Piezoelectric Sensors & Actuators: MECH 466 Microelectromechanical Systems

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MECH 466

Microelectromechanical Systems
University of Victoria
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Lecture 12:
Piezoelectric Sensors & Actuators

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 1


Origin of direct and inverse piezoelectricity

Crystal properties of piezoelectric materials
Governing equations of piezoelectricity
Commonly used piezoelectric materials and their properties
Examples of piezoelectric sensors and actuators making use of
cantilever beams
Examples of piezoelectric sensors and actuators making use of thin
plates and membranes

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 2

Macro-Scale Piezoelectric Applications

There are many macro-scaled applications using

piezoelectric materials. These include:
(a) The ‘quartz resonator’ for use as a timing standard
- The frequency of the oscillator is determined
by the cut and shape of the quartz crystal.
- Miniature encapsulated tuning forks which
vibrate 32,768 times per second

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 3

Macro-Scale Piezoelectric Applications

(b) Sensors [1] based on ‘quartz resonators’ to measure

physical phenomena such as: temperature, applied
force (stress) and fluid density, among others.

(c) Ultrasonic transceivers for marine sonar.

(d) Ultrasound systems for non-invasive biomedical
(e) The needles of record players
(f) microphones
[1] E.P. Eernisse, R.W. Ward, R.B. Wiggins, “Survey of Quartz Bulk Resonator Sensor Technologies”,
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 35, No. 3, May 1988

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 4

Definition of Piezoelectric Effect

Direct Effect of Piezoelectricity

- a mechanical stress on a material produces an electrical

Inverse Effect of Piezoelectricity

- an applied electric field in a material produces dimensional
changes and stresses within a material.

In general, direct piezoelectricity and inverse piezoelectricity are

both referred to as piezoelectric effects.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 5

Origin of Phenomena of Piezoelectric Effect

The microscopic origin of piezoelectricity is the displacement of

ionic charges within a crystal.
Symmetric (centrosymmetric) lattice structure does not produce
piezoelectricity when deformed.
Charge Site

[ Diagrams - Chang Liu]

Charge Site

Unstrained Strained
(no net charge change)

Asymmetric lattice structures will create an electric potential

when deformed

Unstrained Strained
(charges cause potential change)
© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 6
Origin of Phenomena of Piezoelectric Effect

Piezoelectric effects are strongly dependent on the crystal orientation

w.r.t. the strain/electric field.
In most cases, one particular orientation exhibits the strongest
piezoelectric effect.
The direction of positive polarization is customarily parallel with the z-
axis (i.e. the Poling axis is parallel to the z-axis)
The standard piezoelectric notation used is such that the x, y and z axes
correspond to subscripts 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

[ Diagram from ‘Foundations of

MEMS’, Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 7

Origin of Phenomena of Piezoelectric Effect

Therefore, if the electric field is applied parallel with the z-axis it is

applied in ‘direction 3’.
Note: The resulting strain generated due to an electric field in direction
3, is parallel with the x-axis (direction 1).


Conversely, if a strain is applied in direction 1, the generated electric

field will occur parallel to direction 3.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 8

Creation of Piezoelectric Materials

In its natural state, a piezoelectric material, such as quartz, is

likely in a polycrystalline configuration with grains (domains)
that are randomly oriented in various directions, as shown:

Magnified Image of Quartzite [Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, U. of Minnesota]

Since the domains are randomly oriented, the ‘net’ piezoelectric

effect due to strain (or applied voltage) is zero.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 9

Creation of Piezoelectric Materials

In order to create a ‘net’ piezoelectric effect, the material must be:

(a) a pure crystal (difficult to realize in most cases)
(b) the crystal domains must be brought into alignment
Poling: is a method aligning the crystal domains of piezoelectric
During Poling, the material is exposed to a very strong electric
field, and is simultaneously baked at an elevated temperature,
which causes the domains to become aligned in the desired
This alignment (also known as polarization) is sensitive, and a
material can become depolarized if it is subjected to extreme
mechanical stress, electric fields or temperatures.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 10

Operational Limits of Piezoelectric Materials

During normal operation, a piezoelectric material is either strained

(to create an electric potential) or is subjected to an electric
potential (to create a strain).
However, care must be taken to operate the material within the
parameters specified by the manufacturer.
Electrical depolarization can occur if a piezoelectric material is
subjected to extreme electric fields (or voltages) which will
cause it to lose (or significantly degrade) its piezoelectric
Mechanical depolarization can occur if a material is excessively
strained to the point where the crystal domains are significantly
Thermal depolarization can occur if a material subjected to
temperatures beyond the ‘Curie point’ of the material. A safe
operational temperature is about half the Currie point temp.
© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 11

