Masking Liquid
Masking Liquid
Masking Liquid
What is FastMasQ? USAGE: A superior high solids-low voc latex coating formulated to save the
FastMasQ is an acrylic modified water based clear coating formulated to peel from professional time and dollars when masking off sash and trim. FastMasQ is
glass, FastMasQ may be used Interior or Exterior. designed to mask glass. FastMasQ is formulated to adhere to interior and
exterior wood and properly prepared previously painted surfaces. Use on
What type glass can FastMasQ be used on? exterior and interior bare wood, aluminum, and painted surfaces. Will not peel
FastMasQ can be used on standard tempered glass. Do not use on stained, frosted, off most vinyl frames. Will cause bare metals to flash rust. Use Solventborne
coated, etched, tinted or textured glass, plastic glass or Plexiglas. Masking Liquid on bare metal. Not intended for use on stained, frosted, coated,
Paint more.
or textured glass or Plexiglas and some types of specialty glass. Do not use on
Can FastMasQ be used as a primer on surfaces around glass to be masked? bare wood where a stain finish is to be used. Do not use under lacquer or
FastMasQ is a good primer for bare wood, de-glossed painted surfaces, dull primed products containing strong solvents ie: ketones or alcohols. Do not top coat
metal and finished aluminum. FastMasQ will adhere to vinyl surfaces so be sure that is FastMasQ with fast and hard drying water-borne coatings.
Mask less.
is used as a primer only.
SURFACE PREPARATION: All surfaces must be clean, dry and free of any oils,
What finish coats are acceptable over FastMasQ? wax and other foreign material. Glass must be clean, dry and free of stickers.
All latex, acrylic, vinyl acrylic and alkyd coatings are acceptable finish coats. Check glass for scratches or defects. Bring any irregularities to the attention of
Dry Times: The drying time of FastMasQ is important! the owner or general contractor. Clean bare wood, sand smooth and wipe off
• Water based finish coats: Allow FastMasQ to dry for 3 to 4 hours before topcoating. dust. If painted surface is glossy, dull by sanding and remove dust. If painted
• Alkyd & Water Reducible Coatings: Allow FastMasQ to dry overnight before top surface is chalky, scrub with a brush and water to remove.
APPLICATION: Since the manufacturer has no control over the surface, surface
Prepare Spray, DO NOT use lacquers or any coating containing strong solvents such as alcohols or preparation, or methods of application, it is up to the user to try a test area
the surface Brush or following label directions to assure compatibility with the surface, peel ability
ketones over FastMasQ.
and compatibility of the finish coat.
Can I stain over FastMasQ?
No, FastMasQ will seal the wood and not allow penetration of the stain. Mix FastMasQ well before using. Do not thin (for spray, a small amount of clean
water may be added for good atomization). Protect all areas not to be treated.
What type surfaces can FastMasQ be used on? Apply a coat (2-4 mm dry) to glass and sash areas. If using as a primer over
FastMasQ is formulated to peel readily from glass surfaces. (It will also peel from glossy, sash, mullions, etc., be sure the FastMasQ is absorbed into the wood. Apply by
non porous surfaces.) FastMasQ will adhere to bare wood, de-glossed painted surfaces, brush, roller, or spray (2500psi and .017 tip).
dull porous aluminum and primed metal (dull sheen). FastMasQ will bond to vinyl so use
3 Paint
4 Cut outline
around the
as a primer.
DRYING TIME: FastMasQ will dry to the touch in 30 minutes. Allow 3-4 hours
before applying latex finish coats and overnight dry for alkyd or waterborne
dulled by sanding. Surface temperatures should be above 50°F. In extremely cold areas, finish coats.
the glass temperature may be much colder than the room temperature.
REMOVAL: Using a dull knife, start at a comer about 1/16 in. from the sash.
How can I apply FastMasQ? Cut carefully into the film just enough to be able to peel the coating off. To
FastMasQ can be applied by brush (quality nylon), roller (quality lambskin with a 1" nap), insure peel ability, remove within 30 days.
or spray (airless or HVLP). It is best to apply a full coat that will dry down to 3 mils dry.
Peel off Spray: For best results when spraying, thin FastMasQ with 1 pint of clean water per
the film gallon and mix thoroughly. Using a 417 tip, spray a test area adjusting pressure and CONTAINS: acrylic polymers, polyurethane resin.
volume until proper atomization is achieved.
How long does FastMasQ take to dry?
FastMasQ will dry in 30 - 45 minutes. However, allow 3 to 4 hours dry time before IMPORTANT: For best results when spraying FastMasQ, strain the Masking
applying water based finish coats and overnight dry before applying alkyd based finish Liquid into a clean pot. Dilute with 16 fluid ounces of clean water per gallon of
coats. Temperature and humidity will effect dry time of the FastMasQ. Masking Liquid and mix thoroughly. Use a 417 tip at low pressure and spray a
test area, adjusting pressure and volume to achieve proper atomization, giving
How long may FastMasQ remain on glass before it is difficult to remove? a smooth film void of spatters and orange peel. Stop spraying until proper
FastMasQ should be removed within 30 days. In areas with prolonged sunlight and low atomization is achieved. MIX Masking Liquid occasionally during use. When
(dry) humidity, FastMasQ should be removed sooner. Changes in temperature, i.e. 20° - done, clean the pot thoroughly with warm soapy water.
40° drop in overnight temperature, will influence the peelibility of the FastMasQ.
MORE 7ofrolls
difficult to remove, wet the surface with warm water on a sponge or cloth. In colder
temperatures it may be necessary to use a hot air blower to removed FastMasQ from
cold windows.
Prepared for:
Be Legend Inc. Miami, FL