Alvidas - Science and Key of Life 5

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Vol. V.



* 1949 «•


Henry Clay Hodges
Hodges Building
Detroit, Michigan
December 23, 1904

All rights reserved


The spiritual, mental and physical condition of every

individual represents the resultant of the forces of environ
ment acting upon the initial entity or Ego, and in the forma
tion of this composite product the agencies of environment
play no unimportant part. Any attempt to analyze the fac
tors of environment will show that the sensible or apparent
manifestations are secondary results of other secondary
causes, but when the great Primary Cause, Planetary and
Stellar Influence, is apprehended and realized the problem
becomes more simple, compelling acceptance by the over
whelming and inexorable power of truth.
The pages of this volume are devoted to the elucida
tion of these influences so far as they relate to the health
and well-being of the individual or the reverse, and this
study can only result in bringing man to a better under
standing of himself. With the general acceptance of
the axiom that man is a microcosm of the universe,
interrelated and largely the result of the great primary
forces of Nature, will come to each individual a realiza
tion of the importance and necessity of a more thorough
understanding of the laws governing his physical being in
order that he may enjoy the blessings of health, and thereby
be able to fulfill the highest purposes of life'. That the
thoughtful study of this volume will assist in promoting
the consummation of this purpose is the sincere conviction
Astro-Physiology. Cognizable and Non-Cognizable
Diseases. Medical Constitution Announced in the
Chart of Life I
Organic Disease and Accidental Lesions only Occur
When and Where Indicated in the Map. Struc
tural or Organic and Functional Diseases 5
Biological Morphology and Physiology. The Body
Likened unto a Machine 9
Diagram 12
The parts of the Body Ruled by the Signs. Liability
of Disease Based upon Planetary Influences 13
Similarity of the Physical Body to the Earth. The
Soul the Receiver of the Influences and Trans
mits to the Physical Body. Element and Prin
ciple 18
The Planets' Influence in Creating Temperament,
etc. Animal and Universal Temperament a
Reality. The Relationship of the Several Tem
peraments to the Planets, etc 24
Rule of the Planets upon Physical Life and their
Period 30
Explanation of the First and Last Six Signs of the
Zodiac. Comparisons 34
Process of Fermentation. Oxygen. The Blood. The
Triplicities A2
Nature of the Signs. Similarity of Various Signs to
other Triplicities, and Effects. Nosology Defec
tive 46
Astro-Diagnosis. Relationship of Various Disorders
to which the Human Frame is Liable 50
Tonic and Atonic Forces. Remedies. Comparison
of Nativities Essential in the Treatment of Dis
ease. Selection of Certain Times to Give Treat
ment 52
Influence of Planets and Stars for Treatment of Dis
ease Through Magnetic and Vibratory Forces.
How these Forces may be Abused. Planetary
Effect Upon Drugs 55
The Effects of Vibrations and the Results of Musical
Sounds Beneficial to the Patient 62
Effect of the Conjunction of the Mars-Saturn In
fluence. Not Favorable to the Highest Morals.. 64
The Natal Conditions of Life. Nature of Diseases
Under Different Planets and Afflicting Planet. . . 70
Time for Physician to Cast Horoscope of Patient.
Consideration of Diseases in Reference to Signs.
Duration of Diseases. Some Examples 83
Continuation of Duration of Diseases. Benefic versus
Malefic Influences 9i
Critical Days and Crises of Illness or Disease. Time
of Recovery or Change for the Better i02
Effects of Aspects, Positions of Signs and Planets.
Illustrations :
Example No. i 108
Example No. 2 112
Example No. 3 115
Example No. 4 118
Example No. 5 121
Example No. 6 123
Example No. 7 127
Example No. 8 130
Example No. 9 134
Example No. 10 137
Example No. 11 140
Example No. 12 143
Example No. 13 146
Example No. 14 149
Example No. 15 153
Example No. 16 157
Example No. 17 158
The Medical Qualities of the Planets. The Mental,
Temperament and Therapeutic Properties of the
Planets. Disease, Metals, Animals and Diseases
Under Each 162
Interpretation of Different Influences 167
Respiration. The Influence of the Moon 177
The Five Senses. The Pentegram and Symbols. The
Psychical Senses. Stellar Rays of Influence 181

Vital Origin of the Physical Body. The Zodiac, One
Immense Cell. The Sun Governs the Heart.
All Life Cellular. The Dimitations of Saturn.
The Framework of Man 183
The Senses Specialized. Psychical and Physical .... 194
The Sun, the Great Center of Energy. The Human
Body Polarized. Electro-motive Force 198
Health 203
Stimulants and Tonics (Action of Medicines Contin
ued). Tonics, Tinctures, Diaphoretics and Diu
retics 212
Decoctions and Cathartics 214
Purgatives, Alteratives, Aromatics, Astringents and
Anti-Spasmodics 216
Vegetable Poisons 217
Antidotes for Vegetable Poisons 220
When to Gather Leaves, Barks and Roots. What is
Health? 223
The Variety of Constitutions and Temperaments Make
it Possible for the Condition of Health to be Very
Different in Different Individuals 225
Temperaments 227
Sleep is that Condition of the Body in which the
Senses are not Excited or Affected by External
Objects 230
Exercise and Perspiration 231
Relation of Heat to Life. Kinds of Food. Diet 233
Milk and Vegetable Food 234
Nourishment is by Quality, not Quantity, of Food .... 237
Fruit 238
Animal Food. Effect Upon Human System 240
Mastication and Digestion. Quantity of Food to
be Used 242
When to Eat and Drink. Rules for Diet 245
Fluids 246
Clothing, Bathing 248
Body Physical 251
The Physical Body. Bones and Muscles 252
Body Physical (continued). The Glands. The
Nerves 255
Body Physical (continued). Brain and Lungs 257
The Nerves, Pulse and Organic System 258
The Pulse. Organic Sympathy 260
Anger, Etc 263
Hope and Confidence. The Heart and Stomach 264
Scrofula; Absorbent Vessels; Origin of the Body.... 266
Herbs with Planetary Influence. Sun, Moon, Mer
cury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn 268
"Hippocrates, who lived between three and four cen
turies prior to the Christian era, and who has been
justly named the father of medicine, declared that a
physician cannot safely administer physic if he be un
acquainted with astrology; which means simply that in
the absence of natural first principles for guidance, the
application of remedies, however good they may be, will
prove all guesswork. Advanced students in astro-
philosophy and occult science learn that Nature never
contradicts upon one plane what she asserts upon an
other plane; therefore, if we follow the cue to medical
practice, as given by its father Hippocrates, we may
discover the compass which will guide to the path of
truth. In the meantime, let no foolish prejudice stand
in the way as a stumbling block to an effective medical
art. There is no doubt that some errors interblended
with the ancient rules of astral science, but this must
not warrant the neglect of so sublime a subject by
modern scientists, who seem to labor under a prevailing
notion that somebody has exploded astrology somewhere,
though nobody knows who, where or when.
"Whether followed or not, the fundamental truths
of Ancient Astrology remain unshaken, and are made
manifest by every natural event in each individual's ex
perience. Does anyone doubt the effect of color upon
the human organism? Is it not proved that vibrations
of color set up sensations and corresponding thrills in
the system, which become associated either with fa
vorable or unfavorable results, and are not these same
results amenable to definite law? Can anyone doubt
the effect of sound upon the human organism? The
celestial vibrations which are the root of all natural sci
ences teach the only rationale of the medical treatment.
X Introduction

We are shown that man is but a fragment or chip of

the great universe from which he is evolved. He is a
type of the universe to which he belongs, and as the
sun is the vital centre whose forces radiate and are
propelled to all the planetary orbs which form the or
gans and members of the solar system, replenishing
vitality, light, heat, motion, nourishment and every
requisite of life, so in man the Heart is typical of the
Sun or vital centre, whose forces radiate outwardly to
all the organs and members of the body, constantly re
plenishing vitality, nourishment, heat and all the neces
saries of life. The twelve primary divisions of the great
circle of the Zodiac, whence you derive the source of
physical life, are found to correspond with the twelve pri
mary divisions of the physical animal frame, while actual
experience shows and proves an absolute affinity between
one and the other.
"One of the most noticeable evidences of the influ
ence of the celestial vibrations on the severity and dura
tion of disease in the individual is shown by the nature
of the critical days which attend every acute attack, and
their undoubted relation with the lunar position. The
Moon's influence in this capacity has received the at
tention of thinkers in all ages, and is quite above the
possibility of mere superstition. We speak more espe
cially of the lunar influence for the reason that it is the
most important of all in diagnosing and following the
various cases of sickness. Success in the healing art
must rest in a great measure upon a clear recognition
of the solar, lunar forces, positive and negative, propul
sion and attraction, expiration and inspiration, efflux and
influx. These are connected with periodic alternations
which are always proceeding, and which involve the laws
of periodicity, affecting all manifestations of life. The
solar force represents the positive and propulsive; the
lunar force represents the negative and reflux powers,
while the Zodiac is the great zone from whose polarities
both solar and lunar forces emanate in producing terres
Introduction xi

trial phenomena, modified by their interplanetary rela

"It is not necessary to go into detail as to the relation
of the heavens to the practical art of navigation, for it
is generally known to what extent the navigator is in
debted to the influence of the stars for the successful
issue of his voyaging over the face of the waters, not
only with regard to astronomical observations, taken to
gain the knowledge of his whereabouts on the ocean,
but also in connection with the nature of the weather,
the tempests, calms and atmospheric changes to which
he is subjected; how signs in the heavens tell of impend
ing storms or favorable winds; how certain seasons, con
nected always with the solar-lunar influence and posi
tions, indicate with certainty the prevalence of equinoc
tial gales, variation in the tides, etc.
"To the physician and surgeon the celestial influences
are no less potent, though, it is true, only regarded at
this time by a very small portion of those who practice
the healing art, so that medical art is reduced to a mere
practice of chance. The lamentable lack of progress
during several centuries is due to this neglect of natural
first principles, for though the knowledge of materia
medica, hygiene and surgery has been greatly extended,
and new remedial agents are continually being discov
ered, the principles of treatment, involving their appli
cation to the cure of the sick, remain empirical and un
satisfactory, and in modern times as well as in past cen
turies it has been difficult, yes impossible, to find any
rational principle for a physician's treatment of a case.

in fine, guesswork, though would not do to


acknowledge this. In fact, medicine science founded


upon conjecture and experiments, and many medical

men have, during the present century, expressed them
selves in similar terms regarding their art, which clearly
indicates that the compass has been lost and that they
are on the wrong path, without clear first principles on
which to base and build up truly scientific practice,
xii Introduction

from which to derive uniformly successful treatment

under uniform conditions. Now where is the compass?
To what period must we turn in order to regain the
lost path which leads to truth? It is in this search that
gifted and thoughtful men, impressed with the errors
of old physic, have fled from its schools."

Astro-Physiology — Cognizable and N on-Cognisable Diseases

—Medical Constitution Announced in the Chart of

We now desire to consider the subject of physiology from

an Astrological point of view. It must be realized by the
student of this divine science that the phenomenal nature
to existence finds a very clear medium of interpretation
through the science of astrology, and we may term the
subjectfor our consideration astro-physiology.
To consider the human being as a vital machine, a living
mill palpitating with shuttle, and weaving the warp of
organized euplastic tissue, will provide some very striking
and most interesting analogies. Momently the normal per
formance of the physiological functions is carried on, while
the heart does not cease its systole and diastole, nor the
lungs their inspiration and expiration, combination, trans
formation, decomposition, wear and tear, waste and repair,
and this we denominate life. The organic and mechanical
action is disturbed and the result is termed disease. They
become further disorganized, and this is termed death. The
individual is conscious of disease but is not so conscious of
health. Disease is but the consciousness of disorganization.
Where there is an excess of tonicity, the functions are not
normal, the taut condition of the vascular fibres requiring
relaxation, and such conditions lead to local congestion,
haemorrhage, inflammation or apoplexy. The times that
come to the individual are stellar in their influence, and are
the exciting cause of disease, and the predisposing causes
are to be found in the radical diathesis. The proximate are
formed by the interlinking of the twain, and the individual
2 Science and Key of Life.

has in his power to detect these times, and causes, and

maladies, but no prescript to avert proceleusmatic. Mars
will perform his sectile act and Saturn will yield his ecchy-
mosis in spite of all remonstrance.
In medical pathology we may find the causes of disease
divided into the two departments of cognizable and non-
cognizable, as it has also endeavored to account for them
first on the basis of predisposition, and second, those inde
pendent of predisposition, the latter including such power
ful agents as irritants or poisons.
We may here tabulate or classify in the following manner,
first exciting causes of disease, and from this cause we have
cognizable agents and non-cognizable agents. Under the
head of cognizable agents we may tabulate chemical,
mechanical, ingesta, bodily exertion, mental emotion, also
suppressed, defective and excessive evacuation, temperature
and changes; under non-cognizable agents we may tabulate
endemic, epidemic and infectious poisons.
Now after carefully studying this classification it is
essential to understand the reason for the presence of the
cognizable agent, and this is possible simply through an
understanding of stellar law and planetary influence, as it
can be shown that the hereditary predisposition is inter
linked with karmic polarization, that the medical constitu
tion is announced in the chart of birth as clearly as is the
character, and that medically cognizable, and non-cogniz
able, the germs of special forms of organic disease are
implanted in harmony with the dominating influence of the
solar system, at the time and moment of physical birth.
It is truly a most stupendous conception. Consider for a
moment the mighty force of the Sun, Moon and Planets, to
say nothing of the fixed stars, arrayed as disseminating
forces, agonistic and antagonistic, or on the other hand
combining in some magnificent stellar song, concordant or
discordant, now chanting melodious music, and then again
intoning direful threnodies.
Here shall we find the inception of one's joys and woes,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 3

though not the real inception, for that is veiled from the
individual in his descent of the soul or spirit essence into
matter, but something which the individual must realize in
and in time represents a stage in his progress upward and
The natal chart is in fact the bookmarker that may be
inserted between the leaves of the one life, serving to indi
cate where the individual or native left off reading, a visible
token bounding the advance, so to speak, and instead of
making the statement with the many who are stranded
upon one of the many islands upon the way, who think they
have attained all knowledge and wisdom, in the place of
saying man'has a soul, it is more proper to say the soul has
a material body, for the external and objective is after all
but a projection of the internal man, and for instance, it
would not be in keeping to state the setting contains a jewel ;
on the other hand, the jewel has a setting, and as has been
said, this frame, compacted with transcendant skill of mov
ing joints, obedient to my will, nursed from the fruitful
globe like yonder tree, waxes and wastes.
I call it mine, not me, and even though we were to sup
pose the soul to be a thing by nature made to inform some
body, and that it cannot exist and act in a state of entire
separation from all body, it would not follow that that
which is termed death must therefore reduce it to a condi
tion of absolute insensibility or inactivity, which too would
be equal to non-existence.
The foundations of this subject of astro-physiology were
laid by an infinite intelligence, one the result of the other,
and the fabric of the human body must have rendered
disease almost as old as man himself.
The injuries and vicissitudes of the air he breathes, the
nature and quality of foods, the violence of external bodies,
the actions of life, the thousand and one attributes which
go to make up medical causes of morbidity, and no matter
what form of symptomatology may exist, the object of this
branch of consideration, we may say things beyond nature
4 Science and Key of Life.

itself and further there is a predisposition to broken bones,


wounds, injuries, and hurts which the wisest pathognomic

scheme fails to include.
Such happenings come not within the medical prognostic
scope. It cannot announce a diathesis to them, and would
scarcely make the attempt if it was wise; but on the other
hand just as surely as an individual is born into physical
expression with a scrofulous tendency, a susceptibility to
contagious diseases or an inclination to febrile and inflam
matory disorders, so is another to contusions and lesions,
bruises, scalds, and hurts by gunshot and sword.
In fact, the magnitude of the subject prohibits a strictly
natural consecutivity of order, and the thrums" and whims
of theory, speculation, and practice which succeed, aim at
nothing so much as an endeavor to insert the thin end of
the wedge of astro-physiology and pathology, and an
astrological system of anatomy and physiology must be
elaborated in order to define the organs and functions of
pathology, to consider their diseases of actiology, to inquire
into their causes of seneciology, to consider symptoms of
hygiene and prophylaxis, to exhibit remedies, and then
lastly, finally, the materia medica itself and prognosis.
The study of anatomy and physiology will assist in defin
ing the distribution of Zodiacal influences to parts and pur
poses by showing the sympathy of character between the
components of macrocosm and microcosm. Analogical
reasoning in this instance is undoubtedly productive of in
creased knowledge preparatory to practical if only tentative
We find that ancient and modern astrology agree in the
allocation of the twelve Zodiacal signs, of the various bodily
regions they represent, heavenly man or primordial being,
the macrocosms, macroprospus, and are reflected into the
mundane man.

Organic Disease and Accidental Lesions only Occur When

and Where Indicated in the Map — Structural or
Organic and Functional Diseases.

To continue our subject of astro-physiology. We find

that in all things, the lesser is ever a diminutive of the
larger, as a child is of its parents. One is the Majuscule,
the other the Minuscule, and in the lesser likewise exist the
potentialities of the greater, as there is bound up with the
seed a potency of manifestation according to the species of
plant whence it emanated, and in the same way we may say,
as in the original or exemplary world, so in the corporeal
If the initial letters of the Greek names that express the
four cardinal points be taken, it will be found that you have
the appellation bestowed upon the primordial representative
of the microcosm, that is on the ascendant, Anatole ; on the
descendant, Dusis; on the mid-heaven, Arktos; and on the
Nadir, Misembria; thus ADAM.
It is reasonable to assume that the celestial signs should
mark out the regions of human anatomy, as well as the
physiological functions in some decisive manner, otherwise
astro diagnosis would be a failure complete and unprevari-
cating. This is true in the fact that it is possible to estab
lish a system. To be sure, the student must very soon
perceive the origin of disease to be physical, although ex
hibiting apparently a secondary or consecutive cause of a
physical nature, and Nature has apparently conspired to
produce a basis of proximately tangible quality, seemingly
in order to prevent the over-balancing of the mental facul
6 Science and Key of Life.

ties, or to render the individual pleased with his intellect in

detecting such basis; and still, inconsistent as it may seem
at first sight, the real study must lie in the plains beyond
the mountains of sub-lunar cause and effect, as it must be
the effort of the student to get the primary, and not the
secondary cause, as for instance the eruption of minute
vesicles in miliaris sudatoria, or sweating miliaris, yet quite
frequently these may not attend the progress of the fever
at all, and more particularly when in the epidemic form.
Then again it will be found true, and never failing, that
organic disease is never seated in that part of the physical
body ruled by an unafflicted sign in the natal figure of
birth, or in the revolutionary figure or progressive map.
Nor do accidental lesions occur, except when and where
indicated in the figure.
Now our cynical or skeptical friend desires to know some
thing of the virtues of poisons, whether a minute quantity
of strychnine dexterously placed in a glass of water or
wine, would not have its effect upon an individual, or
whether it would have as little baneful effect as upon
Mithridates the Sixth, who was supposed to have a poison-
proof constitution. In the case of this or that particular
individual, it would not do to say it might not have a toxi-
cological diathesis thereto, but this is not the point.
It was a necessary part of the great scheme that inani
mate and inorganic substances should, if not exactly possess
a horoscope, they would come under planetary law and rule,
and substances in the nature of strychnine and sugar, belong
to different astro classes, and herein is the solution. An
individual comes into physical expression with a silently
announced character of terminis vitae, in which is involved
an inherent tendency or allurement to the absorption of the
substance which is calculated fixed or fated, as we may say,
to cast, or exert, a deadly effect upon his physical form at a
proper and given time. The vital powers are compelled to
maintain a constant struggle with powers to which inani
mate objects are also subject. The individual is ever in
Planetary Influences, Etc. 7

conflict with the universal and thus has arisen the denomi
nation of good and evil stars.
In man's brief existence in the mortal expression, he only
has an ephemeral possession of immutability, so to speak,
at any one time, but still he makes many entries in the large
day book, many carryings forward, sometimes an occasional
checking up, and in the final a balancing of all; though at
the same time, if the soul did not serve for the repository
of the psychic stellar influence, there are also the static
hydraulic phenomena to contend against, to say nothing of
other sub-lunar vibrations emanating from the great fields
of planetary activity, all for the purpose of establishing
their own influence for the equalization and perfecting of
the human race ; and while there may not be any perceptible
energy outgoing for the counteracting of such action when
the body is in a physicaly healthy condition, on the other
hand, if there be a displacement of the common center, a
disarrangement of the functions and a change in the vital
forces, or the channel of its coming in harmonious mani
festation becomes clogged by the dark, heavy clouds, then
indeed it will be brought most forcibly to the notice of the
physical senses, and there is no question but the seemingly
trifling and unimportant manifestations in nature that have
developed the greatest power, force and energy in the
progress of the human race.
It is certain that the lesser events in the life that are lost
sight of in the midst of seemingly great events are often
found to be the real factors in the evolution of the indi
vidual, and serve to bring about the changes that mean so
much to his further advance. Who, for instance, would
have argued without certain conviction that the very
feature distinguishing mankind from the animal, the
possession of the highest form, that is, the faculties of
reason should really for the same upon the
be dependent
lesser of all the planets proper? It
has already been shown
that the natural performance of each function results in
what is termed good health, and disease can only be known
8 Science and Key of Life.

by referring to, and comparing it with the standard of

health, the various structures being related, as well to the
outer agents as to themselves, and that which is conducive
to their well-being and permanency must be sought for.
Wherever there is a change from the normal chemical or
mechanical structure, there ensues a condition termed

disease, and this may be of two classes, that structural
or organic and functional.
Take the vital organs, the heart, for instance palpitation,

angina pectora, syncope would be termed types of func
tional disease, while dilation of the cavities, hypertrophy,
would be termed structural. The agent or apparatus by
which an action performed termed an organ, and the

action itself the function. This important to keep in


mind in the further consideration of the subject.

Life itself made up of changes. There the genera

tion and destruction of tissue, and to be considered as

separate and distinct from the matter into which re

ceived, and through which its actions are produced.

may then be considered as the primary cause, by the energy
which various species of matter are converted into one kind,
under one system, so that the matter thus converted pos
sesses the power of resisting the operation of external
causes and of preserving itself from putrifying and de

Biological Morphology and Physiology — The Body Likened

unto a Machine.

We find the science of organic life denominated Biologi

cal Morphology, and functional life as Biological Physiol
ogy. This gives two series to develop, and we may first
study the morphological relation and disposition of parts,
as we may in the apparatus of a steam engine, admiring its
intricacy and marking its wonderful location and distribu
tion of parts, and may then begin to associate them, and un
ravel, not only their specific offices but their interrelation,
combined economy, etc.
We may consider man as a vital machine, or as a com
monwealth or body politic, in which each person is repre
sented by an organ, and each duty compared to a function,
and when each fulfills his task in an unselfish manner, the
labor of the whole is lightened ; but on the other hand let
there be an attempt at self-encroachment upon others' rights
and privileges, and a disturbance takes place immediately
by which the whole is affected in some degree, just as when
aneurism in the arch of the aorta causes the larynx and
trachea to deviate from their normal positions.
We find that the term Body is taken from the Belgic
Boode, interpreted signifies a cover, the tabernacle or abid
ing place of the soul, and we find that the physical body is
made up of matter particles, that are arranged in such
manner as to present a seemingly solid front, but at the
same time are movable and changeable in their nature. It
is the general conclusion that the physical form is posited
in contradistinction to the spiritual form, but we find in

10 Science and Key of Life.

fact, that the two are really made up of different gradations

of matter, matter that is in different states of vibration.
As we have considered heretofore, the physical form
being in a very slow rate of vibration, while the spiritual
form or body is in a rapid or high state of vibration, and in
the ancient writings we find the following conclusions on
this subject among an infinite number of properties, all
equally contained in the nature of being. The individual is
ofttimes affected by their mobility, extension, solidity, figure
and color, in which case it is termed body or matter, and to
continue at times, moving force is added to the power and
this constitutes what may be termed living beings. Then,
too, at times it may be considered as being possessed with
sense, will and understanding, and in such case it may be
allowed a soul, mind or spirit.
The form of the soul itself has ofttimes been discussed,
some holding that the soul has not the form of the human
body itself, and that instead of the animal life depending
upon the soul, for the reason of its ceasing to exist when
the soul is separated, on the contrary, the continuance of
the soul depends entirely upon the state of the body, the
former never quitting the latter until its economy or order
is interrupted.
This subject we have considered heretofore, and realize
that the soul is the divine essence that imbues the form with
life, knowledge, animation and power to act.
When the human body is considered with regard to the
various voluntary motions it is capable of performing, it
constitutes an assemblage of an infinite number of levers
drawn by cords, and when considered with regard to the
motion of the fluids it contains, it is another assemblage of
an infinite number of tubes and hydraulic machines, and
once again, if considered with regard to the generation of
these same fluids, it is then another infinite number of
chemical instruments and vessels, filters, alembics, recipients,
etc. The brain may be said to be the gauge, the heart the
Planetary Influences, Etc. ii
piston, the lungs the bellows, the mouth a millstone, the
teeth the pestles, the stomach the press, the intestines the
reservoir, the vessels the sieves or strainers, and the air a
pondus or spring which sets the machine in motion.
Science and Key of Life.

The Parts of the Body Ruled by the Signs — Liability of

Disease Based upon Planetary Influences.

In aconsideration of the parts of the body ruled by the

signs, we may say Aries rules the head, though as we have
stated heretofore, there may be subdivisions made, dividing
each part as ruled by the twelve signs proper into twelve
divisions. The part ruled by Aries is down at the termina
tion of the occipital portion of the cranium, behind and just
below the lower maxillary in front. Gemini may be con
sidered to rule the arms, shoulders and hands. Cancer has
rule over the chest cavity, the breasts and epigastric region.
Leo rules the heart, the loins and back, while Virgo has rule
over the abdomen and umbilical region. Libra rules the
kidneys, the veins, the right and left lumbar region, Scorpio
the secrets, Sagittarius the hips and thighs, Capricorn the
knees, patilla and ligaments. Aquarius the calves and ankles,
and Pisces the feet. This division of the human body is
accepted as the true one, although when the ten signs were
used the parts of the body coming under the domain of
signs merged in one, also came under that influence.

i4 Science and Key of Life

Ofcourse, interiorly we have Taurus governing the

larynx, the throat, etc., while Gemini rules the lungs, Cancer
the stomach, Leo the heart, Libra the kidneys, certain parts
connected with the uterus; Capricorn also has rule to a
certain degree of the skin, and Aquarius of the blood.
It may seem strange to some that the Zodiacal circle
should thus be divided up and applied to a straight body,
and that a geometrical figure assumed to be without be
ginning or end, should become a reservoir of forces irri
gating the human system. Let it be stated as head and
Now the question of material or physical form must not
be allowed to blind the eyes to metaphysical relationship;
neither does it abrogate such connections, and besides there
is a real physical association as we have already learned.
The serpent, the symbol of wisdom, has been taken as the
most complete animal, likeness to, and symbolic of the

eternal zodiac without beginning or end, that when
represented with tail in mouth, and has been taken as such
by all students in modern times, at least generally. How
ever, the proper type and representation isthe child in the
womb, with the head and feet in close proximity, just as
they are in the macrocosmus, Aries ruling the head, follow
ing Pisces the feet.
Much has been written and stated with regard to the
proper designation of the organs and functions of the
human body, as well as the pathological elements, but they
have not as yet been assigned to their proper Zodiacal
places, and may be seen that Astro diagnosis uncertain

in association with their marked aspects, as for instance,

there has been no allocation made of the thyroid gland, the
thymus pancreas, the medulla oblongata, the capsulae ren-
alis, the portal vein, and many other important functions,
and also, how possible to distinguish between diseases

of different parts of the same organ, and for instance, let

us consider the diseases of the texture associated with the

respiratory organs, that the emphysema vesiculare, and

Planetary Influences, Etc. 15

empysema interlobulare. In the first we have a morbid

condition of the peripheral portion of the lungs, consisting
of a permanent dilation of the pulmonary vesicles; in the
last, it consists, in an accumulation of air in the cellular
interstices of the pulmonary lobules, and both may be com
prehended under the term pulmonary emphysema. Still it
will be found by investigation that there are two seats of
action indicated.
We may take the heart for instance in the same consid
eration as regards diagnosis from the Zodiacal influence,
and may realize how easily the valvular diseases detected
by auscultation may be confounded with other abnormal
cardiac condition, unless it is possible to distinguish between
the influence of the sign Leo, and other Zodiacal influences
that have their natural influence, as well as the separation
of the sign Leo itself into its various parts in the miniature
world of humanity, and it must in fact, be possible to disin
tegrate in the twelve signs of the Zodiac the right auricle
from the left ventricle, the nervous ganglion from the mus
cular papillarius, etc.
In the consideration of the liability to disease, which is
but a perfectly natural condition, we may consider to be in
the main based upon the influence of signs, planets and
stars, as found at the moment of physical expression, and
as taken from their progressive movements and transits in
the natal chart. As to the truth of this statement we have
considered this matter heretofore, but it is the desire to
make more clear the precise truth of this statement.
Naturally hereditary conditions must be considered, but
this can really be but secondary in its influence upon the
child, as it can be daily demonstrated that hereditary ten
dencies do not enter whatever as a solution to certain
conditions of physical bodies to be found here and there,
such as form, disease, disposition, etc.
Now it has been argued among philosophers, whether
and how the casualty is distinguished from the cause and
effect, some holding it to be a mode of modal entity, super
16 Science and Key of Life.

added to the cause, and still others holding for its being
the cause itself and only considered principiative and ter-
minative, though whenever the subject is considered in a
medical sense, that which produces the disease is held to
be the cause, and this operates either by inducing a new
state or condition of the solids and fluids, or by taking away
or removing something, as an ulceration, which is absolutely
requisite to the natural exercise and operation of some
function ; and if a cause pre-existed in a certain measure
within the physical before the effect is produced, it is
denominated an internal cause, but if it existed out of the
physical body, and by its application to it produced, it is
then external.
We may consider that disease to the physical form is
shown by the natal chart at birth, but it may not necessarily
manifest at the time of birth, for it will be dormant until
it is brought into manifestation by planetary influences ; that
for instance, we find in natal chart the sign Leo upon

the cusp, and holding the major control of the sixth house,
while the Sun receiving the square or malefic aspect of

Mars or Saturn, and one of these posited in the sign


Scorpio. Then considering that the Sun was in Leo at

birth, would be found that as the Sun progressed onward

to the conjunction of Saturn or Mars in Scorpio, the influ

ence would become more aggravated, though not necessarily
fatal, unless other influences assisted to intensify the diffi
culty, which would naturally be some disease of the heart.
Thus the disease to the heart would become more pro
nounced as the Sun advanced onward in its progressive
will found that the constitutional predisposition can

be determined from careful judgment of the natal chart,

and the attacks from combination of the directional arcs


as found in the figure, and these predisponents to our

attacks, whether functional or structural, can easily be
traced to tangible causes, that is, in so far as physiology
and pathology are concerned and even though recurrence
Planteary Influences, Etc. 17

of any future attack may be demonstrated, from the fact of

there occurring, some change in the structure of the physical
body, such as irritation, lesion or obstruction, morbid accu
mulation, etc., the exact times of such attacks can only be
ascertained by a most careful study and judgment of the
progressive movements of the planets or significators in the
figure, for we will soon discover that there is nothing takes
place in the great fields of phenomena that is accidental, or
that may be considered as a law of chance. On the other
hand it only comes into expression after a series of minor
expressions, according to the intensity of the phenomena.
The fact that the results manifesting in the life of the

individual are determined by the natal chart, and this under

stood, the native then in position to act along lines of

self-protection from such tendencies as are shown in the

birth figure, and through all these various expressions from
the natal chart, will be found that certain classes of causes

possess sympathy with particular stellar bodies.

it a

Thus will be found that such exciting causes of disease

as temperature, sudden extremes of cold and heat, are
associated with the influence of the planets Saturn and

Mars, as cold we may say, loss of motion while heat


gain. Thus Saturn slow and tardy, Mars rapid. A


lingering disease termed chronic, from the term Chronos


the Greek, signifying Saturn. While will be found that


both Mars and Saturn are destructive to the physical life

that they change the form and expression, they may at

the same time be made preservative of as in their dif


ferent modes of motion, they equally approach and rccede.

Observe how exposure to cold and heat are alike followed
by exanthematous, bilious or gangrenous inflammation, and
note the manner that Mars drawn to Saturn by operating

its exaltation in Capricorn, Saturn's home.


Similarity of the Physical Body to the Earth — The Soul

the Receiver of the Influences, and Transmits to the

Physical Body Element and Principle.

By a close investigation it will be found that there is a

repeated resolution of the factors concerned into their
primary elements, and a referring to their original sources,
though it is by no means necessary that the effects excited
upon various economics of nature by similar forces will
prove similar in their intensity, or their combinations be so
complicated, as for instance, one individual may possess a
pronounced and serious inflammatory diathesis, while an
other may only be slightly affected ; and in fact we may
consider an instance where the same influences are in opera
tion, as for instance, Sun receiving the square of Mars or
his opposition. One individual may be affected with con
gestion of the brain, or an acute inflammation that demands
prompt and antiphlogistic treatment, and at the same time
the results will prove fatal, while in another case the indi
vidual may suffer from a sub-acute inflammation probably
of the asthmic form, and a determination to a certain part
which cold and other sedations, derivatives and evacuants
may quickly dispel.
The most marvelous wonder of the physical life is found
in its physical up-building, and the union of the soul with
the physical form is of such a nature that the emotion of
the one cannot take place, without in turn exciting a corre
sponding emanation with the other. This is more intense

Planetary Influences, Etc. 19

with one individual than another, depending upon the

sensitiveness and the esoteric and exoteric nature, their
harmonious blending, etc., and as a close study is made of
these conditions, it is found that individual experience that
is in-drawn and cognized must embrace all nature, all good.
All things that the individual contacts provide the means
for experience, even the most minute that quite often
escapes the observation of the objective senses. These com
bine to form and provide an experience that the soul must
have, and this earth planet with its innumerable experiences,
assists the individual to a fitting analogy, that is in the
consideration of the form density to etherialization, from
the closely compacted molecules of the granite, through the
various special stratifications, the more recent formations,
the less dense, crumbling, air and water penetrated humus
of the soil to the first indications of a fully palpitating life
in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and then too, the
great atmospherical seas of oxygen and hydrogen gases,
beyond the continual rarification from projected matter, to
the gaseous and finally etheric, and thus bridging the chasm
and separating, so to speak, the physical from the celestial
if such a condition were possible ; and in these considerations
we may trace something of the life of the ego, or at least
some analogical similarity to its own experience, for man
as the finite must imitate and identify himself with the
infinite, and spiritualize his experience ere he can write it
with that ultimate universal principle contained in self
which constitutes the ego.
Then, too, there is a very apt illustration in the similarity
of the physical body to the earth, the bony structure as com
pared to the rocks and granite, and both of these coming
under the domain of the planet Saturn, while the heat and
life may be compared to the internal fires of the earth, and
coming under the domain of the sign Leo and its ruler the
Sun, the hair ruled by Mercury and the vegetative locks
and tresses under the sign Virgo, the fluidic system with
the waters and clouds under the Moon, the breath to the
20 Science and Key of Life.

wind under Mercury, inflammatory eruptions with destruc

tive fire and volcanoes and ulcerations with the gradual
eating and submerging of the coast, etc.
It is necessary that every element must possess its
archaeus, or what may be termed the higher spiritual prin
ciple, ere it can possess any absolute reality of identity, or
any reason for its existence, and as the physical form is
made up of terrestrial elements, the agreement between the
tellural matter and that of the physical body in its various
functions, vibrations, and government is closely related in
their manifestations; and as has been stated, the ordinary
mortal only realizes the external, visible heavens, while the
student of this divine science learns of two heavens, the
external visible, and the internal invisible, and we may say,
there is not a single invisible power in the heavens which
does not find its corresponding principle in the soul of man.
Thus the internal invisible acts upon the external visible,
and the external visible reacts upon the internal invisible.
In these considerations it must be understood that the
physical form is in no way the repository of stellar forces.
The specific office of receiving influences is undeniably
allocated to the soul, whence are transmitted these effects
to its material covering and protection, the physical body,
and therefore in considering physical affairs only as pro
ceeding from physical causes, we must necessarily involve
error, and in going back into past ages we may learn of the
Egyptians compounding medicines for the purpose of
counteracting planetary influences. Though in some cases
proving efficacious, still they were hardly in touch with the
true principles as did the Chaldeans.
The truth is the Egyptians studied this science along
material lines only, and had no conception of the influence
of the planets as associated with the soul direct. In fact,
the Neptune and Uranian influences were not considered
and these psychic influences were not taken into considera
tion. However, these two planets are beginning to manifest
their powerful influence in matters of mankind on the earth,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 2i

and still other influences are to follow. The result will be a

change of conditions from the clinging to the external
visible, and humanity will reach out and grasp the internal
visible and live in its realities, and cognize its influences
upon all life.
In the further consideration of the elements they must
not be confounded with the principle of things. There is a
vast difference, and it may be realized by experience that all
things cannot be indifferently made of all, and naturally all
the variety of bodies could not arise from the first simple
combination of the two principles, matter and form, though
only some infinitely simple beings, or corpuscles, which
being variously intermingled might constitute other forms.
Now those most simple of all principles, the beings thus
formed of the first determination, and concretion of all
principles, are what philosophy recognizes in their proper
class as elements, so that elements and principles have this
variance between them, that a principle, as matter, has a
sort of incomplete expression of the nature law, while on
the other hand, an element is a perfect and complete expres
sion of the universal law ; therefore it naturally follows that
there must of necessity be more elements than one, since
otherwise all things would be equally simple, and there
would not exist such things as compound or complex in
nature or law. The retainers, too, in incorruptible elements,
mean precisely by element what is really meant by first
matter — in effect, their elements are their atoms, which are
supposed to be invisible, incorruptible.
Democritus is the first of the modern writers compara
tively to hold that in their effect, these elements are their
atoms or corpuscles that are supposed to be incorruptible,
invisible, and these teachings were accepted by Epi
curus and many of his followers of the Epicurean and
corpuscular teachings ; and among those who hold the
elements corruptible, some will only name one, while others
will accept several, as for instance those who hold to the
one are Hesiod, who held earth to be the one corruptible
22 Science and Key of Life.

element, while Thales Milesius held water to be the one.

Heraclitus held fire to be the one, and Anaximenes held air
to be the one element, and all of these have had their
followers and adherers. Then among those who have
recognized the existence of several elements was Aristotle,
who held that there were four elements, that

water, fire and air. Ocellus was among the first to consider

several elements and he held three, that earth, and com
bined air and water as one, and fire. Pythagoras followed
Ocellus Lucaenus, and made division between air and

water, and Hypocrates also held to this consideration, and
Aristotle followed Hypocrates in this teaching.
Now when we turn out attention to the Zodiacal twelve
signs, we find this expression of the four elements mani
fested quite clearly in these various signs, as they express
their several natures in harmony with the four elements

quite clear to be seen.
The first division of harmonious coordinates found by

separation of the Zodiacal signs into three quaternions

of temperament, that

the first as the cardinal signs, Aries,

Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the radical first, fourth
seventh and tenth signs. Then the fixed signs, Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, comprising the second, fifth,
eighth and eleventh radical signs. Then follow the common
signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, comprising
the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth signs.
The cardinal signs may be considered to come under the
mental, the fixed signs under the vital, and the common
signs under the motive temperament.
The second division follows, which division into four

Leo, Sagittarius

triplicities, that the fiery signs, Aries,


earthy, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; airy, Gemini, Libra

and Aquarius and the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio and

The fiery signs are considered of bilious temperament,

the earthy signs of nervous temperament, the airy signs

Planetary Influences, Etc. 23

of a sanguine temperament, and the watery signs of the

lymphatic temperament.
Now by this classification of the signs into these divisions
of temperamental series is really due a mixture, or blending
of elements and qualities, or the adjustment of influences,
that peculiar individuality of organization of the physical
body by which the method of acting, feeling, and thinking
qualities of each individual is permanently affected. We
may find the temperamental involves the vital as well, as for
instance, the fiery signs are made up of Aries from the
mental or cardinal division, and Leo from the vital or fixed
division, and Sagittarius from the motive or common divi
sion, and then we may find that these combinations in the
horoscopal figure will also produce corresponding com
binations in the native, and the result, as is often the case in
a greater or lesser divarication from the perfect single
temperament. The ascending signs will generally provide
a means of safe judgment for the primary inclinations of
the native.

The Planets' Influence in Creating Temperament, etc. —

Animal and Universal Temperament a Reality — The
Relationship of the Several Temperaments to the
Planets, etc.

In considering the planetary influences to render judg

ment upon the temperament, the first primary indication is
shown by the sign upon the ascendant.
The next consideration is the position of the Sun, Moon
and Mercury, and planet or planets, in the first house in the
order named, and ofttimes if these be in elevation, and essen
tially dignified, they will have a powerful influence in creat
ing environment, temperament, etc.
We may consider elements in the exemplary world ideas
of things, to be reproduced in the material world as forms,
and in the celestial world as virtues.
It has been stated in the animal kingdom, the bones com
pare with the earth ; the vital spirit to fire ; flesh to air, and
humors to the water, and the humors also resemble the
elements, that is yellow choler, the fire; the blood, the air;
phlegm the water; and black choler or melancholy the
earth ; and then, finally, the soul itself, the understanding,
resembling the fire; the reason the air; imagination the
water ; and the senses to the earth ; and then these senses
subdivided amongst themselves, according to the elements
for the sight is fiery, for the reason that it cannot perceive
without the aid of fire and light. The hearing is airy, for
sound is produced by the striking of the air. The smell and

Planetary Influences, Etc.

taste resemble water, without the moisture of which there is

neither smell nor taste, and finally the feeling is entirely
earthy, for the reason that it takes gross bodies for its
The actions may also be said to be controlled by the
elements. The fire signifies a fierce, quick, susceptible
temperament, the earth indicates a slow and firm motion,
the air indicates cheerfulness, and hopeful temperament,
with much amiability, while water signifies timidity, slug
gishness, emotional in its expression. The elements, we
may then consider, as the first and original matter of all
things, and all things are of and according to them, and
they diffuse their virtues in and through all things.
We have found that it is almost an impossibility to
designate the nature and temperament of the individual,
without referring to this science, except through the clair
voyant sight. That which causes the temperament of the
individual to be choleric, phlegmatic, lymphatic, etc., is to be
carefully considered. It may be possible in some instances
to decide by studying the general form and colors of the
individual to what temperament he belongs, but in the
majority of instances it can only be properly determined
by a careful consideration of the natal figure, due to the
mixture of elements in the horoscopal figure of birth, and
we may observe the easy, confident, off-hand characteriza
tion of patients by the physician, etc., and it is almost
impossible to distinguish further than the four uncom-
pound type of temperament in this manner.
We find that Galen introduced the doctrine of tempera
ments into physic form, the peripatetic school, and con
sidered it the basis of all medicine, holding that the whole
curation of diseases consisted in tempering the degrees of
qualities, humors, etc. These ideas were gleaned from a
knowledge of this science.
The animal temperaments will be found to correspond to
the universal temperaments. Thus the sanguine tempera
ment compares with the hot and moist, the choleric tempera
26 Science and Key of Life.

ment with the hot and dry, the phlegmatic with cold and
moist, and the melancholic temperament with dry and cold.
Some writers averred that the temperaments or constitu
tion were as so many native diseases, and anyone endowed
with whatever temperament has the seeds of a real disease
within him, a particular temperament presupposing that
some secretions are in greater proportions than is proper
for life indefinitely long.
The similarity of the animal temperament with the uni
versal temperament is a reality and exists, being quite
natural in the order of things, and as to temperament being
an actual disease, this is only a partia.1 way of looking at
things, a mental mophia due to the lack of a slight famil
iarity with astral science.
The temperament proper is constituted by the predom-
inence or defect of some function of the physical form. The
predominence of one or another system of organs modifies
the whole animal economy, impresses obvious differences on
the results of the organization, and has no influence over
the moral and intellectual that it does not manifest over the
physical faculties. It is true that certain temperaments man
ifest particular morbid characteristics. It will be well here
to consider these several temperaments separately, with a
regard to their relationship with the planets and signs of the
The nervous temperament belongs to the earthy triplicity,
viz., Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and the planets Saturn,
Venus and Mercury. This temperament is characterized by
an agitation, alertness of manner, emotional impulses, a
restlessness and excitability of the whole nervous system,
though often outwardly there will appear to be a slowness
of motion, an inclination to plodding. There is a disposi
tion to neurasthenic disorders, nervous pains, hysteria,
spasms, convulsions, etc. The vocation may be associated
with the earth, although ofttimes artistic, and possess a keen
imagination along practical lines. The nervous tempera
ment is generally in a hurry, talks volubly and eats quickly.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 27

In conversation he is abrupt, earnest and at times fluent.

He often makes statements, and then corrects them in part,
or modifies them. This temperament is quite apt to overdo
everything in which his feelings center. He is desirous of
expressing himself in the veriest truth. He is quite apt to
possess hobbies and fads, and will often be interested in
curious subjects of an intellectual as well as physical nature,
and if he is afflicted or ill he is harrassed about trivial symp
toms, quite ready to try one and all remedies that may be
suggested. Has not the patience to give Nature a chance
to set matters right. He will have a full supply of medicines
on hand, but never taking a sufficient amount of one to
benefit himself, although at times he will be prejudiced
against all medicines, though sure to have some particular
hobby. When aroused he is very stubborn and cannot be
driven against his will and becomes very destructive.
The sanguine temperament is related to the airy triplicity,
that is Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The planets of Mer
cury, Venus and Urania are associated in this temperament.
The heart and arteries are especially active, the pulse is
good, the complexion clear and soft, the organization is
animated, the chest is full and the body firm, the nervous
sensibilities are acute. There isoften an excess of blood
rich in red corpuscles, a prompt, quick discernment and a
tenacious memory. The mind is sensible, easily irritated at
times and at others it is impossible to check their flow of
good feeling. They are generally cheerful, sometimes
changeable, though hopeful, and ever looking for the best
in all things. The form is plump and regular. These tem
peraments are especially fond of table pleasures, etc. The
diseases are indigestion, phlegmasia, hemorrhage, falls,
hurts, etc., and the afflictions are more apt to be of an acute
nature than chronic. The vocation is one of activity, in
tellectual and pleasure.
The lymphatic temperament is associated with the watery

triplicity, that Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and the

planets, Moon, Mars and Neptune.
28 Science and Key of Life.

