Clasa 9 2020-2021

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English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021

Specific Competence Indicators(SCI) and

Sub Competences(SC)
Specific Learning Notes
Sub Competences Nr. Content Hours Date
Competence activities
Introduction to
Panel discussion
Reviewing the vocabulary topics studied the course.
Spoken Lesson 1 1 02.09 Vocabulary Revision
in the VIIIth form. Vocabulary
Interaction Worksheets
Reviewing the Grammar topics studied in Grammar Grammar
Grammar Lesson 2 1 04.09 Revision
the VIIIth form. Review. Worksheets
-Testing the knowledge and skills
Evaluation acquired while studying in the pandemic Lesson 3 1 09.09 Written Test EI
Revision Plan
Grammar 6.12 Using Present Perfect and Past Lesson Present Perfect 1 11.09 Grammar
Perfect. 4 vs Past Perfect Worksheets
Grammar 6.12 Using Subjunctive Mood. Lesson The 1 16.09 Grammar
5 Subjunctive Worksheets Revision
UNIT I - Origin of the Universe
1.1. Predicting the content of a text on the
basis of its title/picture. The origin of 1 18.09
Listening Lesson 1
1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an the universe Clustering
oral message. Panel discussion
2.1. Conveying information from texts on a The personal
topic of interest. journal
2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement
regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several The Big Bang Reading for
texts to perform structured work tasks. comprehension
3.3. Identifying some details/specific

1 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
information from written messages.
- Forming the Plural of Compound Simple and
Grammar Nouns. Compound 1 23.09
- Proper Use of Compounds Nouns. Nouns.
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a Bing Bang
Interaction text on a familiar issue into a scheme. Theory
The Beginning
Lesson 2 1 25.09
of Life
3.3. Identifying some details/specific
information from written messages.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar
words from the content.
2.5. Expressing personal opinion regarding
Spoken Origin of life on Reading for
the views expressed in an exchange of
Interaction the earth comprehension
ideas of topics of interest.
Simple and
-Simple Nouns, Derived, Compound, Grammar
Grammar compound 1 30.09
Studying different type of noun derivation. worksheets
The bounty of
Lesson 5 1 02.10
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
Spoken The value of Reading for
a topic of interest.
Interaction raindrop comprehension
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Common Latin
- Common Latin and Geek Nouns. and Greek Grammar
Studying different type of noun derivation. Nouns worksheets

Testing the level of written or/and oral

knowledge and skills acquired while
application of Round up. 1 07.10
studying the current unit.
UNIT 2 - Health is above wealth
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on Lesson1 Awakening the 1 09.10 Conversation

2 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.4. Presenting the content of a film/story heart and soul
on the basis of a plan.
The conceptual
3.3. Identifying some details/specific
information from written messages. In the pursuit of
Reading Reading for
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar wellness
words from the content.
1.4. Selecting relevant information from
passages of informative texts,
Listening activity
instructions, tables, maps to perform a
Grammar - Learning the noun derivation Noun Derivation
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from
Interaction a text on a familiar issue into a scheme.
2. Comparing personal attitude towards
nature of the Moldovan teenagers with
those of the English speaking countries.
Lesson 3 1 14.10
2.1. Conveying information from texts on a The web of life The conceptual
topic of interest. map
2.5. Expressing personal opinion regarding Reading for
the views expressed in an exchange of comprehension
ideas of topics of interest. Retelling
1.4. Selecting relevant information from
Listening passages of informative texts, instructions,
tables, maps to perform a task.
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a Paragraph Paragraph
Interaction text on a familiar issue into a scheme. writing Writing
Grammar - Common Latin and Geek Nouns. Common Latin Grammar

3 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
and Greek
Studying different type of noun derivation. Nouns Worksheets

2.1. Conveying information from texts on Never doubt

Lesson 2 1 16.10
a topic of interest. who you are
Spoken 2.4. Presenting the content of a film/story
Interaction and on the basis of a plan.
Integrated Skill 2. Expressing personal attitudes towards
Combinations an important problem of our society
(pollution, endangered species,
environment protection).
The conceptual
3.1. Selecting information from several
texts to perform structured work tasks. Reading and
Reading Reading for
3.3. Identifying some details/specific speaking
information from written messages.
4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea.
Written Written
4.5. Arranging relevant information from
Interaction exercises
a text on a familiar issue into a scheme.
1. Identifying and respecting verbal and
nonverbal behavior rules during oral or
written activities (to prove, to choose, to
explain). Project
Culture 1 21.10 Rubrics Project
6. Ecological education through presentation
identification and characterization of
some burning environmental problems:
environment protection, pollution
Pronoun Grammar
Revision worksheets
Grammar - Pronoun Revision 1 23.10

Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several Lesson 3 Health hazards 1 04.11
texts to perform structured work tasks. Dear mother The conceptual

4 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
Reading for
and father
3.3. Identifying some details/specific comprehension
information from written messages. Retelling
1.2. Conveying information from texts on
The conceptual
a topic of interest.
Citius, Altius, map
1.4. Selecting relevant information from
Listening Lesson 4 Fortius 1 06.11 Reading for
passages of informative texts,
instructions, tables, maps to perform a
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
Spoken Speaking and
a topic of interest. Conversation
Interaction writing
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Lesson 5 Human virtues 1 11.11 The conceptual
3.1. Selecting information from several
texts to perform structured work tasks.
Reading Reading for
3.2. Defining the logical organization of a
literary text.
Written 4.4. Reducing thee text to its essential
Interaction idea.
Reported Grammar
Grammar - Revising Reported Speech 1 13.11
Speech Worksheets
Practical Testing the level of written or/and oral
application of knowledge and skills acquired while Round Up 1 18.11
knowledge studying the current unit. (6)
-Testing the knowledge and skills
acquired while studying the current unit. 20.11 Written Test ES

Unit 3 - Home, the family values

Reading and 3.3. Identifying some details/specific Lesson 1 Home, sweet 1 25.11 The conceptual
5 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree
English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
information from written messages.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar
words from the content. map
3. Identifying and respecting the Reading for
Culture home
structure, format specific conventions for comprehension
some documents/ functional texts, Retelling
regarding everyday life (advertisements,
news-paper articles letters, e-mails).
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
Spoken The home is
a topic of interest. Conversation
Interaction everything
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea.
Phrasal Verbs Grammar
Grammar - Phrasal Verbs 1 27.11
Family – God’s
Lesson 2 1 02.12
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
Spoken Speaking and
a topic of interest. Conversation
Interaction writing
It`s time to
Lesson 5 1 04.12
The conceptual
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
Spoken The magic for map
a topic of interest.
Interaction Christmas Reading for
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
3.3. Identifying some details/specific Running
Reading Lesson 3 1 09.12
information from written messages. errands
1.4. Selecting relevant information from
Reading for
passages of informative texts,
Listening As old as history comprehension
instructions, tables, maps to perform a
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from Lesson 4 Hard work- the 1 11.12

6 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
Interaction a text on a familiar issue into a scheme. key to success
Practical Testing the level of written or/and oral
application of knowledge and skills acquired while Round up 1 16.12 Worksheets
knowledge studying the current unit. (6)
--Testing the level of written or/and oral
Summative 18.12
knowledge and skills acquired while 1 Written Test ES
studying the current unit.
application of Error correction 1 23.12 Worksheets
3.1. Selecting information from several
texts to perform structured work tasks.
3.3. Identifying some details/specific Reading for
Man society
Reading information from written messages. Lesson 1 1 comprehension
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar Retelling
words from the content.

2.1. Conveying information from texts on

a topic of interest.
Spoken 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. Reading and
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement/ disagreement speaking
regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
The legislative
Lesson 2 1
3.2. Recognizing the logical structure of a power
literary text. The leading role
3.3. Identifying some details/specific of the
Reading Reading for
information from written messages. Parliament of
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar the Republic of
words from the content. Moldova

Grammar - The usage of adjectives and their correct Orders of 1 Grammar

7 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
Adjectives and
order in a sentence;
-Accomplishing gaps-filling exercises. worksheets
before the

2.4. Presenting the content of a film/story

on the basis of a plan.
2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement
regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest. Reading for
Culture and The executive
8. Presenting the biography and literary Lesson 3 1 comprehension
Integrated power
works of outstanding writers of English- Retelling
Speaking Countries.
3. Knowledge of some personalities from
various areas (culture, science, etc.) and
their role in the development of society.
Practical -Testing the level of written or/and oral 1 Essay
application of knowledge and skills acquired while
knowledge studying the current unit. (4)
Lesson 4 1
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
a topic of interest.
2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement Conversation
regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
The cornerstone Reading for
3.1. Selecting information from several
of any comprehension
texts to perform structured work tasks.
Reading Democratic Retelling
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar
words from the content.
Lesson 5 After twenty 1

