GMRs 2021 English

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Health & Safety

Global Minimum
March 2021
GMRs – Introduction 2

Introducing the GMRs

Lendlease is a leader in environment, The stages of governance outlined in GMRs 1-4 (investment,
design and procurement, establishment, and delivery) provide a
health and safety (EH&S) and we need to specific focus on low likelihood, high impact events that have the
constantly challenge our performance and potential to lead to catastrophic and fatal outcomes.

push the boundaries so that our approach The GMRs apply to all Lendlease operations. This includes all
Lendlease projects, developments, assets, joint ventures (JVs),
to EH&S is aligned to the evolution of the alliances, partnerships, multi-site teams, facilities and offices.
Lendlease strategy, remains effective, The GMRs do not apply to tenancies once handed over to
and is fit for purpose for the sectors and operating entities with management or control of a tenancy or
third party users of that tenancy(s).
markets in which we operate.

GMR 0 – Governance
GMR 2 – Des
nt ign a
tme nd Pro
Inv cur
R 1– en
Deal/Site Concept Detailed Procurement
M Acquisition Design/Plan Design and Onboarding t

High Risk Work

Divestment/ Upgrade/ Method Reviews

e nt
Sale Renovate
Site Set Up

and Logistics

Operations and Fit Out/ Delivery/ Early
Maintenance Installations Construction Works


Day-to-day Management of Activities and Hazards
R 3–
GMR 4 – Delive

Figure 1: GMR application across the property and construction lifecycle

The GMR Framework consists of five elements covering the following areas:


GMR 0 outlines the requirements of Group, regions and business GMR 3 focuses on establishing locations and places that
units in the areas of governance, assurance, reporting and care, including minimum requirements for site set up, welfare,
performance management. accommodation facilities, appropriate working hours and more
broadly how personal injury risks and high likelihood, low impact
GMR 1 – INVESTMENT environmental events will be managed by the operations team.

GMR 1 is focused on investment requirements and the assessment

of new work and investment opportunities in identifying EH&S
risks that can directly or indirectly impact environment, health and GMR 4 addresses the protocols for managing work activities
safety outcomes in delivery or asset operations. (outlined in GMR 4.0) in the delivery phase of our operations and
is inclusive of asset operations and maintenance. This GMR sets
GMR 2 – DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT out the mandatory controls and performance standards aimed at
eliminating risks across the 20 GMR risk events that could result
GMR 2 outlines the mandatory design controls aimed at in incidents with the potential to cause fatalities or significant
eliminating environmental damage and fatal risks through environmental damage. Through addressing the question of
effective planning, design and procurement, set against the ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ GMR 4 provides the controls
20 GMR risk events detailed within GMR 4 (Delivery). required to prevent these potential incidents from occurring.
GMRs – Introduction 3

There are a range of terms used throughout the GMRs requiring clarification. Further information on implementing the GMRs
and a glossary of key terms can be found on the GMRs Resources section of the EH&S microsite accessible via Pulse intranet.


0.1 Management governance 4.0 Activity Management
0.2 Assurance Risk events 1 -10 – critical controls and performance standards
0.3 Reporting 4.1 Fall of person
0.4 Performance management 4.2 Fall of material/object
4.3 Vehicle and plant incident (work sites)
4.4 Uncontrolled release of electrical energy
4.5 Fire and explosion
1.1 Risk reviews – new work and investment opportunities
4.6 Crane and hoisting equipment incident
1.2 Independent project reviews
4.7 Impact from moving parts of machines
4.8 Excavation and stockpile collapse
GMR 2 – DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT 4.9 Failure of structures (temporary or permanent)
2.1 Design and procurement control 4.10 Occupational health exposure
2.2 Design standards
Risk events 11 -20 – critical controls only
2.3 Review processes
4.11 Public health exposure
2.4 Procurement
4.12 Mental health and fatigue
4.13 Degradation or pollution of the environment

GMR 3 – ESTABLISHMENT 4.14 Vehicle and plant incident (public areas)

3.1 Establishing places that care 4.15 Uncontrolled release of stored energy (non-electrical)

3.2 Establishing locations 4.16 Tunnel collapse

3.3 Establishing governance 4.17 Failure of fixtures or fittings

4.18 Drowning
4.19 Confined space incident
4.20 Essential service failure
GMR 0 – Governance 5

GMR 0 Group, region and business unit oversight

Management governance | Assurance | Reporting | Performance management


Investment Design and Procurement Establishment Delivery

The deal Approach Operational set-up Day to day risk management

Risk reviews – new work and EH&S design risk management Establishing places that care EH&S delivery risk management
investment opportunities – – –
– Design standards and controls Managing logistics and set-up Defining 20 GMR risk events
Independent project reviews – – –
Procurement review processes Operational planning Performance standards
and governance and controls

Figure 2: GMR framework – GMR 0: Governance

Preamble iii) EH&S leadership teams will oversee the roll out of all EH&S
cultural programs and messaging to maintain EH&S as an
GMR 0 addresses the requirements of Lendlease for establishing organisational priority and will monitor lead and lag indicators in
the governance structures, including the approach to assurance, line with the organisational objectives and targets.
learning, culture, behaviours and performance management
iv) Leadership teams must conduct safety, environment and
protocols required to more effectively govern EH&S across the
wellbeing focussed leadership site visits and record outcomes
organisation, throughout the operational lifecycle as outlined in
in the EH&S reporting platform.
GMRs 1 to 4.
GMR 0 also provides a framework for achieving the requirements 0.1.2 EH&S Teams
of ISO 45001 and ISO14001. Controls
Where there is a difference between Lendlease standards and i) Group, regions and business units will have EH&S teams to
those required by legislation, codes, standards and other external provide adequate resources for the implementation of all
requirements, the higher standard will apply. GMR and regulatory EH&S implementation and assurance
requirements. EH&S teams are to be supported by subject
When an operation or region creates documentation to assist in matter experts from within businesses and Integrated
the implementation of the GMRs in a local context, an approved Solutions teams for technical support.
document control system must be implemented.
ii) Group must develop an EH&S strategic plan annually, aligned
with the Lendlease Group strategic plan.
iii) Group will manage the delivery of organisation wide projects
Lendlease will determine the resources required (both
and initiatives and will review the progress of implementation
management resources and EH&S resources) to establish,
implement and maintain the GMRs to provide effective oversight
and management of EH&S at Group, region and business unit 0.1.3 EH&S Roles and Responsibilities
levels across the organisation.
0.1.1 Leadership Teams i) Group will provide a framework (e.g. EH&S RACI matrix) that
Controls defines and assigns EH&S roles and responsibilities and the
application of GMRs throughout the organisation for Group,
i) A Lendlease Board Committee is to be in place to govern
Region, Business Units.
EH&S performance across Lendlease with the committee
convening on a quarterly basis. ii) The roles and responsibilities identified for key individual roles
will be documented in a range of existing business processes
ii) EH&S leadership teams must be established across Group,
(e.g. Career Job Framework, role charters, partnership
regions and all business units (meeting at least quarterly) to
agreements, GMR implementation guides) and communicated
review EH&S performance, cascade objectives, management
to the relevant persons.
initiatives and key EH&S messages and provide a forum for
key EH&S risk and compliance issues to be elevated.
GMR 0 – Governance 6

0.1.4 EH&S Regulatory Requirements iv) Operations will determine the EH&S Risks applicable for
their scope of works, document these in management plans
and operational risk registers (see GMR 3), evaluate the risks
i) Group EH&S will have responsibility for addressing statutory using the Lendlease risk framework, and address any legal
reporting requirements attributable to Lendlease Group and requirements as well as the hierarchy of risk control (see GMR
that applicable requirements are managed and communicated. 4.0)
ii) Regions and business units are required to identify, record,
0.2.3 Minimum Standards
update and communicate the requirements of all local,
national and international EH&S legislation, recognised codes, Controls
standards and external requirements applicable to operations. i) Group EH&S will develop, maintain and distribute EH&S GMRs
Where there is a difference between Lendlease standards applicable across all Lendlease operations. The GMRs are
(Group or Regional) and those required by legislation, codes, applicable across the following scenarios where Lendlease is:
standards and other external requirements, the higher
standard will apply. • In a construction based role as General Contractor,
Main Contractor, Management Contractor, Construct Only
iii) Personnel shall hold qualifications and relevant experience Contractor, Construction Manager, Project Manager,
to address EH&S regulatory requirements and undertake
Joint Venture Contractor, Alliance Partner, PFI, PPP,
training in the principals of EH&S legal requirements
Design & Construct (single or two stage).
applicable to their role.
• Acting as the developer or partner in a development
0.2 ASSURANCE & LEARNING consortium.
Lendlease will identify specific controls to manage EH&S risks • Asset or facility manager (including Lendlease occupied
associated with all operations. Documentation must clearly offices) and any operations and maintenance contracts or
outline how all controls must be implemented. Assurance opportunities.
programs will be in place to provide effective reviews of the
implementation of EH&S risk management practices. EH&S • Owner of 50% or greater of any asset/opportunity (including
learning and development programs will be established to assist Lendlease managed funds).
the development of employees.
ii) Group EH&S will provide controls and performance standards
0.2.1 Policy for the GMR risk events applicable across Lendlease
(see GMR 4).
i) Group EH&S will develop and communicate a Lendlease iii) Regions and business units must provide guidance for
Group EH&S Policy, signed by the Lendlease Group Chief operations on how GMR performance standards and controls
Executive Officer (CEO), which outlines the commitment will be applied by providing information on how workplace
to apply standards, processes and controls to meet the activities with fatal risk exposure (i.e. where controls in GMR
requirements of international standards for Environmental 4 are applicable) will be managed. GMR implementation
Management (ISO14001), and Occupational Health & Safety guidance should provide clarity on requirements for different
(ISO45001). stages of the property and construction lifecycle (e.g.
investment, design, procurement, delivery and, management,
ii) Regions and business units will only provide a separate EH&S operations and maintenance), address sector and legislative
policy where required for regulatory or system certification requirements, and provide visual representation of items
purposes. All policies must align with the Group EH&S Policy. always required or not permitted on Lendlease operations.
iii) All Group-wide EH&S policies and standards must be iv) Group will provide a protocol for the management of any
developed in consultation with the regions and business units, exemptions to the GMRs. Where an exemption is sought (e.g.
regularly reviewed and communicated across the organisation. due to historic or contractual circumstances) the approval
iv) For EH&S subject matter not addressed in Group standards, can only be provided by the Region CEO who will notify the
regions and business units can develop and apply standards Group Head of EH&S. All GMR exemptions approved must be
in accordance all applicable regulatory and industry catalogued at each Group EH&S Leadership Team meeting.
requirements. v) Regions and Business Units must verify that compliance to all
applicable GMRs can be achieved on all operations where
0.2.2 Risk Assessment Lendlease has taken the decision not to manage works directly
Controls and has instead engaged a 3rd party Principal/General
i) Group EH&S will provide EH&S specific criteria to be Contractor or Asset Manager in lieu of managing activities
incorporated into the Group risk management framework, under the operational control of Lendlease employees.
including the ‘Risk Appetite Statement’, to identify, evaluate,
act upon, review and monitor risks.
ii) Group EH&S will provide input to Group Risk on any EH&S
related requirements of crisis management and business
continuity planning.
iii) Each region and business unit will monitor that the EH&S
requirements of risk and crisis response protocols are in place,
reviewed and tested at an agreed frequency according to the
Group risk management framework.
GMR 0 – Governance 7

0.2.4 Competency and Development 0.3 REPORTING

Controls Lendlease will establish, implement and maintain procedures
i) Group EH&S (with support from Group Learning & Development) for regular evaluation of risk management, compliance and
will develop EH&S learning material (e.g. EH&S Passport) to performance against strategic objectives, targets and applicable
assist in understanding GMR application. legal requirements. Operational performance reporting against
EH&S risks and controls is required. The recording of all incidents
ii) Group EH&S will develop content on Lendlease’s EH&S is required to enable a holistic and global assessment of EH&S
culture and expectations for use in learning and development performance.
and communication initiatives.
iii) Regions and Business Units must implement the Group EH&S 0.3.1 Management Reporting
learning content at the volume and timeframes specified by Controls
Group, maintaining records of completion for any modules i) Group EH&S will prepare a report identifying EH&S
that are not recorded on the organisation’s internal learning performance across Lendlease on a quarterly basis for review
platform (e.g. Workday learning). by the Lendlease Board and Group EH&S leadership team.
iv) In line with the Group L&D framework, regions and business Actions arising from these reports and related meetings will
units will identify any EH&S learning needs applicable to the be communicated.
sector, jurisdiction and Lendlease contractual role within their ii) Regions and business units will notify Group EH&S of
operating geography (e.g. government mandated induction, significant breaches of EH&S legislative or regulatory
compliance or competency requirements related to EH&S). requirements. Group EH&S will determine if the notified
Records must be maintained within approved learning breach requires disclosure to the Lendlease Board and/or
management systems. within the Annual Report. Group EH&S will also coordinate
v) Regions, business units and related operations must review the the Lendlease response to any EH&S information due to any
statutory competency requirements of Lendlease employees external investor or analyst request or reputational reporting
(and supply chain employees conducting acute high-risk requirements.
activities) and determine that applicable competence and/or
0.3.2 Operations Reporting
compliance requirements have been addressed for the work
they are to conduct, manage or oversee. Records must be Controls
maintained within approved learning management systems. i) Group EH&S will provide an IT solution for all operations
to report on EH&S and provide guidance material on the
0.2.5 Operations Reviews use of the EH&S reporting platform and EH&S reporting
Controls requirements for all Lendlease operations.
i) Regions and business units must develop Annual EH&S ii) Regions and business units will support all operations in
Assurance Plans for how they propose to conduct assurance the reporting of all known incidents – including actual and
activities across the portfolio of operations for the upcoming potential impacts of injury, illness, property damage, plant/
financial year and submit to Group EH&S, making revisions equipment damage or harm to the environment. Reporting
as changes occur. The EH&S Assurance Plans will determine will incorporate all operations (including post-practical
the frequency, scope, methodology, reporting requirements completion incidents).
and management of actions for any operational EH&S risk
reviews, assurance reviews or audits, addressing operational iii) Regions and business units will provide all operations with
risk and any regulatory or systems assurance requirements. access to record EH&S observations on the Lendlease EH&S
EH&S Assurance Plans will address how business units reporting platform using mobile devices and cater for both
independently sample and assess operations for EH&S ‘safe’ and ‘at risk’ scenarios.
performance and GMR compliance at agreed intervals. iv) Hours worked and the number of employees and sub-
ii) Any actions arising due to non-conformities identified as part contractors on site must also be recorded in the EH&S
of assurance reviews must be closed out within the agreed reporting platform on a monthly basis. Evidence must be
timeframes and based on the level of risk associated with readily available for audit or other assurance processes to
the non-conformity. Results of audits and reviews, including demonstrate how working hours were calculated.
actions, evidence of completion and effectiveness of actions v) Regions and business units will monitor all operations to
will be recorded in the EH&S reporting platform. determine that incident reporting protocols are followed, and
iii) Group EH&S will maintain oversight of the internal auditing EH&S reporting requirements are implemented for consistent
process and support each region and business unit to reporting of operational EH&S performance against planned
complete assurance reviews against the requirements of objectives and targets.
GMRs 0 and 1.

0.2.6 Document, Data and Records Control

i) Regions and business units must define and implement
document identification and data control protocols (in line
with the group records management, data governance, data
security and controlled documents frameworks, including
document retention and naming conventions) applicable to their
operation and the provision of information and communications
technology systems for document and record management.
GMR 0 – Governance 8

0.3.3 Incident Management ii) Where management of EH&S has (or feasibly could have)
resulted in adverse incident and compliance outcomes,
investigations must notify management of any findings where
i) Group EH&S will define incident and observation reporting negligence, sabotage or inadequate EH&S management or
requirements for all operations. leadership practices may have contributed to the outcomes.
ii) Group EH&S will develop appropriate protocols, standards and Any resulting consequence management action is to be
workflows to classify, report and notify senior management of aligned with regional performance management frameworks
critical incidents. This aligns with the group crisis framework, and Group standards (e.g. Employee Code of Conduct,
which will be enacted if the triggers for a crisis are met. Supplier Code of Conduct).

iii) Business units will determine that all statutory reporting in the 0.4.2 Change Management
event of a notifiable incident is conducted and recorded in
compliance with statutory requirements and that appropriate
people interact with any government or industry authorities. i) Group EH&S will review the group policy and standards in
response to applicable EH&S lessons learned, regulatory,
iv) Group EH&S will define protocols for the investigation of organisational or other relevant changes.
critical incidents by personnel trained in applying the required
incident investigation methodology. ii) Regions and businesses are to implement a documented
change management process which includes a review of
v) Regions and business units will develop and implement the risks associated with changes to Group documents,
protocols and standards for any investigations under legal operational controls, contractual arrangements, regulatory
privilege. requirements and design standards that impact how GMR
vi) All Critical Incidents on Lendlease operations must controls are to be implemented at an operational level.
be investigated using the Lendlease 8 Step™ incident iii) Regions and operations are to implement processes to identify
investigation methodology and entered into the Lendlease how the management of change is applied at the operational
online EH&S reporting platform. It is expected that level as it applies to activity management in GMR 4.0,
investigation draft reports, senior management reviews particularly where change is required once a high-risk work
(including the agreement of the recommendations and activity has commenced.
preventative actions) have been concluded within 30 days of
the event. Any changes to this timing must be agreed with the iv) Variations to design, planned construction or asset
Region Head of Environment Health & Safety (EH&S). management approaches, changes in scope, and adjustments
due to time and cost adjustments on an operation requires
vii) Incident investigation teams will work with regions and reassessment against the GMR requirements before
business units to establish and monitor actions, provide proceeding with the proposed changes.
lessons learned from all critical incident investigations and to
provide relevant information to other Lendlease operations. 0.4.3 Continual Improvement and Innovation
0.4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT i) Lesson learned and any best practice obtained from incident
Lendlease will review the performance of teams and individuals investigations (including alerts where findings identify
against established EH&S objectives, targets and the potentially significant risks on other operations) are to be
requirements of EH&S roles and responsibilities. This includes recorded in the EH&S reporting platform to be available to
the application of both reward and consequence management Group, Regions and Businesses for wider communication.
in relation to EH&S performance outcomes. Effective ii) Group EH&S will facilitate the collation and sharing of lessons
management of change and knowledge sharing will drive learned and leading practices between regions and functions.
continual improvement in performance and the establishment
of annual strategic planning objectives and targets applicable at iii) Group EH&S, in consultation with regions and business units,
organisational and operational levels. will regularly review the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness
of the GMRs and prioritise action and resolution through the
0.4.1 Performance Recognition strategic planning process.
Controls iv) Regions and business units will address changes applicable
i) All levels of management in Group, regions, business units as a result of alterations to legislation or industry standards,
and operations will identify individuals and teams (inclusive audit or other assurance outcomes, product recalls, industry
of supply chain partners where applicable) who have alerts, incident alerts and lessons learned or changes to
performed in a manner that champions and advances EH&S at organisational structures or arrangements. Actions to address
Lendlease (e.g. exceptional performance against established audit findings that are material in nature or other assurance
responsibilities, transparency in reporting, excellence in EH&S outcomes and related changes must be managed in the EH&S
communication, development of innovative technical EH&S reporting platform.
solutions, leading practice or overcoming adverse EH&S
v) Innovation resulting in the application of improved methods
circumstances) and apply any applicable local or regional
and equipment to manage critical risks is encouraged and
reward and recognition outcomes (including nomination for
facilitated through the Lendlease innovation pathway and
employee excellence awards).
must include a review to determine that adherence to the
GMRs has been maintained before implementing.
GMR 1 – Investment 10

GMR 0 Group, region and business unit oversight

Management governance | Assurance | Reporting | Performance management


Investment Design and Procurement Establishment Delivery

The deal Approach Operational set-up Day to day risk management

Risk reviews – new work and EH&S design risk management Establishing places that care EH&S delivery risk management
investment opportunities – – –
– Design standards and controls Managing logistics and set-up Defining 20 GMR risk events
Independent project reviews – – –
Procurement review processes Operational planning Performance standards
and governance and controls

Figure 3: GMR framework – GMR 1: Investment

Preamble ii) Records of all GMR 1 risk reviews must be provided using
either: the online platform for new work or investment
Lendlease has identified a range of underlying organisational opportunities used by the business unit, or; the Lendlease
factors that have contributed to increasing the EH&S risk profile online EH&S reporting platform.
of Lendlease operations. Many of these factors were not identified
iii) GMR 1 risk reviews must be re-visited throughout the operational
and managed at the investment stage and incident investigations
lifecycle to monitor (a) if any of the GMR 1 risk prompts previously
show these items have directly or indirectly contributed to
deemed ‘not applicable’ are required to be reclassified as
serious incidents occurring. GMR 1 addresses the requirement
‘applicable’, and (b) to monitor any previous GMR 1 review actions
for leadership across all levels of the organisation to effectively
to determine if they have been progressed or closed out.
consider the risk to EH&S performance from financial and non-
financial decisions in the investment, establishment, planning, iv) GMR 1 risk prompts are to be completed as the new work
design, delivery and management phases of the operational or investment opportunity evolves from pipeline through
lifecycle. GMR 1 provides opportunities to set up operations teams to conversion. The three components of information to be
for success from the earliest phases of the operational lifecycle. assessed as the GMR 1 process applies through pipeline,
origination/acquisition and conversion are identified as follows:
1.1 R
• Part A: Business level risk – does the new work or
All new work and investment opportunities require an assessment investment opportunity fit with our strategy and risk
of operational risks that can directly and indirectly impact EH&S appetite? (identified at ‘Go/No Go’).
outcomes during the delivery of work activities. GMR 1 risk reviews
must commence in the pipeline, origination/acquisition stage of • Part B: Operational risk (roles & responsibilities) – do the
new work or investment opportunities and continue throughout specific risks of the new work or investment opportunity inhibit
the conversion, final approval and pre-commencement stages. GMR implementation? (identified prior to deal commitment or
Elements of GMR 1 require ongoing assessment throughout the bid submission and monitored until site commencement).
construction, operations, maintenance and management phases
• Part C: Operational risk (change management) – do changes
of both construction and asset operations. The findings from EH&S
risk reviews must be included in all investment submissions to in circumstances for financial and non-financial indicators
Group, Regional and Business Unit Investment Committees and be increase the risk of adverse health, safety, wellbeing or
endorsed by the respective EH&S lead as determined by the risk environmental outcomes? (identified post deal commitment
profile (e.g. per Limits of Authority, scale and/or complexity). GMR or bid submission and monitored throughout the operational
1 risk reviews must be captured in the applicable Lendlease online lifecycle).
reporting platform used in each Region.
v) All completed Part A and Part B assessments must be
1.1.1 Risk Categories verified by the business unit Head of EH&S.
Controls vi) All new work and investment opportunities will be
i) All new work and investment opportunities must be assessed required to adhere to any additional Lendlease standards
against the Lendlease investment risk categories. Each business applied to the business unit. This includes the requirements
unit will identify investment risk questions or scenarios that of the Risk Appetite Framework, Limits of Authority
address risk prompts relevant to the geography, sector and (LoA’s), and the application of the Project Environmental
contract types for new work and investment opportunities. and Social Risk Assessment.
Risk prompts deemed an applicable risk for the new work or
investment opportunity will require an action to be identified
that will contribute to the risk being eliminated or mitigated.
GMR 1 – Investment 11

Table 1
GMR 1 Risk Prompts: PART A - Alignment with organisation risk appetite
These GMR 1 risk prompts are to be assessed at the ‘Go/No Go’ stage for new work and investment opportunities and are to be
monitored during the conversion process (prior to deal commitment or bid submission) as part of determining if the new work or
investment opportunity is consistent with the Lendlease risk appetite framework. All applicable risk prompts require actions to be
generated to eliminate or mitigate the risk.

PART A. BUSINESS LEVEL RISK (Does the opportunity fit with our risk appetite?)

Risk Category Risks Requiring Identification and Actions

Geography Country, city, jurisdiction (i.e. LL experience/capability)

• Local legislation or enforcement practices are not fully aligned with implementing Lendlease GMRs in full.

• The new work or investment opportunity is not in a city with an existing Lendlease office and/or is
located remotely (e.g. 2+ hours or more door-to-door from the Lendlease office that would be providing
management oversight).

Sector e.g. UR, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Retail, Education, Telco, Civil, Defence, Healthcare etc
• Lendlease have not worked in this sector in this geography previously.

• Local supply chain custom and practice for EH&S (e.g. high-risk activities, equipment, worker welfare)
differs from GMR-compliant practices.

Contract/Role Type e.g. Dev’t, CM, PM, D&C, PC, JV, Construct only, FM, Consulting, IM, Client etc.
• The Lendlease role or contract type (or a lack of clarity around roles & responsibilities) inhibits full
operational control of all EH&S practices.
• Lendlease have not worked for this client or consortium previously.

Scale Contract size, site footprint, proposed building scale/height, workforce numbers.
• The financial value or physical dimensions of the proposed works (footprint, floor space, structural height
etc.) represents a significant risk to develop, construct, manage or maintain.
• There will be a peak workforce of over 1,000 persons on site.

Complexity Engineering/construction difficulty, latent conditions, stakeholder issues.

• The opportunity has significant engineering/technical challenges (e.g. as identified by assessing the
technical or engineering complexity related to one or more of the 13 Acute High Risk Activities listed in
GMR 2.3.3).
• The opportunity has significant stakeholder management challenges and/or ethical investment issues
(e.g. community/political opposition, industrial relations, climate risk, environmental or social risk).
GMR 1 – Investment 12

Table 2
GMR 1 Risk Prompts: PART B – Operational risk: roles and responsibilities
These GMR 1 risk prompts are to be assessed prior to deal commitment or bid submission and are to be monitored until site
commencement. All applicable risks require actions to be generated to eliminate or mitigate the risk.

PART B. OPERATION-SPECIFIC RISK – FIXED (Do the project specifics inhibit GMR implementation?)

Risk Category Risks Requiring Identification and Actions

Design Control Lendlease ability to control/influence project design and constructability

• Lendlease does not have control or influence of any of the following - concept design and/or detailed
design and/or construction methodology and/or facility operations and maintenance outcomes.
• Design will be incomplete before works commences or product selection issues have not been resolved
(e.g. combustible materials).

Approvals and Project planning & approvals/consent/conditions (e.g. remediation)

• National or local environmental/planning approvals for the new work or investment opportunity (or for
component elements, e.g. traffic management) represent significant time, cost or risk challenges if not
resolved satisfactorily.
• Latent environment conditions and/or conditions of consent (e.g. contamination, remediation,
occupational health risks) present significant challenges to the successful delivery of the proposed project
or asset.

Lendlease Team Lendlease team capability/availability, required management oversight

and Oversight
• The preferred experience or quantity of Lendlease team members to oversee the project or asset (related
to the scale and complexity) has not yet been achieved or confirmed.
• Significant numbers/frequency of assurance and leadership oversight/visits will be required for delivery of
the project or asset.

Supply Chain Supply chain experience/capability to meet Lendlease standards

• Some key supply chain partners have no experience of working with Lendlease and/or consistently
meeting the GMRs.
• Some (or all) works to be awarded to a 3rd party General/Main Contractor and/or Lendlease will not have
full visibility over supply chain procurement or labour hire practices.

Adjacency Risk Risk from neighbouring projects/activities, logistics & interface issues
• Proximity hazards exist from neighbouring or adjacent activities, facilities or environments.

• Public interface management is required for traffic management, lifting, or permanent/temporary

structural works.
GMR 1 – Investment 13

Table 3
GMR 1 Risk Prompts: PART C – Operational risk: change management
These GMR 1 risk prompts are to be assessed before deal commitment or bid submission and monitored throughout operational
delivery (e.g. Projects in Delivery – PiD). All applicable risk scenarios require actions to be generated to eliminate or mitigate the risk.

PART C. OPERATION-SPECIFIC RISK – DYNAMIC (Do project changes impact on safe work delivery?)

Risk Category Risks Requiring Identification and Actions

Scope Change Changes in design, commercial arrangements, roles and responsibilities or project deliverables
• There has been a change in scope related to design or procurement requiring revision to the project or
operational plan.
• There are unapproved scope changes requiring resolution.

Schedule Delays to design/procurement/construction schedules

• There are fixed project delivery date(s) with large penalties for delays.

• The programme has been delayed and is >30days behind schedule for design and/or procurement
and/or delivery.

Budget/Costs Adverse changes in strike GPM/cashflow/contingency/budget availability.

• Cost Plans or Capex budget does not allow for achieving preferred standards of equipment, worker
facilities, or levels of supervision.
• There has been a significant regression in either the projected profit, cashflow, or available contingency
budget reported for the operation.

Resourcing Lendlease and/or supply chain resource availability or supervision levels

• Lendlease team do not have sufficient resources to meet the preferred levels of oversight/supervision for
all areas and/or operating hours (e.g. weekends and/or night shift).
• Supply chain resourcing for supervision of high-risk activities is not adequate (i.e. not of sufficiently quality
or quantity and not with ratio of at least 1:8).

Morale Project and/or individual hours of work, morale/culture, safety performance

• Workers are required on the site more than 5 days per 7 days, workers are required to work >60 hours per
week, worker shifts are required >12 hours per day, or extra work is required on weekends or double-shifts,
or arrangements are required for workers to fly in and out, or drive in and drive out.
• Appropriate welfare facilities (as outlined in GMR 3) or required learning and development programs are
not being provided.
GMR 1 – Investment 14

1.1.2 Process Alignment

i) All teams working on new work and investment opportunities assurance protocols for operations in delivery (e.g. PiD –
will complete the assessment of items in sections A, B, and C Projects in Delivery reports in construction businesses). Table 4
for GMR 1 using the online reporting platform prescribed by summarises and aligns these processes and further highlights
the business unit (e.g. Enablon, Compass, PCP, Digital Mentor). the phases whereby the risk categories in Tables 1, 2 and 3 will
Part A and Part B assessments will be revisited at intervals be assessed.
prescribed by the business unit, up to and including project
ii) All actions arising as a result of a GMR 1 review must have an
commencement or asset acquisition. Part C assessments
action owner(s) allocated and these items will continue to be
will be monitored throughout construction delivery and/or
monitored until closed out.
asset operations as part of the business unit reporting and

Table 4
Example GMR 1 Application pathway for different types of opportunities

Project Project
Commencement Completion
Final Pre- Asset
Construction Origination Conversion Approval commencement Delivery Operation
Part A Part A (monitor changes)

Part B
Part B (monitor changes)

Operational Assurance
Part C (monitor changes)
Independent Project Review (IPR)
If required

Origination Due Dilligence Final Approval Asset Operation
Acquisition Part A Part A (monitor changes)
Part B
Part B (monitor changes)

Operational Assurance
Part C (monitor changes)
GMR 1 – Investment 15

1.2 INDEPENDENT PROJECT REVIEWS Notification of the requirement to conduct an IPR must go to the
bid leader and Region Head of EH&S.
An Independent Project Review (IPR) is a review of the applicable
risks and management actions identified for each new work and iii) The IPR must include personnel from outside of the team
investment opportunity and is conducted by persons independent working directly on the bid/submission/ proposal to review
of the bid or acquisition team. The IPR is an additional line of the following items:
defence for supporting new work and investment opportunities
a. Review all GMR 1 risk factors to determine that the
with a higher risk profile to assess the capacity for ongoing
correct GMR 1 risk prompts have been identified as
compliance with GMRs 2, 3 and 4.
being ‘applicable’ or ‘not applicable’ for the new work or
1.2.1 Independent Review Protocols investment opportunity.

