Science: Quarter 3 - Module 1: Effects of Force On Objects

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Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Effects of Force on Objects

Science – Grade 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Effects of Force on Objects
First Edition, 2020

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Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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Author: Rechilda B. Torrero

Editors: Noel V. Ibis
Christian M. Espiritu
Reviewer: Chozara P. Duroy
Illustrator: Kristal Grace C. Ilao
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Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Effects of Force on Objects
What I Need to Know

Force is important in our daily life. We use it in all of our

activities like walking on the road, lifting objects, throwing a ball,
or moving objects to a particular direction. We use force in order
for us to live and we apply it to different objects around us.

In this module, you will learn more about force and will know
what happens to objects as force is applied to them. For you to
learn these concepts, you will be performing exercises and
activities which will enable you to explain the effects of force when
applied to objects.

The lesson focuses on:

Lesson 1 – Explain the Effects of Force when applied to an Object
(S4FE-III a-1)

After going through this lesson, you are expected to be able

1. determine the changes that happen to objects when force is
applied to them; and
2. explain the effects of force on the shape, size and movement
of objects.

1 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What I Know

A. Directions. Examine the table below. The first column shows

activities wherein force is applied to different objects. Copy the
table in your Science notebook. Then you will determine what
changes or what happens to the object as shown by the activity.
Put a check mark ( ) in the appropriate column that best shows
your answer.

What change/s happen/s to the

Activity object?

Size Shape Movement

1. cutting a piece of paper

2. molding clay

3. throwing a ball

4. blocking a moving toy car

5. folding a table napkin

6. tearing a biscuit wrapper

7. chopping firewood

8. slicing bananas

9. rolling a marble on the floor

10. squeezing a lemon

2 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
B. Directions: Read and understand each statement. Write True
if it is correct and False if it is not. Write your answer in your
Science notebook.
1. Force is a push or a pull.
2. Without force, a moving object will stop.
3. Without force, an object at rest will not move.
4. A force can change the size and shape of an object.
5. Force can cause an object to move, stop, or to change direction.

Now, pause for a while and see if you got the correct
answers found at the last page of this module. If you got 13
to 15 correct answers, congratulations, you are already on
the right track. If not, it’s okay, the next activities will help
you learn more about the lesson.

Effects of Force when
1 Applied to an Object
People and other living things cannot live without force. Force
allows us to move our bodies and do our daily activities. We also
apply force when we use different objects around us. A force acting
on an object causes it to change in different ways. Do you want to
know the changes that happen to objects when force is applied to
In this module, you will be familiarized with and be able to
explain the changes that happen to different objects due to the
application of force.

3 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What’s In

A. Directions: Identify the type of interaction among living

organisms described in each statement. Choose your answer from
the words in the box below. Write your answers in your notebook.

competition mutualism commensalism

predation parasitism

1. It exists when two different organisms benefit from one

2. It is a relationship wherein one organism thrives at the cost
of the host.
3. It happens when two organisms fight for limited food
resources for survival.
4. It is a relationship wherein an organism survives by killing
and eating another organism.
5. It happens when an organism benefits from the other without
harming the other organism.

B. Directions: Describe the effects of the interaction among

organisms in their environment. In your notebook copy and
complete the table below.

Organisms Effects of interaction to the

1. bees and flowers
2. bird and tree
3. aphids and string
4. snake and rats
5. water plant and fish

Very good! Now, be ready for more activities. Have fun!

4 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What’s New

Note to Parent/Learning Facilitator: Guide your children in

doing this activity. Remind them of the precautionary measures.
Tell them to be more careful in handling the materials while
performing the activity.

For the Learner:

Directions: Perform the activities below and answer the guide
questions. Write your answers in your Science notebook.

Activity 1. Oops, I Did It Again!

Problem: What is the effect of force on the size and shape of an
What you need: rubber ball, can, eggshell, stone, candy wrapper,
box, rubber band, chair, bottle cap, paper, hair, biscuit, folder,
Directions: Prepare the materials. What actions can you do on the
objects in order to change their shape, size, or both? Copy and fill
out the table below in your Science notebook. The first object was
done for you.

