BSBOPS502 Student Project Portfolio - Kevin Conway

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Worlducation is a social startup that provides tablet computers and educational software/content/activities to students. Their goal is to improve how children learn in school through adaptive technology.

Worlducation is in the business of providing tablet computers and educational software/content/activities for students. Their main products are tablet computers and a cloud-based software platform for accessing educational programs remotely.

The two strategic goals outlined are: 1) Expand reach and increase sales/donations, 2) Continue to create deeper customer ties by improving customer service and developing innovative solutions to meet customer needs.

RTO No: 91223

Student Project Portfolio

BSBOPS502 Manage Business Operational


Section 1: Planning for an operational plan................................................................................................5

Section 2: Developing an operational plan................................................................................................. 9
Section 3: Managing operational performance......................................................................................... 14
Student name: Kevin Conway



Business this assessment is Worlducation

based on:

Documentation reviewed as Operation Plan


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Section 1: Planning for an operational plan

About the organisation Worlducation is a social startup that makes tablet computers for
essential school understudies. They not as it were center on the
Provide an overview of the
equipment, but they moreover have a competitive group making
organisation and
computer program, substance and exercises to way better lock in
and teach the understudies. Worlducation points to alter the way
Describe the key functions children learn at school by actualizing manufactured insights
and activities of the work area innovation that can take after up on each child’s advance and alter to
you will develop an their needs as they learn, making the ideal way learning experience.
operational plan for. The Board of executives affirmed the improvement of a cloud-based
Briefly describe at least two arrangement where clients can get to the computer program
objectives outlined in the remotely on their claim gadgets. And an operational arrange is made
strategic plan (if there is no to execute this demonstrate in each department.
strategic plan for your The strategic plan for developing an operational plan outlines two
business, develop two goals
objectives for your work area
1. Enlarge reach
or business).
 Expand the range of products and services offered to reach
Describe your job role.
a wider target market
Explain how your job role
contributes to the broader  Increase sales to increase donations to the required classes
goals of the business or work 2. Continue to create deeper customer ties – improve our people's
area. skills to better assist consumers

 Consumer-centered practice, with a focus on satisfying their

entire requirements for high-quality technology

 Develop innovation to better meet customer wants

 Strengthen our people's abilities to better assist customers

Source information Stakeholders who contribute to the operational plan and issue
appropriate permits:
Identify stakeholders who will
contribute to the operational  CEO of Worlducation and Group members
plan and provide relevant
 Employees from other relevant departments (sales,
marketing, finance, human resources, and so on)
 Who are they (consider
 Customers using Worlducation services
escalation, specialist
resource manager,  External consultants such as advertising consultants,
colleague, client)? resource demand experts, management consultants in the
purpose to establish consistency between all operational
 What contribution will
plans and resource allocation
they make?
Legislation relevant to the operational plan:
 What will they approve (if

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relevant)?  Corporations Act
Identify and summarise any  Privacy Act
legislation relevant to the
 Fair Trade Laws
operational plan you develop.
Identify and summarise any  Work Health and Safety Act (WHS)
organisational policies and Policies and procedures of the organization that are related to the
procedures relevant to the operating plan:
operational plan you develop.
 New supplier policy
(Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio).  Social networking policy
Summarise the financial  Documentation Policy and Procedures
information (e.g. budget and
forecast) that will inform  Internal Communication Policy and Procedures
spending and (attach proof to  External Communication Policy and Procedures
this section of your portfolio).
 Procurement Policy and Procedures

 Privacy Policy and Procedures

 Employee Training and Development Policy and Procedures

 Strategic Plan 2020-2022

 Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedures

 Recruitment Policy and Procedures

Budgets and projections are examples of financial information.

 Capital expenses (equipment required for operational tasks)

 Cash flow management (when money is spent)

 Consultant fees

 Creating a cloud-based solution that would allow consumers

to access the program remotely on their own devices
(estimated cost of $2 million).

 Create an internet advertisement for the new product (priced

at $25000).

 Internal costs (recruitment of staff needed to implement

operational plan)

Identify potential activities 1/ Expand our reach by increasing sales in order to raise donations
to needy classrooms:
What potential activities are
required to address the • First activity : Create an internet advertisement for the new product
objectives (at least three per (priced at $25000).
• Second activity: Schedule a live demonstration for current
What are your suggested time customers.
frames for each activity?
• Third activity: Design a rewards scheme to recognize schools
Who will be responsible for depending on the amount of downloads.
the completion of each
2/ Continue to deepen customer ties – increase our people's skills to
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activity? better help customers:
• First activity: Train sales team to utilize new product;
• Second activity: Arrange school visits;
• Third activity: Sponsorship program to foster personal ties between
less disadvantaged youngsters and sales personnel.