Controls b. Review all proposed actions to eliminate or mitigate risk

to confirm that the best available actions, resources and
i) To trigger an IPR, the new work or investment opportunity
timeframes are nominated to address the applicable risks.
being assessed must have one or more of the following criteria
present: iv) IPRs can be conducted by personnel from within the business
• Any new work or investment opportunity that represents a
unit if the reviewers are not working directly on the bid/
proposal/submission. The review should seek input from
new sector for Lendlease to be working in for the city/area.
subject matter experts (e.g. from Integrated Solutions or
• Any construction assignments where the Lendlease parties external to Lendlease) where specific risks related
role or contract type does not allow for Lendlease to have to the scale or complexity of the new work or investment
design authority for concept or detailed design, namely: opportunity are identified (e.g. acute high -risk activities,
Construct Only, Construction Management (CM fee scheduling etc).
or agency), Project Management (PM), or Guaranteed v) More than one IPR may be required where the new work or
Maximum Price (GMP). investment opportunities involves multiple buildings, phased
developments, or significant changes in scope after an initial
• Project complexity score and/or the overall Project Risk IPR has been completed.
Score is rated as ‘high’ due to one or more technical,
logistics, or engineering issues (e.g. related to an acute vi) An IPR can form part of an existing business unit review
process for new work or investment opportunities or projects
high risk activity such as multi-storey demolition, site
in conversion (e.g. Pre-Authorisation Reviews, Bid Review)
contamination/remediation issues, construction height
so long as the requirements outlined in GMR 1.2.1 (iii) are
>40 floors, multiple residential balconies, structural addressed and the outcomes are recorded as required in
cantilevers or transfer floors, tunnelling, railway or road GMR 1.2.1 (vii).
possession work etc).
vii) The results of any IPR must be uploaded to the reporting
• Total construction value of the project exceeds A$500m. platform prescribed by the business unit (e.g. Enablon,
Digital Mentor) and verified by the Region Head of EH&S.
• Where an exemption for applying part of the GMRs has
Open actions are to be monitored until closed out.
been requested for Region CEO approval.
ii) In the absence of any automated process to trigger an IPR
based on risk prompts, any of the individuals or groups listed
below are authorised to call for an IPR to be completed for a
new work or investment opportunity requiring their review:
• Business Unit Managing Director (MD)

• Group or Region CEO

• Group, Region or Business Unit Head of EH&S

• Group Head of Operational Assurance & Performance (OAP)

• Group Chief Commercial & Risk Officer (CCRO)

• Region Chief Engineer

• Regional Investment Committee (RIC)

• Global Investment Committee (GIC)

Design and
GMR 2 – Design and Procurement 17

GMR 0 Group, region and business unit oversight

Management governance | Assurance | Reporting | Performance management


Investment Design and Procurement Establishment Delivery

The deal Approach Operational set-up Day to day risk management

Risk reviews – new work and EH&S design risk management Establishing places that care EH&S delivery risk management
investment opportunities – – –
– Design standards and controls Managing logistics and set-up Defining 20 GMR risk events
Independent project reviews – – –
Procurement review processes Operational planning Performance standards
and governance and controls

Figure 4: GMR framework – GMR2: Design and Procurement

Preamble Performance Standard

i) Each operation must assess the capacity of Lendlease to
The design and procurement stage for operations provides control or influence the following elements:
opportunities to identify and eliminate significant risks that
• Concept design of permanent structures and fixed
could otherwise be present in the site establishment, delivery,
and operations and maintenance phases of the property and infrastructure.
construction lifecycle. • Detailed design of permanent structures and fixed
Depending on the opportunity type, the ability to control infrastructure.
or influence concept design provides a unique chance to
• Design of temporary structures and access systems
eliminate risks to people, property or the environment during
both construction and asset operation. In circumstances where (including construction and demolition methodology).
the concept design has been completed by parties other than • Design of services installations (e.g. electrical, Fire Safety
Lendlease, there often remains a secondary opportunity to Systems, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (H.V.A.C)
influence detailed design (e.g. design and construct contracts), in and other utilities).
particular the design of temporary and permanent structures, as
well as infrastructure. • Design of fit-out for internal spaces (e.g. commercial, retail,
and residential).
Where Lendlease contract types mean there is not any
opportunity to influence design (e.g. construct only contracts, • Design of operations and maintenance approach and
operations and maintenance contracts) there remains the associated equipment.
opportunity to conduct methodology reviews to determine the
best available methods of work to mitigate any residual risk. • Procurement of machinery, equipment and systems for
Effective procurement practices are important given the role
the supply chain plays in delivering work across a variety of • Procurement of trades and service providers for
Lendlease operations. Procurement includes both the selection construction, manufacture, operation maintenance and
of consultants, subcontractors and supply chain partners as well demolition.
as the procurement of plant, materials and equipment.
• Specification and procurement of products, materials and

2.1 DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT CONTROL substances that are non-hazardous.

All Lendlease operations must be evaluated to determine the ii) All operations must record the sector, contract type and
extent of design and procurement control available to Lendlease. capacity to control design and procurement when initially
set-up for reporting in the Lendlease EH&S reporting platform.
2.1.1 Assessing Design and Procurement Control
All operations must identify and record the level of control
Lendlease has relating to design and procurement.
GMR 2 – Design and Procurement 18

2.2 DESIGN STANDARDS must undertake a Lendlease led design review (following the
process defined by each business unit) to provide assurance
On any Lendlease operation where there is a design
that the contractor/consultants design for both permanent
for fabrication, manufacturing, erection, construction,
and temporary works are aligned with the Lendlease GMRs,
commissioning, demolition, disassembly, decommissioning,
relevant regional legislation, codes and standards, and any
operation or maintenance, the design must seek to eliminate or
locally applied EH&S standards.
minimise the risks of any GMR 4 risk event(s) occurring.
iv) All temporary works should prioritise proprietary systems. All
2.2.1 Design Standards structural loads, fixtures and fittings designed and constructed
Control by a third-party contractor must address the requirements
outlined in GMR 4.
Each Region will determine if it is to establish and apply design
standards that would apply to asset or construction sectors 2.3.2 EH&S in Design Reviews
relevant to the business (e.g. retail, residential, commercial).
Any design standards developed by a Lendlease Practice or Control
Integrated Solutions will be applied across specified Regions. All operations that control or influence design must adhere to
a design review process applicable to the relevant sector and
Performance Standard
contract type and follow the protocols applied by each Region
i) Design standards must state the geography, sector and contract to implement the design review processes. Design reviews
types for which the standard applies, and provide clarity on the must consider constructability, maintainability, serviceability,
requirements to be applied at the appropriate sections of the performance, end use and operability. All operations requiring a
property and construction lifecycle (e.g. investment, concept design review must collaborate with Integrated Solutions.
design, detailed design, procurement etc).
Performance Standard
ii) All Lendlease design standards developed and applied must
i) All operations required to manage a design review process
address opportunities to eliminate or mitigate the critical risk
must inform Integrated Solutions to determine the design
events identified in GMRs 4.1-4.20 as well as the opportunity to
review process and the application of any Region or Group
reduce the risk of injury to persons from high risk manual tasks
design standards applicable for that operation.
and related musculoskeletal injury in construction, operations and
maintenance. Where there is a difference between Lendlease ii) After consultation with Integrated Solutions, the operations
standards and those required by legislation, codes, standards and team must advise of the design review support they propose
other external requirements, the higher standard must be applied. to engage as part of addressing any Region protocols, noting
that only the following options are available:
iii) Lendlease design standards must identify the date for the next
document review to promote continual improvement and to (a) A member of the Integrated Solutions team (e.g. design
apply any learnings from incidents, alerts, product recalls, or manager, architect, technical manager), OR
changes in process requirements.
(b) An alternate Lendlease employee identified as having the
iv) All Lendlease operations must determine if there are any Group required competency to conduct a design review, OR
or Regional design standards that are applicable and notify the
(c) A consultant from a third-party panel maintained by the
Region Head of EH&S where any Design Standards cannot be
business unit or Integrated Solutions.
applied due to client, commercial, technical or other reasons.
iii) All operations required to manage a design review process
2.3 REVIEW PROCESSES will adhere to the framework applied by the Region relevant to
the geography, sector and contract type.
All Lendlease operations must influence and develop optimal
EH&S design solutions and review processes to eliminate iv) All Lendlease design review protocols must be incorporated in
significant and fatal risks identified in the design where practical; risk and opportunity planning (sometimes referred to as a R.O.A.D.
or where elimination is not practical minimise the risk of any Review) to positively influence how a building or structure is
GMR 4 or significant risk event occurring. built, and how equipment and facilities will be managed, used
and maintained, or how a building structure will be demolished.
2.3.1 Design and Development Briefs The review must confirm that structural designers have provided
evidence that structural load calculations have been validated or
Control reviewed as part of the designer’s internal assurance processes.
All Lendlease operations responsible for design or development The review will also address all stored (dangerous) energy
briefs, including process designs for manufacturing, fabrication systems where a loss of containment could lead to an inadvertent
or installation, are required to identify the GMR requirements and dangerous energy release.
prioritise EH&S outcomes.
v) All design review protocols must assess the exposure to
Performance Standard GMR 4 risk events, seek to eliminate risks through design
i) Development briefs must prioritise EH&S outcomes and and apply the hierarchy of risk control (GMR 4.0). Where
concept designs must be assessed against the requirement to elimination is not possible, risks can be mitigated through
prevent GMR 4 risk events from occurring during construction, the application of GMR standards, regulatory and code
operations and maintenance. requirements, lessons learned, EH&S Alerts, Lendlease design
ii) Design briefs must identify requirements to address standards or alerts (e.g. certainty in design and delivery alerts
all applicable Lendlease design standards and EH&S and guidelines (CIDD) alerts, and Technical Notes).
requirements for construction, manufacturing, installation, vi) The outcomes of all design review processes with the potential
end use, operations, maintenance, demolition and re-use. to have a material effect on EH&S (including impacts to
iii) Any design and construct (D&C) work that Lendlease defers schedule, resourcing or the sequence of work) resulting from
to a third-party contractor and/or consultant for completion a design review process must be recorded by the operation
GMR 2 – Design and Procurement 19

on the relevant online reporting platform (as directed by the (e.g. hoardings, ceiling panels) and permanent elements
Region) so the information is available to Integrated Solutions (e.g. façade) a where failure presents the risk of a fatality.
and EH&S teams (as well as Practices where applicable).
iii) All operations required to manage a methodology review
vii) Significant risks identified in the design review process which process for an Acute High Risk Activity must discuss and
have not been eliminated must be transferred to the operation’s agree with Integrated Solutions regarding the support that is
risk register with actions monitored until close out/resolution. required from:
viii) Where the ‘design schedule’ is overdue or delayed for a project (a) A member of the Integrated Solutions team (e.g. engineer
in delivery (affecting the critical path and related scheduling from a relevant field or subject matter expert), OR
and/or sequencing of works), the operation must be subject
(b) An alternate Lendlease employee identified as having the
to an assurance review to identify the risks associated with the
required technical competency to conduct the review, OR
delay and to nominate the support required from the business
unit and/or Integrated Solutions teams. (c) A qualified engineer/consultant from a third-party panel
maintained by the business unit or Integrated Solutions.
2.3.3 Methodology Reviews
(Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing) All reviewers must be independent of the work team or
stakeholder group who has proposed the initial methodology that
Control is being reviewed.
All operations must independently review the methodologies
provided for all acute high risk activities (AHRA) to manage or iv) All methodology reviews for an acute high risk activity will
eliminate risks and to optimise EH&S outcomes in delivery. All adhere to the GMRs and any additional GMR implementation
operations requiring a methodology review must collaborate with requirements applied by the Region relevant to the geography,
Integrated Solutions. sector and contract type.

Performance Standard v) Methodology reviews may be required early in the operational

lifecycle to address an issue identified in an Independent
i) All construction and manufacturing operations must undertake
Project Review (IPR – GMR 1.2.1) or as part of an action arising
an independent methodology review(s) to determine the most
from a Design Review process (GMR 2.3.2).
risk effective manner to undertake acute high risks activities as
they relate to construction, engineering or manufacturing works. vi) All methodology reviews for acute high risk activities must
occur prior to the mobilisation on site of any equipment or
ii) The review(s) of proposed work methodologies must be
work crews proposed to undertake the work to allow for
undertaken to address any of the following thirteen (13) Acute
changes in equipment, personnel or methodology to be
High Risk Activity (AHRA) scenarios:
facilitated where required.
1. Steel or concrete frame erection for high rise building or
vii) Activities must not commence until all required regulatory
construction works.
approvals, permits or conditions of consent are in place to
2. Structural alterations that require significant temporary conduct the work as designed.
support to prevent catastrophic collapse.
viii) Integrated Solutions must be notified of the outcome
3. Tower crane erection, climbing, descent, commissioning or of methodology reviews they have facilitated so that
decommissioning. any significant findings or actions can be recorded and
communicated as lessons learned.
4. Any lifting operation classified as a special lift (due to load
type or public risk). ix) A change control process must be in place to manage any
proposed changes in methodology with risks addressed and
5. New or altered excavations or tunnelling operations where
formally recorded.
unplanned ground collapse is possible.
6. Major changes in live traffic conditions (e.g. major traffic 2.3.4 Operations and Maintenance Approach (End Users)
switch, truck mounted attenuators). Control
7. Demolition of any load bearing and multi-storey structures All assets with operations and maintenance responsibilities must
(>10m/30ft). review the design, methods, equipment and techniques proposed
for use to provide optimal EH&S outcomes for the operations and
8. Design, installation or major maintenance of mobile cranes, maintenance delivery team.
derrick cranes, gantry cranes, hoists, mast climbers, swing
stage scaffolds, piling rigs, concrete boom pumps, and Performance Standard
building maintenance units. i) For operations involved in the operations and maintenance of
fixed assets, the approach to operations management must be
9. Erection of temporary structures or partly completed
reviewed prior to the procurement of equipment or suppliers
permanent structures with loadbearing requirements (e.g.
and reviewed at the end of existing contracts or operational
pre-cast concrete, prefabricated structures).
cycles and address the requirements outlined in GMR 4.
10. Installation or maintenance of any asset-related essential
ii) As a minimum, the following operations and maintenance
service/ ‘life safety’ system.
activities must be reviewed with decisions recorded, including
11. Installation or maintenance of stored energy systems (including justification for the methodology and/or equipment:
elevator installation/fit out and work on live power).
• Building Maintenance Units (BMU), Powered Vertical Access
12. The handling, storage or transport of hazardous materials Equipment (PVAE) and related access systems, including the
(including asbestos) and activities generating respirable dust. use of any bosun chairs, cradles, gondolas, mast climbers
13. Installation or maintenance of public facing (outward/ and swing stages.
overhead) fixtures and fittings of both temporary
GMR 2 – Design and Procurement 20

• Height access equipment including Mobile Elevating Work iii) All operations conducting value engineering exercises must
Platforms (e.g. scissor/boom lifts and cherry pickers). provide records of all decisions made that relate to impacts on
design, programme, resourcing, the approach or management
• Access to, and work on, roofs and the application of fall of high risk activities, the standard of welfare facilities, or the
restraint and/or prevention controls. management of hazards or logistics on the operation.
• Work within penetrations, risers, shafts and voids, including
2.3.6 Manufacturing and Fabrication Equipment
lift or elevator installation and maintenance.
• Access and maintenance of any telecommunications tower, All operations conducting manufacturing, installation or the
power pole or other similar installation. fabrication of any jigs, tooling and machines, whether permanent
• Any activity proposing the use of a safety harness as the or temporary, must have all product elements designed, built and
tested by a person with appropriate skills and competency in
primary means of fall protection.
accordance with all applicable instructions and standards.
• Installation, maintenance, commissioning or replacement of
Performance Standard
machinery or plant process equipment.
i) All elements such as jigs, tools, machines, plant or automated
• Operations and maintenance access on, over or adjacent to equipment (and any associated attachments) must be
a road or railway and airport. proprietary. Where proprietary systems are not practical or do
not exist, non-proprietary systems can be created, provided
• Working on or near pressurised gas distribution mains, an appropriately qualified engineer, with registration in
consumer piping or pressurised hydraulic or other fluid or accordance with local authority requirements in the related
pneumatic systems. discipline, verifies in writing the compliance of the solution
with the relevant codes and standards.
• Working on or adjacent to energised live overhead or
underground services. ii) During fabrication, manufacturing and installation activities
the controls outlined in GMR 4 must be implemented. Any
• Entry into, and work within, any confined spaces. higher standards or alternative controls outlined in regional
• Work in an area where there are artificially created extreme
legislation, codes or standards (particularly for elements where
the GMRs do not cover the item in similar detail) must be
• Working in, around or over water.
iii) A robust inspection and testing regime, to appropriate
• Installation and/or maintenance of any asset-related standards, must be implemented for every element fabricated
essential service/ ‘life safety’ system (including fire or manufactured for Lendlease operations.
safety systems). iv) Records of all inspections and testing undertaken are to be
maintained to meet the requirements of each Lendlease region
• Handling of hazardous materials/substances.
(or that of local legislation and contractual requirements where
• Façade and glass installation or replacement. no regional inspection standards are applied).

• MEP systems or element maintenance and replacement.

2.3.5 Value Engineering All Lendlease operations must implement an ongoing
Control procurement strategy to evaluate the capacity and competence
All operations that are required to carry out value engineering of supply chain partners including manufacturers, contractors,
reviews as a subset of change management must not proceed service providers and suppliers.
with options that materially increases environment, health, safety 2.4.1 Product and Equipment Selection
and wellbeing risk related to design, delivery, operations or
maintenance. Control
All Lendlease operations must procure equipment, products and
Performance Standard
materials that comply with the regional legislation, codes and
i) Any value engineering process undertaken to re-evaluate the standards and the performance standards specified in GMR 4.
approach to design, construction, operations or maintenance
must not create additional EH&S risks in delivery or Performance Standard
compromise the effectiveness of the controls outlined in GMR i) Suppliers of products and equipment must be evaluated
4, which must be implemented. to determine the ability to provide the specified products
or equipment consistently and in accordance with the
ii) Issues for consideration as part of a value engineering process
requirements outlined in the GMRs, including all statutory and
that have the potential to adversely impact working conditions,
regulatory requirements specific to the equipment, products
negatively impact worker wellbeing, compromise the quality
and materials.
and quantity of work supervision, reduce previously agreed
resourcing levels, propose the procurement of cheaper plant ii) All products or equipment procured must address any
and equipment, or promote compressed work programmes/ applicable controls and performance standards outlined
schedules, must be re-evaluated (including revisiting the in GMR 4 (and be included in the design review process
design review process if design is impacted) so that no change to determine if compliance with any performance and
is to be applied where there is an increase in the risk of GMR serviceability requirements related to the design has been
4 risk events occurring as a result of the proposed value attained).
engineering approach.
GMR 2 – Design and Procurement 21

iii) Proprietary or engineered systems procured to create iii) The EH&S responsibilities of key contractors and service
permanent or temporary structures and access systems must providers, and the significant risks associated with their works
be certified by a qualified and registered structural engineer package, must be clearly defined for each engagement.
where manufacturer certification does not exist. Steel
iv) The relevant GMRs, and any other EH&S product, materials
fabricators must provide evidence that quality assurance and
and equipment requirements, must be provided to contractors
quality control processes have been adhered to. These will
and service providers to adequately plan and price the
include records of visual observations, weld maps, and any
proposed works package. The quality and accuracy of the
prescribed non-destructive examination of finished welds
contractor or service provider documentation must be a key
addressing different sub-packages (e.g. canopy steel, internal
factor in the selection process.
structural stairs) and weld types (e.g. butt welds, fillet welds).
v) Contractors and service providers must employ adequate
iv) Products and equipment received on Lendlease operations
numbers of frontline leaders/supervisors, provide proof of
must be inspected to verify that documented specifications
competency for key workers (particularly those carrying out
and requirements have been met, and that all specified
high risk work activities or undertaking work where proof
documentation has been provided including identification and
of competency is required by law), and collaborate with
traceability, test certificates, service records and plant risk
Lendlease in pursuing compliance with the GMRs.
vi) Where it is assessed that a contractor or service provider
v) All products, materials and substances that are proposed to
may not be able to meet the GMRs or legal requirements,
be procured that are classified as hazardous must be reviewed
they must not be engaged unless the operation has no other
for substitution for a non-hazardous product or substance.
feasible option available. In this situation a mitigation plan
vi) Where any product, material or substance is procured that must be prepared and approved by the Region CEO as a GMR
is classified as hazardous, a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) with exemption before any contract can be awarded.
a publication date of not more than five years must be
vii) All new contractor and service provider contractual
provided and risks assessed to assist in the identification
documentation must contain clauses that clearly outline the
and management of hazards, handling, use and storage of
GMRs and any other applicable EH&S standards, product,
the product, material or substances and related personal
material and equipment performance and or assurance
protective requirements.
vii) A documented record must be maintained outlining the
viii) Contractors and service providers contract conditions or
procurement process for any product or equipment procured
service agreements must clearly identify that Lendlease has
that relate to a life safety system(s) (e.g. fire rated elements
the authority to enforce compliance obligations and stop any
and/or materials required for fire suppression); powered
work identified as dangerous or non-compliant with GMRs
vertical access (e.g. elevators, hoists, escalators and
or legislation. Lendlease will have the right to employ a third
travellators) and lifting equipment (e.g. cranes) where the
party(s) to rectify such non-compliances and levy the cost to
impacts of a failure to perform as intended, present a risk of
the relevant party.
fatality to members of the public or workers.
ix) Where a client organisation instructs Lendlease to provide
viii) Contract documents or supply agreements must include a
direct EH&S oversight for third party works, the GMRs must be
requirement that material and test certificates be provided to
applied as the EH&S standards for any third-party contractors
validate compliance of the items supplied with local authority
or service provider activities.
requirements and standards.
x) Where design is outsourced to a third party(s) the requirements
2.4.2 Supply Chain Selection of GMR 2 must be applied, together with relevant regional
Control legislation, standards and codes and be included in contract
All contractors and service providers engaged to work on conditions or service agreements. The output of these
Lendlease operations must fully support the implementation requirements must be provided by the third party to Lendlease
of the GMRs and demonstrate capability to operate to those to inform ongoing risk management processes.
Performance Standard
i) All contractors and service providers formally engaged to
provide design, construction, manufacturing, management or
maintenance services must undertake preliminary screening
(via the supplier platform applied in each operating business).
Any pre-qualification and selection process applied must
include an assessment of the contractors/service providers
ability to meet all GMR and legislative requirements (including
adequate insurance cover) relevant to their proposed works
package and EH&S risk exposure.
ii) Contractors and service providers must acknowledge the
Lendlease Supplier Code of Conduct and must not be
permitted to subcontract performance of any part of their
works package without Lendlease written approval which
must have regard to the assessment of the contractor/service
providers ability to meet all applicable GMRs or legislative
and insurance requirements relevant to their proposed works
package and EH&S risk exposure.
GMR 3 – Establishment 23

GMR 0 Group, region and business unit oversight

Management governance | Assurance | Reporting | Performance management


Investment Design and Procurement Establishment Delivery

The deal Approach Operational set-up Day to day risk management

Risk reviews – new work and EH&S design risk management Establishing places that care EH&S delivery risk management
investment opportunities – – –
– Design standards and controls Managing logistics and set-up Defining 20 GMR risk events
Independent project reviews – – –
Procurement review processes Operational planning Performance standards
and governance and controls

Figure 5: GMR Framework – GMR 3: Establishment

Preamble 3.3 Establishing Governance

3.3.1 Eh&S Management Plan
GMR 3 outlines the minimum requirements for the creation of
healthy and safe workplaces. 3.3.2 Operational Eh&S Responsibilities
These requirements align with the Lendlease vision to create the 3.3.3 Operational Eh&S Governance
best places and the aspiration to establish places that care.
3.3.4 Reporting Requirements
For any Lendlease operation a documented EH&S management
plan must be developed (including local stakeholder 3.1 ESTABLISHING PLACES THAT CARE
considerations) and implemented. As a minimum, the plan
must outline how all EH&S risks, including those identified by Lendlease operations must provide industry leading practice for
the GMRs, will be managed and will include access/egress, welfare and accommodation facilities. Workforce communication
workplace hazards and risks, boundary control, emergency and consultation initiatives must be in place and supported by
scenario and evacuation planning, housekeeping, welfare and access to relevant EH&S and wellbeing learning and development
learning programs that support the establishment of places opportunities. Lendlease operations must also establish controls
that care. on working hours and best in class employee engagement
programs and initiatives.
GMR 3 is comprised of the following:
3.1.1 Working Conditions
3.1 Establishing Places That Care
3.1.1 Working Conditions
Working conditions at all Lendlease operations must not
3.1.2 Welfare Facilities adversely affect people’s health, safety and wellbeing or their
3.1.3 Training and Competence ability to carry out their work. Those conducting high risk work
and related activities must be fit for the inherent requirements of
3.1.4 Eh&S Communications and Consultation their work tasks.
3.1.5 Engagement, Reward and Recognition Performance Standard
3.2 Establishing Locations i) Hours of work must be established on each Lendlease
operation that do not put workers’ health, safety or wellbeing
3.2.1 Site Layout at risk. Protocols must be established by the operation or
3.2.2 Site Access business unit for circumstances where any workers will
be required to work more than 60 hours per week. The
3.2.3 Security Arrangements application of wellbeing leave, workplace rosters, and other
3.2.4 Hazard Reduction initiatives to reduce the risk of excessive working hours must
be in place.
3.2.5 Personal Protective Equipment
ii) Dependent on the operation type and location, consideration
3.2.6 Emergency Planning and Evacuation Procedures must be given to journey travel times to and from an operation,
3.2.7 Site Induction particularly if personnel are required to fly in/fly out; or drive
in/ drive out to reach the work location; or are involved in high
risk work.
GMR 3 – Establishment 24

iii) All workers must be fit for work. Each operation must assess viii) Where an operation has an onsite canteen/kitchen, nutrition
factors known to effect health and wellbeing. This includes guidance should follow the guidelines in the Lendlease Health
identifying the risk of fatigue, providing rostering with and Wellbeing framework.
adequate breaks between shifts, identify work tasks where
ix) Where Lendlease are responsible for providing off-site
health surveillance is required, establish and monitor the
living accommodation for Lendlease employees and/or the
duration of shifts, manage the risk of drug and alcohol related
supply chain, industry leading practice (in line with modern
impairment, and assess any pre-declared medical condition,
slavery requirements and guidance where applicable)
injury or illness.
must be procured and applied prior to commencing work.
iv) Protocols must be established for the management of adverse Lendlease should conduct inspections to provide assurance
climatic conditions (e.g. heat, cold, snow, rain, storms, ambient that the workers accommodation addresses both legislative
air quality, lightning and wind). Determine which activities requirements and any additional standards Lendlease have
should cease when threshold protocols are exceeded. applied to the accommodation facilities.
Early warning weather systems are to be established where
x) Each operation must identify and implement specific welfare
particular climatic conditions represent a significant risk (e.g.
initiatives that demonstrate care for frontline workers and
high winds, lightning, earthquakes, bushfires).
employees, e.g. flu vaccinations, healthy food options or other
v) Operations must monitor any worker(s) required to work in initiatives. (The Lendlease health and wellbeing framework
a remote location(s) or conduct lone work to manage their outlines program options that could be implemented).
health and safety. This includes maintaining regular contact
xi) For operations where workers (Lendlease or supply chain) are
and establishing protocols for communication and emergency
exposed to the risk of infectious diseases due to geography
(e.g. malaria) or potential human contact (e.g. hepatitis for first
3.1.2 Welfare Facilities responders), controls such as adequate vaccinations should be
identified and in place.
To create the best places to work and places that care, all 3.1.3 Training and Competence
Lendlease operations must provide amenities and welfare Control
facilities that are industry leading practice.
All workers with EH&S roles and responsibilities related to legal
Performance Standard or GMR requirements must be suitably qualified with verified
i) Assess welfare requirements and provide industry leading proof of competency relevant to their role.
facilities prior to works on site commencing. The facilities are Performance Standard
to reflect the hazards present, number of users, proposed
i) Familiarise all Lendlease workers with the Lendlease EH&S
length of site occupation, and the differing needs of users of
vision, culture and GMRs and complete any EH&S training
the facilities.
applicable to their role (e.g. Lendlease EH&S Passport) as
ii) Based on maximum worker numbers, provide sufficient well as awareness and training opportunities that address
toilet facilities within easy access of working areas. All toilets the organisation’s environment, health, safety and wellbeing
within defined operational locations must be connected into framework.
the mains or similar (e.g. self-contained units) and cleaned at
ii) Where a Lendlease employee or contractor has a position or
least daily.
responsibility that requires statutory training or accreditation
iii) Provide hot and cold washing facilities which are appropriate (e.g. statutory EH&S coordinator, operator of plant and
for the number of employees and the work being undertaken. equipment, first aid, fire warden) the employee or contractor
These facilities within defined operational locations must must have undertaken the relevant industry or statutory
include hot/cold water for washing and clean, cool water for training and must only fulfil the task or responsibility that they
drinking, and appropriate hand sanitiser and/or soaps. have the competency or accreditation to carry out.
iv) Showers and changing facilities should be provided, iii) Lendlease and contractors are required to verify competency
particularly where the work type and shift pattern increases (certificates, licences, training records or knowledge testing)
the likelihood of these facilities providing benefits to where required before any work can commence that relates
employees. to high risk activities (e.g. operation of mobile plant or
equipment, high risk work activities that require a licence, the
v) Provide appropriate break out areas that are heated,
servicing of plant or equipment).
cooled or air conditioned as necessary, particularly in hot
or cold climates. iv) All Lendlease and contractor frontline leaders must provide
any competency requirements necessary for their appointed
vi) Provide enhanced levels of welfare facilities for high risk
role as determined by each Lendlease operating business unit.
works or adverse environmental conditions (e.g. showers and
personal protective equipment (PPE) cleaning facilities to v) All operations will provide access to frontline leaders to
remove contamination from the work activities or after work in complete the Lendlease Frontline Leaders program (1-
extreme temperatures). day course). This course is required for all operatives who
are putting people to work, particularly high risk activities.
vii) Where Lendlease provides site-based office accommodation,
These roles include supervisors, foreman, leading hands,
the office facilities must provide adequate lighting, ventilation,
superintendents, construction managers, package managers
as well as heating/cooling or air conditioning where conditions
and site engineers from both Lendlease and the supply chain
demand. The office space should be cleaned or maintained
teams. All Lendlease business units will outline the minimum
daily and office furniture is to be provided that meets the
completion requirements for frontline leaders working on
ergonomic requirements prescribed by any applicable office
the operation.
codes of practice.
GMR 3 – Establishment 25