What What happened to the

action have object?
I done to Changed in Changed in
the object? size? shape?

rubber ball squeezed ✔ ✔

egg shell

5 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
candy wrapper
rubber band
bottle cap

Guide Questions:
1. What do you think helped you made changes on the different
2. What happened to the shape of some objects when force was
applied to them?
3. What happened to the size of some objects when force was
applied to them?
4. Is it possible that an object’s shape and size will be affected by
the application of the force at the same time? Cite an example.
5. Aside from humans, are there other things that could apply force
on an object? Give some examples.
6. How will you describe the effect of force on objects based on the

6 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
Activity 2. Look What You Made Me Do!
Problem: What is the effect of force on the movement of an object?
What you need: rubber ball, table or any flat surface
What to do: Demonstrate the following situations using the rubber
ball on a table or any flat surface.
a. From at rest, make the object move.
b. Make the moving object move faster.
c. Make the moving object move slower.
d. Make the moving object change its
e. Make the moving object stop.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you apply on the object in all situations?
2. Without force, will the object at rest move?
3. Without force, will the object in motion stop?
4. Without force, will the moving object change direction?
5. What did you do to make the object move faster? slower?
6. How does force affect the motion or movement of the object?

You’re done with the activities about the effects
of force.

7 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What is It

Points to Remember:
● A force is a push or pull, which occurs when two or more
objects interact with each other.
● A force has amount and direction.
● Effects of Force on Objects
The shape of an object may change when force is applied on
it. Kneading a dough, pounding pepper, compressing cotton,
bending wire, twisting rope, stretching rubber band, or squeezing
rubber ball are some ways of changing the shape of an object.
Also, when force is applied to an object, the object’s size may
change. Some situations where force is applied and changed the
size of objects are the following: dropping a glass, pounding garlic,
cutting a paper, sharpening a pencil, and grinding papaya.
The force applied on an object also affects its movement.
Force can change the state of rest or motion of an object. An
example is when your hand pushes a marble gently on top of a
table. The ball then sets into motion. Now, if you keep your hand
on the opposite side of the moving ball, the moving ball comes into
a state of rest.
Force can change the direction of movement of an object. An
example is when a football player applies force by kicking the ball
in different directions.
Force can change how fast or slow the movement of an object
is. The ball travels farther when the force applied to it is stronger
and the ball travels nearer when lesser force is applied to it.

Now, I am glad you knew already that when a force is

applied to an object, the object may change its size, shape,
or movement.
8 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What’s More

Activity 1: What’s the action?

Directions: Choose the word from the box that describes the
action shown in these pictures. Write your answers in your

cutting pulling pushing twisting pounding

1. 2.

3. 4.


9 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
Activity 2: Push or Pull?

Directions: Determine whether the actions involve pushing,

pulling or a combination of both by putting a check mark ( ) on
the proper column of the table below. Copy the table and write the
answers in your notebook.

Both pushing
Actions Pushing Pulling
and pulling

1. bending

2. lifting

3. crumpling

4. tearing

5. throwing

Activity 3: Changes in Size and Shape

Directions: Explain the changes that will happen to the size or

shape of the given objects if force will be applied. Write your
answers in your notebook.
1. sharpening a pencil
2. dropping a flower vase
3. pounding a Styrofoam cup
4. cutting a piece of cardboard
5. a bar soap dropped on the floor

10 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
Activity 4: True or False
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is not, and then change the part of the sentence that makes it
incorrect. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. Without force, an object at rest will move.

2. Without force, a moving object will not stop.

3. Force can cause an object to be in continuous motion only.

4. The stronger the force applied, the farther the distance of

the toy car travelled.

5. The amount of force does not affect how fast or slow the
motion of the object is.

It seems like it’s easier for you now. If not, it’s okay.
Review again your answers, stay positive and keep trying.

11 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the statement using the pictures below as

clues. Write your answers in your notebook.
I have learned that force is a ___________ or a __________.
Applying force can change the object’s ___________, ___________,
and ___________.

