2021-2022 Least-Learned MAPEH 8 Q3 RICARDO
2021-2022 Least-Learned MAPEH 8 Q3 RICARDO
2021-2022 Least-Learned MAPEH 8 Q3 RICARDO
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Brgy. Bacong, San Luis Aurora
email ad: aurora@deped.gov.ph; Website:www.deped-aurora.com
MELCs/Learning Competency CODE TOTAL RANK
Evaluates music and music performances
using guided rubrics applying knowledge of MU8WS-IIIc-h-8 19/83 1
musical elements and style.
analyzes musical elements of selected songs
MU8WS-IIIc-h-4 18/83 2
and instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a
variety of sources that would simulate MU8WS-IIIc-h-5 13/83 3
instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected
MU8WS-IIIb-h-6 11/83 4
South Asia and the Middle East music;
listens perceptively to music of South Asia and
MU8WS-IIIa-h-2 10/83 5
the Middle East;
MELCs/Learning Competency CODE TOTAL RANK
2. Reviews goals based on assessment
PE8PF-IIIa-34 13/83 1
4. Displays tolerance and acceptance of
PE8PF-IIId-h-37 11/83 2
individuals with varying skills and abilities
1. Undertakes physical activity and physical
PE8PF-IIIa-h-23 10/83 3
fitness assessments
3. Executes the skills involved in the sport PE8GS-IIId-h-4 8/83 4
MELCs/Learning Competency CODE TOTAL RANK
analyzes the nature of emerging and re-
H8DD-IIId-e-20 15/83 1
emerging diseases
demonstrates self-monitoring skills to
H8DD-IIIf-h-21 14/83 2
prevent communicable diseases
discusses the stages of infection H8DD-IIIa-15 13/83 3
analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and
H8DD-IIIa-16 12/83 4
mortality in the Philippines
discusses the most common communicable
signs and symptoms of common
communicable diseases (H8DD-IIIb-c-17)
effects of common communicable diseases, (H8DD-IIIb-c-18) 10/83 5
misconceptions, myths, and beliefs about ( H8DD-IIIb-c-19)
common communicable diseases ,
prevention and control of common
communicable diseases