3.1.4 EH&S Communications and Consultation iii) All Lendlease ‘People Managers’ at the operation are
responsible for demonstrating leadership to their direct
reports by exemplifying positive EH&S behaviours, visibility
EH&S communications and consultation protocols must be in monitoring work activities, and effectively communicating
established with stakeholders on each operation as part of EH&S messages. EH&S roles and responsibilities are to be
assurance and change management processes, including formally documented and clearly communicated by each
provision of opportunities for worker feedback. Manager to their direct report(s).
Performance Standard
i) Operations must communicate information detailing the 3.2 ESTABLISHING LOCATIONS
location(s) and nature of high risk activities, areas or works
All Lendlease operations required to segregate the work activities
where risks exist that could impact anyone not involved in
from the public must provide adequate barriers, emergency
performing the activity. Clearly identify areas where entry is
planning protocols and briefings as part of any site inductions.
forbidden, or where special precautions apply.
ii) The management team of each operation must establish 3.2.1 Site Layout
arrangements for promoting worker feedback on hazard Control
reporting and improving EH&S and wellbeing standards, All operations site layouts must consider the movement of
work practices or performance. people, vehicles, plant and equipment.
iii) Lendlease and contractors must conduct EH&S well- Performance Standard
being (mental and physical) briefings, toolbox talks or other
i) All operations must review traffic interface risk with public
consultation initiatives at appropriate intervals on topics
roads and implement suitable physical barrier separation and
relevant to the activities on the operation, including any
warning signage to manage exit/entry points, delivery areas,
alerts, lessons learned, or other information issued by the
pedestrian crossing points, walkways, parking areas and
business unit.
vehicle speed limits.
iv) Undertake consultation and communication with key internal
ii) Outdoor artificial lighting must be provided for all locations
and external stakeholders through public meetings or forums,
where workers or members of the public require access
using signage, newsletters, emails or other information media
outside of daylight hours.
prior to significant changes in operations or activities.
iii) Suitable indoor lighting must be provided for all work tasks
v) EH&S alerts and any applicable lessons learned issued to the
and access requirements. Temporary lighting must not create
operations by Lendlease management must be communicated
a trip or fire hazard.
in a timely manner with recommendations or required actions
applied where applicable, particularly if the notification results iv) Any operations with regular and/or large-scale delivery
in adjustments to any procedures, methodologies or protocols. requirements must implement a delivery booking system and
dedicated areas for deliveries, material storage and lay down.
vi) Workers must be briefed on the proposed work methods for
Vehicle holding areas must be created where there is a risk of
their scope of work and given an opportunity to suggest an
queuing inside and outside the operation that could impact
alternate method.
roadways or pedestrian access or egress.
vii) Changes to any previously agreed or documented work
v) Establish protocols to determine when common plant
methods must involve consultation with the workers
located on the operation such as cranes, hoists, elevating
undertaking the activity. Any proposed changes must
work platforms, elevators and forklifts is to be used to
be assessed to determine if there has been changes in
handle product and materials delivered to site to avoid over
application of preventative controls outlined in GMR 4, or in
reliance on just using the available plant and equipment of the
the application of the Hierarchy of Risk Control (GMR 4.0).
contractor/subcontractor receiving the materials.
Any proposed changes must be communicated, including
reinforcing all applicable controls and rescue arrangements. vi) Any Lendlease operation that provides warehousing or other
similar temporary storage facilities must be planned, designed
3.1.5 Engagement, Reward and Recognition and inspected as part of procurement and installation phases
Control and be verified by an independent engineer as structurally
All Lendlease operations must identify effective programs and engineered to hold the weights, shapes and quantities planned
initiatives to engage, reward and recognise frontline personnel for storage.
who work on Lendlease operations. 3.2.2 Site Access
Performance Standard Control
i) Identify and implement operational wide engagement All operations where high-risk activities are being undertaken
programs and initiatives to facilitate the creation of the best must prevent any danger to the public or unauthorised access by
workplaces. providing suitable physical barriers where members of the public
ii) Operations must establish and communicate the protocols for could gain access to the works.
reward and recognition for innovative practice and behaviours Performance Standard
that support positive EH&S and wellbeing outcomes. In
i) All operations where building or construction works are in
addition, a consequence management framework must be in
progress, including rectification or minor capital works, must
place to respond to findings of reckless or deliberate actions
be securely fenced to prevent unauthorised access, display
resulting in imminent or immediate risk of serious harm
warning signs, and be supervised during working hours.
to a worker or the public, or adverse health and wellbeing
outcomes, or material harm to the environment.
GMR 3 – Establishment 26

ii) Access to site must be managed by the site access system 3.2.4 Hazard Reduction
specified in the region. Review protocols must be established
to determine that only authorised persons are granted access.
All operations must effectively manage site conditions and
iii) Fencing or hoarding solutions must be engineered and tidiness to minimise the risk of creating unnecessary hazards or
regularly inspected to prevent unauthorised access. Where impacts on the environment that can contribute to an incident.
fencing the entire site is not practicable, areas of high risk
and items of plant within the operation must be formally risk Performance Standard
assessed and be secured from unauthorised access. i) Effectively manage tidiness/housekeeping and storage areas
to maintain clean and tidy work areas and facilities.
iv) Where a site is extensive in length (e.g. road and rail
construction or upgrade projects, residential communities or ii) All main access ways, emergency routes and passageways
operating assets under management such as retail centres and must be clearly lit, marked, kept clean, maintained in good
retirement communities) or where discrete short term activities condition and kept free from obstructions and debris to
are being undertaken (e.g. multi-site and maintenance teams) eliminate the risk of slips and trips.
and fencing the entire site perimeter is not practicable, the iii) The location of stacked or stored materials must be effectively
extent and location of any signage, fencing and physical managed to prevent the risk of toppling or falling which could
barriers must be determined by a formal risk assessment so impact work areas, access routes or site facilities.
that the public cannot readily access or interface with high risk
activities or site hazards. iv) All main access ways must have surfaces that are appropriate
for their intended use and the local environment. Floor surface
v) Any short-term activity (less than one day) or an activity selection must consider the type of operation, the geographic
extending beyond the pre-existing site boundary requires environment, the volume of pedestrian traffic, the types of
the erection of suitable physical barriers to prevent users, and the ease of maintaining surfaces free from spillages
unauthorised access based on an assessment of risk and contamination to reduce the risk of slips and trips.
(e.g. temporary fencing).
v) All hazardous substances, chemicals, combustibles,
vi) Risks to the public must be assessed related to both flammables and other dangerous goods and materials must
construction activities and operations and maintenance be safely stored and adequately segregated in accordance
requirements. Consideration should be given to the size, with safety data sheets (SDS) with warning signs (placards)
materials and placement of hoardings, fences and any other displayed, physical barriers and/or bunding in place where
permanent and temporary barriers, as well as the management required, and specified adequate safety equipment available
of plant, vehicle and pedestrian traffic to determine that (e.g. extinguishers, spill kits). All safety data sheets (SDS) must
appropriate structures, protocols and risk management be available on site in hard copy or be easily accessible online.
measures are in place.
vi) Electrical items presenting a risk of fire or electrocution must
3.2.3 Security Arrangements be placed correctly or fixed into position.
Control vii) Waste receptacles must be present to handle general
Security arrangements must be in place to address the risks to waste, hazardous waste, and recyclable materials.
workers and the public from hazards and activities present on the Implement processes for the regular collection of all waste
operation or its immediate surrounding environment. and recyclable materials.
Performance Standard viii) All operations must identify repetitive manual handling work
i) Security protocols must be in place that reflect the operation tasks that present a risk of musculoskeletal disorders and
type, geographic location and risks applicable to the eliminate or mitigate the exposure through revised methods of
protection or exclusion requirements for workers and the work, material movement or material handling.
public. Where Lendlease has control over an asset, office, ix) To avoid cut and puncture wounds all sharp objects, sharp
construction site or other work location, access must be tools, equipment and materials must be used in accordance
controlled to prevent unauthorised access to secure areas (e.g. with the manufacturer’s recommendations and when handled
plant rooms, confined space, roof areas, plant or equipment). by workers they must wear appropriate personal protective
ii) Areas closed to the public within managed operations must equipment (e.g. abrasion/cut resistant gloves specific to that
be clearly defined, and measures implemented to prevent task). Sharp objects, tools, equipment and materials must be
unauthorised entry to these areas (e.g. plant rooms). stored safely when not in use away from access/egress areas
to prevent inadvertent contact and cut or puncture injuries.
iii) Any unoccupied areas on an operation (e.g. undeveloped
land owned by Lendlease where no work is underway) must x) All operations must develop and implement controls to
be subject to a risk assessment to determine if the area minimise the risk of occupational health exposure related
needs to be secured to prevent access or if it would be more to adverse workplace conditions including, respirable dust
appropriate to allow public access. including silica, diesel particulates, noise, ultraviolet radiation
and other health risk factors presenting immediate or longer
iv) Where the risk of criminal or anti-social activity is identified, term fatal risks (depending on exposure types).
appropriate levels of physical surveillance by security guards
and closed-circuit television (CCTV) and arrangements with
security companies must be in place or other means identified
through a risk assessment (particularly for monitoring
those travelling, working alone, or working after hours) must
be in place.
GMR 3 – Establishment 27

3.2.5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e. Include the requirements for practicing response
to the identified scenarios (e.g. fire drills, heightened
security threats).
All operations must establish protocols for PPE including general
and specific application. ii) All emergency response management requirements, including
emergency preparedness and response plans, first aid
Performance Standard provisions and emergency response drills, must be revised at
i) All operations must establish general PPE standards least annually (or more frequently for higher risk workplaces
depending on the operation type and activity risk. When such as construction operations). This can be in conjunction
deciding on the standards to be applied, consider as a with local emergency services or a suitably qualified fire
minimum the application of head protection, protective contractor.
footwear, eye protection, ultraviolet light (sunlight) protection,
hand protection, high visibility clothing and the areas of the iii) Operations must practice emergency response scenarios for
operation where PPE is not required to be worn. effectiveness. These must be recorded.

ii) Other items of task specific PPE must be identified through 3.2.7 Site Induction
risk assessment and must be provided and worn (e.g.
hearing protection in areas where noise levels exceed the
local legislative thresholds, dust mask for respirable dust All workers and visitors entering an operation for work purposes
protection; gloves to protect against sharp objects, tools or must be given adequate EH&S instructions.
materials, clothing and other forms of protection to meet the Performance Standard
local environmental conditions, helmet flap to protect against i) Induct all workers contractors, visitors and service providers
ultraviolet light). before commencing work, giving consideration to language
iii) Any additional PPE required to be implemented in response barriers and the nature of their work or risk exposure.
to legislative changes, environmental conditions or events ii) The induction must include content specific to the operation
(e.g. air pollution events), or for pandemic and disease control (e.g. details of any site rules, EH&S specific standards, safety
response, must be of the specified type and meet all specified hazards and risks, health and wellbeing, environmental aspects
codes and standards where prescribed. and impacts, emergency response, consultation arrangements,
iv) PPE selected and provided for use must be routinely key personnel, and other important information).
inspected and maintained in accordance with the iii) On operations where site access is restricted, all people (i.e.
manufacturer’s requirements or related regional codes or workers and visitors) entering and leaving the location must
standards to determine that the PPE provided remains fit be recorded and provided with adequate EH&S instructions
for its required purpose. (e.g. access cards, visitor identification, information cards
identifying risks, emergency response and site layout) with
3.2.6 Emergency Planning and Evacuation Procedures
visitors to be escorted at all times. Visitors to construction
Control operations must also be provided any additional PPE and
All Lendlease operations must have an established emergency receive notification of specific visitor requirements or
preparedness and response plan prepared that is specific to the protocols they are required to follow.
operation and addresses all statutory emergency preparedness
and response requirements, is communicated to all relevant 3.3 ESTABLISHING GOVERNANCE
people, and is routinely tested for effectiveness.
All Lendlease operations must establish effective governance
Performance Standard and create an active plan for how EH&S risks are identified and
i) Emergency management planning must: managed on the operation with clear responsibilities defined and
active leadership oversight in place.
a. Link with regional business continuity planning and crisis
management protocols and include details of people with 3.3.1 EH&S Management Plan
key responsibilities, includes potential and actual credible
emergency response scenarios and contact details for liaison Control
with relevant people within Lendlease, emergency services, All Lendlease operations must have an EH&S management plan
external authorities, and third parties such as clients. that clearly identifies the applicable EH&S risks and how they are
to be managed at the operation.
b. Appoint and formally train sufficient wardens in emergency
procedures, including the need to check areas are clear of Performance Standard
people in an evacuation and basic firefighting techniques i) The EH&S management plan must:
where appropriate.
• Identify and include stakeholder specific requirements and
c. Identify members of the emergency response team the unique operational risks from GMRs 1 and 2 which need
including fire wardens and first aiders who have been to be managed (e.g. protocols for methodology reviews for
formally appointed and trained in their emergency acute high risk activities).
• Address all requirements listed within GMR 3 and
d. Incorporate a risk assessment (undertaken by a person
include plans or other methods to address all monitoring
deemed to have the correct levels of competency)
requirements from any applicable GMR risk events outlined
to determine the requirements for incident response
equipment, including the number and content of first aid in GMR 4.
kits, number of fire extinguishers and their location, and • Comply with all applicable legal and regulatory
requirements for any risk-based items such as Automated requirements in preparing and maintaining an operating
External Defibrillators (AED), oxy viva resuscitator, oxygen,
EH&S management plan.
stretcher, bleed kit, spill kit or other items if required.
GMR 3 – Establishment 28

• Identify arrangements for the scheduled inspection and b. Monitor compliance with the GMRs and regulatory
maintenance of specific plant and equipment used to requirements and examine information from any EH&S
manage critical risks and identify that it is fit for purpose. events, incidents, reviews, audits, or observations recorded.
(e.g. test and tag electrical items, residual current device c. Review incidents and investigations to provide appropriate
checks, fire systems, fall restraint and rigging equipment, actions, follow up and close out.
first aid kits).
d. Monitor the status of the key operational risks identified in
• Include any occupational health monitoring required by risk GMRs 1-4.
assessment. e. Monitor progress against people-related requirements
• Outline the management of access/egress, workplace including but not limited to: workforce consultation,
hazards and risks, boundary control, emergency and engagement, training delivery, hours of work, welfare
evacuation planning, housekeeping, wellbeing and EH&S facilities and health and wellbeing initiatives.
learning programs that establish places that care. f. Document outcomes related to the above and
communicate these to the workforce where appropriate.
ii) The EH&S management plan must be cross referenced to the
Project Execution Plan, regularly reviewed and updated to ii) All Lendlease operations must receive an independent
include significant changes to risks or risk controls. assessment at intervals set by the Business Unit and cover the
requirements of all GMRs that are applicable on the operation
iii) For established workplaces identified as low risk (e.g. office
and correspond with actual or upcoming changes in risk profile
operations), the plan must be reviewed and updated at least
and/or actual EH&S performance outcomes. The independent
annually. For high risk workplaces (e.g. construction sites) the
EH&S assessment must be undertaken by a Lendlease or
plan must be reviewed and updated more regularly as outlined
third-party employee or contractor deemed to have sufficient
by the business unit.
competency but is not based full-time on the operation (to
3.3.2 Operational EH&S Responsibilities provide independence from the operations team).

Control iii) All operations subject to audits from clients, regulators, or

other third parties (e.g. as part of ISO certification or national
All Lendlease operations must have EH&S roles and
accreditation requirements) must communicate requirements
responsibilities clearly defined between organisations and within
to Region/Business Unit EH&S teams and the operational
individuals and teams.
EH&S leadership team to obtain support in managing and
Performance Standard facilitating the audit process.
i) Outline roles and responsibilities for the operation, including
responsibilities for monitoring all applicable GMR controls to 3.3.4 Reporting Requirements
appropriate persons (who may be from within the Lendlease Control
team, a contractors/service provider, or other stakeholders). All operations must report on EH&S incidents and compliance
These responsibilities must be clearly communicated and as a means of performance tracking and establish improvement
documented. opportunities.
ii) The most senior Lendlease leader on each operation is Performance Standard
responsible for oversight of all EH&S responsibilities attributed
i) All event types must be recorded using the Lendlease online
to Lendlease. Any responsibilities delegated by the senior
EH&S reporting platform within 24 hours of being made
Lendlease leader to other employees are to be clearly
aware of the event, including actual and potential incidents
documented in individual roles and responsibilities and clearly
of injury, illness, property damage, plant damage, or harm to
communicated to each individual.
the environment. All operations must also meet the reporting
3.3.3 Operational EH&S Governance and Assurance requirements and timeframes outlined for regulatory incident
notification and reporting.
ii) All incidents classified as a Critical Incident must be published
All Lendlease operations must establish an EH&S leadership
within 72 hours of the event occurring.
team or equivalent to provide governance and oversight for
EH&S performance management. Operations with small teams or iii) All Critical Incidents on Lendlease operations must
dispersed work fronts (e.g. multisite operations) may have EH&S be investigated using the Lendlease 8 Step™ incident
leadership teams which operate at the sub-business unit level. investigation methodology in accordance with the group
Performance Standard
i) The EH&S leadership team must: iv) As part of identifying, managing and reporting on risk, each
operation must report on EH&S risk and compliance as
a. Meet at least quarterly, be chaired by the most senior determined by their business unit.
Lendlease leader on the operation and engage with
partners such as clients, contractors and service providers v) All Lendlease operations reporting must be inclusive of
in reviewing progress against EH&S objectives and targets, incidents, observations and assurance reporting related to
strategic planning and other initiatives specific to the environment, health, safety and wellbeing (e.g. mental health
operation. first aid reporting) with support provided from the local
business unit to assist in identifying areas of concern and
actions or interventions.
GMR 4 – Delivery 30

GMR 0 Group, region and business unit oversight

Management governance | Assurance | Reporting | Performance management


Investment Design and Procurement Establishment Delivery

The deal Approach Operational set-up Day to day risk management

Risk reviews – new work and EH&S design risk management Establishing places that care EH&S delivery risk management
investment opportunities – – –
– Design standards and controls Managing logistics and set-up Defining 20 GMR risk events
Independent project reviews – – –
Procurement review processes Operational planning Performance standards
and governance and controls

Figure 6: GMR Framework – GMR 4: Delivery

Preamble GMR risk events 11-20: critical controls only

4.11. Public health exposure
GMR 4 addresses the potential for fatal risk outcomes amongst
4.12. Mental health and fatigue
the day-to-day operational activities, hazards and risks that are
present across Lendlease operations. Whilst many risks to people 4.13. Degradation or pollution of the environment
are present daily, there are 20 different GMR 4 risk events that 4.14. Vehicle and plant incident (public areas)
have been identified that present the most significant risk to
4.15. Uncontrolled release of stored energy (non-electrical)
people (i.e. the risk of a single or multiple fatalities), or of causing
significant environmental damage across Lendlease’s operations. 4.16. Tunnel collapse
These GMR risk events have been assessed using the bow tie risk 4.17. Failure of fixtures or fittings
methodology to determine potential causes and impacts. 4.18. Drowning
Potential causes are addressed by implementing preventative 4.19. Confined space incident
controls which are used to prevent the occurrence of the GMR
risk event, whilst the potential impacts are offset with mitigating 4.20. Essential service failure
controls designed to lessen the impact if the event was to occur.
Whilst all 20 GMR risk events have preventative and mitigating
controls listed for application, the top 10 GMR risk events at For all Lendlease operations where any of the 20 GMR risk events
Lendlease (identified through analysis of internal incident data) also apply, activities must be managed by implementing the controls
have performance standards provided which assist in determining and performance standards against each risk event. The controls
appropriate controls to be applied for each work activity. For GMR outlined in the GMRs address varying elements found within the
risk events 11-20, no performance standards are included. If further hierarchy of risk control outlined below. The hierarchy prescribes
detail is required regarding how the controls outlined will be achieved elimination as the most desirable control outcome through to
this will be provided by the business unit that oversees the operation. administration and PPE as the least desirable control outcome.
GMR 4 is comprised of the following: • Elimination: Eliminate the hazard by removing it completely
Protocols or designing it out.
4.0 Management of activities • Substitution: Substitute the hazard with something safer.
GMR risk events 1-10: critical controls and performance standards • Isolation: Isolate the hazard from people, or the
4.1. Fall of person environment.
4.2. Fall of material/object
• Engineering: Reduce the risks through engineering
4.3. Vehicle and plant incident (work sites) controls (i.e. controls that are physical in nature, including
4.4. Uncontrolled release of electrical energy mechanical devices or engineering processes).
4.5. Fire and explosion • Administration: Reduce exposure to the hazard using
4.6. Crane and hoisting equipment incident administrative actions (i.e. work methods or procedures that
4.7. Impact from moving parts of machines are designed to minimise exposure to the hazard).

4.8. Excavation and stockpile collapse • Protection: Use personal protective equipment (PPE) to

4.9. Failure of structures (temporary or permanent) limit exposure to the harmful effects of the hazard.

4.10. Occupational health exposure

GMR 4 – Delivery 31

The Hierarchy of Risk Control

Eliminate the hazard by removing it completely or designing it out

Substitute the hazard with something safer
Eliminates or
controls the
hazards or risks
Isolate the hazard from people or the environment

Reduce the risks through engineering controls
(such as guards or barriers)

Reduce exposure to the hazard
Relies on the persons using training, forms and signs
working on the activity or
around the hazard ‘to do
the right thing’ always

Visual representation of the hierarchy of risk control

All operations must address the following six (6) steps in Step 3:
administering the requirements of GMR 4:
Document the activity methodology
Note: Where new risks are identified for any operation that are
For each activity where a GMR risk event applies, there must
not outlined in these GMRs, this methodology must be followed
be an appropriate documented procedure or method of work
to eliminate or manage the risk if elimination is not reasonable.
outlining the application of critical controls identified in step 2 for
Step 1: that work activity, including protection requirements. Note that
some activities may have exposure to more than one GMR risk
Identify applicable GMR risk events event. For acute high risk activities, the proposed methodology
Each operation must apply the concept of ‘What’s the worst that will be subject to an independent methodology review (GMR
could happen?’ (WTWTCH) and identify the work activities in 2.3.3). Step 3 and subsequent steps must be re-visited where
their scope where there is a likelihood of exposure to any one of changes are made to the work methodology or the resources
the 20 GMR risk events. Once these activities are identified, they allocated to the activity.
must be planned and managed in accordance with the applicable
Step 4:
controls against each GMR risk event.
Pre-task discussion with the workers involved
Step 2:
Through a pre-task discussion process (e.g. ‘pre-start’ or ‘safe
Determine the engineering controls (or above) to be start’) all workers that will undertake or supervise the work
implemented must be consulted and made aware of the contents of the
As a minimum, at least one preventative control set at the documentation and how the critical controls and performance
engineering level or above must be in place for each of standards must be applied in response to addressing the potential
the identified critical risks. In addition to the (at least) one consequences from reviewing ‘What’s the worst that could
preventative engineering control, at least one mitigating control happen?’. Communication must also extend to include people
must also be in place. If it is not possible to implement any of other than those directly involved in the activity that could be
the controls outlined in GMR 4 (or an equivalent control) the potentially impacted by the activity. For activities subject to a
operation must seek a GMR exemption from the Region CEO permit process, this is part of the communication and assurance
and provide an alternate work methodology that addresses and process. Step 4 must be re-visited at the commencement of each
manages the risks. day or shift.
GMR 4 – Delivery 32

Step 5: Step 6:
Provide sufficient frontline leaders with proof of competency Manage the activity
Activities where one or more GMR risk events have been Adequate verification and monitoring processes must be in place
identified must adopt a frontline leader to worker ratio of not to determine that each activity is being managed in accordance
less than 1:8. Frontline leaders and workers must provide proof with the agreed methods outlined in step 3. As a minimum,
of competency where required for the role undertaken and the verification and monitoring must occur at the commencement of
GMR front line leader supervision ratio maintained across all each working day/shift, and at regular intervals throughout the
shifts and scenarios wherever any of the GMR 4 risk events can course of the day/shift. Wherever there is a change in working
occur. Frontline leaders on Lendlease operations should be conditions, the agreed method of work, or where a change in
made available to take part in the Lendlease Frontline Leader sequence or scope is introduced, step 3 and subsequent steps
training module. must be revised to manage the change. If the scope of works
changes, repeat from step 1.

Activity required to
deliver work/product

1 2 3
Identify applicable Determine the engineering Document the activity
GMR risk events controls (or above) to be methodology
‘What’s the Worst That Could implemented Work Methods Statement etc aligned
Happen?’ (WTWTCH) Applied during Investment, Design and to GMRs, Procurement Guides, Means
GMR Risk Events 4.1 – 4.20 Procurement – GMRs 1 & 2 – and detailed and Methods, Standard Operating
in GMR implementation guides Procedures etc
urc es etc
y reso
in m
han 4
t of each day/shi
yc t the star ft
is point a Pre task discussion
re n to with the workers
tur involved
n Re

Consultation with workers


competent to undertake the

work at the start of each shift

6 5
Manage the activity Ensure sufficient competent
Provide monitoring and verification that frontline leaders
work is conducted as per documented Frontline leader to worker ratio of not less
sequence and resources than 1.8 with frontline leader providing
proof of competence

Management of Activities
GMR 4 – Delivery 33


These critical controls and performance standards apply to situations where there is a risk of one or more people falling off an edge, object,
structure or opening with the potential risk of fatal consequences. It is not intended to apply to slips or trips on the same surface level.

Potential Causes Potential Impacts

What’s the worst that could happen?
A Fall from an unprotected or compromised
edge at height People
Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
B Weather conditions leading to fall of member of the public. Permanently disabling
person from an edge injury (physical/psychological). Community
C Failure of structure (temporary or and social damage/impact
permanent) Financial
Fall of
D Failure of non-trafficable surfaces Person Financial/commercial damage
(insurance claims, return to work costs)
E Fall from plant, equipment or vehicle
Business continuity
F Failure of anchor support
Business continuity and disruption
G Fall from access equipment
H Failure of access equipment Reputational damage
I Fall into an unprotected or compromised Legal/regulatory
excavation, pit, void or opening Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.1.1 – 4.1.5) Mitigating Controls (4.1.6 – 4.1.7)

4.1.1 Fall Prevention Barriers 4.1.6 Secondary Fall Protection

Provide robust physical barriers to protect Secondary fall protection measures must be
people falling from height in place where the fall of person risk exists
4.1.2 Height Access Equipment 4.1.7 Rescue Procedures
Height access equipment must be operated Rescue procedures must be in place for the
and maintained in accordance with the recovery of any fall of person and arrest/
manufacturer’s instructions suspension in a harness or in netting
4.1.3 Temporary Access Platforms
Temporary access platforms must be
structurally sound, free of defects and require
three points of contact to be maintained when
entering and leaving the access equipment
4.1.4 Management of Penetrations,
Risers and Shafts
Effective measures must be in place to
prevent the fall of people or materials down
penetrations, risers and shafts
4.1.5 Use of a Safety Harness
Any safety harness in use must be an approved
type with fit for purpose anchor points
GMR 4 – Delivery 34

Risk Event Preventative Controls v) Permanent BMUs such as mechanised cradle systems must
provide safe access for cleaning and maintenance, be fixed to
and Performance Standards the operation’s structure, have the safe working load clearly
marked, and have sufficient designated safety harness anchor
4.1.1 Fall Prevention Barriers points designed to withstand the forces caused by a fall of any
person(s) located anywhere on the platform.
Provide robust physical barriers to protect people falling vi) All mast climbers, swing stage scaffolds and BMUs must
from height. be installed, maintained and inspected by an engineer
or person(s) technically qualified to do so, following the
Performance Standard manufacturer’s specifications as a minimum. Details of
i) All areas under construction or demolition (including deep the design, maintenance, inspections and manufacturer’s
excavations) from which a person could fall must be protected specifications must be provided.
by physical barriers of sufficient height and strength to
prevent people from falling or being blown off the edge of vii) All people using mast climbers must attach using a fall
the structure or into an excavation or opening (e.g. screens, restraint lanyard when the mast climber is moving. The lanyard
handrails, scaffolds, or guard rails for temporary structures). must be attached to either a vertical line independent of the
portable vertical access equipment, an engineered anchor
ii) All open edges from which a person could fall in asset point or horizontal static line fabricated and certified by the
operations and maintenance scenarios must also be effectively manufacturer or independent engineer for that purpose, or a
protected by physical barriers of sufficient height and strength transportable temporary independent anchor point engineered
to prevent people from falling (e.g. permanent climb resistant for that purpose. Emergency retrieval rescue procedures must
balustrades, guard rails or void screens) addressing the risks be established for work involving a safety harness and lanyards.
associated with the operation such as, likely usage, location,
structural stability and weather conditions. 4.1.3 Temporary Access Platforms
iii) All mobile work platforms, temporary works platforms, Control
equipment or machinery used for work at height must have Temporary access platforms must be structurally sound, free
edge protection in place to prevent the fall of a person from of defects and require three points of contact to be maintained
both the elevated work and from any potential for the platform when entering and leaving the access equipment.
to be destabilised from adjustment, movement or positioning
manoeuvres. Restraining harnesses must be worn and secured Performance Standard
to the manufacturer’s designated anchor point by people i) Effective measures are to be in place for the safe erection,
working in MEWPs with booms unless working over water. dismantling and use of all scaffolds, temporary works and
working platforms.
iv) Edge protection must conform to the requirements of the
regulations, standards and applicable local codes and have a ii) All scaffolds must be fit for use, all structural members free
method of attachment and a supporting structure capable of from visible defects and the erected scaffold is stable and
withstanding the required design loads that will be applied. secure to prevent movement or collapse. Scaffolds must be
plumb, have adequate cross-bracing, sound footings and be
v) Where containment mesh is secured to prevent fall of tied into the structure when the height/base ratio is greater
materials (refer to GMR 4.2.1) from an edge, it must also meet than 2:1.
applicable edge protection requirements if required to prevent
a fall of a person. iii) The use of A-frame scaffolds above two levels (i.e. two levels
of A-frame but only a single above ground working platform)
4.1.2 Height Access Equipment for the purposes of façade scaffolding, blockwork or other
means is not permitted as it cannot be erected or dismantled
in a safe manner to meet the GMRs.
Height access equipment must be operated and maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. iv) Working platforms must be closely boarded or planked and
free from defects. Remove any damaged boards or planks,
Performance Standard debris, materials and waste from scaffolds as soon as it is
i) Control and prevent unauthorised access to climbable building practicable.
equipment (e.g. cooling or heating plants and free-standing
structures such as antennae, power station cooling towers, v) Guard rails, mid-rails and toe boards must be installed on all
storage tanks and power transmission lines or towers). open sides of platforms representing a fall risk.