It will be found that when the proportion of liquids is too

great for that of the solids, this over-abundance of fluids,
which is quiteapt to exist in the lymphatic temperament,
give to the physical form an increased bulk from the reple
tion of the cellular texture, and the skin is apt to be anaemic,
the fleshy parts will be soft, the circulation varying, the
vital action sluggish, the pulse will be inclined to weakness,
and there is a lack of red corpuscles in the blood. There is a
want of vascular action and tone. The system does not
receive proper or sufficient nourishment, and the digestive
organs are inclined to be weak, and thus the body does not
receive the nourishment necessary to keep it free from the
dangers of disease, and therefore this temperament is very
subject to contagious diseases, and especially when of the
watery, wasting, cold nature.
Then, too, this temperament is subject to despondency
and fits of depression, morbid fears assail them, and this
may even become chronic. The diseases of this temperament
are also quite apt to become chronic in nature. All dropsical
afflictions will attend. This temperament is imaginative,
psychical, emotional, contemplative to a certain degree, and
may be scientifically inclined. These are the agencies
through which the other temperaments obtain their knowl
edge; these are the instruments, so to speak, of a psychic
In direct contrast to this temperament is the choleric tem
perament, which comes under the influence of the fiery trip-
licity of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and the planets, Mars,
Sun and Jupiter. There is a defective action in the bile
secreting organ, the skin is dark, sometimes sallow. This
temperament is subject to diseases of a feverish nature.
These are very active mentally and physically and cannot
stand confinement. These are often very studious, fond of
military tactics and are often found deeply engrossed in
political affairs.
In carefully considering the four temperaments, sanguine,
melancholic, choleric, and lymphatic, it is scarcely possible
Planetary Influences, Etc. 29

to find these always well marked and manifesting clearly in

a nativity, as for instance, choleric temperament may be
modified by the planet Venus near the ascendant, or the
melancholic temperament may have Mars ascending in
power, and this would naturally overlay the characteristics
of the sign ascending.
A very careful study would be essential before rendering
judgment as to just what this combination of influences
would produce. When considering the position, aspects,
etc., of the lord of the first house as well as the positions
and aspects of the luminaries, but a close study of these
four temperaments, by the student, will enable him to judge
these various combinations and class them in their proper
places, and it is very easily understood that these tempera
ments are really produced by the intrinsic natures of the
signs and planets that have rule over the character, in
dividuality, disposition, etc.
In considering this subject carefully, it will be found that
the melancholic and lymphatic temperaments come under
the domain of the negative signs, while the sanguine and
choleric temperaments are formed from the positive signs.
The negative signs are found to produce a weaker organiza
tion than the positive signs, and this should be considered in
giving judgment. The positive signs radiate their forces
from a centre, whereas the negative signs draw to them
selves good and evil alike, unless the individual has gained
the power to overcome this tendency.

Rule of the Planets upon Physical Life, and their Period.

We find that the physical life of man is divided into

periods, and these are directly under the influence of the
planets. During the first four years of life it is found that
the Moon holds special influence during this stage. Every
thing is plastic and unformed, and during a major portion
of this time, the fontanelles of the cranium are not closed
up, and through which can be observed the ebb and flow, so
to speak, of the brain ; and this organ when excited to rapid
development, becomes liable to various disarrangements of
a character associated with, and of the nature of the Moon,
that is, fits, convulsions, spasms, etc., and the tender state of
the alimentary canal renders the child susceptible to these
lunar maladies, including which are indigestion, vomiting,
etc., and in considering the horoscopal figure of the child at
this stage, the Moon requires special attention, in order to
give accurate judgment, for the reason that the Moon, no
matter what her position and aspects may be in the figure,
will exert and mark a powerful influence upon the general
conditions of the child.
After the first four years we find Mercury holding sway
for from six to seven years, much depending upon the map
itself. The intellectual faculties begin to manifest, and the
child absorbs knowledge, and the functions most active are
those which subserve growth, and for this reason, the stom
ach ruled by the Moon, the sign Cancer, and the bowels

Planetary Influences, Etc. 31

ruled by Virgo and Mercury, are easily deranged. There is

an activity of the excitomotary system predisposing to
chorea, and other like affections. The activity of the nutri
tive functions is pronounced, resulting in a predominance of
fibrin in the blood. Such diseases as croup, worms, mesen
teric disease, colic, and such like come under the influence
of Moon and Mercury.
During the following seven years, we find Venus is cast
ing a most powerful influence on the child. This may extend
to a period of nine years, and seminal motion commences.
In females the catamenial function is established under the
first marked directional aspect, and is generally excited by
the aspects of Moon and the planet Mars. This will be
found to be a period of many morbid susceptibilities, and
from the end of this stage in the life, we find Mars dominat
ing the life. All is vigorous, the activity is pronounced, the
cessation of that appropriation of nourishment for the in
crease of the body causes fullness, though there is at this
time, a disposition to inflammatory action, hemorrhage in
both the choleric and sanguine temperaments, while in the
lymphatic and melancholic temperament, there is a disposi
tion to tuberculosis tendencies, and serous infiltrations, etc.
Then follows the period of the Sun. During this period
the special diseases are associated with the vital organs, etc.
such diseases as are apt to arise from the fixed and settled
habits in life. The change of life, or failure of the gener
ative functions takes place, and a tendency to various com
plaints is exhibited, vascular plethora, morbid growths, etc.
Then follows the period of Jupiter, and then we find the
nutritive function becomes deranged, and certain changes in
the organization are noticeable, all in a preparatory state, to
the entrance upon the following period of Saturn, that
brings old age, though not necessarily so. As the period of
Jupiter advances, the muscles lose their tonicity, deposity of
fat is lessened, the capillaries lose their vital susceptibility,
the heart's action is impeded, the circulation is retarded, the
body is susceptible to cold, especially in the extremities, the
32 Science and Key of Life.

strength is gradually waning. Such diseases as asthma,

catarrh, etc., assail, that cause a loss of strength and vital
ity, the bones become hard and firm, and so-called death
There are times in the periods when special attention must
be given to the planet or planets ruling the nativity, as for
instance, during the Mars period, with a positive, sanguine
sign on the ascendant, and Mars the ruling planet, there
would naturally be a marked effect of the martial nature
manifested, and the same applies to the other periods and
planets that have their rule, as for instance, if the planet
Jupiter be the governing planet, and other influences har
monize with an unafflicted Jupiter in the nativity, the native
would be apt to obtain the best period of life during this
Jupiterian period, and the same with the other periods, that
when the ruling planet unafflicted in the radix or by


progression, the period of life over which this planet rules

will bring out more effectively the characteristics of this
planet, to more marked degree than at any other time.

Then, too, another very important period may be observed

by the Moon's motion, or change of position and aspects

in the figure, that comes into the sextile square, opposi


tion, trine, conjunction and parallel of its own radical place

in the figure, and this we find occurs every seven years, and
particularly when the Moon comes to conjunction of her

own place, after having passed through the Zodiacal signs.

The molecules of the physical form undergo change, re

ceiving, so to speak, the results of the Moon's gathering in

the same manner as the Moon in conjunction with the Sun.
will be observed that the fluids of the body also under

go a change at the periods mentioned. This the influence


that predominating, when the statement made that the



body changes every seven years. The Moon's influence


largely responsible for this, though not entirely so. will


be observed that the three quaternions exert very marked


influence upon three organic series, that the fixed signs

have rule over the heart, back and generative organs the
Planetary Influences, Etc. 33

cardinal signs have rule over the head, stomach, epidermis

and kidneys, while the common signs rule the lungs, the
respiratory passages, the nervous system and the bowels.
Thus, when these signs become afflicted in the figure, it will
be found that the organs over which they have rule are
affected, and it is not necessary that the sign Leo ruling the
heart, be occupied by malefics in order that the heart's
action should be affected, as this will be the result in case
of any pronounced affliction to Taurus, Scorpio or Aqua
rius, and the same rule applies to the other signs and qua
ternions. It is for the reason that these signs are of a similar
nature and the organs over which they have control are
so closely associated, that when one of these is affected,
the others will to some degree be similarly affected in time.
The student will soon observe the marked connection
between each pair of opposite signs and houses.
Take, for instance, the sign of Taurus and the second
house, and their opposites, Scorpio and the eighth houses,
and consider just one prominent factor. While Taurus and
the second house bear relation to the personal monetary
effects, the opposite, Scorpio, introduces a similar idea and
action through the medium of bequests, wills and legacies,
thus possession, money, and the eighth being the position
ruling the wife's dowry and property in her own right, and
it will be found that all the signs possess a vital and occult
association that is of the greatest importance for the stu
dent to realize. We find the first and seventh house are
equivalent to the self personal and individual. In the ex
tended sense the seventh becomes the wife, the necessary
complement, so long as the sexes are differentiated into two

Explanation of the First and Last Six Signs of the Zodiac —


We find that the first six signs of the Zodiac are of a

simple nature, and express the basis of finite attributes of
particular forms, qualities or humanities. The last six of the
Zodiacal signs are compound in their nature, and express the
higher application of the foregoing and are infinite, while
the first six signs are ephemerical. The last six signs are
permanent, and it is observed that one set of the six signs
is the realization of the first six, as for instance, the sign
Aries, rash, headstrong, impetuous, finds its balance in its
opposite, the sign Libra, the desire of begetting equilibrated
into the understanding of balancing power, and propagative
force. Then Taurus, dull, stubborn, earthly, finds realiza
tion in the sign Scorpio, and the slave to the lower mind is
turned upwards into the higher metaphysical. The emo
tional, wavering Cancer finds realization in the practical
Capricorn, and Leo manifesting love of life, power, and self-
aggrandizement is transmuted in its opposite sign Aquarius,
thus manifesting love for humanity, universal brotherhood,
the water bearer.
Then in still another manner we may analyze the houses,
as for instance in the third and ninth houses. The third
house, representing the lower, commonplace, circumscribed
mind, which reasons only from the concrete forms, the
physically known, and which draws its analogies from the

Planetary Influences, Etc. 35

lower material plane only, while the ninth house is obviously

ontological. It imparts thoughts, ideas, and superior knowl
edge from the higher spiritual, and as we have heretofore
observed, while the third house embraces ephemerical litera
ture, the ninth, to all intents and purposes are permanent in
character. The third house has rule over local correspond
ence, the ninth house over foreign correspondence. Thus
may be observed a kind of tangential idea or expression is
involved with the ninth house in its relation to the third, and
the same is true with every other pair of related signs and
houses. In the ninth house there is a disposition for the
consciousness to go out in sleep functioning on other planes,
an outgoing to broaden, expand, penetrating. The third
sign tends to a double physical existence, a following of two
trades or professions, a thinking of two ideas, the result of a
dual nature and mentality, and while the ninth house as
sumes a capacity for a relationship with the psychic planes
of life, while the third house embodies a physical life and
psychical life, dual, but in two different planes. The third
house expresses the mind in man, the ninth house expresses
the mind in the infinite, and then, too, carry this thought
farther. How will it compare with physiological and path
ological phenomena, and is there any reflection of the func
tions to be observed that harmonizes and agrees with this
astro sign sympathy, as observed in other departments of
The students of this science are familiar with Capricorn's
agency in producing illness, and the ancients ruled that medi
cine should not be administered when the Moon occupied
this sign, though in truth this depends altogether upon the
position of Capricorn, Saturn and the Moon in the natal
chart. We find the sign Capricorn in opposition to sign
Cancer, and this sign rules over the stomach, and the fact
is that while this sign Cancer regulates the peristaltic mo
tion, Capricorn reverses

giving and causing the anti

peristaltic irritation of the intestines, as in cholera, and colic
frequently causes pain and weakness in the limbs and feet.
36 Science and Key of Life.

Then again, this suppression of ephidrosis of the feet ruled

by Pisces is quite liable to be followed by colic, the sign
Virgo, and wet, damp feet will produce the same result.
Then, too, a long continuance in a standing position will
cause a congestion of the liver. Here we have Pisces ruling
the feet, and its opposite sign, Virgo, ruling the bowels and
In the comparison
of Capricorn with Cancer, it may be
observed how the outbreaks of urticaria and other similar
eruptions of the skin, ruled by Capricorn, are caused
through indigestion of various substances of food, the stom
ach ruled by Cancer. Then, too, mercurial and many like
preparations rubbed on the skin are absorbed and affect the
system, or at least a certain portion of

just as effectively
were taken into the stomach, and mothers should be


very careful to keep their skin free from any such substance
that likely to be so absorbed, for will have as certain ef

fect upon the nourishment to the child as though the poison
ous substance had been taken directly into the stomach.
There may also be comparison of the syphilitic ulcera

tion of the nasal fossar, ultimating frequently in actual de

struction, and its incipience in the signs of Taurus and
Scorpio. chronic exanthematous sore throat one of the

most common is
of all constitutional symptoms of syphilis,
also coryza, under sign Taurus, with coincident manifesta
tions in the anus, etc., under the sign Scorpio, and the con
nection between the generative organs and the organs ruled
by Taurus exemplified in many instances.

In the time when the Scythians flourished they were sub

jected to certain Taurus Scorpio affliction. The nature of

the disease was at first induced through Sagittarius nature,


induced primarily by the continual exercise on horseback,

and reference made to this in the writings of Hippoc

rates, and in seeking to effect cure through Astrological


law, they discovered that by severing particular vein be


hind the ear cure followed. The patient after the opera

tion fell into an exhaustive stupor, and when the blood had
Planetary Influences, Etc. 37

ceased toflow, the disease had also ceased to manifest.

However, after this operation was completed it was found
that the patient invariably became impotent.
Now to consider, Taurus is a fixed sign, and rules the
neck, throat, ears and nose, and Scorpio is also a fixed sign,
but has rule over the generative organs and processes. Thus
in this case may be seen the comparison is quite obvious,
and a connection may be traced between the action and the
result, as well between the preliminary stage of the
disease and its cause.
In considering the sickness and afflictions that affect the
human body, we have learned heretofore that the sixth
house represents the ill health of the native, and also its
opposite, the twelfth house.
In order to cognize the facts of mundane rule does not
imply a knowledge of the cosmic reason for such facts, for
much must suffice in itself unrelated, although it is not
difficult to trace an abundance of analogies.
We find by observation that the sixth house is removed
from the first house just one hundred and fifty degrees, an
aspect known as an "in conjunction." It will be observed
that the eighth house, the house of death, also holds the
same aspect to the first house. Then the twelfth house is
found to occupy the same relative position from the seventh
house in the figure, which house rules the wife or husband,
and the second house in the native's horoscope is known to
have rule over the sickness of the wife or husband. The
name given this aspect "in conjunction," is intended to con
vey the thought that it is not an aspect in the ordinary sense
of the term. It will be observed in the figure that from the
first to the fifth houses, each house retains its relation with
the ascendant, by a designated aspect according to the posi
tion, nature, harmony, etc., but from this point on, there is
a parting and disassociation, as it were.
The connection existing between the second, third, fourth
and fifth houses to the first may be named the personal,
3« Science and Key of Life.

while onward the houses become separated, and may be

named individual.
Now the same condition exists with regard to the seventh
house, and we may observe the condition as expressed by
the twelfth house, which we have learned has rule over
asylums, prisons and places of detention, and in this respect
we have a very apt illustration of disassociation of one indi
vidual from another.
Then again, in arriving at the normal health condition,
and basis for the same, we must ever refer to the ascendant
in order to ascertain the nature of the will, individuality,
temperament, etc., while in the sixth house, the house ruling
ill health, etc., we find there comes a dissociation from the
normal condition. Sickness exists, in other words, the equi
librium is lost, and the chemical and mechanical molecular
affinity is naturally disrupted, and the static vital force loses
its normal state of being, and becomes unbalanced. Thus
the lower personal arc is terminated by a morbid phenomena
in humanity, just as the close of a sub cycle is created
through the cosmic phenomena. However, the balance is
again established in the following sign and house Libra, and
the seventh, and similar to the first series, terminating in
Virgo, is lost again in the sign Pisces, the radical twelfth
house, which is to Libra the seventh, what Virgo the sixth
is to Aries or the first house.
It will be observed that the balance is ever lost in the
common signs, regained and re-established in the cardinal
signs, and completed in the fixed signs, and it is quite clear,
for we may observe its manifestations working out in the
human representatives of the signs named. This is an im
portant thought to retain, as in the judgment of any ques
tion of whatever nature it may be, this rule can be applied
intelligently and correctly.
The versatility, nervous motions and restlessness of these
individuals who come under the domination of the common
signs may be observed, while the subsiding to rest, and bal
ance of those individuals coming under the cardinal signs.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 39

while the calm, composed attitude of those individuals who

come under the rule of the fixed signs is quite evident. Thus
we find by a careful analysis that the cardinal signs give
equilibrium and balance, while the common signs sway them
without cessation of motion, and then the fixed signs bring
them to a sudden halt in a most decisive manner, that there
is no mistaking their exact intention, etc.
We find that the sixth and twelfth houses are the points
of intersection of the upward and downward spirals, the
anagoge and the antanagoge, or along the channel which the
descent of spirit into matter and the return or ascent of mat
ter into spirit is accomplished.
It will be observed that the whole of the negative signs,
and houses as well, govern and rule disease, for they repre^
sent the falling away, as we may say, from the positive atti
tude of a healthful condition. In this manner, the second,
fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth houses are closely
associated with all conditions of a morbid nature, and with
the exception of the second, and latter portion of the tenth,
these characteristics are well marked. The fourth rules over
the end of the physical existence, the sixth over ill health,
the eighth death to material forms, and the twelfth rules
over places of detention for such people, asylums, hospitals,
etc. The Moon, that brings all changes and decay, has a
close connection with four of these negative signs ; her home
is in Cancer; the fourth has her fall in Capricorn, is elevated
in her dignity in the second, and is finally debased in the
eighth house, Scorpio.
There is no question but that the sixth and twelfth houses
have rule over ill-health, sickness, etc., while the eighth and
second have rule over the results of the sickness, termina
tion, etc.
The sixth house is naturally the most important to con
sider in the figure, but if Mercury or Urania be found in the
twelfth house, and afflicted by malefics, then there will be an
abnormal condition in that part of the body ruled by the
sign in which Murcury and Urania are found. This will be
40 Science and Key of Life.

found to act in conjunction with the sign or signs occupying

the sixth, which are ever the opposite of the twelfth, and
when such conditions exist, there is quite liable to be a
specific combination of diseases, dual in nature, thus work
ing out what we have heretofore illustrated in diseases re
lated in opposing signs.
As has been stated by an ancient philosopher, the natural
forces acting in the various organs, and directly related to
similar forces in the organism of the universe, just as the
heart, liver, spleen and other vital organs are the bodily
representatives of certain activities in the same manner as
the luminaries and planets are the visible representatives of
the corresponding organs of the universe.
We have observed heretofore that a division of the human
body into twelve equal parts corresponds to the twelve Zo
diacal signs and has ever existed, manifesting their influence
unchangeable, and which fact may be scientifically calcu
lated if the investigator will but take the pains to test the
We may consider more carefully in detail the organs and
functions of the human body. We may first consider that
the vital heat and spirit, the life energizing force, comes
under the direct rule of the fiery triplicity ; the framework,
the bones, the salts, minerals, and earth compositions, come
under the domination of the earthly triplicity; then the
watery signs have rule over the fluids, as Pisces has rule

over the excrementitio recrementitious fluids, that such

fluids as are partially carried off, and partially allowed to
remain, the bile, intestinal and other mucus, also the fluids
connected with serous, the synovial, etc. The Scorpio influ
ence having rule over the excrementitious fluids, all such
fluids as are expelled from the system, perspiration, urine
and the menses. Then Cancer having rule, the excrememti-
tious fluids of such nature as are retained in the system for
the purpose of giving nourishment and strength, such as the
blood in part, the chyle, the fat, milk, and all pleural, and
peritonal, and other like serums.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 41

It will
be observed that the water in dropsical affections,
isreally the serosity which continually exudes from the sur
faces of the serous membranes, such as the pleura and the
peritoneum. All the juices of the stomach come under the
rule of the sign Cancer, the digestive juices, and such fer
ments as the saliva, when introduced with food into the
stomach, the medullary juices, nutrient fluids, gastric juices,
pancreatic diastose, plyalin, the albumen and adeps, all these
come under the rule of the sign of Cancer, and are there
fore more subject to derangement than either Pisces or
The airy signs have rule over the gases of the human

system, that Gemini over oxygen and nitrogen, Libra,

hydrogen, and Aquarius the carbon dioxide, the intercellular
spaces, air cells and blood fluids. may be observed that
the blood has been named as coming partially under the rule
of Cancer, naturally aqueous signs must appropriate all
liquids. We shall find that the airy triplicity exerts direct

influence upon Sanquis. However, we may observe the
changes that occur in the fluids of the system in their in
finitely compounded nature.

Process of Fermentation — Oxygen — The Blood — The


Oxygen is appropriated through the organs, the lungs,

and respiratory processes in general, all under the rule of
this airy sign Gemini. The oxygen taken into the system
through the organs named, then fulfils its part of oxygenat
ing the scarlet tide brought into contact therewith, through
the agency of the pulmonic circulation.
It will be well here to study carefully some facts in con
junction with this subject. First, an excess of oxygen will
quickly cause death to the physical. So far as the individual
is concerned, the process is in this wise: It will first injure
and impair the nervous functions, which is under the dom
ination largely of the same sign Gemini, and while there
are various theories as to the direct cause of this effect,
science is not fully agreed, some holding that it is produced
by the coagulability of the blood, or by exhausting it by
previous violent exercise or excitement, or again, by an ex
cessive production of carbonic acid. However, it will be dis
covered by careful investigation that an increase of oxygen
in the blood augments the production of carbonic acid, and
this may asphyxiate independent of the exclusion of oxygen,
therefore it is a result of this excessive production of car
bonic acid that causes the injurious and fatal effects.
We find that Aquarius is a fixed sign, having rule over the
blood in part, and it will be found that Urania, and sign

Planetary Influences, Etc. 43

Aquarius, are generally found to have some connection with

asphyxiation. We find the nutrient fluids coming under the
lunar influence. Thus the sign Cancer has great influence
over the primar viae, therefore it is not to be wondered at
that certain juices are to be found in those parts naturally
affiliated with the Moon, and quite naturally the digestive
functions, as the ferments in general may be considered
lunar, or coming under that influence.
The term fermentation is applied to the change which
takes place in one organic substance when affected by an
other, in a state or condition of putrefaction, and it is an in
testine motion rising spontaneously among the small in
sensible particles of a mixed body, thus producing a new
disposition and a different combination of these parts. The
term is thus used in a synonymous sense with putrefaction,
in order to avoid ambiguity.
It would be well to coin two distinct words, in order to de
note the exciting causes of these two intestine commotions,
though this is the less to be expected, for the reason that it
is the tendency of all putrid animal substances to promote
both animal putrefaction and a vinous fermentation in vege
Then again, fermentation differs from dissolution, as the
latter is only a result of the direct effect of the former, as
fermentation is ofttimes manifest without dissolution, that

the fermentative motion very seldom dissolves the body

or substance, while dissolution always supposes an antece
dent fermentation. This process of fermentation point

of the greatest consequence in the animal economy, for the

reason that one of the principal means or agency of na

ture's great alembic for altering, exalting, or calling forth

the powers and properties of bodies, as will be observed in
careful study of this process of digestion. We may illus

trate by considering the watery triplicity in their respective

relationship, as first we have impregnation in the sign Can
cer, birth takes place in sign Scorpio and gestation in Pisces.
Then again, we have fermentation in the sign Cancer, putre
44 Science and Key of Life.

faction in the sign Pisces and death in the sign Scorpio.

The Moon's influence on the matter world is the principle of
change and decay.
of the watery triplicity is significant in the
The association
comparison of Cancer to the egg of the universe, as we find
in the physiological study of this sign, the natural purposes
of this sign in nature and quality is of the same general
tendency, as the process of fermentation is essential in every
instance to the development and continuity of the form;
while in Pisces we have putrefaction and gestation, and in
the sign Scorpio we have both birth and death. It is signifi
cant that the watery triplicity contains signs of such nature
as will contain both extremes.
So far
as the material life is concerned, the beginning and
the end is found to a greater or less extent both in the signs
Cancer and Scorpio, which signs are more closely associated
with the matter world, while Pisces also manifests its nature
on the material. It is really connected with the higher spir
itual, the subjective and esoteric, and the influences mani
festing from this sign cannot be realized by the human mind.
Let us continue on in our investigation of this sign Cancer
and its ruler, the Moon. We find both sign and planet are
ever causing changes in all forms of life over which they
have influence. It will be especially noticeable that all forms
of matter that come under the domination of this sign and
planet are extremely liable to fermentation and putrefac
tion. It will be observed that from the scientific point of
view, putrefaction is the only method employed by Nature
in the process of returning the organs of the body that are
deprived of life to a more simple composition, in order that
their elements may be employed for new purposes. It will be
observed that all fungi, vines, etc., grow with great rapidity
and mostly at night. It will be found that under the same
conditions, vines of the nature of the squash, pumpkin, etc..
also the cabbage and other like plants, will grow as fast
again at night as in the day time, and while all these have
much consistency, there is really but little vitality contained
Planetary Influences, Etc. 45

therein, and they ferment and putrify with great celerity.

These may be considered under the lymphatic temperament
of the vegetable kingdom. The common ferment in daily
use, viz., yeast, also comes under this same class, a series
of the most simply formed cells, rapidly and continuously
reproducing themselves by germination and fissure. The
fact is that the natural ferments of the earth are of more
consequence in the great scheme of nature than is generally
known, and through their processes are elucidated many
things which may at times appear strange and mysterious.
It will be found that those portions of land that come
under the Cancer influence will be notable for their f ruitful-
ness, and there are to be found many places where the fer
ment is much stronger than others. Wherever this is found
to exist, there will be discovered a stratum of closely packed
gravel, about one foot to two feet in depth, forming a nat
ural drainage and filter, and wherever such is found it will
be observed that such will be most productive in fruits, and
especially such vegetables as come directly under the rule
of the Moon and Cancer. Both substances of albumen and
fibrin come under the domination of the sign Cancer though
it will be seen that fibrin in some respects also comes under
a Mars influence, to some degree at least in its composition.
This element that is under the Mars influence, namely sul
phur, though scarcely able to be distinguished at least by
chemical analysis, but still at the same time will suffice to
give to it a specific form and function, and, so to speak, a
self-coagulating property that is indeed interesting in the
natural antipathy that is found to exist between the sign
Cancer and the planet Mars.

Nature of the Signs — Similarity of Various Signs to other

Triplicities, and Effects — Nosology Defective.

At this time it may be well to introduce a subject of some

importance in the study of this divine universal science, that

concerning the nature of the signs. will be found that

there similarity in many respects of the various signs to

other triplicities, as for instance, taking the watery triplicity,

and Cancer represents the earthy triplicity, while the fire

expressed through the watery Scorpio, note the ruler of this
watery sign Mars. The airy triplicity represented by

the sign Pisces. In the fiery triplicity we find Aries repre
senting the earthy triplicity, Leo the watery or emotional,
and Sagittarius the airy triplicity. In the airy triplicity we
have Gemini representing the earth triplicity, Libra the fire,
and Aquarius the watery triplicity. Then again, in the
earthy triplicity we have Taurus representing the fiery
triplicity, Virgo the watery triplicity, and Capricorn the airy
triplicity, the mountain climber.
While these do not stand out prominent in the first glance,
nevertheless close study and application to this subject will

demonstrate the similarity in many ways, and will be of vast

importance in associating the various signs when found in
the various houses removed from their accustomed radical
In the consideration of the effects, we find the sign Can
cer in harmony and close affiliation to the earth triplicity, far

Planetary Influences, Etc. 47

more so than either Scorpio or Pisces; the planet Venus,

ruler of Taurus, finding her exaltation in the sign Cancer,
while in turn the Moon, ruler of Cancer, finds her exalta
tion in the sign Taurus.
Then again, it has been quite difficult to associate the fiery
Mars with the watery sign Scorpio, but while Scorpio
possesses many of the qualities of the watery nature in its
fruitfulness, and countless resources, also the recuperative
powers, there is a strong manifestation of the inner fire
found in the Scorpio, especially when aroused, bitter in their
sarcasm, retaining malice and envy, do not forget an injury,
and this side is found to be far removed from the watery
nature as exemplified in the typical watery sign, Cancer, with
all the natural sympathy, timidity, forgiveness as indicated
by this negative sign. Then, too, the sign Pisces, one who
is ever seeking ideality, the smoothest paths and soaring up
ward and out into the realms of space in their quest for
knowledge, is certainly characteristic of the airy triplicity.
In the fiery triplicity there is not one of the signs that is
so concrete and material in their nature as the undeveloped
Aries, neither is there one that is more spiritual in its ex
pression than the awakened Aries individual. Once he is
developed to a realization of his position in the universe he
is at once a changed personality, but in the lower side we
find the Aries individual quite earthy. Then compare the
fiery sign Leo with its large heart and natural sympathies,
emotional to a great degree, free-hearted and magnanimous,
ever ready to forgive and forget.
The Moon finding expression, will awaken the character
of the individual to a marked degree, while Mars here, the
native is bold, fearless and will mainfest more of the fiery
nature. Then Sagittarius with its fiery darts, is ever shoot
ing out into the airy regions, and is found delving in the
arts and sciences and various conditions of an airy nature,
and may be compared in many respects to the airy Gemini,
only on a larger scale.
In the comparison of the various triplicities, there is no
48 Science and Key of Life.

question as to the relationship existing even in the most

opposing elements, that fire and water, as we have shown
heretofore in the watery and fiery triplicities, and the same
true of the earthy and airy signs, and the same relation
ship will be found to exist in the analyzing of these signs.
This fact must be carefully considered in the diagnosis of
disease, as for instance, there will be found to exist close

relationship between the diseases of the sign Cancer and the
earthy triplicity, Scorpio and the fiery triplicity, Capricorn
and the airy triplicity, and so on through all the signs of the
Zodiac; and as we have stated before, the relationship of
each degree of the three hundred and sixty quite evident

when the student will but apply the rules as given, and
especially in the diagnosis of disease, which in order to be
accurate must be given.
To any fair-minded student or practitioner, the question
of scientific classification of disease one that must be

answered with an emphatic, No, there none. A careful

investigation will certainly disclose an absence of classifica-
tory methods, therefore follows that there really no


science of medicine. There are classificatory systems, to

be sure, based chiefly upon artificial methods and symp
toms, but purely natural and scientific classification does

not exist.
Nosology in the wide domain of disease defective, and

will ever remain so until the facts as demonstrated through

the science of Astrology shall be shown to the world, and
through this channel only can the subject of treating and
diagnosing disease be considered a truly scientific and nat
ural method.
It will be seen that Astrology makes no systematic classi
fications, such as have been made, but this science of

necessity compelled to assert itself along the fundamental

basis of the constitution. will be seen that Astrological

deductions of disease must cut out path for itself, keeping


in that of ordinary diagnostic pathology, so far as consistent,

in order to simplify possible, but must necessarily depart
Planetary Influences, Etc. 49

therefrom, according to the implication of special phenom

ena, the strained relations with Nature by reason of dispro
portionate pathological elements, physical signs and vital
Thus it will be necessary to build a natural classification
of disease upon a correct pathological knowledge; at the
same time it will be found necessary to thoroughly under
stand the several extensions of morbid force as they assert
themselves through the planetary influences, for there can
not be more valid focalizing of energy in the human body
than exists in the surrounding ambient, or more types of
disease than are provided for in the circle of the Zodiac.

Astro-Diagnosis — Relationship of the Various Disorders to

which the Human Frame is Liable.

We find that man is made up of similar elements as consti

tuted by the presence of the whole planetary assemblage in
the natal chart of birth, as well as the figure that may be
erected at the time of conception. However, these elements
are, we find, of an entirely different composition in each
human organization, as momently the planets make appelses
and dissolutions, and form combinations, and permutations
among themselves, therefore we may behold and mark the
disproportion of affliction so called, with its variation of
character which is ever apparent on either hand.
It must be kept in mind that the astro-diagnosis is a very
different consideration than the ordinary diagnosis, and that
signs and indications of health in the nativity must neces
sarily correspond with genitural indications in order to
arrive at a true normal standardand that inasmuch as the

standard is ever deflected, the natal chart must be minutely

considered and balanced in order to supply astro-diagnosis
for future occasions.
This covers a vast field of study and analysis, but must
nevertheless be done.
We find that the statistics of the phenomena of diseases
are gathered from a classified system of the various dis
orders to which the human frame is liable, the nature of
which is of considerable interest, and which we will do well
to consider here and study the relationships.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 5i

The prevailing classification is fourfold, and may be

named in this wise: first, the developmental; second, the
constitutional ; third, the local ; and fourth, the Zymotic.
To the developmental class belong those special forms of
disease which are incidental to the formative, the nutritive
and reproductive processes, such as malformations, and de
formities, idiocy, teething, breathing, digestion, etc. In the
early infantile periods of life, and the changes that are char
acteristic of development into manhood and womanhood,
those that are directly associated with the nutritive func
tions and act as an obstruction to their natural processes,
also those which indicate and accompany decay of the func
tion, the result of age.
Then in the constitutional or second class may be consid
ered the diathetic tendency to the disposition of morbid
products, such for instance as gout, cancer, lupus, melanosis,
anaemia, tubercular afflictions, scrofula, phthisis, mesenteria
disease, and certain forms of meningitis.
Then too, the local or what may be termed the third class
ification, these affect the function of special systems or
organs, such as brain and diseases of the nervous system,
also epilepsy, hysteria, mania, paralysis, chorea and apoplexy,
diseases of the heart and circulation, such as varicose veins,
plebitis, aneurism, endocarditis, aetheroma, pericarditis,
angina pectoris ; then the stomach and bowel, or the diges
tive and assimilative organs and functions, gastritis, enter
itis, peritonitis, etc. Then of the lung or respiratory diseases,
such as empyema, laryngitis, asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy,
bronchitis, etc. Then of the kidney or renal diseases, such
as gravel, stone, ischuria, diabetes, nephritis, Bright's dis
ease, etc. Then of bone and muscle affections, such as ne
crosis, synoritis, atrophy, exostosis, carus, etc. Then of the
skin, such as eczema, herpes, impetigo, acne, lichen, prurigo,
urticaria, etc. Then the generative affections in which the
organs of generation are diseased.
Then under the fourth class are arranged those diseases
which are induced by some specific germ or septic particle.

Tonic and Atonic Forces — Remedies — Comparison of Na

tivities Essential in the Treatment of Disease — Selec
tion of Certain Times to Give Treatment.

It will assist the student to comprehend the direct rela

tionship existing between planets and stars more than any
other subject, as it deals with the influence upon the phy
sical organization itself, and points out the morbid influences
that prevail at times with all individuals. A close investiga
tion of the organic life, and a thorough analysis of the same,
will prove conclusively that it is entirely dependent upon two
forces for its existence, that

one force seeking to expand,

augment, vivify and increase, while on the other hand, the
other seeking to contract, consume, destroy and decrease.

The first naturally positive, conserving, organizing,


creating, while the last negative and disorganizing, de


stroying, etc., and so far as the human body concerned,


is a
healthful condition of the physical body a result that

caused by balancing or equalizing of these two forces, and


the preservation of health accomplished by this process.


These two forces we may term tonic and atonic.

The property of the first factor well exemplified in some

organs of the human body, for instance, the muscles, the

air tubes, urinary bladder, the intestinal tubes and the mid
dle coat of arteries. In these named parts of the human
organization there exists, in state of health, natural

tendency to tone or tension which will enable the various

functions to be fulfilled in natural manner. Then again,

Planetary Influences, Etc. 53

where there is an excess of this element, the muscles, for in

stance, become too firm for free movement, the pulse is
strong, and there is scarcely any interval between the heart
beat and the radial pulse. The circulation is naturally
active and the extremities warm. However, owing to the
tense state of the vessels and skin, the secrcting organs are
unable to pursue their work in a proper, natural manner,
and by following the results arising from this unbalanced
state, we find it leading to plethora of the sthenic type, also
inflammations, hemorrhages and various infectious diseases,
also diseased conditions of the blood caused by an over
abundant supply of the red corpuscles.
Then again in considering the effect of the atonic force,
we find the muscles become too relaxed, a soft irregular
pulse, a palpitating heart beat, the extremities are cold, espe
cially the feet, the result of a weak circulation or an in
creased interval between the heart beat, and the pulsations
occurring at some distance from that organ. General de
bility is the result, and there is small resisting power to at
tack of disease, and with this is little recuperative power.
We find these two forces well exemplified in the Mars and
Saturn influences, a Mars expressing the positive, tonic, in
flamed condition, while Saturn denotes the negative, atonic,
chronic and contracting influence.
We may behold an example of this influence by observing
the symbol of Mars and Saturn, as we find Mars is centrif
ugal, radiating force from a centre outward, while Saturn
is centripetal in action, drawing to itself.
The representative medicinal tonic, iron, comes under the'
influence of Mars, an element required by the blood in cases
of a lack of tone, or where the muscular system is flabby.
In all weak habits, chronic disorders proceeding from de
bility, iron is a remedy.
However, we must also consider other remedies that are
equally as effective and of greater value in reorganizing the
physical form.
It must be recognized that one individual possesses more
54 Science and Key of Life.

of the Mars influence than another, and may be likened to

a battery, as utilized in conveying and holding electrical
energy, and the proper manipulations of the invalid by an
other will remedy the defect even more quickly than resort
ing to medicine, drugs, etc.
However, it will be found that while one individual will
be found to possess a greater amount of power in this di
rection, it will be an utter impossibility for this same indi
vidual to cure, or even relieve certain cases of ill-health, and
this is owing entirely to the effect of planetary influence.
The effect depends entirely upon the harmonious recep
tivity, and assimilation of forces, and even the opposition
of natures will not interfere in the cure, if other influences
in the chart are in sympathy, as for instance, if the planet
Saturn in the nativity of the individual, who was to give out
the power of healing the ills of the physical, should be
found upon the Sun's place in the chart or nativity of his
patient, or upon the Moon's place, or the ascendant, and
especially in the fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth or twelfth
houses, his treatments and manipulations would be in vain,
for instead of assisting, relieving and curing, he would only
retard and intensify the affliction, for such tendency would
be clearly shown in a comparison of the two charts of birth,
or even the progressive places of the planets found in said
positions, the effect would be the same though not so in
tense. In the treatment of disease, first of all a comparison
of the nativities is essential, for the results are distinctly
expressed therein.

Influence of Planets and Stars for Treatment of Disease

Through Magnetism and Vibratory Forces.

It will be well to consider what influences of planets,

signs and houses are best adapted for the successful treat
ment of disease through magnetic and vibratory forces.
In the first place it will be found that the Sun placed in
the sign Taurus will be productive of strong powers in this
direction. It is an earthy sign, and also contains the inner
fires of the fiery triplicity, and is the fiery sign of the earth
triplicity, as Scorpio is the fiery sign of the watery triplicity,
although Mars in the sign Taurus is not beneficial to this
nature, for the sign itself has sufficient of the Mars in
fluence, and especially if the individual is manifesting on the
lower plane of life ; at the same time the powers and forces
will be more pronounced to reach a larger majority of cases,
when the native is manifesting in such conditions, as the
animal forces are strong, and their aura is filled with the
magnetic force. Then, too, the Taurus individual is natu
rally sympathetic, and notwithstanding the inner Mars force
is feminine and negative in the exterior nature, therefore
the native will naturally give out to those who are in dis
tress, thus forming one of the essential conditions to suc
cessful treatment. The will is strong, and they are stub
born and difficult to conquer, in fact, when the inner nature
is once aroused, it is almost impossible to overcome them.
This also adds to their power in successful treatment, for
their determination is strong to conquer.
The sign Scorpio is also known as possessing the power

56 Science and Key of Life.

of healing, but the difficulty with these individuals is that

they do not give out freely, as they naturally desire much
for themselves, and are more contracting in their interior
The sign Leo is a favorable sign for the Sun to be placed
in, and follows Taurus in its efficacy to heal the ills of the
physical form. The great difficulty with this individual is
that he is apt to be too sympathetic in his nature, and takes
to himself the troubles of others, as he possesses the interior
nature of the watery triplicity. When coming in contact
with affliction of others he is apt to be too weak and nega
tive through his sympathies, and in the successful treatment
of disease a positive will is essential at times, as possessed
by the inner Taurus nature.
The sign Aquarius is also found to give powers of heal
ing, with the Sun in Aquarius, and the sign Taurus on
the ascendant. Such an influence would give remarkable
powers in the treatment of disease. It is a combination of
the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury, influences that must
be considered in considering the successful healer of dis
ease through magnetic and vibratory forces, or form of
treatment that is as old as man, the laying on of hands in
psychic or thought treatment.
The planet Urania must be considered in such treatment.
The Sun in the sign Pisces, and Taurus upon the ascendant,
will give strong powers in this direction. Pisces, the airy
sign of the watery triplicity, with its natural psychical
power, combined with the fixed sign Taurus, also adding
concentration of power to the thought. The sign Aqua
rius, the home of Urania, is also favorable for thought
treatment. The world has hardly advanced far enough to
day as a whole to receive the beneficial results from this
form of treatment, and it will need more of the direct powers
of manipulation to reach the patient in successful results.
The successful treatment of disease by the laying on of
hands, the conveying of life-giving force and energy, which
is merely the transmission of power magnetic and electric,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 57

that changes the rate of vibration in the atmosphere of the

individual in distress, where certain parts of the physical
organization are latent in the performance of their part of
the harmonious and normal working of the whole.
It will be observed that the earthy signs are powerful in
transmitting the vivifying energies of health-giving forces,
and blended with the fiery signs are intensified in their
effects. The watery and airy signs are of the psychical
nature, and give more power to the mental energies for
treatment at a distance. This does not refer to the sign
that is on the ascendant, but the sign the Sun is manifesting
through at the time of birth, and its progressive position
must also be considered. The sign on the ascendant indi
cates the will power in a measure, and this may be taken
into consideration when rendering judgment.
For instance, the earthy sign Capricorn under the dom
ination of Saturn, when Aries, Leo or even Sagittarius, or
even Scorpio be upon the ascendant, and the Sun in Capri
corn in favorable aspect with Saturn, will give power to heal
by laying on of hands, and in a measure through psychic
power of mental treatment. However, under these condi
tions it will be readily seen how an affliction of the Sun in
Capricorn would affect the natural flow of these forces, as
for instance, Saturn in the sign Libra or Cancer, casting a
square and opposing influence to the Sun, and Mercury,
which is apt to be not far removed from the greater lumi
In the comparison of nativities between the native and the
patient to be cured, the first consideration is the harmonious
positions and aspects of the luminaries in the two figures,
more especially in the Sun ; then the receptivity and har
monious aspects expressed in the figure between the Sun
and the sign posited of the native and the sixth house, and
sign thereon of the patient. If these are in favorable aspect
and mutually receptive, then it is a favorable indication that
the patient may be benefited, if the sixth house of the patient
is not receiving any ill aspects from the malefics in the figure
58 Science and Key of Life.

of the native, as for instance, if Mars be found in the figure

of the native occupying the sixth house of the patient, then
it would indicate an over supply of the Mars force, and
would be apt to affect the native according to the hot, fever
ish burning nature of Mars. On the other hand, if Saturn
be found occupying the sixth house of the patient, then the
effect of the treatment would have a similar effect upon the
If the planet Urania in the native's chart be found in the
sixth house of the patient he will benefit according to the
harmonious influence received from the benefics. With the
native's Sun, Jupiter, Mercury or Venus occupying the sixth
house of the patient, the indications for beneficial results are
favorable, providing these planets are not receiving the ill
aspects of the malefics. The native should choose those
days to give treatment to his patients when his own Sun
and Moon is unaffficted, and when the Moon in the figure
of the patient is in benefic aspect with the Sun, Jupiter,
Mars and Mercury, for when the luminaries in the figure
of the patient are found with Saturn, or even Mars, it is
difficult for him to receive benefit.
This force is often given off unconsciously and this sub
ject should be well understood by every individual. In
many instances, one member of a family may draw upon
another to their detriment physically, and ofttimes in the
case of children occupying the same sleeping apartments.
These forces are conveyed most readily when the person is
in a passive mood, such as induced by sleep. It is necessary
to use every caution in the case of an infant who is placed
in the keeping of a nurse, that may affect the child's con
stitution to a great degree, sapping its vitality rather than
feeding and nourishing it.
Then, too, in the case of elderly persons who are under
the care of younger persons, it is well known in certain in
stances how the one will sap the life forces from the other.

This operation comes under the same head, that giving


out of magnetic, vital force to another, though this can be

Planetary Influences, Etc. 59

abused, as even a great reservoir can be depleted or emptied

of its contents through a constant draught upon it without
an opportunity to renew itself.
Considering the most favorable aspects and chart for the
individual to give treatment in this manner, we would first
of all place the Sun in the sign Taurus. We would place
the sign Leo upon the ascendant or Scorpio, Leo preferred.
This would place the Sun and Mercury in the tenth and
Venus in the eleventh, the places of honor and good friend
ships. We should place Jupiter in Aquarius near the sev
enth cusp between the sixth and seventh houses. This
would give harmonious relations between the native and the
public in common. We would place Saturn in the sign
Capricorn, in trine aspect to the Sun, so that no ill effects
might come to his honor or profession. Urania would be
placed in Sagittarius. This would assist in directing the
native's mental forces to the psychical, the metaphysical,
and with Neptune in the sign Cancer, sextile to the Sun and
Mercury, would give an ideality of a high order, a natural
interest and sympathy in the welfare of his fellowman, and
would assist somewhat in overcoming any selfish motives he
might manifest from the ruler of the first house in sign
Taurus, and Virgo. The natural sixth sign, placed upon the
second house in the figure, would clearly denote the source
from which his money or possessions would come, and it
would be well to have the Moon placed here, which would
bring the luminaries in trine, and also Mercury the ruler of
Virgo, in trine with the lesser luminary. This would also
assist in overcoming a selfish motive on the part of the
native, for this element cannot be part of the nature in the
ideal character of the individual who is to relieve his fellow-
man and be a teacher as well.
We find that in cases of debility the common remedy in
troduced into the system is iron. Now this substance has
been found to give relief in toning up the system, but the
physician who may recommend this or other similar reme
dies coming under the rule of the planet Mars realize the
6o Science and Key of Life.

influence back of it all, and while iron may be used to build

up the system, the results can be obtained much more
quickly and with less injurious results to the patient through
the magnetic treatment, as the difficulty in the introduction
of drugs into the human organization is the ill effects it
may have upon certain parts of the system, certain organs,
and its effects act in many instances as a poison.
Take, for instance, lead, which is ruled by the planet
Saturn, and we find that the introduction of lead into the
system will cause constipation, will affect the nervous sys
tem. There will be contractions of the limbs and paralysis
is apt to occur, and in fact, by a careful study of the reme
dies that come under the rule of Saturn, we find in their
effects, when used as a medicine, the nervous system is
particularly affected, and the nervous system comes under
the influence of Saturn and Mercury largely.
Then, for instance, in considering the operation of con
tracting colds, etc., we find in the first place, the cause is
the constricting of the vessels that lie near the surface of
the body and also the extremities, thus causing the blood to
flow inwardly and thus causing internal congestion. Thus
we may observe in this instance the inward contracting in
fluence of Saturn manifested.
In the introduction of minerals and drugs of any nature
into the system, there are certain parts of the system that
will be affected to the detriment of their healthful condition,
as for instance, Mars remedies would affect those organs
and parts under the Moon and Venus, and also Urania,
while Saturn remedies will affect those parts under the rule
of the Sun, Mars and Mercury, also the Moon, or in other
words, those planets which hold a natural antipathy toward
each other will naturally affect when their remedies are
introduced, while on the other hand through the introduc
tion of the magnetic vibrations there is but the vivifying
forces of magnetic action to consider. There is no sub
stance that must be worked off, while in the introduction of
the magnetism the system will receive the proper force of the
Planetary Influences, Etc. 6i

exact nature required, that there the proper assimila

tion of forces existing, that there should be between the
operator and his patient, as we have shown heretofore.
When the Sun of the operator occupying the sixth

house of the patient and in negative sign, or sign

through which can find expression easily, the influence

favorable for successful treatment, and the planet Urania

in the nativity of the operator occupy the sixth house of the
patient, and be at the same time in good aspect to the Sun
and Mercury, and the ascending signs be in mutual recep
tivity, the patient can receive benefit from the operator's
concentrating his thought out to him without regard to dis
tance. Naturally at such time the patient should be aware
of the intention of the operator, though even this condition
not always essential the planetary influences show

mutual harmony and receptivity of forces on the part of
the patient.

