Yog & Life Style: Unit - 3
Yog & Life Style: Unit - 3
Yog & Life Style: Unit - 3
Key Points :-
3.1 Asanaas preventive measures.
3.2 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for
Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh matsyendrasana.
3.3 Diabets: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for
bhujangasan, paschimottasan, Pavanmuktasana,
3.4 Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for
sukhasana, chakrasana, gomukhasana, parvatasana
Bhujangasana, paschimottasana, matsyasana.
3.5 Hypertension: Tadasana, vajrasana, pavan muktasana,
Ardhachakrasana, Bhujangasana, shavasana.
3.6 Back pain: Tadasana, Ardh matsyendrasana, vakrasana,
shalabhasana, Bhujangasana.
Sleep improves.
Immunity increases.
Pain decreases.
Depth perception
Integrated functioning
of body parents improves.
Q.2. According to Yog sutra, Asana means—
(a) Sthira Sukham Asanan (b) Asanan sukh Shira
(c) Sukhan asanam sthira (d) Sitting pose
Q.3. The word ‘YOG’ is derived from sanskrit word
(a) Yug (b) Yud
(c) Yuj (d) Yum
Q.4. According to Asthanagyog” Asana lies in what place—
(a) Second (b) Third
(c) First (d) Fifth
Asana plays an important role to prevent the lifestyle related
diseases. They are as follows : :
high blood pressure. Yoga calm down the body and the
mind and thus blood pressure is normalised.
3.2 Obesity
Multiple Choice Questions (1 Marks)
Q.3. What is the excess percentage of the normal weight is
called obese : ___________
(a) 15% (b) 20%
(c) 25% (d) 30%
Q.4. Which of the following Asana (posture) is not used for
(a) Ardhmatssyendrasaana (b) Vajrasana
(c) Parvatasana (d) Trikonasana
Q.5. Choose the Asana which is used for obesity :
(a) Sukhasana (b) Savasana
(c) Vajrasana (d) Shalabhasana
Multiple Choice Questions (1 Marks)
Q.1. Define obesity. Explain the procedure and Benefits/
contraindications of any two asana which helps to reduce
Ans. Now a days obsesity has become a problem for the whole
world. Obesity is a condition in which the amount of fat in the
body increases to a very large extent. In other words, we can
say obesity is when a person’s weight is 20% or more than
the ideal weight. There are two main reasons for obesity the
bad habits of eating and deterioration of the digestive system.
In such a person’s life, there is no physical activity at all.
Due to many health risks of obesity it has been given the
status of diesease. Due to obesity, diseases like diabetes,
high blood pressure, cancer, arthritis, etc. are caused. There
are many causes of obesity such as excessive food, hard
work, thyroid, hereditary.
To remove obesity, these postures should be practice.
Vajarasana : (Thunderbolt Pose)
1. Procedure : Sit and keep both leg straight.
Fold right leg and place it under right butt.
Fold left leg and place it under left butt.
Keep your spine, neck and head straight, interlock your toes,
open your ankle and sit on it.
Knees should be touching the ground with each other.
Keep both hands on your knees and look straight.
Benefits :
This asana is for meditation.
Strengthens pelvic muscels.
It can be practiced after having food. It enhance digestion
Stablizes mind and body.
Helps in sciatica
It cures indigestion and improves metabolism.
Improves flexibility in ankles.
It gives strength to the tight muscles.
Improve blood circulation.
Contraindications :
1. Vajrasana should not be practiced by the people who have
severe arthritis of the kness.
2. Runners should avoid this if they have injury in their hamstrings
or the calves.
3. This pose may bring unwanted pressure to the intestine so
those suffering from Hernia or ulcers should avoid it.
4. This pose should not be practiced if one is suffering from
injured ligament at the ankles or knee.
2. Hastottanasana : (Urdhva Hastasana)
Procedure : Standing erect and keep the legs together.
