Level 3 Romeo and Juliet

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Jerry Stemach, MS, CCC-SLP

Karen Erickson, PhD
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Classic Literature

Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare

retold by
Jerry Stemach

Don Johnston Incorporated

Volo, Illinois

Part 1
A Beautiful Young Woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Part 2
The Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Part 3
A Fight to the Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Part 4
A Father’s Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Part 5
The Funeral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Part 6
Bad News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Part 7
The Graveyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Part 8
Friends at Last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

About the Start-to-Finish Author . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

About the Original Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 Part 1: A Beautiful Young Woman

Romeo Benvolio

My name is Romeo — Romeo Montague.

This is my friend, Benvolio.
This is my friend, Mercutio.
Tonight, we are going to a party!
Tonight, we are going to a costume party.
“Costumes will hide our faces,” says Mercutio.
“But we will still see beautiful girls!
The Capulet family is giving the party.
The Capulet family hates my family!
Tybalt Capulet is at the party.
Tybalt Capulet really hates my family!
But look! Juliet Capulet is at the party!
“I love Juliet Capulet!” I say to myself.
“I love Romeo Montague!” says Juliet to herself.

the Montague family

the Capulet family

Romeo Juliet

Tybalt Capulet
8 Part 2: The Marriage

After the party, I hide outside.

At last, Juliet comes outside.
I say, “I love you, Juliet Capulet!”
“And I want to marry you,” I say.
Juliet says, “I love you, Romeo Montague.”
“And I want to marry you!”
“But my family will kill you!” she says.
I say, “Let’s go to the church.”
“Friar Lawrence will marry us.”
“Friar Lawrence will marry us in secret.”
“We love each other very much, Juliet.”
“Your family loves you.”
“My family loves me.”
“Maybe our families can love each other.”
10 Part 3: A Fight to the Death




One day, I am with my friends.

I am with Benvolio.
I am with Mercutio.
Who do we see? Tybalt Capulet!
Tybalt kills Mercutio with his sword!
I kill Tybalt with my sword.
Benvolio says, “Run away, Romeo, run away!”

I run to the church.

“What can I do?” I ask Friar Lawrence.
“I have a plan,” Friar Lawrence tells me.
“Go see Juliet tonight,” says Friar Lawrence.
“Go to another town tomorrow,” he says.
“Tomorrow you must hide in another town.”
12 Part 4: A Father’s Plan

Juliet’s Father Paris

This is Paris and Juliet’s father.

Paris is a rich man.
Paris wants to marry Juliet!
“Yes! You can marry Juliet,” says Juliet’s father.
“You can marry Juliet on Thursday.”

My father doesn’t know!

says Juliet to herself.
My father doesn’t know
that I married Romeo!

Friar Lawrence

“What can I do?” Juliet asks Friar Lawrence.

“You can drink this, ” says Friar Lawrence.
“You can drink this on Wednesday.”
“People will think that you are dead.”
“But you will wake up on Friday.”
“You will wake up in Romeo’s arms.”
“I will do it!” says Juliet.
14 Part 5: The Funeral

On Wednesday, Juliet went to bed.

“I must drink this,” she says.
“I can’t marry Paris!”

The next morning, Juliet does not wake up.

“Oh no! My Juliet is dead!” says Paris.
“Oh no! My Juliet is dead!” says her father.
“Oh no! My Juliet is dead!” says her mother.



Everyone is crying.
But Juliet is not dead!
Juliet is only sleeping.
“Take her to the graveyard,” says Paris.
“Take her to the graveyard,” says her father.
Now, Juliet is in the graveyard.
Now, Juliet is in the graveyard with Tybalt.
16 Part 6: Bad News

Friar Lawrence wrote me a letter.

But I never got his letter.
Friar Lawrence wrote this in his letter:
People think that Juliet is dead.
Juliet is not dead.
Juliet is sleeping in the graveyard.
Juliet will wake up on Friday.
I never got the letter.
Instead, a man told me, “Juliet Capulet is dead!”
He told me Juliet is in the graveyard!
I must go and see her! I say.
First, I buy a bottle of poison.
I buy the poison to kill myself.
Juliet and I will be dead together!
18 Part 7: The Graveyard

Now, I am in the graveyard with Juliet.

Oh no! Paris is in the graveyard, too!
“You killed Tybalt,” says Paris to me.
“Now I will kill you,” he says.
“Yes, I killed Tybalt,” I say to Paris.
“Now, I will kill you,” I say.
“Then I will drink this bottle of poison.”
Paris is dead.
Tybalt is dead.
“Juliet is dead,” I say.
“My beautiful Juliet is dead!”
I lay down beside Juliet.
I kiss her one last time.
Then I drink the bottle of poison.
20 Part 8: Friends at Last

Friar Lawrence goes to the graveyard on Friday.

What does he see?
Tybalt, Paris, and Romeo — all dead!
Juliet wakes up from her sleep.
What does she see?
Tybalt, Paris, and Romeo — all dead!
“My beautiful Romeo is dead!” she says.

Juliet takes Romeo’s knife.

She kisses Romeo one last time.
Then she pushes the knife into her heart.
Now, Romeo and Juliet are dead together.
Why? Because one family hated another family.
On that day, each family made a change.
They put an end to their hate forever.
The End

About the Start-to-Finish Author

Jerry Stemach, M.S., is a language, literacy,

and technology specialist who serves students

with language-based reading disorders.

Jerry and Don Johnston, M.S., co-founded

Start-to-Finish Publishing where Jerry is an

author and editor. Jerry and his wife, Beverly,

make their home in Sonoma County, California.


About the Original Author

William Shakespeare lived in England from

1564 to 1616. He lived in the time of the first

Queen Elizabeth. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays

and many poems. Some of his plays are funny.

Some are sad. But each play is a great

adventure. All over the world, people say

that Shakespeare was the greatest writer

who ever lived.

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