The Effect of Vibration and the Results of Musical Sounds,

Beneficial to the Patient.

We have learned of the effects of vibration upon indi

viduals and the result of musical sounds upon the animal
kingdom is quite well known; therefore we can realize the
good or ill results to the physical organization when the
benefic aspects are in the majority, or for instance if the
luminaries, especially the Sun, is unafflicted, and Mercury
are in good aspect with the benefics, we then have a balance
of equality that retains a normal, healthful condition of body
and mind, but on the other hand, let Mercury be receiving
♦the ill aspects of Saturn for a certain length of time and as
Saturn moves so slow this is apt to be the case.
Then the organization is subjected to this gloomy effect
of melancholy sadness which will entirely unbalance certain
natures of a Venus Moon type, while others who are
brought into these effects do not become so affected, for the
reason that they are able to throw them off, as being so con
stituted that these Saturnine rays do not manifest the same
influence, just in the same comparison as one individual
cares for the low, soft tones of music while another is held
entranced by the wild, weird tones, and may even be thor
oughly exhausted or greatly benefited by such music. The
world does not realize the great effect of vibration. If they
did they might escape much that is injurious to them.
We may realize how through a careful study of these
tones and vibrations and also their harmonious tones in
music, that cures may be performed upon the patient

Planetary Influences, Etc. 63

through this method alone. The idea is that certain tones

and vibrations are created that will tend to overcome the
ill aspects of planetary influences, as for instance, this can
be easily demonstrated after carefully considering the nature
of the patient, the influences as shown in the chart of birth
and a knowledge of the harmonious tones in the musical
Take the individual, when the Moon is in conjunction
with Saturn in Capricorn or one of the cold signs. We
have learned that at such times the patient will not be af

fected by medicines administered, that in the manner
that intended. However, will be found that with few

exceptions, that by creating certain tones of the Sun and
Mars character, as for instance, chords played in or G,

will have an effect that beneficial to the patient.

We may consider this subject in this wise to better illus

trate, we may compare the spinal column to center pole,

and the nerves reaching to the various parts of the body as
ropes which are fastened at the top of the pole, and also
at equal distances apart and from the base of the pole. In
order to obtain a perfect position, all these ropes must be
of equal length and distances apart, in order to hold the pole
perfectly straight. Now then, we will suppose that these
ropes are composed of substance that affected by water,

and will shrink through contact with the same. We will now
wet one of the four ropes that holding the pole in position,

and we will observe that the top of the pole bent out of

its normal position. The opposite rope being pulled to


high tension, and even as the rope becomes dry we find the
pole still out of its normal.

This exactly the condition that assails the human body.


Certain parts are drawn taut while others are too loose,
causing an abnormal condition that affects the whole system,
caused by an influence that draws the physical out of its
normal state, and permitted to remain long in this condi

tion much suffering the result. This subject of vibration


and its effect upon mankind should be carefully studied.


Effect of the Conjunction of the Mars-Saturn Influence —

Not Favorable to the Highest Morals.

has been considered by many students that all diseases
come either under the influence of Mars or Saturn. To be
sure, these are considered of the greatest malefic influence
so far their affinity with the earth is concerned, Mars
creating too great an amount of energy or tonicity, while
Saturn works in exactly the opposite direction, being dia
metrically opposed in their character of action upon matter.
This influence may be correct in a sense, though all the plan
ets have their effect when in ill aspects upon the healthful
condition of the body.
But considering disease as divided into two classes for
the time, in the one instance of the Martian influence, it be
comes the object to elevate a diminished vitality to the same
normal health standard, while in the other case of Saturn,
it becomes the object to lower and reduce a too violent
activity of any organ or function, or in fact the whole sys
tem to the health standard.
In the first instance we observe diseases of the inflam
matory, feverish and plethoric nature, while in the last in
stance the results are debility, loss of appetite, nervous dis
orders, etc.
We find in every instance that the nature of Mars is to
vitalize the constitution, while Saturn will lower or devital
ize the constitution, therefore, it is very essential to consider
these two planets carefully when rendering judgment, for in
any instance where they may be configurated in the map it

Planetary Influences, Etc. 65

is a constant warfare; the one being most powerful in the

figure will manifest its power upon the native.
To illustrate, if the planet Saturn be elevated in a mutual
sign above Mars, his influence will be the stronger, and his
contracting influence will be felt. Then again, place Saturn
in elevation in Aries, or Sagittarius is more favorable, and
Mars below Saturn in Capricorn, or even Aquarius, the
power of Saturn is then diminished, for Saturn's cold nature
will be illuminated, while Mars, occupying Saturn's home,
will tend to warm up the otherwise cold influence. The
results would also be similar if the case be reversed and
Mars occupy the elevated position in the figure. The effect
will vary according to the sign in which these planets are
For instance, we may take an instance where Saturn is
found in the eighth house in a fiery sign, say Sagittarius,
and is in square to the Sun, the Sun being placed in Virgo
or Pisces or in opposition in Gemini ; under this direction
the position of Mars must be carefully considered, and the
most favorable aspect in which Mars could be placed would
be in conjunction with the Sun, but not in conjunction with
Saturn, for the Sun would then be aggravated either by one
or the other at all times and no peace could be found ; but
Mars in conduction with the Sun would be of more benefit
than if it were creating a trine aspect to this greater lumi
nary. Naturally the first few years of life would be critical
at times, as if the Sun in Gemini and at certain times when
the Sun was not casting so powerful influence, colds would
result, the lungs would be affected ; in Virgo, the bowels
would be under the cold, contracting influence and if the Sun
was placed in Pisces then colds, danger from water, drown
ing and hurts from large animals, but the presence of Mars
with the Sun would counteract this Saturnine effect, and
as the native advanced in years the influence would be les
sened, especially as the Sun passed onward in its progres
sive movement, as if in Gemini the Sun would in a few years
pass out of opposition of Saturn, and if in Virgo, would pass
66 Science and Key of Life.

from the square to the sextile, and if in Pisces, from the

square to the trine of Saturn.
We do not observe any special effect upon the physical as

regards disease, that when the luminaries are unafflicted,
though the effects of these two planets in conjuction not

favorable for the highest morals. The mental suffers, but
the house and sign must be studied carefully, as we may
observe, for instance in the house of Mercury the mind

affected by their combined aspect. There continual

warfare. The native apt to be cruel, hard-hearted, bitter,

antagonistic and dishonest. These tendencies may be in
tensified by any affliction to the benefic, and those points in
the figure that are in square or opposition of the degree in
which they are found, as for instance, in the eleventh

house, then the effect would be upon the children from the

fifth in opposition, from the friends by conjunction in the

eleventh from the affairs of the eighth by square, and

from the affairs of the second by this square aspect, and

there was any tendency to ill health or disease would then

fall more upon the children and near friends than upon the
Where conjunction of these two great malefics are

found in violent signs as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aqua

rius, their effects are intensified for evil, and in the eighth

house in such configuration, especially with the Sun or

Urania, violent death denoted, and in the sixth house

the health affected by sharp, sudden accidents, burns,


scalds, first from Mars and then from Saturn. As these

two elements are in continual warfare, and as we have
learned, the tonic maladies are characterized by the super
abundance of vitality, an exaggeration of the organic func
tions, while the Saturnine marks depression of vitality and

corresponding diminishing of the organic functions. Thus


we have in the organic functions, hypertrophy correspond

ing to Mars, and atrophy corresponding to the planet Saturn.
Thus persons under Mars are full of life and energy and
magnetism, an abundance of iron in the system, while the
Planetary Influences, Etc. 67

Saturnine type is melancholy, disinclined to exertion, though

at times when compelled in case of life and death, show
remarkable powers of endurance even outdoing the martial
This is the inner, persistent nature of Saturn, as it will
ever be found that on equal terms Saturn will overcome
Mars, for he has learned patience and will bide his time
and will conquer in the end when considered in his own
earthly, concrete element ; as for instance, it will be observed
that Regulus of Antimony will destroy the magnetic power
of iron, and it is well known that antimony is utilized at
times in reducing inflammations and fevers. This sub
stance is under the influence of Saturn. There is a contra
stimulant diminishing the excitability of the vascular system
and neutralizes the Mars influence.
It must be understood, for instance, that Saturn is not so
powerful in the manifestation of his own influence when in
the second five degrees of the sign Capricorn as he is in
the first five positive degrees, nor is the expression of Venus
which has control over the second ten degrees of Capricorn
or decanate in the positive degrees, as in the negative de
grees of this sign, and Mercury is more controvertible,
ruling the last decanate of Saturn.
To illustrate, if Saturn be placed in the seventh degree of
the sign Capricorn, and Mars be placed in the fourth degree
of the sign Aries, they would then be in square aspect, but
while Saturn would be occupying his own sign he would be
in square aspect, but while Saturn would be occupying his
own sign, he would be in the negative degrees, and therefore
his influence would not be so powerful against Mars' fiery
ray as manifesting in his positive degree, and supposing
them to be in equal elevation in the figure. Nor must the
aspect be considered of so great importance as if Saturn
was placed in his positive degrees. This rule applies to all
the planets when considering their power when in positive
and negative degrees.
In our former consideration of the positive and negative
68 Science and Key of Life.

figure as marked off in the positive and negative degrees,

we consider the planet Mars as having rule over the sign
Scorpio, and naturally give him the first decanate of that
sign. We also allot to him the second decanate of the sign
Cancer, and the third decanate of the sign Pisces. Now in
considering these signs from an esoteric view this must be
changed, and will as the world progresses from under the
lower Mars- Venus rays. Neptune expresses in his influence
esoterically the results of Mars and Venus transmuted, and
in reconstructing the figure on this principle we give the
last ten degrees of Pisces as coming under the rule of Nep
tune. It will be some time before this influence will be fully
expressed on the physical plane of life.
The second ten degrees of the watery sign Cancer would
also be given to the planet Neptune, and the first ten de
grees of Scorpio would be allotted to Neptune, the second
ten degrees of Scorpio to Jupiter, and the third ten degrees
of Scorpio to the Moon, while the first ten degrees of Can
cer would be allotted to the Moon, the second ten degrees
would be given to Neptune, and the last ten degrees would
be given to Jupiter. Then we may observe the change of
these in the sign Pisces to Jupiter is allotted the first ten
degrees. The Moon, the great transmuter, is allotted the
second ten degrees and finally Neptune is given the last ten
degrees of this last and most incomprehensible sign, and it is
indeed a difficult problem to apply the higher gleams from
Neptune in the influences as they come to this earth planet,
for there are so few who are under this higher influence
that will respond to his vibration.
In a similar manner to the planet Urania, the mind and
mental is affected sometimes in a very peculiar manner, for
these individuals come partially in touch with the higher
vibration of these planets, and in attempting to find expres
sion through the lower mind the result is eccentricity,
fanaticism, etc., and are in fact often considered insane.
Naturally there is an unbalance, but we have learned that
Planetary Influences, Etc. 69

when Mars has great influence in the figure and afflicts the
lesser luminary, then the senses are governed by the lower
will, the physical will, and if Saturn have control in the
figure and afflict the Moon the senses are contracted and
frozen and must be thawed out. Both influences are neces
sary, but should be properly balanced.

The Natal Conditions of Life — Nature of Diseases Under

Different Planets and Afflicting Planet.

In rendering judgment upon a question concerning the

natal conditions of life, the student must ever keep in mind
this fact, there are three hundred and sixty distinct rays to
be considered, and these may be termed primary considera
tions, and the key to the figure is ever to be found in the
first house and its associations with regard to ruler, aspects,
etc. This first house must be considered in any event, as
for instance, disease liability, the intensity and duration.
The student may easily judge of the strength of will con
stitution, and for instance, a fixed sign would be found upon
the ascendant and its ruler placed in the first house, then
judge according to the sign upon the ascendant. If, for
instance, Leo was on the sixth house and Pisces be on the
ascendant, here we find the sign Leo fixed in nature, and its
ruler the Sun occupying a movable sign, and if the Sun be
receiving the malefic rays of Saturn and Mars occupying
the sixth house, then it must be judged that there will be
sharp, sudden illness, palpitation of the heart, sharp pains
in the loins and back and lower limbs. There is difficulty
in moving about, as the Sun is badly afflicted in Pisces.
However, Mars occupying the sixth house, and knowing his
affliction to be of a sudden, sharp nature and the ruler of
the sixth, though a fixed sign, occupying the sign Pisces
common and movable, then judge the illness will not be of
long duration.
Now for instance, we may reverse this, and place Pisces
Planetary Influences, Etc. 7i

on the sixth house and Leo on the ascendant, Mars in the

first and Sun in Pisces in the sixth, and receiving the square
of Saturn, then judgment would be that during such times
as the Sun was afflicted the native would suffer from coughs,
colds, difficulty with lower limbs and feet, but not necessarily
fatal from this direction alone, as the sign on the first house,
the home of the Sun, is a fixed sign of strong vitality and
is occupied by the fiery Mars, giving the native a consti
tution that would overcome the affliction of Sun by Saturn.
Now if we reverse the order further, and place the sign
Pisces on the sixth house, and place Saturn therein, and
the Sun in Gemini in square with Leo on the ascendant, and
Mars therein, the native would be liable to sudden falls,
hurts to the limbs and arms, colds, and the lungs would be
affected, but this would be of short duration, while if the
map be still further changed and Leo be placed upon the
sixth house, and Saturn be placed therein and the Sun be
in square aspect from Taurus or Scorpio or the opposition
in Aquarius, and if Pisces be on the ascendant, the effects
would then be of a lasting and serious nature, as we find
Saturn a planet of slow motion in affliction to the Sun.
The nature of the disease would be fixed from the sign
Leo, the Sun also occupying a fixed sign, showing an affec
tion of the heart, back and spine that would not be over
come and would show permanence even though Mars occu
pied the first house. As this planet progressed onward the
affliction would become more severe each time the aspects
were excited, until Saturn would overcome and take the
patient from the physical.
Thus it will be seen that the Sun afflicted by Saturn in the
natal chart, the native will be apt to pass from the physical
in infancy, while Mars in good aspect <o the Sun or occupy
ing the sign Leo in the tenth or first, gives power to over
come Saturn's cold rays for the time. In disease the
nature of the signs occupying the sixth and first houses,
whether movable or fixed, must be carefully considered.
Saturn accentuates the Moon's diseases.
72 Science and Key of Life.

It will be well to consider the effects of the lesser luminary

when accentuated by Saturn, as for instance, Aries in the
sixth house and Moon placed there in square opposition,
parallel or conjunction to Saturn at the time of birth, or
when the horary figure is erected, the effects will be heavi
ness in head, dull pains, discharge from nostrils, phlegm,
etc., catarrhal affections, the eyesight is affected, the mental
is dull and cannot retain thought. There is contraction of
the stomach, occasional violent sweating. There seems to
be internal heat and external cold, and it will be observed
that the patient is afflicted more during the night than the
day, as the Moon's influence is then stronger under the
same conditions.
When the moon is placed in the sign Taurus there will be
fevers and pains in throat. The vital organs will be af
fected, obstructions to the heart, the liver and lungs will be
affected, and will result from rich food in many instances.
The temperature is high and vacillating. The body may
appear to be bloated and the lungs oppressed, ulceration of
bronchial tubes, vocal organs, and if the Moon is not receiv
ing any assistance from the benefics or applying to the same,
the patient is liable to pass from the physical in a little time,
as the influence under these positions and aspects are quite
When Gemini occupy the sixth, and the Moon is placed
therein with the same aspects to Saturn, the disease will
have originated from the mental condition, too much worry
or mental strain or in too violent exercise or physical weak
ness. There will be some fever, and the pains seem to be
scattered over the whole body, though more chiefly in the
limbs and joints. The lungs are affected, the circulation is
poor and pulse is weak. There is frequent perspiration and
symptoms of lung troubles, and if there is no benefic aspects
from Mars or the Sun or Moon applying to evil aspect of
malefics, the patient cannot remain long in the physical.
When the same conditions are found with the sign Cancer
occupying the sixth house, the breast is much afflicted.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 73

There will be much salivary discharge and phlegm. There

are also fits of violent coughing. There may be some ab
normal tumorous or cancerous growth on the breast, ca
tarrhal affections, obstructions in breathing. There will be
frequent pains in bowels, and the organs of generation will
be affected, and if the Moon be increasing in light and
applying to the planet Saturn, the patient will be apt to pass
from the physical as the direction becomes intensified, and
the difficulty will hardly be overcome by drugs or medi
cines. If the proper person can be brought in whose nativ
ity will harmonize with that of the patient, the Sun of the
individual being in good aspect to the Moon in the patient's
nativity, the difficulty will be removed through treatment by
manipulating the back of head and stomach through mag
netic force as generated to the patient.
When the same influences exist and the sign Leo occupies
the sixth house, the student may judge the sickness is
caused from bad and corrupted blood. The patient suffers
from internal heat. There will be heart burn, irregular
heart action, violent fevers. The patient will feel faint and
become unconscious at times. Jaundice will result from
these aspects, and if there is no benefic aspects the patient
is apt to pass from the physical, especially if the Moon is
applying to the affliction of Saturn instead of separating
from it.
When the same conditions occur with Virgo in the sixth
house the cause will be from indigestion, the proper assimi
lation of food obstructions in the bowels, or it may be from
the effects of some drug or medicine taken accidentally.
There will be pains in the bowels, vomiting, flatulency, gout
and difficulties in the limbs and feet. There may be partial
paralysis for the time. The position and aspects of Moon
show the duration and results of sickness.
When the Moon is found in the sign Leo and in con
junction, square and opposition or even in parallel to Saturn,
the cause of illness is too rich or heavy food that the system
does not assimilate well. There may be overheating of the
74 Science and Key of Life.

blood, too violent exercise. There are dull pains in the

back, the heart action is unsteady, the head may be affected
by a rush of blood or it may be by a lack of blood, imperfect
circulation, a contracted condition of those parts ruled by
Leo and Moon and even parts ruled by the fixed signs are
affected for the time being. There is also liability to rheu
matic pains, too great an abundance of acid in the blood. If
the Moon be separating from the malefic influences of Sa
turn and applying to a benefic, the Sun or Jupiter, or even
Mercury or Venus, and the good aspects of Mars will assist,
but if the Moon is applying to the malefic rays of Saturn and
this influence is intensified, the Moon increasing in light,
then judge that the patient will hardly recover, and at least
the affliction is apt to be of long duration and chronic.
When the Moon is found in the sign Scorpio, with the
same positions of Saturn, the influence will indicate disease
of the rectum and secret organs, piles, hemorrhoids and all
venereal diseases. There will be a contraction of the mus
cles of the bladder, and the patient may have no control
over the urine. There may be stone in the bladder and also
tumors, dropsical affections, and if Urania be in affliction
and combine his influence, the affliction will hardly be over
come. It should also be carefully observed if the planet is
in evil aspect at this time to the Moon or Saturn, as a
benefic influence from Venus will tend to alleviate the in
tensity and duration of the affliction. In all instances where
Saturn is the afflicting planet the bones are affected, and
when signs of watery nature are the significators, there will
be running sores or the bones may rot or become hard or
stiff, according to the affliction of the planets in affinity. If
Urania combine with Saturn, the disease may not be over
come without many difficulties. In the fixed signs the blood
is ever affected, also the sign Libra through the
rule over the
kidneys and reins.
The Moon in the sign Sagittarius under the same aspects
and joints ; the
in the sixth, there is severe pains in thighs
and cold. The illness
lower extremities suffer from heat
Planetary Influences, Etc. 75

is often brought on through great bodily exertion, too violent

exercise, where the pores of the body are open and cooled too
rapidly. The small blood vessels near the surface are con
tracted and this leaves the body open to penetrating cold.
In this affliction the mental is also affected and the patient
is quite apt to be out of his head for the time. There is
liable to be great melancholy, and if Mercury or Urania be
in conjunction or affliction the effect may fall upon the men
tal altogether, and to get the mind free is the first necessity.
There will be melancholy, and if other aspects agree the
patient may take his life from the physical, especially if
Mars cast an evil aspect to Mercury at the same time.
When the Moon is found in the sign Capricorn in the
same aspects to Saturn, the disease or illness comes from
worry, morbid fears and melancholy. The stomach is af
fected. There is a loss of appetite and food taken in is not
properly digested. There is at times difficulty of breathing.
There is liable to be pains in the head or ear ache, quite apt
to be the left side, and the pain is apt to be more intense at
night than during the day. The patient is unable to obtain
rest or sleep. There is liable to be eruption of the skin
after several days, or if Mars assist, some disease of a viru
lent type, smallpox, measles, etc.
When the Moon is found posited in the sixth house of the
figure and the sign Aquarius occupy the confines of this
house, while Saturn is casting his malignant influences, it
may be judged that the illness is brought on by bodily or
mental exertion. This may be due at times to lack of nour
ishment. The blood is affected, the heart action is weak,
the vitality is low. The patient will suffer much pain in the
lower limbs, and it will be observed that when one of the
fixed signs is in affliction, that those parts of the body ruled
by the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are
affected, and it is noticeable that the fixed signs are all in
square aspect to each other. Thus, if the Moon occupy the
sixth house and be in affliction by Saturn, we will naturally
find Saturn occupying one of those other fixed signs in order
Science and Key of Life.

to be in square or opposition to it. If

Urania cast a malig
nant influence, the patient will be apt to be hysterical and
suffer from fits, spasms, etc. As to the recovery of the
patient when the Moon is applying to benefics and separating
from the evil aspects of Saturn, or if after leaving the op
position of her own place, and if applying to the benefic
aspectsof helpful planets it argues favorably for the re
covery of patient. This is all under the control of good
and malefic influences that may come to the rescue, so to
When the Moon is found in the sixth house in the sign
Pisces and is receiving the affliction of Saturn, it may be
safely judged that the patient suffers from the effect of
cold or exposure, wet feet, etc. There is much fever, the
patient is apt to be out of his head, there is some pain in
the chest and side. There are apt to be frequent fits of
coughing. There may be water on the chest, there is much
phlegm. If the moon continues under affliction and receives
no assistance from the benefics the patient will hardly re
cover, as the patient will be some affected by pulmonary
affections, consumption or wasting disease.
It will also be well to consider the effects of the Moon
when found in the sixth house in the various signs, with
Mars the afflicting planet. When the sign Aries occupies
the sixth house and Moon is found therein and in square,
opposition, conjunction, or parallel to Mars, the illness is
caused from distemper of the membrane of the brain. The
nerves are affected, there is much fever, restlessness, foul
breath. The pulse is high, there is some inflammation of
the liver, much internal heat. There may be pains to the
stomach, colic or cholera. If after the Moon separates from
Mars and passes to affliction of Saturn there is small hope of
recovery, and if the Moon be applying to benefic aspects and
increasing in light, this is favorable argument for recovery.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house afflicted by
Mars and occupying the sign of Taurus, there is continual
fever. The whole system seems to be affected. There
Planetary Influences, Etc.

seems to be an over-abundance of blood. The throat is

affected. There is inflammation in this part, putrid sore
throat, hoarseness. There may also be pains in the kidneys
and back, burning urine, pain from stone or gravel. The
secret organs are inflamed. As to recovery, judge as ex
plained heretofore.
When the Moon is found in the sign Gemini in the sixth
house and afflicted by Mars, there will be violent fever and
often delirium. The mental is affected, but in this look well
to the position of Mercury and Urania. The blood is apt to
be corrupt, the heart action is weak and fluctuating, inor
dinate pulse, pains in lungs and extremities. There may be
spitting of blood or hemorrhage. In all the signs when
afflicted the mind must be treated, but more especially in
this sign. These patients are difficult to treat on account of
their active mental and weakened physical. They must be
kept quiet and free from excitement and noise.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house and occupy
ing the sign Cancer and in square, opposition, conjunction
or parallel to the planet Mars, the cause of illness is due to
some excess in eating or drinking. There will be indiges
tion, dysentery, inflammation of bowels, difficulty to keep
food on the stomach, spitting of blood. Under such in
fluences the patient is liable to delirium tremens and affec
tions that arise from imbibing too freely in drink of intoxi
cating nature. The conjunction of Mars to the Moon in the
sign Cancer is quite apt to influence the native to intemper
ance in drinking and eating, and if Mercury is also in af
fliction there will be difficulty in overcoming the habit, as
there will be periodical fits of drunkenness, as Moon comes
into affliction by square, opposition, etc., at such times. If
the affliction is intense and the sign on ascendant weak and
negative, and its ruler afflicted or below the earth, out of
essential dignity, the only remedy is to shut the patient up
as the affliction begins to operate, and continue until this has
passed off. It amounts to the same thing as a disease, and
78 Science and Key of Life.

the individual must be strong indeed that can successfully

withstand this influence.
When the Moon is in the sixth house in the sign Leo and
afflicted by the fiery Mars, there is an overabundance of
blood. The pulse is varying, feverish, delirious. The
heart is affected, loss of appetite, the body seems to be burn
ing up at times with fever. The skin is dry and parched.
There may be swooning and fainting spells, and if the Sun
at the same time be in square, opposition or conjunction, it
is very unfavorable, especially if the Sun be found below
Mars and the Moon. The Sun, Moon and Mars found in
conjunction in this fiery sign Leo and receiving no benefic
aspects, it is hardly possible that the patient will recover.
If the Moon be separating and applying to benefic aspects
and the Sun be elevated and separating to benefic aspects,
then judge the patient will recover.
When the Moon is found in the sign Virgo and this sign
be occupying its natural position in the sixth house, and
Mars is casting a malignant aspect, the influence is very un
favorable. There will be severe inflammation of bowels and
those parts ruled by Virgo, and this sign be occupying its
natural position in the sixth house and Mars is casting a
malignant aspect, the influence is very unfavorable. There
will be severe inflammation of bowels and those parts ruled
by Virgo, apt to be very severe pains attend, flux, the pulse
is weak, colic, flatulence, the whole body is weak and espe
cially the limbs and feet, and the patient cannot endure be
ing on his feet, more apt to be the case if Mars is casting
his affliction from the opposing sign, Pisces, and under such
aspects the disease is not easily removed, more especially
true if the Moon be separating from the opposition of Mars
and applying to the square of Saturn in Sagittarius. Under
this affliction the patient passes from one extreme to the
other in rapid succession, and the system weakened from the
feverish Mars is hardly able to withstand the freezing effects
of Saturn.
When the Moon is found in the sign Libra and this sign
Planetary Influences, Etc. 79

occupy the sixth house, the influence is very intense. To

begin with, the sign Libra is in direct opposition to the sign
Aries ruled by Mars, and thus it will be seen that this
planet in the sign Aries in opposition would naturally bring
a greater affliction to the Moon here than if it were posited
in Capricorn or even the sign Cancer, for if in the sign Cap
ricorn, more especially the fiery Mars, would be less intense,
as his fiery rays would be absorbed by the cold Capricorn
and even the watery Cancer, though Capricorn is more
favorable of the three. When in Aries there is an abund
ance of blood, high pulse, restlessness, inflammation over
the whole body. The head is hot and dry and sharp pains
will be present, rush of blood to the head. The kidneys
and reins will be affected, inflammation will be present, stone
and gravel and excruciating pains in those parts, violent,
burning fevers, and is apt to remain some time, if Mars be
in Aries.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house in the sign
Scorpio and receiving the malefic rays of Mars, the influence
is quite intense while it lasts. The blood is corrupt and
there will be swellings, breakings out of blotches, pimples,
etc., sometimes running sores. There will be ulceration of
secret organs, much inflammation. Piles, hemorrhoids, etc.,'
will afflict, boils and such humors as manifest from cor

rupted blood. The patient also suffers from severe pains

and stoppage in head and throat. There may be putrid sore
throat, canker, etc., and if a child, the measles and similar
affections. Mars ruling both Scorpio and Aries, both signs
receive affliction, and if the planet Venus combine her rays
with that of the Moon and Mars, there will be some venereal
disease and much scandal and gossip concerning the patient,
as Mars will ever bring secret subjects to the light and notice
of the public. This influence is most intense and if Mars
occupy a fiery, positive sign, the influence will naturally
intensified, while if found in a cold sign and negative, judge
the opposite. This is a critical sign to find upon the sixth
house, as it will be observed that Scorpio is the radical
8o Science and Key of Life.

eighth sign, the house of death to the physical, and when dis
ease takes hold, it is very intense and requires immediate
attention if the patient is to continue in the physical form.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house and occupying
the sign Sagittarius afflicted by the planet Mars, the patient
is generally afflicted by some disease quite violent and
severe, providing the Moon is in affliction and decreasing in
light. The cause of disease is in most instances from an ex
cess in eating or drinking or it may be from inordinate ex
ercise. Under this influence there is frequent periods of
high fever. The pulse is weak and the heart beat faint and
varying. The patient will be apt to suffer from some viru
lent fever. The throat is sore, hoarseness, swellings, in
tense pains in arms and limbs, especially the thighs, those
parts ruled by Sagittarius. Gout may afflict, and eyes are
liable to be weak, inflamed, and the disease may leave the
patient afflicted by weak eyes. The hair will fall out, be
come dry and brittle under the malefic aspects of Mars to
the Moon from this sign, more especially if in conjunction
as evil aspect from signs of a violent nature. The native
may be fatally injured by some large beast, such as horses,
cattle, etc. If Urania cast influence the injury may come
from wild beasts, and the same will be lasting in their ef
fects unless the Moon be separating from Mars and in af
fliction to some benefic aspect from the Sun or Jupiter or
even Mercury. Under this aspect the mental is often
afflicted for the reason that it will be observed the sign
Gemini ruled by Mercury is in direct opposition, and the
sign Virgo, also under the rule of Mercury and Urania, is in
square. It will be found that the mind will be affected for
some time after the patient has recovered from the sickness.
When Mars is casting the square from the sign Pisces the
influence may not be so severe but will come very sudden
and unexpectedly.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house and the sign
Capricorn occupies this house, the Moon receiving the afflic
tion of Mars, the disease is apt to arise from non-assimilation
Planetary Influences, Etc. 8i

of food, small nourishment received from the food taken.

The blood is thin and lacking in quantity. The liver and
kidneys are affected. One of the most prevalent diseases
is yellow jaundice. The face is sunken and emaciated, the
body is wasted, the blood is corrupt. The skin is yellow and
saffron in color. There may be much vomiting and flux.
There is a swelling of the muscles and cholera, cramp, etc.,
will be present. There are grievous humors over the body,
the pulse is weak and irregular. There is difficulty in
breathing at times, more particularly at night. The patient
is restless. It will be observed that the afflictions must nat
urally come from the cardinal signs.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house and the sign
Aquarius occupy this house and Mars is casting his malig
nant influence to the Moon, we may judge the disease will be
of a violent nature and very intense while it lasts, and if
Saturn assist in affliction at the same time, the affliction will
be lasting. Aquarius is a positive fixed sign, and if Mars is
found in opposition in the sign Leo the affliction is more
intense than if they were in conjuction in Aquarius. This
is the fine point to consider in rendering judgment, as for in
stance, Mars in conjunction with the Moon, cold in her
nature and in a sign in which Saturn finds his exaltation,
the effect would not be so malefic if this aspect alone was
considered ; on the other hand if Mars be in opposition from
the fiery fixed sign Leo, the affliction would be more intense
than any of the other aspects he might hold to the Moon,
as the square from Taurus would not be so intense nor even
the square aspect from Scorpio the home of Mars, though
neither the earthy Taurus nor the watery Scorpio would
affect as the fiery Leo, the home of the Sun. With the Moon
and Mars in conjunction in the sixth house the influence
might fall more upon the servants, agents, tenants, quarrels,
disturbance or illness to them than disease to the native.
All these aspects must be carefully judged when Mars afflict
the Moon from opposition or square. There is pain at
heart, the back, the kidneys and reins, pain in the side. The
82 Science and Key of Life.

blood is overheated, there will be swooning fits, high pulse,

hoarseness and inflammation in chest and throat. The spine
may be injured and there is apt to be falls from high places,
from buildings, or hurts from lightning, electricity. The
patient may be injured so that paralysis will affect the lower
limbs. There will be difficulty in breathing, and the patient
may recover only after great difficulties and some chronic
affliction may ensue. The feet and ankles are liable to suffer
some affliction ; if from falls, apt to be the left limb.
When the Moon is found in the sixth house in the sign
Pisces and in affliction from Mars, the influence may be of a
mental nature or originate therefrom, that is, if the aspect is
in opposition. There will be excess in eating and drinking.
The affliction will fall more intense during the night time.
There is delirium, vehement thirst, burning fevers. There
is pain and looseness to the bowels, violent coughing, much
phlegm and there is great danger from dropsical affections
emanating from the condition of physical. There are colds
on the lungs, rheumatism in the limbs, and when the afflic
tion falls from Sagittarius there will be boils breaking out
of the body. The body will be filled with humors that are
liable to appear on the head and feet. Mars in conjunction
with the Moon in Pisces in the sixth is not so intense as if
Saturn is found there, as Saturn in that position will act
more powerfully on the Moon in sickness and disease and
intensify her afflictions to the physical. The effects are quite
different in such instances. Where either Saturn or Mars
occupy the sixth house and cast an affliction to the Moon
from this house, as for instance, Saturn was found in the
sixth house in sign Libra and square to the Moon in sign
Cancer, then judge the sickness may fall upon the husband
or wife or upon brothers or sisters if Cancer occupy the
third house and Moon be in the third house. If Mars be
found in same position, then judge of some quarrels and dis
turbance between brothers, sisters, dissipation on their part.

Time for Physician to Cast Horoscope of Patient — Con

sideration of Diseases in reference to Signs — Duration
of Diseases —Some Examples.

The proper moment to cast the figure by the physician in

case of disease and sickness is the time the patient is taken
ill or when he is called in to attend.
When the significators in fiery signs and even house of a
fiery nature show, the complaints will be of a hot, feverish,
nature, corrupted blood, etc. This must also be considered
when occupying the ascendant and sixth house, or the malefic
planet occupy such signs, the result will depend upon the
mutual harmony between the planet sign and house, as for
instance, the planet Mars occupying the sign Capricorn in
the twelfth house in opposition, we find the affliction les
sened than if Mars occupy the sign Aries in the twelfth
house. Thus it is essential to study each house, sign and
planet carefully if correct judgment is to be rendered.
Earthy signs occupied by the significators of disease, and
if these signs occupy the ascendant or sixth house it signifies
that the disease will be long and tedious, intermittent fevers,
all complaints arising from melancholy, consumption, wast
ing diseases. This is more intense if Saturn be the afflicting
planet than if Mars be in affliction, as his nature is sharp,
quick, but recovers quickly.
Airy signs show cutaneous diseases, gout, corrupt blood,
scrofula, breaking out, etc., while the watery signs all dis
eases that proceed from moisture, disordered stomach,
coughs, wasting diseases.

84 Science and Key of Life.

Then again, in considering the houses, as the first house

rules the head, the eyes, face, the ears, nose, mouth, etc.,
the second house the throat, quinsy, glandular swellings in
neck, sore throat, tonsilitis, all affections of throat and neck.
The third house rules diseases of the shoulders, arms and
hands, the lungs and chest. The fourth house, the stomach,
breasts. The fifth house, the back and spine, hind part of
shouders, the heart, liver, sides; and sixth house rules dis
eases of bowels, the intestines, liver and reins, also spleen.
The seventh house, diseases of small intestines, the bladder,
kidneys, the matrix. The eighth house the organs of gener
ation, the rectum and groin ; the ninth house, the hips, thighs
and lower limbs; the tenth house, the cuticle, the knees,
joints and upper part of limb behind the knees ; the eleventh
house has rule over diseases of the limb from the knee joint
to the ankle, the shin bone, the shank, the blood ; the twelfth
house rules diseases of the feet, ankles, toes, cold, malignant
diseases of humors and wasting nature.
Thus in rendering judgment in case the Moon occupy the
sign Virgo in the sixth house and Saturn occupy Sagittarius
in the ninth house, while Venus occupy Pisces in the twelfth,
this would then involve the parts ruled by these three houses
and signs, as Saturn is afflicting the Moon by square from
the ninth and also casting a malignant aspect to Venus from
the ninth to twelfth house; or again, if Venus occupy the
sixth house and Moon be in square aspect from the ninth
house in Aquarius, and Saturn be in twelfth house in the
sign Taurus, then judge the affliction is of a fixed nature,
watery, corrupt blood and disease of secret organs that will
be lasting, as the Moon is acting as transmitter of Saturn
to Venus as she is midway between the two, and as the
Moon is in sympathy with the Saturnian diseases the opposi
tion of Saturn to Venus is intensified by the Moon's position.
The result of course would not be the same if Mars be in
the twelfth in Taurus in place of Saturn and the Moon in
Aquarius would absorb some of the Mars fiery rays and
relieve the malefic opposition of Mars to Venus from the
Planetary Influences, Etc.

fixed signs Taurus and Scorpio, and while there would be

some affliction to the parts ruled by these signs and house,
it would not be as lasting or so difficult to remove from the
system, Mars afflictions passing quickly through intense pain,
feverish inflammation, etc., would prevail during the aspect.
In considering the length of time the disease will remain
it will be necessary to observe the seasons of the year, as
when the aspects in the figure are of the same general indi
cation it will be found that diseases and sickness remain
longer in winter months than during the summer months.
We have learned that diseases arising from Saturn are of
long duration and difficult to overcome and are controlled
largely by the aspects manifested by the Sun to Saturn, also
the warm rays of Mars will assist when in signs of natural
tendency in this direction. Mars diseases are of short dura
tion as the time is ruled largely by aspects of the Moon.
Such diseases as arise from affliction of the Sun and Jupiter
are of shorter duration and such diseases as bring great
benefit to the physical body when past. The diseases that
arise from Venus will be ruled largely by the Moon and to
an extent, the Sun. Such diseases are not of long duration
unless Saturn or Urania cast an affliction with the Moon
that denotes severe and long illness. The diseases arising
from Venus will be found to emanate from excess of some
nature detrimental to the well-being of the physical organ
ization. Intemperance in all things is the difficulty to be
overcome in the afflicted Venus. When the disease is signi
fied largely by the planet Mercury, observe closely from
what planet the affliction comes, the sign and house posited.
Generally Mercury's afflictions are short and sharp and be
long more to the mental types.
The diseases of the Moon are of such nature as return
at regular periods, such as falling sickness, epilepsy, giddi
ness, fainting, etc., such affections as come and go with the
periods of the Moon, and when Mercury's rays are mingled
in affliction with one of the malefics there are regular periods
of lunacy and according to the intensity of the affliction
86 Science and Key of Life.
judge of the violence of the patient. With those individuals
whose minds are weak and known to be demented,
there is
great difficulty to keep quiet, and violence is to be feared
when the Moon is going to full. At such times, the
ment magnetically by one individual will assist in overcom
ing this period, or even if the patient can be kept free from
the light, certain sounds or vibrations will be found to excite
the patient while other sounds will soothe and quiet. This
may be studied, and after lessening the influence it may be
overcome entirely in time, depending of course upon the
affliction, its intensity, etc., in the natal chart of birth.
Of all the planets to be studied the most carefully the
Moon is first as she has great control over all maladies to
which the human body, in fact all matter forms, is heir to.
Not alone in the human and animal kingdoms but the vege
table and mineral kingdoms are also subject to their peculiar
diseases, decay and change of form, all largely under the in
fluence of the Moon.
Of all diseases to overcome the most difficult and obstinate
are those that result from Urania's aspects. When this
planet, which is of the higher Mercurial nature, mingles its
rays in affliction the disease will be a peculiar one, will not
be understood. There may not be so much pain but the
patient may be partially helpless. The mental is of course
clouded and the disease will result from some strange, out
of the ordinary experience. If in fixed signs, and the Moon
be in fixed signs, the disease will remain for some time,
though it will be more intense at times as the Moon transits
the sensitive points in the horoscope. The patient is not able
to tell what is the difficulty for the reason that the mind
is dulled, though it is of little avail to administer medicines
or drugs at such times as more harm than good will come
from it. The patient may best be relieved by treatment of
the mind, mental treatment or magnetic treatment.
Neptune in disease is similar to the higher Venus and
Mars influence and is not generally of long duration. It may
be accidents, falls, etc., rather than disease.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 87

W e will consider a few examples indicating a sickness that

will be lasting, as for instance, when the ruler of the sixth
house is afflicted and found in the sixth, eighth or twelfth
houses and in signs of fixed nature, or if the significators
be found in fixed signs especially the luminaries. The Moon
must ever be considered as co-significator in sickness, even
though she may not hold any aspect to the sixth house or
to the ruler of the sixth house. The fixed signs, Taurus
and Scorpio, are more violent in their effect than Leo or
Aquarius, therefore judge that when these signs, Taurus and
Scorpio, are significators, that is, occupy the sixth house, or
hold the ruler of sixth house or significator in affliction, the
disease will be more violent and enduring, and if the planet
Saturn is found to be ruler of the sixth house and he be
posited in a fixed sign, slow or retrograde in motion, this
will show the disease will be of long duration, but if Saturn
be found direct in motion and in common or movable signs
and houses and out of his terms the affliction will not be so
intense or lasting. When common or movable signs are
found on the sixth house the disease will not endure, as
Pisces, Gemini, etc.
If the Moon as significator be found to apply to malefic
aspect of the lord of the first house, more especially the lord
of the sign on the cusp or ascendant, the disease will then
increase. It will be found that when the latter part of a sign
is passing the cusp of the sixth house the disease is nearly
ended. If the lord of the sign found on the sixth house be
found applying in ill aspect to the ruler of sign on the as
cendant, it is an indication that the disease is growing more
intense, and the opposite will be found if the ruler of sixth
be found applying by benefic aspect to the lord of the as
cendant and influence so more powerful from cardinal signs
or houses.
If the ruler of the sixth house in the figure be posited in
the eighth or twelfth house, the disease will become more
intense, especially if violent or fixed signs occupy these
houses. It will be observed that when the ruler of the sixth
88 Science and Key of Life.

is found near the ascendant and the ruler of the

sign on
ascendant is in the sixth house the disease has been of long
duration, and judge that the affliction will continue until one
of these significators progresses onward out of the sign in
which he is found. If this be a planet slow in motion, the
disease will be enduring, as for instance, Urania be signifi-
cator the patient would hardly recover. In this observe care
fully to what planets and aspects the significator is applying,
also note the Moon's position and the planets and signs
occupying the eighth house, or if at the time of passing from
the sign should form conjunction with malefic or even square
or opposition the disease will continue, or if ill aspects be
formed to the rulers of the fourth, eighth or twelfth houses
and they be slow in motion, and if these occupy signs that
are in mundane affliction to the sign occupied by significator,
it is a strong indication that the patient will pass from the
physical expression. In all considerations of sickness the
sixth, eighth, twelfth and fourth houses and signs must be
When the ruler of the sixth house is found to be in evil
aspect, more especially the conjunction or opposition to the
ruler of the first house or ascendant, the disease will be found
very obstinate and difficult. In this, judgment must be ren
dered according to nature of signs and houses, planets or
significators are posited in. If the ruler of the sixth house
be found near the ascendant, the disease will continue but the
suffering will not be intense. There may be no pain, and if
the ruler of the sixth house be found in a cadent house the
disease is not important, and will soon pass off. When
benefic planets apply to the sixth it is an indication that
good results will follow disease or illness.
When the planets of malefic influence are found in the
sixth house it is an indication that unfavorable results will
come from the disease or affliction. When the ruler of the
sixth house is found in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses
and afflicted by malefics, it is a signification that the disease
will prove difficult to cure and if other influences concur the
Planetary Influences, Etc.

disease will not be cured. A malefic in the sixth house, as

Saturn or Urania, in affliction by the Sun especially in a
chart of female, the disease is hardly curable, though when
the ruler of the ascendant and the Moon as co-significator
are found to be free from malefic aspects, being in mutual
signs in essential dignities, strong and unafflicted, and not
found in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses, it is a very
favorable indication that the patient will recover health in a
little time.
When the ruler of the ascendant is found in the fourth
or eighth houses and not afflicted does not signify that the
patient will pass from the mortal, though if malefic in nature
and unfortunately placed it will be difficult to cure the dis
ease. It will also be observed that if the planet is unfortunate,
and retrograde and combust, the patient will grow better
but will suffer a relapse, and the planets to which the signifi-
cators apply, first as regards aspects, etc., must be considered
if the result of disease is to be determined. If it is found
that the significator is in evil aspect to the Moon, there is
grave danger, or if the significator in the horary figure is
found on the radical place of a malefic in the chart of birth.
If Saturn be the significator and be slow or retrograde in
motion, there is cause to believe that the disease will be
severe and long continued. If Saturn be strong, unafflicted
and receiving the benefic aspects of the Sun or Jupiter or
even the Moon the patient will be liable to recover more
quickly and have good health afterwards.
When the ruler of the ascendant is found in the tenth
house, strongly placed in sign of his own nature and in essen
tial dignity unafflicted, the patient is in no danger and the
disease will not be lasting, though if the ruler of the as
cendant be in the tenth in weak sign out of essential dignity
applying to malefics, there will be sickness but will not prove
serious and the patient will recover quickly. When the ruler
of ascendant is found applying in evil aspect to the Moon
in the sixth, eighth or twelfth houses, the Moon being slow
in motion, the disease is continued longer though not fatal.
90 Science and Key of Life.

If the Moon be swift in motion under similar aspects then

judge the patient will recover quickly. When the Moon, as
co-significator, is found decreasing in light and applying to
the conjunction, square or opposition of Saturn, unless the
disease be early spent, the patient will suffer intensely, or
there is liable to be a lapse, and if these planets occupy
the fourth, sixth, eighth or twelfth houses the results will
be apt to prove fatal, if the benefics offer no assistance. It
will be found that if the significators are in the oriental or
eastern part of the figure the patient will recover more
quickly than if in the occidental or western part, and when
the Moon is joined to an oriental planet that is swift in mo
tion the illness will not be lasting ; the contrary if Moon be
joined to an occidental planet and this planet be slow in
motion or retrograde.
If the sign Scorpio be found on the ascendant then judge
the patient has been the cause of his illness through some
act of indiscretion, anger, etc. This is sure to be the case
if Mars is found therein. When both luminaries are in
cadent houses and their dispositors or rulers of these signs
are unfortunate the illness is severe, but if benefics assist,
the disease may be long continued but will not be so intense.

Continuation of Duration of Diseases — Benefic versus

Malefic Influences.