Locks the fingers together, keeping the palms facing up.
Raise the arms straight up, keep them close to ears.
While releasing the breath bend the waist to the right, exhale
and come to the central position.
Repeat it to left side also. Be in bended position for 5 to 10
Benefits : Gives rest to whole body.
In children, helps in increasing the height.
Increase flexibility in waist.
Reduce belly fat.
Also helps in reducing constipation.
Improve pulmonary functions
Stimulates nervous system.
Contraindications :
1. One should avoid this pose if having neck pain.
2. One should avoid this pose if having shoulder pain.
3. One should avoid this pose if having spinal injury or pain.
3. Trikonasan (Triangle pose)
While inhaling stretch your right hand towards sky, arm should
touch the ear.
Bend left side slowly while exhaling, till it comes horizontal to
the earth.
Left hand should touch the ground or touch the left leg, knee
should be straight.
Inhale, come back to starting postion.
Chang hand position and repeat it from another side.
1. Trikonasana helps in digestions.
2. Therapeutics for stress, anixiety, infertility, neck pain, sciatica.
3. Heals Backache (in initial stage)
4. Help women during their menstrual cycle.
5. Improve flexibility of vest and spine.
Contraindication :
1. Avoid if having low or high blood pressure.
2. Avoid this pose if having any kind of neck injury.
3. Avoid if having back injury.
4. Avoid if an athlete having hamstring injury.
4. Ardhmatsyendrasana : (Half Lord of the fishes pose)
Procedure : Sit and keep both legs straight.
Bending the knee of right feet and put right heel below the left
hip. Bend left leg and placed the left foot to the right side of
the right knee.
Kee Left knee closed to the chest.
Exhale from the right nostril and turns towards the left, and
touches the toe of left leg from the right hand.
Body and head moves towards the left.
Repeat while changing the position of legs.
Benefits : Helps nervous system and strengthen the back
bone, strectching improves flexibility and tones of muscles.
Controls menstrual cycle in women and brings shine on face.
Also controls secretion from pancrease gland.
Reduces fat and helps in controling obesity.
This pose flexes the lower part of the body making the hip
stronger and toned.
Releases excess heat toxins from organs and tissues.
Contraindications :
1. Avoid while suffering from severe back or neck pain.
2. Avoid this pose completely, if having slip disc problem.
3. Those with internal organ issues may find this pose difficult
and painful.
4. It should be avoided while pregnancy. (Exaplaination of any
two asan)
Practice Questions :
Q.1 Write any two asana for obesity and briefly explain the
procedure and benefits of any one of them. 1+2=3
Q.2 Define obesity. Explain the procedure of any two asana which
helps ot reduce obesity. 1+2=3
Q.3 “Ardhmatsynedrasana and Vajrasan helps to reduce obesity”
Discuss in details. 2½ + 2½ = 5
Diabetes is commonly known as metabolic disorder
characterized by high blood sugar level over a prolonged
period. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing
enough insulin or the cell fo the body not responding properly
to the insulin produced,. Due to diabetes the individual has
fatigue, frequent urination, increased thirst and increased
Hunger. It may cause blurred vision. Kidney failure, cardio
vascular disease, loss of weight etc.
The main reason for diabetes in sedentary lifestyle. By doing
bhujangasan, paschimottanasana, pavanmuktasana and ardh
matsyandrasana, one can get rid of this disease.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Increased Thirst
Increased Hungers
Blurred Vision
Kidney Failure
Cardio vascular Discase
Loss of Weight
Frequent Urination
Causes of Diabetes
Sedehtary life stgle
Over weight
Stress & Tension
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the level of sugar
in the blood rises from its normal reference value.
Types of Diabetes :
(a) Type I Diabetes : In that type of diabetes blood sugar
level rises very high due to non secrartaion of insulin
harmone by pancreas. In that of diabetes effected person
has to take artificial insulin through ingection.