ii) Equipment or structures requiring worker access must vi) The use of ladders for work at height must be minimised by
eliminate or minimise the risk of a fall. Equipment requiring effective work planning and using safer means of access
regular maintenance must be installed at, or moved to, ground consistent with the hierarchy of risk control (e.g. MEWPs,
level to eliminate the need to work at height. scissor lifts, scaffold towers, podium steps and working
platforms). Custom-built timber ladders made on site without
iii) Access to general construction work areas or floors must be appropriate tread are not permitted to be used. All stair treads
provided by either a full permanent solution or via temporary shall be assessed for anti-slip surfaces.
staircases of adequate width with suitable handrails. Access
via custom-built timber ladders is not permitted. vii) Maintain three points of contact at all times including when
entering and leaving access equipment and when using a
iv) Suspended access equipment such as bosun chairs, cradles, ladder to prevent exposure to a fall.
gondolas and swing stages must only be used where safer
means of height access cannot be achieved. viii) Climbing up the outside of a scaffold is prohibited.
GMR 4 – Delivery 35

4.1.4 Management of Penetrations, Risers and Shafts iii) Any construction activity requiring the use of a safety harness
as the primary means of fall prevention must have approval
from the Region Head of Health & Safety.
Effective measures must be in place to prevent the fall of people
or materials down penetrations, risers and shafts. iv) Workers wearing a safety harness must be attached to a
loadbearing element or structure through an approved anchor
Performance Standard or tie-off point(s) installed by a person with qualifications or
i) Construct all lift and elevator shafts to physically protect both proof of competency per the manufacturer’s specification and
those carrying out the construction and those below carrying installation requirements.
out the lift installation. Provide safe working platforms for all
those working in lift shafts. v) As part of the approval process, the design of the system
and its load bearing adequacy (of the anchor/tie-off point)
ii) Fully protect openings to lift shafts with a secure full height must be verified by a qualified independent engineer,
system that prevents unauthorised entry and the risk of falls of consistent with GMR4.9 and an emergency fall arrest retrieval
people or materials. Shaft opening protection must remain in plan must be in place.
place until a safe working platform is provided or the lift doors
are in place. vi) Approval must also verify the fall arrest system has a
compatible twin or y-shaped lanyard and energy absorber
iii) Check penetrations and risers have either a structural mesh to provide appropriate fall arrest protection. Workers using
cast in during construction or are fitted with other protection a safety harness as a primary means of fall protection must
such as metal guard rails or covers. remain attached to the loadbearing element or structure
iv) All floor openings and pit covers are to be mechanically fixed at all times and must never remove both tails of the lanyard
(i.e. screwed or bolted, not nailed) and have clearly labelled at any time.
covers. Covers must be constructed to minimise the risk of a vii) Where a safety harness is configured to either fall arrest or
trip hazard. fall restraint the related free fall distance and potential for the
v) All covers to floor openings and pits are to have adequate load pendulum effect must be reviewed as part of the approval for
bearing where the cover is to be subjected to mobile plant or use and the safety harness.
other significant loads other than people.
vi) Remove protective measures only when work is taking place Risk Event Mitigating Controls and
in the opening and prevent the potential fall of a person or
fall of material whilst the work is taking place and replace the
Performance Standards
protective measures when work is completed.
4.1.6 Secondary Fall Protection
vii) Permanent balustrades or fencing around voids in public areas
must be climb resistant (e.g. with top rails angled away from Control
the void or similar). Secondary fall arrest measures must be in place where the fall of
person risk exists.
viii) Climbable material or equipment must not be placed within
1m/3.3ft of the balustrade or fencing, unless the balustrade Performance Standard
or fencing is extended in height to account for the material or i) Any work at height where all work faces cannot be enclosed
equipment in close proximity. must have in place a horizontal catch net (e.g. a diaper net,
catch fan, horizontally projecting net or any other structurally
ix) Physical barriers must be in place to prevent persons falling into
designed element) as a secondary measure to prevent a fall of
exposed holes or excavations as a result of piling operations.
person risk. Where work is conducted outside of the building
4.1.5 Use of a Safety Harness envelope (e.g. where a person is positioned in an articulated
MEWP basket beyond the building envelope and the MEWP is
Control positioned to within 3m/9.8ft of the edge and is perpendicular
Any safety harness in use must be an approved type with fit for to the edge) measures must be implemented to prevent both
purpose anchor points. the MEWP and the person from falling (e.g. tethering the
MEWP back to the structure using an engineered tie or using
Performance Standard
engineered wheel stops). All people working in the basket are
i) A safety harness must not be used as a primary means of fall to be harnessed to the MEWP at all times.
prevention unless required for maintenance of assets, plant
or equipment where physical barriers have not been installed. ii) Fall protection netting must always be a minimum of one bay
In these circumstances where a harness is being used as the ahead of the area of work with the exception of the last bay
primary means of falls prevention a full body safety harness when edge protection has already been fitted.
must be used to provide either fall restraint (preferred) or
iii) A safety harness in use as a primary means of fall protection
fall arrest (least preferred) protection. If a full body safety
must be fitted with suspension trauma straps.
harness is being used as the primary means of fall protection
verification of competency in use is required.
ii) Any safety harness in use must be attached to an appropriate
anchor/tie-off point(s) by means of a compatible connector
that provides either sufficient fall restraint protection or
incorporates a decelerator to provide appropriate fall restraint/
arrest. All of these components must be fit for purpose,
properly inspected, tested, tagged and maintained in line with
the manufacturer’s guidelines or related standards and be
used only by a person with the proof of competency to do so.
GMR 4 – Delivery 36

4.1.7 Rescue Procedures

Rescue procedures must be in place before work commences
for the recovery of any fall of person and arrest/suspension in a
harness or in netting.
Performance Standard
i) Rescue and recovery protocols must be in place to recover
any person who has fallen into a secondary fall protection
element (e.g. horizontal netting or catch fan).
ii) For all circumstances where a safety harness is in use and
configured to either fall arrest or fall restraint a recovery
plan must be established that addresses the requirement to
reach any person suspended promptly (within 10 minutes) to
minimise the risk of death from suspension trauma and that
the rescue team are trained in dealing with suspension trauma.
GMR 4 – Delivery 37


These critical controls and performance standards apply to events caused by work from an edge of a floor not fully enclosed,
inadequate design or installation, high wind, work outside edge protection, inappropriate storage of items, disturbance or demolition
leading to a falling object and/or failure of a load. This event is inclusive of works on penetrations/voids, MEWPs, building maintenance
works, temporary working platforms (scaffold), demolition, deconstruction, abatement or structural alteration works where the potential
for material or objects to fall has been identified. Note: GMRs 4.6 crane and hoisting equipment incident and 4.17 failure of fixtures or
fittings address related events.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Worker drops an object Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Object is knocked from an elevated work
injury (physical/psychological). Community
area and falls
and social damage/impact
C Non-fixed object falls or topples during
Fall of Financial
high wind event
Material/Object Financial/commercial damage
D Unplanned or uncontrolled fall or toppling (insurance claims, return to work costs)
of material
Business continuity
E Fall of an object due to improper design, Business continuity and disruption
installation, storage, maintenance or use
F Demolition causes an uncontrolled
Reputational damage
fall of material
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.2.1 – 4.2.4)

4.2.1 Enclosure of Work Areas Mitigating Controls (4.2.5 – 4.2.6)

Elevated work areas must be enclosed with
robust containment material to prevent a fall 4.2.5 Exclusion Zones
of material impacting people below An adequate exclusion zone must be in place
whenever overhead work has the potential for
4.2.2 Tool and Equipment Tethers/Lanyards
tools, materials, objects or equipment to fall
Tethers or lanyards must be used where the
work area at height is not fully enclosed, or 4.2.6 Secondary Protection
where tools or objects are required for use or Catch Measures
outside of the perimeter protection Overhead protection must be installed where
the risk of falling object exists and wherever a
4.2.3 Wind and Toppling Exposure
public interface on site exists
All objects that are not fixed and could be
toppled, blown or uplifted from any location
must be relocated to an unexposed area or
secured appropriately
4.2.4 Structural Alterations
Adjustments to structures must assess the
fall of material risk
GMR 4 – Delivery 38

Risk Event Preventative Controls 4.2.3 Wind and Toppling Exposure

and Performance Standards Control

All objects that are not fixed and could topple or be blown or
4.2.1 Enclosure of Work Areas uplifted from any location must be relocated to an unexposed
area or secured appropriately.
Elevated work areas, including stair towers, must be enclosed Performance Standard
with robust containment material to prevent a fall of material i) Stored materials, temporary barriers, fencing and signage
impacting people below. must be assessed for the risk of toppling through assessing
appropriate storage locations for the relevant material type.
Performance Standard Consideration must be given to storage heights, equipment
i) Perimeter protection addressing the fall of person risk must racks, exclusion zones, and the suitability of materials used to
also address the fall of material risk posed by stored or handled keep stored loads or materials stable. Risks of toppling from
tools, materials, objects or equipment to prevent these from wind, vibration, or impacts from people, plant or equipment
being kicked, knocked or bumped through openings or gaps. must be used to determine the appropriateness of any storage
location and methodology.
ii) Any means of containment enclosure must address risks posed
by the lateral movement of the largest (weight) and smallest ii) Storage solutions for large items that have been assessed as
(dimension) items used within any permanent and temporary presenting a toppling risk (e.g. trusses, large glazing panels,
enclosures. Any enclosure solutions must be installed prior to heavy equipment with a height to base ratio of greater than 3
further work being conducted. to 1) shall be reviewed by an engineer.
iii) The fall of material risk associated with temporary voids, iii) All operations must have information available relating to
penetrations, openings or gaps must be managed. Covers maximum wind gusts and the placement of objects, either
must be designed and securely fastened with warning signage temporary or permanent, and must consider the risk of objects
displayed. Covers must be able to sustain the largest weight being blown or uplifted by wind from any elevated position.
and prevent penetration by the smallest object. Provide early weather warning systems for operations where
there is the risk of windblown falls of materials.
iv) For all vertical progressive construction, full height (floor to
soffit) edge containment protection must be deployed and in iv) All objects that could be blown from elevated positions must
place on multi-storey structures under construction prior to be firmly fixed, secured or relocated to a less exposed area.
the installation of the facade or permanently designed edge
protection solutions. For all auxiliary elements (e.g. scaffolds, v) Provide protocols to cease work activity at height when wind
hoists, MEWPs, perimeter screens or climbing formwork) a thresholds are exceeded, with protocols inclusive of the need
strict ‘no gaps’ policy must be adopted for both horizontal and to monitor components located at height such as any pulleys,
vertical gaps. Designed solutions relative to these scenarios guide rollers, swing gates or maintenance units.
must be deployed and maintained to prevent the fall of tools, vi) Activities and equipment that can release materials from
equipment and materials at all times (e.g. fully boarded out height (e.g. spoil from piling operations) must be assessed
platforms, rubber seals, proprietary engineered hinged flaps with physical controls on the equipment or exclusion zones
and appropriately designed mesh). in place.

4.2.2 Tool and Equipment Tethers/Lanyards 4.2.4 Structural Alterations

Control Control
Tethers or lanyards must be used where the work area at height Adjustments to structures must assess the fall of material risk.
is not fully enclosed, or where tools or objects are required for
use outside of the perimeter protection. Performance Standard
i) All structural alteration work or structural change work
Performance Standard must have a building and services survey completed by a
i) Identify scenarios where tools or objects are required to qualified and registered structural engineer to determine the
be used outside of an enclosed work area and prescribe sequence of works and assess the risk of failure of structure
associated controls. or fall of material.
ii) A tether or lanyard must be used to separately secure each ii) In the event of any proposed changes to the planned activity
individual tool or object in use beyond any form of edge or sequence, a documented review must be completed to
protection or enclosure. The object must be secured prior to assess how the structural alterations could be affected.
crossing through the edge protection or enclosure.
iii) Each tether or lanyard and its sub-components securing an
object beyond the encapsulation must be fit for purpose and
manufactured to resist the falling object’s forces.
GMR 4 – Delivery 39

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
4.2.5 Exclusion Zones
An adequate exclusion zone must be in place whenever overhead
work has the potential for tools, materials, objects or equipment
to fall.
Performance Standard
i) Exclusion zones must be established below or around all areas
where there is a risk of people being struck by falling materials
(e.g. below works on the cladding of a building, around mobile
crane works, loading/unloading activities, atriums and MEWPs
in use).
ii) Exclusion zones must be of adequate size, take into account
the risks such as potential arc of fall, deflections and bounce
distances, be delineated by physical barriers and have clear
signage prohibiting unauthorised entry. The integrity of any
exclusion zones must be regularly checked.
iii) Under no circumstance may a person enter an exclusion zone
whilst work is being carried out overhead.

4.2.6 Secondary Protection or Catch Measures

Overhead protection must be installed where the risk of falling
objects exists and wherever a public interface on site exists.
Performance Standard
i) Identify in construction and asset works any scenarios where
overhead protection must be installed, particularly where an
engineering control preventing the fall of material cannot be
implemented, people below cannot be completely excluded,
enclosure or tether/lanyard requirements cannot be met, or
where an object’s mass, positioning or height from next floor
level could cause a fatal injury if it fell onto a person.
ii) For all structural work on any vertical progressive multi-storey
construction, a secondary catch system (e.g. a diaper net,
catch fan, horizontally projecting net or any other structurally
designed element) must be positioned immediately below any
areas where this work is being undertaken above (e.g. at the
level just below the screens) and the application must consider
the arc of any potential fall of material.
iii) Where there is the potential for members of the public and/
or workers to be impacted by a fall of material, a designed
and engineered overhead protection (e.g. crash deck) must
be appropriately positioned and of adequate strength and
coverage taking into account potential material types and the
arc of any potential fall of material.
iv) Overhead protection or catch systems must be designed to
avoid failure due to impact with the object it will intercept as a
result of over spilling, puncture holes, melting by hot objects,
corrosion or overload by weather events (e.g. seasonal
maximum wind, rain, hail or snow).
v) Provide details of how the safe retrieval of a fallen object from
overhead protection or catch systems will be achieved.
GMR 4 – Delivery 40


These critical controls and performance standards apply to the operation and movement of all vehicles in defined construction zones
and include heavy equipment and fixed and mobile plant where the impacts of an event could result in a fatality. It does not cover traffic
on Lendlease assets (e.g. retail, residential or commercial) or the use of Lendlease light vehicles on public roads.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Operator error (e.g. competency, impairment Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
or fatigue) or use in an unsafe manner member of the public. Permanently disabling
(e.g. high speeds and distractions such as injury (physical/psychological). Community
spotters, failure of ground or structure) and social damage/impact

B Mechanical failure (e.g. tyres and brakes) Financial

Financial/commercial damage (insurance
C Inadequate planning and methodology claims, return to work costs)
(e.g. lack of segregation, public transport
interfaces, plant/personnel, loss of control, Vehicle and Business continuity
miscommunication and traffic control plant incident Business continuity and disruption
including entry/exit to sites) (work sites)
D Sub-standard road, environmental Reputational damage
and weather conditions (e.g. turning
points, fog, unclear pedestrian/vehicle, Legal/regulatory
unstable ground or structure, interface/ Legal/regulatory damage
management, restricted views, blind Environment
spots, poor lighting or visibility, poor road
Environmental damage (e.g. spilt fuels)
markings and obstacles)
E Vehicle or equipment is unfit for purpose
(e.g. through lack of maintenance, poor
procurement, structural fatigue and
exceeding the design life)
Mitigating Controls (4.3.8)
F Third party event (e.g. member of public
error or misuse, visitor error, animal error,
4.3.8 High Visibility Clothing
unplanned medical event, co-worker error,
sabotage, theft and contact with other All people working on or adjacent to traffic
equipment) routes and vehicles operating on Lendlease
operations must have sufficient high visibility
G Improper assembly or disassembly clothing and reflective visible markings

Preventative Controls (4.3.1 – 4.3.7)

4.3.1 Traffic Management 4.3.5 Use of Plant, Equipment and Vehicles

Vehicle routes on construction and haul roads must effectively Effective controls must be in place for managing the use of
manage the risks to vehicles and people all mobile plant, equipment and vehicles used for ground and
civil works, including skid-steer loaders, excavators, backhoes,
4.3.2 Pedestrian and Vehicle Segregation
graders, scrapers, bulldozers, dump trucks, rollers and
All operations must assess the risks presented by the movement compactors
of pedestrians, materials and vehicles and implement
appropriate safety measures to eliminate or minimise these risks 4.3.6 Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Dismantling
Fixed and mobile plant must be installed, erected, adjusted,
4.3.3 Parking and Traffic Routes
inspected, maintained and dismantled in safe locations, in
Traffic routes and parking arrangements must be in place to accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and by
avoid vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian conflict qualified personnel
4.3.4 Use of Light Vehicles on Site 4.3.7 Vehicle and Plant Recovery and Rescue
Lendlease tool of trade vehicles operating in defined Effective measures must be in place for the recovery of vehicles
construction or engineering zones must be in good working and plant immobilised or bogged in mud, sand or other type of
order and operated in a safe manner similar traction resistant ground conditions
GMR 4 – Delivery 41

Risk Event Preventative Controls v) Signage and road markings must provide clear instructions to
pedestrian and vehicle route users and be located in positions
and Performance Standards which allow users to see them and have time to respond. Signs
and road markings must be constructed and located so as not
4.3.1 Traffic Management to present hazards to drivers or pedestrians.
Control vi) Loading and unloading areas must be clearly defined. These
Vehicle routes on construction and haul roads must effectively areas must be separate from parking or access routes
manage the risks to vehicles and people. for private vehicles and away from pedestrian routes. If
reversing cannot be eliminated, then it must be controlled by
Performance Standard establishing pedestrian exclusion zones.
i) Traffic management plans must address the interface with
public roads and provide effective controls addressing vii) Speed limits must be set to reduce the risks associated with
prohibited vehicles, height and weight restrictions, path of pedestrian movements. Speed calming measures such as
travel, access points, pedestrian access routes, routes for raised crossings, humps on approach to crossings and rumble
different vehicles or plant, reversing requirements, signs strips must be implemented in areas where pedestrians and
and traffic control aids, technology application, site traffic vehicles could interface.
maintenance and protected position(s) of the traffic controllers viii) Construction sites must provide separate site entrance and
ensuring an escape route is available in the event of an exit points for pedestrians and vehicles. When vehicles and
emergency. pedestrians are in close proximity due to nearby locations
ii) Traffic management or vehicle movement plans must be such as security entrance points or where doors open directly
current and define the engineering controls to prevent vehicles onto vehicle routes, engineering controls must be provided
striking another vehicle, structure or pedestrian. to keep pedestrians and vehicles apart (e.g. by fitting physical
barriers or providing separate routes).
iii) Separate traffic plans are needed for each stage and area
of the operation when the discrete phases of work result in ix) The use of people as traffic signallers must be eliminated
changes to the operating and traffic environment. wherever possible, particularly around heavy equipment
operations. Where the use of people as traffic signallers are
iv) Vehicle routes must facilitate the safe movement of the types required such as for pedestrian access areas or to manage
of vehicles and levels of traffic likely to use them. This must public road interface, only trained traffic signallers are to
be achieved by avoiding hazards such as steep inclines, tight be used. In these instances, a risk assessment must be
bends, requirements to reverse in confined areas, inadequate undertaken to identify where technology can be implemented
lane widths and any issues related to roundabouts, one-way to replace or remove the signaller. Any traffic signallers must
routes and signage. have a designated safe zone to stand in whilst directing traffic
v) Regular inspections are required to determine that the movements.
implementation of the controls is consistent with the traffic x) Implement safety measures where work is undertaken next
management plan, have not been altered or changed or to active roads, train lines or similar, to protect workers from
degraded in condition over time. impacts with moving vehicles, trains or associated debris. For
large sites, physical barriers or truck mounted attenuators
4.3.2 Pedestrian and Vehicle Segregation
must be used to protect workers from road traffic. Where this
Control cannot be achieved, low speed limits must be in place (less
All operations must assess the risks presented by the movement than or equal to 40km per hour [25mph]) in combination with
of pedestrians, materials and vehicles and implement appropriate traffic calming measures, hazard signage, demarcation lines
safety measures to eliminate or minimise these risks. and barriers to minimise risk for workers and the public.

Performance Standard 4.3.3 Parking and Traffic Routes

i) Pedestrians are to be separated from dedicated vehicle,
plant and equipment routes by appropriate physical barriers
designed to mitigate any potential impacts. Traffic routes and parking arrangements must be in place to
avoid vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian conflict.
ii) Light and heavy equipment and plant must be separated using
appropriate measures such as physical barriers or earth berms Performance Standard
and demarcated using visible signage indicating routes and i) Provide clear signage in carparks, along traffic routes and foot
directions to prevent interaction. traffic areas to indicate location information, speed limits,
hazards and precautions.
iii) Activities such as plant maintenance or refuelling must be
undertaken in areas specifically designed to provide barriers ii) Provide clearly defined pedestrian routes in safe zones using
between workers and other heavy equipment. hard barriers, flagging and other visual delineation to facilitate
safe access and egress.
iv) Route sightlines must be unobstructed and adequately lit
to provide good visibility. Blind spots and corners are to be iii) Locate height bars and signage to entrances to warn drivers
avoided, or where they do exist, have mirrors installed or of any applicable height limits. Provide safe exit routes for
other technology installed that effectively eliminate sight oversized vehicles.
restrictions. Plant, equipment or materials must not be placed iv) Where amenities are provided, delineated stable, weather-
at vehicle entries/exits to operations and therefore creating resistant car parking must be provided.
obstructed route sightlines.
GMR 4 – Delivery 42

4.3.4 Use of Light Vehicles on Site 4.3.5 Use of Plant, Equipment and Vehicles
Control Control
Lendlease tool of trade vehicles operating in defined construction Effective controls must be in place for managing the use of all
zones must be in good working order and operated in a safe mobile plant, equipment and vehicles used for ground and civil
manner. works, including skid-steer loader, excavators, backhoes, graders,
scrapers, bulldozers, dump trucks, rollers and compactors.
Performance Standard
i) Vehicles used as a tool of trade by Lendlease personnel must Performance Standard
be operated in a safe manner at all times. i) All mobile plant in use on Lendlease operations must have
been subject to a risk assessment conducted by the supplier/
ii) Light vehicles on operations must be of a high visibility colour
manufacturer in accordance with regional legislation and
(e.g. white) and have reflective taping, flashing lights, a first
codes or standards with the risk assessment remaining with
aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a spill kit and survival or emergency
the plant. Inspections must be conducted in accordance with
equipment suitable for the operating environment.
regional legislation, codes or standards and the manufacturers
iii) Vehicles proposed for hire or purchase must have a recognised recommendations.
national new car safety rating (e.g. five-star Australasian
ii) Any modifications made to plant and equipment, such as
New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) rating or equivalent
retrofitting additional safety systems, must be completed
national standard).
by qualified persons and following consultation with the
iv) Vehicles provided by Lendlease as a tool of trade shall be manufacturer to determine that any proposed changes will not
fitted with in-vehicle management systems, reversing cameras introduce new risks.
and hand brake warning systems.
iii) Operating mobile plant and equipment must have seat belts
v) Seatbelts must be used at all times by all occupants and for all occupants, adequate lighting (e.g. headlights, tail, turn,
drivers of vehicles whilst the vehicle is moving. brake, strobe and flashing lights), identified isolation or lockout
points, adequate walkways, railing, steps or grab handle
vi) Mobile phones must only be used by the driver of a tool of
combinations and boarding facilities. Where possible, mobile
trade vehicle whilst the vehicle is stationary and in a parked
plant with alternative emergency egress from the cabin should
safe location. The exception to this is for emergency and
be provided. Additional items such as reversing alarms, wheel
incident response vehicles, using hands free communications
chocks, a horn, a handbrake alarm and effective windscreen
in a response situation, where alternative communication
wipers must also be in place and functioning as intended.
methods are not available.
iv) Technological advances must be considered for collision
vii) All drivers must be appropriately licensed for the vehicle
avoidance, fatigue management, pedestrian proximity
being operated.
notification and visibility improvement, particularly where
viii) Drivers must be fit for work (i.e. not affected by medication, personnel are required to enter the potential impact zone of
drugs or alcohol). operating plant, vehicles and equipment.
ix) When parked, all vehicles must be fundamentally stable (i.e. v) All mobile plant and equipment must have protection where
the vehicle will not move even with the vehicle in neutral and there is a risk of rollover, tip over or impact by falling objects
with no brakes applied) with the handbrake effectively applied, (e.g. loading or unloading, work on stockpiles or steep
placed in gear and on level ground. Wheels must be situated in inclines, work below other material or activities or where
spoon drains, gutters or against wheel stops. If fundamentally manufacturer’s specifications require it). Any modifications
stable parking cannot be achieved appropriately sized wheel made to plant and equipment, such as retrofitting additional
chocks must be available and implemented. safety systems, must be completed by qualified persons and
following consultation with the manufacturer to determine
x) All Lendlease vehicles must have inspection and maintenance
that any proposed changes will not introduce new risks.
protocols in place for all safety related items such as wheels
and tyres, steering, suspension and braking systems, seats vi) Replace or re-certify protection equipment and fixtures
and seat belts, lamps, indicators, mirrors and reflectors, after a rollover, tip over or falling object damage and before
windscreen and windows including windscreen wipers and further use.
washers, the vehicle structure itself and any other safety
vii) Prohibit the use of mobile phones when the plant or
related item on the vehicle body, chassis or engine including
equipment is in use.
viii) Protocols must be provided for the use of plant and equipment
xi) Pre-start inspections must be completed to determine that the
on slopes and batters to avoid vehicle rollovers. Technology
lighting and braking systems are in proper working order.
solutions must be in place, where available, to provide warning
xii) Vehicles must not be used above the manufacturer defined for the potential of safe working angles to be exceeded or the
maximum load limit and loads must be suitably restrained loss of traction.
so the load remains stable on the vehicle during normal
ix) Clearly identify minimum clearance distances for overhead
driving conditions. Loads must not protrude from the vehicle
cables and establish controls to prevent plant or equipment
in a way that could injure people, damage property or obstruct
coming into contact with these cables.
others’ paths.
x) If personnel are required to enter the potential impact zone
xiii) Wheel nut indicators must be fitted to all vehicle wheels
of operating plant, vehicles and equipment without a physical
where not precluded by the design.
barrier, positive eye contact, signals or radio contact must
be made with the operator to cease operation and lower
implements such as dipper arms, buckets and blades to the
ground before entry.
GMR 4 – Delivery 43

xi) Establish and maintain pedestrian exclusion zones around 4.3.7 Vehicle and Plant Recovery and Rescue
operating plant and equipment where there is a risk of workers
being struck. Clearly identify specific exclusion zones for
stationary but operating plant or equipment (e.g. an excavator Effective measures must be in place for the recovery of vehicles
with its bucket in use) for each type of plant or equipment and plant immobilised or bogged in mud, sand or other type of
and implement an appropriate exclusion zone, preferably a similar traction resistant ground conditions.
physical barrier. Performance Standard
xii) When parked all plant and equipment must be fundamentally i) Before an attempt is made to recover a bogged vehicle or
stable with the engine turned off, handbrake effectively plant either through freeing up or digging out the obstructions
applied, placed in gear and on level ground and secured from and/or via the aid of recovery boards and planks to facilitate
unauthorised use. Wheels must be situated in spoon drains, grip and traction, an assessment of risk must be carried out.
gutters or against wheel stops. Implements and attachments ii) Towing of bogged vehicles and plant can only be undertaken
such as dipper arms, buckets and blades must be lowered when engineering attachment points and/or other methods
to the ground. If fundamentally stable parking cannot be are identified and verified.
achieved appropriately sized wheel chocks must be available.
iii) The suitability of recovery equipment such as cables, winches
xiii) Vehicles (heavy or light) must not be used above the and hooks used to tow vehicles and plant must be fit for
manufacturer defined maximum load limit and loads must be purpose and verified by an engineer.
suitably restrained so the load remains stable on the vehicle.
Loads must not protrude from the vehicle in a way that could iv) Only approved rated recovery equipment can be used.
injure people, damage property or obstruct others’ paths. Snatch straps and other equipment such as chains, webbing
slings, load resistant slings and rope must not be used for the
xiv) Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP’s) should be recovery of vehicles and plant.
fitted with secondary anti crush devices to guard against
the potential crush risk of the operator between the
MEWP & surrounding structure. These anti crush devices Risk Event Mitigating Controls
may be physical devices fitted to the MEWP or electronic
limiting devices that stop movement when impending and Performance Standards
crush risk is detected. Where these devices are not supplied
by the manufacturer of the MEWP, the device must be 4.3.8 High Visibility Clothing
certified as being compliant by a suitably qualified and
experienced person.
All people working on or adjacent to traffic routes and vehicles
4.3.6 Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Dismantling operating on Lendlease operations must have sufficient high
visibility clothing and reflective visible markings.
Fixed and mobile plant must be installed, erected, adjusted, Performance Standard
inspected, maintained and dismantled in safe locations, in i) All people working adjacent to traffic routes or engaged in
accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and by traffic management activities must wear high visibility clothing
qualified personnel. that meets applicable regulatory or industry standards.

Performance Standard ii) All reflective markings on vehicles or plant on Lendlease

i) Proposed installation, inspection, maintenance and operations must be in good condition and comply with
dismantling of major plant or equipment on a project must be regulatory or industry standards.
risk assessed to determine if the works can be undertaken off iii) When working at night, provide suitable high visibility clothing
the project. Where this is not possible, all works must prevent (e.g. effective retroreflective stripes).
workers being struck by components from stored energy,
rotation, overturning, toppling or other forces. Controls must
include addressing the isolation and lock-out of stored energy,
stabilisation, and temporary or permanent structural support
of the plant or equipment (or components). Where there is a
risk of workers being struck, establish and maintain physical
exclusion zones around plant that is being installed, modified
or dismantled.
ii) Where fixed and mobile plant is provided to Lendlease,
suppliers must provide a complete set of the manufacturer’s
operating and maintenance instructions. Inspection and
maintenance records must be kept with the plant and conform
to the requirements of the standards applicable to the region
of operation and as per the manufacturer’s requirements.
iii) All plant must be installed, inspected, maintained and
dismantled by qualified personnel in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
GMR 4 – Delivery 44


These critical controls and performance standards apply to high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV) electrical work where there is the risk
of a fatality or serious injury from a person being electrocuted or burned by the uncontrolled release of electrical energy. They do not
apply to work such as unplugging sockets and installing dry cell batteries.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?

