Personal Development M5

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Module 5:
the names of the least influential person in your life. Use the second
quadrant of your paper (as illustrated on page
The module focuses on social influence that enables the learner to
compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see to present your data.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1.Perception is to interpret information as Social Influence is to
1. Explain concepts of perception and social influence and
relate it to real life; 2.Social Influence is to as Social Facilitation is to work in groups.
2. Examine the relevance of self-perception and others’
perception for one’s 3. Perception is to think as Influence is to .
development; and
4.Social Relationship is to interact as Social Influence is to
3. Value the significance of social influence in developing one’s
5.Conformity is to gain approval as Compliance is to
Lesso 6.Compliance is to fear of punishment as Conformity is to
Social Influence .

5 7.Obedience is to accept responsibility as Conformity is to


8.Conformity is to gain approval as Obedience is to

It is necessary as a maturing adolescent, you are aware of your
strengths and weaknesses, which your thoughts, feelings, and behavior define on how you 9.Compliance is to follow explicitly as Conformity is to
deal with personal relationships. In the previous module, you were able to distinguish the .
various roles of different individuals in society. While in this module, it focuses on how social
10.Purposely is to on purpose as Purposefully is to
influences improve you as a person for social transformation in dealing with others and any

Write inside the bar graph the names of the most and least
influential individuals in your lifetime. On the longer bar, write the
names of the most influential person and on the shorter bar, write
Directions: Complete the analogy with the words from the marked

Shade all boxes that contains a statement

reflecting your behavior. Answer the Myself column

Myself Others Myself Others Myself Others

Gains Gains Accepts Accepts
Likes Likes
Approv approv responsibilit responsibilit
reward reward
al al y y
avoids avoids fears fears
follows follows
rejectio rejectio punishment punishment
order order
n n
accept accept follow follows respect respect
s s s request s s
opinio opinio reque authorit authorit
n n st y y
Conformist Compliant Obedie
based on how you perceive yourself, while in the Others
column, based on how others see you (you may ask
someone from your family which of the following  adjust  accept opinion  done on purpose
statements apply to you). Use the first quadrant of your  avoid rejection  behavior  change in behavior
 like reward  respect authority  change behavior
paper to present your bar graph.
 follow norms

After knowing the most influential or the least

PROCESS QUESTIONS: influential individuals in your life, examine how they
affect your behavior and growth. How do they influence
1.Based on the data, is there any comparison that you want to give an you as a maturing adolescent?
emphasis on?
2.How can you categorize yourself? Are you a conformist, compliant or
obedient? Explain your answer. Write constructive positive and negative comments
for improvement process about yourself that you received
from other people using the pie graph below. Use the third or disagrees with you, it influences your behavior that
quadrant of your paper to present your data. may help or hinder your social roles. Social influence also
happens when you change your behavior to adapt to
Self-Feedback Others social demands. Social influence is categorized by
Feedback conformity, compliance, and obedience.
Conformity is changing your behavior to be the
same with the others in the group (Asch 1955 in Ramirez
2020). For example, when you visit your friend’s home, to
show respect, you both ask for the grandmother’s
blessing because you were told that it is courtesy. This
situation engages you to deal with it by adapting to the
shared norms and values to gain social approval rather
Process Questions: than rejection. You were able to conform to the group
1. Why is feedback important in improving one’s strengths and
2. How do you compare your self-perception to others’
perception about you?
In the first activity, you were able to identify the influential persons
in your life. While in the second activity, you were able to reflect on
the information you received from others as well as how you think
of yourself. This psychological process is referred to as perception.
It occurs through knowing, interpreting, and learning information
that influences your behavior. The way you perceive others as well
as how others perceive you are driven by beliefs, values, and Figure1. Types of Social Influence
norms learned and shared through interactions within your family
Illustrated by: Gilbert Esguerra
members, friends, neighbors, and other individuals in the society.
These experiences help you to improve how you perceive yourself
and others in any situation. As you mature, personal and social Compliance is granting a request or demand asked
relationships broaden your perception about yourself and others. by another individual in exchange of either a reward or a
This accepting behavior of yours like appreciating and respecting punishment. For example, during examination day, you
others’ thoughts, feelings, and actions towards you is part of social are required to take the test to finish the grading period
influence as a process. and failure to do so may result in a failing grade.
Social influence is characterized by a change in Obedience means changing your behavior to follow
your behavior caused by the people that empower you to the demand given by an authority or an adult you have
adjust to a particular situation. Whether someone agrees high regards with. For instance, as a maturing adolescent,
you want to contribute to development through inviting
other friends to exercise proper waste disposal. Whether
you do it purposely as you try to give the leader your
respect or purposefully as it empowers you to participate
actively as a follower. Whatever your reason is for obeying;
it leads to social facilitation. This happens when you are
given a sense of responsibility that allows you to perform
better if you are with other individuals.
Given these three situations, you can choose to
conform, to comply, or to obey depending on how well you
perceive yourself and others; likewise, how others perceive
you. These are all important in personal development.
The change in your behavior therefore enhances
your role in becoming a follower and a leader. Both these
roles involve responsibility to serve others that can be
achieved through cooperation. Hence, a change in
mindset is being mindful and sensitive to your thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors.

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