(b) Type II Diabetes : In that type of diabetes blood sugar
level rises but not as such as high in type I diabetes. In
that type of diabetes our pancreas secreating the insulin
harmone but it may be unsufficient to control the blood
sugar level normal or body cell are not able to respond
insulin properly.
Objectives/Multiple Choice Questions (1 Marks)
Q.1. Choose the asana for diabetes :
(a) Trikonasana (b) Vajrasana
(c) Ardhmastsyendrasana (d) Shalabhasana
Q.2. If pancrease not producing enough insuline. It may lead
to : _________
(a) Migrane (b) Obesity
(c) Diabetes (d) Hypertension
Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)
Q.1. Define diabetes. Breifly explain any two asana which helps
to control diabetes. (5)
Ans. Diabetes : Diabetes is commonly known as metabolic disorder
characterized by high blood sugar level over a prolonged
period. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing
enought insulin or the cell of the body not responding properly
to the insulin procuced.
Following are the asanas to control diabetes :
1. Ardhyanatsyendra Procedure : Sit and keep both legs
Bending the knee of the right feet and put right heel
below the left hip. Bend left leg and placed the left
foot to the right side of the right knee.
Keep left knee closed to the chest.
Exhale from the right nostril and turns towards left
and touch the toe of the left leg from the right hand.
Body and head moves towards the left.
Repeat while changing the position of legs.
Benefits :
Help nervous system and strengthen the back bone,
stretching improves flexibility and tones the muscles.
Controls Menstural cycle in women and brings shine
on face.
Also controls secration from pancreas gland.
Reduces fat and helps in controlling obesity.
This pose flexes the lower part of the body making
the hip stronger and toned.
2. Paschimottanasana :
Procedure : Sit down with your legs stretching staight
in front of you.
Keep your head, neck and spine erect and stretch hands
upwards with a deep breath. Now, exhale and bend your
head and trunk slowly forward to catch the toes with the
thumb. Try to touch head, chest and stomach to the
legs and elbows to the floor.
Benefits :
It Improves digestive system and much blocked gas
get released.
Improves the respiratory system.
Improve the alignment of the vertebral column.
Helps as a theray for diabetic patient, with weak lever
and kidney.
Benefits women during menstrual disorder.
Contraindications :
Avoid of having slip disc problem.
Someone who is suffering from hernia should avoid
this pose.
Pregnant women should avoid this pose.
Person having spondylitis, should avoid this pose.
3. Pavanmuktasana :
Pre Stage : Lie flat on your back and keep the legs
Method : Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend the
Bring knee upwards to the chest till your thigh touches
the stomach. Hug your knees and lock your fingers,
touch your chin to the knee while exhaling. Repeat it
with another leg.
Benefits :
Strengthen the back and abdominal muscle, leg and
Intestine get massaged, also bring fresh blood to
lower adbomen.
Helps in spondolytis.
Remove excess fat around the lower adbomen..
Release excess heat, toxins from organs and
1. Avoid while suffering from severe back or neck pain.
2. Avoid this pose completely, if having slip disc problem.
3. Those with internal organs issues may find this pose
difficult and painful.
4. It should be avoided while pregenancy.
4. Bhujangasana : (Cobra position)
Procedure : Lie down on your stomach.
Joint the legs and stretch as much as possible.
Place the palm near the chest facing the ground.
Take a deep Breath and lift your upper body upwards.
Elbow should be slightly, touch the ground, weight
should be on pelvicregion
Move your head and neck backwards as much as
possible. Exhale and slightly bring the body in starting
Benefits :
1. By doing this, digestion improve.
2. A sluggish liver is also taken care of
3. Thyroid gland improves.
4. Kidney function improves.
5. Tones the ovaries which help to remove any disorder
in connection with uterus.
6. Therapeutic benefits : Relieves back ache, neck pain,
stress, purifies blood, relieves constipations and
addresses gynecological disorder.