Actual Operation of Piezoelectric Materials

Consider operation with the ‘direct piezoelectric effect’

If a material is strained, a charge will build up on opposite faces of
the crystal:


*** as long as charge remains***

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You can think of a piezoelectric crystal like a ‘capacitor’ that

generates charge on the upper and lower surfaces when you
strain it, as shown in the diagram.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 12

Actual Operation of Piezoelectric Materials

Piezoelectric ceramics tend to be very good insulators (i.e. poor

conductors), so the charge will tend to remain on the upper and
lower surfaces.
Continuing on with our ‘capacitor analogy’...
It is well known that there will be some finite amount of electric
leakage of charge from one surface to another. (i.e. even
capacitors will eventually loose their charge).
More importantly, if we try to do work with the developed
potential (+V), buy connecting it to a load, current will flow to
do the work. Therefore, the accumulated charge will drain, and
the developed potential will drop.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 13

Governing Equations of Piezoelectric Effect

The direct effect of piezoelectricity can be described by the

general equation:

D = dT + !E
Where: D - Electrical Polarization (C/m2)
T - Stress Vector (N/m2)
d - Piezoelectric Coefficient Matrix
" - Electrical Permitivity Matrix (F/m) (*Note: this is NOT strain*)
E - Electric Field Vector (V/m)

&T1 #
$T !
& D1 # & d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 # $ 2 ! &' 11 ' 12 ' 13 # & E1 #
$ D ! = $d $T !
$ 2 ! $ 21 d 22 d 23 d 24 d 25 d 26 !! $ 3 ! + $$' 21 ' 22 ' 23 !! $$ E 2 !!
$% D3 !" $% d 31 d 32 d 33 d 34 d 35 d 36 !" $ 4 ! $%' 31 ' 32 ' 33 !" $% E3 !"
$T5 !
$ !
$%T6 !"

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 14

Governing Equations of Piezoelectric Effect

The direct effect of piezoelectricity can be simplified down to the

following equation, in the absence of an external electric field
(i.e. E=0).
D = dT
"T1 %
$ '
" D1 % "d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 %$ '
$ ' $ '$T3 '
$D2 ' = $d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26'$ '
$#D3 '& $#d31 d32 d33 d34 d35 d36'&$ '
! $T5 '
$ '
#T6 &

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 15

Governing Equations of Piezoelectric Effect

The inverse effect of piezoelectricity can be described by the

general equation:
s = ST + dE

Where: s - Strain Vector

S - Compliance Matrix
T - Stress Vector (N/m2)
d - Piezoelectric Coefficient Matrix
E - Electric Field Vector (V/m)

& s1 # & S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 # &T1 # , d11 d 21 d 31 )
$s ! $S * '
$ 2 ! $ 21 S 22 S 23 S 24 S 25 S 26 !! $$T2 !! * d12 d 22 d 32 '
& E1 #
$ s3 ! $ S 31 S 32 S 33 S 34 S 35 S 36 ! $T3 ! * d13 d 23 d 33 ' $ !
$ !=$ !$ ! + * ' E2
$ s 4 ! $ S 41 S 42 S 43 S 44 S 45 S 46 ! $T4 ! * d14 d 24 d 34 ' $ !
$ E3 !
$ s5 ! $ S 51 S 52 S 53 S 54 S 55 S 56 ! $T5 ! ** d15 d 25 d 35 '' % "
$ ! $ !$ !
%$ s 6 "! %$ S 61 S 62 S 63 S 64 S 65 S 66 "! %$T6 "! *+ d16 d 26 d 36 '(

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 16

Governing Equations of Piezoelectric Effect

The inverse effect of piezoelectricity can be simplified to the

following expression, if there is no additional mechanical stress
present (i.e. T=0). Where strain is related the electric field by:

s = dE

" s1 % ( d11 d21 d31 +

$ ' * -
$s2 ' * d12 d22 d32 -
"E %
! $s3 ' * d13 d23 d33 -$ 1 '
$ '=* -E
$s4 ' * d14 d24 d34 -$ 2 '
$# E '&
$s5 ' * d15 d25 d35 - 3
$ ' * -
#s6 & ) d16 d26 d36 ,

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 17

Governing Equations of Piezoelectric Effect

The units of the piezoelectric constant, dij, are the units of electric
displacement over the unit of the stress. Therefore:
[ D] [! ][ E ] m m Columb
[d ij33 ] = = = =
[T ] [T ] N N

Recall that:
V = Et
Where: V - Voltage
E - Electric Field
t - distance of interest through E

Therefore the piezoelectric constant is a good way to measure the

intensity of the piezoelectric effect, since we can think of it in
terms of Columbs generated, per Newton applied.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 18

Commonly Used Piezoelectric Materials

Si is symmetric and does not exhibit piezoelectricity.