Establish potential human Potential human asset requirements includes personnel mindful for
resource requirements decision-making (supervisors, CEO), special asset directors (CFO,
HR chief, Promoting manager) and colleagues (group individuals
For each potential activity in
really performing the activity). In detail, Human assets may be inner
the operational plan, list the
(e.g. existing staff individuals or modern representatives) or outside
human resources required (at
(e.g. consultants).
least one new human
resource should be required).
Objective Activity/ Person Human
For each human resource: responsible Resources
strategy to
for required
 research and summarise achieve
information on resource objective
options and how the
resource may be Objective Activity required Person Human
sourced (e.g. can selected to realise responsible resources
internal staff do the job, from objective for the required to
are consultants required strategic activity’s complete
etc.?). plan successful activity
 analyse options and
choose one. Increasing Make a web Marketing Marketing
 explain how the resource donations advert for the coordinators team
will be recruited and to needy modern item are
inducted following policy classroom responsible
and procedure. s will for
increase coordinating
 explain any financial the the marketing
implications (e.g. number of department.
approval required, people
amount to be budgeted donating to Host a live Administrativ CEO
for etc.). the school. demonstration e
 explain any Intellectual Coordinators
Property (IP)
requirements, rights and Create a rewards Sales Sales group,
responsibilities linked to program to reward Coordinators
the resource. schools based on
the number of

Strengthen Training of sales Human IT employee

our personnel in the Resources
personal handling of the Coordinators
aptitude to new product.
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be a good Human
back client resources

Organise school Administrativ Administration

visits e team, CEO,
Coordinators Sales group

The sponsorship Sales Sales group,

program is Coordinators
designed to
develop personal
between less
fortunate children
and sales staff.

Intellectual property (IP) is the property of a person’s intellect or their

restrictive information to ensure assets. Mental property might be an
development, trademark, plan, brand or the application of an thought
New staff will be recruited and recruited following Worlducation's
recruitment policies and procedures. A staffing policy has been
established to ensure that Worlducation has the opportunity to
attract the best available staff and volunteers for all vacant positions.
This policy refers to the recruitment of all staff and volunteers other
than the CEO.

Establish potential physical Physical assets incorporate gear, equipment, computer program,
resource requirements offices and transport. A physical asset may be particular (e.g. a
particular machine to deliver a item or computer program required to
Use the information from your
oversee a handle) or common (e.g. office furniture, computers and
research and knowledge of
your work area.
For each potential activity in Objective Activity/ Physical Resources
the operational plan, list the required
strategy to achieve
physical resources required
(identify at least one).
For each physical resource: Objective Activity required to Physical resources
selected realise objective required to complete
 research and summarise
from activity
information on resource
alternatives (e.g. RPA vs
human input)

 analyse options and Increasing Make a web advert for In general such as
choose best one donations the modern item mobile phones,
to needy computers and office
 explain how the resource
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will be classroom furniture
obtained/purchased s will
following policy and increase Host a live Formal meeting room
procedures the demonstration and In general such as
number of mobile phones,
 explain any financial
people computers and office
implications (e.g.
donating to furniture
approval required,
the school.
amount to be budgeted
for etc.)
Create a rewards In general such as
 explain any Intellectual program to reward mobile phones,
Property (IP) schools based on the computers and office
requirements, rights and number of downloads furniture
responsibilities linked to
the resource (other than Strengthen Training of sales In general such as
those already our personnel in the mobile phones,
considered). personal handling of the new computers and office
aptitude to product. furniture
be a good
back client Organise school visits Transportation such as

The sponsorship In general such as

program is designed to mobile phones,
develop personal computers and office
relationships between furniture
less fortunate children
and sales staff.

Intellectual property (IP) is the property of a person’s intellect or their

restrictive information to ensure assets. Mental property might be an
development, trademark, plan, brand or the application of an thought
Physical assets will be obtained/purchased taking after New Supplier
Policy, Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedures, Privacy Policy
and Procedures, Procurement Policy and Procedures etc. of
Worlducation. The approaches and strategies diagram how
Worlducation oversees its acquiring exercises to amplify esteem,
limit taken a toll and back company strategies.