Contraindications :
1. Avoid if spinal problem
Contraindications :
Practice Questions :
4. Diabetes is common life style discase. How it can be prevented
through practicing of different asanas. 1×5=5
3.4 Asthma
Objective Multiple Choice Questions (1 Marks)
Q.1. A disease associated with respiratory tracts is known as
(a) Diabetes (b) Obesity
(c) Asthma (d) Back pain
Q.2. Choose the asana which helps to control Asthama :
(a) Pavanmuktasana (b) Trikonasana
(c) Hastasana (d) Chakrasana
Q.3. Coughing, heavy breating, chest tightness are the
sysptoms of:
(a) Asthma (b) Diabetes
(c) Obesity (d) Back pain
Long Answer Type Question (5 Marks)
Q.1. Enlist the asanas which are used to control Asthma.
Explain any two asana in detail. 1+2+2=5
Ans. List of asana which helps to control asthma :
1. Sukhasana
2. Chakrasana
3. Parvatasana
4. Paschimotanasan
5. Gomukhasana
6. Bhujangasana
1. Gomukhasana : This asana gets its name because while
doing this asana body resembles a cow face pose. In English
it is called the cow face pose.
Procedure :
Sit in sukhasana or dandasana pose.
Place the ankle of left leg near right but under the anus.
Place the right leg over the left leg so that knees should place
over left knee.
Sweep your left hand behind your back, facing plams upwards.
Sweep your right hand over the right shoulder, bend your
elbow and place it behind your back.
Now inter lock fingers of both hands behind your back.
Now stretch both hands in their respective directions. Look
Repeat with changing leg postion.
Benefits : Helps in curing Asthma, reduce weight makes body
flexible and attractive.
It helps to make spine strong and erect.
Helps to make abdominal organ function well.
Helps to reduce obesity.
Diaphram improves and keep away from all kinds of
Upper body becomes flexible and strong.
It helps to circulate blood to the entire body.
Contraindications :
Person having stiff shoulder should avoid this.
Any kind of hip problem or knee, hamstring and quadricep
should be avoided.
If one has to sciatica problem, one should avoid this pose.
Avoid if any neck or shoulder injury.
Aovid to perform or practice during pregnancy.
2. Parvatasana : While performing this asana body resembles
like a mountain that’s why its named as parvatasana. It is a
very easy asana.
Procedure : Sit in padmasana pose on ground.
Raise both hands by side ward while inhaling and joint together
upward above the head.
Exhale and come at intial position.
It help to spinal problem.
Strengthness the muscles of arms.
If increase the blood flow to the brain.
Contrain dications :
It should not be practicised if one has wrist, hip or ankle
It should not be practice while spinal injury.
3. Matsyasana : If this asana is performed in water body can
float easily thats why it is called matsyasan.
Procedure : Sit in padmasana pose.
Take support of your elbow and lie on your back bend your
neck with support of your hands, and try to touch your fore
head to the ground.
Hold toes of the feet firmly with both hands and touch the
ground with the elbows.
Stretch the stomach as up as possible.
Benefit : This asana is very useful for asthma patients provide
relief from indigestion and other disgestive problems, keep
the blood clean. Helps is curing diabetes. Helps in cough and
respiratory problems, makes body and face attractive.
Contraindication of Matsyasana :
1. Avoid this posture if any kind of neck injury.
2. Any kind of blood pressure.
3. If having migrane.
4. If having spondylists, neck or back pain.
5. If pregnancy is there.
4. Sukhasana :
Pre Stage : Keep both feet in front and sit straight.
Keep the left foot folded under the right leg’s thigh.
Fold right and placed it under the Left thigh.
Keep head, neck and waist straight. Keep both hands in the
meditation (palms stacked up in lap) posture.
You can use it for longer periods of meditation.
One Can change feet for sitting.
