SR No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Learning Activity Evaluation 1

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Sr Time Specific CONTENT Teaching learning activity Evaluation

No. objective
1. 2 min. To introduce INTRODUCTION
the topic  A plan prepare by a teacher to teach a lesson in an
lesson plan organized manner. Student teacher will introduce
 A lesson plan is actually a plan of action, it the topic.
therefore includes the working philosophy of the
teacher, her knowledge of philosophy,her .
information about and understanding of her pupils,
her comprehension of the objectives of education,
her knowledge of the material to be taught and her
ability to utilize effective method.

2. 1 min. To define DEFINITION

lesson plan According to LB Sands, It is the core and heart of effective Student teacher will define
teaching, where the teachers mental and emotional the topic. Define lesson plan.
visualization of the classroom experience as she plans it to
3. 3min. To discuss PURPOSE
about the  Clear visualization of objectives.
purposes of  Planning of the activities and preparation to tests of Student teacher will discuss What are the purposes
lesson plan progress. about the purposes of lesson of lesson plan?
 Keeps the teacher on tracks. plan
 Choose and adopt effective method of teaching.
 Evaluate the teaching
 Clarifying the ideas.
 Keeps boundaries and save time and labours.
 Prevents haphazard in teaching.

4. 1 min. To discuss COMPONENTS Student teacher will discuss

about the  Preparation of subject matter about the components of
components of  Effective presentation. lesson plan.
lesson plan  Efforts of the participants

5. 5min To explain STEPS IN LESSON PLANNING Enlist the steps in

about the steps 1. Preparation or introduction: Student teacher will explain preparation of lesson
of lesson plan.  Exploration of the students knowledge which help about the steps of lesson plan. plan.
to lead them on to the lesson.
 The teacher need to prepare the student to receive .
new knowledge
 She can introduce the lesson by testing previous
knowledge of student by questioning
 It arouses interest and curiosity to learn matter.
 Introduction should be brief and to the point.

2. Presentation:
 Aim of lesson should be clearly stated before
the presentation of subject matter.
 In the teaching learning process both learner
and teacher should actively participate.
 The teacher has to present the topic in
enthusiastic matter. .
3. Comparison and association: Quote examples
associated with facts should be presenred to the

4. Generalization: It involves reflective thinking, the

knowledge which will be presented by the teacher
should be thought provoking innovating and
stimulating to assist the students to generalize the
5. Application: The students make use of knowledge
acquired in and at the same time tests the validity of
the generalization arrived at the student whatever
they have learnt in the theory has to apply in the
clinical field to make learning more permanent.
6. Recaptulation:
Teacher has to ask suitable stimulating and pivotal
questions to the student on the topic in order to get
the feedback.
What are the essentials
6. 5min. To explain ESSENTIALS OF A GOOD LESSON PLAN Student teacher will discuss of a good lesson plan?
guidelines for about the essentials of a good
preparing and 1. It should be written. lesson plan.
using poster . 2. It should have clear aims.
3. It should be linked with previous knowledge. .
4. It should show techniques of teaching
5. It should show the illustrative aids.
6. It should contain suitable organized subject matter.
7. It should be divided into units.
8. It should provide for individual differences.
9. It should show certain routine things
10. It should be flexible.
11. It should include summary
12. It should refer to reference material
13. It should include assignments for students.

7. 1min To discuss TYPES OF LESSON PLAN Student teacher will discuss

about the types  Knwledge lesson plan about the types of lesson
of lesson plan.  The skill lesson plan plan.
 The appreciation lesson
8. 2 min. To discuss Elements of good lesson plan Student teacher will discuss
about the about the Elements of good
Elements of  Front page such as subject , topic ,class , lesson plan.
good lesson duration etc.
plan  General learning objectives or central
 Specific learning objectives or behavioural
 Evaluation of previous knowledge
 Set induction
 Selection and organization of subject matter
 Assignments
 Types of illustrative material
What are the merits and
9. 2 min. To list down Student teacher will discuss demerits of lesson
 It assist in making teaching systematic
the merits of about the merits and demerits plan?
 It helps in avoiding unnecessary repetition in
lesson plan. of lesson plan.
 It is useful in achieving the cognitive objective of
 It makes use of previous knowledge of the students
for imparting new knowledge.
 The scheme being very intellectual in character is
suited to knowledge lessons only
 There is more stretch on teaching rather learning;
 The term preparation has been used in vague
 The plan is rigid stereotyped and mechanical in
SUMMARIZATION Student teacher will
10. 2min To summarize Today we have discussed about: summarize the topic.
the topic.
Definition of lesson plan.
Purposes of lesson plan.
Components of lesson plan.
Essentials of lesson plan.
Steps of lesson plan.
Merits and demerits of lesson plan.

11. 3min To recaptulize RECAPTULITION Student teacher will

the topic. Q 1 Define lesson plan. recaptulize the topic.
Q 2 What are the purposes of lesson plan?
Q 3 What are the Components of lesson plan?
Q 4 Enlist the steps of lesson plan.
Q5 What are the Merits and demerits of lesson plan?

 Sharma k sureshsharmareena. communication and
education technology. 2ndedition . Elsevier
 Shankaranarayan B Sindhu B .learning and
teaching nursing . 2nd edition.
 Bhaskara raj D .Elakkuvanabhaskarnima. textbook
of nursing education . 2ndedition .emmess

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