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Didactic Analysis (DA) Model Lesson Plan Format

Teacher(s): LSI Group: H1A (havo-vwo)

Date: 15/04/2024 Course: French
Duration of the lesson: 45min Group size: 29
The lesson is 2 lessons before the final test for the chapter (Chapter 5). Its aim is to prepare the students for the test and particularly for the writing part, in which they have to describe
someone using vocabulary related to physical description (parts of the body and colors) as well as adjectives. In this lesson, I activate the prior knowledge by letting students think
individually and then in pairs about a set of sentences related to the adjective, as pre-task we first play with the all class a game of “Qui est-ce?’ before they play it in pairs. Lastly, as
main task, students perform an activity called “Dessine un personnage et écris 5 phrases”, which makes them draw a character supported by 5 sentences that describe them. The goal
of this activity is to read the description to their neighbour, let them draw, and see if the drawing matches the original description.


Prior knowledge: It is the class’ first year of French. Some students might have prior knowledge from experiences (vacation, family members). In chapter 5, which theme is friends and
family, students have already been introduced to the vocabulary of physical description (parts of the body, colors, adjectives such as big, small, new, ect..) as well as the adjective and
its numerous vorms in French.
Level of abstract thinking: Students are able to demonstrate abstract thinking.
Experience with teaching concepts:
Literacy: Students can write and read without difficulty. One student has dyslexia but has a program on his computer that helps him (audio)
Autonomy: Students are able to be autonomous if given clear instructions beforehand
Group orientation: Groups are present in the class but students get along well together overall.
Norms and values : Respect & Listening to one another are the main norms and values
Motivation: Prepare students for the final test of the chapter.


- I can describe someone using simple words and sentences.

- I can understand a simple description of a person (physical appearance and character traits).
- I can recognize and apply the forms of adjectives in sentences.
- I can use adjectives correctly to describe people.

Time Phases of direct instruction Curriculum Instructional and learning Task distribution and teacher Pupil behaviour (or fellow student)
activities behaviour

10 min Opening of the lesson & - Greetings Teacher greets students by the Students greet the teacher back as
activation of prior - Presentation of the door as they enter the class. they enter the class, they go to
knowledge objectives & program their designated seat and take out
for the lesson

Whole class: Teacher welcomes what they need on their table
the students and presents the (computer, book, etui, ect..)
- Set of sentences objectives and program of the
(activating prior lesson. Teacher gives needed During the pair activity, students
knowledge) instructions before setting the learn together and keep a decent
students on the pre-task. level of noise so that other students
do not have trouble concentrating.
- Displays set of sentences
on the board. During whole class activity,
- Gives instructions students are expected to listen to
the teacher, one another and
Pair work(4-5min): Students work participates.
in pairs on the set of sentences to
find out the right form of the
adjective. If they are done earlier,
they can compare answers with
other students.

- Teacher walks around the

class, coaching if

Whole class: teacher corrects the

set of sentences with the class.

10 min Pre-task (speaking) - Qui est-ce ? Whole class: Teacher presents the During the pair activity, students
(guessing game, next activity. learn together and keep a decent
speaking activity) level of noise so that other students
- Gives instructions do not have trouble concentrating.

Teacher modelling: Teacher During whole class activity,

chooses someone from the class, students are expected to listen to
does not say who and invites the the teacher, one another and
students to ask questions in French participates.
to guess who it is. There is an
image displayed on the board with Students have a choice of level (1
some vocabulary to help the of 2) for the number of questions
students. There will be at least 3
questions asked before students

can guess who it is. Teacher does
only give answers in French.

Pair work (3min30-4min): Once

the students guessed who it is, the
teacher sends students into pair
activity, making sure what they
have to do is clear by having a
student repeat instructions.

- Teacher walks around the

class, coaching if

Whole class: teacher asks follow-

up questions to assess if key-
concepts are understood

20 min Main task - Writing + speaking Whole class (3min): Teacher During the pair activity, students
(writing/speaking) activity: Dessine un presents the next activity. learn together and keep a decent
personnage et écris 5 level of noise so that other students
phrases (sheet listed - Hand out sheets + Gives do not have trouble concentrating.
in lesson material) instructions They have the necessary material
that is asked from them (color
With the help of the slide displayed pencils)
on the board, teacher goes over the
sheet with the students and make During whole class activity,
sure the instructions are clear. students are expected to listen to
Teacher asks a student to repeat the teacher, one another and
instructions and models with an participates.
example of sentence students can
use. Students have a choice in the
number of personality traits and
Pair work (15min): Students will sentences.
begin with drawing a character on
their sheet. They have to color the
hair + eyes and let at least 2
personality traits come through for
their character. Once they have
done that, they have to write down

at least write 5 sentences under
their drawing. Next, they will read
sentences to their neighbor. The
neighbor will attempt to draw
according to what he hears. Once
they are done, they compare their
drawings to see how similar they
are. They complete the self-
assessment part at the end and
write down tips and tops of this

- Teacher walks around the

class, coaching and
offering feedback if

Whole class (2min): Teacher asks

students to share an example of
what they have written to assess if
the activity was successful.
5 min Evaluating learning - Assessment of Whole class: Teacher displays During whole class activity,
objectives + closing the learning objectives questions via LessonUp on the students are expected to listen to
lesson (for the teacher + board for the students to answer. the teacher, one another and
self-assessment for participates.
the student) - Q1: How good can I
describe someone? – They are expected to fill in the
students choose an emoji questions presented via LessonUp.
that they think represents
their ability. They should note their homework
- Q2: The forms of the into their agenda and leave the
adjective – students classroom clean.
choose what statement is
true to them.

