Afa 1 Module 5 Activities

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Module 5. Fish Capture in the Philippines

Lesson 1: Basic Classification of Philippine Fishing Methods and Gears, and

Safety Measures


Directions: Visit a fish landing area in your community. Identify the fishing gear used
by the fishermen and conduct interview on how were constructed and operated.

Fishermen Fishing Gear Methods of Operation

Used Construction
1. Mang Dodo Gillnets A gillnet consists Gillnets are most
basically of a "wall" or commonly operated
panel (e.g. 5 by 30 m) as a stationary gear
of meshes made from anchored to the
fine thread. The mesh bottom at either end,
panel is mounted with but may also be so-
reinforcing ropes on called drift-nets
all sides. To obtain a which float freely in
vertical position of the water. Stationary
the net in the sea, nets may be set on
floats and weights are the seabed, at
fastened at regular different depths in
intervals to the top the water column or
rope (float line, cork with the float line at
line) and bottom rope the surface. Similarly,
(sinker line, lead line), drift-nets may be
respectively. The size operated with the
of the meshes and float line at the
hanging ratio (number surface or suspended
of meshes per length from surface floats
of gillnet) are chosen and corresponding
to fit the desired float lines to the
target species and desired fishing depth
size. in midwater.

2. Tatay Agoy Trammel nets At first glance, a Trammel nets are set
trammel net may look and operated like
like a gillnet. bottom set gillnets,
However, while the mainly in small-scale,
gillnet has a single near-shore fisheries.
panel of meshes, the
trammel net has three
- one middle panel of
small meshes and two
side panels of larger
meshes. When a fish
comes in contact with
the net, it will press
the small mesh net
through an adjacent
larger mesh so that it
is caught by
entangling or

3. Dhoduy Handlining and The gear is simple: a In handlining the

trolling nylon monofilament is fishing line is vertical
commonly used as and is operated from
line with one to a drifting or anchored
several hooks at the vessel. Handlining is
end with bait or lures. also conducted from
the shore, with and
without the use of a
pole. From using only
a single line, the
operation can be
scaled up by using
several lines on
larger vessels. In
recent years jigging
has become
mechanised and
automated by the
development of
jigging machines.
4. Dan Atencio Longlining As the name of the The longline fishing
gear indicates, this is cycle includes the
a long line (mainline) following main
with baited hooks operations: baiting
attached at intervals - (threading a piece of
connected to the bait on each hook),
mainline with setting, fishing
relatively shorter and ("soaking" the line
thinner leader lines for some hours),
(snoods, gangions). retrieval, removal of
Depending on the fish and old bait, gear
type of fishery, there maintenance, baiting,
are great variations in etc.
the gear parameters,
such as thickness and
material of main and
leader lines, the
spacing between
hooks, as well as hook
and bait types.

5. Waway Pots and traps Typical pot shapes are Pots are normally set
box, cone, cylinder, on the bottom, either
sphere or bottle. The as single pots with a
size of pots may vary buoy line to the
from small crayfish surface or in strings
pots (conical: 0.3 m of several pots
diameter and 0.2 m connected to a main
height) to large king line at certain
crab pots (box intervals. Pot gear is
shaped: 2x2x1 m). usually soaked
The pot entrances are overnight, but longer
usually funnel- or soak times may be
wedge-shaped so that used in certain
the target organism is fisheries. The
led into the pot fairly operation cycle is
easily, but with low similar to that of
probability of longlining, with
escaping. Pots may be baiting, setting,
constructed from fishing and retrieval.
various materials like The bait is either
wood, palm leaves, freely suspended in
metal frames lined the middle of the
with webbing, wire pot, or put in
mesh or plastic perforated bait
materials. containers to prevent
it from being eaten
by scavengers. As in
longlining, different
pelagic species like
sardines, herring and
mackerel are
typically used for pot
bait, but most kinds
of fish and mussels
etc. may be used.

Consolidate fishing gear. This can be a part of operating a business opportunity.

Activity 1

Visit a fishing village. Observe the different techniques and gear employed in catching
fishes and other aquatic resources

1. Why is there a need to get acquainted with the different fishing gear used in
the Philippines?

For us to be able to maintain the production of fishes and it helps us to guide in fish
capture of what will be the gear what we use before we enter the fishing business and it
can help us to be successful businessman in the future.

2. How are these fishing gear classified?

It was classified by based on the principles of how the fishes or other preys are
captured and to a lesser extent on the gear construction gear materials used.

3. Do you think the kind of gear and the method of operation have a role in a
successful fishing operation? Why?
Yes, because the better the kind of gear, the better the operation will be. Gear that have
a flexible and durable types it can be led us to be a successful fishermen or

Reflect and Understand

Gather pictures regarding fishing gear and their operations.

A gillnet is a wall of netting that hangs in the water column, typically made of
monofilament or multifilament nylon.
Research and analyze by means of the internet additional information on fishing
gear classifications and operations. Analyze how effective this method is for capturing
or gathering fishes.

Fishing gear are classified by Passive and Active. Passive fishing gear are in general
most ancient type of fishing gears. These gears are most suitable for small scale fishing
and are, they are often the gear types used in artisanal fisheries. On the other hand,
Active fishing gears is based on the aimed chase of the target species and combined
with different ways of catching.

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