Statistical Treatment of Data

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Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistics is a type of analysis wherein involves using different types of statistical tool to

analyze and understand the outcome of the data that is presented in a certain study. The

researchers will choose the statistical tool below as it was seen fit to use.

1. Frequencies and Percentage. This is used to determine the profile of the respondents

and their nursing leadership competency. The formula is:

%= ×100

Where in:

%= Percentage

f= Frequency

N= total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. This will be utilize to determine the level of nursing leadership

competency perceived by the student nurses in Isabela State University. The formula in

getting the weighted mean is:

∑ fx

Where in:

fx = weighted frequency of response obtained by multiplying x or weight for each item in

the choices

∑ fx =summation of the obtained fx on each item

N = number of the respondents

3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This will exploit the differentiation of the respondents’

level of leadership competency based on their year and section. The formula is:
Where in:

μA = sample mean of A group

μB = sample mean of B group

ΣA = total sample mean of A group

ΣB = total sample mean of B group

ηA= total number of respondent in A group

ηB= total number of respondent in B group

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