Establish potential KPIs Objective Activity/ KPI

For each activity, establish strategy to achieve
measurable KPIs. objective
Show how you approached
Objective Activity required to KPI to measure and
establishing the KPIs in a
selected realise objective monitor success of the
mathematical way using
from activity
How do the KPIs reflect plan
financial requirements?
Increasing Make a web advert for Sees of the online
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List ways to monitor the KPIs. donations the modern item advert are at slightest
to needy 4000.
s will Host a live Attract 85% of existing
increase demonstration customers to join the
the live demonstration
number of
people Create a rewards Quarterly growth rate in
donating to program to reward the number of
the school. schools based on the customers using new
number of downloads products is 15%

Strengthen Training of sales 100% of deals staff can

our personnel in the utilize modern item
personal handling of the new
aptitude to product.
be a good
back client Organise school visits 80% of schools visited
use new products

The sponsorship Sales are promted by

program is designed to 10%
develop personal
relationships between
less fortunate children
and sales staff.

Identify data security issues 1. Data misfortune within the cloud

Identify any data security 2. Misuse of data
requirements or issues
3. Incomplete control over who can get to delicate data
associated with the activities.
4. Lack of staff with the aptitudes to oversee information
security for cloud applications

Attach: Proof of policies and procedures relevant to work area ☐

and/or operational plan

Proof of financial information and relevant calculations ☐

(e.g. budget, graphs)

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Section 2: Developing an operational plan

Consult with others Two meetings with stakeholders (ie) The team members and clients
(i.e., the people who will be impacted by the project) are held to
Summarise the outcomes of
consult with stakeholders at the beginning of the project, agree on
your meeting with relevant
activities, resources, timeframes, KPIs, and monitoring process. The
suggested plan does not change.
 Which stakeholders did
Collaboration can be very demanding on people to achieve common
you consult with?
results. It means being open-minded, listening to others, and setting
 Why were these personal goals aside. It's important to promote collaboration with your
stakeholders part of the team.
consultation process?
 Fostering a creative culture to foster innovation
 Were any changes to
 Leading by example and establishing a feeling of shared
your suggested activities,
resources, timeframes,
KPIs and monitoring  Holding productive team meetings
processes requested?
 Building trust by encouraging individuals to provide honest
Describe how you and constructive criticism
collaborated to achieve joint
Interviews, surveys, surveys, email questions, and meetings are
available for feedback, advice, and support from stakeholders such
How did you seek feedback, as customers, colleagues, managers, and third parties.
advice and support?
The quality of the feedback you receive is important. To get honest
feedback, you need to be defensive and accept people's reactions.

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Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resourc KPI Budget
responsible es
strategy to
for required

Objective Activity Person When must Human KPI to

selected required to responsible the activity be and measure
from realise for the completed by physical and monitor
strategic objective activity’s or during resource success of
plan successful which period s the activity
completion is it to be required
completed to

Increasing Make a web Marketing One month Marketin Views of the $25,000
donations to advert for the Coordinator before the g online
needy modern item s beginning of departme advert are at
classrooms the school nt, slightest
will increase year external 4000.
the number advertisin
of people g
donating to professio
the school. nal and
room and
such as
s and

Host a live MC, When student CEO Attract 85% $13,000

demonstration Administrati start a new of existing
ve study year customers
to join the
Physical demonstrati
assets on
such as
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Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resourc KPI Budget
responsible es
strategy to
for required

s and

Create a Head of Quaterly Sales Quarterly $8,000

rewards saes group, growth rate
program to department in the
reward number of
schools customers
based on the Physical using new
number of assets products is
downloads such as 15%
s and

Strengthen Training of HR One month IT 100% of $9,000

our sales Coordinator before the employe deals staff
personal personnel in s beginning of e can utilize
aptitude to the handling the school modern item
be a good of the new year
back client product.
s group
such as
s and

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Objective Activity/ Person Timeline Resourc KPI Budget
responsible es
strategy to
for required

Organise Administrati Once per Administr 80% of $5000

school visits ve, host week ation schools
team, visited use
CEO, new
Sales products

The Head of 3 times per Sales Sales are $25,000

sponsorship saes year group, promted by
program is department 10%
designed to
personal Physical
relationships assets
between less such as
fortunate mobile
children and phones,
sales staff. computer
s and

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Develop a contingency plan.