Very good! Now, it’s time to apply what you have learned.

12 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
What I Can Do

Directions: Explain the effect on the objects when you apply force
on them as shown in the given pictures. Write your answers in
your notebook.
What do you think a force can do to the
object shown?
1. I think the force . . .

2. I think the force . . .

3. I think the force . . .

4. I think the force . . .

5. I think the force . . .

Wow! You did it! It is time to have a test of what you

have learned from this lesson. Ready? Best of luck!

13 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1

Directions: Write the letter of the best answer. Write your answers
in your notebook.

1. It is a push or pull.
a. force
b. gravity
c. mass
d. speed

2. What is the effect of force when you slice a cake?

a. Force changes the taste of the cake.
b. Force changes the color of the cake.
c. Force changes the shape of the cake.
d. Force changes the shape and size of the cake.

3. What changes when you stretch a rubber band?

a. chemical property
b. color
c. size
d. movement

4. The picture shows that two players are pulling a rope with the
same amount of force. What will likely happen?
a. Both will fall.
b. The girl will win.
c. The boy will win.
d. They will not move at all.

14 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
5. Which of the following is TRUE about force?
a. Force can change the shape or size of an object.
b. Force can only change the direction of an object.
c. Force cannot change the speed of a moving object.
d. Force can change the chemical properties of objects.

6. Which statement is NOT true about force?

a. Slicing a banana changes its shape and size.
b. A rolling ball on a surface will continue moving unless a force
is applied on it.
c. A ball moving on top of the table stops when you apply force
opposite to the direction of its motion.
d. In order to slow down or stop a heavy object, the force applied
must be lesser than the mass of that given object.

7. It is an act of applying force to move something towards you.

a. a pull
b. a push
c. a push and a pull
d. none of the above

8. What do you think will happen to the speed of the object when
the force is applied in the opposite direction to the direction of
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. none of the above

9. If you are to push a cart, a big box, and a bicycle to a certain

distance from the starting line, which do you think will require
greater force?
a. bicycle
b. big box
c. cart
d. all of them

15 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
10. The greater the mass of an object, the greater is the force
needed to __________ the object.
a. move
c. stop
d.all of them

11. Suppose you push a door and your friend on the other side of
the same door is also pushing it. How will you describe the force
and the effect of your actions to the door?
a. The door pushes you and your friend.
b. The door pushes your friend away from you.
c. The force is unbalanced and the door may break.
d. The force is balanced and the door does not move.

12. Which among the following objects will require a greater force
to move?
a. refrigerator
b. television
c. study table
d. monoblock chair

13. A marble that is standing still will move when ________________.

a. touched by a person
b. there is a strong wind
c. bumped by a small slow moving marble
d. more or stronger force is applied on the marble

14. Why do you need to use force in moving a ball up a ramp?

a. to add force to the ball
b. to let the ball roll on the ramp
c. to allow the ball to stay on the ramp
d. to move the ball away from the ramp

16 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
15. If an object is in motion and more force is applied to it, the
object will begin moving _______________.
a. slower
b. at a constant speed
c. faster
d. at a lesser speed

Additional Activities

Directions: In your notebook write 2-3 sentences citing the

importance of the effects of force on the size, shape, and movement
of objects.

Congratulations! You did great! Now, you may proceed

to the next module. Good luck, keep learning and have fun!