Potential Causes Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
A Unintentional contact with or close injury (physical/psychological). Community
proximity to live exposed electrical source and social damage/impact
– HV or LV Financial
B Unintentional contact with or close Uncontrolled Financial/commercial damage
proximity to live overhead power lines Release of (insurance claims, return to work costs)
Electrical Energy
C Unintentional contact with or close Business continuity
proximity to live buried electrical services Business continuity and disruption
D Unintentional contact with electricity by a Reputation
qualified electrician when performing work Reputational damage
on known live electrical services
Legal/regulatory damage
Environmental damage (fire)
Preventative Controls (4.4.1 – 4.4.8)

4.4.1 Identification and Schematics

All electrical circuits, fixed and construction wiring, including
overhead and underground services are fully identified and Mitigating Controls (4.4.9)
recorded in schematics. Procedures exist for safe work
4.4.2 Appropriate Electrical Equipment 4.4.9 Emergency Response
All electrical equipment including insulated MEWPs, tools and Appropriate first aid and rescue equipment
PPE must be fit for purpose and compliant with local standards must be available and nearby

4.4.3 Electrical Supply

All temporary electrical supply panels and boards must be
sufficient in number and located in close proximity to work areas
to minimise trailing cables. Permanent and temporary power
sources must be secured to prevent unauthorised access
4.4.4 Isolation
De-energise, isolate, test and prove for dead prior to any work on
electrically powered items
4.4.5 Live Work
Live work is authorised, planned and communicated and prohibits
lone working
4.4.6 Fault Finding
When investigating any electrical equipment to identify and rectify
faults, all items must be treated as live until the fault is located
4.4.7 Overhead Conductors
Prevent inadvertent overhead services contact by equipment or
operational activity
4.4.8 Underground Services
Prior to ground disturbance, underground electrical services must
be positively located with work planned accordingly
GMR 4 – Delivery 45

Risk Event Preventative Controls ii) Determine that all electrical supply boards, cables, cords,
plugs and sockets are safe by design for use, appropriate for
and Performance Standards where it is to be used and located to avoid physical damage by
vehicles or water (e.g. by elevation or mechanical protection).
4.4.1 Identification and Schematics
iii) Implement a comprehensive inspection, testing and
Control preventative maintenance regime covering all temporary
All electrical circuits, permanent and construction wiring, including electrical supplies, including supply panels, circuits, cables,
overhead and underground services are fully identified and recorded cords, plugs and sockets. Include a process to record
in schematics and/or plans. Procedures exist for safe work. and remedy any identified deficiencies and align with any
manufacturers’ guidelines.
Performance Standard
i) Identify all electrical circuits and include in schematics and/or 4.4.4 Isolation
plans, irrespective of whether the power supply arrangements
are permanent or temporary.
De-energise, isolate, test and prove for dead prior to any work on
ii) Following installation or removal of any service, provide electrically powered items.
comprehensive records (e.g. photographs, test results,
updated Single Line Diagrams and/or plans endorsed by Performance Standard
persons with appropriate competency requirements). i) Use a qualified electrical worker to undertake any work on
electrically powered items.
iii) All underground and concealed electrical services (in floors,
wall, columns, etc.) must be properly recorded through as-built ii) De-energise circuits and isolate using lock out tag out (LOTO)
drawings (including dimensions) for future reference in the systems with personal locks prior to any work.
event that excavation, coring or demolition work is required. iii) Power sources such as uninterruptable power supplies (UPS),
Verification of the live electrical service must be conducted by batteries, capacitors, solar power and generators must
review of updated drawings and/or detection/scanning works by be identified. Once identified they must be de-energised
a qualified person prior to excavation, coring or demolition works. and securely isolated at the energy source before works
4.4.2 Appropriate Electrical Equipment
iv) Develop a group isolation procedure with support equipment
when multiple isolations involve multiple people.
All electrical equipment including insulated MEWPs, tools and
PPE must be fit for purpose and compliant with local standards. v) Prior to any work commencing electrical power must be
tested with a known working and calibrated meter and proven
Performance Standard
as dead.
i) Determine that nationally recognised standards of manufacture
and installation of electrical equipment are identified with the 4.4.5 Live Work
assistance of qualified electrical professionals.
ii) Check all electrical equipment supplied to Lendlease Live work is authorised, planned and communicated and
operations includes documentation confirming it meets the prohibits lone working.
manufacturing standard identified in the procurement list.
Performance Standard
iii) Provide insulating mats for risers and plant rooms that address i) All operations to determine if work on live conductors is
any regulatory or applicable national or international codes or required before any investment or contract approvals.
ii) Work on live electrical systems is only permissible in
iv) Provide assurance post installation that any electrical systems circumstances where deemed necessary by an electrical
circuits are installed as designed. technician for testing, fault finding and/or commissioning
v) All electrical tools and equipment (except battery operated work, or where the electrical supply cannot be interrupted
tools) in the operation must be regularly inspected, tested, (e.g. hospital life support systems and critical utilities).
tagged and marked safe for use by a qualified electrical iii) Live work on critical utilities such as distribution and/or
professional. transmission networks can only be undertaken as directed
by the utility provider, or their approved live line contractor.
4.4.3 Electrical Supply
Any directive to undertake such activities must be supported
Control by documented safe systems of work and in line with
All temporary electrical supply panels and boards must be legislated practices.
sufficient in number and located in close proximity to work areas
iv) Earthing and short-circuiting systems must meet applicable
to minimise trailing cables. Permanent and temporary power
national and/or international codes or regulations.
sources must be secured to prevent unauthorised access.
v) Task specific PPE must be in use and meets applicable
Performance Standard
national and/or international codes or regulations.
i) Electrical risks associated with the temporary or permanent
supply of electricity to electrical equipment through a vi) Assess the risk of electrical fires and implement appropriate
socket outlet, including mobile generator sources, or where precautions (e.g. fire watch, appropriate extinguishers and
appliances, luminaires and other electrical equipment are fire blankets).
supplied from a final sub-circuit of a permanent electrical vii) A dedicated and appropriately qualified frontline leader must
installation, must be protected against by a tested earth be present and managing any live works relating to testing,
leakage circuit breaker (ELCB), residual current device (RCD) fault finding and/or commissioning.
or ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
GMR 4 – Delivery 46

4.4.6 Fault Finding iii) Where any uncertainty exists regarding the location of
underground services, hand digging and/or vacuum
excavation must be used to identify and expose the services.
When investigating any electrical equipment to identify and
rectify faults, all items must be treated as live until the fault iv) Where Lendlease installs or oversees buried electrical services
is located. work for its own assets or projects, compile an as-built record
of the service locations including:
Performance Standard
i) Prior to any fault-finding work commencing, all elements of • Photographic reference of the asset before back filling to
the circuit must be de-energised, isolated and tested for dead. show cable type, depth and route.

ii) Locating and rectification of faults must only be conducted • In trench signage, both tape and boards at least 250mm (9.8
whilst the circuit is isolated. These works must include the use inches) above the service.
of insulating tools, gloves and insulating mats.
• Datum signs indicating service at building ingress and every
iii) Re-energise to determine if the fault has been fixed following 50m (164 feet) over open ground.
any test for dead.
• Service markers on ground level showing service types and
iv) If the fault continues, fault finding live work procedures must all changes in direction.
be followed including the use of insulating tools and gloves,
insulating mats and a qualified electrical spotter trained in • For removed services, photographic reference of the empty
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). trench and positive permanent disconnection from supply.
All relevant plans must be updated to reflect any changes/
4.4.7 Overhead Conductors
removals of services.
Prevent inadvertent overhead services contact by equipment or
operational activity. Risk Event Mitigating Controls
Performance Standard and Performance Standards
i) Use one of the following control options to prevent a fatality:
4.4.9 Emergency Response
• Redirect power distribution (e.g. underground)
• Power off and isolated, with power proven as dead Appropriate first aid and rescue equipment must be available
• Power off part time and nearby.

• Power on in conjunction with controlled movement Performance Standard

or operations i) For work activities where risk of electrocution exists
(e.g. live work), provide non-conductive rescue equipment
ii) Minimum clearance distances for overhead cables must be to allow separation of a person safely from an electrical
clearly identified with items such as visual warning, barriers, supply, resuscitation and treatment of burns. Such equipment
flagging or other controls in place to prevent plant coming into with trained rescue personnel or first aiders must be readily
contact with these cables. accessible when undertaking work.
iii) For vehicles passing under energised conductors, the power ii) Train all workers involved in the work and site first aiders
on option requires a crossing point that includes advance where appropriate to use the rescue equipment.
warning signs with signed height clearance, non-conductive
iii) HV and live work permits must include the provision of
goal posts and a clearly visible height line set to a safe
rescue equipment.
clearance distance.

4.4.8 Underground Services

Prior to ground disturbance, underground electrical services
must be positively located with work planned accordingly.
Performance Standard
i) A register must be in place for buried electrical services on
Lendlease controlled operations. The register must include
a plot drawing of the route of the electrical service with grid
references, description of the depth and type of service, the
voltage and any auxiliary protection.
ii) Prior to the disturbance of ground where underground
network assets such as electrical or gas may be present,
Lendlease operations must provide valid diagrams and plans
obtained from the relevant authority. Existing drawings and/
or a Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) scanner, ground penetrating
radar or any other suitable tool must be used to locate and
mark underground services before work commences.
GMR 4 – Delivery 47


These critical controls and performance standards apply to operations where a fire may result in the fatality of one or more people.
They apply to fire systems, both technical and administrative, buildings under construction, managed operating assets, offices and
underground works and are inclusive of hot works in any setting.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?

Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
injury (physical/psychological). Community
Potential Causes
and social damage/impact
A Plant, equipment or vehicle on fire due to Financial
inadequate maintenance, improper use or Financial/commercial damage
being unfit for purpose (insurance claims, return to work costs)
B Unsafe and non-conformant hot works Business continuity
C Ignition of flammable materials Business continuity and disruption
(e.g. gas, liquid or solids) Fire and
D Self-combustion of gases, chemicals Reputational damage
and strata Legal/regulatory
E Unplanned sudden release of stored Legal/regulatory damage
flammable materials (e.g. rupture)
F Failure of component or system Environmental damage
G Frictional ignition from equipment
H Unauthorised smoking and other open
flame ignition sources
I Unsafe blasting activities
Mitigating Controls (4.5.8 – 4.5.10)
J Unsafe re-fuelling activities
4.5.8 Fire Alarm Systems
K Utilities, electrical system or cable
overheating Fire alarm systems that detect and warn of
smoke and fire emergencies must be in place
L Poor housekeeping and unsafe storage of
combustible materials 4.5.9 Means of Escape
Provide clear means of escape
M Intentional third-party activities (e.g. arson)
4.5.10 Fire Fighting Equipment
N Adverse weather conditions
Provision of adequate and suitable firefighting
O Unintentional third party activities equipment

Preventative Controls (4.5.1 – 4.5.7)

4.5.1 Prioritisation of Non-Combustible Materials 4.5.5 Refuelling Equipment

Substitute or minimise use of combustible materials with non- Controlled refuelling areas and procedures for refuelling large
combustible or lowest combustible materials wherever possible equipment, plant, machinery and vehicles
4.5.2 Ignition Sources 4.5.6 Excavations and Tunnelling
Identify, minimise and manage ignition sources Geotechnical investigations must identify gas or trapped
4.5.3 Inspection and Maintenance
Inspect and maintain fire monitoring and mitigation systems 4.5.7 Behavioural Controls
and equipment Adequate policies, procedures and rules must be in place to
limit unwanted behaviours
4.5.4 Hot Work
Permits to work must be in place for all hot works activities
GMR 4 – Delivery 48

Risk Event Preventative Controls 4.5.3 Inspection and Maintenance

and Performance Standards Control

Inspect and maintain fire monitoring and mitigation systems
4.5.1 Prioritisation of Non-Combustible Materials and equipment.

Control Performance Standard

Substitute or minimise use of combustible materials with non- i) Identify all fixed and portable systems and equipment
combustible or lowest combustible materials wherever possible. that monitors fire initiation and mitigates fire propagation
(e.g. Active Fire Systems).
Performance Standard
i) Where a business unit requires a particular product for ii) Implement a testing and maintenance regime that meets
construction, the product treatment and management statutory guidelines, manufacturer’s guidelines and any
practices must demonstrate that combustibility properties applicable codes or legislative requirements.
meet all local building regulations and material selection 4.5.4 Hot Work
ii) Operations must comply with local building regulations and
Permits to work must be in place for all hot works activities.
material selection standards for design and procurement
applied by the business unit. Performance Standard
iii) The potential for fire at each stage of construction and i) A Hot Works Permit is required for all work operations that
asset operations, including fire from an adjoining property, produce sparks, super-heated by-products (e.g. metals), or
must be assessed given any changes to material requirements open flames. These hot work operations include, but are not
and storage. limited to welding, torch cutting, grinding, and brazing.

iv) Storage of combustible or flammable materials must be ii) A Hot Work Permit is to be applicable for no more than one
minimised at all times. Selection of storage locations should shift, with the authorising person(s) to check site conditions
consider potential impacts from fire risks and must comply and specified risk controls.
with local legislation, standards and/or codes. Storage iii) During hot works, the fire watch person as identified on a hot
locations and requirements for all combustible material, works permit must have oversight and remain at the location
dangerous goods and hazardous substances must be identified of hot works at all times and until all ignition or heat sources
and marked on site plans and at the storage location. are eliminated.
v) Where there is a requirement to use explosives on site, a iv) Permits are only to be issued to individuals who are fluent
blast management plan or similar must be in place outlining in the language the permit is written in or who have been
the storage, handling, methods of use, licencing, training and inducted in the permit requirements by an interpreter.
emergency response requirements for the use of these.
4.5.5 Refuelling Equipment
4.5.2 Ignition Sources
Control Controlled refuelling areas and procedures for refuelling large
Identify, minimise and manage ignition sources. equipment, plant, machinery and vehicles.
Performance Standard Performance Standard
i) Design and operational reviews must assess the potential for i) Off-site refuelling is preferred. However, where on-site
plant and equipment to be a fire ignition source (e.g. from high re-fuelling facilities provide the only practicable alternative,
heat in normal mode, overheating in fault condition, arcing, the following applies:
substandard electrical plugs, static, overloading or faults, or
• Minimise the quantity of fuel stored and the number of
spontaneous combustion from floor stain-soaked rags) so that
ignition sources can be eliminated or minimalised. re-fuelling facilities.

ii) Provide lightning protection during each stage of construction • A spill kit(s) must be provided and maintained in all
and asset operations where the risk of a strike is deemed high workplaces with contents consistent with the type, nature
due to prevalence of electrical storms or data made available and scale of the potential spills that could occur, and key
via meteorological agencies. personnel must be trained in spill response.
iii) Any portable fuelled space heaters used for the curing of • Storage of fuel or other vessels containing hydrocarbons
material (e.g. concrete) must be fit for purpose with any must be in a bunded area with an impervious floor that
heating operations monitored to determine that equipment contains as a minimum 110% loss of the largest container in
is functioning properly, a safe atmosphere (e.g. carbon
the bunded area in the event of a spill.
monoxide, natural gas) is maintained, and that clearance from
any combustible material is provided. • An accountable frontline leader for the area must always
be in place and accompanied by those trained in response
requirements (e.g. spill and fire response), protected by
physical barriers.
• Emergency fuel flow shut off capability must be in place for
bulk fuel supplies.
ii) Refuelling of items that are operating (i.e. engine still running)
at the time of refuelling is not permitted.
GMR 4 – Delivery 49

4.5.6 Excavations and Tunnelling

Geotechnical investigations must identify gas or trapped
Performance Standard
i) Identify geo-technical or subsurface hazards caused by
flammable substances before designing, procuring or
commencing any excavation or tunnel. This includes physically
checking the operational site.
ii) For tunnelling and excavations where flammable gases
or hydrocarbons exist, the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) 60079 series of explosive atmosphere
standards must be applied.
iii) Where other gas or hydrocarbon hazards are identified that
cannot be fully mitigated using IEC60079, additional controls
must be clearly identified.

4.5.7 Behavioural Controls

Adequate policies, procedures and rules must be in place to limit
unwanted behaviours.
Performance Standard
i) Document and communicate a site protocol addressing
required behaviours of any person entering the operation or
construction site as it relates to fire prevention and emergency
response addressing:
• Prohibition of smoking unless designated areas are
prescribed that do not pose a fire or explosion risk.
• Fire prevention protocols (e.g. hot works, combustible
materials and storage).
• Preservation of fire sensors and alarms, firefighting
equipment and emergency routes.
• Accountabilities and emergency response protocols during
a fire response.
ii) A separate procedure is required for handling of explosives
use for rock blasting.
GMR 4 – Delivery 50

Risk Event Mitigating Controls 4.5.10 Fire Fighting Equipment

and Performance Standards Control

Provision of adequate and suitable firefighting equipment.
4.5.8 Fire Alarm Systems Performance Standard
Control i) Sufficient firefighting equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers,
Fire alarm systems that detect and warn of smoke and fire hose reels, fire blankets and risers) must be provided that is
emergencies must be in place. appropriate for the site and works and which complies with
any applicable codes or regulations.
Performance Standard
i) Effective means for early detection and warning of the ii) All firefighting equipment must be correctly located, readily
presence of fire must be in place that are appropriate for the accessible, unobstructed, clearly signed and have clear
level of risk. This may range from fully automated wireless or instructions on its correct use.
wired systems to the use of manual bells, horns or sirens with iii) In all structures where risers/standpipes are required, or where
people assigned to fire watch duties. All offices and welfare standpipes exist in any structures being altered, the standpipes
areas must have fire alarm systems installed. Alarms must must be brought up or installed in on all levels/floors as soon
deliver effective warning (audible and visual) in all areas where as possible and as a minimum in accordance with applicable
people may be present. laws and be maintained as construction progresses.
ii All fire alarm systems must be checked and tested, including iv) At a minimum, a standpipe riser hose outlet must be available
when they are moved, in line with manufacturer guidelines and for use within 12m/40ft of the construction floor being
applicable codes or regulations to confirm they are functional, formed in a concrete building or highest decked floor in a
and the results recorded. steel building under construction. The standpipe system
shall be under constant pressure and tested to assure
4.5.9 Means of Escape structural integrity and required functionality with an alarm
Control fitted advising of any drop in pressure and must include an
Provide clear means of escape. air pressure relief valve at the top of the riser to release any
trapped air.
Performance Standard
v) All standpipe and sprinkler systems must be installed and
i) Effective means of escape must be provided and maintained.
maintained in accordance with local requirements.
A means of escape must be provided that does not require the
use of passenger lifts and escalators and which is suitable for vi) Connections for the Fire Authority must satisfy the local
the number and specific needs of all people likely to use it. requirements. In exceptional circumstances where it is
impracticable to provide coverage from risers and hose reels,
ii) For construction operations, two means of escape by foot
effective means for extinguishing fires must be provided that
(excluding hoists or lifts) must be maintained for general
address the risk and satisfy regulatory requirements (e.g.
construction floors. The means of escape from low density
drench drums, fire pails and additional fire extinguishers).
residential dwellings under construction with a small floor
size and enclosed areas such as jump forms, risers, lift shafts vii) All firefighting equipment must be checked and serviced
must be risk assessed to determine the appropriate means of regularly, including testing of pump sets of wet risers and
escape. Where two means of escape cannot be achieved, (e.g. firefighting lift controls by a technically qualified person in
roof access), approval must be sought from the Regional Head accordance with manufacturer guidelines or any applicable
of Health and Safety. codes or regulations and the results recorded. A regular visual
check must be carried out on all firefighting equipment to
iii) Emergency escape routes must be easily identifiable, of
confirm they have not been damaged, discharged or removed.
adequate width, kept free from obstruction and not used for
storage and have emergency lighting including directional viii) Adequate access must be maintained and kept free from any
signs and exit points marked using pictograms and lights. obstructions at all times for emergency services vehicles.
iv) Operations under construction or temporary structures
must plan emergency routes that offer the highest fire level
protection possible.
GMR 4 – Delivery 51


These critical controls and performance standards apply to all activities where loads are raised by tower and mobile cranes, barge cranes,
recovery cranes, derrick/stiff-legged cranes, mast climbers, goods and passenger hoists, spider type small cranes, gantry cranes, hoisting
with excavators, gin poles (telecommunication tower erection), forklifts and telehandler type material lifting equipment where a failure of the
equipment or operation could result in a fatality or other injuries. They do not apply to lower weight hoisting activities such as concrete placing
booms and pallet trucks.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?

Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
Potential Causes member of the public. Permanently disabling
injury (physical/psychological). Community
A Failure of base, foundation or support and social damage/impact
(crane tower) including gantry rails,
tie-backs and fixing points
Financial/commercial damage
B Crane and lifting equipment overload from (insurance claims, return to work costs)
inappropriate or poor planning Crane and
Hoisting Business continuity
C Crane and lifting equipment collision (e.g. jibs) Business continuity and disruption
D Improper assembly or disassembly Incident Reputation
including crane jumping
Reputational damage
E Crane and lifting equipment is procured,
used incorrectly or not to standard
Legal/regulatory damage
(e.g. insufficient locks and limit devices)
F Adverse conditions (e.g. extreme weather
conditions, slopes and ground conditions, Environmental damage
moisture, rain, wind and lightning)
G Operator misuse or incompetence
H Operator fatigue or impairment
(e.g. as a result of drug and/or alcohol use)
Mitigating Controls (4.6.10 – 4.6.11)
I Inappropriate state of equipment resulting
in component failure (e.g. age, lack of 4.6.10 Exclusion Zones
maintenance and base metal fatigue) Robust and controlled exclusion zones must
J Impact from other plant or equipment be established, tested and approved

K Fire on crane and lifting equipment 4.6.11 Post Incident Response

Independent verification of the safe status
L Overload of structure e.g. spider crane on
of crane and hoisting equipment must
floor plate
be undertaken following an incident and
M Sabotage before re-use

Preventative Controls (4.6.1 – 4.6.9)

4.6.1 Cranes and Hoisting Equipment in Use dismantled in accordance with the 4.6.7 Fatigue Management
Only use lifting and hoisting equipment manufacturer’s requirements A fatigue management program must
that addresses all applicable usage and 4.6.4 Oversight be in place for crane/hoist operators,
operating requirements riggers/signallers and crane installers
All crane and hoisting equipment must be
4.6.2 Lift Plans maintained and operated in accordance with 4.6.8 Preventing Plant Collisions
All crane and hoisting equipment must the manufacturer’s operating instructions Install hard barriers (tower crane),
be in accordance with any lift plans 4.6.5 Tower Crane Access and Security exclusion zones (mobile crane) or other
barriers to prevent plant collisions
4.6.3 Installation, Inspection, Security precautions must guard against
Maintenance and Dismantling unauthorised access to tower cranes 4.6.9 Handling Objects
Cranes and other hoisting equipment 4.6.6 Ground Conditions Uncontrolled movement of objects must
must be installed, erected, adjusted, not occur
All cranes must be established and set
climbed, inspected, maintained and
up on approved ground conditions
GMR 4 – Delivery 52

Risk Event Preventative Controls xi) Where a mobile crane is proposed for use to elevate people
using a work box / work basket an alternative secondary
and Performance Standards independent braking mechanism must be available in the
event of the failure of the primary winch (e.g. emergency
4.6.1 Cranes and Hoisting Equipment in Use mechanical brake activated in the event of a hydraulic failure
in the primary winch). Where a mobile crane is not fitted with
an alternative secondary independent braking mechanism, the
Only use lifting and hoisting equipment that addresses approval for use of a work box/work basket must be obtained
all applicable legislation, standards, usage and operating from the Region Head of Health & Safety.
xii) All tower cranes and mobile cranes undertaking lifting
Performance Standard operations out of the sightlines of the crane operator (e.g. ‘blind
i) Cranes and any of the crane components (e.g. ties, tower picks/lifts’) must be assessed for suitability to attach a hook
sections and yokes) on all operations must not exceed 20 camera as a supporting aid to enhance crane lifting safety and
years of age since manufacture at any point during the project avoid total reliance on the directions provided by signallers.
to limit the risk of structural failure from base metal fatigue.
xiii) Where excavators, telehandlers, forklifts or gin poles (e.g.
ii) Diesel tower cranes are not to be used on any Lendlease used in telecommunications) are proposed for hoisting (with
operations and electric tower cranes must be in use. a suspended load), a risk assessment must be undertaken to
(In exceptional circumstances where diesel tower cranes verify that other alternative types of lifting equipment (e.g.
are required, sign off is required from the Region CEO.) cranes) cannot be used to perform the activity. Any approved
iii) All crane & hoists structural components are to be Original plan to use these types of plant must provide the following:
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) excluding building ties, yokes • Confirmation anti burst/drop valves are fitted to lifting
or collars which must be designed to suit the specific crane or hydraulic cylinders.
hoist by a qualified engineer.
• Manufacturer or OEM approved / rated attachment point.
iv) All crane and hoisting equipment in operational service
must be fitted with limit switches and alarms that initiate at • Safe working load of the plant is identified on the lifting
no greater than 90% of the original manufacturer’s rated lift arm(s).
capacity and cease operation at 100% of the manufacturer’s
rated lift capacity. Note: This is not a further reduction on • Loads lifted by appropriate lifting equipment.
any regulated de-limiting applicable on cranes in some • Buckets and other attachments are positively attached.
jurisdictions and only refers to the original manufacturer’s lift
capacity rating. • An operation manual provided by the manufacturer for the
hoisting of loads.
v) Tower cranes must be fitted with automated anti-collision
devices when operating in close proximity to other tower • Load capacity charts relevant to the specific hoisting
cranes and a secondary independent brake must be fitted attachment.
on hoist and luffing winches. Visual warning devices or an
alert process must be implemented should the automated • Safety devices and limit switches in working condition.
anti-collision devices be disabled or switched off for any
• Identification of the lifting coordinator for the planning and
approved duration (e.g. arising from a maintenance or crane
oversight of the lifting activity.
climbing operation).
vi) The crane boom/jib safe operating envelope must be 4.6.2 Lift Plans
identified for each item of crane hoisting equipment on a Control
crane radius plan/range diagram.
All crane and hoisting equipment must be in accordance with
vii) All crane rotating hoisting equipment must be adequately items identified in any lift plans.
guarded by physical barriers to prevent the potential for
Performance Standard
i) A lift plan, approved by a qualified engineer, must be
viii) Computerised monitoring systems must be fitted on all developed for any lift that requires a crane to operate at
cranes. Real time data must be made available where the greater than 90% of the original manufacturer’s rated capacity.
crane monitoring system has that capability (e.g. wind speed, Note: This is not a further reduction on any regulated
overloading, start and end of lift, the weight of the load, angle de-limiting applicable on cranes in some jurisdictions and
of the boom, safe working load, radius of the lift). only refers to the original manufacturer’s lift capacity rating.
ix) Crane towers must be fitted with lighting for safe access to the Lift plans must capture crane load capacity specific to crane
full height of the tower during early morning or evening hours. configuration, load dimensions and weight and rigging details.
For tower cranes that are tied into a structure, an intermediate ii) Where there is a requirement for special lift, an independent
access ramp must be provided. qualified engineer (identified as an ‘Appointed Person’ in
x) Where a work box/work basket is proposed for use to elevate some jurisdictions) is required to review the lift plan and,
people using a crane, a risk assessment must be undertaken to where required, supervise the execution of a lift. This third
review safer alternatives. Where the use of a work box/work party review must cover the planning, lifting methodology
basket is determined as the only suitable means of access, and requires detailed schematics, communication plans and
the activity must be controlled by a permit to work. Any tower assessment of ground or other applicable conditions. This
crane that uses a work box/work basket to elevate people must includes the following lift types:
be fitted with a secondary independent brake (on all winches)
and must be inspected by a qualified person prior to use.
GMR 4 – Delivery 53

• Any lifts that require the crane to operate between 90% and vi) Any item attached to a tower crane (e.g. signs, banners, lights,
100% of the original manufacturer’s rated capacity. or anti-climb screens) must be considered at the early stages
of the crane base engineering, and with prior approval from
• Any abnormal loads that due to their centre of gravity, the original equipment manufacturer. Magnetic fixing of any
unusual shape or density may be adversely affected by wind item attached to a tower crane (e.g. movement sensors/lights)
during a lift. is not permitted.
• Any lifting operation that requires the load to slew or travel 4.6.4 Oversight
over public or private properties or infrastructure that
requires closure or evacuation of these areas. Control
All crane and hoisting equipment must be maintained and
• Any load that requires more than one crane (e.g. dual or operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating
tandem lifts). instructions.
• Multiple lifting of steel members during steel erection. Performance Standard
i) A hoisting or crane lifting coordinator must oversee and
• Any crane that operates on a floating vessel or barge.
manage the use of all crane and hoisting equipment including
• Any lift requiring the use of a work box to carry a person(s) passenger/material hoists at the operation. The hoisting or
(excluding the routine use of a work box for crane crane lifting coordinator can be a Lendlease employee or
maintenance, inspection or other activities as part of a tower supplier’s employee or a member of the crane crew appointed
crane or hoists installation, alteration or dismantling and the by Lendlease. More than one coordinator may be required at a
use of a workbox in an emergency). large site.

iii) No operational lifting is to be permitted that is above 100% ii) All operations with tower cranes or multiple cranes in use are
of the original manufacturer’s crane and hoisting equipment required to provide a crane management plan that outlines
lifting capacity. all crane operations on a project including crane locations,
operating radius, exclusion zones, loading zones, overhead
4.6.3 Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Dismantling protection, crane climbs and the appointment of a hoisting
or crane lifting coordinator to oversee inspection and
maintenance to the requirements of the standards applicable
Cranes and other hoisting equipment must be installed, erected,
to the region of operation.
adjusted, climbed or lowered, inspected, maintained and
dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. iii) All hoisting or crane lifting coordinators must have formal
training in lifting and rigging applicable to their region
Performance Standard
of operation and a minimum of two years’ experience as
i) The installation commissioning, climbing or lowering or a hoisting or crane lifting coordinator. A verification of
other significant structural alterations of any crane or other competency must be obtained prior to commencement.
hoisting equipment requiring assembly must be reviewed and
approved by a third-party independent inspector prior to the iv) The manufacturer’s operating instructions must be
first operational lift. This does not include minor modifications readily available to the operator (i.e. in operator’s cabin or
post installation or assembly (e.g. counterweight placement on electronically accessible from the cab) for all crane and
mobile cranes). hoisting equipment.

