
is one of the crucial skills that language learners need to master. It requires a
dynamic process involving not just a physical activity but also emotional
involvement. (Dahliana, 2016, p. 83). Some people feel that reading can make
them happy and perhaps it is one of their hobbies because they enjoy it, whereas
some people are not. Many people outside there who do not like reading and feel
bored when they read. Students also felt it. So, to make reading as a fun activity
and the purpose of reading itself to get the information and knowledge must be
clear. Here learning method is needed. Many methods can be applied to teaching
reading. And teachers should adopt the learning methods to the situation in the
classroom in which one will use. But in this written, the authors focus on the
advantages of the jigsaw method. The writer must review ten articles related to
First, the writer tried to review the article of Marquez, Llinas, and
Maciasluis, which will discuss collaborative learning: use of the jigsaw technique
teaching reading comprehension. Then the third article of Amedu and Gudi about
competency. Fifth, the article from Tabiolo and Rogayan about enhancing
reading skills using Jigsaw. Then the article from Koç, Yildiz, Çaliklar and
computer animations on the teaching of "Light" unit. After that, the article from
courses. Then the article from Perwitasari, Setiyadi, and Putrawan about the
(STAD) in teaching reading. The last is the article from Harun Er, which
discusses the impact of teaching the subjects under "Science in Time" unit in the
social studies class in the 7th grade using jigsaw technique on the students'
academic success. In this thesis, the writer focuses on reviewing the article's
strengths, including explaining the article's introduction, what the article told
about, methods used to collect the data, and the final result of the article.
of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each
other's knowledge. Principles and methods for helping students work together
small group to attain a common goal” (Onaiba & Elsaghayer, 2018). The point is
that cooperative learning involves more than just asking students to work together
accomplish shared learning goals. Each student achieves his/her learning goals if
only the other group members make theirs. Then, Slavin and Davis (2006) argued
that "In the cooperative learning method, students work together in a four-
some factors. First, each student has the responsibility to master the material.
Second, when a student got confused about the content, he/she can ask their
member group, and the last is this method can create students centered and only
focus on students.
Jigsaw method was first developed in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson
and his students in the USA. It is a structured way of engaging every student by
the subject. They do this in a temporary expert group before returning to their
home jigsaw group, where the team members teach each other what they have
1. Definition of Jigsaw
strategies are one of the integrated learning methods that empower students to
participate in their learning materials, plan for themselves, lead and present
among their peers and motivate each other to learn. The jigsaw method is a
way to learn the course material in a cooperative learning style. This method
given by the teacher and have to be prepared to teach that material to the
group member. Therefore, the students are depending on each other and have
effective method. It is because the teacher act as a facilitator, and students can
work together with their group. Every student has the responsibility to learn
and teach.
According to Aronson (2000), there are ten easy steps to set up the
b. Appoint one student as the leader for each group. Initially, the
c. Divide the day's lesson into five until six segments. For instance, if
you want history students to learn about the text, you might divide
or descriptive text.
i. Move from group to group, and watch the cycle. When any party is
j. Give a quiz on the content at the end of the session so that the
students easily know that these sessions are not only fun and
In short, there are ten easy steps of Jigsaw that can be applied in
the classroom. These steps are important to know by all the teachers to
avoid teacher centered because students are responsible for their own
Jigsaw Method are: Jigsaw encourages academic success and learning for the
students. This can occur because each student is actively involved in both the
group of experts and the household group. They are entirely responsible for
mastering their text section, and this situation indirectly enhances the
they hold. After that, Jigsaw increases retention for graduates. Jigsaw
provides the puzzle activity, which means the students attempt to memorize
the paragraph and interpret it for the community members. Then, Jigsaw
increases the happiness of the students with the learning experience. The
explaining it to their home community and Jigsaw builds social skills for the
students. They are expected to switch to various classes, and at this point, they
the groups.
disadvantages of using the jigsaw method, they are: 1) require some time to
prepare students to learn how to work in groups, 2) require some time to make
groups that each group has heterogeneity in their member ability, and 3)
activity. The students need to spend their time in two groups by only learning
a text, second, many students felt lost during the practice of Jigsaw, and the
last is, in jigsaw practice, there are some students who can't handle their
reading content.