17 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
CO_Q3_Science4_Module1 18
What I Know
What change/s happen to the object?
size shape movement
1. cutting a piece of paper ✔ ✔
2.molding clay ✔ ✔
3. throwing a ball ✔
4. blocking a moving toy car ✔
5. folding a table napkin ✔ ✔
6. tearing a biscuit wrapper ✔ ✔
7. chopping firewood ✔ ✔
8. slicing bananas ✔ ✔
9. rolling a marble on the ✔
10. squeezing a lemon ✔ ✔
B. 1. True 4. True
2. False 5. True
3. True
What’s In
A. 1. mutualism 4. predation
2. parasitism 5. commensalism
3. competition
Organisms Effects of interaction to the environment
1. bees and flowers -bees will feed on the nectars and help in pollination
2. bird and tree -bird nests on the tree, eats the fruits and help
propagate seeds
3. aphids and string -aphids affect the growth of the string beans
4. snake and rats -snake eats the rats and the rats’ population will
5. water plant and -water plant gives off oxygen to the fish while the fish
fish gives off carbon dioxide needed by the water plant
Answer Key
CO_Q3_Science4_Module1 19
What’s New
Activity 1: Oops I did it Again!
What happened to the
What action has been object?
done? Changed in Changed in
size? shape?
rubber ball squeezed ✔ ✔
can squeezed ✔ ✔
eggshell crushed/pounded/
✔ ✔
stone crushed/pounded ✔ ✔
candy wrapper tore ✔ ✔
box cut/ folded ✔ ✔
rubber band stretched ✔ ✔
chair broke/cut ✔ ✔
bottle cap flatten/ cut ✔ ✔
paper cut/folded/tore/
✔ ✔
hair cut ✔ ✔
biscuit broke/ crushed ✔ ✔
folder folded/cut/tore ✔ ✔
wire bent/cut ✔ ✔
Answers to Guide Questions:
1. force
2. changed
3. The size changed.
4. Yes/ examples are pounding, breaking, or cutting objects
5. Yes/ things like tools and machines, animals, and other natural forces like
wind and water
6. Force can change the size and shape of an object.
Activity 2: Look What You Made Me Do!
Answers to Guide Questions:
1. force
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. Applying greater amount of force/ lesser amount of force
6. Force can change the movement of the object. It can make things move or stop
moving. It changes the direction of a moving object. It also makes the movement
faster or slower.
CO_Q3_Science4_Module1 20
What’s More
Activity 1- What’s the action?
1. cutting 4. pulling
2. pounding 5. twisting
3. pushing
Activity 2- Push or Pull?
Both pushing
Actions Pushing Pulling
and pulling
1. bending ✔
2. lifting ✔
3. crumpling ✔
4. tearing ✔
5. throwing ✔
Activity 3- Changes in Size and Shape
1. Pencil changes in size and shape.
2. The vase will be broken down into smaller pieces,
changing its size and shape.
3. The Styrofoam cup changes in size and shape.
4. The cardboard changes its size and shape.
5. The bar soap will be broken or might be deformed, changing its size and
Activity 4- True or False
Without force, an object at rest will not move.
Force can cause an object to be in continuous motion. (remove “only”)
The amount of force affects how fast or slow the motion of the object is.
What I Have Learned \
I have learned that force is a push or a pull. Applying force can change the
object’s size, shape, and movement.
What I Can Do
1. Force changes the movement of the push cart.
2. Force changes the size and shape of the cloth.
3. Force changes the size and shape of the mango.
4. Force changes the movement of the soccer ball.
5. Force changes the movement of the toy car.
CO_Q3_Science4_Module1 21
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. d
7. a
8. b
9. b
10. d
11. a
12. a
13. d
14. b
15. c
Additional Activities
Possible Answers:
Importance of changing size, shape, or movement of objects:
 It is used in preparing ingredients for cooking food.
 Changing the size and shape of hardware materials is important in
construction of buildings.
 Changing the movement of objects can help in driving vehicles.

Abutay, L., Bonao, D., Crucis, E., Eslabra, J., Gramaje, E., Guadamor, M.,
Hernandez, A., Ilagan, L., Llamera, F., Manawatao, R., Panganiban, H.,
Rojo, J., Tosco, R. R., & Zape, J. (2015). Science grade 4: Learner’s
material (1st ed) (pp. 171-175). Department of Education.

Abutay, L., Bonao, D., Crucis, E., Eslabra J., Gramaje, E., Guadamor, M.,
Hernandez, A., Ilagan, L., Llamera, F., Manawatao, R., Panganiban, H.,
Rojo, J., Tosco, R. R., & Zape, J. (2015). Science grade 4. Teacher’s guide
(1st ed) (pp. 215-219). Department of Education.

22 CO_Q3_Science4_Module1
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