English Grade 7 Q1 LP 7

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A. Most Essential Learning Competency

Use the appropriate reading strategies (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading, etc.) for one’s purpose

B. Objective/s
Skim and scan texts for details


Sometimes, you will need to adjust your reading speed; that is, you have to read fast
or slow depending on the text. By adjusting your speed, you will get information effectively. In
this lesson, you will learn how to use different reading strategies.

Reading not just helps a person to improve vocabulary but also increases basic
knowledge. However, when we have to read and research something from a voluminous
material in a limited amount of time, a person either goes for skimming or scanning,
depending on the purpose.
Skimming means to read something at a comparatively faster rate without going into
an in-depth reading, so as to have an idea of what the work is all about. On the
contrary, scanning implies a reading technique in which one takes a quick look of the
document, so as to find the specific information contained in the written material.
Skimming Vs. Scanning


Meaning Skimming is a way of reading Scanning means to look

something in a fast manner so as carefully and quickly at the
to grasp the main points. written material so as to locate

Method of Reading Quick Selective

Involves Reading out the maximum content Finding out the required data.
in minimum time.

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
Objective To take a birds-eye view of the To spot and cast specific facts.

Familiarity The reader is not familiar with the The reader knows what he is
text. searching for.

When to use skimming?

Skimming has always been one of the most selected ways when it comes to   FAST
READING. Before putting any effort into studying a document, practicing skimming can be a
good hand in previewing. You can use skimming before entering a new chapter of your
textbook or a long article. To be simply said, most people refer to the use of skimming when
they need to save time. Timesaving has always been one of the top priorities of today’s
society. Reading every word can prevent us from increasing our reading speed. There are
many situations that spending long hours of laborious reading can’t do anything well.

Suppose you have to read an academic text and write an essay about its topic,
skimming can’t do all the job as there is too much information. This skill would help when
you’re trying to find out if something is a waste of time or similar to something else you’ve
already known. Using skimming is an ideal strategy when there are only a few days left and
you’re about to take an examination. In short, you save your time by skimming.

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
When to use scanning?

As convenient as it seems, skimming can’t guarantee you all the important points.

Usually, you need scanning when you find a friend’s phone number in a telephone book or
last night football’s scores in the newspaper. Or when you’re in a new restaurant knowing
they have your favorite dish but not sure the price is reasonable, you also need to scan
along the menu to see it with the price. Scanning significantly proves its value
when researching and studying. These two kinds of activity can’t be successful if they
depend on only your general knowledge.
You may also need scanning to locate the correct answer for the given
questions. You are likely to scan when you have no intention of getting a general idea.
Obviously, if you have no doubt of your purposes for reading and other unrelated information
is far from support, now take scanning into your consideration. Scanning is perfect when it
comes to looking for something more particular rather than an overview idea in your
Although knowing the differences between skimming and scanning is undeniably
useful, the habit of reading every word may make some of us uncomfortable to change. To
finally master the techniques of skimming and scanning, you have to spend your time
practicing again and again. It’s the act of allowing yourself to skip all the texts but the ones
that best match your purposes. Whenever you’re in your best mindset, you’re ready to speed
up your reading process.
Now, read the following story and answer the practice tasks that follow.

The Crow and the Sparrow

Once upon a time a sparrow made friends with a crow. One day when they
were hunting for food, the crow spied some red peppers that were spread out on a
mat to dry.
“Look at those peppers,” said the crow to the sparrow. “Let’s see who can
eat the most.”
“All right!” answered the sparrow.
RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
“Then the one who wins will eat the other,” said the crow.
The sparrow laughed and agreed for he thought the crow was joking.
Friends do not eat each other. The sparrow ate each pepper fairly, but the crow
cheated. For each pepper that he ate, he hid three more under the mat without the
sparrow’s seeing.
“I’ve won! Now I’m going to eat you!” said the crow.
Then at last the sparrow realized that the crow was serious.
“All right,” he said, “I’ll keep my promise. But before you eat me you must
wash your beak for everyone knows that you’re a dirty bird and eat lots of nasty
So, the crow went to the river and cried.
“River! River!
Give me water
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!”
The river replied: “You want water? Very well, but everyone says you eat
nasty things. If you want to wash your beak in my water, you must get a pot to put
it in and then you can have as much water as you like.”
The crow went to the potter in the village and cried:
“Potter! Potter!
Make me a pot
To fetch some water. To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!”
The potter replied: “You want a pot? Very well, but I have no clay. Bring me
some clay and “I’ll make you a pot.”
The crow went to a field and began digging up clay with his beak. The
earth said: “The whole world knows that you eat rubbish and nasty things. I cannot
allow you to dig up my clay unless you use a spade.”
The crow went to the village blacksmith, who was working on a wheel. The
crow said to him:
“Blacksmith! Blacksmith!
Make me a spade
To dig some clay,
To make a pot,
To fetch some water,
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!”
The blacksmith replied: “You want a spade? Very well, but you see I have
no fire in the forge. If you want me to make a spade, you must bring me some fire.”
The crow went to a farmer’s house nearby. The farmer’s wife was cooking
rice in the courtyard. The crow cried:
“Dear farmer’s wife!
Give me fire
To make a spade
To dig some clay,
To make a pot,
RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
To fetch some water,
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!”
The farmer’s wife replied: “You want fire? Very well, but how will you carry
“You can put it on my back,” said the crow.
The farmer’s wife put the fire on the crow’s back and immediately his
feathers burst into flames. The greedy crow was burnt to ashes. But the honest
sparrow lived to a ripe old age.

