Deld 1M
Deld 1M
Deld 1M
algebra and
Which of the following statements accurately represents Karnaugh
2 1 the two BEST methods of logic circuit simplification? mapping
3 1 Which gate is best used as a basic comparator? NOR
The digital multiplexer is basically a combination logic
4 1 circuit to perform the operation AND-AND
EX-OR gate
23 1 The gates required to build a half adder are and OR gate
24 1 The number of inputs and outputs in a full adder are 2 and 1
25 1 IC 74153 is a 4:1 mux
tying all
enable pins
26 1 A decoder can be used as a demultiplexer by ________ LOW
An encoder in which the highest and lowest value input
digits are encoded simultaneously is known as a priority
27 1 encoder 0
Single looping in groups of three is a common K-map
28 1 simplification technique TRUE
The following combination is correct for an EVEN
parity data transmission system:data = 100111100 and
29 1 parity = 0 0
30 1 In binary subtrctor 0 - 1 = BORROW
All the
variables in
domain of
42 1 A SOP expression is equal to ______________ are present
A non-standard POS is converted into a standard POS
43 1 by using the rule _____ A+A'=1
The binary numbers A = 1100 and B = 1001 are applied A > B = 1,
to the inputs of a comparator. What are the output A < B = 0,
44 1 levels? A<B=1
45 1 Two bit comparator is------circuit. al
Two 16:1 and one 2:1 multiplexer can be connected to 16:1
46 1 form a ------ Multiplexer
Perform the followling addition in 8-4-2-1 BC((D)) (48) 0001 0000
47 1 + (58) 0010
The combinational circuit in BCD adder produces an
48 1 add command 6 if the carry is----- and sum is----- 0 , <9
49 1 Convert BCD 0001 0010 0110 to binary 1111110
data = 1101
________ is a correct combination for an ODD-parity 1011 parity
50 1 data transmission system =1
when the
51 2 On a master-slave flip-flop, when is the master enabled? gate is LOW
Which table shows the logical state of a digital circuit
output for every possible combination of logical states Function
52 2 in the inputs ? table
A J-K flip-flop is in a "no change" condition when
53 2 ________. J = 1, K = 1
In sequential circuits the output states depends upon
54 2 ---------- past inputs
to reduce the
The preset and clear inputs are used in flip flop circuits power
58 2 ---- consumption
both the
59 2 Race around condition occurs in a JK FF when---- inputs are 0
AND and
60 2 latch is constructed using two cross-coupled OR gates
Use the Q
How can parallel data be taken out of a shift register output of the
61 2 simultaneously? first FF.
sequence of equally spaced timing pulses may be easily
62 2 generated by which type of counter circuit? ring shift
How many clock pulses will be required to completely
63 2 load serially a 5-bit 2
Past input
64 2 In Sequential circuit the output state depend upon State
65 2 How is a J-K flip-flop made to toggle? J=0 , K= 0
Sequetial circuit used for counting pulses is known as
66 2 ----- Register
On the fifth clock pulse, a 4-bit Johnson sequence is Q0 Q0 = 1, Q1
= 0, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, and Q3 = 1. On the sixth clock = 0, Q2 = 0,
67 2 pulse, the sequence is ________. Q3 = 0
What is a shift register that will accept a parallel input,
or a bidirectional serial load and internal shift features,
68 2 called? tristate
A bidirectional 4-bit shift register is storing the nibble
1101. Its input is HIGH. The nibble 1011 is waiting to
be entered on the serial data-input line. After three clock
69 2 pulses, the shift register is storing ________. 1101
70 2 when a flip flop is set ,its output will be --------- Q=0
On the fifth clock pulse, a 4-bit Johnson sequence is Q0 Q0 = 1, Q1
= 0, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, and Q3 = 1. On the sixth clock = 0, Q2 = 0,
71 2 pulse, the sequence is ________. Q3 = 0
The bit sequence 0010 is serially entered (right-most bit
first) into a 4-bit parallel out shift register that is
initially clear. What are the Q outputs after two clock Q3Q2Q1Q0
72 2 pulses? =0000
On the third clock pulse, a 4-bit Johnson sequence is Q0 Q0 = 1, Q1
= 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, and Q3 = 0. On the fourth clock = 1, Q2 = 1,
73 2 pulse, the sequence is ________. Q3 = 1
A bidirectional 4-bit shift register is storing the nibble
1101. Its input is HIGH. The nibble 1011 is waiting to
be entered on the serial data-input line. After three clock Q3Q2Q1Q0
74 2 pulses, the shift register is storing ________. =1101
Use the Q
How can parallel data be taken out of a shift register output of the
75 2 simultaneously? first FF.