Once the teacher has evaluated the

learning objectives, they ask if there
are still questions about the lesson.
If yes, they answer it or note them
down for next time. Then, teacher

gives homework and greet the
students goodbye.

Lesson material

1. LessonUp link:


2. Overview slides

3. Hand-out sheet

Dessine un personnage et écris 5 phrases.

A. Teken un personnage. Kleur les yeux et les cheveux. Laat in je tekening ook ten
minste deux karaktereigenschappen zien, bijvoorbeeld, grappig, gemeen of verlegen.
Laat je tekening niet aan je buurman zien. Beschrijf hem/haar daarna in ten minste
quatres zinnen. Tu peux utiliser ton livre si tu ne sais pas un mot. (7min)

B. Travaille avec ton voisin. Lis ta description (beschrijving) en français van je
personnage. Ton voisin dessine (tekent) ton personnage. Als jullie klaar zijn,
comparez (vergelijk) les dessins (tekeningen). (7 min)

C. Zelfreflectie:

1. Ik heb ten minste 2

karactereigenschappen in mijn
tekening laten zien.
2. Ik heb mijn popetje in ten minste 4
zinnen beschreven.

3. Ik heb goed geluisterd naar mijn

buurman en mijn buurman heeft
goed geluisterd naar mij.
4. Mijn tekening is klopt met de
beschrijving van mijn buurman.

Tips & tops van de activiteit:

STARR – Lesson plan


This French lesson for H1A (havo-vwo, first year) students was two lessons before the final
test for Chapter 5, it happened during the morning, before lunch break.


The objective was to prepare students for the writing part of the test, focusing on describing
someone using vocabulary related to physical description and adjectives. To do so, I created
the lesson with this objective in mind. To activate prior knowledge, a set of sentences related
to adjectives was presented to the students. Following this, a speaking activity ("Qui est-ce?")
was conducted as a pre-task to engage students in guessing a character based on questions
asked and answered in French. The main task involved a writing and speaking activity where
students had to draw a character, describe it in French using at least five sentences, and then
have their partner draw the character based on the description.


As the teacher, I greeted students at the door, presented the lesson objectives, and introduced
the activities. During the set of sentences activity, I circulated around the class, providing
guidance as needed. For the speaking activity, I facilitated the guessing game and monitored
pair work, ensuring clarity of instructions. During the main task, I distributed handout sheets,
clarified instructions, provided a model example, and offered feedback as students worked in
pairs. I ended the lesson with evaluating the learning objectives, made sure there were no
questions anymore and gave homework the next lesson.


Students were actively engaged throughout the lesson, demonstrating enthusiasm for the
activities. They successfully applied their knowledge of adjectives and descriptive phrases in
both speaking and writing tasks. Pair work encouraged collaboration and communication
skills among students. However, some disruptive behavior from a few students required
disciplinary action, and clearer instructions could have mitigated confusion during the
activity according to some students.


This lesson effectively engaged students in meaningful language practice, aligning with the
principles of student engagement and cognitive development. Hattie (2009) highlights the
crucial role of teaching quality in student achievement, emphasizing the impact of interactive
and engaging instructional methods. The interactive nature of the lesson likely contributed to
student interest and motivation (Marzano et al., 2001). By incorporating activities that require
active participation, such as the guessing game ("Qui est-ce?") and the drawing and
describing task, the lesson encouraged students to actively engage with the material,
enhancing their understanding and retention of French vocabulary and grammar concepts.
Moreover, the self-reflection part at the end of the main activity and the evaluation of the
learning objectives at the end of the lesson allowed student to reflect on their own work and
learning process. (Ratminingsih et al., 2017)

The inclusion of pair work and interactive speaking activities is supported by socio-cultural
theories of learning, such as Vygotsky's (1978) zone of proximal development. By engaging
in collaborative tasks, students have the opportunity to scaffold their learning through peer
interaction, supporting their language acquisition and cognitive development. However,
disruptions in the classroom, as observed during the activity, which may have distracted the
impacted students and others from getting the best out of the activity. To avoid this situation
next time, I will use clear and explicit instructions, as it is crucial for task comprehension and
minimizing off-task behavior (Brophy, 2006). Moreover, I will provide extra visual aids or
(even clearer) written instructions to enhance clarity and mitigate disruptive behavior
(Marzano et al., 2001).


Brophy, J. (2006). History of research on classroom management. Handbook of classroom

management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues, 17-43.

Hattie, J. (2008). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to

achievement. routledge.

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works:
Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Ascd.

Ratminingsih, N. M., Artini, L. P., & Padmadewi, N. N. (2017). Incorporating self and peer
assessment in reflective teaching practices. International Journal of Instruction, 10(4), 165-

Vygotsky, L. S., & Cole, M. (1978). Mind in society: Development of higher psychological
processes. Harvard university press.

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