D. Methodology
The process of the writer got the articles was by opening websites or
international journal websites such as ERIC, Research Gate, Academia Edu, and
Google Scholar. The first thing the writer did was looking for international
journals on various websites that the writer mentioned before. Then, the writer
had to find an article on the jigsaw method in the teaching and learning process.
After that, the writer also saw the years of each article. Here the writer took
articles from 2014 to 2019. The writer also paid attention to the use of language in
the article, if the language used in an article is easy to understand, understood and
in accordance with the context that the writer needs, she directly chose the article
to be reviewed.
overview. The review included will help readers determine the importance of an
article without even having to read the article itself. To write a review correctly,
firstly the reviewer needs to read the article twice, at the very least. Then, it
writer read the journal article and paid specific attention to the articles’ authors’
last names or year, and its focus. After that, the writer wrote who the participants
were, and the setting was, then the finding in the article and the last is the writer’s
Review of Articles and Discussion
This chapter presents the review of articles. The writer has classified the
articles below based on the type of research contained in the article. And she also
learning process.
Concept of Physics
Problems of Education in the 21st Century, VOL. 75, NO. 1, 92-101, ISSN:
the field of education that students must also be involved in the learning
process. It means the methods should make students more active, such as
also important to encourage students to express their own ideas and provide
an atmosphere that will allow them to discuss their learning with other
students and their teachers. On the other hand, the article shows that students
science students if active teaching is used more widely and more frequently.
teaching physics subjects, taking all these points into account. This paper
can also be applied in the physical sciences, showing advantages over the
traditional teaching approach, e.g., for magnetic fields and electric fields. The
technique divided students into some groups called the "Jigsaw group," and it
also has a group called "expert group. Each member of an expert group has to
receive a topic from the teacher. After that, they will go back to the jigsaw
into two groups. Each group has 14 students who began the experiment; 12
students completed it. The other group worked according to LTA and served
as a control group. The topic studied on was that of radioactivity in the physic
The topic chosen for the experiment is part of Spain’s 2nd year
Bachillerato curriculum. It was chosen for two reasons: First, it has been
tested with a questionnaire that the average student has learned the topic.
Second. This topic is easily divided into groups and fits well with the Jigsaw
In the first step, the teacher had divided students into groups of
jigsaws. The material setting out the content of the topic was provided to each
group, divided into three sections. Every member of the group had the free
option of one section. After about five minutes, Groups of experts (1, 2, 3)
were created. Each group of experts had the initial task of selecting the most
Second and third steps, the expert groups each discussed their section
consensus (Figure 4). Throughout these sessions, the teacher checked how the
maps were being prepared and corrected details of some of them, as well as
In the fourth step, the students have returned to their respective groups
of jigsaws. The student explained the section of the topic worked on to the
others in the jigsaw community, using the definition map elaborated in the
related expert group as the basis. Then, each jigsaw group prepared from the
Last step, the definition map of one of the jigsaw groups has been
studied and discussed by the entire class. The subject's study was finalized
with the students of the control group solving the same problem exercises.