clearing all
To operate correctly, starting a ring shift counter the flip-
76 2 requires: flops
In a 6-bit Johnson counter sequence there are a total of
77 2 how many states, or bit patterns? 2
A modulus-12 ring counter requires a minimum of
78 2 ________. 10 flip-flops
The group of bits 11001 is serially shifted (right-most
bit first) into a 5-bit parallel output shift register with an
initial state 01110. After three clock pulses, the register Q4Q3Q2Q1
79 2 contains Q0=01110
Assume that a 4-bit serial in/serial out shift register is
initially clear. We wish to store the nibble 1100. What
will be the 4-bit pattern after the second clock pulse? Q3Q2Q1Q0
80 2 (Right-most bit first.) =1100
The bit sequence 10011100 is serially entered (right-
most bit first) into an 8-bit parallel out shift register that
is initially clear. What are the Q outputs after four clock
81 2 pulses? 10011100
If an 8-bit ring counter has an initial state 10111110,
82 2 what is the state after the fourth clock pulse? 11101011
If a logic circuit does not contain any feedback loops, Combinatio
and the output is wholly dependent on the input, it is nal logic
83 2 called a circuit
84 2 A ring counter consisting of five Flip-Flops will have 5 states
The device which changes from serial data to parallel
85 2 data is COUNTER
In this logic, output depends not only on the current
inputs but also on the past input values. It needs some Logical
86 2 type of memory to remember the past input values Circuit
A _________________ is a circuit, which can
remember values for a long time or change values when Logical
87 2 require D Circuit
A ________________ circuit is not suitable in the
synchronous circuit design because of its transparency
88 2 nature. Latch
input clock
pulses are
applied only
to the first
Synchronous counters eliminate the delay problems and last
94 2 encountered with asynchronous counters because the: stages
A 4-bit ripple counter consists of flip-flops, which each
have a propagation delay from clock to Q output of 15
ns. For the counter to recycle from 1111 to 0000, it
95 2 takes a total of ________. 15 ns
The counter
can count in
but must
continue in
Which of the following statements best describes the direction
96 2 operation of a synchronous up-/down-counter? once started.
parallel data
97 2 The parallel outputs of a counter circuit represent the: word
If T flip flop function is obtained from a JK flip flop,
98 2 if ........ J=K=1
In JK Flip - flop, when J = K = 1 and clock is applied,
99 2 the output Q will ....... not change
Both inputs of JK flip flop are tied high, the FF behaves
100 2 like ........ D Flip flop
101 2 An universal register ................... serial input
increase its
102 2 Master slave configuration is used in FF to .......... rate
In JK Flip - flop, when J = K = 1 and clock is applied,
103 2 the output Q will ....... not change
The logic
level at the
D input is
to Q on
Which statement BEST describes the operation of a NGT of
105 2 negative-edge-triggered D flip-flop? CLK.
How many flip-flops are required to produce a divide-
106 2 by-128 device? 1
HIGHs are
sly to both
An invalid condition in the operation of an active-HIGH inputs S and
107 2 input S-R latch occurs when ________ R
To completely load and then unload an 8-bit register
108 2 requires how many clock pulses? 2
They must
Why are the S and R inputs of a gated flip-flop said to occur with
109 2 be synchronous? the gate.
a ring
counter has
fewer flip-
flops but
comparison between ring and johnson counters decoding
110 2 indicates that: circuitry
Shifting the
data in all
111 2 What is meant by parallel-loading the register? sly
The Q
output is
either SET
as soon as
the D input
Which of the following is correct for a gated D-type goes HIGH
113 2 flip-flop? or LOW.
To overcome the difficulty of race around condition
114 2 which of the following flip flop is used Jk
has a
le OR plane
and a
le AND
plane, while
the PAL
only has a
le AND
115 4 The difference between a PLA and a PAL is: plane.
Array Logic
116 4 ALM is the acronym for ________. Matrix
117 4 PALs tend to execute ________ logic. SAP
Each programmable array logic (PAL) gate product is the polarity
applied to an OR gate and, if combinational logic is fuse is
118 4 desired, the product is ORed and then: restored
_______ are used at the inputs of PAL/GAL devices in
order to prevent input loading from a large number of Simplified
119 4 AND gates AND gates
A(n) ________ consists of a programmable array of
AND gates that connects to a fixed array of OR gates
120 4 and is usually OTP. GAL
More than
122 4 When did the first PLD appear? 10 years ago
SPLDs, CPLDs, and FPGAs are all which type of
123 4 device? PAL
gate array
and some
136 4 A macrocell basically contains ________ input buffers
What programmable technology is used in FPGA
137 4 devices? SRAM
g [of]
138 4 FPGA is the acronym for ________. Assemblies
139 4 Which is not a type of PLD? SPLD
Which type of PLD could be used to program basic
140 4 logic functions? PLA
Product terms are the outputs of which type of gate
141 4 within a PLD array? OR
only two