When judging of the effect of benefic influences and as

pects from fortunate planets so called, consider well how
these planets are fortified and judge they will benefit accord
ingly. In the same manner, judge of malefic influences from
the evil planets, so-called.
If Aries or Scorpio be upon the ascendant and Mars be
found in the sixth house but in good aspect to Venus or
Jupiter and Mercury, judge there is no danger from the
disease; as in other instances, even the square aspects from
the benefics are better than the good aspects from the male-
fics. If the ruler of the sixth house in the figure is found
to be retrograde, slow in motion, combust or in signs and
degrees that indicate his fall or detriment and posited in
the eighth house, and in square, conjunction or opposition
to Saturn or Mars, this is an indication that the patient will
hardly recover from the disease, and even the parallel of
these planets argue the same results though not to the ex
tent of the conjunction or opposition. When these aspects
are found in the figure and the Moon as co-significator is
also found to be applying to the same unfavorable aspects
of the ruler of the eighth house, then you may safely judge
that the disease will remain until the patient shall pass from
the mortal form.
When the moon or the ruler of the ascendant is found in
conjunction, square or opposition to a benefic planet but if
this benefic planet be found retrograde, the indication is that

92 Science and Key of Life.

the patient will recover in time, as this aspect is an indication

that the patient will relapse out from the effect of one disease
to another and judge of the aspects formed by the said bene-
fic in its retrograde movement as well as the sign and house
into which he is moving, also the aspects of the Moon and
her application. When the Moon is significator of disease
and is found to be leaving the opposition of the Sun or even
the square and swift in motion and applying to the square,
opposition or the conjunction of the malefics Mars and
Saturn, and in a female's chart, even Urania, it is a significa
tion that the disease will take the patient from the mortal
unless some assistance is rendered by the benefics, and if
after forming such aspects the Moon be at once applying
near to trine or even the sextile of benefics, the patient will
recover though all hope is given up.
If the sun be applying to one of the malefics after leaving
the evil aspects of one of the other malefics and the Moon
be in opposition and decreasing in light, the patient may be
considered to have left the mortal form, but if the Sun be
immediately applying to Jupiter or his own place in the
figure of birth the patient will recover and though every in
dication of death has taken place.
Then observe the next aspect formed by the Sun and
Moon and if benefic in nature judge the patient will recover,
but if malefic aspects, judge the contrary ; and if applying
to aspects of both malefic and benefic planets of equal power,
judge the patient will not pass out, but the affliction will
remain and if in fixed signs and Saturn be the malefic to
which Sun is applying, judge the disease will not be removed.
If Mars be the planet, judge the patient may be free after
a time and the disease is curable. If Mars be strong and in
his natural environments when the Moon as the significator
is found in the first house or more especially near the as
cendant, and if in conjunction, square or opposition to
Saturn or Mars and in the case of a female to Urania, it is
a sure indication of a severe illness, unless the Moon be in
mutual receptivity to the afflicting planet or, be swift in
Planetary Influences, Etc. 93

motion and applying to aspects from the Sun or benefics.

When in the figure cast, if the rulers of the first house and
the eighth house be found in mutual receptivity, either by
house signs or triplicity, this is a favorable indication of re
covery from disease and if one of the benefics be found in
conjunction with or good aspect to the ascendant ^>r posited
in the sixth house, or casting benefic aspects thereto, the
judgment may be safely given that the patient will speedily
recover health.
If the Moon be in conjunction, sextile or trine to the
rulers at the same time, will assist the patient to recover,
and if the Moon be in application to a benefic, especially if
elevated and such be strong in the figure, denotes recovery,
and if leaving malefic before this application, especially if
conjunction, denotes severe illness but rapid recovery. When
the ruler of the first house or rulers thereof are found benefic
in nature and occupy an angle and be not receiving ill as
pects from malefics denotes health will come to patient.
When the Sun, Jupiter, Venus or the Moon and at times
Mercury are found in the first house, especially near the
ascendant and not receiving the malefics or rulers of the
sixth or eighth houses is significant of full recovery. This
will be found still more favorable if the sign Leo and Can
cer, more especially Leo, the home of the Sun, be found
occupying an angle. When the Moon is found occupying
her own house and the sign or the houses and signs of the
benefics Jupiter and Venus and in favorable aspects to those
planets and the Sun and Moon, not receiving any affliction
from the malefics, it is a favorable argument that the patient
will recover. In these considerations the Moon is significator
of health with the female, the Sun with the male in a general
way, and the Moon afflicted by Urania in certain signs and
houses is as intense and more lasting than Mars. It will be
found that whenever the Moon comes to the conjunction of
Jupiter it denotes recovery and good health, though in the
signs Capricorn and Virgo the benefic influence is lessened.
When the Moon is found in application to the rulers of
94 Science and Key of Life.

the first, more especially the ruler of ascedant by favorable

aspect and unafflicted by the rulers of the sixth or the eighth
or twelfth houses, the full recovery of the patient is signified.
Then, when at the time of falling ill the Moon be found void
of course and at the next aspect from a sextile conjunction
or trine to Jupiter or Venus in the exact degree which forms
the critical aspect, that is the twenty-eighth day, or even the
seventh, fourteenth or twenty-first day, the patient will re
cover from that time onward, no matter how severe the ill
ness, and if at the time of first symptoms of illness the Sun
and Moon and the ruler of the first or ascendant be free
from affliction of malefics and the rulers of the sixth and
especially the eighth houses there is no doubt of recovery
of patient.
When the Sun in male's chart is found elevated and in
degrees of dignity and receiving good aspects from Jupiter,
the influence from malefics must be strong indeed to over
come this influence for good, and if the Moon in a female's
nativity be found occupying similar position and aspects, the
influence is strong for good health. The evil aspects of
Moon and Jupiter, and if Mars or Urania conjoin, is evil in
female's chart for good health.
When Saturn is found near the ascendant and Mars in
square elevated, and the Sun intervene, the health will not
suffer so much as though either Saturn or Mars was out of
aspect entirely. Urania in good aspects to Mercury or the
luminaries is good for health, while the good aspects to Mars
and Saturn are at times unfavorable, depending on position
as to house and sign.
When the rulers of the first, more especially of the ascend
ant, is found in a cadent house, and the ruler of the eighth
house in an angle and be malefic in nature it is an argument
that the patient will pass from the mortal. More especially
will this be indicated if these planets are applying to evil
aspect to one another or the ruler of ascendant to the evil
aspect of the Moon, and Moon be applying to malefic aspect
Planetary Influences, Etc.

of the ruler of the eighth house, judge that the patient will
not recover.
Then again, if the ruler of the ascendant and Moon be in
conjunction with Saturn and he be ruler of the eighth house
it is an indication that the patient will not recover. When
the Moon is found in the figure applying to a malefic posited
in the eighth house and this planet be strong and in essential
dignities, and the application is unfortunate, and if at the
same time the ruler of the first or ascendant be in application
to the ruler of the eighth house, or to a malefic planet posited
in the eighth house, it is quite evident the patient will not
recover unless the Sun, Jupiter or Venus be found on the
ascendant or tenth house and casting a favorable aspect
thereto, and even then, judge the illness will be very severe
and difficult to overcome, depending upon the relative power
as to position and essential dignities.
When in the figure cast, the Moon is found to be leaving
the conjunction or evil aspect of the ruler of the eighth
house, and that planet be of malefic nature and the Moon
be applying to the ruler of ascendant by square, it is an evil
indication and judge the patient will hardly recover.
When the ruler of the eighth house is found in the ascend
ant and the Moon and ruler of the ascendant at the same
time afflicted, it denotes the patient will hardly recover from
disease, or if the ruler of the first house or the ascendant be
posited in the eighth, the house of death, and in affliction by
the ruler of the sixth house and the Moon at the same time
be afflicted, decreasing in light and out of essential dignities,
it is an argument that the patient will hardly recover. When
the ruler of the first or ascendant is found under the earth
and receiving the ill aspects of the ruler of the eighth house,
then judge the recovery is doubtful. This indication will be
more pronounced if ruler of ascendant is malefic in nature
and posited in the eighth house.
Then if the ruler of the first house or the ascendant and
the ruler of the eighth house be in conjunction in the eighth
or fourth houses and one or both be malefic in nature it is a
96 Science and Key of Life.

very unfavorable indication of recovery. It is also a most

unfavorable indication when the ruler of the first and the
ascendant is found in conjunction with the rulers of the
fourth house and eighth also in less intensity to the rulers
of the sixth and twelfth houses, more especially if one or
both be malefic in nature, and the Moon at the same time
be afflicted, or in evil aspect with these rulers.
In judgment, ever consider the positions of the Sun, Jupi
ter and Venus as even in the most unfavorable aspects these
planets may hold some favorable aspects that will alleviate
the affliction.
When the ruler of the first house or the ascendant is
found combust in the first house, more especially if upon or
near the ascendant, or if the rulers of the eighth house be in
the tenth house and in power, it is a very unfavorable indi
cation for recovery. Then if the ruler of the first or ascend
ant be posited in the fourth, sixth, eighth or twelfth house
it is most unfavorable, more especially if malefic in nature
or if joined to the malefics, or if the Moon be applying and
leaving the affliction of Saturn or Mars.
When the Moon is found in the fourth house with Marsr
and he be in affliction, and in sign of affliction is an indication
of death, or if the Sun be found in the fourth house joined
to Saturn, or if Saturn be square or in opposition, it denotes
a fatal termination to disease. Thus if the Moon be found
near the degree of ascendant and Mars be in the fourth and
casting a square aspect to this degree it denotes fatal illness,
and the same if Saturn be casting such aspects from the
fourth or tenth houses, and if the Sun be on the ascendant
and in a mutual reception. The affliction is not so intense
if Mars or Saturn square or oppose, though the conjunction
of these two malefics is quite evil near the ascendant. Mars
the ruler of the eighth house is found retrograde in motion
and joined to the Moon or if in square or opposition to the
Moon is an argument that the disease will terminate fatally,
and if the ruler of the ascendant be found in fixed signs and
Planetary Influences, Etc.

afflicted by the rulers of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house,

there is small hope of recovery.
Judge of the effects according to positions of planets in
the figure and consider well their several natural influences,
and know that the effects will result according to their in
tensity ; and if the ruler of the ascendant or the eighth house
be found joined with the dragon's tail or Antares Scheat
Pegasi or fixed stars that are known to be violent in nature
is very evil and unless one of the benefics assist, will pass
from the mortal, or if at the time of drawing the figure one
of the fixed stars violent in nature, of the influence of Saturn
or Mars is found on the ascendant the fourth, sixth or eighth
house, and in aspect to these places, square or opposition,
it is very evil and more especially if malefics be joined to the
fixed stars on these places in the figure.
It is quite essential to consider well the places of the
fixed stars and the dragon's tail when rendering judgment,
as their influences when found on the ascendant, fourth,
sixth, eighth or twelfth, is very intense and in many instances
may be the primary influence that will take the patient from
the mortal as the planets themselves would not show such
indications. It will be observed that the fixed stars must
be very near certain degrees of sensitive nature and signify
ing affairs of sickness and death to the physical or their
influence will have no effect. It is necessary to study the
fixed stars carefully, for in many instances students have
placed their effects to the planets, giving such planets an
erroneous signification.
Then, too, the Dragon's Tail and Dragon's Head must be
considered, the first possessing the influence of the Moon and
Saturn joined, and would necessarily be of great importance
if found in the sixth, eighth, fourth or twelfth houses or
upon ascendant, while the Dragon's Head found in the same
position would indicate favorable influences, as the Moon
with Jupiter.
The close application of the Moon to the Sun is most un
favorable, much more so than the separation from the Sun.
98 Science and Key of Life.

One is decreasing in light, the last is increasing in light, and

then, too, care must be taken to see from what
planet the
Moon is separating in her application, and to what planet
she is applying in her separation from the Sun.
The effects of the Moon in the sign Cancer is not so evil
in effects as in this sign ; the Moon disposes of the Sun,
in all considerations look well to this matter of
signs and
houses and how one planet may dispose of another and thus
cut off its powers, as the student can realize the difference
of a conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in the sign Capri
corn or Aquarius from a conjunction of these two planets
in Leo or Aries, and so with other planets.
When the ruler of the ascendant is not afflicted and is in
essential dignity and the ascendant not receiving ill aspects
from malefics, the ruler of the sixth and planets therein not
afflicted and the Moon in harmony with rulers of the first
and sixth houses, then judge the person inquired of is not ill.
Then, too, if there be no affliction to the sixth house or
if the Moon be found free from affliction, and if the Sun,
Jupiter, Venus, Dragon's Head or Mercury unafflicted in
the first house or near the ascendant, and the ruler of the
first or ascendant in good aspect, or if the ascendant or sixth
be receiving a benefic aspect from one or more of the for
tunes, judge the individual inquired of is not ill. When in
the figure cast at the moment of first learning of the same,
the first house or ascendant also the luminous and ruler of
the ascendant be afflicted, then judge that the patient is ill
both in body and mind. However, if the planets that dispose
of the luminaries or if the ruler or rulers of the first and
ascendant be in affliction and Mercury conjoined, even in
favorable aspect, that is the sextile, then judge that the afflic
tion is more of the mental than the physical. This is more
especially true if the planet that disposes of the Moon, that
is, the planet having rule over the sign in which the Moon
is posited, is free from affliction of malefics.
Whenever the luminaries are afflicted by Urania the mind
is affected, also if Urania be found in affliction upon the
Planetary Influences, Etc.

ascendant the third, sixth, ninth or twelfth houses the mental

is afflicted. The conjunction, square, opposition of the Moon
and Mercury to an afflicted Urania is an indication that the
mental is affected.
When Mars and Saturn are found in conjunction, square
or opposition and Mercury or Urania be joined, judge the
mental is affected. More pronounced will be the indication
if the Moon be joined in aspect or the Dragon's Tail ; or if
the mental rulers in the figure be afflicted by the malefics
and the Moon increasing in light it is an indication of
lunacy. Saturn afflicting the Moon shows affliction to the
mind and to Mercury the same, though this will be caused
more from annoyances and worry and will not tend to
weaken the mind. It will be observed that the planet Jupiter
in affliction will ever affect the physical but not the mental
as Urania, and while Mars afflicts both mental and physical
his effects taken singly are more to the physical bodily in
juries, sudden sharp accidents, hurts, etc.
When the Moon and ruler of the first house or ascendant
are afflicted the affliction is more mental than physical. As
will be found in a majority of instances, the mental afflicted
will soon manifest its affliction through the physical.
When the ruler of the house in which the Moon is found
and the ruler of the ascendant are receiving the square or
opposition of the Sun, then judge that the affliction is to the
physical. This is more intense if the ruler of the ascendant
is combust or under the beams of the Sun. Then, too, if the
degree upon the ascendant and the degree in which the
Moon or Mercury be afflicted in greater intensity than the
rulers of those signs, the affliction will affect the mental,
though the opposite will result if the rulers of the houses be
most afflicted. It will be observed that when the planet or
planets that dispose of the luminaries are intensely afflicted
and out of essential dignities, and if the ascendant be receiv
ing the square or opposition of the Sun or the Moon, but is
not receiving the ill aspects of Saturn or Mars or Jupiter,
IOO Science and Key of Life.

judge the mental is very much afflicted and if Mercury or

Venus be conjoined the affliction will be intensified.
When Urania is found in affliction upon the ascendant,
with Mars, Mercury or the Moon, it denotes bodily and
mental affliction, or when the Moon or Mercury is found in
Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius or Pisces and receiving
the rays of an afflicted Urania, either by conjunction, square,
opposition or parallel, judge that the affliction is of a mental
nature and the patient is quite liable to be out of his head
or insane for the time, and if Mars and Saturn conjoin
there will be violence done. In this, look well to the ascend
ant, the fourth and eighth houses and their rulers, as if at
the same time the ascendant is receiving the affliction, then
judge that the patient will attempt suicide.
The nature of the planets will indicate the method, as if
the affliction be from watery signs and Mars and Sun be the
afflicting planets, then judge the patient will attempt to
drown himself. If Urania be prominent at the same time
judge it will be in some peculiar manner, and if Saturn con
join, judge that it will be difficult to learn the true cause of
the native's passing out from material sources, more espe
cially if the Moon be decreasing in light. If Saturn afflict the
ascendant and Scorpio be the sign signifying the matter,
judge the patient will use some kind of poison, and if the
ascendant is unafflicted, also the ruler of ascendant is free
from affliction of Saturn, then judge that the patient is liable
to take poison unintentionally through some mistake.
Ever judge of the intensity of affliction to the eighth house
and the ruler thereof and aspects to luminaries as to the
effects of influences. As being warned by the indications
shown in the figure cast, the patient may be carefully
guarded until the affliction is passed over.
When Mars and Urania join their forces in affliction to as
cendant and the rulers thereof, also the eighth, and the same
aspects are shown to afflict the mental, judge that the patient
may attempt to take his life in his hands through fire
arms, steel weapons, electricity, or through fire or steel, and
Planetary Influences, Etc. ioi

if the signs are airy in nature, especially Sagittarius, then

judge the patient will jump from some high place. When
watery and airy signs are significators, then judge that water
and air will be the method employed ; if Aquarius, then
through inhaling poisonous gas. When signs of different
triplicities combine, then judge that both will be concerned
in the event. This is true in judging of any matter, whatso
ever it may be.
These significations are of the greatest importance, for if
the chart of birth is cast the critical periods when the mind
is weak, and the individual is not responsible, may be known
and through care the harm may be avoided. In judging of
whether the patient is hopelessly insane, look to the rulers
of the ascendant, to Mercury and the Moon, and observe
whether fixed signs are occupying the ascendant, third and
ninth houses, and if the Moon, Mercury or Urania occupy
fixed signs and to what signs and houses they are applying,
also to what planets they are applying in the figure, especially
the Moon, and if the sign, house or planet be benefic in
nature, then judge that according to the nature indicated will
be found the remedy to overcome the difficulty.
This is true in all cases and manner of things and it should
be the intention of the person or persons assisting to admin
ister relief according to the benefic influences indicated or to
which the afflicted planets, more especially the Moon, is ap
Sun afflicted when mental is affected the trouble is caused
by pride, conceit; Venus, luxury, lasciviousness ; Mercury,
fearful imaginations and fancies.

Critical Days and Crises of Illness or Disease — Time of Re

covery or Change for the Better.

We may now consider the indications as shown in the

horary figure of the critical days and of the crisis of illness
or disease.
It will be observed that when the disease has not reached
a chronic state there will be changes of condition to patient.
At those times when the Moon moves forward from her rad
ical position, or when the patient was first taken, or the
physician was called to an aspect of forty-five degrees, ninety
degrees and one hundred and thirty-five degrees, and in
order to know whether the change will be favorable or un
favorable to the patient, take the rules as given heretofore
and look well how the Moon, the rulers of the first or as
cendant and the sixth and eighth houses are aspected.
If malefics rule and are in the majority judge it will be
unfavorable, as for instance, any evil aspect to the Moon
from Saturn is most unfavorable, more especially if Saturn
be slow or retrograde and posited in the sixth or eighth
house or upon the ascendant. Then if the Moon be found
configurated with benefic planets elevated and applying
thereto, separating from evil configurations, judge the
change will be favorable, and the effect will be according to
nature and intensity of the aspect and power of the benefic
planet or planets indicated, and the benefit will come
through the manner indicated by aspecting planets.
In rendering judgment, look well to the aspects of the
Moon and the ruler of the sixth and eighth houses, as if
Planetary Influences, Etc. 103

they be malevolent, unfortunate and in planets of fixed

signs, little can be done to relieve the patient.
When the planet indicated is Mars, judge there will be
much fever; then use Saturn remedies, bathe freely in cold
water and reduce the hot, feverish influence of Mars. If
Saturn be indicated use Mars remedies to alleviate the cold,
although in some instances Saturn furnishes his own reme
dies. Under his influences it is often the case that powerful
tonics must be administered, though an individual whose
Sun holds favorable aspects to the luminaries in the figure
of the patient or even Mars or his Sun is found on the
ascendant or in sixth or eighth houses of patient, the patient
will be cured through magnetic manipulations, no matter
how critical the case may be. It will also be observed that
when the Moon came to a conjunction, square or opposition
of that planet or planets that did cast an afflicting ray to the
ascendant at the time of first taking ill, or to the ruler of
ascendant or to the Moon or ruler of the sixth house and
planets found therein the patient suffers much at such times,
if Saturn be one of the afflicting planets and near the crisis,
Moon being near one of the aspects first mentioned. It does
little good to administer drugs or medicines of any kind. It
is most difficult to overcome if Urania at such time be found
in the sixth house afflicted, and the same is true if this same
planet is upon the ascendant at the time of the crisis. When
the Moon arrives to the sextile or trine aspect of the ruler of
the first, the ninth, tenth or eleventh houses in elevation and
degrees of essential dignitaries, the patient will be relieved
from much suffering, and if the Moon arrive to the conjunc
tion or good aspect of the Sun in mutual receptivity and the
Sun not afflicted or having any power in the figure at the
time of taking ill, then judge the patient will be better in
mind and more especially will this be true if Mercury and
Urania be found in good aspect and unafflicted.
It may be observed that when Jupiter forms benefic as
pects to the luminaries or the planets in affliction at the time
of crisis, the patient will be free from pain, and if the lumi-
104 Science and Key of Life.

. naries more especially, the patient will pass from delirium to

quiet rest, also if Mercury be configurated and be signifi-
cator. It is essential to find the ruler of ascendant, the as
cendant itself and the rulers of the sixth and eighth houses
free from affliction and applying to benefic aspects in order
to obtain favorable change.
Mercury and Urania naturally have much to do with the
mental, and Saturn to a great extent, therefore it will be
necessary to observe how these planets are aspected and
placed in the figure in order to ascertain the change for bet
ter or worse to the mental. Then, too, it is necessary to con
sider the aspects and position of the mental ruler itself.
The Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail when found near
ascendant, or Moon or Mercury, or in Gemini, Virgo or
Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius in the order named, affect
the mental according to their natures, the Dragon's Head
being of benefic nature, the Dragon's Tail jbeing malignant
in nature, though it is necesary to observe how these
planets are placed and the aspects they may hold as to the
power and influence in the natal chart of birth, and judge
accordingly of their influence in the horary figure.
This is true in other affairs and the same holds good with
the fixed stars, as for instance in the natal chart of birth the
Dragon's Tail was found upon the ascendant or in the sixth
or eighth house, and in the horary figure was found in a
similar position and receiving affliction of malefics, then
judge that the influence of Dragon's Tail would be intensified
and that planet or degree in affliction in the birth chart by
Dragon's Tail. The fixed star or planets would be a sensi
tive point in the horary figure and an affliction found to such
a degree or point in the horary figure would then be intensi
fied by such affliction, and the same if benefic aspects hold
to ascendant in the natal chart and malignant planets,
Dragon's Tail or malevolent influences be found casting
affliction to the ascendant in the horary figure, that is, that
degree that formed the cusp of ascendant in natal chart.
The influence is not so evil as when found afflicted in both
Planetary Influences, Etc. 105

the natal chart and the horary figure. This is especially

true with the influence of the fixed stars, and if it is possible
to obtain the natal figure of patient it is better to compare
this with the horary figure before rendering judgment, es
pecially if it be a question of great moment, for it will ever
be found that the weak points in the natal chart, that

those degrees, signs and planets in affliction and debility and.
out of dignity will be weak and sensitive to affliction all the
way through the physical expression, that until such time

as they may become strengthened by the progressive move
ments of some benefic planets or stars and by the unf oldment
of the soul itself to realization of the influence cast, and by

asserting the free will, overcome and strengthen that weak

point in the natal chart.
In truth, this just the object and purpose of life as we

have learned heretofore, and through such exertions the

native becomes strong and rules his stars. He stands forth,
free and unfettered by the limitations of the concrete and
fleeting objective. Disease must be considered in the same
light as all so-called afflictions, weakness to be overcome

through free will.

may be well here to give some consideration to the time

of recovery or change for the better, or how long may be


until the patient will attain health.

essential first of all to look to the ruler of the first

house and particularly the ruler of the ascendant and to

what benefic planet or star he may be in aspect with or to
what planet he applying in the figure. Then observe the

sign and particularly the house posited in, that the planet

that in application, that whether in an angle, the first,



fourth, seventh or tenth, or whether in succeedent house,

etc., and as to signs, fixed, common, etc. Then consider

well the nature of the disease. In angular signs may be


judged that the patient will recover in the number of days

as the aspects lack in degrees of being perfect swift in

motion, "The Planet," then be sure that this judgment


correct. If found in common signs, then much depends upon

io6 Science and Key of Life.

the sign on cusp of ascendant and sixth and ruler of the

sixth, as in most instances, more especially Virgo, Sagit
tarius and Pisces, the degrees shown in the figure lacking to
make the aspect complete will represent about one day and a
fraction, that is, for instance, if the aspect lacks seven de
grees of being complete then judge that the patient will be
gin to recover about the ninth day from the time the chart is
course the nature of the disease itself must be consid
ered, and the figure, cast at the time of the patient's first ill
ness if any be drawn, may be compared with the figure
drawn at the time of seeking to know of recovery, or it may
be judged according to rules given in the first figure cast.
When cardinal signs occupy the angles and common signs
succeedent houses, fixed signs to cadent houses, then it may
be judged in the following manner: movable signs and
planets swift in motion, significator of the time of recovery,
then judged that the degrees lacking to perfect the aspect
correspondent to days, the succeedent houses to weeks and
planets of similar nature, that is, planets that are neither
slow nor swift in motion. The fixed signs and cadent
houses show that the number of degrees lacking to form
the perfect aspect will correspond to the number of months
and more especially if slow moving planets be the significa-
tors, that is, the ruler of ascendant and the beneflc planet
to which it is applying, though if a movable sign is signifi
cator and a slow moving planet be significator, then the time
must be calculated in proportion, and if fixed signs significa-
tors, that is, the planets be found in fixed signs. Then if
swift moving planets be significators, then judge accordingly
and say it will be weeks instead of months that the patient
will recover, and the time of passing out may be judged in
a similar manner, that the nature

the principal aspect


of planet the ruler of ascendant applying to and sign and


house in which placed.


Then, too, necessary to take the Moon as co-signifi-


cator and observe her position with regard to motion,

Planetary Influences, Etc. 107

whether swift or slow, the sign or house posited in, if in

angles, succeedent or cadent houses, as providing she holds
no direct aspect to the planets that are the significators,
then judge that her influence will be of greater power in
the figure if in angles than if in cadent houses. Then, too,
when the ruler of the ascendant leaves the sign he is in at
time of drawing chart and enters another sign, then judge

at that time the patient will be improved, that be

sign and house of mutual receptivity and in which this planet
finds essential dignity. Then, too, common signs occupy

the cusp of sixth and the last degrees are passing, judge one
degree for week.

Effects of Aspects, Positions of Signs and Planets — Illus


In order to better illustrate these effects it will be well to

draw a figure and judge of the same. This will permit the
student to obtain practical ideas as to judgment.


Planetary Influences, Etc.

We will take a time when the third degree of Cancer is on

the cusp of ascendant, the eighteenth degree of
Cancer is on
the cusp of the second house, the fifth degree of
Leo is on
the cusp of the third house, the twenty-fifth degree of Leo
is on the cusp of the fourth house, the
twenty-sixth degree
of sign Virgo is on the cusp of the fifth house. We find
the sign Libra intercepted in the fifth house and the sixteenth
degree of Scorpio on the cusp of the sixth house. The sign
Sagittarius is intercepted in the sixth house. The third
degree of Capricorn is on the descendant or seventh cusp,
the eighteenth degree of Capricorn is found on the cusp of
the eighth house, the fifth degree of Aquarius is on the cusp
of the ninth house, the twenty-fifth degree of Aquarius is
found on the cusp of the tenth house, the twenty-sixth degree
of sign Pisces is found on the cusp of the eleventh house;
the sign Aries is intercepted in the eleventh house. The
sixteenth degree of Taurus is on the cusp of the twelfth
house, and the sign Gemini is intercepted in the twelfth
house, the twenty-ninth and thirtieth degrees of this sign
being in the confines of the first house. The Sun we find in
the eleventh degree and forty-fifth minute of sign Gemini;
the Moon we find in direct opposition in sign Sagittarius
ten degrees and fifty-one minutes ; Mercury we find in the
twelfth house in the eighteenth degree and fifty-ninth minute
of Sign Taurus ; Venus we find in the second house in the
twenty-fifth degree and thirty-ninth minute of the sign
Cancer; Mars we find placed in the twenty-fourth degree
and fifty-fifth minute of the sign Leo ; Jupiter we find near
the cusp of the sixth house in the fifteenth degree and
twenty-sixth minute of Scorpio, retrograde ; Saturn may be
found occupying the eleventh house in the eleventh degree
and thirty-seventh minute of the sign Taurus; Urania we
find in the same house, occupying the sixth degree and
thirty-third minute of Taurus. We find Neptune in the
tenth house near the cusp of the eleventh in the eleventh
degree and twenty-seventh minute of the sign Pisces. It
will be observed that Cardinal signs occupy the angles with
I IO Science and Key of Life.

the exception of the tenth house, also fixed signs occupy the
cusps of the fourth, sixth, tenth and twelfth houses.
In the first place we find the luminaries in opposition
from twelfth and sixth houses in common signs, and the
Moon, ruler of ascendant in sixth show weakness of lungs
though this aspect is passing off and may be overcome with
a little care. We find an affliction here in the fourth that is
of greater importance to consider. Leo is ruling this house,
the home of Cancer, which is found upon the ascendant, and
Mars is here not only in square to cusp of sixth, but also to
Jupiter retrograde and square to Mercury in twelfth and
Saturn and Urania near cusp of twelfth and occupying the
fixed sign Taurus. It would not be diffcult to discover that
a vital organ was affected and Mars in Leo would be the
sensitive part of the figure, and while the difficulty may
hardly be overcome it will be fixed and is of long standing
from the fixed signs as indicators. The effect upon the
physical is intermittent, palpitation of the heart, and in the
direct cause is from the stomach, through indigestion. Mars
is in mundane square to ascendant in fixed sign ruling the
heart. Mars is strong here although under the Earth. A
negative sign is on the ascendant and Mars, as will be
observed, has much power in the sixth house and the Moon,
though afflicted by the Sun, assists in alleviating affliction.
The illustrated map will bear close study in order to blend
the many different aspects that manifest their influence and
observe the grouping of planets in the sixth house and the
twelfth and near the cusp of the twelfth. This is significant
and would show the affliction would terminate the physical
expression by the presence of Mars in sign Leo in the fourth
house. There is much to consider here but we will pass on
and give another illustration along the same line in order
that the student may observe the variance in effect.
Planetary Influences, Etc. hi
We will take a time when the sign Libra is on the
ascendant, eight degrees of Libra on the ascendant, three
degrees of Scorpio on the cusp of the second house, four
degrees of Sagittarius is on the cusp of the third house,
eleven degrees of Capricorn is on the cusp of the fourth
house, sixteen degrees of Aquarius is on the cusp of the fifth
house, sixteenth degree of Pisces is on the cusp of the sixth
house, eighth degree of Aries is on the cusp of the seventh
house, the third degree of Taurus is on the cusp of the
eighth house, the fourth degree of Gemini is found on the
cusp of the ninth house, the eleventh degree of Cancer is on
the cusp of the tenth house, the sixteenth degree of Leo is on
the cusp of the eleventh house, and the sixteenth degree of
Virgo occupies the cusp of the twelfth house. The Sun is
found in the sixth house in the eighteenth degree and thirty-
third minute of the sign Pisces. The Moon is found in the
seventh minute of the sign Virgo and in the eleventh house,
Mercury is found in the twentieth degree and sixth minute
of Aquarius in the fifth house, Venus is found in the seventh
house in the twenty-seventh degree and nineteenth minute of
sign Aries ; Mars is found in the eighth house occupying the
sixth degree and fifty-third minute of the sign Taurus, Jup
iter is found near the cusp of the third house though placed
in the second house occupying the second degree of the sign
Sagittarius. Saturn is found near the cusp of the sixth house
though placed in the fifth house, occupying the first degree
of the sign Pisces; Urania is found near the cusp of the
eleventh placed in the tenth house in the sixteenth degree
and forty-fourth minute of the sign Leo and retrograde.
Neptune is found near the cusp of the eighth house placed
in the seventh house in the second degree of the sign Taurus.
In this figure it will be observed that cardinal signs occupy
the angles ; the ruler of the ascendant is Venus, which planet
is disposed of by Mars. This is significant, as Mars is
found in the eighth house in the fixed sign Taurus in quar-
tile aspect to Urania in sign Leo and both in application to
the aspect.
112 Science and Key of Life.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 113

The Sun in the sixth is ruler of Leo, to which point the

affliction centers. Saturn near the cusp of sixth, in direct
opposition to the Moon, show a nervous condition from birth,
also being in square aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius and the
Moon casting the same aspect from the sign Virgo. Then,
too, Mercury in Aquarius in direct opposition to Urania
indicates still more clearly the affection of the nervous sys
tem and also assists Mars in his affliction from the vital fixed
sign Taurus. Therefore we must consider Urania as occupy
ing the sensitive point in the figure and the difficulty is an
enlargement of the heart, caused through over-exertion and
showing a weakness of the nervous system. Mercury placed
in the home of Leo in opposition and Sun weak in negative,
Pisces in the sixth house, the negative forces prevailed at
birth so far as the health is concerned and the nerve centers
of the heart were weak from birth.
In considering the two examples as given heretofore it
will be observed that the one is largely under the negative,
the other comes under the positive influence. Both are fixed
and will remain until the physical is overcome or the soul
leaves its mortal habitation. In comparing the two maps
carefully much useful information may be derived.
H4 Science and Key of Life.

We will now consider another figure of a different type of

diseases. We will take a time when the eighteenth degree
of Libra is on the ascendant, the fourteenth degree of
Scorpio is on the cusp of the second house, the sixteenth
degree of Sagittarius is on the cusp of the third house, the
twenty-fourth degree of Capricorn is on the cusp of the
fourth house, the twenty-ninth degree of Aquarius is on the
cusp of the fifth house, the twenty-seventh degree of Pisces
is on the cusp of the sixth house, the eighteenth degree of
Aries is on the cusp of the seventh house, the fourteenth
degree, of Taurus is on the cusp of the eighth house, the
sixteenth degree of Gemini occupies the cusp of the ninth
house, the twenty-fourth degree of Cancer occupies the cusp
of the tenth house, the twenty-ninth degree of Leo occupies
the cusp of the eleventh house, the twenty-seventh degree of
Virgo occupies the cusp of the twelfth house. We find the
Sun placed in the second degree of the sign Scorpio in the
first house, about fifteen degrees from the ascendant, the
Moon is found occupying the sixth house in the thirteenth
degree of the sign Aries. We find Mercury placed near the
ascendant occupying the first house in the twenty-seventh
degree of sign Libra and retrograde. We find Mars in the
second house in the sixteenth degree of the sign Scorpio,
Venus is placed in the second house and occupies the
fifteenth degree of the sign Sagittarius. We find Jupiter
retrograde in the ninth house in the second degree of the
sign Cancer, near the cusp of tenth, having passed that cusp,
the twenty-fourth degree of Cancer being directly on the
cusp. We find the planet Saturn occupies the eighth house
in the twenty-fifth degree of the sign Taurus and retrograde.
We find Urania near the cusp of the twelfth house, though
in the eleventh house and occupying the twenty-second
degree of the sign Virgo, the radical sixth sign. We find
the planet Neptune with a conjunction aspect of Saturn in
the eighth house in the eighteenth degree of the sign Taurus
and retrograde. It will be observed that four planets are
retrograde in motion. The Cardinal signs occupy the angles.
Planetary Influences, Etc. "5

n6 Science and Key of Life.

The ruler of the ascendant, Venus, is in trine aspect to the

Moon in the sixth house and this is the benefic aspect that
must be relied upon to overcome the difficulty which is
signified by the planet Mars in the watery Scorpio in oppo
sition to Saturn and Neptune, part ruler of the sixth house,
posited in the eighth house. Sun, near the ascendant rising
gives power to overcome the difficulty, though Mercury will
be receiving the opposing rays of the Moon from the sixth.
It will also be observed that the ruler of ascendant is
receiving a slight affliction from quartile aspect of Urania in
Virgo, though Mars is strong in Scorpio and is in sextile
aspect to Urania and shows that the difficulty may be
removed safely by the surgeon at a time when the Moon

arrives at exact trine to ruler of ascendant, that Venus.
must be observed that the signs indicating disease are

Virgo and Scorpio, the planets Mars, Urania and Neptune

with Saturn, Virgo the Bowels. Neptune afflicted shows
watery growth. The disease watery tumor attached to

the large intestine.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 117

We will now take a time when the twenty-sixth degree of

the sign Virgo is upon the ascendant, the twentieth degree
of sign Libra is on the cusp of the second house, the nine
teenth degree of sign Scorpio is on the cusp of the third
house, the twenty-fifth degree of sign Sagittarius is on the
cusp of the fourth house, and the sign Capricorn is inter
cepted in the fourth house. The first degree of Aquarius is
on the cusp of the fifth house, the second degree of sign
Pisces is on the cusp of the sixth house, the twenty-sixth
degree of same sign occupies the seventh cusp, the twentieth
degree of the sign Aries occupies the cusp of the eighth
house, the nineteenth degree of the sign Taurus occupies
the cusp of the ninth house, the twenty-fifth degree of the
sign Gemini occupies the cusp of the tenth house, the sign
Cancer is intercepted in the tenth house. The first degree
of the sign Leo occupies the cusp of the eleventh house, and
the second degree of Virgo is on the cusp of the twelfth
house. The Sun is found in the tenth degree of the sign
Capricorn in the fourth house. The Moon is found near
the cusp of the ninth house, though posited in the eighth
and in the fourteenth degree of the sign Taurus. Mercury
is found in the fourth house in the fourteenth degree of the
sign Capricorn and Venus is found in conjunction in the
same sign, degree and house. Mars is found in the eighth
house near the eighth cusp in the twenty-fourth degree of the
sign Aries. Jupiter is found near the cusp of the second
house in second and occupying the twenty-fifth degree of the
sign Libra. Saturn is found just above the cusp of the second
house in the first, posited in sixth degree of the sign Libra.
Urania is found near the cusp of the tenth house in the ninth,
in the eighteenth degree of the sign Gemini, retrograde.
Neptune is posited in the second degree of the sign Aries
and retrograde in the seventh house near the cusp of the
eighth. The Dragon's Head is found posited in the fourth
house in the twenty-fourth degree of the sign Capricorn.
The Dragon's Tail is directly opposite in the tenth house in
twenty-fourth degree of sign Cancer. It will be observed
n8 Science and Key of Life.
Planetary Influences, Etc.

that Common Signs occupy the angles. Mercury is the

ruler of the ascendant in conjuntion with Venus in Cap
ricorn in square aspect to Saturn in the first house, and
Saturn is in opposition to Neptune, the ruler of the sixth
near the cusp of the eighth house. Mercury and Venus
have passed away from a square of this planet and the
Moon as co-significator is applying to a trine aspect of
Mercury and Venus. Mars in the eighth and ruler of the
eighth is in direct opposition to Jupiter, and both in square
to Dragon's Tail in the tenth house. The Moon is apply
ing to a sextile of the Dragon's Tail and this will alleviate
this influence. It will be observed that the radical sixth is
on the ascendant and twelfth, the radical twelfth is on the
sixth and seventh cusps, Mercury, Neptune and Moon Sig-
nificators. Neptune in opposition to Saturn shows some
wasting disease of watery nature accompanied with feverish,
inflamed condition from Mars' influence, but Moon's aspects
show this will soon pass off of itself and be free from
The reversed position of the sign Virgo and its opposite
sign Pisces indicates clearly the portion of the figure that
is in affliction, the radical sixth ascending and the radical
twelfth upon the sixth. This would indicate that the patient
would be associated with hospital or place of detention.
120 Science and Key of Life.

We will take a time when the sixteenth degree of Cancer

is ascending, the first degree of sign Leo is on the second
cusp, the nineteenth degree of Leo is on the cusp of the third
house, the fourteenth degree of the sign Virgo is on the
cusp of the fourth house, the twentieth degree of the sign
Libra is on the cusp of the fifth house, the sign Scorpio is
intercepted in the fifth house, the sixth degree of the sign
Sagittarius on the cusp of the sixth house, the sixteenth
degree of the sign Capricorn occupies the descendant, the
first degree of the sign Aquarius is passing the cusp of the
eighth house, the nineteenth degree of the sign Aquarius
is occupying the cusp of the ninth house, the fourteenth
degree of the sign Pisces is on the cusp of the tenth house,
the twentieth degree of the sign Aries occupies the cusp of
the eleventh house. The sign Taurus intercepted in the
eleventh house, the sixth degree of the sign Gemini occu
pies the cusp of the twelfth. We may find the Sun posited
in the tenth house near the cusp of the eleventh in the fourth
degree of the sign Aries, the Moon is found in the sixth
house in the seventh degree of the sign Capricorn, Mercury
is found in conjunction with the Sun in the fifth degree of
the sign Aries, retrograde in the tenth house, Venus is found
in the eleventh house in the sixteenth degree of the sign
Taurus, Mars is found in elevation above all the planets
near the cusp of the tenth house in the tenth, in the nine
teenth degree of the sign Pisces, Jupiter is found near the
cusp of the sixth house in the sixth in the eleventh degree of
the sign Sagittarius, Saturn is found in the sixth house near
the conjunction of the Moon in the sixth house in the fifth
degree of the sign Capricorn. The Planet Urania is found
in the sixth house near conjunction of Jupiter in the thir
teenth degree of the sign Sagittarius, the planet Neptune is
posited near the cusp of the twelfth house in the twelfth in
the twenty-fifth degree of the sign Gemini.
This is a very interesting figure and will admit of the
most careful study. The grouping of planets is remarkable
and the effects of influences are very intense. The Moon,
ruler of the ascendant just passed the descendant in opposi
Planetary Influences, Etc. 121

122 Science and Key of Life.

tion to ascendant or rather moving to that point, not only in

conjunction to Saturn but square to the Sun and Mercury.
Then we find both the rulers of the sixth, that is Jupiter and
Saturn, in the sixth as well as the ruler of the eighth house,
Urania. This brings ruler of ascendant, the ruler of eighth
and rulers of the sixth in the sixth house, and all in affliction
as Urania is receiving the quartile aspect of Mars from the
tenth cusp and the opposing influence of the planet Neptune
from the twelfth house. It will be observed that a fixed sign
is on the cusp of the eighth house, in fact the sign Aquarius
occupies the eighth house entire. With such a combination
of influences the vital life forces would be cut off almost
completely from the patient. The speech would be affected.
Mercury conjunction to Sun in quartile aspect to the Moon
and Saturn.
The Moon having left the conjunction of Saturn and
applying to a trine of Venus in the eleventh in Sign Taurus
would relieve the Saturn affliction to some extent, but when
we come to place the Dragon's Tail and the Dragon's Head
in the figure the aspects are again changed, and we have the
Dragon's Tail, occupying the tenth degree and thirtieth min
ute of the sign Cancer, placed in the twelfth house but still
near enough to be in the confines of the first house in con
junction with ascendant, and this of itself is most evil, being
of the nature of the Moon' and Saturn in conjunction. It
will be observed that the Moon is rapidly applying to an
exact opposition of the Dragon's Tail and this is most evil
in its nature for the health, being in square to Mercury and
the Sun at the same time. Then, too, Jupiter in Sagittarius
near cusp of sixth and moving steadily to a conjunction of
Urania and both receiving a quartile aspect from Mars in
the watery sign Pisces, there is nothing to hope for in the
chart and the malefic influences hold full sway. Even Nep
tune near the cusp of twelfth house is in opposition, and the
aspect is rapidly forming to a square from the planet Mars
near the cusp of the tenth. Common signs are on the angles
with the exception of the first and seventh, and these are
both in affliction.
Planetary Influences, Etc.
i24 Science and Key of Life.

We will now take a time when the twenty-third degree of

the sign Gemini is on the ascendant ; the tenth degree of
Cancer is on the second, the twenty-seventh degree of
Cancer is on the third cusp, the seventeenth degree of Leo
is on the cusp of fourth house, the sixteenth degree of the
sign Virgo is on the cusp of the fifth house, the sign Libra
is intercepted in the fifth house, the second degree of the
sign Scorpio is on the cusp of the sixth house, the twenty-
third degree of Sagittarius is on the descendant, the tenth
degree of the sign Capricorn occupies the cusp of the eighth
house, the twenty-seventh degree of the sign Capricorn
occupies the cusp of the ninth house, the seventeenth degree
of Aquarius is on the midheaven, the sixteenth degree of
Pisces is on the cusp of the eleventh house, the sign Aries is
intercepted in the eleventh and the second degree of the
sign Taurus occupies the cusp of the twelfth house. We
find the Sun near the cusp of the twelfth house in the
twenty-seventh degree of the sign Taurus, and the Moon
occupies the same house sign and degree, being in conjunc
tion with the greater luminary. Mercury is found in the
first degree of the sign Gemini, in the twelfth house. Venus
may also be found in the twelfth, occupying the second de
gree of the sign Gemini, being in conjunction with Mercury.
Mars is to be found in the fourth house in the third degree
of the sign Virgo, the radical sixth. Jupiter is posited in
the eighth house the eighth cusp in the thirteenth
degree of the sign Capricorn, retrograde. Saturn is also
found near in the eighth house, occupying the sixteenth
degree of the sign Capricorn, retrograde. Urania will be
found just setting in the sixth house in the sixteenth degree
of the sign Sagittarius, retrograde. The planet Neptune
will be found near the ascendant in the first house, occupy
ing the twenty-eighth degree of the sign Gemini. We find
the Dragon's Head near the sixth cusp in the sixth, in the
third degree of Scorpio ; the Dragon's Tail in direct opposi
tion in the twelfth house in the third degree of the sign
Planetary Influences, Etc. 125

In this figure we find common signs occupying the ascend

ant and descendant, fixed signs occupying the cusps of the
fourth, sixth, tenth and twelfth houses, although the greater
part of the sign Sagittarius is ruling the sixth house. Only
two degrees of Scorpio have passed off from the cusp of the
sixth. Thus we find Mars and Jupiter the rulers of the
sixth house, Jupiter in the eighth house near the conjunc
tion of Saturn, Gemini is the sign on the ascendant, and
Mercury, the ruler, is in conjunction with Venus in the
twelfth. Urania is in sign Sagittarius in the sixth and
ruler of the tenth. There is much mental annoyance and
worry. This has much to do with the illness. Worry over
estate and honor is quite evident. We find Mars part ruler
of the sixth in the fourth in square to Mercury and Venus
in twelfth. This also shows annoyance and difficulties in
the home, though the Sun is the greater ruler of the fourth,
but the Sun is in conjunction with the Moon in the twelfth
in sign Taurus and shows the annoyance is from second
twelfth and sixth house affairs. Neptune and Urania in
opposition from first and sixth is also significant. The prin
cipal difficulty is with the bowels, also parts ruled by Scorpio
and Sagittarius. That the patient will lose much estate
there is no doubt, although the planet Mars, progressing to
a trine of Jupiter and Saturn, will relieve the difficulty, and
as he moves on to trine of Sun and Moon the secret con
niving against the native will be brought to light, the patient
will slowly regain health and strength, but not without
much difficulty. It is a very interesting figure from which
to study the effects of mental affliction upon the physical.
i26 Science and Key of Life.

