RM Vargas
RM Vargas
RM Vargas
The purpose of a risk management plan is to help you identify, evaluate and plan for possible
risks that may arise within the project management process.
Executive Summary
Plant Pal project is working on the launch of its operations. The milestones of the project launch
are obtaining delivery trucks and training personnel on their main duties. Potential risks include
going over the project budget and falling behind the training schedule.
Probability chart:
Qualitative Quantitative (if measurable)
Low Very low chance of risk occurring. Less than <10% chance of risk occurring.
Medium Medium chance of risk occurring. 10%-49% chance of risk occurring.
Impact chart:
Types of
Impact Low Medium High
Low financial impact, Medium financial impact, High financial impact,
costing the company $0- costing the company costing the company
Financial $14,000 $15,000-$29,000 $30,000 or more
Medium impact to project
Low impact to project operations, High impact to project
operations, causing with potential to delay operations,
delays of a few days to a project by a month or with potential to cause
Operational few weeks more project failure
Low impact to employee Medium impact to High impact to employee
attrition, with 5%+ of employee attrition, with attrition, with 50%+
employees quitting 25%+ of employees employees quitting
People quitting
Inherent Risk
Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Probability Medium Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium
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