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Date Generic Brand Classification Indication Mechanism of Dosage Adverse Nursing

Name Name Action and Reaction Considerations
Albuterol Combivent Bronchodilato For the Combivent 1 nebule CNS: Assessment and
and rs management inhalation solution q20 mins. lightheadedn Drug Effects:
ipratropium of is a combination of X 3 doses ess, 1.Monitor
inhaler bronchocpas the anticholinergic then q6 drowsiness, respiratory status;
m in patients bronchodilator, hours. insomnia, Auscultate lungs
suffering ipratropium dizziness, before and after
from chronic bromide and beta2- vertigo, CNS inhalation.
obstructive adrenergic stimulation 2.Report treatment
pulmonary bronchodilator, failure
disease salbutamol sulfate, (exacerbation of
(COPD) who Ipratropium CV: respiratory
requires bromide is a Hypertension, symptoms) to
regular quaternary arrhythmia, physician
treatment ammonium hypotension,
with both derivative of tachycardia, Patient and Family
ipratropium atropine and in an angina Education:
and anticholinergic drug 1.Do not allow the
salbutamol. which has EENT: solution to enter
bronchodilator Sinusitis, eyes
properties. blurred vision, 2.Consult a doctor
Salbutamol dry mouth, immediately in
produces paradoxical event of acute,
bronchodilation bronchospas rapidly worsening
through stimulation m, bronchitis dyspnea. In
of beta2-adrenergic addition, the
receptors in GIT: patient should be
bronchial smooth abdominal warned to seek
muscle fibers. This pain, medical advice
action is manifested dyspepsia, should a reduced
by an increased in gastrointestin response become
pulmonary function al distress, apparent.
as demonstrated by vomiting, 3.The concomitant
spirometric diarrhea, use of Combivent
measurements. constipation with other
GUT: dysuria, agents is not
urinary recommended since
retention, such combined use
urinary may lead to
difficulty deleterious
MS: fatigue effects.
4.Eye pain or
discomfort, blurred
vision,visual halos
or colored images.

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