8 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
2.1. Conveying information from texts on Reading for
Spoken Reading and
a topic of interest. comprehension
Interaction writing
2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement Retelling
Practical Testing the level of written or/and oral
application of knowledge and skills acquired while Round up 1 Worksheets
knowledge studying the current unit. (6)
Testing the knowledge and skills acquired Summative
1 Written Test ES
while studying the current unit. (6) Evaluation
Unit 5 - That`s entertainment
2.1. Conveying information from texts on
a topic of interest.
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
2.5. Expressing agreement/ disagreement
regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Spoken Reading for
1. Identifying and respecting the norms of
Interaction and Lesson 1 At leisure 2 comprehension
verbal and nonverbal communication
Culture Retelling
while interacting orally and in written
form (to prove, to choose, to explain, to
present, projects, actions).
8. Presenting the biography and literary
work of some outstanding writers of
English-Speaking Countries.
4.1. Filling in forms.
3.3. Identifying some details/specific Characterization
Reading and information from written messages. Control reading
By heart
Integrated 3. Knowledge of some personalities from Composition
Skills various areas (culture, science, etc.) and
Combinations their role in the development of society.

Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on Lesson 2 To plug in or 2

9 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
a topic of interest. not to plug in
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
7. Comparing some fashion tendencies
and some food preferences of the young
people from English-Speaking Countries.
Comparison Characterization
2. Describing some essential
Area and Control reading
characteristics of the target community. Digital natives
Community Composition
3. Adequate interaction in everyday
communication on familiar topics:
(housing, shopping, meals, business trips,
etc.) using verbal and non-verbal
1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an Listening
oral message. Filling-in-exercises
3.1. Selecting information from several
texts to perform structured work tasks. Celebrate good
Reading Lesson 3 1
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar times Reading
words from the content. Star Explosion
4.3. Adapting a message format to Questionnaire
Written communication situation depending on Danny turns Retelling
Interaction the style (formal/informal) used by the four
Adjective or
- Choosing the Adjective or the Adverb Grammar
Grammar Adverb 2
(drive slow-drive slowly) Worksheets
Proper understanding of the structure “to Dive into a Star Explosion
Grammar Lesson4 2
have something done” good book Questionnaire
Practical -Testing the level of written or/and oral
The land of story
application of knowledge and skills acquired while
knowledge studying the current unit. (5)

10 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
4.3. Adapting a message format to
Written communication situation depending on Project
Interaction and the style (formal/informal) used by the presentation 1 Rubrics Project
Grammar interlocutor.
-Reported Speech
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. Lesson 5 Teen fashion 2
2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement
Spoken Why is fashion Conversation
regarding the views expressed in an
Interaction so important to Questionnaire
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Testing the level of written or/and oral
knowledge and skills acquired while
application of Round Up 1 Worksheets
studying the current unit.
Testing the knowledge and skills acquired Summative
1 Written Test ES
while studying the current unit. (6) Evaluation
Unit 6 - People and the world
1.3. Determining the type of a message by
identifying the details of appreciation and
selecting the key information from
Moldova a The schedule
Listening and authentic texts presented clearly and at a
Lesson 1 stairway of 2 “Smart” Reading
Culture normal speed.
heaven Translation
8. Presenting the biography and literary
work of some outstanding writers of
English-Speaking Countries.
Word derivation Grammar
Grammar - Forming new words
Lesson 2 Travelling 2 Listening for
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
round the comprehension
Spoken 2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement
world Discussion
Interaction regarding the views expressed in an
What to take Game “Guess the
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
with you character”
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several Descriptions Retelling
11 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree
English Long Term Planning IXth Form 2020-2021
texts to perform structured work tasks.
4.5. Arranging relevant information from
a text on a familiar issue into a scheme.
Interaction and
-Proper use of Simple/ Perfect/
Continuous Tenses in Passive Voice.
Wish-clauses Grammar
Grammar - Proper use of Wish-clauses 1
2.1. Conveying information from texts on Travelling into
Lesson 3 2
topic of interest. history
Spoken 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Interaction and 3. Adequate interaction in everyday Conversation
Community communication on familiar topics: The museum of Clustering
Area (housing, shopping, meals, business trips, natural history Composition
etc.) using verbal and non-verbal Matching exercises
1.4. Selecting relevant information from
passages of informative texts, Listening
Listening Lesson 4 the house of
instructions, tables, maps to perform a Commentary
culture 2
task. Control reading
“That” or Retelling
Grammar - Using “that” or “what”;
-Testing the knowledge and skills Summative
Evaluation 1 Written Test ES
acquired while studying the current year. Evaluation
application of Error correction 1 Worksheets
Grammar -Using Phrasal Verbs Lesson 5 wonders: the 2
art of God
Practical -Testing the level of written or/and oral
application of knowledge and skills acquired while Round Up 1 Worksheets
knowledge studying the current unit. (6)

12 Teacher: Dorina Vacari, Ist didactic degree

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