(Si: positive charge; bond electrons: negative change)

GaAs lattice is not symmetric and exhibits piezoelectricity.

(However, GaAs has poor piezoelectric material properties)

Crystal Structure of diamond and GaAs [Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 19

Commonly Used Piezoelectric Materials

- sputtered thin film
- d33=246 pC/N

Lead zirconate titanate (PZT)

- ceramic bulk, or sputtering thin film
- d33=110 pC/N

- bulk single crystal
- d33=2.33 pC/N
Diagram of a ‘Sputtering System’ for depositing
piezoelectric materials onto wafers, [Chang Liu]
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
- polymer
- d33=1.59 pC/N.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 20

Commonly Used Piezoelectric Materials

Material Relative Young’s Density Coupling Curie

permitivity modulus (kg/m3) factor (k) temperature
(dielectric (GPa) (oC)
ZnO 8.5 210 5600 0.075 **

PZT-4 1300-1475 48-135 7500 0.6 365


PZT-5A 1730 48-135 7750 0.66 365


Quartz 4.52 107 2650 0.09 **


Lithium 41 233 7640 0.51 350

Lithium 44 245 4640 ** **
PVDF 13 3 1880 0.2 80

Table 7.2 Properties of Selected Piezoelectric Materials

[From ‘Foundations of MEMS’, Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 21

Issues with Piezoelectric Materials

Curie temperature
- temperature above which the piezoelectric property will be lost.

Material purity
- the piezoelectric constant is sensitive to the composition of the
material and can be damaged by defects.

Frequency response
- most materials have sufficient leakage and cannot “hold” a DC
force. The DC response is therefore not superior but can be
improved by materials deposition/preparation conditions.

Bulk vs thin film

- bulk materials are easy to form but can not integrate with MEMS
or IC easily. Thin film materials are not as thick and overall
displacement is limited.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 22

Example of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam

Bi-Layer Bending Configuration:

1 2 slong (t p + t e )( A p E p Ae E e )
r 4( E p I p + E e I e )( A p E p + Ae E e ) + ( A p E p Ae E e )(t p + t e ) 2

Where: Ap and Ae are the cross-section areas of the piezoelectric and the elastic
layer, Ep and Ee are the Young’s modulus of the piezoelectric and the elastic layer,
and tp and te are the thickness of the piezoelectric and the elastic layer

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 23

Example of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam

Diagram of Bi-Layer Beam:

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 24

Example of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 25

Example of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam


© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 26

Example #2: ZnO Piezoelectric Force Sensor

A patch of ZnO thin film is located near the base of a cantilever

beam, as shown in the diagram below. The ZnO film is vertically
sandwiched between two conducting films.
The length of the entire beam is l. It consists of two segments: A
and B. Segment A is overlapped with the piezoelectric material
while segment B is not. The length of segments A and B are lA
and lB, respectively.
If the device is used as a force sensor, find the relationship
between applied force F and the induced voltage.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 27

Example #2: Solution

Axis 3 of the deposited ZnO is normal to the front surface of the substrate it is
deposited on. A transverse force would produce a longitudinal tensile stress in
the piezoelectric element (along axis 1), which in turn produces an electric field
and output voltage along axis 3.

The stress along the length of the piezoresistor is actually not uniform and changes
with position. For simplicity, we assume the longitudinal stress is constant and
equals the maximum stress value at the base. The maximum stress induced
along the longitudinal direction of the cantilever is given by:
! 1,max = Mt /(2 I ) = Flt beam / 2 I beam

Where the stress component is parallel to axis 1.

According to Equation 2, the output electric polarization in the direction of axis 3

is: D = d !
3 31 1, max

The overall output voltage is then:

D3 t piezo Flt beam t piezo d31
V = E3 t piezo = =
! 2!I beam

with Tpiezo being the thickness of the piezoelectric stack.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 28


Please read the article titled: “The Daintiest Dynamos” for homework.

The article is available for download in the “Supplementary Notes”

area on the Mech 466 web-site.

We will discuss this interesting proposed concept next class.

Specifically, we will look at the proposed solution, the benefits, and

the problems.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 29

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