We will now draw a figure for a time when the eighth

degree of the sign Libra is on the ascendant, the second
degree of Scorpio is on the cusp of the second house, the
second degree of the sign Sagittarius is on the cusp of the
third house, the tenth degree of the sign Capricorn is on
the cusp of the fourth house, the sixteenth degree of the
sign Aquarius is on the cusp of the fifth house, the fifteenth
degree of the sign Pisces is on the cusp of the sixth house,
the eighth degree of the sign Aries occupies the cusp of the
descendant, the second degree of the sign Taurus is on the
cusp of the eighth house, the second degree of the sign
Gemini is on the cusp of the ninth house, the tenth degree
of the sign Cancer occupies the cusp of the tenth house,
the sixteenth degree of the sign Leo is on the cusp of the
eleventh house, the fifteenth degree of the sign Virgo occu
pies the cusp of the twelfth house. We find the Sun at
this time occupying the twenty-ninth degree of the sign
Cancer, posited in the tenth house, at the same time in
parallel to Saturn ; the Moon is in the twenty-sixth degree of
the sign Gemini in the ninth house; Mercury occupies the
twenty-fourth degree of the sign Leo in the eleventh house,
Venus is found in the fourteenth degree of the sign Gemini,
posited in the ninth house, Mars is placed in the second
house in the ninth degree of his own sign, Scorpio ; Jupiter
is found in the eleventh house, occupying the third degree
of the sign Gemini in the ninth house ; Mercury occupies the
occupying the tenth house, having passed the cusp of
the eleventh house, and occupies the sixth degree of the
sign of the Sun, Leo. Neptune occupies the seventh
house in the twenty-ninth degree of the sign Aries, house
and sign ruled by Mars. The Dragon's Head will be found
occupying the eighth house in the twentieth degree of the
sign Taurus. The Dragon's Tail occupies the second house
in the same degree of sign Scorpio.
We find Venus, the ruler of the Ascendant, near the
Moon, and both Venus and Moon besieged by square of
Neptune to the Sun from the seventh and tenth houses,
Planetary Influences, Etc.

128 Science and Key of Life.

The rulers of the sixth are Neptune and Mars. Neptune is

square to Saturn as well as the Sun and the Sun and Saturn
are in direct opposition from fourth and tenth, the angles,
the Sun moving to the conjunction of Urania in the first
degrees of Leo, the Moon and Venus also moving to a con
junction of these two planets, all in opposition to Saturn,
while Mars is observed in direct square to Urania in the
second house in Scorpio, the radical eighth house. House
of Death and the Dragon's Tail is found near, in same
sign and house. This is most unfavorable, as even though
the Dragon's Head, which is rather favorable, is found in
the eighth house in the figure, still the Moon passing to an
affliction does not give influence for good to this part of the
map, as we have learned that the Dragon's Head and Tail
are affected largely by the position, favorable or unfavor
able, of the Moon. It will also be found in looking up the
declination of planets at this time that the Sun is in parallel
aspect, and is now near the cusp of the twelfth in sign
the aspects received from the rulers of the sixth house.
Even Jupiter, though in sextile to Mars, has passed this
aspect, and is now near the cusp of the twelfth in sign
Virgo, the radical sixth. The results of these combinations
of aspects are inflammation of pleura and this followed by
abscess; the vitality is depleted, dropsy and then the pass
ing from the physical form. The only favorable influence
noticeable is of Jupiter and Mercury in the eleventh. This
will render assistance from friends of Mercurial nature, but
of no avail in keeping the soul in the body.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 129

We will now consider a figure when the seventeenth de

gree of the sign Pisces was on the ascendant, the sign Aries
intercepted in the first house, the second degree of the sign
Taurus was on the second house, the first degree of the
sign Gemini was on the cusp of the third house, the twenty-
third degree of the sign Gemini was on the cusp of the
fourth house, the fourteenth degree of the sign Cancer was
on the fifth cusp, the ninth degree of the sign Leo was on
the sixth cusp, the seventeenth degree of the sign Virgo
was on the cusp of the seventh house, the sign Libra was
intercepted in the seventh house, the second degree of the
sign Scorpio was on the cusp of the eighth house, the first
degree of Sagittarius was on the cusp of the ninth, the
twenty-third degree of Sagittarius on the tenth cusp, the
fourteenth degree of sign Capricorn on the cusp of the
eleventh house, the ninth degree of the sign Aquarius is
found on the cusp of the twelfth house. The Sun is occu
pying the sixth house and the twenty-second degree of the
sign Leo, the Moon is found in the eleventh house in the
twenty-fifth degree of the sign Capricorn. Mercury is
found near the sixth cusp in the sixth house in the four
teenth degree of the sign Leo. Venus is also found here
occupying the eleventh degree of the sign Leo. Mars is
found within one degree of the cusp of the tenth house in
the tenth in the twenty-fourth degree of ,the sign Sagit
tarius. Saturn will be found in opposition to Sun in the
twelfth house, occupying the twenty-third degree of the
sign Aquarius and retrograde. Urania will be found in the
sixth house near the Sun, occupying the sixteenth degree
of the sign Leo. Neptune may be found near the cusp of
the second in the second house in the fourth degree of
Taurus, the Dragon's Head in the seventh in eleventh de
gree of Libra. The Dragon's Tail in first, in eleventh
degree of sign Aries.
Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in the twenty-
seventh degree of the intercepted sign Libra. The ruler of
the ascendant and first house is Neptune and Mars. Nep-
Science and Key of Life.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 131

tune is found in the second in the fixed sign Taurus and in

quartile aspect to the sixth house and the planets Mercury,
Venus and Urania, that are grouped together in the sixth
house. The rulers of the sixth are Mercury and the Sun,
both posited in the sixth house. Mercury is with Urania
and Venus. This will make the mental quick and active,
and in trine aspect to Mars in Sagittarius in the tenth will
make a good scholar and teacher, but these planets grouped
as they are will cause the native to be indiscreet in affairs
of the fifth house, and, if a female, some scandal. This is
from the position of Mars near the tenth cusp. The afflic
tion of the sixth house falls from the twelfth and second,
Neptune in square and Saturn in opposition direct to the
Sun from the signs Aquarius, the blood, and Leo, the
heart and back, and as the Moon forms conjunction of
Saturn's place there will be blood disorders. The heart
and spine will be affected and severe pains, more night than
during the day. The patient will be helpless for the time
during the affliction. The Dragon's Tail is found in the
first house, in sign Aries, and the difficulty will be caused
through the native's own carelessness. The affliction to Jupi
ter and the Moon from the eleventh and seventh houses
shows some disagreement between the native and friends,
and a contemplated marriage will be postponed, though, as
the Moon leaves the conjunction of Saturn and passes into
the sign Aries, the affliction will pass off, as the Moon will
be in trine to the Sun from the first and sixth, also in trine
to Mars from the first and tenth, while Mars, near the tenth
cusp, will also be in trine aspect to the Sun from tenth and
sixth houses. The Sun will then have progressed beyond
the exact opposition of Saturn and the native will recover
fully. It is in this figure that the power of Mars is mani
fested, being in a fiery sign Sagittarius, though making the
native rash and impetuous, he will at the same time cast his
fiery rays to the aid of the Sun from the cold rays of Saturn,
whose affliction will cause difficulty with heart and partial
paralysis of the spine and lower limbs. The influence is not
132 Science and Key of Life.

good for the honor of the native, especially if a female, but

Mars is the saving power from the afflictions to the sixth
house. Even though fixed signs are on the sixth, eighth
and twelfth houses it will be observed that common signs
are on the ascendant, the fourth, seventh and tenth houses,
and Mars is also ruler of the first and eighth houses. This
is a very interesting map to study.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 133

We will now take time when the twenty-seventh degree

of the sign Scorpio is on the ascendant, the ninth degree of
Sagittarius is on the cusp of the second house, the ninth
degree of Capricorn is on the cusp of the third house, the
sixth degree of the sign Aquarius is on the fourth house,
the twenty-second degree of Pisces is on the cusp of the
fifth house, the first degree of Taurus is on the cusp of the
sixth house, the twenty-seventh degree of Taurus is on the
seventh, the ninth degree of Gemini is on the eighth cusp,
the ninth degree of Cancer is on the ninth cusp, the sixth
degree of the sign Leo is on the tenth cusp, the twenty-
second degree of the sign Virgo is on the eleventh house,
the first degree of Scorpio is on the twelfth house, Aries is
intercepted in the fifth and Libra in the eleventh house.
We find the Sun is occupying the eighth house in the nine
teenth degree of the sign Gemini. The Moon will be ob
served occupying the twelfth house near the cusp of the
twelfth in the third degree of sign Scorpio, the first degree
of Scorpio being on the cusp of the twelfth. The planet
Mercury is placed in the sixth house in the twenty-sixth
degree of the sign Taurus, one degree below the descendant,
and Venus is near Mercury, being in the sixth house and
nineteenth degree of the sign Taurus. Mars is placed in
the sixth house and occupies the fifth degree of the sign
Taurus. Jupiter is posited in the eleventh house in the
fourteenth degree of the sign Libra, and is retrograde in
motion. Saturn is posited in the sixth house in the first
degree of the sign Taurus, and is therefore exactly on the
cusp of the sixth house. Urania is also found near in the
sixth house and occupies the third degree of the sign Taurus.
The planet Neptune is posited in the fourth house, occupies
the tenth degree of the sign Pisces. The Dragon's Tail is
found in the third house in the twenty-ninth degree of the
sign Capricorn. The Dragon's Head is placed in the ninth
house in the twenty-ninth degree of the sign Cancer. The
Sun is found in the House of Death, but is in square to
Neptune from the fourth, and the Moon is in the twelfth
i34 Science and Key of Life.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 135

in opposition to Saturn, Urania and Mars in the sixth, and

is rapidly applying to the opposition of the Sun from the
second and eighth houses. We find the ruler of the ascend
ant Mars is in conjunction with Saturn and Urania, all
malefics, in this position and opposing the Moon in the
twelfth, also in square to the Dragon's Tail in the third
house. We find the ruler of the sixth in the sixth near
Mercury, which planet is in its detriment, and Moon rapidly
approaching the opposition of both Venus and Mercury. It
is not difficult to judge of the nature of the disease; fixed
signs occupying the four angles and also the whole of the
sixth and twelfth houses, and the malefics grouped to
gether in the sixth show the sickness of a most violent
nature. Taurus, ruler in the sixth, rules the throat, and
Saturn and Mars, both significators, show the disease to be
diphtheria in most virulent form. The square to Dragon's
Tail of the malefics in the third house argues unfavorably
for the brothers and sisters of the native and show they
will also be afflicted, the sisters more than the brothers.
It is seldom that the malefics will be found grouped as
they are here in conjunction and the Moon in opposition,
and applying to opposition of Sun from the positions in the
figure do not give any hope of the patient remaining in the
mortal, but will pass out quickly, though robust in health
and form, as shown by the signs on ascendant and first
i36 Science and Key of Life.

We will now take a time when the ninth degree of the

sign Leo is on the ascendant, the fifteenth degree of the sign
Virgo is on the cusp of the second house, the eighteenth
degree of the sign Libra is on the cusp of the third house,
the nineteenth degree of the sign Scorpio is on the cusp of
the fourth house, the tweflth degree of the sign Sagittarius
is on the cusp of the fifth house, the second degree of the
sign Capricorn is on the cusp of the sixth house, the ninth
degree of Aquarius is on the cusp of the seventh house, the
fifteenth degree of Pisces is on the cusp of the eighth house,
the eighteenth degree of Aries is on the cusp of the ninth
house, the nineteenth degree of Taurus occupies the cusp of
the tenth house, the twelfth degree of the sign Gemini occu
pies the cusp of the eleventh and the second degree of
Cancer occupies the cusp of the twelfth house.
We will now place the planets in their respective places.
Q) \T*^ J We find the Sun occupies the sixth house, the ninth degree
of the sign Capricorn. The Moon is in the tenth degree
t of the sign Cancer and posited in the twelfth house,
^ Vt /*■ Mercury is found in the twelfth degree of the sign Capri-
^ corn in the sixth house, Venus is found in the sixth house in
f' the eleventh degree of Aquarius, Mars is placed in the
0?? *g twelfth house in the eighth degree of the sign Cancer, Jupi-
.* ter is found in the first house in the twelfth degree of the
- sign Leo, Saturn is posited in the sixth house in the eighth
V1» om degree of the sign Capricorn, Urania is posited in the
/g/ ^ e 7 seventh degree of the sign Cancer in the twelfth house,
-m v a Neptune is placed in the tenth house in the last degree of
0 • Taurus. The Dragon's Tail is placed in the ninth degree
A of the sign Libra and the Dragon's Head is in direct oppo
sition in the eighth house in the ninth degree of the sign
Aries. In this figure we find fixed signs on the angles,
first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. The Sun is found
in the sixth in conjunction with Saturn and Mercury in
direct opposition to Moon, Mars and Urania from the
twelfth house, and both the twelfth and sixth houses are
casting a quartile aspect to the second and ninth houses.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 137


138 Science and Key of Life.

The signs Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, also Leo

and Aquarius, are chiefly concerned in this figure. In the
first place we may judge that the native is some distance
from home and traveling in a Northern country. The
affliction falls on Cancer, Capricorn, Moon conjunction
Mars opposing Sun. The native first meets with accident,
likely from fine steel or gunshot wound, it may be through
design of enemy. He is soon found and taken to hospital
or place of detention that may be used for such. We see
affliction to stomach, the blood and skin from Mars oppos
ing the Sun and Saturn, also conjunction to Moon, feverish,
breaking out, at the same time Jupiter in opposition to
Venus, Leo and Aquarius, the blood. This is a case of
smallpox, as may be readily observed. However, the worst
aspects are passed and we find the Moon approaching
Jupiter near ascendant and trining the sixth house. The
Sun is passing from the conjunction Saturn, through the
Dragon's Tail in second, shows loss of means through the
We judge of the recovery of the patient owing to the
strong sign Leo, upon the ascendant and the fact that the
ruler, the Sun, is passing from affliction of malefics. The
Moon is likewise moving on to the ascendant and forming
a sextile of Neptune, also a trine of Jupiter from the eighth,
as well as the Dragon's Head, which are both posited in
the eighth house, so we judge the native will recover, but
loss of money or wealth is shown. Dragon's Tail in second
and Mercury with Saturn opposing Mars and Moon and
square Jupiter in the eighth house, Venus also being weak
below the descendant, Venus and Mercury being the rulers
of the second house.
Planetary Influences, Etc.

We will now consider a figure when the ninth degree of

Sagittarius is upon the ascendant, the twelfth degree of
Capricorn is occupying the cusp of second, the fifteenth
degree of Aquarius is occupying the third house, the six
teenth degree of Pisces occupies the cusp of the fourth
house, the eighteenth degree of Aries on the cusp of the
fifth house, the fifth degree of Taurus is on the cusp of the
sixth house, the ninth degree of Gemini is on the cusp of
the seventh house, the twelfth degree of sign Cancer occu
pies the cusp of the eighth house, the fifteenth degree of
the sign Leo occupies the cusp of the ninth house, the six
teenth degree of the sign Virgo occupies the cusp of the
tenth house, the eighteenth degree of sign Libra occupies
the cusp of the eleventh house, the fifth degree of sign
Scorpio occupies the cusp of the twelfth house.
We will now place the planets in their respective places.
The sun is posited in the twelfth house and the twelfth de-
^ /y
gree of the sign Scorpio, the Moon is posited in the eighth ^ 7
house in the ninth degree of the sign Leo, Mercury is V n& 0 29

placed in the eleventh house in the third degree of the sign p //

Scorpio, Venus is found in eleventh degree of the sign
^ ^
Scorpio in the twelfth house, Mars is posited in the eighth tr* ^*
house in the eleventh degree of the sign Leo, Saturn is 3/ ^4, &

placed in the sixth house in the thirteenth degree of the sign / £

^ &
Taurus. The planet Jupiter is posited in the third house in .

the sixth degree of the sign Pisces, Urania is placed in the

sixth house in the sixteenth degree of the sign Taurus, Nep-
£ e> **-
tune in the fifth house in the second degree of the sign Tau-
rus, the Dragon's Tail occupies the twenty-fifth degree of the
sign Aries in the fifth house, the Dragon's Head occupies
the eleventh house in the twenty-fifth degree of the sign
Libra. We find common signs on the angles, fixed signs
on the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses, the ruler of the
ascendant in third in square to ascendant, some difficulty
with brothers and sisters, near kindred. The rulers of the
sixth are not well configurated, Venus with the Sun in
Scorpio in twelflji in square to Mars and Moon in Leo in
Science and Key of Life.
Planetary Influences, Etc.

eighth, Mercury also near twelfth cusp, while Urania,

Saturn and Neptune in opposition from sixth and fifth; the
Sun is in violent fixed sign Scorpio, Saturn, Urania in vio
lent fixed sign Taurus in opposition, and all these in square
to Mars and Moon, which are rapidly applying to conjunc
tion in the eighth house in the violent fixed heart sign Leo.
These significations denote heart difficulty and when the
directions are formed, paralysis. It will be observed that
Aries is on the fifth, Dragon's Tail is here and Mercury and
Neptune also in opposition. Eleventh and fifth show that
the native has brought on the affliction through his own
actions, giving his time and energy altogether in the pleas
ures of the lower material. Sagittarius on the ascendant
shows little discretion in his mode of living, receiving the
square of Jupiter.
We find there is no hope of the native remaining in the
mortal. We find fixed violent signs have the major ruling
in the twelfth, sixth and eighth houses. Then, too, the
planets are in application to evil configurations as if separat
ing from this the influence would not be so evil. We find
the Sun applying to square of Mars and opposition of
Saturn first and then Urania, while the Moon as co-signifi-
cator is forming conjunction to Mars in the eighth house in
heart sign Leo, also forming square of Dragon's Tail in
sixth, then to square of the Sun in the twelfth, then to
square of Saturn in the sixth, then to Urania in the sixth
and finally coming to the opposition of Jupiter in sign Pisces
in the fourth. This is a most evil train of directions and
even the ruler of ascendant is below the earth and will re
ceive square of Sun and opposition of Moon.
142 Science and Key of Life.

We will now take a figure with the twentieth degree of

Gemini upon the ascendant, the twelfth degree of Cancer
is on the cusp of the second house, the thirteenth degree of
Leo is on the cusp of the third house, the fifteenth degree
of Virgo is on the cusp of the fourth house, the sixteenth
degree of sign Libra is on the cusp of the fifth house, the
twelfth degree of the sign Scorpio is occupying the cusp
of the sixth house, the twentieth degree of the sign Sagit
tarius is on the cusp of the seventh house, the twelfth de
gree of Capricorn is occupying the cusp of the eighth
house, the thirteenth degree of the sign Aquarius is upon
the cusp of the ninth house, the fifteenth degree of Pisces
occupies the cusp of the tenth house, the sixteenth degree
of Aries occupies the cusp of the eleventh house and the
twelfth degree of Taurus is on the twelfth house.
We will now place the planets. We find the Sun occupy
ing the twelfth house, posited in the eighteenth degree of
the sign of Gemini, the Moon is also placed in the twelfth
house and in the thirteenth degree of the sign Gemini. Mer
cury is found in the first house near the cusp of the second
in the tenth degree of the sign Cancer. Venus is placed in
the second house in the first degree of the sign Leo, Mars
is found in the twelfth house in the first degree of the sign
Gemini, Jupiter is placed in the ninth house, in the second
degree of the sign Pisces, Saturn is placed in the twelfth
house in the nineteenth degree of the sign Gemini, very near
the cusp of ascendant. Urania is placed in the twelfth
house near twelfth cusp in the ninteenth degree of sign
Taurus, the planet Neptune is found in the tenth house in
the sixteenth degree of the sign Pisces one degree removed
from the cusp of the tenth, the Dragon's Tail occupies the
eighth house in the ninth degree of the sign Aquarius, the
Dragon's Head is found in the second house in the ninth
degree of the sign Leo. We find common signs placed on
the angles. Fixed signs have the greater rule over the
third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses. We find Saturn
one degree from the ascendant and the Sun but one degree
Planetary Influences, Etc. 143



144 Science and Key of Life.

from conjunction of Saturn, both in twelfth, while the

Moon is applying to a conjunction of both and a square to
Neptune near tenth house in Pisces. The Moon has re
cently left the conjunction of Urania and the square of
Dragon's Tail from eighth, also conjunction of Mars, ruler
of the sixth house. The disease is not difficult to discover,
the lungs and throat are affected. Consumption is the diffi
culty and the arrangement of the planets does not offer
hopes of recovery.
It will be observed that the Moon as co-significator is
rapidly approaching the aspect named and at the same time
forming a quartile aspect to Neptune near the tenth cusp.
This assists in the intensity and hopelessness of keeping the
native in the mortal form. Mars is in the twelfth house,
but is casting no aspect, being too far removed to be of aid,
as if Mars was even in square aspect to the ascendant or
Saturn's place there might be some hope of relief. Mars is
part ruler of the sixth house, also Jupiter, but neither offer
any aid. Saturn and Urania, the rulers of the eighth, show
the afflictions to the eighth, with the Dragon's Tail therein,
will have their effect for evil, as it would be termed by a
great majority of mankind who know little of the great
universal law ; the objects and purposes of life, and so-called
death is but one of the essential events in the great scheme.
Planetary Influences, Etc.

We will now consider a figure when the twentieth degree

of Gemini is upon the ascendant, the sixth degree of Cancer
is upon the second house, the twenty-fourth degree of Can
cer is upon the third house, the eleventh degree of the sign
Leo is upon the fourth house, the eighth degree of the sign
Virgo is upon the cusp of the fifth house, the twenty-fifth
degree of the sign Libra is occupying the cusp of the sixth
house, the twentieth degree of the sign Sagittarius is upon
the cusp of the seventh house, the sixth degree of Capri
corn is upon the cusp of the eighth house, the twenty-
fourth degree of the sign Capricorn is upon the cusp of the
ninth house, the eleventh degree of Aquarius on tenth
house, the eighth degree of the sign Pisces is upon the cusp
of the eleventh house, the twenty-fifth degree of the sign
Aries is upon the cusp of the twelfth house. The sign
Scorpio is intercepted in the sixth house and sign Taurus is
intercepted in the twelfth house.
We will now place the planets. The Sun we find in the
twelfth degree of Leo in the fourth house, the Moon is
posited in the twelfth house in the thirteenth degree of the
sign Gemini, Mercury is placed in the third house in the
twenty-fifth degree of the sign Cancer, Mars is posited in
the sixth house in his own sign, the eighth degree of
Scorpio, Jupiter is near the cusp of the twelfth house in the
twenty-fourth degree of the sign Aries, Saturn is found in
the sixth house near the sixth cusp in the twenty-sixth de
gree of the sign Libra, Urania is posited in the sixth house
in the sixth degree of the sign Scorpio, Neptune is also
found in the sixth house near the cusp of seventh in the
twelfth degree of the sign Sagittarius. Venus occupies the
fourteenth degree of the sign Leo in the fourth house. The
Dragon's Head is in the second house in the ninth degree of
the sign Cancer. The Dragon's Tail is in the eighth
house, in the ninth degree of the sign Capricorn.
Common signs occupy the first and seventh, a fixed sign
is upon the fourth house, fixed signs are intercepted
in the sixth house, and we find the sixth house is ruled by
146 Science and Key of Life.

example no. 13.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 147

Scorpio, a part of Libra and the first nineteen degrees of

Sagittarius, the rulers being Jupiter, Mars and Venus. The
cardinal sign Capricorn is upon the eighth cusp ; in fact the
eighth house is ruled entirely by this sign as the second is
ruled by Cancer. The twelfth house we find Aries part
ruler, the sign Taurus intercepted and nineteen degrees of
Gemini. Just past the ascendant we find Mars with Urania
in conjunction in Scorpio, the Moon opposes Neptune from
twelfth and sixth, and Jupiter opposes Saturn, Saturn in
the sixth house. The difficulty is a tumorous growth, as
may be readily observed. This map will require much
We find the influence falls in the sign Scorpio, Leo, Aries,
Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius, the greatest affliction being
Mars and Urania in the watery sign Scorpio in the sixth
square to Sun and Venus from heart sign Leo. There is a
tumorous growth upon these parts, ruled by Scorpio, though
this will not be necessarily fatal, as both the Sun and Venus
are passing off from the quartile aspect and Mars is leaving
the conjunction of Urania. The Moon in opposition to
Neptune has intensified the affliction, but the moon is now
moving to the trine of Urania and Mars' place and is at this
time sextile to the Sun and Venus. This relieves the afflic
tion of Venus and Sun, square Mars and Urania. It will
also be observed that Saturn is near the sixth cusp in Libra
in opposition to Jupiter in Aries. This shows difficulty of
circulation, swellings, difficulty with kidneys and head.
The Moon is moving to a sextile of Jupiter and a trine of
Saturn, so this will relieve that affliction. There will be a
successful operation in the removal of the tumor as the
Moon moves to benefic aspects to Mars and Urania. It will
be observed that Saturn and Jupiter both are in square to
Mercury from eleventh, and sixth to third shows the mental
is very much disturbed through actions of supposed friends
and is concerned with brothers, sisters and near kindred.
This passes off as Moon sextiles Jupiter, semi-sextiles Mer
cury's place and trines Saturn.
i48 Science and Key of Life.

We will now consider a figure when the twenty-sixth

degree of Aquarius is upon the ascendant, the twenty-fourth
degree of Pisces is upon the cusp of the second house, the
sixteenth degree of Aries is upon the cusp of the third
house, the eleventh degree of Taurus is upon the cusp of
the fourth house, the fourteenth degree of Gemini is upon
the cusp of the fifth house, the eighteenth degree of Cancer is
upon the cusp of the sixth house, the twenty-sixth degree of
the sign Leo is upon the cusp of the seventh house, the
twenty-fourth degree of Virgo is upon the cusp of the
eighth house, the sixteenth degree of the sign Libra is upon
the cusp of the ninth house, the eleventh degree of Scorpio
is upon the cusp of the tenth house, the fourteenth degree
of Sagittarius is upon the cusp of the eleventh house and
the eighteenth degree of sign Capricorn is upon the cusp of
the twelfth house.
We will now place the planets. The Sun is posited in the
third house in the sixteenth degree of the sign Aries, the
Moon is found in the sixth house in the eighteenth degree
of the sign Cancer, Venus is found in the third house in the
twenty-first degree of the sign Aries, the planet Mars is
placed in the sixth house in the twenty-second degree of the
sign Cancer, Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in the ninth
degree of the sign Scorpio, retrograde. The planet Saturn
is placed in the eleventh house in the twenty-second degree
of the sign Sagittarius ; the planet Urania is posited in the
tenth house in the eighth degree of the sign Sagittarius and
retrograde in motion ; the planet Neptune is posited in the
fifth house and in the twenty-second degree of the sign
Gemini. The Dragon's Tail is found in the fifth house in
the fifteenth degree of the sign Cancer, The Dragon's Head
is found in the eleventh house in the fifteenth degree of the
sign Capricorn. A little study of the figure will reveal the
nature of the affliction ; Mars and Moon in conjunction with
Dragon's Tail square to Sun denotes a cancer of stomach.
We find the angles are ruled by fixed signs. This indi
cates, more especially when on the first, fourth and tenth,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 149
150 Science and Key of Life.

that the environments of the individual will be of a fixed

nature and events of such nature will enter into his life.
. We find the sign Aquarius rules the blood and the ruler of
the ascendant is Urania, found in the tenth house in the
radical ninth in semi-sextile to Jupiter in the ninth house.
This naturally brings the native into association with the
occult, and while there will be a certain respect for the early
teachings of an orthodox character, he will grow out of this
as Jupiter passes on in trine aspect to Mars and the Moon.
The second house is ruled largely by Jupiter and Mars and
from their positions we must judge the native will not at
tain great wealth. In the first place he is not on the popular
side, as his means of gaining a livelihood are controlled by
Urania in Sagittarius, a writer and speaker, something of
a reformer. The Sun, Mercury and Venus we find in the
third house in the fiery sign Aries. This is not a good posi
tion for either Mercury or Venus and more especially re
ceiving the quartile aspect of Mars, Moon and the Dragon's
Tail. The native does not always cling to the truth entirely
from these aspects and is really fickle at times, and the
native will hardly marry or, if he does, it would be a very
sorry alliance. The fourth house, ruled largely by Venus
and Mercury, we do not find very favorable aspects for the
end of life from positions and aspects of these planets. The
fifth house, ruled by Mercury and the Moon in quartile as
pect, also find Neptune here in exact opposition to Saturn,
therefore the affairs of the fifth would suffer accordingly.
The sixth house we find ruled largely by the luminaries
and from their positions and aspects we find much sickness
and trouble from the affairs of this house. The seventh
house affairs are not good, though there will be many affairs
of the heart, but will come to naught. The eighth house,
ruled by Venus and Mercury in conjunction with the Sun
and quartile aspects of Mars and Moon, show much suffer
ing in passing from the mortal. The ninth house, ruled by
Venus and Mars, shows much activity in the affairs of the
ninth, writings, etc., much unpopularity, though Jupiter
Planetary Influences, Etc. 151

here will assist somewhat, and this will be the brightest part
of the figure to the native, though his efforts do not promise
him great sympathy from the public. The tenth house does
promise much, Urania here, though ruled (by Jupiter and
Mars, does not promise great honor, though the native will
pursue his course with tireless energy. The eleventh house
does not promise any true friends. Some may manifest an
interest for selfish motives, but they will not be sincere and
of little benefit to the native. The twelfth house, ruled by
Saturn and Urania, does not promise much from this
quarter of the figure, with the Dragon's Tail therein in op
position to Moon and Mars, and the native is liable to be
incarcerated in some place of detention at various times,
though not for long. The native is very irregular in his
habits and the position of the rulers of the sixth will show
this fact and this carelessness is the cause of his difficulty,
though Mars here. There has been a fall or hurt to the
stomach and a cancerous growth is the result. In the treat
ment of this the native is careless and shows the same gen
eral disposition to obtain relief. His experiences in life
have made him morose and unsociable. He is left much to
himself and is neglected from the figure. If a violent sign
were upon the eighth house, or planet of that nature ruled
that house, the native would take his life in his hands. In
horary judgment there would be no hope of keeping the
native in the mortal. The quartile aspects of the luminaries
and Mars would show burning, abnormal growth ; and Moon
passing to opposition of Saturn and Urania, shows the af
fliction will cause so-called death.
i52 Science and Key of Life.

In consideration of disease associated with the mental,

and in order to illustrate this, we will take a figure and place
twenty-seven degrees of the sign Libra upon the ascendant.
The eighth degree of the sign Sagittarius is upon the cusp
of the second house, the twelfth degree of Capricorn is
upon the cusp of the third house, the fourteenth degree of
the sign Aquarius is upon the cusp of the fourth house, the
fifth degree of Pisces is upon the cusp of the fifth house,
the first degree of Aries is upon the cusp of the sixth house,
the twenty-seventh degree of Aries is upon the cusp of the
descendant, the eighth degree of Gemini is upon the cusp
of the eighth house, the twelfth degree of the sign Cancer
is upon the cusp of the ninth house, the fourteenth degree of
Leo is upon the cusp of the tenth house, the eleventh cusp is
occupied by the fifth degree of the sign Virgo and the first
degree of the sign Libra is upon the cusp of the twelfth
house. The sign Scorpio is intercepted in the first, and
the sign Taurus in the seventh house. The Sun we place in
the eleventh house in the twenty-ninth degree of the sign
Virgo, the moon is placed in the sixth house in the six
teenth degree of the sign Aries, Mercury is placed in the
twelfth house in the eighteenth degree of the sign Libra,
Venus is posited in the eleventh house in the fifteenth de
gree of the sign Virgo, Mars is placed in the ninth house,
occupying the twenty-seventh degree of the sign Cancer,
Jupiter in the third house and occupies the thir
is placed
teenth degree of the sign Capricorn ; Saturn is posited in
the sixth house in the seventeenth degree of the sign Aries ;
Urania is also placed in the sixth house in the nineteenth
degree of the sign Aries ; Neptune is placed in the fifth
house and occupies the tenth degree of the sign Pisces.
The Dragon's Head occupies the second house and the tenth
degree of the sign Sagittarius; the Dragon's Tail occupies
the eighth house in the tenth degree of the sign Gemini,
cardinal signs occupy the ascendant and descendant, fixed
signs occupy the fourth and tenth houses. The ascendant is
ruled by Venus and Mars ; Venus is not afflicted and is in
Planetary Influences, Etc. 153


154 Science and Key of Life.

trine to Jupiter. Mars is trine to the Sun, though the

Moon and Mercury are rapidly applying to a square of
Mars. The native is kind, affable, generous and possesses
many friends, though some secret enemies harass the native.
The second house, ruled by Jupiter largely the fira part of
life, is successful in affairs of the second, but later meets
with reverses and losses. The third house is not favorable
for the brothers or sisters or near kindred in some respects.
There is liable to be some hereditary disease of Saturn,
Urania and Moon nature. Jupiter is found here and this
will alleviate the affliction to some extent. The fourth
house, ruled by Urania almost wholly, is not favorable for
the fourth house affairs and the end of life, as Urania's
position is quite unfavorable for the mental conditions, and
would cause much trouble to the native. The fifth house,
ruled almost wholly by Neptune, the influence is favorable
in some respects, speculations in companies, corporations,
etc., and Venus forming the opposition of Neptune will
bring some peculiar happenings to the native in affairs of
the heart and pleasure, some secret connivance that will
bring unhappiness to the native. The sixth house is under
the sign Aries and thus Mars has ruled over this house.
Mars is not casting any aspect to this house or the planets
find Urania
posited therein at the present time, though we
here with Saturn in opposition to Mercury, and the Moon

rapidly applying to conjunction of Saturn, and Urania in the

head sign Aries, and the affliction to Mercury would
The disease is paresis, and the
the mental to be afflicted.
configurations do not argue favorably for recovery.
As regards recovery, we find the Moon occupying the
sixth and forming conjunction to Saturn and Urania
to a quartile
the opposition of Mercury and is applying
The Moon and Mercury have
aspect of Mars in Cancer.
are in
rule over the eighth house, and both these planets
affliction, therefore in rendering judgment it would signify
that the native would remain in the
mortal form for the
would no
time, but the time for passing from the physical
Planetary Influences, Etc. 155

doubt occur when the Moon reaches a quartile to Mars and

opposes the ascendant. It will be observed that Mars is
now exactly square to the ascendant. The Dragon's Tail
also occupies the eighth house and this intensifies the afflic
tion of the Moon with the malefics.
Science and Key of Life.
We will now consider a figure of similar effects but more
violent in form. The fifteenth degree of sign Aries is upon
the ascendant, the second degree of Taurus is upon the
second, the seventh degree of sign Gemini occupies the ctlsp
of the third house, the tenth degree of Cancer is upon the
cusp of the fourth house, the twelfth degree of Leo is upon
the cusp of the fifth house, the thirteenth degree of Virgo
is upon the cusp of the sixth house, the fifteenth degree of
Libra occupies the descendant, the second degree of Scorpio
is upon the cusp of the eighth house, the seventh degree of
Sagittarius is upon the cusp of the ninth house, the tenth
degree of the sign Capricorn is upon the cusp of the tenth
house, the twelfth degree of the sign Aquarius is upon the
cusp of the eleventh house, the thirteenth degree of Pisces
is upon the cusp of the twelfth house.
The Sun is posited in the fifth house in the twelfth degree
of the sign Virgo, the Moon near the ascendant in the first
house in the sixteenth degree of the sign Aries, Mercury is
in the seventh house and occupies the eighteenth degree of
the sign Libra, Venus is posited in the fifth house in the first
degree of the sign Virgo, Mars is posited in the fourth
house and occupies the twenty-fourth degree of the sign
Cancer, Jupiter is posited in the ninth house and the twen
tieth degree of the sign Capricorn, Saturn is placed near
the ascendant, in the first house, and occupies the seven
teenth degree of the sign Aries. Urania is placed in the
first house near the ascendant and occupies the nineteenth
degree of the sign Aries, the planet Neptune occupies the
eleventh house near the cusp of the twelfth and occupies the
tenth degree of the sign Pisces ; the Dragon's Head is found
in the ninth house in the tenth degree of the sign Sagit
tarius, the Dragon's Tail is posited in the third house and
occupies the tenth degree of the sign Gemini. The signs
are found to be in their radical positions in the figure.
Thus, cardinal signs occupy the angles. It will be ob
served that the ascendant is afflicted to a remarkable de
gree, as Saturn, Urania and the Moon are all near a con
Planetary Influences, Etc. 157



Science and Key of Life.

junction of ascendant in opposition to Mercury and in quar-

tile aspect to Jupiter. We have learned elsewhere the
effects of the malefics with the Moon casting a malefic aspect
to Mercury and Jupiter. This causes epileptic fits, and in
this instance the affliction is intensified, as the malefics are
found in sign Aries and so near the ascendant, while there
is no assistance rendered by the benefics to the ascendant,
as even the Sun is in opposition to Neptune near the cusps
of sixth and twelfth. The Moon, Saturn and Urania are
square to Jupiter and Moon rapidly applying to the square
of Mars in the fourth house. The Dragon's Tail in the
third house and sign Cancer shows the affliction to the
brothers, sisters and home conditions.
We find Saturn and Urania conjoined and the Moon rap
idly applying to direct conjunction with both, near the
ascendant, and to both the square of Jupiter and Mars and
the opposition, this aspect being in application. We could
not judge otherwise than that the fatal effect would ter
minate the physical life of the native at the time when the
moon formed evil directions. If this were the natal figure
we would judge the child would remain but a short time in
mortal expression, as it may be readily seen how the ascend
ant is afflicted, also the opposition of Neptune to the Sun
near the twelfth and sixth cusps. This aspect has also been
forming afflictions to the native, even we may say before the
physical expression, and the presence of Mars in the fourth
house in cardinal sign Cancer shows a short expression in
the physical and the cause is one of a violent nature, as
shown from quartile, aspects to Saturn and Urania as well
as the ascendant. There is no benefic aspects that come
to the relief of the native or the first house. Venus is the
only planet that is at all near and she is even too far removed
to aid, and then her position does not give any dignity.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 159
160 Science and Key of Life.

Let us now consider another figure when the twelfth de

gree of the sign Libra is upon the ascendant, the twentieth
degree of Scorpio is upon the second cusp, the fifteenth
degree of Sagittarius is upon the cusp of the third house,
the ninth degree of the sign Capricorn is upon the cusp of
the fourth house, the fifteenth degree of sign Aquarius is
upon the cusp of the fifth house, the twenty-ninth degree of
the sign Pisces is upon the cusp of the sixth house, the
twelfth degree of Aries is upon the cusp of the seventh
house, the twentieth degree of Taurus is upon the cusp of
the eighth house, the fifteenth degree of the sign Gemini is
upon the cusp of the ninth house, the ninth degree of the
sign Cancer is upon the cusp of the tenth house, the fifteenth
degree of Leo is upon the cusp of the eleventh house, the
twenty-ninth degree of the sign Virgo is upon the cusp of
the twelfth house.
We place the Sun in the sixth house in the twenty-eighth
degree of the sign Pisces, one degree removed from the
cusp of sixth ; the Moon we find in the first house, occupying
the twenty-fourth degree of the sign Libra. We place Mer
cury in the fifth house in the ninth degree of the sign
Pisces, we place Venus in the fifth house and occupying the
twenty-seventh degree of the sign Aquarius. We find the
planet Mars in the sixth house, in the twenty-seventh degree
of the sign Pisces. We find Jupiter posited in the seventh
house and occupying the nineteenth degree of the sign
Taurus. We find Saturn in the third house and occupying
the twenty-eighth degree of the sign Sagittarius. We find
Urania in the *foartrr house in the eighteenth degree of the
sign Cancer. We find Neptune in the seventh house posited
in the eighteenth degree of the sign Aries. We find the
Dragon's Head occupying the tenth house in the twenty-
fourth degree of the sign Cancer. The Dragon's Tail is
placed in the fifth house and occupies the twenty-fourth
degree of the sign Capricorn, the Cardinal signs are upon
the angles, the Sun is found in the sixth in conjunction to
Mars and in square aspect to Saturn from sixth and third
Planetary Influences, Etc. 161

house. We also find the stomach and head signs afflicted,

as Neptune is square to Urania and opposes the Moon,
while the Moon is in square to Urania. The native is at
this time suffering from violent attack of typhoid fever, but
the Sun is leaving the affliction behind and the Moon is also
applying to trine of the greater luminary. Therefore we
must judge of the recovery of the patient.

The Medical Qualities of the Planets — The Mental, Tem

perament and Therapeutic Properties of the Planets
— Disease, Metals, Animals and Diseases Under Each.

When the relation of things mundane and supra-mundane

become more clearly denned to the mortal mind, it will be
observed that there is a natural system of relationship, that
similar principle may occupy various planes, and


although altering its enveloping form or sheath in accord

ance with the great universal law, at one time functioning
as gas and again crystallizing into brittle mass, and then

again constituting an organized animal endowed with cer

tain powers of conscious action, and still again being in
vested with all its specific attributes in the guise of mental

projection, and preserving its archaens in integrity. As for
instance, Mars we find ruddy planet in the Zodiac. He


truly soldier, smith, surgeon in the world sub-lunar.


He the iron tool through which the world keeps itself


going, the energy, without which life would amount to but

little. He the iron tonic which individuals take whose

systems have been depleted of his force — the aruen, the cin-
nibar urtica carduus and arnica, all expressions in various
forms of the principle shining out, and manifesting in first
place as Mars and then again dull Saturn comes into our

earth planet manifesting as lead, gloom, melancholy, cold,

gravity, weight, forming the great world principle of limita
tion and constriction.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 163

Pause and reflect upon this great planet Saturn and its
therapeutical agency in the guise of plubium or lead, as a
styptic sedative refrigerant and astringent. The cerisse and
sugar of lead are cooling, drying and astrictive, and the
sugar is used often in callyria for inflammation of the eyes,
while both these substances are employed in unguents and
liniments, heats, excoriations, eruptions, and for
anointing the lips of wounds and ulcers that tend to in
flammation ; and in all these expressions Saturn demon
strates his efficiency in counteracting the symptoms of Mars
and Sun's diseases, in the same general way in which Mars
acts in an efficacious manner when used in Saturnine dis
Then, too, compare the astringent, cooling, contra inflam
matory, and cutaneous properties of the metal Saturn with
other departments as manifested under this planet as human
character, temperament, work, environment, condition, the
weather, diseases, plants, minerals, etc. Thus we may find
a perfect relationship existing between every element of
man, and his analogue the universe; as above, so below, a
psychical passivity transforming itself into a physical activ
ity and a physical passivity becoming actuated by a psychical
maelstrom, and from the lowest and most dense strata of
this earth planet, upwards and onwards through the ether
and endless space, we may discover certain fixed principles
modifying their forms and attitudes though preserving their
essence intact to their own ruling star.
It is not to be wondered at, then, that life in every re
spect is so bound together by these invisible chains as to be
inseparable in any true conception, and it will be found that
this applies not only to organic life but to inorganic life as
well, such as minerals and precious gems, also the tiny
rivulet and great oceans. It has been observed that what
ever the individual may possess within himself that same
he is able to attract to himself.
What is Venus but the artemisia that grows in the garden,
and what is iron but the planet Mars, that is to say, Venus
164 Science and Key of Life.
and artemisia are both products of the same essence,
iron and Mars are the effects of the same cause. What
the human body but a constellation of the same
powers that
formed the stars and planets in space.
When the individual has learned the qualities of the
planet Mars he knows as well what iron

or when he has
learned the qualities of iron he also knows the attributes of
If there was no Sun in the universe what would become
of the heart, and of what use would be the vasa spermatica

there was no such planet possessing the qualities and

attributes of the planet Venus.
The true wisdom to be able to grasp the invisible ele
ments, to attract them by their material correspondences, to
control, purify and transmute these by the unlimited powers
of the real self. We have learned that the pathological
principles of the celestial bodies are fundamentally distinct
and also that their extensions and ramifications are compre
hended in proportion to the observation, research and ex
periences associated therewith, though the qualities and at
tributes of each planet can only be thoroughly understood
through long application to the study thereof.
It has been perceived that the luminaries, more especially
the Sun, with Jupiter and Venus, are the conservators of
life, of favorable nature, while Mars, Saturn, Urania are
the anaretic influences, while Mercury, and at times the
Moon, affiliates now with one and now with another, just
in accordance to the power and nature of the aspects
brought to bear upon them. The Sun, Moon, Venus and
Jupiter only produce affliction under provocation, though

must not be considered that either Jupiter or Venus are not

capable of bringing so-called afflictions, for will be found

that Jupiter afflicting the luminaries, more especially the sun,

will bring sufficient affliction to eradicate such conclusions,
and Venus in affliction will produce swellings of the lym
phatic glands, more especially in the throat, ruled by Taurus,
and will also affect those parts ruled by Libra, produces
Planetary Influences, Etc.

general relaxation of the entire system and disorders aris

ing through affairs over which this planet has chief control.
We find the Sun is constitutional, hereditary and struc
tural, while the Moon is functional, Mercury is nervous
and mental, Mars inflammative, exciting and acute, Jupiter
plethoric, Saturn constricting, consumptive and chronic,
Urania spasmodic, cataclysmic, while Neptune is baffling and
difficult to locate so far as analysis or diagnosis of his
effects upon the physical body proper.
We find Mercury is the amalgamator, and its chemical
character indicates that the inner part is pure gold, but the
outer part corresponding to the half circle above the circle,
is of silver, with a corrosive corresponding to the cross
underneath. Mercury affinitizes with all others more or
less, quite readily with gold, then with silver, then lead,
then tin, then copper and last, iron, the metals ruled by the
planets, Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars in
the order named. Mercury as the amalgamator is quite
aptly illustrated in his being apportioned to the third house
and sign. As we progress onward in our considerations we
shall observe that Mars and Saturn have control over the
mineral kingdom, while the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and the
Sun have control over the chemical, and Mercury, the
animal world, as in the human form.
It may be applied in this wise, Mars and Saturn domi
nating the skeleton, muscles, ligaments, tendons and most
consolidated parts, the framework, so to speak, of the animal
machine as the metals and minerals are to the earth; the
Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus directing the various organs
of secretion and nutrition, acting as chemical alembics,
transmitting and transforming, while Mercury rules the
brain and mental faculties.
As we have learned, disease of the physical is but a deflec
tion of organic or functional equilibrium, and in each in
stance the corresponding incentives will be found in the-
natal chart of birth as anthropostic and macrocosmic are
returned in the same way as the reflection in a mirror is to
i66 Science and Key of Life.
that reflected. All symmetrical objects, all forms in the
universe, colors and scents that have their own particular
organization and arrangement, are types of some spiritual
truth, or manifestation of the infinite that extend
selves, unlimited, ramifying, transforming and
It will be observed that in the more important sense the
Sun and the Moon are the dominant forces regulating the
strength of the constitution, and when these, more espe
cially the Sun, are found in affliction, the health of the body
suffers. There is liability to disease, and the physical pos
sesses small power of recuperation, while the luminaries
unafflicted, the health is good, there is small liability to
disease, and the recuperative powers are strong, and if the
Sun is found in the eastern angle or oriental, this is a fav
orable indication for health and strong constitution. Nat
urally the nearer to ascendant, the stronger his expression
in the figure.
It willbe found that the Sun and Moon constitute the
main and hair springs, the horologia universe, and for the
human organism not only to keep going but to keep in time.
Both these must be orderly disposed in the horoscopal figure,
and in this comparison the ascendant may be considered
as a pendulum to the anthropostic clock, that is, for instance
if it heavily weighted with Saturn's lead, then nat
be too
urally errors of tempus accumulate; or if there be an over
abundance of martial or mercurial rapidity of action, there
is then a corresponding excess on the other side.
To descend to literalness, the domination of the benefic
powers in the natal chart of life assures a good health stand
ard, and great vitality to overcome ills that may assail the
physical organization at various times, which is bound to
occur even in the most properly balanced chart. As the
planets and stars move onward in their annual progressions
the benefic powers are the result of a balancing of forces,
an equilibrium of aspect and celestial body which conduces
neither to centripetal nor centrifugal excess, that is to say,
neither the tangential flying off of the vitalized particles,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 167

nor the indrawing of devitalized ones. The normal plan

etary functioning may be represented as being reflected
downwards in the rippling or turbid waters of disturbed
celestial ether, which distorts the image and irritates its
Draw a straight line from left to right and let this repre
sent the mirror. First, we have the Sun as furnishing the
vital power, placing the symbol of the Sun above the line
and vital power above we find reflected below when the
Sun's beams are disturbed in the natal chart, the following:
Constitutional structural disorders, also hereditary, cardiac
and spiritual disarrangements. Next comes the Moon, the
lesser luminary, which when finding its equalized expres
sion in harmony may be known as natural power, while
reflected from below is alimentary, animal and physical dis
orders, also maladies of the psyche. Then following these,
comes Mercury, manifesting in perfect expression as reason,
while reflected from below is mental disorder ; then follow
ing, comes Venus, which expresses sex differentiation, and
below is reflected Sex disorders, lymphatic swellings, vom
iting and such disarrangements as come from the afflicted
Vital Power.
Constitutional structural disorders, hereditary, cardiac and
spiritual disarrangements.
Natural Power.

