Operations & Training Risk Management Plan: Objective
Operations & Training Risk Management Plan: Objective
Operations & Training Risk Management Plan: Objective
The objective of this document is to clearly make available risk mitigation plan for office green
which is to help them determine risk associated with decision making to void the likelihood of it
occurrence in the future.
Executive Summary
In normal circumstances, one will expect to launch the Office Green services within six months.
This includes the launch of a new website and delivery plants to their esteemed customers.
Attached below are the risk identified in this project, and the proposed mitigation plan to ensure
the risk are addressed. Below is the key point for assessment
Each delivery truck cost $16,000 more than initially quoted. Your estimates a 50%
chance this will risk occur. If it does, office green would pay $32,000 more than
anticipated for the delivery of two delivery trucks.
A vendor charges higher rate than expected. Now you determine a 20% - 25% chance
this risk will occur. The budget Impact would be approximately $17, 000, etc.
Each delivery trucks will H Avoid: this risk should be avoided by sourcing
cost $16,000 more than the delivery trucks from a different supplier.
the initial proposed
A vendor having to lose M Control: Engage with a supplier for the loss of
shipment of a product shipment, and seek alternative shipment from
another supplier for provision of temporary
application, or ship another one to meet the
production on-going currently.
Your Training Manager gets L Avoid: This risk should be avoided by ensuring,
sick and misses a week of to ensure that training of employee goes
smoothly. To mitigate this risk, an assistant
manager or a second in command to the manager
must be aware of all activities so as to step in for
the training manager in case this risk occur.
You cannot hire enough M Likelihood: you have to ensure the number of
employees in time to train employees to do the job has been employed
them before launch before the training is scheduled to hold..
Probability chart:
Qualitative Quantitative (if measurable)
Low Very low chance of risk occurring. Less than <10% chance of risk occurring.
Impact chart:
Types of
Impact Low Medium High
Low financial impact, Medium financial impact, High financial impact,
costing the company $0- costing the company costing the company
Financial $14,000 $15,000-$29,000 $30,000 or more
Medium impact to project
Low impact to project operations, High impact to project
operations, causing with potential to delay operations,
delays of a few days to a project by a month or with potential to cause
Operational few weeks more project failure
Low impact to employee Medium impact to High impact to employee
attrition, with 5%+ of employee attrition, with attrition, with 50%+
employees quitting 25%+ of employees employees quitting
People quitting
Inherent Risk
Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Probability Medium Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium