Csec-Glossary of Exam Terms

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account for present reason for action or event

annotate add a brief note to a label

apply use knowledge of principles to solve problems

assess present reasons for the importance of particular structures, relationships or process

calculate arrive at the solution to a numerical problem

classify divide into groups according to observable characteristics

comment state opinion or view with supporting reasons

compare state similarities and differences

construct use a specific format to make and draw a graph, histogram, pie chart or other
representation using data or material provided or drawn from practical
investigations, build (for example, a model), draw scale diagram

deduce make a logical connection between two or more pieces of information; use data to
arrive at a conclusion

define state concisely the meaning of a word or term

demonstrate show; direct attention to...

describe provide detailed factual information of the appearance or arrangement of a specific

structure or a sequence of a specific process
determine find the value of a physical quantity

design plan and present with appropriate practical detail

develop expand or elaborate an idea or argument with supporting reasons

diagram simplified representation showing the relationship between components.

differentiate state or explain briefly those differences between or among items which can be used
to define the items or place them into separate categories.

discuss present reasoned argument; consider points both for and against; explain the
relative merits of a case

draw make a line representation from specimens or apparatus which shows an accurate
relation between the parts

estimate make an approximate quantitative judgement

CXC 10/G/SYLL 17 48

evaluate weigh evidence and make judgements based on given criteria

explain give reasons based on recall; account for

find locate a feature or obtain as from a graph

formulate devise a hypothesis

identify name or point out specific components or features

illustrate show clearly by using appropriate examples or diagrams, sketches

investigate use simple systematic procedures to observe, record data and draw logical

label add names to identify structures or parts indicated by pointers

list itemise without detail

measure take accurate quantitative readings using appropriate instruments

name give only the name of

note write down observations

observe pay attention to details which characterise a specimen, reaction or change taking
place; to examine and note scientifically

outline give basic steps only

plan prepare to conduct an investigation

predict use information provided to arrive at a likely conclusion or suggest a possible


record write an accurate description of the full range of observations made during a given

relate show connections between; explain how one set of facts or data depend on others
or are determined by them

sketch make a simple freehand diagram showing relevant proportions and any important

state provide factual information in concise terms outlining explanations

suggest offer an explanation deduced from information provided or previous knowledge (...
a hypothesis; provide a generalisation which offers a likely explanation for a set of
data or observations.)
test to find out, following set procedures

Western Zone Office

31 March 2017

CXC 10/G/SYLL 17 49

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