ii) A third-party inspection program must be implemented for 4.6.5 Tower Crane Access and Security
selected lifting and hoisting equipment (for example, tower
cranes, derrick cranes, large mobile cranes and hoists) and Control
included in the supply agreement. Where crane or other Security precautions must guard against unauthorised access to
hoisting equipment is provided to Lendlease, suppliers must tower cranes.
provide a complete set of the manufacturer’s operating Performance Standard
and maintenance instructions. Inspection and maintenance i) Access systems for all procured tower cranes must have offset
records must be kept with the equipment and conform to caged ladders with intermediate landings designed to prevent
the requirements of the standards applicable to the region the fall from height by a person whilst climbing or descending
of operation and as per the manufacturer’s requirements. All a tower crane.
cranes and hoisting equipment must be installed, erected,
adjusted, climbed, inspected, maintained and dismantled by ii) Tower cranes and crane access towers or ramps must have
a qualified person and in accordance with the manufacturer’s security measures to guard against unauthorised access from
instructions. ground level or other elevations, including anti-climb (i.e. no
hand or foot holds such as plywood or fine mesh panelling)
iii) Any panelling or modification for access or for weather and hoarding to a minimum height of 3m/10ft at the base.
protection to the crane or hoisting equipment (e.g. personnel
and material hoists) shall be designed for internal fixing iii) A self-closing access door or gate must be in place with a
application only. The panelling modifications must be combination lock or other security locks for secure access.
engineered by a qualified person. The modifications must be The door or gate access lock is to be operable from the inside
installed and verified by the manufacturer or its representative. without a key to enable safe egress in an emergency and have
minimal gaps to the access frame surround to prevent levering
iv) Where a twin hoist operates on a single tower, both hoists and compromising the locking mechanism at the base or other
must be taken out of service while the hoist is being climbed intermediate access locations.
or serviced.
iv) Movement detectors must be fitted to the crane tower with
v) All installations, climbing, adjusting (climbing up/down) operable intruder strobe lights and back to base monitoring,
and recovery of cranes or hoists (including service and camera and text message alert including a backup battery in
maintenance) must take place in daylight hours only. the event of a power failure.
GMR 4 – Delivery 54

v) Anti-climb mesh to a minimum height of 3m/10ft in the 4.6.8 Preventing Plant Collisions
vertical plane and to the full width of the tower opening in the
horizontal plane must be installed on commissioning to guard
against unauthorised access. Install hard barriers (tower crane), exclusion zones (mobile crane)
or other barriers to prevent plant collisions.
vi) Any basement or floor levels where a tower crane penetration
exists must include full floor to soffit protection. Performance Standard
i) Provide engineered barrier protection for cranes or hoists
4.6.6 Ground Conditions that are risk assessed as having the potential to be struck by
mobile plant or vehicles. The energy involved in any potential
collision with that barrier must be absorbed or deflected, with
All cranes must be established and set up on approved ground traffic controls to be deployed where the potential impact
conditions or structures. cannot be reasonably deflected or absorbed.
Performance Standard ii) Effective measures (e.g. zoning, spotters or a combination of
i) Tower cranes, derrick cranes and hoists require an engineer these and other controls) must be implemented to prevent
to design the base and to complete any interim checks during cranes coming into contact with overhead power lines or
installation, provide approval for the crane/hoists to be underground services, other cranes or structures.
installed and provide written confirmation that the base is fit
for purpose. The crane/hoist installation design must then be iii) Automated anti-collision systems must be installed on tower
reviewed and certified by a third party independent engineer. cranes and gantry cranes when multiple cranes are in use
and their lifting radius interface or overlap with other cranes,
ii) Adequacy of ground condition’s bearing capacity for lifting or when encroachment over a protected area such as a rail
operations involving any mobile cranes and other hoisting corridor or public interface must be prevented.
equipment must be verified and confirmed by a qualified
person. Where necessary, the California bearing ratio (CBR) or iv) For Lendlease operations where an adjacent construction
equivalent testing certified by a geotechnical engineer, must project is not managed or controlled by Lendlease, any
be completed and the results communicated and confirmed crane(s) that could encroach the operating radius of a crane(s)
by the supplier before the lift. on the Lendlease operation should result in arrangements
between the project teams to agree and implement
iii) If a severe weather or other event occurs (e.g. significant rainfall preventative controls (e.g. zoning or other controls) to prevent
within 48 hours of the mobile crane lift, ground subsidence, the potential for crane to crane collision.
earthquake or flood) the adequacy of the ground conditions
must be re-assessed and verified by a qualified person, and v) A third-party independent engineer must review and approve
the CBR or equivalent test repeated if necessary, with results the out of service storage requirements for all large mobile
communicated and the lift delayed until this is complete. cranes (greater than 200 tonnes), derrick cranes and tower
cranes. These out of service requirements must comply with
iv) Changes to the configuration of any crane or hoist from the guidelines of the manufacturer and must be available at
manufacturer’s recommendation requires an engineering the site to prepare for a weather-related event.
review that includes a reassessment of risk, with a re-
evaluation of the safe working load. The review includes all 4.6.9 Handling Objects
stakeholders, including the manufacturer.
4.6.7 Fatigue Management Uncontrolled movement of objects must not occur.
Control Performance Standard
A fatigue management program must be in place for crane/hoist i) All loads to be slung, hoisted, lifted, transported, stored
operators, riggers/signallers, hoist and crane installers, and plant or unloaded must have no uncontrolled movement or loss
maintenance personnel. of the load. This can involve engineered containment for
small objects.
Performance Standard
i) For all crane and hoisting equipment, suppliers or employers ii) Slinging methods must manage any expected dynamic load
must outline how the potential for fatigue will be managed forces (e.g. wind or sudden crane halt).
regarding the operator of the equipment and all fatigue iii) Lifting bags designed as ‘single use bags’ can only be lifted
management plans must be outline how all local regulations form a truck tray and placed into an engineered container,
will be addressed. In normal operating circumstances the onto a pallet for forklift handling or, placed onto the ground
operator’s working hours must not exceed 60 hours per week for unloading.
and rest periods between shifts must not be less than 12 hours
per day. iv) All hoisting or lifting must be completed with the slung
object’s centre of gravity lower than the sling attachment
ii) Details must be provided in relation to the operating hours points where practicable.
per day and rest breaks consistent with not exceeding a 10-
hour day (exclusive of breaks). Fatigue recognition technology v) All loads suspended by hoisting or lifting equipment must
should be employed where available. be landed onto an adequate load bearing surface and be
stable (i.e. cannot roll or fall) before unslinging the hoisting
iii) Where a shift exceeds the parameters outlined above, fatigue or lifting gear.
management controls can include shift rotation, split shifts,
late starts and additional time off. A record must be kept for all vi) Objects transported through any Lendlease operation must be
operators and rigger / signalman to confirm individuals fatigue adequately restrained to the manufacturer’s recommendations
management requirements and protocols are in place. and local regulations to prevent uncontrolled movement.
GMR 4 – Delivery 55

vii) Deliveries where the load has the potential to fall or roll when Risk Event Mitigating Controls
unshackled must be inspected by a person with competency
in material handling and movement related to lifting activities and Performance Standards
(i.e. rigger or equivalent) and restrained before removal
(e.g. chocked or slung with hoisting or lifting gear). 4.6.10 Exclusion Zones
viii) All lifting gear and tackle (e.g. chains, wire ropes, slings and Control
rubbish removal containers) must be inspected before use Robust and controlled exclusion zones must be established,
and must be structurally sound, fit for purpose, engineered tested and approved.
for lifting with certified lifting points and the rated capacity
or safe working load clearly displayed. All lifting gear and Performance Standard
tackle must comply with all national regulations, standards i) The requirement for exclusion/no person zones for lifting or
and codes. hoisting operations must be identified and included in the
crane management plan.
ix) Where engineered containment is used internal objects
must be secured against movement in transit to prevent ii) The exclusion zone for all cranes and hoisting equipment must
uncontrolled movement when the containment is opened. consider the location of personnel, members of the public, and
neighbouring structures and infrastructure in determining the
x) All engineered containment must be clearly marked to show preferred radius to be applied.
that it is a secondary means and to demonstrate what object it
is designed to be used with. iii) Personnel must not work or walk under suspended loads.

xi) Dual or multiple independent loads or separately linked iv) For tower crane erection or jumping activities, all people
slung loads where the loads are distributed along different (including members of the public) must be clear of works
lengths of the wire rope (i.e. one load is more than 500mm through the application of exclusion/no person zones that
above another load) are not permitted except where includes the area below the jib along its length and the
legislation allows for two items of bundled rebar or where direction in which it is positioned.
two steel frame elements are to be lifted and installed in
4.6.11 Post Incident Response
sequential order. In this case, the method utilised for the
structural steel must be considered as a ‘Special Lift’ (as Control
per GMR 4.6.2) and the steel elements members must have Independent verification of the safe status of crane and
engineered lift points that afford a positive connection. hoisting equipment must be undertaken following an incident
The rigging procedure and engineered lift points must be and before re-use.
subject to a review by a subject matter expert during the
methodology review as per GMR 2.3.3. Performance Standard
i) Crane or other hoisting equipment must be removed from
xii) Gravity latches are prohibited on the hook of all crane types. service, re-inspected and re-tested by a suitably qualified
Positive locking (self-locking) safety latches are required for all person before any other lift is completed when it:
tower crane hooks.
• Strikes a structure, other piece of hoisting equipment
while in use.
• Is struck by mobile equipment.

• Any failure of a load bearing part whilst in use.

• Is identified as operating without completing maintenance

and inspections to the manufacturer’s requirements or
applicable standards to the region of operation.
• Struck by lightning or after a considerable natural event
such as a major storm, seismic event, etc.
GMR 4 – Delivery 56


These critical controls and performance standards apply to hazardous equipment (i.e. mobile, fixed, large or portable) in Lendlease
operations where people could be fatally injured if they come into contact with moving parts of that machine
(e.g. moving tracks and large conveyors). This applies for exposure to equipment during operation, maintenance and troubleshooting
e.g. escalator and lift motors.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Mechanical failure (e.g. hydraulics) Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Tampering or sabotage (e.g. tampering
injury (physical/psychological). Community
with guarding and bypassing interlocking)
and social damage/impact
C Equipment is unfit for purpose
Impact from Financial
(e.g. lack of or irregular maintenance,
Moving Parts of Financial/commercial damage
inadequate guarding or interlocking)
Machines (insurance claims, return to work costs)
D Inadequate planning (e.g. poor instructions
on safe use and lack of segregation) Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
E Operator error (e.g. competency
and fatigue) Reputation
Reputational damage
F Uncontrolled release of stored energy
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.7.1 – 4.7.3)

4.7.1 Guarding Mitigating Controls (4.7.4)

Implement robust machine operating
guarding standards for hazardous equipment 4.7.4 Activations (Controls) and
Emergency Stops
4.7.2 Preventing Access
Equipment must be of a design that allows
Appropriate physical and non-physical
emergency stopping by trip devices and has
security must be in place to prevent access
manual controls that prevent hazardous and
to specific areas with hazardous equipment
inadvertent machine operation
where guarding cannot be provided, and
maintenance activities are being undertaken
4.7.3 Large Mobile Equipment Maintenance
Implement and monitor an appropriate
maintenance regime for the equipment
GMR 4 – Delivery 57

Risk Event Preventative Controls Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards and Performance Standards
4.7.1 Guarding 4.7.4 Activations (Controls) and Emergency Stops
Control Control
Implement robust machine operating guarding standards for Equipment must be of a design that allows emergency stopping
hazardous equipment. by trip devices and has manual controls that prevent hazardous
and inadvertent machine operation.
Performance Standard
i) All moving parts of hazardous equipment must be fitted with Performance Standard
suitable guards. Guards are to be retained by fasteners that i) Review equipment brought to site to determine if it is
adequately secure the guarding and prevents accidental equipped with a suitable number, type and location of trip
dislodgement. devices or emergency stops.
ii) Support maintenance and troubleshooting must be inclusive ii) Manual controls must be:
of a documented safe system of work, including isolation
• Clearly visible, identifiable, marked and positioned in a
systems involving personal isolation locks with routine
inspections carried out to identify if guarding is fitted and suitable location.
functional and in good working order. • Their movement is consistent with their effect on machine
iii) Check that guarding fully protects any moving parts and can operation.
withstand applied forces without dislodgement. • In the appropriate language.
iv) Identify and assess the risk of fault-finding, cleaning and
iii) Establish an audible warning signal of sufficient duration and
maintenance tasks that bring people in proximity to exposed
intensity for start-up where it is not possible to see all danger
energised machine components.
zones from the operator’s console.
4.7.2 Preventing Access iv) Check the design of machine controls to prevent inadvertent
Control or unexpected start-up.
Appropriate physical and non-physical security must be in place v) Routinely test emergency stop or trip devices.
to prevent access to specific areas with hazardous equipment
where guarding cannot be provided, and operations and
maintenance activities are being undertaken.
Performance Standard
i) Identify energy sources with the potential for fatal outcomes that
are unable to be guarded prior to commencing the operation.
Identify, implement, communicate and verify alternate controls
(e.g. interlocked physical barriers and light curtains).
ii) Check exclusion zones use suitable physical distance,
barrier types, and stability to prevent inadvertent, accidental,
unintended and casual interaction with the moving parts.
iii) Lock access to equipment with moving parts and energy
sources representing a fatality risk when usage for that day or
shift ceases. This includes preventing access to mobile plant.
iv) Operational personnel with responsibility for access
administration (e.g. security) must have a list of authorised
key users. Check equipment is locked and has the capacity to
prevent equipment use if found unlocked.

4.7.3 Large Mobile Equipment Maintenance

Implement and monitor an appropriate maintenance regime
for the equipment.
Performance Standard
i) All equipment must be registered using unique identifiers.
ii) Maintenance must be in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations or at shorter intervals if required, with
maintenance manuals provided prior to the equipment arriving
on site and the inspection records remaining with the machine.
iii) If earthmoving equipment is being operated with quick hitch
devices there must be a safe system of work adopted. It is
essential that physical mechanical locking pins are used to
prevent uncontrolled release.
GMR 4 – Delivery 58


These critical controls and performance standards must apply to all ground/soil disturbance activities that can create accidental
collapse of an excavation or stockpile resulting in a fatality on a Lendlease operation.

Potential Causes Potential Impacts

What’s the worst that could happen?
A Incorrect construction working methods
(e.g. poor sequencing, not following People
support standards leading to failure of Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
the temporary or permanent support and member of the public. Permanently disabling
inappropriate stockpiling) injury (physical/psychological). Community
B Surcharge resulting from fixed and moving and social damage/impact
loads (e.g. vehicles, water ingress, adjacent Financial
work activities and vibration) Financial/commercial damage
Excavation (insurance claims, return to work costs)
C Adverse weather and natural disasters,
and Stockpile
including water ingress Business continuity
D Unexpected ground conditions (e.g. voids, Business continuity and disruption
ground or water pressure) Reputation
E Inadequate design, procurement, planning, Reputational damage
maintenance and inspection of excavation
or stockpile including absence, failure or
incorrect installation of support leading to Legal/regulatory damage
failure of support Environment
F Inadequate awareness, skills and Environmental damage (flooding, sediment
competency of workers and frontline leaders and erosion)

Preventative Controls (4.8.1 – 4.8.3) Mitigating Controls (4.8.4 – 4.8.5)

4.8.1 Ground Conditions 4.8.4 Rollover Protection and

All excavations and stockpiles must be Falling Object Protective Structure
managed in accordance with known Use of Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS)
geological conditions. Check before entering on plant and equipment
excavations for stability.
4.8.5 Emergency Response
4.8.2 Excavation Management Provide an effective local emergency and
All excavations must consider safe angles, response capability
access and structural integrity
4.8.3 Stockpile Management
All stockpiles must consider safe angles, access
and structural integrity. Check stockpiles daily,
especially after significant weather conditions
(long term sun and heavy rain).
GMR 4 – Delivery 59

Risk Event Preventative Controls vii) Workers within an excavation zone must not be within reach
of the operating radius of the excavation equipment and an
and Performance Standards exclusion zone must be established. Equipment must be
stopped if survey or other verification work is required within
4.8.1 Ground Conditions the equipment operating zones or if workers are controlling a
load with a tag line or positioning items within the excavation.
The surrounding construction loads imposed adjacent to mass
All excavations and stockpiles must be managed in accordance excavations must be identified and engineered as part of
with known geological conditions. Check before entering the shoring design for the excavation. All construction loads
excavations for stability. for the life cycle of the performance of the shoring must be
Performance Standard confirmed in the engineering documents.
i) Identify ground and underlying conditions and hazards and
4.8.3 Stockpile Management
provide geotechnical engineered solutions for excavations
>1.5m/4.9 ft in depth. Control
ii) Assess the area for any underground services and identify as All stockpiles must consider safe angles, access and structural
per GMRs 4.4.8 underground services and 4.15.5 underground integrity. Check stockpiles daily, especially after significant
services (non-electrical). weather conditions (long term sun and heavy rain).

iii) Agree a comprehensive plan prior to beginning physical Performance Standard

works. The plan must cover construction methodology, i) Maximum stockpile height must be determined by an engineer
support mechanisms, sequencing, use of plant and equipment and not exceeded.
to provide stability of excavations and stockpiles. ii) All people must be excluded from the active loading or
dumping area.
4.8.2 Excavation Management
iii) Loading and dumping area ground stability must be approved
by an engineer prior to commencement.
All excavations must consider safe angles, access and structural
integrity. iv) Equipment operators are not to leave the cabin while loading
or dumping is in progress.
Performance Standard
i) All excavations greater than 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) must be v) For a linear stockpile excavation must proceed along the
benched, shored, battered back or sloped to a safe angle working face and for a conical stockpile it must proceed
as determined by a geotechnical engineer in the excavation around the toe. The working face must never be undercut or
design process. An angle with a ratio of 1 vertical to 2 left with a hollow in it.
horizontal repose must not be exceeded unless designed vi) Barriers and berms must not be moved or altered, and the
and certified by a geotechnical engineer. Where benching or crest must only be approached by a loader or bulldozer at a
battering is not possible, trenches and excavations must be right angle (90 degrees) to keep the weight of the equipment
mechanically shored to prevent collapse. away from the edge. Prevent access from an unauthorised
ii) Adjacent structures, roads and sidewalks must be supported vehicle or person that could damage critical infrastructure or
or protected where necessary to prevent collapse. Structural where the unauthorised person could be fatally injured due
monitoring of adjacent properties/structures by a third-party to the hazards within the operational area. Install physical
must be conducted and reports provided for the duration barriers if required.
of the activity (e.g. excavation, underpinning, blasting, vii) All stockpiles to have sediment and erosion control devices
dewatering). implemented and maintained. Stockpiles must be inspected
iii) Materials and equipment must be placed at a safe distance following change events that could compromise stability
from the edge of excavations. (rain, storm).

iv) Adequate signage, physical barriers and lighting must be

provided to prevent falls into excavations, especially for
equipment working on those excavations and vehicles or
equipment from adjacent thoroughfares. Safe access (e.g.
temporary stairs) must be installed to provide access into
excavations where appropriate.
v) Water ingress into excavations must be controlled to provide
stability and, where water is present, in deep excavations an
appropriate dewatering program must be in place.
vi) Daily and/or pre-shift inspections of all excavations must be
undertaken and documented by a person with appropriate
competency requirements, including after every rainfall or
other adverse weather condition that is likely to impact the
stability of excavations.
GMR 4 – Delivery 60

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
4.8.4 Rollover Protection and Falling Object Protective Structure
Use of Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) on plant and
Performance Standard
i) Fit ROPS to all earthmoving equipment working beside or in
the vicinity of excavations ensuring the cabin and canopy meet
ISO 3471:2008 and excavator ROPS to ISO12117.2:2008 and
applicable local authority requirements.
ii) A seat belt must be fitted to all occupant positions and worn
by the occupant while the plant or equipment is in operation.
iii) Decoupling technology for dog and trailers and cabin stability
technology is to be implemented.

4.8.5 Emergency Response

Provide effective local emergency and response capability.
Performance Standard
i) The emergency response plan must be developed prior to
work commencing and be resourced, implemented, verified
and reviewed quarterly.
ii) The plan must address specific failure scenarios (e.g. recovery
of an injured person from a deep excavation), recovery
equipment and training requirements.
iii) Local Emergency response team/resources must be identified
and contact information available (e.g. technical rescue,
utilities emergency numbers).
GMR 4 – Delivery 61


These critical controls and performance standards apply to a structural failure on any temporary (e.g. hoarding, access gates. scaffold,
formwork, temporary works or access platforms) or permanent structure (e.g. completed structure, precast concrete, structural steel or
demolition works) that could cause a fatality.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Inadequate design relating to ground
Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
stability, foundations and structure
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Inadequate construction, workmanship injury (physical/psychological). Community
and installation (e.g. overloading, incorrect and social damage/impact
sequencing, not following design or
unauthorised alteration) Failure of
Financial/commercial damage
C Impact by third party activities (e.g. struck Structures
(insurance claims, return to work costs)
by vehicle or plant, third party activities, (Temporary or
Permanent) Business continuity
weather affecting ground stability or leading
to the undermining or erosion of adjacent Business continuity and disruption
ground and sabotage) Reputation
D Inadequate maintenance, inspection and Reputational damage
testing, including stability of permanent Legal/regulatory
structures supporting the temporary works
Legal/regulatory damage
E Operator incompetence
Environmental damage

Preventative Controls (4.9.1 – 4.9.2)

4.9.1 Structural Integrity Mitigating Controls (4.9.3)

Appropriate methods for adjusting temporary
4.9.3 Exclusion Zones/Overhead Protection
and permanent structures must be in place
An adequate exclusion zone or overhead
4.9.2 Installation protection must be in place for demolition
The installation of structural elements must works or any other controlled method
be subject to quality management rigour and of structural deconstruction where there is
certification a risk of structural collapse beyond the
applicable area
GMR 4 – Delivery 62

Risk Event Preventative Controls iv) Design load calculations must consider the maximum
applicable loads that will be experienced on each floor
and Performance Standards during the construction phase (e.g. from material storage,
lifting operations and waste). Where construction loads may
4.9.1 Structural Integrity exceed the design load for the permanent structure in use, the
structure must be propped to cater for any additional loading.
Appropriate methods for adjusting temporary and permanent v) All scaffolds must be stable and secure to prevent movement
structures must be in place. and collapse. Scaffolding must be plumb, have adequate
cross-bracing, and sound footings. Freestanding scaffolds
Performance Standard shall be laterally braced as designed. Before use, scaffolds
i) Designers, suppliers and installers of both temporary and must be inspected by a qualified scaffolder and be tagged to
permanent structures are to provide site specific engineering show the inspection status.
solutions that provide the highest degree of certainty relating
to structural integrity and have it independently verified by a vi) All temporary works platforms and associated access must
qualified and registered structural engineer. be planned and documented by a person with appropriate
technical competencies to determine that the equipment
ii) Implement methodologies, systems, technology or equipment is appropriate for the specific use and is erected, altered or
that provides early warning of an impending structural failure dismantled by persons with the appropriate competencies
(e.g. movement detectors, survey points or other system/ following safe methods of work.
equipment to monitor structural movement).
vii) All demolition work involving structural removal must be
iii) Proprietary or engineered systems certified by a qualified documented through a demolition plan and subject to
and registered structural engineer must always be used approval from a structural engineer where any structural
for the erection of temporary or permanent structures. All elements are proposed to be removed or temporary storage of
elements must be installed without variance to any agreed demolition debris. This includes the review of the methodology
methodology and engineering tolerances and must be based and demolition sequence. The methodology must minimise
on manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations. the number of workers permitted in the demolition area.
The temporary structure fixing details and loading on the
permanent structure must be clearly specified on the viii) All temporary works must be protected to prevent impact
temporary structure design documentation. from vehicles and plant.

iv) Temporary and permanent multi-storey structures must take ix) Under no circumstances must any temporary works structure
into consideration all climatic possibilities, ground conditions be modified without going through the same process as
and geology including earthquake risk in the design and outlined in this performance standard.
methodology. x) Temporary works designs, and calculations must include
v) A Demolition management plan approved by an appropriately details on the safe sequence and methodology of erection
qualified engineer must be developed to determine that each and dismantling methodology to mitigate risks of failure during
element of the overall methodology does not inadvertently all stages.
place workers or members of public at risk from uncontrolled
Risk Event Mitigating Controls
4.9.2 Installation and Performance Standards
The installation of structural elements must be subject to quality 4.9.3 Exclusion Zones/Overhead Protection
management rigour and certification.
Performance Standard An adequate exclusion zone or overhead protection must be in
i) All temporary works must be designed by a qualified and place for construction demolition works or any other controlled
registered engineer according to the intended use. As per method of structural deconstruction where there is a risk of
the methodology review process outlined in GMR 2.3.3, structural collapse beyond the applicable area.
the design of the temporary works must be independently
Performance Standard
reviewed by a qualified and registered engineer (but not by
i) Exclusion zones for construction or demolition works must be of
any person working on the original design). Once installed,
adequate size, taking into account the risks including potential
erected or after a change to the design the temporary works
arc of fall, deflections and bounce distances, are delineated
must be verified by a qualified and registered engineer to
by physical barriers and have clear signage prohibiting
determine that the design intent is met for all temporary works
unauthorised entry where there is a likely risk of harm. The
where there is a risk of a fatal event occurring.
integrity of any exclusion zones must be regularly checked.
ii) All proprietary systems must be used or assembled/dismantled
ii) Planning for both construction and asset works must identify
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
any scenarios where overhead protection is to be installed,
and the designed purpose. The mixing of components from
particularly where people below cannot be completely
different proprietary systems is not permitted unless the system
excluded. Overhead protection must be engineered by design
is approved by a qualified and registered structural engineer.
and put in place before the activity begins. Any overhead
iii) Any calculations and drawings must clearly communicate protection cannot allow for failure due to the impact from an
requirements to those checking, constructing and using object it is designed to intercept.
temporary works, including safe loading limits.
GMR 4 – Delivery 63


These critical controls and performance standards apply to any Lendlease operation where there is a risk of occupational exposure to
hazardous substances, asbestos, diesel particulates, respirable dusts such as silica, noise, vibration, extreme temperatures, flora, fauna
or allergens that could realistically result in the death of one or more people.

Potential Impacts
Potential Causes What’s the worst that could happen?

A Exposure to identified or unidentified People

hazardous substances Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Ineffective management of known
injury (physical/psychological). Community
hazardous substances
and social damage/impact
C Existing structures containing asbestos and
other hazardous materials are disturbed
during inspection, maintenance, cleaning, Financial/commercial damage
demolition or renovation (insurance claims, return to work costs)
D Asbestos air monitoring is ineffective Exposure Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
E Clothing or PPE is inappropriate or not
used during exposure whilst working Reputation
Reputational damage
F Level and duration of exposure to
natural/artificial temperatures including Legal/regulatory
unexpected temperature changes Legal/regulatory damage
G Inadequate or inappropriate clothing Environment
H Excessive physical activity and duration Environmental damage (contamination,
pollution events, habitat destruction)
I Pre-existing illness or medical conditions
J Failure of cooling, heating or ventilation
K Insufficient consumption of water and food
Mitigating Controls (4.10.8)
L Falling elements (e.g. trees or tree limbs
whilst clearing or working underneath)
4.10.8 Occupational Health
M Contact with flora or fauna (e.g. toxic flora, Exposure Response
spiders, snakes, fire ants, dogs, urine or Response mechanisms must be in place should
faecal matter) an occupational health exposure event occur

Preventative Controls (4.10.1 – 4.10.7)

4.10.1 Occupational Health and 4.10.3 Storage and Minimisation workers specifically handling or removing
Hygiene Management Hazardous substances, dangerous goods ACM, NOA or other hazardous material
Lendlease shall effectively anticipate, and hazardous materials must not be 4.10.6 Work in Extreme Temperatures
recognise, evaluate and control risks to stored on site except for small volumes in
Any work conducted in a natural or
health arising from occupational exposure purpose built structures
artificial environment of extreme
to chemical, physical and biological
4.10.4 Asbestos Register and temperatures must be proactively
Maintenance Plan managed to eliminate the risk of
4.10.2 Hazardous Substance and Lendlease must be aware of the extent of temperature related injury or illness
Hazardous Materials Identification asbestos so that an informed decision can 4.10.7 Interaction With Flora,
Lendlease must determine or be informed be made on the acquisition and future Fauna and Allergens
of hazardous substances or hazardous management of the asset
Risks associated with potential interaction
materials and the implications for future
4.10.5 Health Monitoring with dangerous plants and animals must
management of the asset
Health monitoring, in accordance with be managed to minimise the risk of harm
legislation, must be completed for all
GMR 4 – Delivery 64

Risk Event Preventative Controls viii) Works associated with thermal extremes shall be risk assessed
and must consider:
and Performance Standards
• Presence of hot or cold surfaces

4.10.1 Occupational Health and Hygiene Management • Exposure period

Control • Confined space
Lendlease shall effectively anticipate, recognise, evaluate and
control risks to health arising from occupational exposure to • Task complexity
chemical, physical and biological hazards. • Physical activity during the work
Performance Standard • Availability of respite and hydration
i) Projects in delivery shall maintain an Occupational Health and
Hygiene Plan, which describes training related to occupational • Clothing worn and impacts of PPE and RPE
exposure hazards, implementation and verification of control
• Air movement
measures, exposure and health monitoring, and reporting of
monitoring results for the following hazards: • Acclimatisation
• Airborne contaminants including, but not limited to • Training and instruction of thermal strain risk
respirable crystalline silica, dusts and aerosols, fibres,
• Physical fitness and impacts of prescription medication
hazardous chemicals, diesel and petrol engine exhaust
emissions, and welding fumes 4.10.2 Hazardous Substance and
• Noise Hazardous Materials Identification