Activity/strategy Potential risks Planned Response

to achieve

Activity required to Risk associated with How you will mitigate the risk
realise objective the activity

Make a web advert 1. Privacy • IT staff responsible for high level of confidentiality
for the modern item Issues security
2. Identity Theft • Regular website maintenance
3. Brand • Assignment of intellectual property

Host a live Lower-than-expected Send live demo information to existing customers to

demonstration Engagement Rates confirm participation Estimate number of participants

Create a rewards Inconsistent Customer retention through improved product quality

program to reward profitability, ie E. and customer service enhancement
schools based on increases with
the number of rewards and vice
downloads versa.

Training of sales Employees take a Encourage mentoring and coaching to ensure the
personnel in the long time to adapt to quality of education
handling of the new new products

Organise school Lack of Meet before each school visit to learn more about the
visits understanding of school and best understand its customers
schools visited

The sponsorship Sales staff ignore to Appropriately deal with unhappy children, Train sales
program is disadvantaged staff on how to train
designed to children
develop personal
between less
fortunate children

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and sales staff.

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Approve plan Taking after hierarchical arrangements and strategies of
Worlducation, the operational arrange is affirmed by the
Follow organisational policies
administration committee, i.e. CEO Lucas Lopez. To look for
and procedures to seek
endorsement, I sent a proficient ask for endorsement through e-
approval for your operational
mail. I guaranteed to create it as enticing as I might to persuade the
directors that the recommended operational arrange merits to be
 Who will you seek approved.
approval from?

 How will you seek

Dear Jacob Jones,
I do affirm my endorsement for the operational arrange you
Attach proof of approval (e.g.
proposed. You can work as the arrange to execute the cloud-based
minutes of executive team
arrangement successfully and productively.
meeting, draft email) to this
section of the portfolio. Sincerely,
CEO of Worlducation

Document resource • All comments must be recorded in the feedback register using the
requirements built-in software review feature. The feedback register should
contain the date, project number, reviewer name, who will receive
Document the resource
the feedback, comments, and the required action.
requirements (following
organisational policy and • All employees are obliged to use Worlducation templates for all
procedures). workplace documents.
Attach proof to this section of • The document must be labeled
the portfolio. [Department_Type_Detail_Version].
• Documents are stored on Worlducation's cloud-based storage

Explain plan to team The deployment plan is explained to your working team.
Attach proof to this section of A meeting will be held with the sales staff.
the portfolio (if not already
He is an employee and a member of the team responsible for the
viewed in person by the
activities of the schedule.

Attach: Proof of stakeholder meeting (if relevant) ☐

Documented resource requirements ☐

Operational plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Contingency plan (if you did not use the provided table) ☐

Proof of operational plan approval ☐

Explanation to team (if relevant) ☐

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Section 3: Managing operational performance

Confirm human The new IT personnel required to fulfill the operations plan have been hired and
resource deployed in accordance with the organization's rules, practices, and procedures.
acquisition To deliver the finest service to their consumers, they have vast expertise with
cloud-based solutions.
Confirm that any
new staff members New personnel are employed in accordance with the hiring standards and
required to processes of Worlducation. The recruiting policy was developed to guarantee
complete the that Worlducation has the chance to attract the finest personnel and volunteers
activities in the for all open jobs. Except for the CEO, this policy applies to the employment of all
operational plan personnel and volunteers.
were recruited and
inducted according
to the
policies, practices
and procedures
(e.g. via email,
survey etc.)
Attach proof to this
section of the

Confirm physical Objective Activity/ Physical Resources

resource required
strategy to achieve
Confirm that any
new physical Objective Activity required to realise Physical resources required
resources and selected objective to complete activity
services required from
to complete the strategic plan
activities in the
operational plan Donations to Make an internet Common things such as
were acquired needy advertisement for the new laptop, PC, phones,
according to the classes will product. facilities,..
organisation’s boost the
policies, practices number of Have a live show Meeting rooms and Common
and procedures people who things such as laptop, PC,
(e.g. via email, donate to the phones, facilities,..
face-to-face school.
conversation, Make a rewards conspire to Common things such as
invoices, quotes compensate the school laptop, PC, phones,
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etc.) based on the sum of facilities,..
Attach proof to this
section of the
Strengthen Sales employees are being Common things such as
the skills of trained in the use of the new laptop, PC, phones,
our product. facilities,..
employees to
become Organise school visits Car
customers The sponsorship program is Common things such as
outlined to create individual laptop, PC, phones,
connections between less facilities,..
blessed children and deals