1. Avoid if arthritis
2. Avoid if backache.
3. Avoid if spinal disc problem.
4. Do not practice if migrane or Anxiety occures.
5. Do not practice if week digestive system.
5. Chakrasana :
1. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are on the
2. Your hands must be placed behind your shoulders and
fingers pointed towardds your shoulders.
3. Then, press your feet and plams, and lift your entire body
off the mat.
4. Hands and feets are half feet apart. Head hang gently
between hands.
5. Make the body stretch towards the top so that it becomes
circle shape.
Benefits: It affects the whole body, which gives flexibility in
muscles and bones & increases blood circulation, Relieve
waist pain. Increases the supply of oxygen in the lungs. The
overall functioning of the body increases.
Contraindication :
1. Avoid to practice if any back injury.
2. Someone having heart problem should not do this pose.
3. If having high/ low blood pressure, do not try this
4. Someone undergone with cataract surgery, avoid this
5. Do not practice if any cervical injury.
Practice Questions :
1. Define Asthama. Write the procedure and benefits of
Chakrasana which helps in curring Asthma. 1+2=3
2. Enlist two asana for Asthma. Write the procedure and
contraindication of any one of them. 1+2=3
3. Gomukhasana and Sukhasana play an importan role to
cure the one of life style disease “Asthma”. Discuss in
detail. 1½ + 1½ = 3
4. Elaborate the importance of Paschimotanasan and
matsyasana to cure Asthma. 2½ + 2½ = 5
High blood pressure. A condition in which the strength of blood
against the walls of the artery is very high. Reasons for high
blood pressure increased with age, Genetic, obesity, lack of
physical activity, smoking, alcohol, more intake of salt in food,
tension or mental stress, diabetes, pregnant women are more
prone to high B.P. All these factors can lead to high blood
The main function of the heart is to supply pure blood to the
various parts of the body through different arteries when the
heart contract it pushes the blood through blood vessels and
consequently the blood pressure increase in arteries this
pressure is known as systolic blood pressure it is represented
by the first number the pressure between two heartbeats is
called diastolic blood pressure it is represented by bottom or
second number these two number of blood pressure are
measured in mm/Hg. Unit means millimeter of mercury. The
normal blood pressure of an adult is considered 120/80mm/
Hg. The person whose blood pressure readings are beyond
140/90 mm/Hg are said to be having hypertension.
High blood pressure can be controlled by doing the following
yoga asanas Tadasana, vajrasana, pavanmuktasana, ardha
chakrasana, bhujangasana, shavasana.
Vajrasana Pavanmuktasana
Ardhachakrasana Bhujangasana
Ans. Asana plays an important role to prevent the various life style
disease. Following are the role of ardhchakrasan and Shavasana:
1. Ardh Chakarasana :
Keep your ams at your side and your palms facing up.
Benefits : Releax whole body.
Practice Questions.
The main reasons for this are long sittings, the habit of modern
equipment, being more fashionable, lack of knowledge
regarding right way of exercising, weight lifting, wrong way of
sleeping, due to an accident problem can arises.
Back pain can be prevented by doing asanas as— Tadasana,
vakrasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana and ardh
Shalabhasana Bhujangasan
Objectives/ Multiple Choice Questions (3 Marks)
Q.1. Stretching of spinal muscles associated with—
(a) Obesity (b) Diabetes
(c) Back pain (d) Hypertension
Q.2. Simple spine twist is known as
(a) Salabhasana (b) Bhujangasana
(c) Vakrasana (d) Tadasana
Q.3. Which asana is used for back pain
(a) Trikonasana (b) Paschimotasana
(c) Chakrasana (d) Shalabasana
Q.4. Which asana is not used for “Back pain”.
(a) Pavanmuktasana (b) Vakrasana
(c) Bhujangasana (d) Ardhmatsyendasana
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks)
Q.1. “Vakrasana and Shalabhasana helps in reducing pain”.