• Vibration Control
Lendlease must be aware of any known hazardous chemicals,
• Thermal stress hazardous substances or hazardous products/materials and the
• Solar radiation implications for future management of the asset.
Performance Standard
• Hazardous manual tasks and sedentary work
i) When acquiring an asset, or prior to commencement of
• Biological hazards construction activities, identify retained hazardous substances
and hazardous materials on site and the need for their use in
• Fatigue and Fitness for work
managing the asset or construction operation.
ii) Occupational health exposure prevention controls must be ii) Identify in pre-construction reviews any hazardous chemicals
implemented in accordance with the hierarchy of risk control (products, materials or substances) proposed for construction
and evaluated by monitoring or other suitable processes to or final use. Only accept hazardous chemicals where no
determine that risks are effectively managed. effective less hazardous alternative can be demonstrated.
iii) Exposure to airborne contaminants shall be measured and iii) Recycled granular (aggregate) material sourced from
compared against applicable legislative requirements to demolition or other building waste streams is not to be used as
establish the efficacy of implemented control measures and to the likelihood of asbestos fragments or other unexpected finds
inform the continuous improvement process. is high.
iv) Where respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is used use as iv) The following products, substances and materials are
part of an exposure control strategy a respiratory protection hazardous, and their use, handling or storage is not permitted
program must be implemented in accordance with regional in new designs. Any of these products, materials or substances
standards and shall include fit testing and the requirement for must be treated as high risk if encountered:
being clean shaven when using tight fitting RPE.
• Asbestos or asbestos containing materials (ACM)
v) Projects shall implement a hearing protection program
in accordance with regional standards and legislative • Lead, or materials containing lead that may be ingested,
requirements, which includes measurement and assessment inhaled or absorbed
of noise emission and exposure, noise control management,
• Paints or treatments that contain arsenic, lead, copper or
hearing protective devices and audiometric assessment.
vi) Biological exposure monitoring shall be undertaken where
there is a risk of exposure to lead, polycyclic aromatic • Equipment or components containing Chlorofluorocarbons
hydrocarbons (PAHs), or other chemicals where there is a risk (CFCs), Hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) or Halons
of exposure through ingestion and/or absorption through the
• Pesticides or herbicides containing organophosphate or
skin and mucous membranes.
vii) Where ventilation systems are used to manage airborne
contaminants, they must be designed and their installation • Pentachlorophenol or timber treated with Pentachlorophenol
as per design verified by a Ventilation Engineer. There must • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polychlorinated
be a protocol in place to monitor and maintain the ventilation
Terphenyls (PCTs)
system performance in accordance with the design and
controlling the hazard. • Synthetic mineral fibres

• Lindane (gamma-HCH)

• Tributyltin (TBT)
GMR 4 – Delivery 65

• Antimony ii) Hazardous chemicals, products, materials, substances

and dangerous goods (e.g. fuels, oils, chemicals, solvents,
• Arsenic
pesticides and fertilisers) must not be stored on the Operation
• Benzene except for small volumes stored within a well ventilated,
purpose built structure with roof cover and be segregated
• Beryllium from incompatible materials. The store must have a concrete
• Cadmium
sealed or equivalent impervious floor with bunding, isolated
and/or contained drainage (e.g. triple interceptors), signage
• Carbon disulphide and security fencing. Position hazardous chemicals, products,
materials, substances and dangerous goods storage at
• Chromate
locations away from high traffic areas, pedestrian zones
• Chromium and environmentally sensitive areas such as waterways or
natural habitats.
• Cobalt
iii) All operations with hazardous chemicals, products, materials,
• Free silica substances and dangerous goods storage must have
appropriate spill kit materials, hazard specific PPE, emergency
• Tetrachloroethane
response equipment, including firefighting equipment, an
• PFAS (poly-fluoroalkyl substances) SDS/MSDS readily available for each along with adequately
trained safety and first aid personnel.
• Low bio solubility man-made mineral fibres (MMMF) or
man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) and refractory ceramic iv) New ‘in ground’ bulk fuel storage tanks are not to be installed
on Lendlease owned sites. Existing redundant underground
fibres (RCF)
storage tanks and above ground storage tanks must be
• Other hazardous materials, substances and chemicals decommissioned and removed by an appropriately licensed
banned or restricted by law contractor in accordance with regulatory requirements.

v) All works involving materials that contain respirable dusts v) Identify, secure and maintain existing underground or above
hazardous to human health, e.g. crystalline silica, must ground fuel tanks still in use on the site in accordance with
implement control measures to eliminate or minimise the regulatory requirements.
generation of dust. Uncontrolled dry cutting, drilling, grinding
4.10.4 Asbestos Register and Maintenance Plan
or abrading of masonry, products or stone resulting in
exposure to airborne contaminants hazardous to human health Control
is prohibited. Where water suppression cannot be used Lendlease must be aware of the location, nature and extent
(e.g. due to an electrical hazard) local exhaust ventilation with of asbestos so that an informed decision can be made on the
HEPA filtration must be used to manage dust (with air quality acquisition and future management of the asset.
monitoring in place).
Performance Standard
vi) Compressed air and sweeping must not be used for removing i) A hazardous materials survey must be carried out for all assets
respirable dust, e.g. crystalline silica, only wet methods or prior to acquisition.
vacuums shall be used.
ii) An asbestos register and asbestos management plan for
vii) Where the operation identifies that exposure to mineral silicates asbestos containing material (ACM) must be readily available
is possible, requirements for ensuring that dust is controlled and to all inspection and maintenance people, tenants or other
breathing equipment is provided must be in place. groups, is in place before commencement of works at the
operation and is reviewed and updated annually.
4.10.3 Storage and Minimisation
iii) Where NOA/ACM is present, all workers must receive
awareness training that addresses the type, quantity and
Hazardous chemicals, products, materials, substances and
location of NOA/ACM and its health effects, safe working
dangerous goods must not be stored on operations except for
practices including PPE and the combined effects of smoking
small volumes sufficient for immediate use and must be stored in
and asbestos.
purpose built structures segregated from incompatible materials.
iv) Where NOA/ACM is present and a risk of exposure to
Performance Standard
respirable fibres is possible, air monitoring must be in place,
i) Hazardous chemicals, products, materials, substances and including personal monitors for workers that may be exposed.
dangerous still required to be on site following design,
procurement and methodology reviews must only be supplied v) Appropriate licences for the location and regulatory
in minimal amounts. Suppliers must verify that there is no requirements must be held for personnel involved in repair,
suitable less hazardous alternative, what the minimum amount maintenance and removal where needed.
to be supplied is and provide the full Safety Data Sheet (SDS). vi) All people working on ACM must be explicitly authorised,
either by Lendlease or a supplier. The design of processes
for working with ACM must include methods to prevent the
creation of airborne fibres.
vii) Where a product is identified that may contain ACM,
precautions to prevent disturbance must be in place until a
registered hygienist or independent testing authority confirms
the absence of asbestos or recommends an appropriate
management strategy.
GMR 4 – Delivery 66

viii) Suppliers proposed to work on or remove naturally occurring 4.10.7 Interaction With Flora, Fauna and Allergens
asbestos (NOA) or ACM must demonstrate experience
relating to the volume of NOA/ACM to be removed, location
sensitivity (i.e. proximity to people), type of NOA/ACM to be Risks associated with potential interaction with dangerous plants
removed and the size of the site where the scale of one or and animals must be managed to minimise the risk of harm.
more of these determinants creates the need for particular Performance Standard
asbestos management or asbestos removal experience. i) Before acquiring an asset or business, or agreeing a contract
ix) A clearance certificate from a registered hygienist or for construction, areas must be reviewed where people could
independent testing authority whenever ACM and NOA is be exposed to dangerous plants and animals. The review must
being removed. include both desktop and physical inspections on site.
ii) Where practicable, remove any dangerous plants and animals
4.10.5 Health Monitoring
before commencing the work such as clearing poisonous
Control plants before demolition.
Health monitoring must be completed for all workers conducting
iii) Where dangerous plants or animals have been identified and
works associated with asbestos or where there is a significant
cannot be removed (e.g. known poisonous snake habitats)
risk of injury or illness from exposure to silica, styrene, toluene,
consider relocation of fauna where possible, exclusion of some
xylene, noise, or any other hazardous chemical required by law.
work areas including blocking off (e.g. long grass areas where
Performance Standard snakes may be present) correct selection and use of PPE such
i) Health monitoring for asbestos must be undertaken before as overalls and general education to reduce risk of exposure.
starting work with asbestos and biannually while the work
Risk Event Mitigating Controls
ii) Health monitoring for all hazardous chemicals other than
asbestos must be undertaken before starting work, at suitable
and Performance Standards
intervals as determined by the medical practitioner and at the
cessation of the work. 4.10.8 Occupational Health Exposure Response

iii) Where workers are required to frequently use a hearing Control

protective device as part of a control for noise that Response mechanisms must be in place should an occupational
exceeds the exposure standard, audiometry testing must health exposure event occur.
be undertaken in accordance with the local legislative
Performance Standard
requirements (or biannually if there are no local legislative
requirements applied). i) Emergency response and first aid requirements must be in
place with trained first aiders available.
iv) Uncontrolled exposure of an airborne contaminant that
exceeds an established occupational workplace exposure ii) Appropriate facilities must be in place for washing and
standard/limit that exceeds the protection factor of the RPE decontamination where such risks apply.
used must be reported as an incident, and involves a review iii) Contingency plans must be in place should an occupational
of controls, behaviours and follow up monitoring. health exposure event occur.

4.10.6 Work in Extreme Temperatures

Any work conducted in a natural or artificial environment of
extreme temperatures must be proactively managed to eliminate
the risk of temperature related injury or illness.
Performance Standard
i) For areas or equipment where extreme temperatures are
planned (e.g. freezers or boiler rooms) adequate security and
controlled access must be in place.
ii) Establish and implement a maintenance, inspection and testing
program for heating, ventilation and cooling equipment.
iii) For work in extreme temperatures consider remote or robotic
working, equipment and materials that could artificially alter
the surrounding temperature, minimising exposure to extreme
temperatures (e.g. rest breaks), job rotation, undertaking
work at cooler or warmer times, emergency contact and
alarm systems, heat or cold risk assessments, monitoring of
environmental conditions and weather and providing adequate
clothing that protects from the elements.
GMR 4 – Delivery 67


These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation where there is potential to adversely impact worker and public health through fatal
exposure to; a foodborne illness resulting from contamination caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances; contamination
with Legionella bacteria (e.g. cooling towers, evaporative condensers, hot and cold water systems and fountains) overcrowding as a result
of a large number of people gathering in a specified area or for a specified event or exposure to a disease outbreak.

Potential Causes

A Food contamination from poor food safety Potential Impacts

practices What’s the worst that could happen?
B High risk food (e.g. seafood, dairy and poultry)
C Inadequate design for waterborne Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
organisms (e.g. dead legs, cooling towers member of the public. Permanently disabling
and water systems) injury (physical/psychological). Community
and social damage/impact
D Water borne, air borne, or soil borne
contamination (e.g. sewers, drift and Financial
adjacent exhausts) Financial/commercial damage
E Overcrowding (insurance claims, return to work costs)
F Equipment failure (e.g. escalator reversal) Exposure Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
G Inadequate design
(e.g. incorrect floor loading) Reputation
Reputational damage
H Outbreak
I Poor sanitation
Legal/regulatory damage
J Natural disaster
K Biological or radioactive incident Environmental damage (contamination,
L Sabotage, terrorism or conflict pollution events, habitat destruction)

M Inadequate investment in public health

Mitigating Controls (4.11.4)

Preventative Controls (4.11.1 – 4.1.3) 4.11.4 Disease/Pandemic Exposure

4.11.1 Food Poisoning 4.11.5 Natural Disaster Response

4.11.2 Legionella and Waterborne

Organism Control
4.11.3 Avoidance of Crush From Crowds
GMR 4 – Delivery 68

Risk Event Preventative Controls 4.11.3 Avoidance of Crush From Crowds

and Performance Standards i) All buildings must have enough space for the anticipated
number of people.
4.11.1 Food Poisoning ii) Minimise pinch points and bottlenecks for the movement of
i) Where higher standards of hygiene are required such as people and demonstrate as suitable for the building or event.
in food preparation areas, medical care and treatment iii) All operations allowing public access must have effective
areas effective infection control cleaning regimes must means of safely keeping people outside the building and
be implemented with clear responsibilities assigned, securing access.
training provided, accurate records kept, and regular
audits undertaken. Basic catering such as workplace BBQs iv) Identify doors and equipment that are needed to manage
must maintain general hygiene standards and food safety crowds. Proactively check for correct function and that they
precautions such as adequate refrigeration of high-risk foods, are on a planned preventative maintenance schedule.
use of gloves and other general hygiene precautions. v) Train security staff in emergency response for crowd
ii) Procure food and food provision services from suppliers who management, de-escalation of aggressive or violent visitors
have recognised local or international food safety standards and the first aid treatment of crush and overheating injuries.
certification (e.g. from the local authority, HACCP or ISO vi) Operations leaders must subscribe to available alert systems
22000). This includes chain of custody food safety provisions for local public events that may have an impact on the
where operations provide high risk food and drink as part of operation such as road closures, terrorist incidents, large
employee or customer entertainment in external venues. public events, planned protests, riots or other.
iii) Commercial operations supplying food prepared and stored
by Lendlease, and the staff handling the food, must directly
hold a current third-party certified food safety/hygiene
Risk Event Mitigating Controls
certification. and Performance Standards
4.11.2 Legionella and Waterborne Organism Control
4.11.4 Disease/Pandemic Exposure
i) Where city, state or national regulations or standards apply,
i) Subscribe to available international alert systems
the relevant statutory risk assessment must be carried
(e.g. International SOS) to monitor any outbreak of a
out at the frequency determined by the regulation or code
potentially fatal pathogen.
or standard. This also applies to areas where Lendlease is
the tenant. ii) Where the origin of a potentially fatal pathogen has been
declared in the same country as any operation, create a specific
ii) Water supply systems must minimise the health risks from
local management plan to minimise the risk of exposure to
waterborne organisms in water systems (e.g. by avoiding
all workers including at risk workers such as those who are
any unused portion of piping such as dead legs where there
immunity deficient or pregnant.
is potential for the formation of biofilm).
iii) Provide general awareness information about the signs
iii) Wet cooling towers must be located away from publicly
and symptoms of local seasonal pathogens and outbreaks of
accessible areas and be assessed with consideration of
other public health issues such as potentially fatal pathogens
the surrounding areas to avoid vulnerable groups
from overseas that could impact operations and those required
(e.g. playgrounds, aged care facilities and hospitals).
to travel.
iv) All water systems must be maintained, upgraded and
iv) Communicate specific steps to be taken should people
monitored to prevent the growth and spread of waterborne
suffer from symptoms of potentially fatal pathogens and
organisms such as Legionella through regular dosing,
provide workers with education to recognise signs and
inspection, cleaning, disinfection and temperature control.
symptoms in others.
A water quality testing regime consistent with local legislative
requirements must be implemented with appropriate records 4.11.5 Natural Disaster Response
i) Subscribe to available alert systems such as fire, cyclone,
v) All monitoring and maintenance must be planned and hurricane, earthquake, flooding and tsunami alerts for the
conducted by a person with appropriate technical applicable local area.
competencies familiar with Legionella and other waterborne
organisms. Effective protective clothing or equipment must ii) Emergency preparedness and response plans for the operation
be used, and the correct plant maintenance safety procedures must cover all possible scenarios applicable to the local area.
must be observed. Adverse test results must be recorded as an iii) Plans for how to contact all personnel to confirm their safety are
incident in the EH&S reporting system, acted on immediately to be in place in case of a natural disaster.
and re-tested until safe tolerances are achieved.
iv) Emergency muster areas must consider the type and duration
vi) Where a third party has been designated as the authorised of a natural disaster affecting the project and the number of
entity and nominated to carry out testing/maintenance on personnel that may need to shelter there.
behalf of Lendlease, the responsible Lendlease employee/
manager must have completed Legionella awareness training,
maintain compliance oversight of the system on a regular basis
and report on abnormal plate (bacteria) count.
GMR 4 – Delivery 69


These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation where people may experience undue physical or mental pressures that result
in an adverse impact on their ability to undertake their daily activities. For example, as a result of ongoing working hours more than six
days per week, over 60 hours per week or shifts of more than 12 hours per day or continuous night shift work.

Potential Impacts
Potential Causes What’s the worst that could happen?

A Traumatic event (e.g. shock) People

Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
B Pre-existing condition member of the public. Permanently disabling
(e.g. physical or mental) injury (physical/psychological). Community
C Stress (e.g. personal or environmental) and social damage/impact

D Organisational change and uncertainty Mental Health Financial

(e.g. redundancy) and Fatigue Financial/commercial damage
(insurance claims, return to work costs)
E Changing personal circumstances
Business continuity
F Substance abuse or misuse
Business continuity and disruption
G Poor diet and nutrition
H Lack of physical activity Reputational damage
I Coercive work practices (e.g. forced labour) Legal/regulatory
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.12.1 – 4.12.2)

Mitigating Controls (4.12.3)
4.12.1 Tasks and Workload
4.12.2 Work and Rest Areas 4.12.3 Mental Health Support
GMR 4 – Delivery 70

Risk Event Preventative Controls Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards and Performance Standards
4.12.1 Tasks and Workload 4.12.3 Mental Health Support
i) Establish the numbers of personnel, both Lendlease and i) Provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), independent
suppliers, required for the safe and effective management of counselling and support for employees feeling stressed or
all activities within the operation so that the required workload suffering from other mental health issues.
does not exceed 60 hours per week for an individual worker.
ii) Under the Lendlease Health and Wellbeing Framework
All overtime must be voluntary and appropriate safeguards
or equivalent, provide mental health induction or general
must be in place to protect the physical and mental health
awareness (e.g. mental health campaigns) of mental health to
and wellbeing of workers at all times. This limit includes office
employees, contractors and suppliers working for Lendlease
based and frontline personnel. Further consideration must be
as appropriate to their role and duration of employment.
given to any additional time spent working while commuting
or driving between workplaces or sites. For remote projects iii) Trained Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) or equivalent
on a fly in/fly out (FIFO) roster, the maximum work hours are employees should be available on every Lendlease operation
not to exceed an average of 60 hours per week assessed over during normal working hours. The names of any trained
the whole roster cycle. MHFA officers or equivalent must be displayed in a prominent
location. Processes must be in place to monitor and assist
ii) Identify fatigue risks that could lead to errors and could cause
the MHFA should they be impacted by the information they
fatal injury of any person/s. Specify clear limits on weekly and
receive during the service/guidance they provide to others.
daily working hours for such tasks and what rest breaks are
required. Where fatigue risks are identified provide fatigue iv) Where the risk exists, consider modern slavery awareness
related programs (e.g. sleep, nutrition, wellbeing and resilience campaigns and education, to reduce possible impacts
programs) aligned with the Lendlease health and wellbeing on mental health, including information on access to
framework. Ethics Point (refer to Supplier Code of Conduct and Modern
Slavery Guide).
iii) Actively monitor actual hours spent working. Implement
strategies to reduce excessive working hours.
iv) Specify and procure fatigue detection equipment where
available for any vehicle, mobile plant and equipment.

4.12.2 Work and Rest Areas

i) Provide suitable working areas to minimise fatigue, including
but not limited to the provision of sufficient light, ventilation
and air and ergonomically suitable furniture for work tasks.
ii) Provide suitable rest areas to minimise fatigue, including but
not limited to placement away from the work task in a quiet,
heated or cooled (as appropriate) area clearly marked as a
breakout/rest area with sufficient seating and rest areas for
peak numbers of workers.
GMR 4 – Delivery 71


These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation where, without effective measures in place, activities being undertaken could
lead to significant pollution and environmental degradation outcomes.

Potential Causes

A Inadequate implementation and

maintenance of stormwater, sediment Potential Impacts
and erosion control devices, systems and What’s the worst that could happen?
B Inappropriate or unplanned wastewater Community and social damage/impact
C Uncontrolled release of noise, exhaust or
Financial/commercial damage (insurance
other emissions and pollutants into the
claims, return to work costs)
Degradation or
Business continuity
D Unplanned disturbance and failure to Pollution of the
Environment Business continuity and disruption
manage known contaminants, soils or
groundwater Reputation
E Unplanned disturbance of biodiversity Reputational damage
and natural habitats Legal/regulatory
F Unplanned disturbance of areas and items Legal/regulatory damage
of cultural or archaeological heritage Environment
G Unplanned or poorly planned biosecurity Environmental damage (contamination,
measures pollution events, habitat destruction)
H Poorly planned or uncontrolled water

Mitigating Controls (4.12.3)

To be assessed by region, business unit or

Preventative Controls (4.13.1 – 4.13.5) operation as appropriate.

4.13.1 Stormwater, Sediment and

Erosion Control
4.13.2 Air, Noise and Vibration Emissions
4.13.3 Soils and Groundwater Contamination
4.13.4 Biodiversity and Natural Habitats
4.13.5 Heritage and Artefacts
GMR 4 – Delivery 72

Risk Event Preventative Controls 4.13.3 Soils and Groundwater Contamination

and Performance Standards i) Identify, signpost and segregate from site activities any
known contaminated soils or groundwater on the site likely to
4.13.1 Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Control cause risk to health, safety or the environment. Erect physical
barriers to prevent unauthorised entry, exposure and cross
i) Where land is cleared, excavated, disturbed or filled, the contamination and cover with suitable materials to prevent
operation must have sediment and erosion control devices stockpile erosion.
and associated monitoring equipment implemented and
maintained in an operable condition until the area is stabilised. ii) Cease any site activities that involve soil or groundwater
disturbance where the contamination levels of the soil
ii) Manage stormwater erosion and sedimentation by designing, and groundwater are either unknown or where evidence
installing, reviewing and maintaining controls that eliminate of possible contamination is presented, until a technically
or minimise land degradation, soil loss and the risk of qualified person is able to determine the contamination
downstream pollution. status or risk.
iii) Implement adequate controls in all operations to prevent iii) Plan and conduct all excavation, (including piling), movement,
stormwater containing sediments and any pollutants from treatment, processing or remediation of contaminated soils,
entering any watercourses, water bodies, bays or other materials or groundwater in accordance with the requirements
marine environments and stormwater systems through of high-risk activities.
uncontrolled discharges.
iv) All site remediation activities are to be conducted in
iv) Control the discharge of stormwater from an operation accordance with regulatory requirements including provision
and address the requirements of all applicable approvals, for any decontamination and wash/disposal facilities. All
licences and guidelines for water quality, so they are contaminated waste must be delivered to an approved
understood and adhered to. Maintain all water quality licensed facility and documentary evidence is maintained by
testing and discharge records. the operations.
v) Control the abstraction of all water in line with current local 4.13.4 Biodiversity and Natural Habitats
applicable licences. Maintain records of water quality and
volumes abstracted. i) Where required by law, all ecological surveys must be
completed prior to works commencing.
vi) Where local regulatory requirements exist, all trade effluent
discharges must satisfy applicable licences. Records must be ii) Areas designated by regulatory authorities as protected
maintained of quality and volume of discharge. habitats, including water bodies and designated habitats
or wildlife corridors within the area of any operations,
4.13.2 Air, Noise and Vibration Emissions must be identified, signposted and protected from operational
activity, including uncontrolled pedestrian access, and all
i) Determine preventative controls for all activities involving
local biosecurity requirements satisfied.
excavation, rock hammering/sawing/cutting, disturbance
of soils or vegetation and then implement physical controls iii) All operations within or immediately adjacent to areas
such as covering of stockpiles or water spraying to eliminate of protected habitat must be planned and conducted in
or minimise the generation of dust and to eliminate or accordance with the requirements for high risk activities
minimise dust being introduced to the atmosphere. Continual and include a risk assessment and description of any actions
monitoring systems must be installed if required as part of required to protect flora and fauna consistent with the findings
any conditions of consent from regulatory authorities or if of any ecological site assessment and regulatory requirements.
required by law.
iv) All landscaping and site grounds must be appropriately
ii) Assess and implement preventative and mitigation measures managed to prevent uncontrolled discharges and land
to reduce potential impact on or to occupants, visitors, degradation including avoiding the spread of weeds or invasive
surrounding activities, owners, infrastructure, and neighbours species. Where invasive species exist, physical removal
to minimise adverse impacts on sensitive structures, or isolation is the preferred option, rather than the use of
environments and habitats (including clear provisions for the non-toxic herbicides. Toxic herbicides must be avoided.
times of the day activities can be undertaken). This includes all
indirect emissions from products and services from our supply v) Prevent the introduction and spread of weeds, and invasive
chain partners. plants and fauna by selecting appropriate landscape
species, cleaning of plant and equipment in controlled areas,
iii) All industrial process facilities or site-based plant and preventing land degradation and uncontrolled stormwater
equipment must be serviced regularly in accordance with discharges. Where weed or invasive species are identified,
local legal, manufacturer guidelines so that noise, exhaust or physically remove or isolate the vegetation rather than using
other emissions generated are within the specified standards herbicides.
to prevent harm to people and the environment.
vi) Where invasive species require removal by law, the removal,
iv) Consider the use of electric powered plant or equipment transport and disposal must be undertaken by contractors
powered by renewable energy where possible. holding all required licencing and/or certification and/or proof
of competency. Any waste or disposal facility must hold the
v) All relevant approvals and certifications must be held by
required licencing to accept the material.
personnel engaged in the maintenance/de-gas of fluorinated
gas systems.
GMR 4 – Delivery 73

4.13.5 Heritage and Artefacts

i) All items of heritage, cultural or archaeological significance
must be included on construction plans, signposted and
protected to prevent unauthorised entry in accordance with
regulatory requirements. Plan and conduct all activities
potentially impacting known areas in accordance with the
requirements of high risk activities.
ii) Any excavations, intrusive works or other operations that have
the potential to impact areas of known heritage, cultural or
archaeological significance must be performed in accordance
with a heritage assessment and any regulatory requirements.
This may include a dilapidation survey, supervision of works
and vibration monitoring.
iii) Cease any activities that involve the discovery of items that
may be of cultural or archaeological significance until a person
qualified in this field of work is able to determine the status of
any potential artefact(s).

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
To be assessed by region, business unit or operation as
GMR 4 – Delivery 74


These critical controls apply to the movement of both public and Lendlease vehicles on any Lendlease controlled operating asset (e.g.
retail, residential, commercial parking and public vehicle access areas). They also include the use of any Lendlease tool of trade vehicles
on public roads where a fatality could occur. They do not cover construction site vehicle traffic or Lendlease heavy equipment. They
also do not include personal small vehicles such as bicycles, customer low speed car park manoeuvres or single drop delivery drivers.
Where the operation has exposure to risks of vehicle and plant incidents on the work sites (including temporary sites on roadsides) as
well as public interface, refer also to the requirements of GMR 4.3).

Potential Causes

A Driver error (e.g. competency, impairment,

fatigue or used in an unsafe manner and Potential Impacts
distractions such as spotters) What’s the worst that could happen?
B Mechanical failure (e.g. tyres and brakes)
C Inadequate planning and methodology Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
(e.g. lack of segregation, public transport member of the public. Permanently disabling
interfaces, plant/personnel, loss of control, injury (physical/psychological). Community
miscommunication and traffic control and social damage/impact
including entry/exit to sites)
D Sub-standard road, environmental and Financial/commercial damage (insurance
Vehicle and
weather conditions (e.g. turning points, claims, return to work costs)
plant incident
fog, unclear pedestrian/vehicle interface/
(public areas)
management, restricted views, blind spots, Business continuity
poor lighting or visibility, poor road markings Business continuity and disruption
and obstacles)
E Vehicle or equipment is unfit for purpose Reputational damage
(e.g. through lack of maintenance, poor
procurement, structural fatigue and Legal/regulatory
exceeding the design life) Legal/regulatory damage

F Third party event (e.g. member of public Environment

error or misuse, visitor error, animal error, Environmental damage (e.g. spilt fuels)
unplanned medical event, co-worker error,
sabotage, theft and contact with other

Mitigating Controls

To be assessed by region, business unit or

Preventative Controls (4.14.1 – 4.14.4) operation as appropriate.

4.14.1 Traffic Planning

4.14.2 Pedestrian and Vehicle Segregation
4.14.3 Parking and Traffic Routes
4.14.4 Safe Vehicle Usage
GMR 4 – Delivery 75

Risk Event Preventative Controls 4.14.3 Parking and Traffic Routes

and Performance Standards i) Traffic routes and parking arrangements must be in place to
avoid vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian conflicts.
4.14.1 Traffic Planning ii) Provide clear signage in car parks to indicate location
i) All applicable traffic management plans or regulatory required information, speed limits, operating hours and conditions and
traffic management protocols must be current and define any other hazards and precautions.
the controls to minimise the risk of vehicles striking another iii) Provide clearly defined pedestrian routes within car parks to
vehicle, structure or pedestrian. facilitate safe access and egress.
ii) Controls to manage any interface with public roads must iv) Locate height bars and signage to car park entrances
provide effective signs and traffic control aids addressing to warn drivers of height limits. Provide safe exit routes for
prohibited vehicles, access points, routes for different vehicles oversize vehicles.
types and reversing requirements.
v) Use controls to manage reversing for trucks and delivery
iii) Operations must establish methodologies for the safe vehicles where through flow or one-way systems cannot be
installation before work and removal of the traffic controls achieved. Where reversing needs to occur, use suitable controls
when work finishes. in response to the level of risk encountered including pedestrian
iv) Planning for offloading methodology and material movement exclusion zones, mirrors, reversing camera’s or traffic signallers.
must be done prior to arrival on site and coordinated with the Traffic signallers must only be used as a last resort.
site logistics plan. 4.14.4 Safe Vehicle Usage
4.14.2 Pedestrian and Vehicle Segregation i) Vehicles used as a tool of trade by Lendlease personnel must
i) All locations must assess the risks presented by the be operated in a safe manner at all times.
movement of pedestrians and vehicles around or next to ii) Based on assessment of use, light vehicles on operations
the site and implement appropriate controls to eliminate or should be of a high visibility colour (e.g. white) and have
minimise these risks. reflective taping, flashing lights, a first aid kit, a fire
ii) Route sightlines must be unobstructed and adequately extinguisher, a spill kit and survival or emergency equipment
lit to provide good visibility. Blind spots and corners must suitable for the operating environment.
be avoided, or where they do exist, have mirrors or other iii) Vehicles proposed for hire or purchase must have a minimum
controls installed. five-star Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP)
iii) Signage and road markings must be compliant to the relevant rating or equivalent national standard.
authority standards and must provide clear instructions to iv) Vehicles provided by Lendlease as a tool of trade shall be
pedestrian and vehicle route users and be located in positions fitted with in vehicle management systems, reversing cameras
which allow users to see them and have time to respond. and parking brake warning systems.
iv) Loading and unloading areas for commercial vehicles v) Seatbelts must be used at all times by all occupants and
(e.g. delivery trucks) must be clearly defined for loading drivers of vehicles.
or unloading. Risk control measures (i.e. exclusion zones)
must be implemented and managed. vi) Vehicle journeys of two hours or more continual driving must
be planned so as to provide adequate rest breaks are in place
v) Speed limits must be determined to reduce the risks and that there is provision to manage fatigue.
associated with pedestrian movements, the local environment
and authority standards. Speed calming measures such as vii) Mobile devices (e.g. phones, tablets etc), whether hands
raised crossings, humps on approach to crossings and rumble free or not, must only be used by the driver of a tool of trade
strips must be implemented in areas where pedestrians and vehicle whilst the vehicle is stationary and in a parked safe
vehicles could interface. location (unless local laws prevents this). The exception to this
is for emergency and incident response vehicles, using hands
vi) In locations where vehicles and pedestrians are in close free communications in a response situation, where alternative
proximity (e.g. security entrance points or where doors communication methods are not available.
open directly onto vehicle routes) engineering controls
must be provided to keep pedestrians and vehicles apart viii) All drivers must be appropriately licensed for the vehicle being
(e.g. by fitting physical barriers or providing separate routes). operated and be fit for work (i.e. not impaired by medication,
drugs or alcohol).
vii) Where shared zones for traffic and pedestrians are in place,
speed limits must be reduced to less than 10km per hour ix) When parked all vehicles must be fundamentally stable with
(6 mph) and signage and traffic calming devices must be in the engine turned off, handbrake effectively applied, placed in
place where building entry and exit points lead onto any area gear and on level ground. Wheels should be situated in spoon
where vehicles can operate. drains, gutters or against wheel stops. If fundamentally stable
parking cannot be achieved appropriately sized wheel chocks
viii) Adequate lighting must be in place for any specified loading must be available and implemented.
and unloading areas or for trafficable areas in close proximity
to members of the public. x) All Lendlease vehicles must have inspection and maintenance
protocols in place for all safety related items such as wheels and
tyres, steering, suspension and braking systems, seats and seat
belts, lamps, indicators, mirrors and reflectors, windscreen and
windows including windscreen wipers and washers, the vehicle
structure itself and any other safety related item on the vehicle
body, chassis or engine including instrumentation.
GMR 4 – Delivery 76

xi) Pre-start inspections must be completed to determine if the

lighting and braking systems are in proper working order.
xii) Vehicles must not be used above the manufacturer defined
maximum load limit.
xiii) Wheel nut indicators must be fitted to all heavy vehicle wheels
(i.e. heavy goods vehicles, busses, tractor trailers), where not
precluded by design.

