A Game For 2-5 Deadbeats and A GM: Nikola Šubić

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Nikola Šubić
There are some bad words in
this game. Underline them all
and win a prize!

This manual will asume you already played a

tabletop RPG before.

This manual is intended for GMs only.

Players learn how to play by playing the game.

1d6 is used for resolution.

High number wins, low loses.

Spread your fingers and order your

players to grab one.

Little finger FOOL

Wedding finger MYSTIC

Middle finger ZEALOT

Pointer finger ORACLE

Thumb SAGE
You do you!

You are obnoxiously loud. You keep

smiling no matter what. You do stupid
shit all the time. It’s always about you
and only you.

Instrument of choice:
flute ukulele djembe
kazoo tambourine
your stupid voice

You are completely aware of all thirteen

planes of existence. We are all here
temporarily. You claim you hear voices
from beyond.

You make:
aromatherapy soy candles dreamcatchers
friendship bracelets hand knit beanies
kombucha macrame plant hangers
The truth will set you free!

You are prepared. Your time will come

soon. They didn’t believe you but they
will. They have to. You skip leg day.

Fav conspiracy theory:

flat earth area 51 moon landings
bigfoot reptilian elite
we live in a matrix
Seeing is believing!

You predict the future on tv. That’s it, that’s

you. Fuck off.

Preferred method:
tarot crystal ball tea leaves
bones palm pendulum
Knowledge is power!

You are a forever student. Your parents

are rich of course but you don’t mention
it that often. You start your sentences
with “well, actually, let me explain...”

Study fields, choose two:

anthropology psychology
archaeology astronomy
humanities law
Tell your players which character they “chose“. As you probably figured it out by now these
characters are not superheroes. Not even
Read the short description. Players can then roll a d6 heroes. Definitely not super. Not great either.
or they can choose a trait for themselves.
It’s going to be a tough job keeping these
Your character needs a name. Write it down on a people alive.
piece of paper.

Describe your character in three words or less!

Each character MUST wear at least one:

Suspenders Flip flops

Hawaiian shirt Crop top

Knee high socks Heart sunglasses

Fedora hat Pink fur coat

Swim glasses Anything with a tiger pattern

So now that we created player characters we can Don’t tell the players why are they throwing dice.
start playing. But first, let’s spice it up a bit.
Introduce an Omen anytime during the level if it fits.
Before you start a level ask all players to throw 1d6. You can also roll to see if Omens actually happen.
Look for patterns. After all, memories can play tricks, ghosts can lie,
visions can be incorrect, your luck can swindle and
sometimes you just slip and fall into a well.

All and All and

Fool effect: incredible luck Oracle effect: predict the future

All even numbers All same numbers

Mystic effect: can talk to ghosts or when Sage effect: gain insight
dead can move around freely

All odd numbers Feel free to reroll any or all dice once if you want.

Zealot effect: go berserk, strenght and

speed x3
Read this to your players. You need weapons and armor!

You all meet at Dave’s apartment every friday Unfortunately there’s not much in Dave’s
to play reverse monopoly. This friday was no apartment that you can use to defend yourselves.
different. Everyone gathered at the table, there
was pizza and beer and laughs and good times.
Use this random stuff instead:
And then the alien invasion began. Hundreds of
portals ripped holes in the sky and through those • lighter fluid • glow stick
holes alien ships appeared. • butter knife • duct tape

Destruction and death started and didn’t stop • brick • chair leg
since. You barricaded yourselves inside. When
• beer bottle • broom
you ran out of food next wednesday Dave went
outside but didn’t return. • tennis racket • pot

It’s friday again, one week after the invasion. You • hammer • screwdriver
gather at the table one more time. This time to
• bicycle helmet • scissors
play another game.
• flashlight • pillow
• fire extinguisher • pizza boxes
• empty food cans • skip rope

The world changed drastically in one week. Ghosts.

Your characters barricaded themselves in the
apartment so it’s up to them to discover this Everybody sees ghosts now. They walk around and
changes one careful step at a time. do nothing. Ghosts are transparent and they glow
slightly. If a character dies it turns into a ghost.
Then it just stares into the abyss and follows you
around. Usually you cannot communicate with a
Aliens invaded. ghost.

There is a big chance you will meet some of them.

Magical elevators.

Keep your windows closed! You start and finish all levels by exiting or entering
an elevator (except Level 0 that starts in Dave’s
Or your curtains. Something is always watching apartment). Elevator takes you to the next level.
and you will get shot by a laser beam. If a window
is opened throw a die and then start your timer. If at least one character survives the level and
enters the elevator all characters are revived
1d6 x 10 = how many seconds before something when next level is reached.
tries to shoot you.
Weird, right?
attack misses just a scratch paralyzing hit
body hit, can’t walk disintegrate limb
The apartment is boarded-up. Front door is closed but not
There are newspapers glued over locked. The room is almost empty.
the windows. The fridge guards Only one chair with one leg
the front door. Electricity is out,
your smartphones are dead and
missing. Huge red curtain covers
a huge hole in the wall. Curtain
hangs from the heavy duty steel
rod attached on the wall. If
players should decide to remove
Front door is open. There is a
the curtain feel free to attempt to
blast them with lasers. The second
room is also empty. Behind a Mars
5. 6.
ghost clown inside juggling with

Attacks! poster there is a small
his ghost clown balls. If you find hole peeking into apartment 6.
his red nose (located somewhere
random in the room) he will
follow it. Door to the second room 5. LIKE A WALL OF JELLY
is locked. That room is full of
yellow smiling face balloons. And This is a huge alien that looks like
a red one with the letters BOOM a giant slug. It blocks the front
on it. Go figure :) door of Apartment 6.

Jelly Boy
Gelatinous blob with a huge
mouth. Jelly Boy moves slowly but

1. 2.
This hallway is really, really
dark. Like there are monsters its three-forked frog like tongue
living here. It’s full of debris and is fast as fuck. If you manage
garbage. to pierce its thick skin it will
eventualy ooze out, deflate and
Loogie (x2) die.
Snake like green abomination 7. THE ELEVATOR
with no eyes or mouth. It 6. APARTMENT 6
stretches, then jumps, then sticks You descend into this room by Elevator door opens. Go in, press
to walls and victims. It doesn’t Yet another empty apartment full walking down a set of stairs. There any button and you are on your
attack until provoked or out of garbage. There is a mysterious is an elevator here. Two dead way to the next level.
of curiosity. Sticky enough to cube in the other room. Three plants on each side. There are
stop you from moving or maybe small lights glow on one of its two buttons, one with the arrow Congratulations!
strangle you if you’re not careful. surfaces. There is a button on the pointing down and the second
other side. When activated it acts one pointing up. It doesn’t matter
Clown corpse can be found at like a wireless battery. The small which one the players press. They
the end of the hall. There is a key unplugged tv in the corner of the hear a loud rumble and then a
around his neck. Key opens the room starts working when you happy ching!
balloon room. turn on the cube.

Long live the FKR!

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