After the LTA, the control group studied the subject of radioactivity
was followed to test the Hypothesis (a). As a pre-test, the average mark each
student received before beginning the experiment was taken in the last
the subject's instructor were taken. Every element was given four possible
answers, of which only one was correct. To test hypothesis (b), the
questionnaires were completed one week after the topic was finished, without
The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney u-test at the 5% level
of significance, using the IBM SPSS statistics software (IBM, 2016). The
result of the research is the pre-test mean scores of the two groups were not
much different. Previously, the experimental group was chosen as the group
that had a lower pre-test value (an average of 4.95 out of 10). A Mann-
between the distributions of the experimental and control group pre-test scores
(p-value = 0.597, i.e., p-value > 0.05) so that the two groups can be
In the post-test, the control group underwent hardly any change in its
mean score (from 5.28 to 5.29), whereas there was an improvement in that of
the experimental group (4.95 to 5.17). However, a p-value = 0.835> 0.5 for
the Mann-Whitney test showed that between the two post-test distributions,
also useful to exercise students to take the test without any specific
students at this level are still quite diverse in facing the necessity of learning
curriculum topics.
This research has shown that students are able to learn a topic with
methodology was able to improve learning for the experimental group. Since
the students did not receive any advance notice of the post-test, they did not
make any special preparation for the exam, So that the post-test assessed the
information they had learned (and retained) from the lessons in the classroom.
In the case of the experimental community students, this means there was
more effective learning with less individual effort. The stance the students
displayed was always very positive. This was expressed in the questionnaire
by the experience.
and counseling are needed to know the theory, context, principles, and tools
In the article, the researcher concludes that the lack of the three
prospective counselors. This research was conducted at the first degree (S1)
for guidance and counseling study program students who are being prepared
accordance with the rules of learning for prospective counselors who become
Guidance and Counseling are at a low level. Here are some gained data that
shows the low level of students activities of counselor candidate are: (1) too
nice towards disfavor friends when having interaction, (3) doing the group
tasks by dividing based on the number of students and then accomplish them
by their self, put the tasks together without discussing, so that each of them
responsible for their own tasks (4) disregard toward friends that giving their
(6) busy with their own business while the lecturer is explaining the subject in
front of the class, (7) the students tend to be passive and quiet when the
lecturer is giving question, and (8) students tend to be satisfied quickly with
the answers given by fellow students that are offering the material of class
counselors, or others who have the authority to make policies on teaching and
learning. The subject of this research is the students of the Guidance and
36 students.
This work is carried out in several stages, which are the introduction
activity is performed to gain enough data to formulate the needs. The next
behavior. If the case related to the objective of learning is not achieved, then
the revision will be conducted on the next cycle. The conduction of action on
one cycle covers four steps, which are planning, conducting the action,
The results obtained in each cycle increase gradually. Cycle one shows
understood by the original group. And another weakness that hinders the
texts, and presenters cannot convey material well so that many students are
still confused by the explanation. This is what causes students to not be able
students do not realize that discussions need to pay attention to these aspects.
observation and reflection is done, showing that the Jigsaw in cycle II has
students point to each other. In addition, the weakness of this cycle is students
who depend on the conclusions of the material for lecturers, so that the
competencies is ranked high, which means that indicators are defined at the
development from the results of a thorough analysis. The revision was carried
out by the companion lecturer as the researcher on Cycle III strategy applied
material order, and at the time of reporting, The original group had each
responsibility according to the material already Order and select the leader of
the group so that the discussion is conducted smoothly by one responsible and
secretary to issue notes and deliver the outcome of the discussion orderly so
that the lecturer no longer depends on the explanation for the conclusion.
They are remembering that the tasks of companion lecturer are only to correct
which are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Choosing the right learning
the nominee counselor. The students should be able to change three at the end
nominee, while some students still have trouble in the proper delivery of the
factors such as; the advancement of industrial era 4.0 and the emergence of
the K affecting the new curricula application toward science learning based on
deep observation, the most crucial factor leading to this alteration is the lack
this country. Even based on the World Economic Forum, the Philippines took
the 55th position among countries having higher education institutions and
ranked 76th of 137 countries in terms of math and science education. This
data evidences that this country is still not well-developed in terms of Science
education, and the option to redirect the course of education system model
require a good monitoring system. Thus it will levitate the success of this
This study aims to observe the effects of the Jigsaw II method in the
each other in their own ways. This learning method is very applicable since
students might understand more about their mates' learning style as well as
giving a contribution to the success of the learning process in the class. The
boys and 34 girls with ages ranging from 14 to 17. For assembling data needs,
some tests are employed; first, A teacher-made pre-test for measuring pre-
(12 items). The data received then are analyzed using frequency count and
percent, weighted mean, standard deviation, and t-test for paired samples.
