Exemplar 7
Exemplar 7
Exemplar 7
Department of Education
OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Define Folkdance.
a. Teacher’s Guide MAPEH Contextualized Learning Activity Sheet Quarter III-Week 2 P.E Grade7
Pages textbook
b. Learner’s Material Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS) in Grade 7-P.E
c. Textbook Pages Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS) in Grade 7 P.E Textbook
d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
A. Introduction Teacher
Good afternoon!
Use effective verbal Prayer
and non-verbal (Prayer will be recited)
communication How are you today?
strategies to support I am sure that you are fine and doing great!
learner understanding
As we go on with our discussion, please be reminded of the following safety health
practices and classroom rules.
engagement and
achievement 1. Maintain physical distancing. Follow the arrows when you move around the
Establish safe and 2. Properly wear your face mask most of the time.
secure learning
environments to 3. Disinfect your hands using the alcohol provided on your individual chairs.
enhance learning
through the 4. Stay in your seat if possible.
implementation of 5. Be ready with your notebook and pen for you to take down notes
guidelines and Is the health protocol and classroom rules clear?
Let’s explore, discover, and enjoy our new lesson in P.E! I know you are all excited
about our new lesson. So, get ready with your, pen, notebook, and books.
Let’s go!
A. Pre-Test
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the best answer on
the blank before the number.
______1. Refers to character dances whose choreography uses folk steps and
A. Ethnic dance C. National
B. Regional D. Creative folk dance
______2. Refers to dances which are particular to one locale or area?
A. Creative folk dance C. Regional
B. National D . Ethnic dance
______3. Filipino ethnic groups still believe in the efficacy of dance as a means of
communicating __?
A. Workers C. Politicians
B. Diety D. Artists
______4. Folk Dance refers to the dances created and performed collectively by
A. Famous people C. Legendary People
B. Rich people D. Ordinary People
______5. Refers to those performed all over the country?
A. Creative folk dance C. Regional
B. National D . Ethnic dance
Put your paper inside the box found under your chair.
B. Development
Unlocking of Difficulties
Indicator 1
Apply knowledge of Folk dance – is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a
content certain country
Within and across or region.
curriculum teaching area
Are you familiar with folk dances in your hometown? Have you experienced
participating folk dancing in school programs or field demonstrations? As you go
INDICATOR 2 through the rest of the activities. Misconceptions and alternative conceptions you
Display proficient use of have in mind will be clarified.
Mother Tongue, Filipino
and English to facilitate
teaching and learning. Folk Dance refers to the dances created and performed collectively by the
Annotation: ordinary people. The term usually includes: so called “ ethnic dances” such as
The teacher translated the those of the cultural community in the Cordillera, in Mindoro, Palawan, Sulu, and
word to Filipino term for Mindanao; and the rural or lowland Christian dances, among the groups, like the
better understanding of Ilocano, Pangasinan, Tagalog, Pampanga, Bicol, Cebuano, Ilonggo, and Waray.
the word.
learner steps or of steps and places, and a combination of words.
understanding, Philippine folk dances other than religious, ceremonial, and a few social are
participation, performed with attention to detail and after meticulous rehearsals.
engagement and Filipino ethnic groups still believe in the efficacy of dance as a means of
achievement communicating diety. Christianized Filipinos too dance to plead with, or to thank
Virgin Mary or a patron saint. As in Filipino religiosity, the influence of indigenous
culture persists, despite colonization.
Insects, reptiles, fowls, birds, simians, medicinal and fragrant plants, edible
shoots, the national flower, bamboo nodes, and the sound of the wind as it passes
through the leaves have all been accorded recognition in Philippine Dance.
CSE Activities such as rice production, broom making, gold panning, fishing, tuba
gathering of sweet potatoes, clams or honey, fetching of water, pot making, corn
and communal work have been reflected in Philippine folk dances.
The dances use movements of the head, waist, arms, feet throwing circling,
swooping offering, crowing. Some dances feature flags, beating with sticks, and
swaying motions such as those of drunkards. Hand or stage properties are used:
fans, earrings, bench, food covers, hats, fish containers, pots, leaves, floral arches,
coconut shells, wooden
implements, chopsticks, and may poles
B. Let’s Practice
Place Me in Position
CSE Directions: Guess the kind of dances reflected in Philippine folk dances.
time being mindful of one’s safety.
D. Engagement Complete Me
Directions: Write the missing words to complete each sentences.
INDICATOR 6* Design, Folk Dance refers to the dances created and performed collectively by the
adapt and implement
teaching strategies 1._______________.
that are responsive to The term usually includes: so called “ 2.______________” such as those of the
learners with cultural
disabilities, community in the Cordillera, in Mindoro, Palawan, Sulu, and Mindanao.
giftedness, and Philippine folk dances are 3.___________, and include religious, ceremonial,
talents courtship,
funeral, combative, exorcism, torture, comic, and game dances.
INDICATOR 7* Adapt Filipino ethnic groups still believe in the efficacy of dance as a means of
and use culturally communicating 4.______________.
appropriate teaching As in Filipino religiosity, the influence of indigenous culture persists, despite
strategies to address 5.____________.
the needs of learners
from indigenous
D. Assimilation Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the best answer
on the
Indicator 2 blank before the number.
Use a range of
teaching strategies ______1. Refers to dances which are particular to one locale or area?
that enhance learner A. Creative folk dance C. Regional
achievement in B. National D. Ethnic dance
literacy and numeracy ______2. Folk Dance refers to the dances created and performed collectively by
skills the?
A. Famous people C. Legendary People
B. Rich people D. Ordinary People
______3. Refers to those performed all over the country?
A. Creative folk dance C. Regional
B. National D. Ethnic dance
______4. Filipino ethnic groups still believe in the efficacy of dance as a means of
communicating __?
A. Workers C. Politicians
B. Diety D. Artists
______5. Refers to character dances whose choreography uses folk steps and
A. Ethnic dance C. National
B. Regional D. Creative folk dance
Indicator 7 The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
Apply a range of
successful strategies I understand that____________________________________________________.
that maintain I realized that _______________________________________________________.
environments that
motivate learners to
work productively by
responsibility for their
own learning
E. Enrichment Activity What are the fundamental dance positions of the arms and feet that shows
Indicator 8 posture timing and coordination?
Design, adapt and
implement teaching
strategies that are
responsive to learners
with disabilities,
giftedness and talents.