Alimentary, animal and physical disorders, maladies of the


Mental disorder.
Sex Differentiation.
Sex disorders, lymphatic swellings, vomiting, such disar
rangements as come from an afflicted Venus.
i68 Science and Key of Life.

Animal heat, muscular tone, vivifying forces of life

brought into great activity.
Inflammatory complaints, sudden disturbances of conti
nuity, excessive muscular activity, destructiveness, wasting
of life forces.
Fleshiness, rich blood, balance to the system.
Plethora, alteration of the red corpuscles of the blood re
sults tends to keep the system cool and free from fevers.
The electric circuit, the intuitional faculties are more pro
The broken circuit, perverted action of the mental forces,
connecting link or chain that connects with the higher
planes of life and manifests to some extent in the concrete
the conditions of these higher planes.
The ship without a rudder comes obsession perfected spir
itual truths.
We have considered the reflections of the Sun, the Moon,

Mercury and Venus, that the effects of cross aspects

upon their good qualities and the result perverted good,

and this exactly the opposite of the effect when man

ifesting in harmony with beneficent influences.

Next comes the planet Mars, which gives out animal heat,
muscular tone vivifying forces of life are brought into

great activity, while the effects when mirrored downwards

in disturbed ether manifest in inflammatory complaints, sud
den disturbances of continuity, excessive muscular activity,
destructiveness and wasting of the life forces.
Then follows Jupiter gives fleshiness, rich blood and bal

ance to the system generally, while below reflected ple


thora, alteration of the red corpuscles of the blood bad


blood results.
Then comes Saturn which tends to keep the system cool
and free from fevers, and reflected below gives depression
atrophy, paralysis, melancholia.
Then follows Urania. This represents the electric cir
cuit. The intuitional faculties are more pronounced, while
Planetary Influences, Etc. 169

below is reflected in the mirror, the broken circuit and per

verted action of the mental forces.
Then, last follows Neptune, as the connecting link or
chain that connects with the higher planes of life and man
ifests to some extent in the concrete the conditions of these
higher planes, while below is reflected as the ship without a
rudder, coma obsession, perverted spiritual truths. Then
we might go on still higher, but we are hardly ready for
It will be observed that in order to comprehend the pre
cise office of each stellar ray, that is, with regard to the
morbidity in the human physical body, their functions in
other directions must be exemplified, not for the reason that
it is absolutely necessary to make deductions from these
latter, but for the reason that the chain of evidence will be
far more clear and complete.
Pathological effects may, of course, be studied and an
alysed apart and separate from those in other departments,
though it is quite evident that synchronism of many hetero
genous elements extend so widely where this divine science
is concerned that the investigator who is ignorant of the
whole subject will receive far more benefit by relating sym
pathies, concurrences, points of agreement and combinations
of circumstances and influences.
We have already cosidered heretofore many ot the chief
qualities of the planets, that is with regard to nature and
substances ruled, but we desire to give at this point a short,
concise analysis, taking the Sun first of all.
We find first the principle is constructiveness. The
therapeutic properties are cardiac and sudorific, the nature
is hot, dry constructive, life-giving energy. The sign ruled
is Leo, rules the heart ; the temperament is bilious, the men
tal qualities are manifested as firmness, will power, perse
verance and stability ; the diseases are inflammatory, ardent,
vital and cardiac in nature. The typical drugs under the
Sun's rule aurum, helianthus, and chamomillia. The metals
under the Sun's rule are gold, hyacinth, cleryalite, carbuncle.
170 Science and Key of Life.

The animal is the lion, also represented in symbol by the

sign over which he has chief rule, the sign Leo. The
weather he gives heat.
Animal Heat, Muscular Tone, Vivifying Forces of
Life Brought into Great Activity.

Inflammatory complaints, sudden disturbances of conti

nuity, excessive muscular activity, destructiveness, wasting
of life forces.
Fleshiness, Rich Blood, Balance to the System.
Plethora, alteration of the red corpuscles of the blood.
Bad blood results. Tends to keep the system cool and free
from fevers.

Depression, Atrophy, Paralysis, Melancholia.

The electric circuit, the intuitional faculties are more pro

The Broken Circuit, Perverted Action of the Mental

Connecting link or chain that connects with the higher
planes of life and manifests to some extent in the concrete
the conditions of these higher planes.
The ship without a rudder; coma obsession; perverted
spiritual truths.
The Moon comes next. It manifests the principles of
harmony, receptivity and change. The therapeutic prop
erties are emetic and alterative. The nature as given by
the Moon is inert, cold and moist; has rule over the sign
Cancer. The mental qualities expressed are imaginative,
timorous, fearful. The temperament is phlegmatic. The
diseases or types of disease coming under the Moon are
lunacy and epilepsy, catamenial and digestive disorders.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 171

The principal drugs under the rule of the Moon are argen-
tum, colocynth, agaricus, pellitory, moonwort, etc. The
metals under the Moon's rule are silver, moonstone, alum
inum, marcasite, and selurite. The animals directly under
the Moon's influence, mollusca, the crab, fish, beetle, the ass.
The Scarabidae comes particularly under the Moon as was
well known by the Egyptians who worshipped Isis, the
Moon, and when worn by certain individuals who came par
ticularly under her influence, was considered to give pro
tection from evil, and aid the native in attaining favors of
Mcon nature. The weather as ruled by the Moon is
changeable, moist, cloudy and cold.
Next comes Mercury, and the principle as expressed is
reason. The therapeutic properties are nervine, cephalic
and alterative. The nature of Mercury is dry and cold, in
clined to melancholy. The signs ruled by Mercury are
Gemini and Virgo. The temperament is nervous. The
mental qualities are rapidity, restless, excitable, persuasive,
witty, ingenious; intellect subtle and penetrating. The
types of disease are disorders of the brain, defects in the
memory, also hesitancy in speech, stuttering or stammering.
The drugs that come directly under Mercury's influence are
mercury itself, bluepill, mercurialis perennis, petrose linum,
calomel, avena digitalis, randia dumetorum and plummus
pill. The metals and minerals ruled by Mercury are mer
cury and to some extent, the opal. The animals under the
rule of Mercury are swine, weasel, ferret, fox, ape, the ant,
magpie, jackdaw, parrot and squirrel. In weather Mercury
brings wind and changes.
Next comes the planet Venus, the principle of which is
sex love. The therapeutic properties are demulcent, dietetic
aphrodisiac and emetic. The nature as manifested by
the planet Venus is procreative, warm, moist, amorous. The
signs ruled by Venus are Taurus and Libra. The tempera
ment is lymphatic. The mental qualities as expressed by
this planet are of a merry, happy, artistic, buoyant, con
172 Science and Key of Life.

vivial nature, whose pleasant, genial influence affects those

about them to a wonderful extent, and such are very pop
ular as host or hostess. The metals as ruled by Venus, and
minerals, the copper and beryl. The animals are the bull,
dove and many other animals that respond to the amorous
nature of Venus. The weather as ruled by Venus, relaxing,
warm showers, pleasant, mild, warm.
Next follows Mars, which manifests the principle of an
ger, expansion, inflammation, energy, heat. The thera
peutic properties are of a blistering, burning nature, tonic
and stimulating. The nature is dry and hot. The signs
ruled are Aries and Scorpio ; the temperament, choleric ; the
mental, antagonistic, quarrelsome, rash, energetic, fiery,
In giving a short, conciseinterpretation to the 'various
planets, principles, therapeutic properties, etc., it is for the
purpose of embodying this in this treatise of the pathological
department of the science of astrology. It is not given with
the intention of repeating anything that has been given
under other heads, as will be seen. We will now continue
with the planet Mars. The temperament is choleric, the
types of disease as manifested by this planet are of an in
flammatory nature and infectious diseases, also feverish dis
eases come under his influence, sudden accidents of wounds
and burning nature. The principal drugs coming under the
rule of Mars are all those whose compositions are made up
from steel or iron and tonics, arsenic, nux vomica, arnica,
sarsaparilla, sulphur, strychnine, cantharides, Bryonia, cin
chona, etc. The metals and minerals ruled by Mars are
iron, sulphur. The animals ruled by Mars, all stinging
animals, wasps, bees, also those of a voracious nature, vul
ture, pike, wolf, hawk, etc. The weather coming under
Mars' rule is intense heat and destructive storms, sudden
and unexpected, much wind.
The next planet is Jupiter. The mental qualities are of a
just, temperate and merciful nature. The temperament is
• sanguine; the principle, justice; the therapeutic properties
Planetary Influences, Etc.

are anthelmintic, emollient ; the nature is warm and moist.

The sign under his rule is Sagittarius. The diseases com
ing under Jupiter's influence are blood poison, scrofula, all
diseases of the blood, apoplexy and all affections of the
liver ; the principal drugs coming under his rule are mentha,
berberis,fumitory, stannum, eupatoriuni, gelsemium, etc.
The metals under his rule are tin. The animals allotted to
Jupiter are those large and domesticated, as the horse and
cattle, the deer, elk, moose, etc. The weather ruled by
Jupiter is cloudy with sunshine, light downfall of rain, also
boisterous winds, though doing no damage.
Next comes the planet Saturn, in which is to be found
the principle of crystallization and limitation, also depriva
tion, selfishness, endurance and contemplation. The thera
peutic properties of Saturn are as follows: Sedative, as
tringent, styptic, refrigerant, etc. The nature of Saturn
is cold and dry, and the sign ruled by Saturn is Capricorn.
The mental is of a reserved, quiet, meditative, gloomy, mel
ancholy, sluggish, laborious, stubborn nature. The temper
ament is nervous and melancholic. The diseases that come
directly under Saturn's rule are all diseases of a long, lin
gering nature, all chronic diseases, consumption, diseases of
a cold, wasting nature. The drugs coming under the rule
of Saturn are composed of the following: Lead, aconite,
hydrocyanic acid, helleborus, hyoscyamus, sage, belladonna,
antimony, conium, rhus toxicodendron. symphytum woo-
rara, resin, Indian hemp, verbascum, etc., those drugs of a
slow, poisonous nature, of an acrid taste. The metal ruled
by Saturn is lead. The animals under his rule are those of
nocturnal nature, those burrowing in the ground, the mole,
etc., the skunk. The goat also cames under Saturn. The .

weather is of bitter cold, stormy and blighting in effect.

We will next take the planet Urania. We find the prin
ciple of spirituality developed, psychic power manifested;
therapeutic spasmodic cataclysmic, mental de
rangement. The nature of this planet is temperately cold
and dry. The sign over which this planet has chief control
«74 Science and Key of Life.

is Aquarius, the water bearer, in which is seen manifested

the Uranian characteristic. The mental qualities of Urania
may be expressed as abrupt, unconventional, eccentric and
perspicacious. The temperament is of a nervous, spas
modic nature. The physical is ever affected through the
mentality. The types of diseases coming under the rule of
this planet are epidemic influenza, also has rule over strange
and peculiar diseases difficult to analyze or diagnose ; also
to mental aberrations when associated with Moon and Mer
cury and afflicted. The typical drugs are those of strange
and peculiar effect, opiates and narcotics that affect the men
tal. The animals under this planet are those of an electric
nature, the great eel, those capable of giving electric shock.
The weather ruled by Urania is variable, winds and storms.
The metals and minerals under this planet are radium, ac
tinium and polonium. These are used chiefly in the pro
duction of uranium, which comes more under the planet
Akkassia. These minerals referred to are, as is well known,
spontaneous generators of electricity and Urania is known
to rule this force. These are termed radio actions and emit
perpetual radiance without loss of substance, that is, that is
noticeable. These partake at the same time of the proper
ties of the cathodei and X rays. The presence of these ores
or any object charged with this force will affect immedi
ately any electrical apparatus, and even at a distance will
produce a chemical reaction. The world today is only en
tering, so to speak, the wonderful vibrations of the planet
Urania, and as Urania is known to have a wonderful power
over the mental, when the time comes, the world will be
ready to utilize these substances under Urania as an antidote
for the ills of the physical and will be reached through the
mind. There is much to attain in this direction, and the
world rapidly advancing to a state where such treatment
may be utilized to great advantage, but must first grow out
of this materiality, and in fact, if utilized at this present
time, would in a large majority of instances prove fatal or
cause the change called death.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 175

For this reason all things come in the proper time and
place, for it is not the intention of the infinite forces or
higher intelligences of spirit to cause disarrangement of
conditions in the mundane life, as it surely would, were
those powers and truths placed before them before the mor
tal conditions had unfolded or grown into the proper con
dition to receive the principle of all things. From the
planetary consideration is involved and the workings of the
law as controlled by planetary influences is immutable, as
going back over the history of the world it will be observed
that planetary influence at all times is thoroughly in har
mony with the events that have transpired in their proper
time and place.
Referring again to Urania, we find other metals and min
erals coming under the electric rays aside from those men
tioned in our last meeting, as for instance, uranite, chal
colite, pitchblende, amber and shellac, and the well known
loadstone comes under this influence ; and as the affairs of
the mundane develop and grow, all these natural corre
spondences will be more readily perceived, and the fact can
be realized more clearly how a similar principle may occupy
various planes of life although as we have learned, alter
ing its enveloped form or sheath in accord and in harmony
with that vibration manifesting upon that plane in which it
is finding expression for the time. This is one of the facts
in universal law that is most essential to know before the
mind can begin to grasp that knowledge that leads to in
We will now consider the planet Neptune in the same
manner. We find that Neptune has chief rule over the sign
Pisces as the similarity of natures may be readily observed.
In mentality Neptune produces a dreamy, imaginative, ro
mantic, visionary, inspirational, psychic and clairvoyant in
fluence upon the individual. The temperament is lym
phatic. The types of diseases to the physical are of the
Mercury and Venus afflicted nature, and to the mental often

produce obsession, that the mental sufficiently passive

176 Science and Key of Life.

to permit certain hypnotic influences, both from the mortal

and spirit world to affect in a way that is detrimental to
the well-being of the native, and disembodied intelligences
may control direct to manifest their own undeveloped con
dition. This, however, is due to some cross aspect from
Mars, Saturn or Urania. The mental is affected and re
quires treatment from one who is sufficiently positive and
magnetic as to change the vibrations about the individual,
creating a positive element about him that will eradicate the
possibility of certain suggestions or the approach of certain
intelligences who are bent on mischief. In your asylums
today there are hundreds of individuals who are under this
afflicted ray of Urania and Neptune that could easily be
cured by proper treatment. To be sure in many instances
there is a physical defect that causes an abnormal expres
sion of the mental forces. However, this condition of obses
sion requires the careful investigation of the learned minds
to counteract its growing influence upon humanity and the
application of this divine science in order to overcome its
progress and growth. The typical forces manifested from
this planet are chiefly the transmutation and government of
the dual forces in Nature, and in Neptune is the principle of
involution involved. The animals ruled by Neptune are
the jellyfish, the amoeba and others of similar nature. The
therapeutic properties, narcotic, opiate, hypnotic, sugges
tive, anodyne and soporific. The weather as ruled by Nep
tune is of changeable, breezy nature. The metals, pumice,
meerschaum, potassium, etc. Through Neptune's influence
the soul grows into higher spiritual realizations from ma
terial limitations to spiritual truths. In order to sustain its
material expression there must be roots to the oak tree, and
so with the spirit. It dips into the stratum of materiality
and draws up life and nourishment. It grows and expands
in its material soil, the body, physical. The soul may have
its roots in the body and its faculties may live in the psychic
brain, though at separation or so called death the soul loses
,not its faculties.

Respiration — The Influence of the Moon.

We desire to call your attention to a subject of great

importance in the consideration of health. In perfect health
it will be found that respiration follows closely the motions
of the Moon, as for instance, taking the lunar month and
dividing it into two equal parts, we have one portion of
this light, the other is dark, and in the period of time, that
is the total lunar month, the Moon traverses the twelve
signs of the Zodiac and remains approximately about sixty
hours in each sign thereof.
We have learned that the signs of the Zodiac are posi

tive and negative, that masculine and feminine, the pos

itive signs beginning with Aries and every other sign fol
lows. The same with Taurus, which the first negative,

feminine sign. Now when the Moon enters the positiive

sign Aries and there are no cross aspects to interfere with
the Moon's passive influence, also the Sun's beneflc rays

are not crossed by malefic aspects thus conducive to good

health, the respiration takes place entirely by the right nos
tril, and when the Moon enters the first negative and fem
inine sign, Taurus, and the health good or normal, will


be observed that the breathing conducted entirely by the


left nostril.
This fact quite significant in the consideration of the

Moon's influence upon the health and its relation to the sign
Gemini ruling the lungs. There no doubt that many in

dividuals do not take breath into the lungs in the proper

178 Science and Key of Life.

manner, and this subject should be given the most careful

attention by those who may be in attendance upon the sick,
for the health of the physical depends in a large degree
upon the proper respiration, also a sufficient amount to sup
ply the needs of the physical; respiration, that is, the in
breathing, should be effected by the nostrils entirely.
In outbreathing the mouth may be used, and the first
important thing to do upon arising in the morning is to fill
the lungs with fresh oxygen, forcing through excessive out-
breathing every particle of air from the lungs possible. If
proper attention was given to breathing there would not be
so many cases of lung difficulties, catarrhal affections, throat
difficulties and blood disorders; in fact, the health of the
whole system is involved.
But now let us continue in our considerations. During
the time in which the Moon is traversing through a sign,
which takes about sixty hours, it will be observed that res
piration changes from one nostril to the other thirty-one
times, and sixty divided by thirty-one gives just one hour,
fifty-six minutes, seven seconds and a fraction of alternate
work for each lung. It will also be observed that if at the
time of Sunrise the respiration takes place through the
right nostril, for instance, then for three successive days
respiration will take place by the right nostril at such time,
and the same result will take place if at sunrise the respira
tion is effected by the left nostril. For convenience we may
term respiration effected by the right nostril to be under the
Sun's influence, or solar in its effect, while the respiration
effected by the left nostril is lunar in its effect upon the
physical, and if there appears an alteration of one or two
days in this order, it will be for the reason that a like period
has passed at the time of the observation, and if a similar
respiration continues for three days, it may be known that
a period of three days expires in the evening of the first
It will assist the individual to realize that all in the uni
verse is related, and every atom, object or thing in the uni
Planetary Influences, Etc.

verse breathes in unison, harmony with

that when

in tune or its normal condition of being. The inbreath

and outbreath responding to the inbreath and outbreath of

the universe, and in this where the cross aspects cast

their affliction and affect the perfect equilibrium of things
in the physical or world of matter, which more power

fully affected by the afflicting rays. This one of the keys

to health, to fully understand and follow this knowledge
of proper respiration.
Now let us continue from our last consideration. Finally
will be observed that according to the calculation based

upon twenty-four hours, during which time are made twelve

mutations and fraction, that in the thirteenth change of

breathing, to which we have referred heretofore, iden

tical with the first breath, for then change occurs, that is,
the Moon enters another sign and naturally comes a change
of respiration, as takes the Moon sixty days to traverse

the thirty degrees in sign and the change of respiration


takes place thirty-one times. We find by dividing sixty hours

by thirty-one we have one hour, fifty-six minutes, seven
seconds and fraction. Then, for instance, in the period of

the light of the Moon, will be observed that the respira


tion on the first, second and third days are lunar, or the
breathing affected by the left nostril. Then, using the

one hour and fifty-six minutes, seven seconds and fraction


of time to base the changes, and becomes evident that for


the balance of the day or twenty-four hours the respiration

will alternate between the left and right nostril. We may
illustrate further, taking the period as represented by the
light of the Moon, and we have the first, second and third
days when the respiration lunar at sunrise, and alternates

during that time from left to right nostril. Then the fourth,
fifth and sixth days, the respiration will be solar at sunrise
and alternate between right and left nostril. Then the sev
enth, eighth and ninth days the respiration will change to
lunar again at sunrise, and alternate from left to right, and
on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth day the respira
i8o Science and Key of Life.

tion is again lunar at sunrise, while in the intermediate days

upon the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days the respiration
has been solar at sunrise.
The same changes will be found to manifest during the
period of the dark of the Moon except that this begins
under the solar influence, and it is significant that the Moon
is passing to the Sun under his rays, and as we have learned
heretofore the Moon's influence is weakest during the dark
period or old of the Moon. Thus the first, second and third
days in the period of the dark of the Moon the respiration
at sunrise is solar in its influence, the breathing is effected
by the right nostril. Thus by carefully considering these
two illustrations it will be clearly observed that the thir
teenth will ever be the same as the first, and when the stu
dent can follow this regularity of alteration to the fixed day
and hour as illustrated, he will know he is in a healthful
condition, though if he is not following this regularity of
alteration, he may be sure he is in discord with the law.


The Five Senses — The Pentagram and Symbols — The

Psychical Senses — Stellar Rays of Influence.

Man possesses a power of reaction as well as a power of

spontaniety, the one under the command of the will, the
other not being demonstrably concerned therewith, and
these two powers may be represented by the afferent and
efferent systems of nerves.
It will be observed that man is related to the world about
him through the media of the five senses, which are termed
touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, and as we have
learned, each one of these comes under the direct influence
of a planet for special duty and together forming the pen
tagram, by which the exact proportions of the grand and
unique athanar which are essential for the formation of the
philosophers' stone, and the accomplishment of the great
The most perfect alembic which can elaborate the quintes
sence corresponds to this symbol, and the essence itself is
symbolized by the sign of the pentagram. The athanar of
nature is the body of man, while the pentagram is the
microsmic sign or seal. The five points of the pentagram
represent the five reciprocal points of projection in the
the head, the hands and feet, and from

human body, that

these points, streams of vital force are constantly irradiat
ing from four great centers of energy, that is, the heart,
the brain, the spleen and the generative organs, while in
addition, receptive centre known as the solar plexus

exists. Now the pentagram, sometimes termed the flam

i82 Science and Key of Life.

ing star of Hijos, is one of the most perfect of pentacles.

Its symbolism is extensive, but all such tends to the primor
dial idea of the quarternary joined with ninety. Thus the
pentagram represents man, and it is frofn this point of view
that we can best analyze it. We may consider that the
upper point represents the head, the two points on the left
and right, the arms, the two lower joints, the limbs and
feet, all in correspondence with the head. At the same time
the five points represent the five physical senses. Now the
pentagram with the point above indicates the individual in
whom the will commands the passions, in whom reason
dominates the lower animal instincts, and in whom spirit
dominates the body or matter. On the other hand the pen
tagram with the point turned downward is the same symbol
with the cross turned upside down. It is the . individual in
whom the passions thwart the will, the passive man with
out initiative, the man dominated by human and super
human forces, the media, the materialization of spirit, the
domination of reason by the senses, of ideas by instinct, etc.
It will be observed that sensation consists in the mental
reception through the nervous system of a knowledge or
evidence of certain conditions. It is in reality a faculty of
the soul whereby it perceives all external objects through
the media of some action or impression made on the specific
parts of the physical body, and termed the organs of sense
and propagated by them to the sensary. Thus it will be
observed that the soul is closely associated and connected
with part of the brain, wherein the nerves of all the organs
of sense terminate, and it is here that it perceives all the
changes that occur with regard to objects that cause them
or that have been used to cause them, and that it perceives
that which passes out of this part by the mediation of the
fibres terminating it. Thus beholding the relationship ex
isting between a thinking subject and a cognized object, we
may note first that the object appeals to the intelligence
through the media of the senses which ever modify it.

Vital Origin of the Physical Body — The Zodiac, One Im

mense Cell— The Sun Governs the Heart — All Life
Cellular — The Limitations of Saturn — The Framework
of Man.

In consideringthe vital origin of the physical body, we

must realize that it is made up of a germ cell so minute in
size as to be incomprehensible to the human mind, with
intelligence and sensibility located at one end and other sen
sations at the lower end, and it is from this atom of vitalized
matter that the physical form is made up in its entirety.
We have already observed that the whole is manifested in
the Zodiacal circle, and that this quasi circinate conglomer
ation of developing sarx and psyche becomes elongated and
straightened out when existence in the outer world is an
accomplished fact. The Zodiacal and embryonic affilia
tion is most striking and peculiar at first observation, refer
ring us to the grand homine of the microcosm in no uncer
tain manner, and indicating that the one ideal pervades and
is perceptible through each of the real forms in which life
is manifest.
The embryonic germs of all manifested life show a sim
ilarity in their individual relation to the zodiacal circle
obvious to be remarked even when the characteristics are
as widely different as is the mode of life. How analogical
are the camptutropal, the anatropal, the syncatropal, and
other various forms of vegetable ovule with the human
germ, and there will be found to exist a marvellous rela
tion between the plant ovule and its coverings, attachments

Science and Key of Life.

and integuments funiculous raphe placenta, chalaza and

nucleus, though it is really a separate task to trace and cor
relate these interceptions of the animal and vegetable king

doms. There however, one specific anatomical
which runs throughout animate nature in its highest as well
as its lowest forms, which exists in the desmid and diatom
equally with that of the human. There admittedly noth

ing like man in organic nature, though the algae and the
entomostracae in the stagnant pool, or among the moss,
show equally the impress of the divine man. The impera
tive and essential element in the upbuilding of organic life
the cell. This may not be the ultimate element, but for

all ordinary chemico-biological purposes must necessarily

be accounted as such. The zodiac itself one immense

great cell containing within its sheltering walls the sum

total of life manifested physical expression understood

its broadest and most inclusive meaning. In its finite as

the solar system

pect, so far as we are concerned with
may be regarded the representative boundary.
The greater luminary, the Sun, the nucleus of the
identified with the nucleus of the
macrocosmic cell, and

physiological cell. In any case the germ from which


life ensues, and in conglomeration of cells such as the


the heart.
human body, finds common representative

This compares with the Sun ruling the sign Leo which
has rule over that vital organ. Just as universal life would
not exist without that great focus of vital radiation known
as the Sun, so likewise the heart essential to life in the

human physical being. The manifestations of these will be

found to express themselves in very similar manner,

consequently this science has determined that the

and its manifesta
great solar luminary governs the heart
It will also be observed that this greater luminary ever

radiating a vital and vivifying force from itself through the

and the most mi
stellar regions to the most remote planet,
each cell possesses
nute molecule, and in the same manner
Planetary Influences, Etc. 185

power of force visible which is known under various terms

and which is constantly streaming forth. It is synonymous
on a small scale with the vitalizing currents of the universe,
and according to the tension is the life energy weak or pow
erful, and the results of the applied magnetic vitality dyna-
mogenic or curative. This magnetic emission is not an
imaginary force, but a phenomena submitting to scientific
applied tests by delicate apparatus.
At the lowest grade of life, so low in fact that it is almost
impossible to decide whether the organization concerned be
animal or vegetable, the whole economy is contained within
a simple membranous walled cell, in whose cavity there is
no trace of specialized organs, though the nucleus which is
ever more or less in evidence directs the vital and reproduc
tive powers, and experiments in merotomy or cell divisions
will demonstrate that it is indispensable to cell life, and
therefore to the life of the organism whatever it may be.
since this is built up of cells.
Then gradually as we emerge from this lowly phase of
life we find that by increase and complication of these cells
and the slow development of organs, specially fitted for defi
nite physiological processes, such as a digestive cavity, a
heart, a nervous system in whatever degree rudimentary the
creature rises in the scale of development. However, it
makes no difference how far we thus ascend, we shall still
find the cellular construction paramount, the most homogene
ous constructed tissue being resolved into heterogeneous cel
lular formations under the eye of the one-eighth inch or
higher power objective. However, in order to study the
omni-regnant psychical force and its super imposition on
diverse representations of animal life, the point to be em
phasized in this section is the corresponding nature of the
Sun, the cell nucleus and the heart.
The solar system has a central radiating power, that is
the Sun, and this is reflected in the human organism as the
heart ruled by Leo and in turn by the Sun, or, as it were,
i86 Science and Key of Life.

descending lower to the simple animal or vegetable cell, the

Then, again, if the maxillary and nasal bones of the
skull be disconnected, we then have the characteristic egg-
shaped case containing that complex organ, the brain, and
we may say, the nucleus of the soul.
Then let us go still farther and center its residence in the
pineal gland or the centrum ovule. will be observed


that when the maxillary and nasal bones are disconnected
from the skull or head, those having no direct association
with the brain case proper, only the oval casket left to

enshrine this great complex organ, the brain. Thus can
be illustrated first the macrocosmic ovum with the Sun as
the nucleus second, its reflection in the physiological cell

and typified in its most simple form and third, profile

view of the human skull with line from the top of nasal
bone to the lobe of ear, completing the actual brain casket,
and rounding off cell whose nucleus may be considered

to be the pineal gland or centrum ovule.

We must realize the fact, then, that the law of cellular
life the great central law of all existence, and com


parative anatomy worth anything, served any valu



able purpose in reaching analogical conclusions along the

lines to which has been applied by modern scientists,

also capable of leading the reasoning mind to accurate,

definite, inevitable, and infallible conclusions concering the

form and functions of the great structure in which man
resides. We may, in fact, concede that all life cellular,

and that the most minute cell formed and organized after

the pattern and formation of the universe itself.

Next, we may give little attention to the outer surface

or the investing membrane termed the skin or cuticle. This

portion of the human form has long been held as governed
by the Zodiacal sign, Capricorn. But why this so? The

fact appreciated through repeated observation, as are


other points and facts in this divine science, though without

Planetary Influences, Etc.

approaching the reasons therefore, and the planetary prin

ciples as a whole are taken as facts, but none attempt to go
back of or explain whence emanates these specific forces.
They belong to the category of things which are, which
exist, which are primordial, which could not otherwise be,
which are fundamental as a geometrical figure of the ulti

mate physiological fibre, so to speak. in fact, the in
dividual function and its reflection upon various planes,
also upon various aspects of matter which we are left to
First, we must realize that Saturn as ruler of the sign

Capricorn stands for limitation in the world physical, and
without going into extensive detail of the structural forma
tion, may be pointed out that the dermal integument

both limits and defines the human organization, and in this

may be considered that all outer surfaces are Saturnine,

whether they are merely the lines of geometrical figure,


the superficies of solids, the investing membrane of animals

and plants or the boundaries of human action.
In previous writings reference has been made with regard
to the cellular arrangement of the universe, and may be

suggested then that Saturn should be the outermost body

of our solar system. For ages was so reputed, and only

comparatively short time has elapsed since the discovery


of the two greater planets, Urania and. Neptune, though


quite evident that both these planets are not new notes
in is

the planetary gamut, not accentuated units, but com

positional factors based upon existing elements, and these
elements are Mercury and Venus respectively. At the same
time must be observed that Saturn the outermost of the

planets that are concerned with matter, in the same way as

we realize that the investing membrane, while defines the

physical form and limits the same, does not confine the

properties of the individual itself. Thus while Saturn limits

the physical, we find both Urania and Neptune manifesting
higher esoteric influence upon the individual that has to
i 88 Science and Key of Life.

do with the mentality, the divine expression of the soul it

We must realize that self-consciousness is increased by good
ness, and goodness is the parent of happiness, for the self is good.
A beautiful thought in itself must in its nature be evanescent,
and will add little to our real happiness, though none can do any
act of good or pour forth devotion to another without happiness
falling upon them like the gentle raindrops. One may be highly
intellectual and witty, but wisdom as well as happiness is only
brought to light by the touch of goodness, the basis of which is
In considering the limitations of Saturn it is just the
same as though we had exhausted the notes of a musical
scale in C. Of the various tones and semi-tones upon
which such scale is built, we will find no two alike, or, in
fact, in any way to be compared, as when we have struck
the last note B we must perforce enter upon a new scale
that is made up of the same identical names and intervals,
though each is an octave higher, all the result of a more
rapid rate of vibration as we have given heretofore ; that

the notes are not new. They are, as we may say, in a finer
state of subdivision; and these same conditions are just
what takes place in the planetary chain, that circling
about the central essence the planetary types and not

the bodies themselves that are exhausted with Saturn.

This the truth to be gained and retained, and in

similar way the boundary of elemental or even the ulti

mate influences, and that which beyond Saturn an


expression of that below him, though weighed in the bal

ances and consisting of immensely finer qualities, as for
instance the quintessence more ethereal than the essence.

Then does not require great study and thought to com


prehend this one fact, though small in itself, carrying its

issues to the most remote parts of Nature's existence.
Limitation and circumscribing are the ideas which do not
and cannot alter, though there are thousand modes in

which they manifest themselves, some of which only the

metaphysical mode of thought will coordinate and interpret
Planetary Influences, Etc. 189

correctly and satisfactorily to the human mind. A lump

of granite rock, felspar, plumbago or coal, the siliceous
axoskeleton of the diatom, cold the epidermis, the depriva
tion of freedom; all these are
seemingly disconnected
enough, though they are nevertheless all expressions of the
Saturnine nature manifesting in the physical world.
We may give here a little consideration to the bone or
framework of the animal or physical part of man. This
marvelous mechanism by which the animal purporting to
have been left to the penultimate day of creation performs
the functions of motion and locomotion, is both complicated
and efficient. The symmetrical form, the lightness, com
pactness, the strength and adaptability involve exact organ
ization, and when the work and energy required of this
wonderful mechanism is considered, also the wear and tear,
the constant activity and subjection to multifarious offices of
life, the necessity for such constitution and arrangement
as will meet the requirements of the bodily movements, re
lations and complexities become apparent. The bones form
the main framework of the body supporting and protecting
organs and acting as levers through which force may be
exerted and locomotion performed. They are, therefore,
the hardest parts of the physical form, the temple in which
the soul of man abides, and consist principally of an earthly
base with some salts. They are thus governed by the sign
Capricorn and Saturn from their intrinsic nature. It must
also be kept in mind that while many lower organizations
are unprovided with any complicated combination of con
densed substance affinitizing with bone in integral composi
tion, yet similar ends are attained through allied means.
Even the shell of the snail is the equivalent of that articu
lated framework.
We may observe the similar conditions existing in the
framework of lower and higher groups of the animal king
dom, the vertebrates ; the tegumentary covering or exoskel-
eton of the echinodumata, the mollusca, the Crustacea
answers the same purpose as the vertebral endoskeleton, and
i90 Science and Key of Life.

thus come under the Saturnine type of expression. Nor is

it possible to look upon the human skeleton as the typical
one. In fact, it recedes farthest from the archetypal pat
tern, and the student rest assured that however
minutely he may have observed the bones of the human, it
is impossible for him to fully comprehend them unless he
has some knowledge of the vertebrate archetype, for with
out this knowledge he will be like one who speaks a lan
guage fluently, but is not familiar with its grammar. Thus
the archetype may be said to be the grammar of all oste
ology, and then the question may be asked what is the
archetypal vertebrate skeleton.
We find the first form of vertebrate animal to make its
appearance on the earth was the fish, and this is the arche
typal vertebrate skeleton. Bones being component parts of
the human frame are living, not dead, structures, so to
speak. They are formed and nourished and capable of suf
fering through lack of sustenance, and when speaking of
bones as coming under the dominating rule of Saturn, we
must include tendons, aponeuroses, cartilages and the vari
ous species of ligaments funicular, fasicular and capsular
that is, compositionally, not functionally.
The essential differences that exist between the fleshy
portions and their tendinous and aponeuratic parts is quite
aptly proven in the chemical analysis of these organs ; that

tendons and aponeuroses all completely dissolved into

gelatine by long continued boiling, which, on the contrary,
renders muscular flesh dry by laying bare the fibrine in
consequence of the friction of adeps on the cellular mem
brane, and the albuminous juices in which developed.

The tendons, etc., are intermediate in hardness to bone, and

what may be denominated as the softer tissues. The
homogeneous resisting cartilage serves to cover the articular
ends of bones and to make continuations and unions, the
ligaments inextensible and inelastic, while permitting of
certain movements of the bones, certainly limits or prevents
the movements of others, and herein we may see manifested
Planetary Influences, Etc. 191

Saturn's influence. It will be observed that Capricorn does

not alone connect itself with the osseous structure, but the
earthly triplicity as a whole is involved, and we generally
find in individuals affected through these signs, Virgo,
Capricorn and Taurus, the bones are excessively developed,
outweighing in proportion the other part of the frame ; also
Saturn rising will give a firm, bony frame.
Then, again, it will be observed that while Saturn is gen
erally conceded to have rule over the knee joints, yet in
effect the outer aspects of all joints, that,

knuckles, etc., are under the Saturnine Capricorn influence,
while the inner aspects where flexion takes place are under
the Lunar or Cancer influence. Thus the sign Cancer has
rule over such cavities as the axillae, the depressions at back
of knees, etc., or the negative surfaces of flexures, while
Capricorn dominates the osseous portion of the flexures of
the limbs, the aspects which become prominent when the
joint bent. This holds especially good where the opera

tions are confined to simple movements of flexion and ex

tension as in the point of junction of humerus with radius
and ulna.
In referring to the osseous portions of all flexures of the
limbs, and the aspects which become prominent when the
joint bent, and where simple movements are involved, as

in point of junction of the humerus with radius and ulna;

however, may be observed by investigation that where

circumduction possible the point not so readily deter


mined. It will be observed that with the bones we may


parallel the hardest form of terraqueous matter that the


mineral kingdom; and as we have stated heretofore, the

rocks may be aptly termed the skeleton or bones of the
earth planet, and in following the whole aspect of the
descent of spirit into matter, and the upbuilding of the ma
terial and the spiritual nature fully accords and harmonizes
with the planetary consecution as considered from the
exterior to the interior, or from the outer to the center, that

we may say from the outermost boundaries of the planet

192 Science and Key of Life.

Akassia to the center of the great luminary. Thus Akassia

represents the etheric expression ; Neptune represents the
nebulous condition; Urania represents the great universal
awakening; Saturn represents the condensation and con
solidation into concrete form; Jupiter represents the great
division of waters, the atmosphere, while Mars represents
the first appearance of life in physical expression, energy,
and herein begins the first expression of Venus ; that is, the
upward spiral emanating from the great first principle of
love, as represented by the planet Venus. Then follows
wisdom tending toward spiritual perfection as is emblem
atized and manifested by the great solar light, the Sun.
As has been written, "Every good gift and every perfect
gift is from above and cometh down from the father of
lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow
of turning." Then since the general build of the body
physical and the outward form is dependent upon that of
the skeleton, the anatomico Zodiacal apportionment is neces
sarily in the major division, that is the muscular and osseous
synonymous, and it is upon the internal bony configuration
the mortal must depend for the demarcation of the body
into zones, so to speak, sympathizing with those of the
celestial circle and all classified into the proper divisions.
The relationship will be found as follows: Taking the
upper extremities, that is the arm, we have the humerus,
the radius and ulna, the carpus and metacarpus and pha
langes all coming under the sign Gemini. Then taking the
central trunk under head, and we have the cranium, the
face, while the nasal bones under subsidiary rule of Scorpio.
The division proper comes under the rule of the sign Aries.
Then taking the lower extremities, the limbs, we have the
femur, the patella, the Tibia, the Fibula, the inner and outer
ankles, the first named coming under the rule of Sagittarius,
the second under sign Capricorn, the others coming under
the sign Aquarius. Then comes the bones of the feet, the
Tarsus, the Metatarsus and phalanges coming under the
sign Pisces. Then comes the central vertebrae under
Planetary Influences, Etc. 193

Taurus, the scapula and clavicle under Gemini, the sternum,

the ribs, and the ensiform cartilage under Cancer, the
Dorsal vertebrae under Leo, the Lumbar vertebrae under
Virgo, the Os Sacrum and Os Coccygis under Libra, the
Tuberosity of Ischium and brim of pelvis, the symphysis
pubis and Ilium under Scorpio. These divisions are most
important in considering the skeleton as ruled by various

The Senses Specialised — Psychical and Physical.

We can realize the fact that the senses ever modify that
which is manifested through them, and the subject, or being
who thinks, may not be certain of the object, and in the
concrete world and its multiplicity of expressions, man may
only have immediate knowledge relative to the sphere of his
state of being, though as to the absolutely perfect he cannot
It will be observed that special nerves exist for the con
ducting of those impressions relating to sight, hearing,
touch, taste and smelling through the optic auditory nerves,
etc., while the sense of taste resides in the branches of the
fifth and the glosso-pharyngial nerves, while that of touch
is common to many nerves, the pneumogastric sensative and
spinal glasso-pharyngial, fifth, cerebral, etc., while the sense
of smell resides in the olfactory nerves.
In the sense of seeing we find a specialized organ whose
nerves transmit impressions of light only, and therefore we
find that the two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, mani
fest a most powerful influence upon the vision, as we have
learned heretofore. In the sense of taste, the fauces and the
tongue are the chief seats of this sense, and in a majority of
cases the anterior part of the tongue is a prominent medium
for the transmission of this sense, the gustatory property
seated here being due to the lingual branches of the fifth
nerve, which comes under the planet Mars, and at the same
time the very end or tip of the tongue possesses a most
delicate sense of touch. There is much of this sense of

Planetary Influences, Etc. 195

taste from the subjective side, that

not cognized, and
upon which we will treat later. In considering the sense of
touch, as stated, this sense not confined to any particular

locality or part of the body as not seated in any special

organ. The nerves involved are those from the posterior
roots of the nerves of the spinal cord, and the sensitive
cerebral nerves, though certain parts are more richly or
abundantly endowed as tactile organs than others, owing to
the abundant papillae, as the finger tips, tongue, lips, etc., and
in the Venus types, these are naturally sensitive and delicate
as well as the whole of the dermal covering, as this sense
comes under the rule of this planet. In considering the
sense of hearing which comes under Saturn's influence,

will be observed that the real organ of hearing formed

by the ramifications of the auditory nerve through series

of cavities in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and
observe closely the petrous bone so denominated from its
intensely hard, rocky nature also that portion of the exter

nal pinna or auricle known as the tragus, from Greek term,

meaning goat, on account of its usually being provided with
hair in elderly or Saturnine persons. Then, again, the vi
brations of the membrane tympani are transmitted by the
ossicula or small bones. There will also be observed small
hard bodies termed otoliths or ear stones. All these factors
are distinctively of Saturn nature, and are intimately asso
ciated with Saturn's manifestations. In the sense of smell
the condition essential to the perception of odors that the

particles scented come into contact with the surface under

which the olfactory nerves are distributed, the small, narrow
space lying between the septum and the upper and middle
turbinated bones constitute the proper chamber of olfactory
sensation. The remaining senses are not present in ordi
nary types of humanity, or we may say, are not developed as
yet and pertain to the higher life.
It will be realized that the senses possess psychical as

well as physical application.

i96 Science and Key of Life.

On the physical plane we have the sense of hearing mani

fested, while on the psychical plane this sense is trans
formed into clairaudience, also the sense of seeing, which
is transformed into clairvoyance, the sense of touch into
psychometry, etc.
Once let it be thoroughly realized that the impingement
of stellar rays of influence, that

so far as their genethical
action concerned, are not connected with the light or heat

undulations, or dependent upon the atmosphere, neither are

they obstructed by the interposition of physical bodies or
any so-called vacuum. The new born infant stamped as

coin from the mint may be stamped, only there differ


ence in that there being number of stamps, each stamp

contributing its quota to the general impression and pro
ducing in the whole homogeneous signature compounded

of heterogeneous elements, and right here comes thought

that will no doubt suggest itself to the student. What
would become of the stellar ray or the psychical influx sup
posing were possible to cut off the infant and mother at

moment of birth of infant from the surrounding atmos

presuming they occupied

phere by vacuum, that


receptacle provided with means for supplying oxygen, etc.,

yet having no communication with the outer world, but the
receptacle itself being closed in an immense exhausted
receiver, though we must realize there was nothing be

tween, how could something penetrate, or the stellar cur


rent depended for transmission upon an atmosphere must


inevitably stop short at the endge of the vacuum chamber,

and thus its effects would not penetrate to the new-born
child. Under such conditions what would occur and would
there be in existence an animated soul minus horoscope?

mention this example as will give opportunity to bring


out some thoughts of importance.

will be observed that the early advocates of the undula-

tory theory of light were confronted with difficulty


too, no less than the one accounting for the transmis

sion of light through space beyond the atmosphere of
Planetary Influences, Etc. 197

the earth, and which had previously been regarded as

absolute vacuity, and the opponents of this theory were
quick to take advantage of the fact that since sounds cannot
be heard in vacuous space, light, if due to material undula
tions, could not be transmitted to the earth through such a
vacuum. It was necessary then to concede the existence of
a finer media which, besides filling all space, also penetrated
even the most adamantine rocks, the most concrete sub
stances and gliding between all matter without exception,
and binding the whole universe from the most remote star
to the most infinitesimal part of an atom in one sympathetic
whole, and the constitution of this luminiferous ether was
all that could be theoretically done, though unprejudiced
minds will be satisfied to concede at least a similar media
for the propagation of the specific force of emanation now
before us. The planetary radiations are then propagated
through this interstitial, interstellar ether and that specific
forms of vibrations belong to each body. They become im
planted in the astral vehicle and express themselves anthro-
postically in various manners well known to humanity in
general, though rarely considered as typifying the macro-
cosmic relations.

The Sun, the Great Center of Energy — The Human Body-

Polarized —Electro-motive Force.