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
To be assessed by region, business unit or operation as
GMR 4 – Delivery 77


These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation containing plant, machinery, equipment or infrastructure that provides
or generates energy and which, if released, could result in a permanently disabling injury, single fatality or multiple fatalities or
environmental harm. This includes pipework located where leakage could cause catastrophic collapse of a structure (e.g. ceiling),
storage where failure could cause inundation of an area (e.g. a public area), asphyxiation or pollution. Energy includes water, fuels,
heat, gases, steam, fluids under pressure (e.g. hydraulic oil), stored energy (static, kinetic and potential), structural tension and radiation).
It is not intended to apply to supportive elements such as crane hydraulics.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Strike or damage Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Integrity failure injury (physical/psychological). Community
C Lack of maintenance and social damage/impact

D Incompatible components, incorrect Financial

installation or defective system or product Uncontrolled Financial/commercial damage (insurance
Release of Stored claims, return to work costs)
E Temporary or adjacent works failure
Energy (Non-
Business continuity
F Environmental event Electrical)
Business continuity and disruption
G Improper use, storage, movement or
Reputational damage
H Over pressurised during commissioning
I Unidentified pressure, stress or tension Legal/regulatory damage
J Part-purged or incomplete de-energising Environment
Environmental damage (contamination, fire,
flooding, habitat destruction)

Preventative Controls (4.15.1 – 4.15.5)

4.15.1 Isolation Mitigating Controls (4.15.6)

4.15.2 Equipment Types
4.15.6 Reduce Consequences of Release
4.15.3 Identification and Maintenance
4.15.4 Quality Control
4.15.5 Underground Services (Non-Electrical)
GMR 4 – Delivery 78

Risk Event Preventative Controls iv) Undertake a review of all stored energy systems to identify
and implement controls required to reduce the likelihood
and Performance Standards of uncontrolled release. Consider all third party external
risks or events that could impact the stored energy system.
4.15.1 Isolation Written procedures must be in place for the operation
and maintenance of stored energy systems, including
i) Before undertaking work on systems that contain stored
arrangements for undertaking work in the vicinity of these
energy, or in close proximity to a system that may be affected
systems, (e.g. radio frequency emitting devices).
by the works, the energy must be released (e.g. draining fluids
from pipes and releasing tension in belt systems). v) Procedures must include methods for safe energy discharge,
isolation and demonstration that energy has been removed
ii) To prevent inadvertent or unintentional movement of
before invasive maintenance takes place.
mechanical systems a hazard and risk analysis must be
performed to identify sources of hazardous energy and vi) A process or system must be in place to prevent foreign
isolation and de-energisation locations. Appropriately products or excess air entering into a pressurised system
experienced and qualified persons must be involved in the risk that could cause imbalance to normal capacity when in
analysis. Lock out systems such as, but not limited to keyed operation (e.g. preventing air entering into a concrete pump
padlocks, belt clamps or the use of chains to secure items hopper system when levels of concrete get too low). Similarly,
against movement must be implemented. supplied products utilised within a pressurised system should
be of a consistent mix or viscosity and be within the limits
iii) Isolation of hydraulic and gas systems is required using a
specified requirements (e.g. concrete or shotcrete mixes when
physical keyed lock out isolation system and a danger tag/out
being pumped).
of service tag with personal locks on all valves. Consider the
installation of additional strategically placed valves if multiple 4.15.4 Quality Control
isolations are likely during an activity.
i) Implement a commissioning and pressure testing process
4.15.2 Equipment Types approved by a suitably qualified 3rd party engineer (as per the
requirements of GMR 2.3.3). The documented process should
i) Use the smallest available unit that can complete the task
include but not be limited to, the method of pressure testing,
when procuring portable or temporary systems (e.g. portable
fault finding, make up pieces and the risks associated with
releases of stored energy during the commissioning process.
ii) Systems must be assessed to be able to withstand specific Implement quality control and quality assurance for the
local environmental conditions and hazards. procurement and installation of any stored energy system as a
means of meeting design requirements.
iii) Select technology that provides the highest level of structural
and mechanical integrity for containment of stored energy. ii) Implement quality control of the design and engineering
of stored energy systems to warrant that the design is fit
iv) Common stored energy systems used on Lendlease operations
for purpose.
(e.g. piling operations, high pressure water pumping/
circulation systems, concrete pumps, charged fire risers) iii) All stored energy systems must be designed by a qualified
must be inspected and maintained to the manufacturer’s and registered engineer according to its intended use. If the
instructions and removed from service if immediately if any system is part of an acute high risk activity as per GMR 2.3.3
defects are detected (e.g. leaks, metal fatigue, deformation, then an independent engineer must review the design and/
weld failures) or if the system in use has been altered or methodology. Once installed, erected or after a change
(e.g. compressed air added to water pumping systems). to the design the stored energy system must be verified by
a qualified and registered engineer to certify that the design
4.15.3 Identification and Maintenance intent is met.
i) Before acquiring an asset, identify all stored energy systems iv) Any pneumatic (e.g. air) testing during commissioning of
and demonstrate their current condition and safety status. pipework above 50kPa/7 psi requires a detailed methodology
Where no records are available or where they are incomplete approved by a suitably qualified services engineer.
project lead for the transaction should perform testing to
ascertain the reliability of the system during the Due Diligence v) No person shall be in the defined line of fire of pressurised
period. If the system is proven to be unreliable and warrants plant/equipment during initial set up, maintenance, repairs
replacement, recommendation shall be highlighted so that or re-pressurisation of the system (e.g. concrete pumps).
plan developed, and cost considered for the transaction. Consideration for additional controls (i.e. whip checks) to be
installed on all pressurised lines where risk of uncontrolled
ii) Develop a maintenance and mechanical integrity program for release of energy exists. No person shall operate or undertake
all stored energy systems suitable for install, use and testing of activities on a pressurised system of plant or equipment
the system in line with local legislation and/or manufacturers without appropriate training and competency.
recommendations, or more frequently, as assessed, when
installed or used in conditions which may result in any 4.15.5 Underground Services (Non-Electrical)
deterioration. This includes portable storage systems under
i) A register must be in place for all buried services across
the control of the operation.
all Lendlease controlled operations (e.g. gas). The register
iii) Perform maintenance of portable stored energy systems in a must include a plot drawing of the route of the service with
safe location away from the workforce. grid references or other recognised location references,
description of the depth and type of service and any auxiliary
GMR 4 – Delivery 79

ii) Existing drawings and suitable location tools must be used

to locate and mark underground services before works
commence. Where any uncertainty exists regarding the
location of underground services hand digging such as pot
holing must be implemented to positively identify and expose
the services.
iii) Prior to the disturbance of ground where underground network
assets such as gas, water or sewerage or communications
may be present, Lendlease operations must identify that
current diagrams and plans are available, obtained from the
relevant authority and are valid. Existing drawings and a Cable
Avoidance Tool (CAT) scanner and any other suitable tools
or processes including hand digging or vacuum excavation,
must be used to locate and mark underground services before
ground disturbance work by machine commences.
iv) The locations of underground services less than 3m/10ft of
the designed excavation requires hand digging and/or vacuum
excavation to identify the services.

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
4.15.6 Reduce Consequences of Release
i) Take all necessary actions to reduce the consequences of
an uncontrolled release of stored energy (e.g. relocating the
hazard, installing barriers or secondary containment).
GMR 4 – Delivery 80


These critical controls apply where any Lendlease operation could result in the unplanned collapse of a tunnel resulting in an injury or
fatality. Tunnels will be designed in accordance with GMR 2.

Potential Causes
Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
A Incorrect construction working methods
(e.g. poor sequencing and not following
support standards leading to failure of the
Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
temporary or permanent support)
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Surcharge resulting from fixed and moving injury (physical/psychological). Community
loads (e.g. vehicles, water ingress, adjacent and social damage/impact
work activities and vibration)
C Adverse weather and natural disasters, Financial/commercial damage (insurance
including water ingress or resulting in Tunnel claims, return to work costs)
vibration Collapse
Business continuity
D Unexpected ground conditions (e.g. voids, Business continuity and disruption
ground or water pressure)
E Inadequate design, procurement, planning,
Reputational damage
maintenance and inspection of tunnel
F Fire and explosion (e.g. blasting resulting in
Legal/regulatory damage
G Vehicle impact creating surcharge in
excavation and damage to tunnel support Environmental damage (contamination, fire,
structure flooding, habitat destruction)

Mitigating Controls (4.16.4 – 4.16.6)

Preventative Controls (4.16.1 – 4.16.3)
4.16.4 Falling Object Protective Structure
4.16.1 Geological Hazards
4.16.5 Rescue Chambers/Self-Rescuers
4.16.2 Monitoring and Inspection
4.16.6 Emergency Response
4.16.3 Unauthorised Access
GMR 4 – Delivery 81

Risk Event Preventative Controls Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards and Performance Standards
4.16.1 Geological Hazards 4.16.4 Falling Object Protective Structure
i) Identify geological hazards and provide geotechnical ii) Install Falling Object Protective Structure (FOPS) to all
engineered solutions comparable with the risk. mobile plant and equipment working in tunnels, meeting
ISO 3449:2005 Level 1 or 2 or equivalent.
ii) Contractors, service providers or JV partners must identify
the plant and equipment intended for use. 4.16.5 Rescue Chambers/Self-Rescuers
iii) During procurement contractors, service providers or i) The emergency response plan for tunnelling includes
JV partners must demonstrate how their plan minimises the self-rescuers and rescue chambers.
exposure of people to potential collapse events.
ii) Prepare emergency response plans with the assistance of
4.16.2 Monitoring and Inspection specific expertise. Plans must address the rescue equipment
required, location plans of equipment in the tunnel, rescue
i) Ground support plans must address geotechnical issues,
chamber capacity including power, water, oxygen and food
describe and illustrate methods of ground support, clarify
requirements, training, inspection and maintenance regimes.
roles and responsibilities and address inspection regimes.
ii) Engineered monitoring and warning systems must be in place 4.16.6 Emergency Response
for tunnels where failure of the sides or roof could lead to the i) The emergency response plan must be developed prior to
entrapment of people. work commencing and be resourced, implemented, verified
iii) Engineered monitoring and warning systems are supported by and reviewed quarterly.
trained personnel to make relevant geotechnical observations ii) The plan must address failure scenarios such as specific
of impending failure. recovery equipment (e.g. type and location) and training
iv) Tunnels must be regularly inspected against the design requirements.
and as-built plans to verify all controls are in place and that iii) Inductions must address the knowledge and skills of exposed
working conditions are appropriate. This includes air quality workers to the emergency scenario.
and temperature monitoring as well as the implementation of
all task and emergency lighting. iv) Emergency response plans are to be regularly practiced
and evaluated.
4.16.3 Unauthorised Access
i) All work involving tunnels must identify the people,
vehicles, plant or equipment authorised to access the tunnel.
Risk assessments must address unauthorised access.
ii) Prevent access wherever an unauthorised vehicle or person
could damage critical infrastructure or where the unauthorised
person could be fatally injured due to the hazards within
the operational area. Install physical barriers at operational
perimeters and within discrete areas of the operation if required.
GMR 4 – Delivery 82


These critical controls apply where a failure of any item fixed to an external wall or facade (e.g. signs, lights and architectural
features), internal walls (e.g. screens, signs and brackets) or ceilings (e.g. glass or other ceiling panels and mounted projectors) or floors
(e.g. warehouse racks and shelving) could fall and result in an injury or a fatal outcome.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Poor quality assurance practices Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
member of the public. Permanently disabling
B Inadequate selection or quality of materials
injury (physical/psychological). Community
C Inadequate construction, workmanship and social damage/impact
and installation (e.g. overloading, incorrect
Failure of Fixtures Financial
sequencing, not following design or
unauthorised alteration) or Fittings Financial/commercial damage (insurance
claims, return to work costs)
D Impact by third party activities
(e.g. struck by vehicle or plant) Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
E Inadequate maintenance, inspection
and testing Reputation
Reputational damage
F Weather related impacts (e.g. high winds)
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.17.1 – 4.17.2)

4.17.1 Fixtures and Fittings Mitigating Controls (4.17.3)

4.17.2 Installation
4.17.3 Exclusion Zones/Overhead Protection
GMR 4 – Delivery 83

Risk Event Preventative Controls Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards and Performance Standards
4.17.1 Fixtures and Fittings 4.17.3 Exclusion Zones/Overhead Protection
i) Where a tested and certified system is not provided the i) Exclusion zones must be of adequate size taking into account
supplier must provide appropriate engineering due diligence the risks including potential arc of fall, deflections and bounce
to prove the suitability of the fixing system used. This should distances, are delineated by physical barriers and have clear
include manufacturers literature, designed load calculations warning signage prohibiting unauthorised entry where there is a
and test data proving capability of the fixings proposed. likely risk of harm. The integrity of any exclusion zones must be
regularly checked.
ii) If a building element could fall from any fixed position at
height, the fixing methodology must be adequately designed, ii) Planning for both construction and asset works identifies
selected and reviewed by a qualified engineer. The design any scenarios where overhead protection must be installed,
should nominate manufacturing and installation fixture hold particularly where people below cannot be completely
points. Where available, a tested proprietary system certified excluded. Overhead protection must be in place before the
for its intended use should be selected as a preferred design activity begins.
option. Any overhead structurally bonded materials (e.g. glued
or taped) must also have a residual mechanical restraint that
is engineered and approved by an independent engineer to
prevent fall of material.

4.17.2 Installation
i) Install all elements without variance against agreed
methodology and engineering tolerances. Provide full and
complete records of the fixing or fixing system that covers the
specification, installation and testing of installed items.
ii) Quality Management processes (e.g. Inspection and Test
Plans and Inspection records) must be implemented to
determine that structural components including fittings and
fixtures are installed using the documented methodology and
components, are adequately tensioned or fixed, are defect
free and include the allocated number and type of specified
fasteners. Records of inspection and testing must be provided
to the Lendlease Operation and be available for audit or other
assurance processes.
iii) Confirm and complete inspection and testing plans where
work or re-work requires approved activities to be conducted
out of sequence from the original plan. This includes
previously installed elements associated with or adjacent to
the work area and ensuring that structural integrity has not
been compromised.
iv) Properties of the substrate being fixed to are to be considered
and factored into all fixing designs. (e.g. concrete wall,
composite block, gypsum wall, timber hoarding)
GMR 4 – Delivery 84

These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation situated on or adjacent to water into which someone could fall with the fatal
risk of drowning.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?
Potential Causes
A Contact with water (e.g. fall into excavation/ Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
pile, driving plant into water, water ingress member of the public. Permanently disabling
into workspace or sinking of vessel) injury (physical/psychological). Community
and social damage/impact
B Inability to swim
C Inappropriate PPE, lack of or no
Drowning Financial/commercial damage (insurance
PPE available
claims, return to work costs)
D Inappropriate work processes (e.g. lone
working or unknown tidal information) Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
E Flooding
F Inappropriate diving operations
Reputational damage
(e.g. faulty gear or incorrect air mix)
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.18.1 – 4.18.4)

4.18.1 Work In, above, or Adjacent to Water Mitigating Controls (4.18.5)

4.18.2 Systems of Work
4.18.5 Rescue and Resuscitation Protocols
4.18.3 Management and Creation of Water
4.18.4 Swimming Pools
GMR 4 – Delivery 85

Risk Event Preventative Controls ii) Workers conducting Diving Operations, Hyperbaric Tunnel
or Chamber Work, must undertake the work to the relevant
and Performance Standards diving certification standards, hold relevant qualifications with
a professional association of the Region of Operation and must
4.18.1 Work In, Above, Below or Adjacent to Water as a minimum have:
i) Work activities above, below, in or adjacent to water or • Dive plans and emergency dive rescue plans.
liquid masses (e.g. diving, work within stormwater and sewer
• Trained divers, diving supervisors (e.g. Dive Master) and
systems, water body maintenance, boating or maritime
operations, dredging, bridge and pier construction) are high stand-by divers with rescue diver or equivalent certification.
risk activities and represent a drowning or other associated • All divers and hyperbaric workers must be physically fit and
risk to human life in the marine environment. Worker exposure
have undertaken routine annual medical assessments before
to water or liquid masses must be assessed and minimised
diving operations can begin.
with work practices aligned to all applicable codes and
regulatory requirements. 4.18.3 Management and Creation of Water Bodies
ii) Proof of competency for divers and all maritime plant and i) All natural bodies of water (e.g. wetlands, lakes, watercourses,
equipment operators must be provided. rivers or creeks) and non-natural bodies of liquid (sewer, water
iii) Work activities must be reliant on favourable climatic tanks, man-made structures containing fluid or semi-fluid
conditions, (e.g. giving consideration to tides, storms or high where work is to be performed) must be the subject of a risk
flow events). Work within water and sewerage treatment assessment to determine if modifications are required to their
facilities must have flow shut-off protocols and monitoring surroundings to minimise risks to people, especially children
equipment and protocols. The proposed works must not or the elderly, or whether it would be more appropriate to
proceed if safeguards are compromised in any way. preserve the natural surroundings.

iv) All excavations, including piling operations, must be inspected ii) Purpose built structures interfacing with these water
after significant rainfall events (i.e. greater than 20mm bodies such as bridges, walkways and boardwalks must
[0.8 inches] in 24 hours) to safeguard that water ingress does provide protection against the fall of a person into the water.
not present a drowning risk. No further work is to proceed Where fencing or balustrades are installed, they must not
until the risk is eliminated and the removal of the excess water be climbable.
is complete. iii) The surroundings of all-purpose built water bodies
4.18.2 Systems of Work (e.g. artificial lakes or storm water reservoirs) must be
designed or modified to minimise risks to people, especially
i) Develop and communicate a set of procedures for drowning children or the elderly. This must include controls to prevent
prevention for all operations on or near water, e.g. lake, public access if necessary.
harbour, reservoir, river, stream, swimming pool. As a
minimum, procedures must cover: iv) Water depths at the edges of artificial water bodies must be
minimised by incorporating safety benches. These safety
• Working and prefabricating components away from water benches must have a water depth of 0.3 to 0.6 metres
wherever possible. (one to two feet) and extend at least three metres from the
edge of the normal surface level of the water, except where
• Secondary barriers or nets to prevent contact with water or
transitions to culverts and other structures occur or where the
other maritime environments shall be in place if the normal water body is tidal.
barriers have to be worked upon, below or adjacent to.
v) All boardwalks, piers, bridges, jetties and harbour edges
• Purpose designed and suitable gantries for safe transport of higher than one metre (3.3 feet) from the water surface must
workers from vessel to vessel. be risk assessed to determine if handrails should be installed.
• Fit for purpose methods for the transfer of equipment and vi) Signage communicating warnings, prohibitions and general
materials to and from vessels. EH&S related information must be provided using easily
comprehensible words and pictograms. The placement
• Use of a spotter or buddy system when working near or over and detail of signs must be based on a risk assessment and
water or other maritime environments and never allowing lone signage must be provided to alert people of the water hazard
working near or in water and other maritime environment. and the need for active supervision.
• All workers wearing fully functioning personal floatation vii) All waterbodies adjacent an operation must be assessed
devices when working near or over water. Personal floatation for the potential for flooding of that operation and controls
devices must meet local regulations and standards. implemented to prevent this from occurring.

• Determine if all workers are able to swim. For those who are 4.18.4 Swimming Pools
unable to swim, a risk assessment must determine controls i) Swimming pools and spas must be surrounded by a
that eliminate any potential to fall into the water. non-climbable child-resistant fences of regulated height
• Guidelines for crossing roads flooded with moving water with self-closing gates and child resistant latches.
and identifying driving protocols where this activity is ii) Windows and doors that open onto the swimming pool
proposed to be carried out. area must be self-closing and have lockable child resistant
safety latches.
• Diving operations, including tools, equipment, qualifications
and decompression arrangements.
• Monitoring of tides, weather and water conditions.
GMR 4 – Delivery 86

iii) These barriers and their associated locks and latches must
always be well maintained and in working order and comply
with all applicable local codes, standards and legislative
iv) Warning signage and notices which give a supervision warning
and the details of resuscitation techniques and emergency
contact numbers must be displayed in a prominent position
within the immediate vicinity of a swimming pool.
v) Filtration systems must be fitted with clearly defined and
easily accessible emergency stop buttons or switches and
their intakes guarded to eliminate the risk of entrapment.

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

and Performance Standards
4.18.5 Rescue and Resuscitation Protocols
i) Design and provide exits with handles, ladders, rails or other
elements to allow divers to readily access or egress the marine
ii) Standby emergency flotation devices must be readily available.
At a minimum, ring buoys with a minimum of 27m/90ft of line
to be readily available, with the distance between ring buoys
not to exceed 60m/200ft.
iii) Assess the requirement for the presence of professional life
saving personnel when large numbers of workers or members
of the public are in the water.
iv) Emergency response contacts and protocols must be
made available.
v) Establish an effective communication system, such as
two-way radios, between workers, supervisors, the emergency
skiff operator and rescue personnel.
vi) Conduct drills to train workers and supervisors to prepare
for an effective emergency response.
GMR 4 – Delivery 87


These critical controls apply to any Lendlease operation which includes any enclosed or partially enclosed space where there
is a risk of death or permanently disabling injury from any reasonably foreseeable specified risks (e.g. fire and explosion, increase in
body temperature, asphyxiation from gas, fumes, vapour or lack of oxygen, drowning from increase in liquid levels, asphyxiation from
free flowing solids). It is important to verify the definition of a confined space in accordance with local legislation and regulations
(e.g. sewers, culverts, tunnels, chambers, tanks, vessels, silos and excavations) before work commences.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?

Potential Causes People

Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
A Lack of breathable air by design, accident, member of the public. Permanently disabling
planned activities or failure of ventilation injury (physical/psychological). Community
equipment and social damage/impact
B Ill health within confined space Financial
Confined Space
C Injury within confined space Incident Financial/commercial damage (insurance
claims, return to work costs)
D Fire and explosion within confined space
Business continuity
E Excessive hot or cold temperatures
Business continuity and disruption
F Exposure to fumes
G Electrocution Reputational damage
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.19.1 – 4.19.2)

4.19.1 Minimisation and Controlled Access

Mitigating Controls (4.19.3)
4.19.2 System of Work
4.19.3 Emergency Response
GMR 4 – Delivery 88

Risk Event Preventative Controls iii) The confined space procedure and confined space entry
permit must be strictly implemented by a trained person with
and Performance Standards the required competencies and followed to effectively control
any planned confined space work. Permits are to be valid for a
4.19.1 Minimisation and Controlled Access maximum of one shift and require the following precautions to
be checked and confirmed as in place before works commence:
i) Identify at the acquisition of any asset any confined spaces or
enclosed areas where hazards could cause the death of any • Appropriate measures to control entry and exit and which
person entering that area. Create and maintain the currency of account for each person entering or leaving the space.
a single register for future management of the asset.
• Atmospheric monitoring and rescue equipment appropriate
ii) A person who installs or constructs a plant or structure, must for the situation and that is in good working order.
eliminate the need to enter a confined space and eliminate the
risk of inadvertent entry so far as is reasonably practicable. If • A person with the required competencies remaining on watch
either is not reasonably practicable, then: always when any person remains in a confined space to raise
• The need for any person to enter the space and the risk of a
the alarm and aid if needed and only if safe to do so.
person inadvertently entering the space must be minimised • On completion of the works a process is in place ensuring
so far as is reasonably practicable. the confined space is closed, secured and the permit is
• The space must be designed with a safe means of
signed off and closed-out by the issuer.
entry and exit. ii) All works which are planned within the immediate vicinity and/
or which have the potential to contaminate the air within the
• Risk to the health and safety of any person who enters
confined space are to be added to the risk assessment of the
the space must be eliminated or minimised so far as is confined task. (e.g. carbon monoxide emissions from a heavy
reasonably practicable. traffic area beside the confined space).
iii) Control access to all confined spaces, install and maintain iii) The weather for the day and duration needs to be considered
physical locks to all confined space access points and during the risk assessment. (i.e. Wind - dust/other
display warning signs in prominent locations stipulating no contaminants, Rain - water entering effect on emergency
unauthorised entry. response etc).
iv) Any new equipment and appliances requiring access for iv) The weather and its duration must be considered during the
maintenance must not be installed in a confined space. The risk assessment. (e.g. flooding of the space from upstream
requirement to access confined spaces must be eliminated. rainfall; and dust/other contaminants from wind.
v) Priority must be given to avoid work inside a confined
space through the design and use of alternative work
methodologies such as the use of remote cameras for Risk Event Mitigating Controls
inspections. Where work in a confined space cannot be and Performance Standards
avoided, the operation must put in place a system of work
that includes risk assessments, atmospheric monitoring, 4.19.3 Emergency Response
training, procedures, permits, PPE requirements, rescue
and monitoring arrangements and equipment specifications i) First aid and rescue procedures must be implemented in an
which are recorded via a permit system. emergency. Workers must routinely practice rescue procedures
to confirm they are efficient and effective. First aid and rescue
vi) All potentially hazardous plant and services should be procedures must be initiated from outside the confined space
isolated prior to any person entering the confined space to as soon as practicable in an emergency.
prevent the following:
ii) Openings for entry and exit must be sized to allow emergency
• Introduction of hazardous contaminants or conditions access, must not be obstructed, and any plant, equipment,
through piping, ducts, vents, drains, conveyors, service personal protective equipment (PPE) provided for first aid or
pipes and fire protection equipment. emergency rescue must be maintained in good working order
and be nearby and readily accessible to the works.
• Activation or energising of machinery in the confined space.
iii) When establishing emergency procedures, the following
• Activation of plant or services outside the confined space
factors must be considered to manage risks associated with
that could adversely affect the space (for example heating confined spaces:
or refrigerating methods).
• Whether the work can be carried out without entering the
• Release of any stored or potential energy in plant. confined space because of the nature of the confined space
• Inadvertent use of electrical equipment. any changes in hazards associated with the concentration of
oxygen or the concentration of airborne contaminants in the
4.19.2 System of Work confined space.
i) Where any confined space is present there must be a physical • Any changes in hazards associated with the concentration
barrier to prevent unauthorised access. of oxygen or other airborne contaminants within the
ii) Confined space entry must only be utilised when all other confined space.
practical and safer alternatives have been exhausted. All work • The work to be carried out in the confined space, the range
in confined spaces must be conducted by personnel who have
of methods by which the work can be carried out and the
current training in confined spaces, including atmospheric
proposed method of work.
monitoring and the use of the safety equipment needed to
conduct the required task. • The type of emergency and rescue procedures required.
GMR 4 – Delivery 89


These critical controls apply to both essential services in operating assets and where essential services are required for ongoing
construction operations and interruption could lead to fatal outcomes. It is not intended to apply to circumstances where the
consequence of interruption to the essential service results in business continuity or reputational disruption only.

Potential Impacts
What’s the worst that could happen?

Potential Causes People

Death (single/multiple) – Lendlease and/or
A Inadequate design and procurement of member of the public. Permanently disabling
supply continuity (e.g. back-up power) injury (physical/psychological). Community
and social damage/impact
B Inadequate installation and maintenance
(e.g. inappropriate isolation) Financial
Essential Service
C Supply failure Failure Financial/commercial damage (insurance
claims, return to work costs)
D Inappropriate use
(e.g. sabotage or vandalism) Business continuity
Business continuity and disruption
E Natural disasters
F Upstream service and utility failure Reputational damage
Legal/regulatory damage

Preventative Controls (4.20.1-4.20.3)

4.20.1 Identification and Testing

4.20.2 Installation and Commissioning Mitigating Controls

4.20.3 System of Work To be assessed by region, business unit or

operation as appropriate.
GMR 4 – Delivery 90

Risk Event Preventative Controls

and Performance Standards
4.20.1 Identification and Testing
i) All services that could pose a risk to life in the event of failure
(e.g. electricity in hospitals and emergency lighting in offices,
fire detection systems in a building, fire suppression systems
(dousing) in a hanger or a commercial kitchen) must be
assessed and a back-up plan developed. An assessment of
the type of facility must be conducted to consider what is an
essential life service. Back-up systems (e.g. diesel generators)
must be designed and installed for critical/essential services.
ii) Before acquiring an asset, identify all essential services
and back-up systems and verify their current condition
and reliability. Where no records are available, or they are
incomplete, project lead for the transaction should perform
testing to ascertain the reliability of the system during the Due
Diligence period. If the system is proven to be unreliable and
warrants replacement, recommendations shall be highlighted
so that a plan can be developed inclusive of the cost
considerations for the transaction.
iii) Maintenance and testing programs must be in place for all
essential services and that the back-up system(s) is suitable,
including periodic third-party inspection and examination.

4.20.2 Installation and Commissioning

i) Procure only from suppliers who can demonstrate a positive
EH&S performance record for installation and commissioning
of the type of system required.
ii) The design of essential service systems must be in accordance
local legislative requirements. Where required, they must be
subjected to 3rd Party reviews.
iii) Essential service systems are installed as per their design
and engineering. There must be a suitable quality plan that
includes how staff are to be adequately trained to operate the
system in the event alarms/warning system for failure, or in
the event of an actual failure.

4.20.3 System of Work

i) Manage the safety of maintenance and testing of essential
services by following the controls specified in alignment with
GMR 4.4 uncontrolled release of electrical energy and 4.15
uncontrolled release of stored energy (non-electrical). Such
maintenance and testing protocols must be in compliance
with local legislative requirements.

Risk Event Mitigating Controls

To be assessed by region, business unit or operation as

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