A Compact Single-Phase Bidirectional Buck-Boost-Inverter Topology

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A Compact Single-Phase Bidirectional Buck-Boost-

Inverter Topology

Minsoo Jang, Mihai Ciobotaru, and Vassilios G. Agelidis

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Kensington, NSW 2052, Sydney, Australia
[email protected]

Abstract—This paper proposes a single-phase bidirectional buck- inverters based on a buck-boost inverter. However, the
boost-inverter topology. The boosting function is achieved by topologies [12-14] are not suitable for the bidirectional power
using a wide range of duty cycles based on the front-end buck- flow control.
boost converter characteristics. The two main switches operate at
20 kHz to generate a unipolar half-cycle sinusoidal waveform. The objective of this paper is to propose a compact single-
The fundamental frequency switched full-bridge inverter block phase buck-boost-inverter topology providing boosting,
converts the unipolar output of the buck-boost converter into a inverting, and bidirectional power control capability. The
full sinusoidal waveform. The proposed topology has several proposed buck-boost-inverter utilizes a front-end bidirectional
attractive features such as: compact size, bidirectional power buck-boost dc-dc converter topology with a full-bridge block
flow control capability, single inductor and capacitor, few voltage including only one inductor and one AC capacitor. The two
and current sensors, and low cost. Analysis, simulation, and main switches for the buck-boost stage operate at 20 kHz to
experimental results from a laboratory prototype are presented produce a fully rectified sinusoidal waveform. The inductor
to validate the performance of the proposed inverter topology. and two buck-boost switches are followed by the fundamental
frequency switched full-bridge block which converts the fully
Keywords- buck-boost-inverter, bidirectional inverter. rectified sinusoidal waveform to a sinusoidal output. The
proposed inverter provides the following features: covering the
I. INTRODUCTION low and variable input voltage; offering a compact size, low
Voltage source inverters (VSIs) delivering AC power are switching losses, bidirectional power control capability;
commonly used in many applications such as uninterruptible requiring a single inductor and capacitor, few voltage and
power supplies (UPSs), AC motor drivers, and power current sensors, and finally resulting in a low cost solution.
conditioning systems (PCSs) [1-3]. The paper is organized in the following way. In Section II,
The conventional single-phase full-bridge inverter provides the proposed buck-boost inverter is introduced including the
continuous and linear control capability of the output frequency converter topology and its control algorithm. In Section III,
and amplitude. However, the conventional VSI is capable to simulation results are presented to validate its performance. In
supply only a lower output voltage when compared with the Section IV, experimental results from a laboratory prototype
input voltage. Therefore, when a low voltage source is are presented. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section V.
available, a boost converter stage is required at the front-end
before the inverter stage [4-7]. II. PROPOSED TOPOLOGY AND CONTROL SCHEME
The typical solution of the two-stage conversion system, i.e Fig. 1 shows the proposed single-phase bidirectional buck-
DC-DC followed by a DC-AC conversion stage, exhibits boost-inverter consisting of the front-end buck-boost converter
drawbacks such as being bulky, costly and inefficient due to its with the full-bridge block. The full-bridge block provides the
cascaded power conversion stages. Other recent developments bipolar output capability and its operation is defined by:
include topologies that provide boosting and inversion
functions in a single power conversion stage based on a
bidirectional boost-inverter and a buck-boost-inverter [8-11]. ⎧⎪1, when vo.ref ≥ 0
Fn = ⎨ (1)
The single-stage non-isolated inverter topologies become more ⎪⎩− 1, when vo.ref < 0
attractive because of the reduced number of components and
power stages offering lower cost and more efficient conversion,
unless the inverter requires isolation between the input/output.
However, the single-stage inverter topology [8-11] suffers from vo.ref = Ao 2 ⋅ sin( 2π f o t ) (2)
the following disadvantages. All the active switches are
simultaneously hard switched at high frequency and such
where vo.ref is the output voltage reference of the inverter, Ao is
operation results in high switching losses. In addition,
the RMS amplitude, and fo is the fundamental frequency.
references [12-14] have proposed for the PV single-stage

Fig. 1: Proposed bidirectional buck-boost-inverter

The equivalent circuits including the function of the full-

bridge block (Fn) are illustrated in Fig. 2. Especially, Fig. 2(a)
shows the negative half-cycle output while Fig. 2(b) shows the
positive half-cycle output when the output voltage reference is
negative and positive respectively. The power switches S1 and
S2 operate at 20 kHz and the full-bridge switches operate at
fundamental frequency. Due to the fundamental frequency full-
bridge square-wave control, a thyristor-diode full-bridge can be
used for the switches (S3-S6) to reduce system cost.
Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between the duty cycle and (b)
the output voltage reference signals. It also illustrates the
relationship between the output voltage reference and the duty Fig. 2: Equivalent circuit diagram when the output voltage reference is
cycle to operate the buck-boost-inverter. Based on the positive and negative. (a) negative output (b) positive output
averaging concept for the buck-boost-inverter [8, 11], the
voltage relationship between the input and the output for the
1 1
continuous conduction mode (CCM) is given by vo = ∫ iC1dt = ∫ ((1 − d ) ⋅ Fni L1−io )dt (6)
C1 C1
d (3)
vo = ⋅ Fn vin
1− d Based on the buck-boost converter characteristics and the
inductor current reference equation given in (5), the voltage
where d is the averaged continuous-time duty cycle. The across the inductor FnvL1 is given by
control method for the buck-boost-inverter is expressed
through the following equations. The output voltage vo depends dFniL1 (7)
on the current through the capacitor iC1 and is given by Fn vL1 = Fn vin ⋅ d − (1 − d )vo = L1
Kirchhoff's current law as:
From (7), the duty cycle can be obtained as
dvo (4)
iC1 = (1 − d ) FniL1 − io = C1 Fn vL1.ref + vo
dt d= (8)
Fn vin + vo
where io and iL1 are the output and inductor currents
respectively. From (3) and (4), the inductor current reference To achieve the inductor voltage reference vL1.ref in (8), a PI
FniL1.ref is expressed by controller is used based on the inductor transfer function. Eq.
(8) also illustrates that the inductor voltage vL1 can be observed
when the duty cycle d is applied to the inverter. Then the
Fn vin + vo (5) inductor current FniL1 can be expressed with the input and
FniL1.ref = (iC1.ref + io ) ⋅
Fn vin output voltages vo and vin by