It must be realized that all these varying species of influ

ences issue from one great center of energy, that is, the
Sun, and we may say that the sum total of those forces
which are termed planetary influence is contained within
the potentiality of the great solar ray, though when thus
united as a primal cosmic force, the action of this solar ray
upon the human organism, and its material environments to

be manifested we may say, neither harmonious nor dis

cordant, neither fortunate nor unfortunate in expression,
and in order to become potent in special directions

really essential for this great solar ray or force to become
refracted and resolved into its active attributes, and this

just exactly what the major planets accomplish. Each one
of these absorbs single attribute or principle, and each

one according to its peculiar nature and absorbing affinity,

while the solar orb itself retains but one active energy
whose potency contained within the orange ray of the

spectrum. This influence relates to the special action of the

seven active principles and does not refer to the solar light
reflected by each body and emitted by the Sun itself.
Thus five planets, besides the luminaries and our earth,
absorb these seven rays. The other planets react upon the

higher planes, that they radiate one of the same forces

upon higher octave, thus creating higher transmuted

influence. These planetary bodies having become magneti

Planetary Influences, Etc. 199

cally charged with their own special energy, become most

powerful radiators of the same attribute which they have
received from their solar parent. These energies then pos
sess a distinctive motion, color and potency, each peculiar
to itself, which, when externalized upon man's internal na
ture, really produce a marked contrast in his mental and
physical individuality and characteristics.
There exists in every solar system reserve centres of astral
energy. These centers embrace the planetary satellites. The
satellites are particular organs annexed to other organs,
that is, the planets, and constitute the local centers of emis
sion, and become mirrored and reflected from the general
center of force, the great luminary. The astral emissions
are not implanted directly into the nervous organization
through the means of the afferent or centripetal nerves, but
into the astral body, and thence absorbed through the phy
sical form. Thus the real self sheathed in its cumbrous
vehicle is a continuous series of sensations and ideas pro
duced by nervous currents which meet, cross and anasto
mose, thus an effect of impressions received, a being sub
sisting between its mutations, a resumen of properties, acts
and phenomena.
We have learned heretofore that color and tone are but
the expressions of planetary influence and correspond and
sympathize with each other in a marvelous manner. Color
in light is analogous to pitch in sound. The sense of color
is due to the rate of vibration at which the undulations of
light reach the optic nerve. Thus the higher note of the
octave corresponds with the purple end of the spectrum,
while the lower ones find their parallel in red or high-colored
vibrations. In a sound wave every individual particle of air
oscillates to and fro in the direction of propagation.
It will be observed that in the realms of this luminiferous
ether, although every individual particle of air makes a
small journey to and fro, it is ever across the line of prop
agation. It will be found that the rapidity of vibration
determines the pitch of sound while the intensity is gov
200 Science and Key of Life.

erned by the amplitude. This law is immutable. Then we

learn that the human body physical is polarized according
to demonstrable laws, that

possessing primarily stellar

radiating inception, and under many and various terms, as
animal magnetism, human magnetism, etc. The resultant
action denoted, or rather, this action should be reversed,
since the polarity really issues from the magnetic property,
and this force or energy, analogous to that of the magnet
itself, cannot be questioned. In general manner, the

right side of the physical form positive and the left side

negative; the front part of the head positive, the back

part of the head negative, while the inner aspects of the
limbs and arms are likewise negative. In the case of indi
viduals who are lefthanded the polarities may be found at
times reversed.
must be understood that this polarity extends itself to

every individual molecule, and keeping in mind that essen

tially each molecule indivisible, as, for instance,

known that bar magnet be broken in two parts, at or

very near the center, there will ensue not resolution into
the two separate poles, but the actual constitution of two a
separate magnets, and each one possessiong north and

south pole, so to speak. Thus in reality the physical mole
cule completely polarized in itself. Wherever there


juxtaposition of like qualities, that two positives or two

negatives, there disruption of matter, or anarchy of


spirit, in direct contradistinction to the synarchy which

should in fact prevail in normal condition of being. In

the study of this, our own earth planet, we find the two
poles governed respectively by Capricorn north, and by
Cancer south. Capricorn, an earthy sign, we find more
land gathered around the north pole, while Cancer,

watery sign, more water exists around the south pole, and
the planet Mars, ruling the head, found to be exalted in

the sign Capricorn, while Neptune ruling the sign Pisces,

the feet, exalted in the sign Cancer.

has been argued by some writers that for the reason

Planetary Influences, Etc. 20i

that it is affirmed by Astrologers that aspects alter the

nature of the planets the science cannot stand, that since
no mundane body changes its nature by change of position,
then reasoning from analogy the limit of the stellar action
in a similar manner must be limited. However, we learn
by study and observation that the stars do not change their
nature by change of position, they only really change their
polarity. In order to make clear we may liken the aspect to
the connecting wire of a voltaic battery, so long as the met
als are kept apart no action takes place, though a sensible
commotion immediately ensues upon bringing the upper
armature to the lower plate, that is, the positive and nega
tive poles.There is a combination of activity.
In considering the aspect as to polarity we observe the
sensible commotion ensues when the zinc and copper plates
are connected, that is, the positive and negative poles, and
the bubbles of hydrogen gas rise and gather upon the copper
plates. Then the combination of activity takes place, and
we observe that the metals assume opposite electrical con
ditions. Thus the zinc plate possesses a greater affinity for
oxygen than does the copper plate, and therefore attracts to
itself the oxygen ends of the continuous chain of aqueous
molecules, such as may be represented by a circle, or rather
a series of twelve circles, from North to South. To the
north we may place the plus sign, and to the south or left
each circle represent

we may place the minus sign, that

ing molecule, and each molecule containing within itself

the positive and negative elements, or may be represented


astrologically by placing the Sun to the right in the circle

or north, and the Moon to the left in the circle or to the
south, thus representing more clearly and forcibly the effect
of positive and negative forces in activity, when combined
as one indivisible whole, and even though divided the posi
tive and negative qualities still remain as we have observed
the broken magnet, that imposible to divide any


atom into one of the positives or negatives.

The proportionate magnitude of the electro-motive force
202 Science and Key of Life.

of any two metals then depends upon their relative facility

of attracting oxygen, as will be observed from this deduc
tion, and when this is known it can very easily be decided
which one will assume a positive attitude to the other, as,
for instance, although in a voltaic combination, consisting
of a zinc and copper plate, the latter is naturally negative
to the former, while with gold it will become positive, and
it will be observed that quite a similar manifestation will
result in the stellar world with this exception that opposite
conditions ensue. Thus on account of its being a center of
condensation and high receptivity, the Moon continually
assumes the negative relation to any other star or planet,
while on the other hand, the Sun is a center of energy and
unintermittently radiates the positive electrical quality.
Thus on this principle an electro stellar series might be con
structed in the same identical manner that an electro-motive
series would be constructed, keeping in mind that the exact
opposite conditions would prevail in the latter; that is, in
the electro-stellar series, gold as ruled by the Sun would be
negative in the electro-motive series, while the same prin
ciple in the electro series would become positive in its
radiation, and as bodiesdifferently electrified will naturally
attract one another until they have mutually given and
received an equal quantity of the electric fluid, and thus the
equilibrium is restored between them.
Thus it will be observed that in an astrological configura
tion, that the aspecting figure causes a mixture of stellar
forces whereby they mutually assume the attributes of the
other, in proportion, first, to the strength of the solar at
traction ; second, the intrinsic and adventitious nature of
bodies concerned ; third, the condition of the line of resist


Ill health is that condition of the body in which its vitality

is either diminished or impaired to that extent that some of
the physical or vital functions are imperfectly performed;
but in affirming that vitality is diminished or impaired, it
must not be supposed that any change takes place in the
principle of vitality. On the other hand, this continues the
same, although the organs in a diseased state of body are
less sustained by its influence, as the system, therefore,
cannot resist the influence of common matter acting by its
own laws. The powers which hold the different parts
of the body together give way, and at length the whole be
comes a victim of the ordinary laws of affinity of its com
ponent parts, or what is known as the death of the physical
body takes place.
Ill health often ensues from local circumstances, when
that which admits of investigation and timely precaution
are entirely prevented. Diseased parentage, unwhole
some food, and food that is not adapted to that par
ticular organization, confined air and cold, damp or ex
tremely hot seasons, are the forerunners of various com
plaints, producing epidemics, influenza, cholera, catarrh and
many others which may be properly named atmospheric
diseases. All these can be foreseen and known by a knowl
edge of astro-metereology. It is the duty of each individual
to guard against them.
In every instance of ill health, there is some striking or

204 Science and Key of Life.

conspicuous symptom to be distinguished, and by attending

to this, the difficulty in finding the cause is lessened. A
proper attention to the patient's age, sex, temper of mind,
constitution and environments, which may all be gathered
from a natal figure erected, will point out the difficulty and
give a knowledge of the proper treatment to be prescribed.
In childhood the fibres are lax and soft; the nerves are
extremely irritable and the fluids thin ; whereas in old age
the fibres are rigid, the nerves almost insensible, and many
of the vessels imperviable. These and other peculiar con
ditions render the ill health of the young and aged very
different, and must necessarily have different methods of
treatment; and also the female sex are liable to many dis
eases that the male sex are exempt from. Then, too, they
are less able to bear evacuation, and all stimulants should be
more sparingly administered. Fear, worry and anxiety ag
gravate disease, for the reason that the physical through
which the soul is finding expression is imperfectly perform
ing its functions, and it is in vain that we may apply medi
cines to the body, to relieve or remove the maladies of the
mind. There are various circumstances which modify the
operations of medicines ; some of these are connected with
original conformation of the body, and others with the age
and sex, and the environment of the individual must ever
be considered. It is true that no two persons are formed
exactly alike ; the state of the simple solid, varies at the birth
in the connection and cohesion of the parts, and producing
a natural difference in strength, excitability and sensibility
of the frame, also in its contractability and aptitude of mo
tion under the power of the will. There is one uniformity in
nature : two individuals born in the same latitude and longi
tude at the same time have identically the same disease at
the same time.
We desire to speak expressly upon the conditions that
modify the actions of medicines, and the condition of the
mental has a powerful effect, and the influence of the mind
should be well studied in the prescribing of medicines ; and
Planetary Influences, Etc. 205

in no other way can this be accurately known except

through a correct horoscopal figure. This influence of the
mind over the various functions is exerted according to the
nature of the passions, and these may be arranged in two
classes ; the depressing and the exciting. Among the de
pressing are numbered terror and fear, vexation and sorrow
or melancholy, while both joy and confidence may be con
sidered exciting, and it is necessary to be aware of the in
fluence of both upon the system of the patient, not alone at
the moment of prescribing for him, but also in observing
the effects of the medicine prescribed, as the body sym
pathizes with, or follows the affections of the mind, more in
ill health than in health — it acts as the mind acts, and there
fore the influence of the mind must ever be considered
when prescribing to the patient, as the operations of medi
cine will vary accordingly.
Vexation disturbs the functions of the stomach attending
the secretion of the gastric juices, and thus by impairing the
digestive organs it becomes a very common cause of dyspep
sia or stomach complaint. In this we can readily under
stand how those persons influenced by the sign Cancer
come under this head.
Sorrow diminishes the energies of the nervous system
and lessens the force of circulation, impedes all the secre
tions and finally induces organic diseases. The blood is
imperfectly cleansed owing to its slow motion while passing
through the lungs, while the appetite and sleep are disor
dered ; flatulence, colic and spasms manifest upon the
affected functions of the stomach. The action of the liver
is also affected, which will generally appear evident by the
sallow countenance of the patient.
Fear paralyses the muscular powers of the body, acts as
a powerful sedative and will often arrest and calm the rage
and inflammation of fever. It weakens and diminishes the
action of the heart, so that a congestion of blood occurs in
the central vessels while the surface will become pale. Its
effects upon secretions suppresses the catemenia, produces
206 Science and Key of Life.

diarrhoea and involuntary flow of urine. Thus by lowering

the power of nature it baffles the skill of the physician, is
productive of various false symptoms and consequently
resists or modifies the most powerful medical agents.
Joy on the other hand acts as a powerful stimulant, many
times producing mania, or death of the physical. Confi
dence acts as a most powerful tonic on the whole animal
frame, and therefore, we will often find that the result of a
medicine depends much upon the confidence the patient may
have in the physician, or method of treatment.
Then, too, it must be kept in mind that there is an intui
tion displayed by the patient in recognizing the proper reme
dies for his or her particular case. It is essential to give the
powerful tonic of hope and confidence, for a favorable issue
out of these sufferings arouses confidence, which will give
virtue to all applications and even an approximate antidote
will become a judicious and timely remedy.
It can be readily understood that many circumstances con
nected with disease, as a change in the power of the action
of the blood, and the temperature of the body, will render
the administration of a medicine which acts beneficially at
one time less beneficial at another, as for instance, if a
drastic has been given directly following the intermittent
has been checked by tonics, it is very liable to return ; then
again, the commencement of dysentery, whilst inflammation
of the mucuous membrane exists in the large intestine, stimu
lants would be hazardous in the extreme ; but after the in
flammation has been removed, then stimulants would be
requisite, or in the case of dropsical affections, if nervines
be given they will produce no beneficial results. The action
of the capillaries is notincreased nor is the secretion of
urine augmented, but on the other hand, if the excitement
be reduced, nervines stimulate the capillaries as well as the
secretion of the kidneys, and enable the absorbents to re
lieve the serous sac of the superabundant fluid which has
been deposited in it. It is in this manner that the influence
which any substance possesses in allaying disease depends
Planetary Influences, Etc. 207

in some degree on the period of the disease, and also the

circumstances under which it is administered, as well as the
condition of the body at the time, and also the activity of the
medicine itself.
A medical formulae when complete may be divided into
four parts, as we may say, the base, the adjuvant, the correc
tive and the excipient. First, the base we consider the active
ingredient of the prescription ; the adjuvant is an ingredi
ent which assists and promotes the operation of the base,
either by increasing its action or at times developing it.
The corrective is an ingredient intended more to disguise
the task of the base or at times to modify its action. The
excipient is the substance which imparts form and consist
ence to the prescription. It is water in an infusion and
honey or sugar in a conserve, though these elements are not
all necessarily present in a formulae, for the base may be so
active in the particular case as not to require an adjuvant,
or, on the other hand, so mild as to render the addition of a
corrective unnecessary, while in many instances the base
may be of such a nature as to be used without intermedium
of any vehicle or recipient.
The objects to be sought in the preparation of medical
substances are first to promote the action of the base or prin
cipal medicine, and this may be effected by combining to
gether several different forms of preparations of the same
substance, or by combining the base with substances which
are of the same nature, that is, which are individually
capable of producing the same effect, as for instance, the
combining of cinnamon and spearmint, which act with
greater activity than when taken or administered separ
ately; or by combining the base with substances of an
entirely different nature, and which will not exert any chem
ical action or influence upon the base, but on the other hand
are found by experience and investigation to be capable of
rendering the stomach or any particular organ or the entire
system more susceptible to the action and influence of the
208 Science and Key of Life.

In order to correct the operation of the basis, obviating

any unpleasant resultsit might be likely to produce, and
which would prevent its intended action and thus defeat
the object of its exhibition, this may be effected by fol
lowing the different methods : First, by mechanically sep
arating or chemically neutralizing the offending ingredient;
next by adding some substance capable of guarding the
stomach or system against its deleterious effects. Mucilagi
nous substances are found to perform this office best. Then
in order to obtain the joint operation of two or more medi
cines, this may be best accomplished by uniting these sub
stances which are calculated to produce the same ultimate
results, although by different powders, which are required
in order to obviate different symptoms or to answer differ
ent indications.
Then again, in order to obtain a new and active remedy
not afforded by a simple substance ; this can best be effected
by combining medicines which excite different actions in the
stomach and system, in consequence of which new or modi
fied results are produced ; or it may also be effected by com
bining substances which have the property of acting chem
ically upon one another, the result of which is the formation
of new compounds or the decomposition of original ingredi
ents and the development of their more active elements ; or
by combining substances between which no other chemical
change is induced than diminution, or an increase in the
solubility of the principle in which their medical virtues
reside. This may be accomplished by the intervention of
substances that act chemically or by adding ingredients
whose operation is entirely mechanical. Then in order to
afford an eligible or proper form by which the efficacy of
the remedy is enhanced, or by which its taste or appear
ance is rendered more agreeable and pleasant, or with refer
ence to its consistency of strength by which it is preserved
from the spontaneous decomposition to which it is very
Planetary Influences, Etc. 209

Then we come to stimulants ; these consist of those sub

stances which. have the power of accelerating the pulse and
quickening the vital action. They are amongst the most
valuable and important medicines, and are the more direct
means of saving the physical from disentegration than any
other. First, they act in a greater susceptibility of impres
sion upon the nerves ; second, an increase of action in the
moving fibres ; third, in quickening the pulse ; fourth, in
producing a higher degree of temperature of the body. The
organs upon which they act in greater power are those of
digestion, circulation, respiration and secretion. Stimulants
when taken into the stomach exert their primary action on
that organ; a sensation of heat is experienced which is
referable to the stomach, and if the stomach is empty, a
sensation of hunger is experienced, and if food is taken at
once the digestive faculty is rendered more active. Stimu
lants act upon the nerves of the body almost immediately
when taken into the stomach. The impulses are communi
cated to the nerves of the stomach and are then transmitted
to therest of the body, developing vital energy in the
various anatomical centres to which the nerves relate. They
act in power on the secerning and exhalant system, also the
kidneys ; therefore all diuretics are stimulants, on which
account some volatile oils when taken in large doses cause
distressing effects upon the urinary organs and therefore
should be used with care.

Stimulants and Tonics — Action of Medicines Continued.

affect the organs of circulation. The influence

of impressions on the stomach is to augment the force of the
heart and arteries in affecting the circulation of the blood.
Then, too, stimulants render the pulse both quicker and
stronger, consequently the impulse thus given is extended
even to the capillaries. Red blood is impelled into channels
in which under ordinary circumstances it is absent. The
skin is therefore reddened ; its temperature is elevated, and
if the stimulant be strong or large in quantity, watchfulness,
restlessness and headache supervene. Stimulants act with
greater energy on sanguine persons than on the phlegmatic
as will be found, and must be used accordingly. Stimulants
have an influence more or less perceptible on the organic
functions. On the digestive functions they are displayed
by the food being more quickly and better digested ; on the
circulation by the blood being formed in greater quantity,
more fluid, richer in color, and moved with more rapidity ;
on the respiratory by the great freedom of movement of the
thorax, and the glow which pervades its cavity ; and on the
secerning, by the increase both of the excretions and the
The excitement of the brain and the spinal marrow is
evident by the greater susceptibility to impression in the
nerves of every part of the body, and by a degree of intel
lectual energy, the perception more vivid, the imagination
more pregnant with' ideas, and those of a more brilliant

Planetary Influences, Etc. 211

and exalted character, and a faculty of separating thoughts

and arranging them properly.
Stimulants act differently according as they may be com
bined with different substances. Different stimulants in
various quantities produce different results and effects. The
force of their effects in general is in ratio of the degree of
the rapidity of their action. The results of stimulants dis
tinguishes them from other medical substances which also
tend to increase action, and more especially in the case of
tonics ; but there is difficulty in separating them from nar
cotics which first quicken action, and then exhaust greatly,
both sensibility and irritability.
Stimulants increase the mobility of the system ; tonics
augment the strength of the muscles ; stimulants exhaust
the excitability, and tonics within a certain limit maintain
it. The action of stimulants is immediately powerful and
transitory, that of tonics is slow, almost imperceptible and
progressive but permanent.
Sudorifics and sedatives are also to be considered. Seda
tives are substances which directly depress the energy of the
nervous system, diminishing motion in animal bodies with
out inducing previous excitement, and regarded from a
medical point of view, they are powers intended to diminish
preternatural increased action, which may display itself
more in the circulatory system and only in the nervous sys
tem. As it connected
is with the sanguiferous they
distress the vital powers and the patient sinks away into a
torpor of sleep.
Sudorifics are producers of sweat, which promote the
cutaneous transpiration, causing profuse perspiration, such
as might be experienced by excessive physical activity.
The sweat produced by labor is the most healthful, and
is indispensable to keep the body in good health, and care
should be taken to promote perspiration each day which
should be removed upon retiring by sponge bath according
to the physical strength and constitution of the native.
212 Science and Key of Life.

Tonics, Tinctures, Diaphoretics and Diuretics.

Tonic medicines are those which increase the tone of the

muscular fibre, such as vegetable bitters, also the various
stimulants and astringents. When a person has been re
duced to a weak state by sickness and debility, when there is
a strong inclination to sleep, this is a state of deficient tone
or debility. Tonics operate differently upon the various
organs of the body. When a vegetable tonic is taken into
the stomach, it acts upon the digestive organs, and the active
principle separates, and this active principle exerts its influ
ence upon the mucous membrane of the stomach, and the
bundles of the muscular fibres beneath it suffer contraction.
It is probable that nearly all tonics are digested in the stom
ach, and the tone, separated from the other parts, is enabled
to act with more energy upon the nerves of the stomach
and thus aid digestion.
The action of tonics upon the muscular system is through
the nerves, for every muscle is furnished with blood and
nerves both by motion and sensibility. No motion occurs
without the medium of at least one set of nerves. The
change which is effected, therefore, upon one set of muscles
extends to the rest, all being more or less united by that
connection which depends on communication by nervous
sympathy. It is upon the strength of the muscles that a
tonic acts, and this renders the patient stronger, but not
more active.
Tinctures are spirituous solutions of vegetables; rectified
spirit is the direct menstruum of the resins and essential oils
of vegetables. Tinctures should be carefully prepared and
all adulterations must be carefully avoided. The ingredi
ents should first reduced
be to a powder form and the
maceration made in close vessels, exposed to a heat of about
eighty degrees and frequently shaken, and when completely
made they should not be put away upon the ingredients but
carefully filtered and kept for use in tightly closed vessels;
for while they are not so liable to spoil, still the menstruum
Planetary Influences, Etc. 213

is liable to evaporate and the strength will be altered, which

would be productive of bad effects upon the patient when
seeking to administer accurately. Water, however, being
the proper menstruum of the gummy substances it will be
necessary to make use of a weak spirit or a composition of
rectified spirit and water in the preparation of various tinc
Diaphoretics are medicines that promote perspiration, and
when this effect is produced so as to lay in large drops upon
the skin the medicines thus employed are termed sudo-
rifics. This, however, is identical with diaphoretics, and is
only a variance in their action. The importance of perspira
tion for the preservation of health should be understood by
every individual.
Diuretics are those medicines or substances which when
taken internally augment the flow of urine from the kidneys.
It is observed that such an effect will be produced by any
substance capable of stimulating the secret vessels of the
kidneys. All of the saline diuretics act in this manner ; they
are received into the circulation and passing off with the
urine, stimulate the vessels and increase the quantity
secreted. The action of diuretics is promoted by drinking
freely of milk diluents. It is also influenced by the state of
the external surface of the body. If external heat is applied
an increased secretion of urine may be prevented, and per
spiration or increased cutaneous secretions produced. They
are chiefly employed in dropsical affections, and as this dis
ease is frequently connected with organic affections, even
the removing of the fluid when it does take place, only pal
liates without a cure.



Action of Medicines — Continued.

Medicines prepared by simple boiling in water or in any

water fluid are called decoctions. Those, however, which
are used in domestic medicines are all prepared by boiling
the ingredients in water, and then straining off the first
decoction, and afterwards boiling other ingredients and sub
stances in the strained liquid, in order to increase and
strengthen the virtues of efficacy of the compound. When
a number of ingredients are boiled together, it is termed
a compound decoction, and these must always be prepared
on a clear fire free from smoke. Although by boiling the
solvent power of the water is increased, yet the idea that
long boiling renders the preparation more active is errone
ous. The volatile and extractive principles of vegetables
can not, with strict propriety, be subjected to decoction, as

the first, that the volatile, are dissipated with boiling, and
the second attracts oxygen with so much avidity at a tem
perature of about two hundred and ten degrees that is

converted into insipid, inert matter, which no longer solu


ble and precipitated in the decoction. This the case



with Peruvian bark and many other vegetable matters

which are nevertheless prepared by decoction.
In most cases the water in which the substance boiled

reduced one-half, and in the majority of cases where such


directions are followed, the properties will be destroyed and

Planetary Influences, Etc. 215

become useless as a remedial agent. When articles contain

ing volatile oil are boiled even for a short time they should
be prepared in closely covered vessels in order to retain
their virtue. Decoctions in warm weather or in high tem
peratures will not keep fresh longer than twenty hours to
thirty-six hours, unless a considerable quantity of spirits be
added, though by keeping them in a cool place or by plung
ing them in closed vessels in cold water where the air can
be kept away they will retain their strength for several days.
Care should be taken in using decoctions only when per
fectly fresh, as it is impossible to prescribe accurately with
medicine that has lost its virtue. Then, too, care should
be employed in gathering the herbs and roots of which we
shall speak at another time.
Those substances which allay pain and dispel gas from
the stomach or bowels are termed carminatives. They act
directly upon the muscular coat of the stomach, such as
ginger, peppermint and the aromatic spices as black and
long pepper, etc.
Those medicines which act upon the mucous membrane
of the intestines and increase the alvine evacuations are
termed cathartics. These also have influence upon the kid
neys, the secretion of which is generally diminished by
their continued use, as the fluids which they cause to be
discharged by the bowels would have been excreted by the
kidneys. Cathartics may be divided into two classes, pur
gatives and laxatives. The laxatives are more mild and
and thus greatly stimulate the intestinal
partly digestible,
organs, and in a measure slightly quicken the peristaltic
action. Laxatives merely remove irritating substances, etc.,
from the bowels and also tend to abate and lessen febrile ac
tion. It must be kept in mind that laxatives owe very little
of their purgative power to the quantity, and thus it is neces
sary to be accurate in each individual case, not to overdo.
2l6 Science and Key of Life.

H, (Health, continued) — Action of Medicines continued —

Purgatives, Alteratives, Aromatics, Astringents, and

Purgatives are, indigestible substances and may be con

sidered as an increased degree of that of laxatives, though
besides augmenting the peristaltic action of the intestinal
canal they stimulate their secreting surfaces, so that a
larger quantity of fluids than usual is secreted by the intes
tinal exhalants. It is very weakening to resort to frequent
purging and also very detrimental to the constitution by
diminishing arterial action. They promote absorption, and
it is this effect which renders their frequent use productive
of wasting of the body. They accelerate the pulse before
they operate, and also develop animal heat to a high degree,
causing thirst ; and also diminish perspiration and after their
operation induce sleep. During their operation great care
should be taken to keep the patient warm and in an equal
degree of temperature, and they should not be administered
in cases where the alimentary canal is in an inflamed con
Alteratives are those which, in particular
doses, effect a gradual cure by correcting the general dis
eased habit without producing a very noticeable effect, such
as purging or administering emetics or promoting perspira
tion, and these remedies, such as bitter teas and aperient
draughts, are termed alteratives.
Medicines which possess a grateful, spicy scent, and an
agreeable, pungent taste, are termed aromatics. Their
peculiar flavor resides in their essential oils, and arises in
distillation either with water or spirits. They are generally
characterized by stimulating, tonic and carminative quali
ties. The chief aromatics are ginger, cinnamon, cloves,
peppermint, anise, caraway and all peppers.
Those remedies which when applied to the body render
the solids more dense and firm by contracting the fibres
Planetary Influences, Etc. 217

independently of their living, or muscular power, are termed

Astringents, and in their action on the physical body they
serve to diminish excessive discharges, and by causing
compression of the nervous febrillae will lessen morbid sen
sibility; hence, they tend to indirectly restore the strength
when impaired by these causes. Astringents are used in
febrile diseases, intermittents, hemorrhages, inflammatory
complaints, dysentery, etc., and when administering astrin
gents some stimulants should be used in conjunction with
Those medicines which possess the power of allaying or
removing inordinate motions in the system and particularly
those involuntary contractions which take place in muscles
naturally subject to the command of the will, are termed
Antispasmodics. Spasms may arise from various causes.
One of the most frequent causes is a strong irritation con
stantly applied to teething, worms or colic. In these cases
narcotics prove useful, through their power to diminish irri
tability and sensibility. In some instances spasms may arise
from mere debility, and the obvious means of removing this
is by tonics ; thus, both tonics and narcotics are useful as
antispasmodics ; valerian root, capsicum and immersing the
body in a warm water bath with cool damp cloths at head ;
also vapor baths are used and most volatile oils are useful.


Action of Narcotics — Continued.

It is very essential that humanity should know the nature

of vegetable poisons, for it is true that this knowledge is
confined to the few, and we have witnessed the results upon
the human family in such instances where a certain few
were permitted to keep to themselves knowledge that should
be known to all.
2l8 Science and Key of Life.

Vegetable poisons may be divided into two classes, though

generally they are divided into three. Each class is named
according to the peculiar manner in which the deleterious
plants composing it act on the system when taken. The two
divisions of vegetable poisons are narcotic and acro-nar-
cotic, and acrid poison may also be numbered among them,
though very few vegetable substances prove deleterious
simply as acrid poisons ; for while in a great number violent
symptoms of irritation and inflammation of the stomach and
intestines are produced by vegetable poisons, similar to
those induced by mineral acrid poisons, yet in the majority
of instances these are accompanied by a peculiar effect on
the nervous system, which does not in general accompany
the action of simple acrid poisons.
The principal acrid poisons come under the following list:
White Bryony, greater or common celandine, meadow saf
fron, black hellebore or Christmas rose, Savin, elateriam,
alpine white crowfoot, squill, white hellebore and the plants
of the family of Ranunculi are known as acrid poisons,
though the Ranunculi Alpestris are considered the most
violent. The results of all acrid poisons are similar; a bit
ter, pungent taste, dryness of the throat, dry, feverish con
dition, violent purging and vomiting, burning pains in the
bowels, quick pulse, difficult breathing, the pupils of the eye
dilated. The symptoms of drunkenness and dilated pupils
and coma show similar results of acro-narcotic poisoning,
and should be so classed.
The principal narcotic poisons are common hemlock,
belladonna or deadly nightshade, wild parsley, thorn apple
or stramonium, black henbane, wild lettuce, purple fox
glove, cherry laurel, bitter sweet, nux vomica. Vegetable
poisons narcotic cause drowsiness, heavy pains in the head,
frequent desire to vomit, a state resembling intoxication,
delirium, convulsions. The limbs become useless, first
strong, soon becoming variable, and gradually slow and
weak. There is purging at times, and difficult breathing,
Planetary Influences, Etc. 219

and active measures must be applied or the spirit will leave

the physical abiding place.
In the acro-narcotic vegetable poisons, we may include
all the acrid poisons, but the poisonous vegetables referred
to in this class are the various fungi-agarics or poisonous
mushrooms. Of these the agaricus muscarius, commonly
known as the fly-blown mushroom, is the most dangerous
and violent of all the vegetable poisons. The .effects of the
acro-narcotic poisons on the system being as the name im
plies, a conjunction of the two effects heretofore described.
It causes nausea, heat intense, and pain in the stomach and
bowels, then vomiting and purging, great thirst, convul
sions, quick pulse, delirium and coma, after which the death
of the physical body occurs if not speedily arrested.


Action of Narcotics — Continued.

The treatment to counteract the effects of vegetable poi

sons are, in cases of acrid vegetable poisons, if the poison
has provoked vomiting and the effects still continue, it will
be best to administer bland oleaginous or mucilaginous
drinks, such as linseed oil, etc. ; but if the symptoms of in
sensibility come on without being preceded by vomiting,
then excite it by powerful emetics, or resort to the stomach
pump to evacuate the poisonous matter and administer de
mulcents and oily purgatives, after this, diluted vinegar or
strong coffee. If the pain, thirst and general fever indicate
inflammatory action, then apply warm mustard poultices to
the abdomen, or hot water bottle. When symptoms of coma
and weakness of the pulse, with general sinking spells, then
stimulants must be administered, such as capsicum, ginger
in repeated doses until relief comes.
In case of poisoning by pure narcotics, the stomach should
be evacuated at once, either by powerful emetics or the
stomach pump. Powdered lobelia can be used if the stom
ach pump is not at hand. Emetics should be followed by a
strong purgative, in most cases, strong coffee or occasional
doses of camphor mixture, and if these fail in obviating
drowsiness, use shower bath, which will often produce the
desired result. Vegetable acids should not be given, as
they render most narcotics more active, and the patient
should be kept constantly moving about. When respiration

Planetary Influences, Etc. 22i

becomes irregular or deficient, then artificial respiration

must be used in some cases of weak heart action, etc.
In cases of poisoning by acro-narcotic poisons, the stom
ach and bowels should befreely evacuated at once, as in
cases of irritant or acrid poisons, and if inflammatory symp
toms supervene antiphlogistic remedies should be used and
then followed by the same treatment as in cases of narcotic
Now a word as to the chemical composition of vegetables.
There are, we may say, fifteen simple bodies which enter
into the chemical composition of vegetables. The three
elements of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, with a small
admixture of the following ingredients, go to make up the
vegetable frame : nitrogen, sulphur usually in combination
with oxygen, forming sulphuric acid ; phosphorus in com
bination with oxygen, forming phosphoric acid ; chlorine
combined with hydrogen, muriatic acid, or chlorine, forming
chloride of sodium or common salt ; iodine combined with
hydrogen, forming with hydrogen hydroic acid ; potassium
combined with oxygen in the state of potass ; sodium in
combination with oxygen, forming soda ; calcium with oxy
gen, forming magnesia ; silicum united with oxygen, form
ing silica ; aluminum with oxygen, forming alumina ; iron
with oxygen, forming oxide of iron ; manganese with oxy
gen, forming oxide of manganese.
The last named eight are minerals existing in vegetables
in the state or condition of oxides. They are in the greater
part in union with some acid, though in very small quanti
ties. Many plants contain silica, while clover produces sul
phate of lime; nitrate of potass is found in the sap of the
sunflower, and nitrate of soda in barley ; seaweeds and
plants growing near the shores of water contain a consider
able quantity of sodium or salt. The sap is the watery fluid
found in alburnum and varies in different trees, contains
a large percentage of water, some sugar and mucilage,
acetate of potassium, carbonate of lime, acetate of lime or
alumina, and sometimes tannic and gallic acid.
222 Science and Key of Life.

Action of Narcotics — Their Administration.

The temperament of the person, the age, the sex, habits,
climate, state of the stomach and idiosyncracy.
As for the age, taking, for instance, the dose to be two
drachms, under one year would only require one-twelfth
of this amount ; two years of age would only require one-
eighth of this amount; three years, one-sixth; four years,
one-fourth, and seven years of age, one third the amount;
fourteen years of age, one-half the amount; at eighteen,
two-thirds the amount ; at twenty-one, the full amount ; and
at seventy-five the inverse graduation of these.
As to the temperament, stimulants and purgatives more
readily affect the sanguine or Jupiter persons than the
phlegmatic or Saturnine individuals, and as a consequence
smaller doses should always be administered to the former,
and then the constitution must always be considered, and
this can best be obtained by consulting the natal figure, the
ascendant and planets ruling the health, at the same time
erecting a figure of the heavens at the time of illness, for
it will
be necessary to know under what influences the ill
ness is manifesting.
The sex: it will be found that women generally require
smaller doses than the male sex, and the state of the urine
must never be overlooked.
As to the habits : it is most essential to know the habits
of the individual, for those who are accustomed to partake
of stimulants, such as drinkers and narcotic smokers, will
require larger doses to affect them when laboring under
disease, and those who have habituated themselves to the
use of saline purgatives are more easily affected by medi
cines of the same nature.
As to the climate: medicines will be found to act differ
ently on the same individual in summer and winter or in
different climates.
As to the state of the stomach and idiosyncracy: it will
be found the least active remedies will act very violently
Planetary Influences, Etc. 223

on some persons, owing to a peculiarity of the stomach, or

rather to the disposition of the body unconnected with tem
perament. This state or condition will scarcely be discov
ered except by accident without referring to the natal chart,
and the positions of the planets at the time of the illness.
In prescribing medicines it should be regulated in such a
way that the second dose may be administered before the
effects produced by the first dose is altogether effaced, and
so with the third, etc., and if this is not attended to prop
erly the cure is always commencing but never proceeding.
It must be kept in mind that medicines such as digitalis,
opium, etc., are apt to accumulate in the system and will
be dangerous if the doses are allowed to succeed each other
too rapidly. Then, too, the action of some medicines like
digitalis, for example, continues long after the remedy is
left off, and thus care should be taken to avoid too powerful
an effect by a repetition of them, even in diminished doses.
Doses must be measured, never guessed at ; for it must be
kept in mind that accuracy is essential.
The best way of gathering and preserving herbs and roots
and bark is to always gather the herbs when in full flower,
and at the same time let the planet be rising and angular
which governs them. Let them be dry. Do not tie them up
tightly in bundles, but keep them in paper bags in dry places
always. Dry them well in the sun before putting them
away. Do not let them remain out over night. Keep them
in tightly enclosed bags.


The best time is when the leaves are dry and full grown.
Dry them thoroughly in the sun, never in the shade; keep
from the night air, and let the planet that rules them be
224 Science and Key of Life.

ascending, but not in the twelfth, eleventh or tenth houses.

Those leaves which grow in dry places will be found to
keep the longest, and when herbs and plants have lost their
color, odor, or have become inert, they should not be used.
The time to gather barks is in the spring of the year
after the sap has risen, and the bark peels off more readily.
The best way is to use the bark fresh from the tree.
In gathering roots, they should be dug up when the plant
has stopped growing, and after being well dried in the sun
should then be cut into pieces of uniform size and should
be placed in tightly closed cans lined with oil paper. Tin
cans will answer the purpose best, but they should be kept
from the air in a dry place of uniform temperature.

We find that health is that state of the physical body, no

matter whether its growth be complete or not, in which
the structure of the parts are sound, and their functions
are properly performed, thus rendering the individual in
that condition by which he can best perform the duties of
life. When the body has received a good, healthy constitu
tion, its health is to be preserved by a proper regulation of
the various circumstances internal and external on which
the physical life depends. These are principally composed
of food and drink, the excretions and discharges, air and
exercise, sleeping and walking, and the proper management
of the passions through the exercise of the free will.
The variety of constitutions and temperaments make it
possible for the condition of health to be very different in
different individuals, for what would preserve health in
one case would occasion disease in another ; for every indi
vidual possesses a different degree of nervous energy to
begin with, and persons of such nervous sensibility are
greatly affected by atmospheric changes. The humid air
depresses them and this is generally produced by the as
pects of Saturn and Mercury acting on the earth's atmos
phere. When these two planets form geometrical angles
with themselves and the earth these persons feel animated
in bright, sunshiny weather. To be sure, in this as in all
else, the person's natal chart must ever be consulted; how
ever, the native may know it without consulting naught but
The sanguine temperament shows a clear, florid com-
plexion, the features Heshy and well formed, the muscles
226 Science and Key of Life.

firm, the eyes blue and lively with much expression. The
skin is smooth, the hair is chestnut, light brown or auburn ;
disposition, lively and cheerful, though the body is not so
active. There is promptness without perseverance and the
native readily perspires under exercise. The pulse is un-
dulatory and free, changeable but not violent feelings and
passions, a tendency to voluptuousness. These are persons
mostly governed by Venus and Jupiter. These persons have
their health best preserved by abstinence and low living,
though they have tendencies to epicurean indulgences. They
should avoid excess of all kinds.

The phlegmatic temperament is best described by a full,
fleshy form, the complexion is pale, the blood vessels are
small, the pulse is slow and weak. The surface of the skin
is cold, the constitution inactive, the muscles are soft and
the disposition indolent. There is a general defect of
energy, both mentally and physically. These persons are
chiefly influenced by the Moon and Venus. Their diet is
necessarily nutritive and stimulant, though it is not best to
indulge in high living. The bowels should be kept easy
and not be too much purged, for those persons do not bear
evacuations well. They should use regular exercise in the
open air.
The bilious or melancholy temperament is distinguished
by dark hair, yellow hue upon the skin, coarse, angular fea
tures, eyes active, and muscles firm and well developed, the
limbs and arms long in proportion to the trunk of the body,
pulse is slow and hard. There is energy of action, reserved
and firm of purpose, persevering and deep in reflection, very
cautious. These should use exercise in order to assist diges
tion. They should occasionally aid the torpor of the bowels
by purgatives, such as taking vegetable purgatives. Their
occupation should be various and interesting to the mind.
The choleric temperament is best described by the hair
being black, trie eyes are also dark, the complexion is
swarthy yet somewhat ruddy, the skin is thick and rough,
the pulse is strong and full. These persons must use stim

228 Science and Key of Life.

ulants with caution, as they are subject to inflammatory

action upon the system.
These are the chief temperaments though none of them
may be clear in any one individual as there is generally a
mixture, as the Sanguine Bilious and the Sanguine Nervous,
a milder form of the lymphatic temperament. Then we
have the lymphatic with the sanguine bilious and nervous.
Therefore we can affirm there are twelve varieties of tem
The indications of a sound constitution are first a sound
stomach and organs of digestion, without which it is im
possible to enjoy good health, and by the abuse of which
the longevity is abbreviated. It is the principal and most
important organ for the restoration of the native, and when
the stomach is in the proper condition, the passions which
are often the cause of disease have a less destructive influ;
ence upon the physical body. The second is a well organ
ized chest and organs of respiration, breathing being one of
the most incessant and essential of the vital operations, the
means of rendering the blood exhausted in the course of
circulation once again capable of serving the purpose of life
in the physical form ; third, a heart not too irritable. The
circulation is essential though it occasions a great waste of
internal consumption, therefore those who would have
ninety pulsations per minute must waste more speedily than
those who have only sixty. A strong, uniform pulse is
therefore a good sign of longevity and also the means to
promote it ; a pulse always quick, or where every
trifling agitation of mind or other circumstances increase its
rapidity can hardly be accompanied with a long life in the
mortal form. A certain degree of rest is an absolute neces
sity with every individual.
When a certain degree of rest is taken the nourishing
particles will settle and be converted into the substance of
the body. The fourth indication to a good constitution is
a good temperament. The best is the sanguine tempered
Planetary Influences, Etc. 229

with a little of the phlegmatic. This will produce a serene,

cheerful mind which soon surmounts the obstacles of life,
and gives moderate passions and contentment of the mind,
though ambitious and progressive. Fifth ; a strong natural
power of restoration and health by means of which the
losses sustained are kept well repaired. This not alone de
pends upon a sound digestion and a regular circulation of
the blood but also upon the perfect condition of the absorb
ing vessels and the organs of secretion, by means of which
the nourishment reaches the places of destination but is also
pure and freed from all extraneous and pernicious mixtures.
The signs of a strong, healthy form is a well proportioned
stature of middle size and rather thick ; the complexion not
too florid as too much ruddiness in youth is seldom a sign
of long life; the hair rather light; the skin strong but not
rough ; the head not too large, the veins large at the extrem
ities and the shoulders more round than flat. The neck is
not too long, the stomach does not project, for this is the
sign of an epicure, the hands are rather large, but not too
deeply cleft; the foot more thick than long; the limbs are
round and firm ; a broad, arched chest strong voice and
; a
the appetite is good ; digestion easy. He eats slowly and has
little thirst. His passions are ever under his control. He is
not susceptible to revenge, avarice or hatred ; he is fond of
employment and meditation. His sleep is long, sound and
undisturbed. This last is one of the principal signs.

■Sleep is that condition of the body in which the senses are

not excited or affected by external objects, while the func
tions of life are regularly performed, though not with the
same energy as when in a waking state. Sleep collects or
economizes the vital power, and greatly assists in the per
fect assimilation of the food, by which means what has been
lost on the preceding day is gained or restored ; and surely
it is obvious that if great watchfulness by accelerating con
sumption abridges life in the physical, a proper quantity of
repose must also tend to its prolongation. This duration of
sleep depends upon circumstances. It should not continue
less than six hours nor exceed eight hours in healthy per
sons. Sleep at noonday is harmful and checks perspiration.
New born children sleep much, and thus their nutrition in
the very early period of life is favorable. Too much sleep
blunts the faculties, and disposes to listlessness and in
activity of the mental and physical; and produces flabby,
corpulent and unwieldly form. A disturbed and unsound
sleep arises from various causes, often from the pressure of
feverish diseases, from disordered stomach and bowels, from
pain, disturbed mental condition, overstudy, too much con
centration upon one subject, the impressions upon the senses.
Parents must not use narcotics or opiates to lull their chil
dren to sleep, as these tend to stultify the latent faculties and
weaken the intellectof young constitutions ; also the practice
of threatening or inducing by promise, is frequently baneful
upon their subsequent conduct.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 231

The body when in repose should recline on the side, more
often the left, in a straight direction, with the limbs slightly
bent, the head being somewhat elevated. The body must
not lie in a cramped or crooked position, as this tends to
impede the circulation of the blood, and predisposes the
system to swooning or apoplectic fits. Lying on the back is
also detrimental.
Exercise contributes to the preservation of life. It dis
sipates all superfluous humors of plethoric habits ; it in
vigorates the faculties; it is a gain of time, the enemy of
idleness, the duty of the young and the aged. Exercise dis
engages and expels through the pores all superfluous ex
cretions, while the greatest injury may ensue from a con
trary habit. Violent exercise after partaking of food
should be carefully avoided. Moderate dancing without
capering and jumping comes nearest to walking and is
wholesome. The disorders of digestion receive benefits
from exercise. One or two hours a day should be devoted
to active walking, digging or playing.
That exercise is most beneficial which employs the great
est number of muscles, and at all times in exercise the
strength and constitution of the individual must be con
sulted ; and when a person, for whom exercise is good, is
unable to take it by his or her own exertions, they should
ride on horseback or by carriage. Much riding is to be
avoided in cases where the kidneys are diseased or affected.
In some cases of disease neither exercise nor gestation
is in the person's power, and rubbing with the hand or flesh
brush must be substituted. This is necessary in rheuma
tism, sprains, dropsical limbs, tumors, swellings, etc. Reg
ular exercise is one of the essential remedies for acquiring
health and strength.

Exercise and Perspiration.

Perspiration is the watery humors which exhale from the
232 Science and Key of Life.

skin, and this process is perpetual. When it is so excessive

as to collect in drops on the surface it is termed sensible
perspiration. The health of both body and mind depend
much on a regular insensible perspiration, and whatever

checks disorders the whole frame. This perspiration

so essential to life that were an individual in the mortal to
measure the quantity of perspiration necessary to health,
the life in the physical would be prolonged many
years. For instance, person can eat and drink seven

pounds daily, the perspiration should amount to nearly four
pounds. But though much wasted by perspiration, at the

same time the system receives much by absorption from the
When the body defunct, or the principle of animation,

which heat, has ceased to exist the body, the first


noticeable circumstance that proclaims the fact the cold

ness that takes place, and the loss of that active substance
which termed heat. This heat the vivifying principle

of the animal structure as well as the rest of nature for

without this vital principle there could be no breathing, and
when this principle lost, the equilibrium must be re

stored through utilizing animating agents or substances, of

which we have spoken heretofore.
It very certain that this vital agent of heat vCry


closely associated with the spark of life itself, that is, when
considering a physical organism; and in the complete res-
storation of health, particular attention must be given to
the heat of the system and thus restore its equilibrium as
quickly as possible, for upon this depends the success of
bringing the patient into normal condition. Heat alone

does not act independently, but ever cooperates and har

monizes with the other elements constituting the fabric of

Relation of Heat to Life — Kinds of Food — Diet.

