May 2022 Prayer Letter

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May 2022
A Hopeful Ending Prayer Requests
As the semester at the University of Iowa came to an end, so did my
Pray for the 2022-2023
time with the Iowa Cru students. Many of these students have
Iowa Cru leaders. Pray
become dear friends to me and it has been a pleasure to get to
that they would serve
walk alongside Jesus with them. I have seen God work in and
with Cru out of an
through them in mighty ways and I am grateful that I have gotten
overflow of their
to have a front row seat.
relationship with Jesus.
As Iowa Cru moves to being a fully student-led movement and as I
Pray that the Cru
move to NW Wisconsin, I am confident that the Lord will use the
movement would
Iowa Cru students to continue to make an impact on the campus
continue to share the
and in the world. The student leaders are trained and equipped,
gospel to students at the
and it has been an encouraging to get to "hand the baton" to them.
University of Iowa.

Pray for the Toulouse

Summer Mission.
(May 21st-June 22nd)
Pray that we would work
well as a team.
(8 staff and 8 students)
Pray for many
When I was asked to co-lead this summer mission back in the fall, opportunities to share
it seemed like the time would never come, but now the time has the gospel with French
come and I am pumped! We will spend 3 weeks in Toulouse,

France students.
working with the local campus team. We will spend most
afternoons on campus building relationships with French students Pray for me as I
and having spiritual and gospel conversations with them with the transition to Wisconsin
hope of getting them connected to the local campus team. after coming back from
We will also spend a lot of time as a team growing in our walks France.
with the Lord together through Bible Study, discipleship and various
training times. And, of course, we are going to have a lot of fun!!
In Christ,
Our last week in France will be spent in Paris working with Bridges,
the international student ministry of Cru, doing similar things. Kristi Noreen
[email protected]
Whether I am in Iowa, France or Wisconsin, I will continue to praise
321 McLean St Apt 1
God for you and your partnership!! Thank you for your investment Iowa City, IA 52246
and prayers so that more can hear the good news of the gospel!

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