- Retold by Ashraf Siddigui

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1.
A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper / answer sheet.
1. The sparrow never thought that the crow was serious about the bet.
2. The crow cheated because he really wanted to eat the sparrow.
3. The river had a valid reason for not giving the crow water.
4. The earth gave clay to the crow but it was not enough for a pot.
5. The blacksmith’s request for fire from the crow was only an alibi.
B. Scan the selection for answers to the following questions. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper/answer sheet.
1. Who are the characters in the story? Which of them is the cheater?
2. What was the bet?
3. When did the sparrow realize that the crow meant what he said?
4. How did the sparrow save himself?
5. What happened to the crow at the end?

Task 2. Skim and scan the picture below. Can you spot the six words in this picture

Can You Spot The Six Words In These Picture Puzzles? - Social News Daily

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
Task 3. Look at the following information packet then answer the questions that follow in
a separate sheet of paper or answer sheet.


When you smoke, you are saying yes to:

….and several other KNOWN
▪ NICOTINE: It’s the magic part in cigarettes that is ADDICTIVE:
it keeps you coming back, wanting more
it keeps putting YOUR MONEY in
the pockets of the cigarette companies.

TAR: Cigarettes have Tar in them. Tar makes you ugly:

it stains your teeth, your fingers AND
your lungs.
it makes your breath stink, and your hair
gets dull.
it gives you wrinkles by making
Adapted from “Cigarettes Inside Out” web page (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hecs- sesc/tobacco/youth/scoopin.html)

Skimming: What do you Notice about

Scanning: Unfamiliar Words
this text?
Text List any
Feature unfamilia
s: r words
you see.
List any
bolded words
or graphics
notice as
you skim

B. Assessment
Skim and scan the advertisement below and answer the following questions.

‘App’ is a computer industry word that is short for ‘application’. It indicates the
practical application of computer software that is designed to perform a specific task. A
range of convenient apps is now available on mobile phones and other mobile devices
around the world.

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7
1. How many Android
smartphones exist
across the globe?

2. Which program has

over 450 000 apps

3. In terms of
developers using the
App Store, what
percentage are
Android-based and
what percentage are

4. According to the
advertisement, how
many people use
Facebook for Android?
How many monthly
users does that

5. What is the total

number of people who
access Facebook from
their mobile phones?

6. How many full-time

employees does
Instagram have?

7-10. (4 pts) Why are

Android apps

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7

Summing up what I learned in my journey through this lesson:

I learned that
I realized that
I promise to

Grade 7 English Quarter 1-Module 7: Reading Styles
Skimming and Scanning | English - Quizizz
Microsoft Word - Ch 01 worksheets.doc (liceomorgagni.edu.it)
Can You Spot The Six Words In These Picture Puzzles? - Social News Daily
Difference Between Skimming and Scanning (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences

Prepared by:
Master Teacher I
Pamplona National High School
Camarines Sur Division

Quality Assured by:

GEMMA A. REALO , Principal II
Don Mariano C. Veneracion NHS


Homobono H. Gonzalez NHS

Layout Artist:
EDMARK M. PADO – TIC, Maydaso Elementary School

Reviewed by:
SDO Camarines Sur

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7

Task 1

A. 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True

1. The sparrow and the crow. The crow cheated
2. The bet was who can eat the most
3. When the crow won
4. By asking the crow to wash its beak first
5. The crow was burned to death

Task 2

1. novel 4. read
2. story 5. words
3. page 6. Book

Task 3

Answers may vary


1. 300 Million
2. Google Play
3. Android based – 47%, apple based – 43%
4. 4 out of 5 people use Facebook for Android
5. 350 million people
6. Instagram has only 13 full time employees
7-10 Answers may vary

RO_English_Grade 7_Q1_LP 7

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