Ans. Vakrasana is dong while sitting: In this asana back bone
is twiseted, that’s why it named as vakrasana. This asana
increases the flexibility, activeness to back bone
Keep both feet in front and sit straight.
Sit down stretching your legs forward on the ground.
Bend your left leg and place it around the right knee.
Keep spine straight, while exhaling bend towards left.
Now place the rightarm by the outer side of left knee and
pull the left knee towards the body.
Pull the knee so that it presures on the stomach.
While exhaling, return to the initial position.
Repeat it from the other side its one complete cycle do it 3
to 5 times.
Benefits : It brings flexibility in back bone and make it healthy.
Relieves stiffness from the back. Help in relieving back pain.
Shalabhasana : Shalabh means Locust in Sankrit in the end
stage of the asana body shapes like a locust that’s why it is
named as Locust.
Pre Stage : Lie down on your stomach.
Method :
Lie on your stomach.
Place your plams under you things keep ankles close to
one another.
Breath in and lift your legs upwards, while doing so your
chin should rest on the ground.
Hold this position for some time after that exhale and take
down your legs in inital postion.
Repeat this for 3 to 5 times.
Benefits :
This asana is very helpful in back pain. Increase flexibility
reducing fat, helps in curing sciatica.
Long Answer type Questions (5 Mark each)
Q.1. Back pain is very comon life style disease now a days.
Which asana you will suggest to reduce “Back pain”.
Ans. Back pain is a widespread problem. People around the world
are suffering from various roblems due to changing habital
and changing lifestyle. Back pain is one of them. About 95%
of the people who sit in one place and 60% of the rest of the
people are upset with back ache. And number of women are
more in them.
The main reasons for this in long sittings, the habit of modern
equipment, being more fashionable, lack of knowledge of the
right way of exercising, weight lifting, wrong way of sleeping,
due to an accident and mental stress backache problem can
arises. A person suffering from this problem can not do any
work correctly. This is not a very serious problem but it is a
very painful problem.
Back pain can be prevented by doing yoga. If someone is
suffering from back pain, even after doing yoga, there will be
enough relief in back pain.
Tadasana, vakrasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana & ardh
matsyendrasana can be done in back pain.
Vakrasana : This asana is best for Back bone. It helps in
making the spinal cord flexible and healthy.
Tadasana : This posture is very beneficial for back pain. If it
is practiced in the right way, than back pain can be relieved
completely in it, you drag yourself towards the top and feel
the strain where there is pain.
Shalabhasana : Shalbhasana strengthens the waist and
back. It enhances the flexibility of the back. Thereby reducing
the back pain.
Bhujangasana : Bhujansana is also called cobra pose.
Because in this, the next part of the body is raised like a
cobra. Doing this asana gives relief in back pain. If it is
practiced continuously then back pain can be relieved
Ardh Matsyendrasana : This Asana named after yogi
matsyendra nath. It helps in strengthening the back bone
muscles and make them flexible. This posture is very beneficial
for back pain.
Practice Questions.
Q.1. Explain the procedure of Shalabhasana and
Ardhmatsyendrasana. 1½ + 1½ = 3
Q.2. Explain any three asanas which is used to reduce the
back-pain. 1×3=3
Q.3. “Back pain can be reduced by practicing Asanas
regularly”. Justify. 1×3=3
Mislianeous Practice Questions :
Q.1. Match the following asana with life style disease.
1. Diabets (a) Chakrasana
2. Obesity (b) Ardhmatsyendrasana
3. Asthma (c) Shavasana
4. Hypertension (d) Hastasana
Q.2. Match the following disease with related cause.
1. Diabets (a) Accumulation of fat
2. Hypertension (b) Insuline
3. Asthma (c) Blood pressure
4. Obesity (d) Respiratory tracts
Q.3. Pick the correct one life style disease :
(a) Tuberclosis (b) Cancer
(c) Back pain (d) HIV