The result from this research indicates that most students in the class are in
approaching proficiency level, a medium level before the usage of the Jigsaw
6). Along with the implementation, the change occurs that Advanced level
dominated the results, and only one category possessed a proficient level,
To conclude, according to this study and results, it is clear that the Jigsaw II
learning this language. According to the journal, there are two factors leading
to this; the first is internal, and the second is the external factor.
recognized English very hard to understand since they found it less attractive
in the beginning. In fact, they solely did not arm enough vocabulary to be able
sometimes makes them shy just to consult their difficulties in learning to their
some students highly demanded direct support and guidance throughout their
learning process, especially those who are susceptible to distraction and less-
motivated to study. The effect of this failed cooperation between teacher and
parents also affect students' motivation not only in short-time but also long-
time period. Even when infrastructure and proper facilities are not provided,
Seeing those issues, the writer intends to use the Jigsaw method as a
ability to read English materials increases. Moreover, within this purpose, the
interpreting skills in English through the score students attained during the
understanding subjects taught and together are responsible for the outcome or
instrument like notes, test, and interview sessions. This also employed a
Moreover, seven encounters were used and divided into two types of
skills mostly about the narrative text with the application of the Jigsaw
method. The test sessions were divided into three categories: pre-test, post-test
results coming up; 1. Positive results, and 2. Negative results. The positive
questions and actively participate in class sessions while the negative result
work. Therefore, the writer then initiated to Revise the implementation of the
Jigsaw method in this class to improve the quality of their learning as well as
choose their mates to revise the previous result. This is done in the hope that
been surrounded by their preferred members. The result from period II shows
that the students scored better from test to test with the result gradually
the minimum score rate reached 6.5 compared to the pre-test, which is only
represented the least score that research subjects achieved before Jigsaw
method implementation.
within the framework of the “Light” unit covered in the seventh grade. Some
towards the science lesson of the students who were instructed via
Randomly, one of the schools is selected for the Jigsaw IItechnique (JIIG)
(RWPG) (n=22); and the last one is selected for computer animations (AG)
For the data collection, this research uses three data collection tools.
the acquisitions of the “Light” Unit for the seventh graders. The table of
has only 15 positive and 9 negative items (that is, a total of 24 items). Then,
Science Lesson Attitude Scale (SLAS) is a 5-point Likert type scale with a
items, 10 of which are positive while 5 are negative. These items are for
and computer animations. It is possible to say that all the methods and
students teach the topics they specialize to each other, the Jigsaw method
after the instruction in the group instructed via the Jigsaw II technique and the
is possible to say that the Jigsaw II technique and the use of animations had a
group in the reading and writing phases and had a tendency to work
Last, the researcher also finds that there are differences between the
results of the Science Lesson Attitude Scale administered before and after the
instruction in all the three groups. Hence, it is possible to say that all the
lesson among the students. However, the use of animations is seen to be more
effective in this matter. This may be because animations addressed both visual
and auditory senses, created pleasure among the students to follow the
can be employed for other subjects and units as well. In this way, learning can
for their own behaviors and learning. It is a combination of skill and will. It is
Here, the learner plan, conduct, control, and evaluate his or her cognitive,
students activate and sustain cognitions, behaviors, and affects their learning
structure within the EFL learning process and also their attitudes towards the
English course. However, At the same time, this research also tried to analyze
students‘ views on the use of self-regulated learning. The design of this study
in the 2011-2012 spring term. Regarding their scores for a proficiency exam,
both participant classes were selected randomly from 160 students whose
language levels are close to each other. One of the classes was defined as the
control group (n=20) and taught with a traditional teaching method while the
other class, experimental group (n=20), was taught with self-regulated jigsaw
attitude scale towards English Courses were conducted to both groups as the
pre-test. At the end of the study, a semi-structured interview form was used as
students who used the self-regulated learning strategies together with the
jigsaw IV group process had a better performance than the control group
learning has increased the experimental group students‘ attitudes towards the
for the unit. When the use of this technique lasts more, the increase in their
attitudes may also be more significant. It may also be because the students are
learning in their independent studies and to find out whether they feel satisfied
with their learning and evaluate their own learning. It is found that the
students in the experimental group feel self-satisfied with their learning, and
language teaching, specifically grammar. It has been concluded that the self-
adaptable to the higher education period are required for the acquisition of
environments offer students the opportunity to make their own plans within
the framework of their goals, work together with their peers, self-evaluate,
and correct themselves at the end of the process, should be organized. The
study is limited to only one grammar unit and to a specific sample. Therefore,
able to get more valid results, various kinds of studies should be carried out
levels of classes.