Incorporate To protect intellectual property (IP) and get the IP strategy right, Worlducation
Intellectual has done the following:
Property (IP)
o Cost tracking
o Beware of breaches
Take necessary
steps to ensure o Beware of commercialization
any IP
o Confidentiality
(established in o Protection of ideas and brands by registering intellectual property rights
Section 1 of your
Intellectual property (IP) is the property of a person’s intellect or their restrictive
Project Portfolio)
information to ensure assets. Mental property might be an development,
are incorporated in
trademark, plan, brand or the application of an thought
the execution of
activities (e.g.
memo to staff,
agreement, email
to include it in
induction process
Attach proof to this
section of the

Plan and implement Objecti Activit Person Timeli Resour KPI Budg
monitoring ve y/ responsi ne ces et
ble for require
Choose one activity strate
completi d
and its related KPI. gy to
Establish a process
that can be used to
monitor and
performance of the
Increasi Make Marketin One Marketin Views $25,0
KPI (either using a
ng a web g month g of the
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flowchart or words). donatio advert Coordina before departm online 00
ns to for the tors the ent, adver
Implement the
needy moder beginn external t are
process (e.g. by
classroo n item ing of advertisi at
placing a poster in
ms will the ng slight
the office, sending
increas school professi est
an email etc.)
e the year onal and 4000.
Attach proof of your number formal
implementation to of meeting
this section of your people room
portfolio. donatin and In
g to the general
school. physical
such as
rs and

Assess progress 1 / Invoice indicates that the advertising consultant has spent more than
Assess and
document the Create an online ad for a new product (list price $ 25,000)
progress of the
The ad consultant has issued the following invoice:
activity you selected
to monitor in the • Video production invoice: $ 15,000
previous step (use • Invoice for advertising: $ 7000
the data showing
underperformance). • 3 design sample invoices: $ 10,000

You may consider:  Overspending: $ (10000 + 15000 + 7000) $ 25000 = $ 7000

 Is it likely to be  Important (~ 30%)

completed 2 / Project plan is the time agreed by the ad consultant Indicates that it is still
within the being delivered within the frame.
timeframe set?

 Will it meet

 Are any

 Are any

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(identify at least
Attach relevant
data/proof of
progress to this
section of your
Attach documented
performance to this
section of your

Negotiate and Approve variations: Changed the timetable to allow for additional discussion
approve variations with the advertising consultant regarding the cost.
Summarise the
outcomes of your
Mr. Jacob Jones,
negotiations with
relevant Following our meeting concerning the operational plan's underperformance,
stakeholders: we approved the suggestion to adjust the timetable so that we could have
additional discussions about the cost with the advertising consultant.
 Who was part
of the We expect that this change would enhance the status of operating activities.
negotiation? The next meeting to assess performance will be conducted within the following
 What are month. Please make sure you are available.
reasons for
ce and how can
it be solved?

 What did you

negotiate (e.g.
timeframe to
allow for

 How can you

support the
resource going

 Which
variations were
Attach proof of your
negotiation to this
section of your
portfolio (if not
already viewed in

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person by your

Approve variations. Dear customer,

Gain approval from After the meeting on operational plan defaults, we will adjust the time frame
relevant and approve the proposal to discuss costs further with the advertising advisor.
stakeholders for the
We hope that this change will improve the status of operational activities.
variation(s). The next meeting will be held within next month to confirm performance.
Check availability.
Attach proof to this
section of your
portfolio (e.g.
minutes of executive
team meeting, email

Address Support is provided according to policies and procedures.

Email to notify of approved changes: After discussing the current state of the
Confirm that support operational plan with the
is provided where
Dear team,
necessary according
to policy and Related stakeholders, the changes are approved to ensure effectiveness and
procedures (e.g. efficiency. Specifically, the time frame is adjusted (that is, extended) due to a
email to arrange significant cost overrun to discuss more costs with the advertising consultant.
Attach proof of
confirmed support to
this section of your

Attach: Proof to confirm recruitment and induction processes ☐

Proof to confirm physical resource acquisition processes ☐

Proof of incorporated IP requirements ☐

Proof of implementation of monitoring process ☐

Proof of data/progress (if relevant) ☐

Documented performance ☐

Proof of negotiation (if relevant) ☐

Proof of approval ☐

Proof to confirm additional support ☐

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