As to the subject of diet, much error and nonsense has
been written upon this. Some may be entirely for vegetable
food, others for animal food. It has been customary to
extol the advantages attendant on frugal fare, and it has
been asserted the more simple the food the more healthful ;
also that vegetable food was more conducive to longevity
than the animal food, and that repasts consisting only of
fruits of the earth and the water of the spring were essen
tial to health and vigor of body, clearness of intellect and
peace of mind. But experience and investigation does not
prove this ; neither does it prove that a little bread and
gruel is sufficient to keep the body in good health, and the
life to lengthened days. It is a mistake to partake of too
many dishes at one meal, but it is also injurious to confine
a person to any one dish. The custom of partaking of
various kinds of food is not easily overcome as the person
grows tired of one continued dish. Whatever is eaten
with a relish is more easily digested than that which is
swallowed with indifference, that food of similar prop

We may now consider the various kinds of food. There
period in the life of every person when the organs of

digestion are weak, and at the same time there neces


sity for much nourishment. This period at infancy, for


at this time the body increases so fast much nourishment

required to assist in the growth. Nature provides milk

for this condition which best of all adapted to



234 Science and Key of Life.

by an examination into the properties of milk it will give

an insight into the nature of food in general. Milk is not a
simple substance. It is a compound of coagulable matter,
serous expressed oil, sugar and albumen, a substance which
the simplifiers of diet would say was too complex to be pre
sented to the stomach, and yet it is that which nature has
destined for the only support of a vast number of man
kind as well as animals, at the most tender period of their
The most simple food, then, does not appear to be the
easiest of digestion, for if so, we should have expected milk
to be composed of but one substance. That coagulated mat
ter is capable of affording considerable nourishment may
be gathered from the fact that animal mucilage nourishes,
the most nourishing being that substance which possesses
sufficient moisture to keep together, as for instance, sound,
good meat. This coagulated matter is really fluid in milk,
but there is a juice peculiar to the stomach very different
from an acid that renders it solid. Milk, new drawn, is
best and most wholesome for weakly persons and infants.
Milk is of a costive nature, and boiling it renders it more so.

Milk and Vegetable Food.

As to the effect of milk upon the physical body, we find

that as sugar prevents the spontaneous separation of the
several parts of which milk is composed, it is wise to mix
a little sugar with it when giving it to those of weak
stomach. Milk fit at any period in life, mostly
is equally
easy of digestion, occasions less heat than animal or vege
table food, produces less feculent matter and will not offend
the stomach unless it forms into firm coagulation, and in
such cases if it be not corrected by sugar it should then be
avoided altogether. For breakfast milk is a proper food,
provided it agrees with the stomach and bowels.
Mankind is dependent largely upon the sense of taste and
smell to direct their choice in vegetables, and mostly those
Planetary Influences, Etc.

esculents which are most agreeable to the taste and smell

are most salutary. Vegetable food tends to reduce plethoric
and full habits, abate heat and is therefore proper for cor
pulent persons and those troubled with inflammatory action
and distension of the blood vessels. Vegetable food is best
for those of hot constitutions and in high temperatures,
being less stimulant. It is cooling, but will produce
flatulency in disordered stomachs. The vegetable foods
capable of nourishment are farinaceous matter or flour,
which is generally contained in grain and sometimes in the
stem of plants and likewise in their roots. Much of it is
contained in potatoes ; also vegetable mucilage as gum
arabic, linseed and all gums. That these are capable of
nourishing is evident from the fact of caravans living
upon it for months at a time. Still another substance of
vegetable food is sugar, also expressed oils, as also native
vegetable acid, or the juice of some fruits which tends to
take off the putrescence of animal food, which without vege
table mixture is apt to continue too long on the stomach
before it begins to ferment. These five various vegetable
substances go naturally through fermentation and are con
verted into blood.
Lettuce, beet, mint, sage, onions, parsley, spinach, fennel,
thyme, endive and celery, — all are of a stimulating nature,
and therefore not fit for food in large quantities. Turnips
and radishes are liable to ferment and correct putrescency,
and as they contain sugar they are also nutritive. Carrots,
artichokes, beet root and parsnips contain much sugar and
farinaceous matter, and therefore are easy of digestion and
are also nutritive. contain a kind of flour and on
that account are very nourishing, and are more easily di
gested than bread.
The next in order are green peas, beans, etc., ,which con
tain oil and sugar mixed, and are nourishing, but are most
fit for robust persons and strong stomachs. Cucumbers are
a direct foe to the stomach and contain very little nutri
236 Science and Key of Life.

tion. Mushrooms are quite nutritive and contain some

properties of animal food and may be eaten by strong,
healthy persons.
A proper use of fruits greatly contributes to the preserva
tion of health and ripe fruits correct thirst, moderate heat
and open the body. Acids, more particularly the native
vegetable ones, moderately used in diet, are grateful to the
stomach, assist the appetite, promote digestion, cool the
body, and correct a tendency to putrifaction.

Nourishment is by Quality, not Quantity, of Food.

Animal Food.
It is a mistake
to suppose that the body is nourished ac
cording to the quantity of food taken into the stomach, for
the body is nourished in proportion to the degree of per
fection with which that food is digested, and in conse
quence, however simple it may be, more food should never
be taken than can be digested
easily. Overloading the
stomach disturbs the progress of digestion and prevents the
proper return of the appetite, therefore showing the impro
priety of partaking of food when not hungry. As animal
food fills the vessels fuller and with blood more dense than
vegetable food, it naturally increases the muscular strength ;
at the same time it loads the brain and occasions heaviness
and stupor. On the other hand, vegetable food, from not
loading the system with blood, rather diminishes the mus
cular strength, but at the same time enables the mind to act
with greater force and accuracy. Vegetable food is there
fore best suited to give clearness of thought, and animal
food is best suited to muscular exertion. Men accustomed
to labor and to eat vegetable food may be capable of great
muscular strength and exertion, but this does not prove the
power of vegetable food over animal food.
The chief nourishment drawn from food is the oil it con
tains, of which there is a greater amount in animal than
vegetable food. In the time of digestion, perspiration is
stopped, and more particularly after partaking of vegetables.

Science and Key of Life.

Nature in the structure of the body has designed mankind

to live upon both kinds of food, and his reason should
teach him which is best suited to his individual case.
Though animal food gives strength, it is hazardous to the
system, as it produces plethora and all its consequences, and
by its stimulating principles will wear out the system more
quickly, and if sufficient exercise be not taken to render the
diet salutary, such an accumulation is made of putrescent
fluids as in after life to lay the foundation for the most in
veterate chronic distempers. Those who lead a sedentary
life should avoid an excess of animal food.
In hysteric and hypochondriac constitutions animal food
is absolutely necessary, but should ever be used with as
much vegetable food as is found to be requisite, and when
a cure is performed this diet may be changed. It is most
essential to have a variety of food, such as, for instance,
solid and liquid should temper each other, and the only dan
ger of variety is that one is quite apt to partake too freely.
Animal food is not digested more quickly than vegetable,
but more entirely and effectually ; although animal food
gives strength it tends to produce plethora, urges the circu
lation, excites fever, but promotes perspiration.

It is true that fruit used too freely as food will produce
disorders of both the stomach and bowels. Fruits contain
sugar, native vegetable acids and mucilage, and their skins
contain more or astringent juice, but so little of it as
not to render them unwholesome. Sugar acids and muci-
large are capable of fermenting and being converted into
blood, and as sugar is more nourishing than any other sub
stance, such fruits as are sweetest are the most wholesome.
Sugar is seldom well digested ; being so soluble it
passes off from the stomach before any change can take
but inter-blended with the fruit

place in retained

longer in the stomach and then yields more nourishment

Planetary Influences, Etc. 239

Then, too, it is not apt to ferment in the stomach alone, but

mixed with the mucilage of fruits, fermentation readily
takes place. Besides, the acid of fruits assists to correct the
putrescence of animal food.
Stone fruits are in general of a soft laxative nature and
their juices dilute, by which means they are easily dissolved
in the stomach. Peaches and apricots are less noxious than
the cherry or the plum, being sweeter and richer.
Apples and pears being of a firmer texture and containing
less active acid, are less liable to detrimental fermentation
than the stone fruits, and will continue longer in the stom
ach. Pears are more wholesome than apples, for the pear
being specifically heavier than water, will sink to the bottom
of the stomach and be more quickly digested, while apples
swimming near the top will elude the action of the intestines,
and by irritating the lower orifice of the stomach will often
produce uneasy symptoms, though pears will lie colder on
the stomach than apples.
Strawberries and raspberries generally pass out of the
stomach before any active fermentation takes place. Cur
rants are of very little nourishment and are* liable to the
bad qualities of the stone fruits. Gooseberries are more
nourishing, provided the skins are not eaten. Grapes are
quite rich and suit the stomach generally.
It must be kept in mind that when heat is applied to these
fruits we change their quality and dispose them less to fer
ment, and it is to destroy this disposition to ferment that
they may be taken with milk and cream whose oily nature
produces that effect. Still another method of using them
is with sugar, and this naturally renders fruit more nutritive,
and naturally to sour fruits must be a judicious addition.
Then again, oily substances may be used, as butter, etc., and
these from their anti-fermentative qualities are a proper ad
dition; but those possessing weak or disordered stomachs
must partake of such sparingly, as it will produce heartburn.
The best method and safest is to eat the mild fruits before
meals, the sour fruits after.
240 Science and Key of Life.

Pastry with much butter or lard is most unwholesome, and

tarts, fruit cakes and pies should be particularly avoided by
those possessing weak stomachs, children, and those who are
liable to complaints from acidity in the bowels ; when dough,
sour by fruits, as in tarts, etc., renders it far more unwhole
some than dough in meat pies, or when in heavy, unfer-
mented bread. Care should be taken to have the dough in
tarts, pies, etc., well baked.

Animal Food: Effect upon Human System.

Man is intended to partake of both vegetable and animal .

-feed^for nature's law is all wise. Such food as lamb, mut

ton, veal, beef and venison are all quite wholesome, beef
being of a firmer texture than mutton or venison, but less
soluble in the stomach. At the same time it is equally
nutritious. The fat is more soluble than the lean, but like
butter and oils, is quite apt to disorder the stomach. Salted
meat if used frequently is very unwholesome, being very
bad of digestion. High seasoned meats or food should be
avoided, as it stimulates and heats the stomach too much
and thus destroys its tone. Pork disagrees with many per
sons and should therefore be avoided. Soups and broths
are apt to relax, especially when taken hot into the stomach.
They are unfit for persons possessing weak stomachs. Meat
that is fried or baked in a pie is more difficult of solution
and digestion than that which is moderately cooked, as when
roasted or boiled. Tender cooked meat is preferable to meat
overdone. Gravy is wholesome and should be used when
ever partaking of animal food. Young meats are not so
good as older. When the food is soon carried off, it is the
same thing as though it contained a less proportion of
nourishment. Rabbit being of little exercise is one of the
lightest and most digestible of foods.
Planetary Influences, Etc. 241

Wild fowl is preferable to tame, and when taken at a

proper age may be used freely. Fish are wholesome gen
erally; salmon, trout, the river trout, is preferable. Her
rings, smelt, halibut, haddocks, all are quite wholesome,
but when uesd too freely are apt to breed tumors and erup
tions on the skin.

Mastication and Digestion.

The mastication or chewing of food is indispensably

necessary. Independently of it grinding the food, the saliva
secreted by and pressed out of the glands in the act of
chewing is designed by nature not alone to lubricate the
passage in swallowing, but to aid in digestion when the
food has reached the stomach. This, therefore, should
never be performed in a hasty manner, but the food should
always be well masticated and thus much future suffering
be avoided, mastication being connected with solution of
blood in the stomach, and often when mastication has been
imperfectly performed, nature asserts itself and the food is
ejected from the stomach. It is the principal object of
medicine to give strength and tranquility to the system at
large, which must have a beneficial influence on all its parts
and thus greatly promote the well-being of all local disease,
and it is impossible to expect tranquility of the nervous sys
tem whilst there is disorder of the digestive organs, and
there can be no advantage of putting more food into the
stomach than it is competent to digest.

Quantity of Food To Be Used.

One of the greatest mistakes is to partakeof more food
than can be digested and it should be kept in mind that the
surplus can never afford nourishment, but on the contrary,
it will be productive of evil results. Being in a warm and
moist place this undigested food will undergo those chemical

Planetary Influences, Etc. 243

changes natural to dead vegetable matter. The vegetable

food will become acid, the animal substances will become
putrid and rancid. Part of the food thus changed will be
imbibed from the bowels and render the blood impure, from
which there for these various kinds of matter
is no outlet
except through the kidneys, and this is apt to cause foul
urine as well as the presence of many substances in that
fluid not natural to and prove productive of serious dis

eases in the urinary organs.
In proportion as the powers of the stomach are weak so
should the quantity of food be diminished, and great care
should ever be exercised that be nutritive and as easy of
digestion as possible; and adopting an abstinent plan of
diet with respect to the quantity of food, even to degree

that produces sensation of want in the system, more


likely to create appetite and increase the powers of diges

As in other matters of food, reason should be applied to
the proper quantity to be taken into the stomach. When
the stomach weak necessary that should be nutritive



and easy of digestion, and its qualities should be especially

adapted to the condition of the stomach.
In proof of this proposition numerous instances might be
adduced of apparently unfit substances agreeing with the
stomach, being digested, and even quieting the irritating
state of the stomach, merely because they were suitable and
harmonious with the feelings of the stomach.
Then, too, instances might be produced of changes in
diet bringing about tranquil and healthy state of the

stomach, and in cases where medicines might be used in

vain. Neither can such occurrences excite surprise, for as
digestion and the consequent tranquility of healthy juices
being secreted and combined with the food, such secretions

are likely to be produced by whatever agreeably excites

and, on the other hand, obstructed by that substance which
may have contrary tendency. It nature's guide to health
244 Science and Key of Life.

that a certain portion of food should be taken into the stom

ach, the excitement of which, inducing a secretion of gastric
fluid by its action, becomes digested.
This office of the stomach being effected, it should neces
sarily be left in of repose till its powers are restored
a state
and accumulated, and this return of energy would in a con
dition of health be noted by a return of appetite. It takes
generally three hours in health before the digestion of a
moderate meal is effected, so that the stomach is empty and
in a condition of repose.

When to Eat and Drink —Rules for Diet.

Food and Raiment.

As three hours is the time generally allotted to the diges

tion of food so that the stomach is empty and in a condition
of repose, it is reasonable to allot the same portion of time
for the same purpose when the stomach is in a disordered
condition and the quantity of food has been diminished
accordingly, in order to proportion it to the diminished
powers of that organ, though instead of pursuing this
rational plan of diet, many persons insist on taking food
every third or fourth hour, thinking it impossible for them
to do without, as it is a habit, which the physical readily
falls in with.
The truth is that when the stomach is disordered the ex
ertion of digesting a simple meal after its excitement has
passed is productive of a sensation of languor, sinking and
inquietude, which should be calmed or counteracted with the
help of the mental or soothing draughts; but do not take
food to allay this feeling, for a second meal cannot be
digested when the stomach is in such a state. Fasting too
long is another error, for then the stomach is apt to be filled
to its utmost when the food is partaken of, regardless of
the powers of digestion ; but at such a time the utmost cau
tion should be used.
The rules for diet may be briefly expressed thus: The
quantity of food should ever be proportioned to the powers
of the stomach, also adapting the quality of food to the
feelings of the organs ; and take it at regular intervals of six
to seven hours three times during the day.



Let us now give some thought to the fluid substances

taken into the stomach. Those which produce the least heat
in the body, mind or distension of the stomach are the most
wholesome. The general use of drinks is to supply fluids
in order to facilitate solution in the stomach and to expedite
its evacuation into the intestines
and there pass it easily.
Those who drink nothing daily do not act fairly to the stom
ach. Drinks also promote the secretions, but it must be
understood that the more quickly the food is evacuated, the
less nourishment it has produced, and those who use least
drink are apt to be most nourished. Water is essential to
digestion and nourishment, and most especially when acidity
and flatulency exist, and where the bile has acquired too
much acrimony. Cool water strengthens the stomach, as
sists digestion, prevents obstructions, renders sleep more
calm and cheerfulness more regular and lasting. Occasional
small draughts are more wholesome than larger ones, as
large draughts, at meals especially, tend to make the food
fluctuate in the stomach. Drinking after partaking of food,
unless thirsty, is a most pernicious custom, especially if
taken while digestion is going on, as it tends to destroy the
natural heat that is working in the stomach. Water is a
drink that is provided by nature for mankind.

Water and Clothing.

A very foolish custom prevails in many parts of this, our
earth, that of drinking healths after meals. It is nonsensical
Planetary Influences, Etc. 247

and ever attended with inconvenience to the stomach and

therefore detrimental to the well-being of the physical body,
for Nature has provided water for drink, which is agreeable
to the palate and conducive to labor and fatigue, and also
tends to keep the understanding clear, the memory more
steady, the senses more quick and the temper and manners
more gentle. There are salts which are constantly forming
in the blood, such as are naturally gathered from the
Whoever has accidentally tasted his own blood will find
evidence of this by its saline taste, and there is always a
small portion of the blood in some degree putrifying. Now
ifthese salts and this putrescency were accumulated to any
degree they would prove fatal to the physical form, causing
its disintegration.

Water then, quite essential in order to wash away these

salts and putrescency. In fact, there are no persons per
fectly well without sufficiency of diluting liquor taken with

their meals; but, as in all other things, moderation should

be used, and besides, the saliva and natural juices of the
stomach are not sufficient of themselves to dissolve the ali

ment and thus carry on fermentation. Water then, the

great natural assistant in this. Water, exercise and diet are
three of the principal factors that require attention in order
to attain perfect health in mind and body.


The choice and regulation of clothing is another important

matter to the comfort and health of humanity. This should
ever be regulated according to the season or state of the
atmospheric influences. When perspiration takes place pro
fusely, flannel should be worn, though it does not take up
the moisture in a fluid form, but rather as a vapor. Flan
nel is often too debilitating by the perspiration it constantly
excites, as it is irritating by its roughness on some whose
skin is tender. It should, when worn, be changed often and
not allowed to become too thick.
Cotton possesses all the qualities of flannel, but in an
inferior degree, while chamois is used next the skin as com
bining the advantages of both flannel and cotton. Linen
next to the skin is healthy, but should be changed often.
This renews the air between the linen and the body.
Silk should not be worn next the skin, as it has no affinity
to water, and the perspiration not being absorbed is apt to
fret the body and cause chilling when the body cools.
Fur is essential in very cold seasons, but it is one of the
most powerful retainers of contagion. In this climate ex
treme caution must be exercised in the change of clothing.
Many, from a desire to be fashionable in the spring, fool
ishly change their clothing too soon and thus sacrifice their
health to appearances.
The winter clothes should be worn until summer has un
questionably arrived. A few days' sunshine in April or
May should not tempt to lay aside the warm clothing.

Science and Key of Life. 249

Clothing often becomes hurtful by being made subservient

to the purpose of pride and vanity. It is of the greatest
importance to keep the extremities warm and dry, as wet
feet often bring on the most fatal diseases, as the colic,
rheumatism, hysteria, cholera, inflammations, etc. The
shoes should not admit of moisture and the stockings should
be frequently changed. Damp clothing should be changed
at once.
Clothing and Bathing.
What a vast amount of error is committed in the suitable
wearing of clothing. Undue pressure from tight lacing,
stocks, garters, collars, cravats, shoes, etc., are hurtful, as
they frequently bring on vertigo, headaches, apoplexy, and
obstruct the circulation of the blood. The dress worn by
the Quakers is particularly comfortable. They are always
neat and clean, and even elegant without superfluity. What
some expend upon flounces, braids, ruffles, ribbons and
laces might be bestowed upon superior cleanliness. Finery
is the only affection of dress, and sometimes covers much
dirt; and the delicate young female should avoid exposing
the arms, breast and throat by an insufficient amount of
covering, from which colds, consumption, and throat affec
tions are the direct result ; stays and tight lacing also cause
disorders of the liver and other viscera of the abdomen ;
also headaches and spitting of blood, caused by retarding the
natural circulation of the blood.


As to the subject of bathing, we will first consider the

cold bath. The temperature of the cold bath is consider
ably below the heat of the body. It is injurious in all cases
of diseased viscera, and should be avoided when costiveness
prevails. When beneficial a glow of heat will succeed the
cold bath, but when chilliness and headache result it should
be abandoned at once. Cold water is a powerful tonic, but
250 Science and Key of Life.

similar to all other valuable remedies, it may be abused.

Sea water in general is preferable to fresh water, though
when not attainable, the latter is a very valuable substitute.
The hot bath, by which is understood any degree of heat
between ninety-three and ninety-six degrees, brings on a
state of repose, removes local irritation, promotes cleanli
ness, and is excellent to children affected with convulsions
and diseases of the skin ; restores suppressed perspiration,
relieves gout, rheumatism ; also uesf ul in complaints of the
liver and kidneys ; useful in swellings and female obstruc
The shower bath is healthful, especially to the weak and
those affected with diseases of the head.
The tepid bath is from sixty to ninety degrees, generally
about eighty-five degrees. It is used in fevers and diseases
of the skin. It also produces a salutary reaction, with a
degree of perspiration on the skin. It is also useful in colds,
headaches, rheumatic pains, etc.
The vapor bath is from one hundred to one hundred and
thirty degrees, and is a most excellent remedy in many
physical affections, more especially in all manner of obstruc
tions, inflammations, fevers, scurvy, palsy, leprosy, rheuma
tism, ulcers, cramps, dropsical affections and the loss of the
equilibrium of the juices of the body. The best method of
employing it is to expose it to the naked body in a room or
tightly constructed compartment, into which the stream of
hot water may be admitted. In the vapor bath, the stimu
lating power of heat is modified by the moisture diffused
through the air, and as the elastic vapor-like air is a less
powerful conductor of heat than water, the effect of raising
the temperature of the body is much less.

Body Physical.
Vapor Baths; Bones of the Body.
The use of the vapor bath is safe and in most cases ef
fectual, more so than the hot bath. Each person may enjoy
a vapor bath in their own house by filling a pail two or
three inches deep with hot water, in which can be placed a
hot brick. Place the patient over the pail and wrap both pa
tient and pail in thick blankets, in order that none of the
steam may escape ; and in cases of inflammatory complaints,
a pint of boiling hot vinegar may be added. During the
bath the patient should partake of pure stimulants, in order
to produce profuse perspiration ; and when this is sufficiently
produced, let the patient retire to bed and apply hot bricks
until the patient is entirely relieved. Any limb may, in this
way, receive the benefit of vapor bath, as, for instance, the
foot or leg is inflamed or afflicted by pain; wrap the limb
and pail as heretofore described and allow the limb to re
main so until perspiration is produced and the effects are
felt. Previously to taking the vapor bath, stimulants should
be taken, and the greatest caution must be exercised that the
patient does not catch cold after taking the bath, which is
quite liable to happen under such conditions. If this pro
cess should be applied in many difficulties, in place of taking
useless and injurious drugs into the system, it would be far
better for the general health of the physical body.
As to the sponging of the body when rising in the morn
ing, take sponge and basin of cold water. Begin with the
throat and chest, belly and abdomen and limbs, and finally
all over the body, after which rub well with a coarse, rough
towel, as this last will serve to open the pores of the skin
and promote healthy perspiration. After this, if the weather
permits, take a walk or a little gentle exercise before par
taking of food. The breakfast should be light. Keep the
stomach and bowels in order and the skin clean, for this is
the proper way to health.

The Physical Body. Bones and Muscles.

The body physical of man consists of a number of bones

and cartilages, which are the bases and upholding pillars of
the whole fabric. The joints are compacted with many liga
ments and are coveerd with many membranes. These mem
branes are supplied with about thirty pairs of sensitive
nerves, as with little cards, and these are all filled with as
many arteries similar to water pipes, conveying vital fluids
to all parts, while the empty spaces are filled with over four
hundred muscles, these all being covered with skin. The
bones are spermatic parts, cold and dry, endowed with
strength and elasticity, in order that they may give energy
to the body, sustain it and assist in its motion. This sub
stance is naturally hard, covered with a membrane, the
proper name being periosteum ; white with some redness
and hollow in the middle, except the ribs ; smooth and cov
ered in its extremity with a cartilage and moistened with a
fat humor, termed Medulla or marrow. Some of the bones
of the body are perfectly generated in the womb and are
cartilaginous, as those in the ear, being the smallest in the
whole body. They are nourished by arterial blood, though
the nutriment in the hollow bones is the marrow. Bones
are marked by elevations termed processes and serve for
points of attachment to muscles or ligaments.
The bones of the body not only serve as points of at
tachment to the muscles and ligaments, but also for articu
lation with corresponding depressions in other bones; in
fact, their purpose is to keep the whole frame together.

Planetary Influences, Etc. 253

The muscles are similar, spermatic, sanguinous mem

braneous, fleshy, fibrous parts, and the instruments of volun
tary or free motion. They are composed of fibres for the
intuition of the motion of flesh, for the substance of tendons
which perform the action, of arteries by which they are
nourished ; of veins which carry back the superfluous nour
ishment ; of nerves which give sense and convey the motive
faculty to the brain ; of membrane which surrounds and
serves to hold the muscles together; of fat which moistens
them and keeps them from becoming dry by too much mo
tion. The fibres are only extended according to the straight
position of the fibres. The tendon is the white, glisten
ing extremities of the muscles. The nerve, as soon as it is
entered into the substance, is disposed into a great number
of twigs or branches, which end in it and become incon
spicuous. The membrane is proper to the muscle only and
springs either from the tendons or is framed in the first
confirmation of the parts, while the fat lies in void spaces
in order to prevent a vacuum.
The muscles have a free motion which is threefold : First,
when the muscle is contracted towards its head within it
self, thereby relaxing the opposite muscle, for muscles are
generally in pairs ; second, when the motion is tonic, so that
being contracted it remains so; and third, when after con
traction it is relaxed, which motion is accident and proceeds
from another, and therefore muscles are placed one against
another as an antagonist. The manner of this action varies
as, for instance, in the throat it is swallowing them; in the
bending one muscle, throwing the arm out, which is termed
the extensor, the other bends the arm and is termed the
flexor. One muscle relaxes while the other opposite con
tracts. The muscles also, by their directions, support the
bones ; particularly the head and the limbs are regulated in
their various movements chiefly by their agency.
The muscles of the head are eight single or nine in pairs,
termed triangularis, complexus, sub secundo, rectimargoes,
254 Science and Key of Life.

etc. We shall not name them all, as it would take up too

much time, and will only notice the number. The eyelids
are moved by four muscles, while the eye itself has six ; the
external portion of the ear has four and the internal part
two pairs. The nose has eight single or four pairs of mus
cles, while those of the cheek and lips number three pairs.
The muscles of the lower jaw possess six pairs, there being
six single muscles on each side. The tongue possesses four,
and the windpipe has two pair. The thorax has six, and
the muscles of the neck are four in number. The back and
the loins also possess four, and the shoulder blade has a

number according to its motion ; that forward and back
ward and upward and downward; while the arm has nine,
and in all there are upwards of five hundred muscles con
tained in the human frame.

Body Physical — Continued.

The Glands — The Nerves.

The glands are the secreting organs which work from the
blood special products, as, for instance, the liver secretes the
bile, the kidneys the urine, and other glands the saliva;
these being composed of an aggregation of small lobules,
and are termed conglomerate glands, while those oval bod
ies which are placed on various parts of the absorbent sys
tem are named the conglobate or lymphatic glands.
The nerves are spermatic with central masses and carry
the communication that exists between the brain and ex
ternal objects. The nerves are divided according to their
functions, that into nerves of sensation, nerves of motion

and nerves of peculiar senses.

The nerves of sensation come first. Sight resides in the
eye, which observes and knows the disturbances and griefs,
gladness and joy of the soul, such as love, wrath and the
passions; thus the sense of seeing excels all other senses.
apprehends afar off and extends itself even to the stars.

Second the sense of hearing. This sense resides in the


ears. The nerves which conduct hearing spring from the

brain and this sense possesses many important peculiarities
for the service of the body. The sense of sight of the

greatest importance but for the spirit, hearing has the su


periority, as the agent, as we may say, of understand


ing and comprehension of the daily experiences. In brief,

science, truth and virtue find entrance into the soul through

256 Science and Key of Life.

the sense of hearing; and Christianity teaches that faith

comes by hearing, which the sight rather retards than as
The sense of smell resides in the nose, and from the com
mencement of the concavity of the nose come two sinews
which convey odor to the brain.
Then comes the sense of taste, which resides in the palate
of the mouth and the tongue, and its most important office
is that of choosing the most proper food for the stomach.
Then the sense of touch is fifth, and in fact resides in the
whole of the nervous sytsem and contacting every nerve
contained therein.
The brain is that large nervous mass of soft matter or
substance which is not homogeneous, but presenting vari
ous appearances. A portion of it is white in color and
fibrous, and is termed the medullary substance and exists in
the interior. The other portion is grey in color but not
fibrous in appearance, and this forms the outer portion of
the brain. These two parts do not blend together, but have
a perfect line of distinction. There is no adipose or fatty

matter in the skull; that when in the normal condition.

The brain divided into two parts and separated by

strong membrane, called the falcifrone process of the dura
mater; and each of these parts subdivided into three

parts, termed lobes, the anterior, middle and posterior. The

two parts and the organs on each side are brought into com
munication by fibres running traversely. The cerebellum
and brain are only slightly connected. Each side of the
brain and cerebellum supplied with separate arteries con

while the sinews are canals, which re


veying blood to
turn the blood to the heart, are common to all.

Body Physical — Continued.

Brain and Lungs.

It brains and lungs are the organs
is quite evident that the
from which the fundamental principles of animation or ani
mal heat are produced, as the brain is possessed of electrical
powers, and the subtile matter, termed the nervous or gal
vanic fluid, is conducted from it through the various parts
of the system by means of the natural conductors, the
nerves. Then vital air, called oxygen, is imbibed or at
tracted by the red particles of the blood in their passage
through the lungs and is transmitted over the body by means
of the arteries, which tubes connect with the heart and
furnish it with blood.
These vessels also accompany regularly the nerves in
their course ; thus the nerves being, as it were, positive and
the blood in the arteries being negative, and at the same
time both receiving the electric power, termed electro-
magnetism, a union occurs and the result of this union is
the generation of heat in every part of the system. Then
the blood, thus deprived of its vital air or oxygen, is re
turned by those tubes termed the veins, and this series of
vessels connecting with the lungs through which the blood
traverses in order to have this most essential quality restored
to it.
The lungs may be termed the bellows of the human or
ganism or animal machine, for by supplying the system with

258 Science and Key of Life.

oxygen they act in the same manner as the bellows when

employed by the mechanic to force oxygen through the fire
for the purpose of increasing the heat. The life in the
physical body may then be considered as a species of igni
tion kept up by the direct action of the brains and lungs;
and the physical body may be considered as an animal
laboratory furnished with a variety of organs, the secretion
of which are all dependent on chemical affinity which is
really under the influence of heat.
The lungs are divided into five parts, three on the right
side and two upon the left. There are also three offices as
well as three parts in the lung. One is the vein coming
from the liver, which conveys the undigested part of the
chyle in order to feed the lungs. Then another stretches
from the heart to the lungs, which gives energy and heat
to nourish them. Then the third conducts air to the lungs
and which passes through all the left portion of the lungs in
order to perform this service. In all disordered parts, es
sential to the blood and brains, they must be attended to.
Morbid irritation is many times productive of diseased
structure, which is both the effects of increased ignition or
vitality and diminished ignition or relaxation.
The physical brain, besides its electrical powers, pos
sesses a sentient power in which the primary moving powers
of the body reside, and in this point of view requires very
particular attention as well as investigation. Therefore, be
sides the nerves or ramifications of the brain, conveying a
nervous fluid, various sentient offices are also assigned to
them, according to their particular distribution through the
human system.

The Nerves, Pulse and Organic System.

At such times when the nerves belonging to the mem
brane of the lungs and air vessels are in a state of morbid
irritation that disease termed asthma is produced, and when
the nerves of the stomach are disordered, indigestion is the
Planetary Influences, Etc. 259

result; also when the internal membrane of the intestines

becomes affected in like manner diarrhoea is the conse
quence; and where the ligaments or the joints suffer from
the same cause rheumatism is the distinguishing disease,
and so on through the various parts of the system. The
nerves of some persons are more tender and sensitive than
others, and these will be liable to be more easily affected by
various causes than others.
The sentient power which the brain and nerves possess
may be considered as a standard medium which produces
the feeling of health, and when its irritability is excited or
increased disease is the result, not alone caused by the vi
tality running too high, but also by its diminution and weak
ness. Hence, in this light, all diseases may be arranged

into three distinct classes or orders; that sub-irritation,
super-irritation, and diminished irritation, which forms

distinction of the greatest importance to the practitioner.

The Pulse — Organic Sympathy.

We may now consider the pulse, which is that reciprocal

motion of the heart and arteries whereby the blood which
is thrown from the left ventricle of the heart is distributed
throughout the whole system. The pulse really acts as the
pendulum, discovers the habit of the patient, the vigor and
irritability of the various functions. A moderate pulse is
the standard by which may be judged the actual conditions
of the body, and it must be full and regular, for this indi
cates the good health of the person ; but, on the other hand,
when the pulse is quick, it indicates super-irritation, and
when vehement and quick it shows there is a feverish tem
perament. The heat and thirst then become abnormal and
the whole body red and turgid. When the pulse is slow
and weak, it shows there is little blood being conveyed from
the heart to the arteries, and the patient will show languor
and weakness. It also denotes lassitude and portends viscid
and tenacious blood. An irregular pulse prognosticates
great danger if the patient is weak, and at such times it
becomes necessary to get the patient into a condition of
It is ever essential to treat successfully to be especially

attentive to the laws of the animal economy, that as to

the sympathy that exists between particular organs of the
body in preference to others and we find that in many in

stances the organic sympathy becomes so strong when the

one under disease that difficult matter to determine


Planetary Influences, Etc. 261

which one is affected primarily. Thus, in morbid irritation

of the brain, we find the stomach is disturbed with nausea
and other symptoms of indigestion, and vice versa. This
condition is particularly incident to those persons partaking
of the cancer nature. Both the womb and kidneys sympa
thize powerfully with the stomach and irritation of either is
followed by vomiting.
This condition of organic sympathy should be carefully
studied by all, for in conditions of the mind on the action
of the brain the reflections upon the physical body will oc
cur in comparison to the general temperament and organi
zation of the body; and it is not a difficult matter for
persons to produce irritation of the various organs of the
body through the action of the mind, an 1 surely the same
rule will work both ways.

Anger, Etc.
The intestines and abnormal viscera display a wonder
ful sympathy with every part of the body, and the slightest
morbid irritation in them often disturbs the whole nervous
system, as, for instance, in condition of hypochondriacism
and other maladies.
In local diseases the state of the nervous system forms
an important consideration. Every attention should be
given in the treatment to keep it quiet, for when disturbed
by the irritation of the local affection or derangements, it
is quite apt to disturb the electrical powers of the brain, and
thus produce sympathetic fever; nor is it less necessary in
attending to local diseases that the first consideration
whether actual diseased structure be attendant on the symp
toms, or only a state of simple irritation.
Thus the liver will continue to show for a long time
symptoms of disease, and yet no organic change of struc
ture be conspicuous; and the same may be said of the in
ternal parts. Increased irritation, be it of the super or sub-
irritative kind, may sooner or later produce local derange
ment of structure by disturbing the action of absorbent
262 Science and Key of Life.

and secerning vessels. Therefore pain or morbid irritation

should always claim immediate action from the conse
quences which may ensue; but independent of the electrical
and sentient functions of the brain, this complex organ also
possesses what we may term an intellectual power, or we
may say it forms the connecting medium between the body
and the soul; and therefore we find the primary moving
powers of the physical body reside in the brain, termed the
sensorium, and the intellectual functions there resident in
fluence both the electrical and sentient powers of that part
of the body; and from this we must conclude that the pas
sions of the mind exercise a wonderful sway over the cor
poral part, and are, as they have been aptly termed from
this influence, the gales of life.
The stimulating ones in particular augment the electrical
powers of the brain and in this way increase the heat of the
system, and the depressing produce an effect exactly op
posite. As the various organs and parts of the physical
body receive their sentient powers from the brain, so are
they also affected by their diseases, and the influence of the
passions are equally powerful in their operation, as changes
of the atmosphere are effective and manifest their action
more especially upon parts most tender, sensitive and irri
Thus, for instance, anger, one of the most violent of the
passions, will be attended in various individuals with very
different results and consequences'; for in some it will pro
duce headache and a tendency to apoplexy; in others
asthma ; in others diarrhoea ; in others contractions of the

various organs most sensitive. In fact, the result is pro

duced which is most injurious to that particular organism.

Liver — Intestines — Kidneys.

In reference to the organ known as the liver, we find that

the mass of the blood becomes loaded with the impurities of
the body; it becomes necessary that these should be re
moved. Here nature steps in and provides a way that these
impurities may be removed by means of certain appropriate
organs. The principal organs in this connection are four

in number, that the liver, intestines, kidneys and the skin.

In the first of these the blood passes as returns to the

heart through the veins, and here secreted the yellow mat

ter termed the bile, which discharged into the intestines


and becomes mixed with the refuse of the food to be re

jected from the body. Hence the liver may be considered
as the great depurator of the human organism, and ac
cordingly exercises most important office, and of the

due action of which the health of the body materially de

pends; and while some may hold this secretion, the bile,
will promote digestion, we can infer the reverse when we
judge of its effects whenever from the action of vomiting
or other causes enters into the stomach and besides,

were so intended, would be emptied into that organ


direct where digestion takes place, but on the contrary we

discover an increased secretion of bile ever productive of

irritation of the intestines and also its presence in the stom

ach uniformly excites considerable nausea and frequent
The second organ for consideration appropriated for
purifying the mass of blood the intestines. Through this

264 Science and Key of Life.

organ the food passes after it has left the stomach, having
its nourishing part taken up by the lacteals, besides which
there is a copious decretion of feculent matter from the
whole internal surface. Thus while one set of vessels takes
up nutriment and conveys it to the mass of blood, another
discharges the impurities from the blood. The intestines
are of great extent in most animals, and are folded in vari
ous directions. This order to detain the matter which
is in
is received from the stomach, so that all the nutrition may
be thoroughly absorbed from it.
The third organ for consideration is the kidneys, the se
cretion of which is excrementitious. These organs sep
arate from blood superfluous water, which becomes charged
with various matters, as muriate of soda or common salt,
phosphate of lime, pus, etc. These organs exercise a
similar office to that of the skin in the performance of their
functions, and between the skin and the kidneys a remark
able sympathy exists and a deficiency in the quantity of the
secretion of one is generally found to be supplied by the

Hope and Confidence — The Heart and Stomach.

We have learned of the effect of anger upon the physical
body, and on the same principle of the influence of the in
tellectual operations. We find the system quieted and also
the activity of disease is diminished through the operation
of the mild and gratifying passions, hope and confidence
in our own strength. The stimulating effect of the pas
sions has been known in some cases so violent as to bring
on fever, apoplexy and even death of the physical. From
the great sympathy existing between the brain and the
heart, the passions seem to act particularly on the latter,
and the feeling of grief is generally referred to this part.
From the nerves also or elongations of the brain accom
panying the arteries or ramifications of the heart, we can
account for that want of nourishment or deficient supply
Planetary Influences, Etc.

for the vitality of the system which takes place whenever

the patient is under the influence ef grief or sorrow.
Such being the effect of the intellectual operations on the
body, it requires in all diseases an important consideration
and serious attention ; and we may also add that the abuse
of spirituous liquors has a similar influence as these other
causes specified, in the operation of producing local de
rangement, and in fact may be explained in a similar man

ner, that by exciting and continuing irritation in the

brain and heart.
We will now give some consideration to the heart. This
that organ by which the blood conveyed to every part

of the body, and has two ventricles. The left higher

than the right and the strongest of all the muscles,

therefore when affected by spasms of the most violent

nature, and from its incessant action more liable to

disorder, more especially from the ossification which retards
the velocity of its circulation and often almost suspended

in action, which termed the pectoral angina, the symp


toms of which are very peculiar and the issue fatal. The
motion of the heart most wonderful. continues to the

utmost period of life, day and night, without interruption,

more than one hundred thousand times indeed


manifestation of the stupendous wisdom of the infinite


and in nothing expressed more gloriously.


The stomach compound and spermatic sinewy recep


tacle for the food, and the seat of the digestion, and when
fails in its operation the whole frame corrupted, for in
it it

are contained the portions that serve for nutrition, con

coction and procreation. The stomach muscular, very

nervous, and indirectly possesses sympathy with every part

of the system through its connection with the brain. When
the food has gone through the process of digestion

emptied into the intestines and as passes through this


tube the chyle taken up by the absorbent vessels and by


them conveyed to the mass of the blood, from which

266 Science and Key of Life.

then separated by vessels connected with the arteries, or

as they are termed, secerning extremities for the support of
the body, and in this manner the growth and support of the
physical takes place. But while this is going on the old
parts of the body are removed by the absorbents and the
particles conveyed into the mass of blood. The mass of
blood accordingly becomes loaded with impurities.
We find that the intention of the infinite was perfection
in that particular state or condition to which the soul was
subjected, but the difficulty is that the lower body has ruled
instead of the higher self, and has trampled that divine
spark of life in the dust of its own ignorance and limita
tions until they have become as a part of humanity.

Scrofula; Absorbent Vessels; Origin of the Body.

The absorbent vessels form a most important system in
the animal economy, and upon the regular and healthy
performance of their offices depends the health of the body.
In persons of delicate structure the system is often very
tender and irritable, and from this state arises that peculiar
morbid condition termed scrofula. In such a state when
the loss of the equilibrium of action ensues between the
secerning extremities of arteries and the absorbents, an
accumulation is produced in different parts ; as in certain
glands or organs, the cellular membrane and its ligaments
of joints, sometimes ending in ulceration, but it is in
age that the most formidable diseases of the absorbent sys
tem occur, in consequence of these vessels losing their
power of action either from diseased structure or debility,
especially in glands or parts approaching the texture of
Hence thefrequency of this morbid condition in the
breasts of females; and the absorbents of the glands once
failing to perform their office, an accumulation of glandular
matter takes place till the ramifications of the nourishing
arteries become so compressed that they no longer convey
their natural nutrient supply. The absorbent vessels
Planetary Influences, Etc. 267

derive their power of acting from the brain, therefore their

diseased state is either that of super or sub-irritation. Sub-
irritation will exist locally in an organ and by disturbing
its mutation, occasion deranged structure or disposition of
lymph in the cellular substance; though the muscular
system is no less under the influence of the brain as we
have before observed.
The origin of the body, we may say is in the chyle, which
passing the lacteals, is then delivered into the sub-clavian,
where, mixing with the blood, they proceed together to the
right ventricle of the heart, and then being more intimately
mixed, circulate together through the whole system, until
after several circulations and secretions at the various
strainers of the body, are assimilated so as to make one
uniform compound mass which appears to be nothing else
than chyle, altered by the artifice of nature, and exalted
into blood, there being no appearance of anything extrane
ous mixed with the circulating liquor in the blood vessels
than the chyle, with the exception of what had been sep
arated from it for some special purpose, which being once
served is returned to it once more.
Thus again, while the blood is in the vessels it appears
to the naked eye to be uniform and homogeneous, but when
let out of the vessels and when cold it separates spontane
ously into two parts, one of these being red in color and
fibrous, which coheres into a mass termed cruor, while the
other part becomes thin and transparent, which remains
fluid when cold and being heavier than cruor sustains and
bears it up. This is termed serum. Thus we have con
sidered the system in a summary way.
Once let humanity receive any inkling of the truth and
the knowledge will kindle within their souls a spirit of love
and desire to unlock the fetters that bind to the lowest
matter shadows and cling to the real, recognizing the wis
dom of exercising the free will rather than groping in the
dark shadows of fate.

Herbs with Planetary Influence — Sun, Moon Mercury,

Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

At this time it seems necessary that we consider

the herbs
the planets, that naming those herbs and plants which
come under the rule and are in affinity with the various
planets, as will assist to better understanding of that

which has been given. The use of these plants and herbs

may be readily perceived, that an ailment under the rule
and affliction of Mars can be assisted by his own herbs, and
sometimes offset by the cooling application of Saturn herbs
and plants.
Beginning with the Sun which rules angelica-almond,
ash tree, celandine, great lemtaury, coltsfoot, chamomile,
corn hornnost, eyebright, heart trefoil, juniper, male peony,
marigolds, mistletoe, olive, pimpernel, rue, rosemary, St.
Johnswort. sundew, saffron, turnsole tormentil, vipersbug-
loss vine and walnut, peppers, etc.
The Mpon rules adder's-tongue, cabbage, clary, coralwort,
chickweed, cuckoo flower, buckbean, daisy, dogtooth, ducks-
meat, iris, lettuce, moonwort, mercury, mouse ear, pearl-
wort, pumpkin, privet, purslain, rattle grass, sweet flag,
spunk (wall-flowers, water cress, water lily, water arrowhead,
water violet, white lily, white rose, white poppy, white
saxifrage, whitlow grass, wild wall-flower, wintergreen,
willow, etc.
Mercury has rule over azaleas, bittersweet, caraway,
calamint corallinedell, elecampane, endive, fennel, fern,

Planetary Influences, Etc. 269

hare'sfoot, horehound, houndstongue,

hazel, lily of the
valley, liquorice,
lavender, male fern, mandrake, mulberry,
marjoram, myrtle, olive spurge, parsley, pellitory, southern
wood, starwort, summer savory, trefoil, wild carrot, winter
Venus has rule over alkanet, apples, artichoke ( beans,
bearberry, bishopsweed, blackberry, birch, black alder,
bugle holly, burdock, common alder, cloves, cockshead,
couch grass, cowslip, cranesbill, cudweed, deadnettle, dog-
daisy, elder, feverfew, foxglove, ground ivy, groundsel,
kidneywort, little daisy, marshmallows, mint, orache, penny
royal, pennywort, peppermint, peach tree, red cherries,
sarcicle, sea holly, sorrel, spearmint, tansy, throatwort,
vervain, yarrow.
Mars has rule over he following : allheal, anemone, arse-
smart, aloes, barberry, basil, boxtree, becabunga, broom,
butcher's broom, catmint, capers, coriander, crowfoot, flax-
weed, furzebush, gentian, garlic, ginger, garden cress,
hawthorn, honeysuckle, hops, horseradish, horse tongue,
hyssop, little celandine, leeks, leadwort, lobelia, megereum,
madder, masterwort, mousetail, nettles, onions, plantain,
savin, rhubarb, tobacco, wormword, wake robin, etc.
Jupiter has rule over the following: avens, agrimony,
apricots, anise seed, asparagus, balm, balsam, betony, blood-
wort, barage, cinquefoil, chestnut, dandelion, and has rule
over all docks, figtree, hartstongue, house leek, jessamine,
limetree, liverwort, maple, myrrh, nailwort, oak, polypody,
sarsaparilla, sage, scurvy grass, small samphire, swallow-
wort, thistlethorn apple, whortleberry, wild succory, wild
pinks, etc.
Saturn has rule over aconite, barley, barrenwort, beech,
black hellebore, blue bottle, buckthorn, comfrey, crosswort,
flaxweed, fleawort, fumitory.
The planet Saturn also has rule over ground moss, glad-
win, hemlock, hemp, henbane, holly, horse tail, ivy, Jews'
270 Science and Key of Life.

ear, knapweed, knotgrass,mangel, medlar, navelwort,

pansies, quince, rushes, rye, sciaticawort,
shepherd's purse, sloes, senna, Solomon's seal and tamarind.
There are also some important plants for medicinal pur
poses which come under the rule of the planet Urania;
henbane and hemlock come in a measure, also the white
poppy, snake root and valerian.
In naming these various plants and herbs, we have con
sidered those which come more especially useful as medicinal
remedies, and may, in the majority of cases, be used
in a simple way by referring to the instructions given
heretofore in the prescribing of medicine.

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