PMP Certification Examination Application Page 6 Project Management Experience Verification Form (Continued)

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PMP Certification Examination Application · Page 6

Project Management Experience Verification Form (continued)

In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.

Project 1: The website "". May. 1999 - May. 2002

The website of "" was a Multilanguage platform of e-business. All the buyers and sellers here could
use their native language, such as Chinese, Russian or English, to post information on the platform; then the
information was translated to the other language according to some presetting rules.

1.Initiating Process approx. 120 hours

According to the company's strategies and the F. S., the CEO signed the contract to develop the website for
the American federal government and assign me as the PM of the project. Then I established the project charter;
and the project charter was approved by the CEO later.

2.Planning Process approx. 720 hours

Cooperating with Mr. Bush, we defined the scope of the project; based on the definite scope, we detailed the
tasks and activities; according to the project requirement, I described the project's HR plan; finally, we had set a
feasible WBS. We had adjusted the WBS, cost, quality plan and risk plan many times during this phase. At last,
the CEO and the USA's Congress approved the WBS and all the relevant plans.
R. A. was a very important work and the major work during the phase. We had to revise our spec documents
from the version 0.1 to 6.8. Staff acquisition was another important work of this phase. I had to interview lots of
candidates to find the suitable ones. As to be well-known that 911 had given American very deeply impression,
so, each employee's background must be auditted by FBI.

3.Executing Process approx. 3240 hours

Project Plan Execution: worked with team members to ensure project plans were fluently performed.

4.Controlling Process approx. 360 hours

The customer often added their requirement, therefore, we had to verified the scope as well. As a result, I had
to apply the CEO and Mr. Bush to change the schedule and cost for about 4 times. The control of schedule, cost,
quality and risk were the same important things during this phase. Our team members had recorded almost all
the change and updated according documents. The last version of the spec documents was 15.0.

5.Closing Process approx. 80 hours

We collected the project stakeholders' comments on the project and the product to evaluate the performance
of the project team. Lessons and experience were learned. At last, Mr. Bush, delegating the USA government
and people, had formally accepted the website and confered a National Medal to me.

I declare that all the information I have provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline, including suspension
or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

Signature Date

P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k

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