Activity Template - Risk Management Plan

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Operations & Training Risk Management Plan

Author: Project Manager Created: Sep 29

Status: Draft Updated: Sep 29

The objective of this document is to put into perspective the possible risks concerning the
operations and the employee training, specifically going over the operation budget and missing
the set training schedule.

Executive Summary
Estimating Budget and Scheduling Risks, by preparing for changes in prices for vendors
fulfillment and delivery trucks, as well as being prepared for cases in which the Vendor may lose
the shipment itself. Furthermore, making sure that we are prepared in the case that the training
manager gets sick, we cannot find enough employees to be trained before the launch date and
making sure that we are prepared in case that 50% of the employees quit due to a hard training

RISK TYPE ONE: Going over the project budget

Scenario Risk to Mitigation Plan


Each Delivery Truck Costs H Avoid - Find a more reliable truck vendor.
16k More

Vendor Costs Change M Reduce/Control - Try to get a new contract with

the vendor in which a fixed price is stated/Look
for alternatives in the meanwhile.
Vendor Loses Shipment L Accept - The chance of it happening is very low,
and is probably the same with other vendors.

RISK TYPE TWO: Falling behind the training schedule

Scenario Risk to Mitigation Plan


Training Manager Gets L Accept - The risk and impact are both low, thus
Sick we can accept this as a normal day-to-day

Cannot Hire Enough M Reduce/Control - Improve the hiring process,

Employees For Training and start it earlier/prolong it.

50% of Employees Quit M Reduce/Control - Although the chances of this

Due to Difficult Training happening are very low, we could screen our
employees better before training, to make sure
we only put those capable of finishing into the
actual training program.

Probability chart:

Qualitative Quantitative (if measurable)

Less than <10% chance of risk

Low Very low chance of risk occurring.

Medium Medium chance of risk occurring. 10%-49% chance of risk occurring.

High High chance of risk occurring. 50%-100% chance of risk occurring.

Impact chart:

Types of
Impact Low Medium High
Low financial impact, Medium financial impact, High financial impact,
costing the company costing the company costing the company
Financial $0-$14,000 $15,000-$29,000 $30,000 or more
Medium impact to project
Low impact to project operations, High impact to project
operations, causing with potential to delay operations,
delays of a few days to a project by a month or with potential to cause
Operational few weeks more project failure
Low impact to employee Medium impact to High impact to employee
attrition, with 5%+ of employee attrition, with attrition, with 50%+
employees quitting 25%+ of employees employees quitting
People quitting

Probability and Impact Matrix:

Inherent Risk
Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Probability Medium Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium

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