which the control variable iC1.ref is the reference for the

1 1
capacitor current [11]. Then, the output voltage of the buck- FniL1 = Fn ∫ vL1dt = ∫ (d ( Fn vin + vo ) − vo )dt (9)
boost-inverter vo is derived from (4). L1 L1
Fig. 3: DC gain graph of the buck-boost inverter with the function Fn. It also includes the reference
voltage and duty cycle when vin and vo are 60VDC and 220Vrms respectively.

Fig. 4 illustrates conducting patterns with lagging and III. SIMULATION RESULTS
leading output current conditions. This figure also shows The proposed single-phase bidirectional buck-boost-
inductive and capacitive loads have four operating mode inverter has been simulated to validate its overall performance.
intervals while only two are required for resistive load and The simulations have been done using MATLAB/Simulink and
reverse power conditions. PLECS. The output voltage of the proposed inverter is 220VAC
while the input voltage is variable between 60 to 70 VDC. The
In this paper, a double-loop control scheme is used for the
parameters of the proposed buck-boost inverter have been
buck-boost-inverter control being the most appropriate to
designed based on [9], and summarized in Table I.
cover the wide range of operating points. This control method
is based on the averaged continuous-time model of the buck-
boost topology and has several advantages with special TABLE I. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED BUCK-BOOST-INVERTER
conditions such as nonlinear loads, abrupt load variations and
transient short circuit situations [11]. Using the control method DC output voltage, vin 60–70 VDC
the inverter maintains stable operating conditions by means of AC output voltage, Ao 220 VAC RMS
limiting the inductor current. Because of this ability to keep
the system under control even in the situations mentioned Fundamental frequency, fo 50 Hz
earlier, the inverter achieves a very reliable operation [11]. Switching frequency 20 kHz
The control block diagram for the proposed buck-boost- Rated power 1.0 kW
inverter is shown in Fig. 5. The output voltage reference is
compared with the measured output voltage to generate the Power stack SEMISTACK-IGBT
error signal. The PI2 is for the inner current control loop that Controller TMS320F28335
should be designed to allow at least 50º phase-margin and a
Voltage transducers LEM LV25-P
high bandwidth. The PI1 is dealing with the outer output
voltage control loop that should be designed with the same Current transducers LEM HAL50s
phase-margin and lower bandwidth compared with the inner
L1 200 µH
loop [9, 11].
C1 30 µF

Current Voltage


(a) (b)

(c) (d)
S1 S2

S3 S5


S4 S6

(e) (f)
Fig. 4: Conducting patterns depending on the output voltage and current. (a) output voltage and lagging current (b) output voltage and
leading current (c) Mode I (d) Mode II (e) Mode III (f) Mode IV.

Fig. 5: Block diagram for the proposed bidirectional buck-boost-inverter controller.

Current [A]
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Output Voltage vo and current io*20
Voltage [V], Current [A]

400 vin step down



0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time [s]
(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Fig. 6: Simulation results: (a) output voltage and current of the proposed inverter with an R load (40Ω), (b) inductor current with an R load, (c) output
voltage and current with an RL load (40Ω, 50mH), (d) inductor current with an RL load, (e) output voltage and current when the power is reversed, (f)
inductor current when the power is reversed, (g) inductor current multiplied with the function Fn, (h) input voltage multiplied with the function Fn.

The simulation results show the operation of the proposed

bidirectional buck-boost-inverter. The input voltage steps down IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
from 70V to 60V at 0.14s. In particular, Fig. 6(a) and (b) The proposed bidirectional buck-boost-inverter has been
illustrate the output voltage vo, the load current io, and the developed as a laboratory prototype. In this paper, a dc power
inductor current iL1 of the inverter with a resistive load. Fig. supply is used as input to obtain the experimental waveforms.
6(c) and (d) show the output voltage, load current and inductor One IGBT module is used to build the buck-boost converter
current when the inverter has connected to an RL load. Fig. 6(e) operating at high frequency and two IGBT modules have been
and (f) show the output voltage, load current and inductor used to construct the full-bridge inverter operating at
current with the reverse power control ability. The inductor fundamental frequency. A digital signal processor (DSP) unit
current with the fundamental frequency full-bridge square- has been used to develop the controller for a number of reasons.
wave function FniL1 is shown in Fig. 6(g). The input voltage DSPs are low cost and embedded floating point units, offer
with the function Fnvin is shown in Fig. 6(h). high speed, include on chip analog to digital converter and
Fig. 7: Experimental results of the proposed bidirectional buck-boost-inverter with a resistive load.

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