142 4 A slice consists of ________. logic cells
143 4 What is PROM? SPLD
A unit of logic in an FPGA that is made up of multiple
smaller logic modules and a local programmer
interconnect that is used to connect internal logic
144 4 modules is called a ________. bed-of-nails
Most FPGA logic modules utilize a(n) ________
145 4 approach to create the desired logic functions. AND array
part of a
PAL or
146 4 A macrocell is ________ GAL
147 4 Most complex digital designs include ________. devices
The programming technologies that are used in FPGA
devices include SRAM, flash, and antifuse, with
148 4 ________ being the most common. SRAM
Full custom ICs can operate at ________ and require largest die
149 4 the ________. area
Design costs for standard cell ASICs are ________
150 4 those for MPGAs. lower than
The ________ can generate any possible logic function
of the input variables because it generates every
151 4 possible AND product term. GAL
The distinction between CPLDs and FPGAs is
152 4 ________. well known
153 4 The flexibility of the GAL16V8 is in its ________. array
In a programmable logic device circuit diagram, the
inputs to each of the OR gates are designated by
154 4 ________ a dot
The SPLD classification includes the ________ PLD
155 4 devices. earliest
Four subcategories of ASIC devices are available to
create digital systems. These are PLDs, gate arrays,
156 4 standard cells, and ________. HCPLDs
Read Only
157 4 PROM stands for Memory
158 4 PLD stands for large device
non volatile
159 4 ROM is a memory
le Read
160 4 EPROM stands for Memory
164 4 PAL stands for array logic
sum of
165 4 ROM is a two level implementation in maxterms
What do the Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)
designed specially for the combinational circuits
166 4 comprise? Only gates
Which among the following statement/s is/are not
an/the advantage/s of Programmable Logic Devices Short design
167 4 (PLDs)? cycle
What is/are the configurable functions of each and
every IOBs connected around the FPGA device from Input
168 4 the operational point of view? operation
Which type of CPLD packaging can provide maximum
number of pins on the package due to small size of the
169 4 pins? PLCC
sequential and sequential None 1 A
sequential FF None 1 A
data Control Strobe 1 B
2 4 8 1 C
2 3 4 1 C
Cp=A+B Cp =A+B' Cp=A'+B 2 B
parity gate or
equality gate inverted OR the equality gate 1 B
Cyclic Code code All of these 1 D
0 1 B
0 1 B
0 2 B
0 1 10 1 A
87 67 55 1 A
sequential FF NONE 1 A
Multiplexer 8:1 Multiplexer 64:1 Multiplexer 2 B
0110 0000
0001 0001 0000 0110 0001 0000 0101 2 C
1,>9 1 , =9 1, < 9 2 B
11110 1110010 1111111 1 A
data = 1101
0010 parity = data = 0001 data = 0001
0 0101 parity = 1 0101parity = 1 2 A
when the gate both of the neither of the
is HIGH above above 1 A
J = 1, K = 0 J = 0, K = 1 J = 0, K = 0 1 D
Present as well
present inputs None as past inputs 1 D
D T JK 1 B
3 4 5 1 D
Present input Present as well
State as Past input None of Above 1 C
J=0 , K=1 J=1 , K=0 J=1 , K=1 1 D
6 12 24 1 C
Connected Sequential
Circuit Circuit Parallel Circuit 1 C
None of the
Parallel Diagonal Circuit above 1 A
all flip-flops
and gates a single flip-flop
after a 3 count a single gate and a gate 1 D
30 ns 45 ns 60 ns 1 D
The counter The count
can be sequence cannot
reversed, but In general, the be reversed,
must be reset counter can be once it has
before reversed at any begun, without
counting in point in its first resetting
the other counting the counter to
direction. sequence. zero. 2 C
frequency counter modulus clock count 1 D
None of the
J = K =0 J =1 and K =0 above 1 A
The Q output
is ALWAYS The Q output is
identical to ALWAYS The Q output is
the CLK input identical to the D ALWAYS
if the D input input when CLK identical to the
is HIGH. = PGT. D input. 2 A
4 6 7 1 D
LOWs are
applied a LOW is a HIGH is
simultaneousl applied to the S applied to the S
y to both input while a input while a
inputs S and HIGH is applied LOW is applied
R to the R input to the R 1 A
4 8 16 1 D
They occur
independent None of the
of the gate. All of the above above 1 A
a johnson
a ring counter counter has more a johnson
has an flip-flops but less counter has an
inverted decoding inverted
feedback path circuitry feedback path 1 D
disabling the
Loading data Loading data in synchronous
in two of the all four flip-flops SET and
flip-flops at the same time RESET inputs 1 C
multiplexed consumption
displays digital clocks meters 1 C
The output
complement The output
follows the Only one of the toggles if one of
input when inputs can be the inputs is
enable((D)) HIGH at a time. held HIGH 1 A
Sr D Master salve 1 D
flip-flop memory
logic array circuitry Inverter 1 C
an OR-gate
array and an AND-OR gate
some output array and some licensed
logic output logic programming 1 B
Programmabl Field Field
e Generic Programmable Programmer's
Array Gate Array Gate Assembly 1 C
lowest speed,
smallest die highest speed, highest speed,
area largest die area smallest die area 1 D
about the none of the
same as higher than above 1 C
Electrical Programmable D. Erasable
Portable Read Read Only Portable Read
Only Memory Memory Only Memory 1 C