There are many kinds of teaching methods in class. Some of them are
appropriate method for Junior High School because this method is an efficient
responsibility of themselves and the other learners. The students do not only
learn the material given by the teacher in the class, but they also have to teach
motivate and help each other to master the subject matter in order to achieve
the students in the second grade of Junior High School. Based on the pre-
Abung Surakarta, it is found that there are some problems facing by students
when they study English, especially in a reading activity such as they have
For the design, this research uses qualitative design. The subjects of
this research are 26. The data are collected using interviews, observation, and
triangulation design. The samples of this research are students of class VIIIB
and that of VIII C of SMPN 1 Abung Surakarta in the second semester of the
The result of this research shows that there are some obstacles found
part of English. It will be difficult for students to understand the word since
they do not have much vocabulary. Besides, most of them did not have a
dictionary while learning English. Then, the second, it is found that the
student difficulty level of the text (readability). The texts which contain many
unusual words are more difficult to understand than those used every day. It
means that the books that are too difficult would be made the students tend to
difficult to comprehend the materials so they would make many errors. Third,
Abung Surakarta, the class's condition is noisy when the students tend to be
active with the materials or methods given by the researcher in the class.
their opinions. There are some factors why the students had hesitancy in
expressing their opinions as follows: (a) the students felt unconfident with
the facilitator in the class, tries to motivate them in order to be more confident
with themselves when they have to express their own opinion to others. (b)
The students tended to feel scared about making mistakes in expressing their
opinions. With this problem, the researcher also tries to motivate the students
the Social Studies Class in the 7th Grade Using Jigsaw Technique on
learning process at the highest level by putting the student as the center of
together to achieve the goals. In the learning process, based on the jigsaw
contributes individually at a high level, by taking the role of both teacher and
several courses related to science, math, and social studies. This technique can
be considered suitable for social studies course, which includes social field
research is to find out the impact of teaching “science in time” unit under
“science technology and society” learning area in the social studies class in
the 7th grade using jigsaw technique on the academic success of the students.
method where the researcher conducts the quantitative method first and uses a
data or to reduce the data. In the study, the impact of the jigsaw technique
Experimental studies are those in which there are two groups; one being
experimental and the other being the control group. The study was carried out
National Education in Bartın city during the 2015-2016 academic year. There
females, and 23 students in the control group involving 14 males and nine
average, standard deviation, and t-test using the SPSS 15 statistical package
program. Then, the qualitative data of the study was gathered after the
experimental study through the use of the interview form is analyzed using the
content analysis technique. In order to ensure the reliability of the analysis, all
of the data is separately coded and compared with the support of an expert
through the jigsaw technique has a positive impact on the academic success of
and post-test results. When the results are examined, that the score averages of
the students in the experimental group are higher than the averages of the
students in the control group indicates that students followed the steps of
communication within the group high and spent the maximum effort to learn
the subject.
student opinions about the jigsaw technique were taken after the
advantages and utility of jigsaw technique with the following statements: “it
and boring, difficult for the learner, students may have difficulty in telling the
subjects and the seriousness of the class might be ruined." The common thing
among the students who stated their opinions was that if this technique is
accepted by the student, and if the classroom is convenient for this practice, it
consideration here is that this technique should be taught well to the students
skills, and who learns to learn. Also, students learning with this technique are
knowledge as they are encouraged to learn via group study and exchange of
There are two articles below will discuss students' attitude on the
Reading Comprehension
needed. And each technique shows the difference, as well as the attitude of
students. This study aims to investigate how students' attitudes when learning
the learners. Scholars have come to the conclusion that one way to improve
questions. Taking this into account, this study was conducted to investigate
effective tool since it enables large scale numerical data to be obtained over a
short period. It can also be easily administered. In this study, the researcher
learning methods. For the purpose of analyzing the gathered data, the
respondents were allowed to rate each item on a scale of options, which were
this section. As already stated in previous sections, the data collected for this
data obtained from the survey were analyzed and interpreted using Statistical
Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19. The result of the per-
I willingly participate in cooperative learning activities. 4.42
When I work with other students, I achieve more than when I work 3.96
Cooperative learning can improve my attitude towards work. 4.00
Cooperative learning helps me to socialize more. 4.39
Cooperative learning enhances good working relationships among 4.21
Cooperative learning enhances class participation. 4.35
Until item 12 …
The results of this study show that the participants generally hold a
groups feel like they can rely on support from others, which gives them the
towards language learning and fuel their confidence. Based on the study
with non-
learning is implemented effectively techniques involve teaching and learning
Education and Practice, VOL.8, NO. 10, 29-34, ISSN: 2222-288X (Online)
2222-1735 (Paper).
learning methods are not given a priority place in the education system. From
the article, the research report shows that cooperative learning facilitates the
learning process. Students are assigned to create small groups where they
work together to maximize themselves and learn from each other. This is a
clue to a problem in the teaching and learning process. It could be that the
method used so far is inaccurate and ineffective or both. One reason why
teaching, but the ineffectiveness of the way subjects are taught and learned in
So, the article's problem is that the government hopes that students
students in the senior state of Nasarawa High Schools. The average age of
students in this class is about 15 years old and biology as the subject. The
sample for this study was taken from 179 students of SS 1 biology from three
This is to allow the researcher to obtain the schools which have the required
features needed for analysis. The schools selected for the study are:
determine students’ attitudes to the jigsaw method and how they rated the
the students who were in the experimental groups and taught using the jigsaw
Strongly agree 4
Agree 3
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree
students in the experimental class who were taught using the Jigsaw
method. This is good news because one of the big problems teachers have is a
lack of adequate motivation for students to learn. With this jigsaw method,
student said, "I enjoy working with my classmates. I can chat with them and
can ask if there is something that is not understood". When asked whether the
jigsaw method stimulated them to come to school, one respondent said, any
day that I miss this lesson is like I missed a lot because if I did not come to
school. I don't know- like today, for example, if I was not in school, I would
not know what happened today. But I enjoy coming to school because of the
Another student simply said: When you are involved with the jigsaw method,
you won't want to miss class… From the empirical results of the study and the
effective outcomes.
From the results of this study, the following conclusion was made.
Thus, it can be concluded that nine out of ten articles proved that the
C. Discussion
Based on ten articles above, it is found that nine articles were proved
the strength of the Jigsaw method. The first, the second and third articles
found that there are increasing students' interest, improve their academic
understand subject material by using the Jigsaw method. After that, the fourth,
fifth, and sixth articles point out that Jigsaw methods more influential
methods than others. Also, eight articles show that Jigsaw techniques could be
a good alternative for students in the teaching and learning process. But, the
seventh article gives a different result. It shows that there are some obstacles
useful to exercise students to take the test without any specific preparation.
The instrument of this research was pre-test and post-test. Besides, this
research has shown that students can learn a topic with ETA and thus improve
academic competency through the learning process using the jigsaw learning
strategy was successful. After that, the type of this research was classroom
action research. Then, Tabiolo and Rogayan show that the Jigsaw II method
material. This research instrument was pre-test and post-test, also individual
quiz test. Whereas in the article of Sofyan, Hasanah and Haryudin found that
the first test of the post-test was not greatly improved, then in period II, the
teacher changes the strategy. Before applying the test session, the researcher
choose their mates to revise the previous result. After that, based on research
data, it is clear that the implementation of the jigsaw method may be regarded
successful as the final result exposed that the minimum score rate reached 6.5
others. It is because students teach the topics they specialize in each other,
jigsaw technique direct them to cooperation, they can explain their ideas in a
more productive. Different from Koç, Yildiz, Çaliklar and Şimşek,’s article,
Özdemir and Arslan researched at the same time about the effect and students'
attitude of Jigsaw towards English course. After that, the instrument of this
research was pre-test and post-test. At the end of the session, six students
experimental group feel self-satisfied with their learning, and they can use
and Putrawan researched about two techniques that are Jigsaw and STAD in
teaching reading. Different from other articles, the result of this research
shows that there are some obstacles found during the implementation of
Jigsaw and STAD techniques. Such as limited vocabulary, most of them did
not have a dictionary, noisy class, and some students have no background
knowledge about the materials taught in the class. For the design, this research
uses qualitative design. The data has collected using interviews, observation,
good alternative. Because what lies on the basis of this technique is an active
skills, and learns to learn. In addition, this study uses sequential explanatory
quantitative method first and uses a qualitative method in order to support the
findings collected from quantitative data or to reduce the data. But, the thing
to be taken into consideration here is that this technique should be taught well
towards this method is needed. Farzaneh and Nejadansari show that the
probably because students who work in groups feel like they are can rely on
support from others and gives them the courage to solve problems and enjoy
learning. For the instrument, a survey questionnaire was distributed among the
participants in order to determine their views. After that, the respondents were
allowed to rate each item on a scale of options, which were numerically coded
agree). Besides that, Amedu and Gudi also researched the same thing with
Farzaneh and Nejadansari. They want to find out the attitude of students
attitude toward the methods. After that, the instruments of this research were
Thus, it can be concluded that nine of ten articles proved that the
Jigsaw method is an effective one in teaching and learning, and it has a lot of
recommendations to the future writer and English Department Student of UIN Ar-
A. Conclusions
Upon the conclusions of this study, the results were categorized into three
points; the strength of Jigsaw, this method good for teaching, and students perceived
positively. The point of the strength of Jigsaw are eight of ten articles show the
positive effect of this method, and each article found the positive results of research.
It means Jigsaw has more advantages in teaching and learning process. The other
point is good for teaching, such as teachers find Jigsaw easy to use because each
student has something important to contribute and this method can also be used for
various subjects. Lastly, two articles found the positive attitude of students toward
Jigsaw, such as students’ view and how they learned in teaching learning process.
Because this method increases students’ reading achievement and can improves
students’ speaking skill. It is very useful when working with short authentic text such
B. Recommendation
Based on the explanation, the writer gives some suggestions to the future
writer. Because of the limitation of this study, the writer hopes if there are students
who wants to write the same way like this writing, it can review more than ten
articles for deeper analysis and better result. Besides, pay attention more to the result
In addition, the writer suggests that teachers should make special preparation
for teaching in the class by using Jigsaw method. It is done to avoid time-consuming
activity, because teachers have to require some time to prepare students to learn how
to work in groups. Thus, the teachers have to master how to use Jigsaw well for better
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