BSBOPS503 Student Project Portfolio - Lewis Gary Mills

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The organization needs a system to help with communication, file sharing, and remote work capabilities. They are considering tools like Slack, Trello, Google services, and Dropbox.

The organization needs a system that can assist with grouping emails/messages, provide video conferencing, and enable information sharing between global teams.

Users faced issues finding files, not knowing who last edited a file, and occasionally files not being in the expected location. They need more training on the system.

RTO No: 91223

Student Project Portfolio

BSBOPS503 Develop Administrative Systems


Student name:



Business this assessment is

based on:

Documentation reviewed as

System Users

Other stakeholders


Section 1: System Planning

About the business Worlducation is a social startup that manufactures tablet

Provide an overview of computers for primary school students. They not only focus on
the business and its the hardware, but they also have a competitive team creating
operations and details software, content and activities to better engage and educate the
about whether this is a students. 
new business (or business So far, Worlducation only sells their tablet computers business to
unit / department) or it is business (B2B) as they realised that their content and hardware
a business with an proved most effective when a whole classroom was using it, and a
existing system that teacher was coordinating the activities. Also, this helped the sales
needs to be replaced or team focus on larger sales, and minimised the potential number
upgraded. of problems that could arise from individual customers. However,
the long-term plan is to also tackle a business to consumer
strategy (B2C). 
Worlducation was founded in 2016, and by the end of 2019 they
had sold over 35,000 tablets to over 550 schools in 23 countries,
generating revenue in hardware sales and software
Worlducation headquarters are in Sydney’s CBD but they have a
development team in Bulgaria, a manufacturing team in Hong
Kong, and operation and marketing staff in Colombia, Egypt,
Iceland, Russia and the Philippines.
Worlducation started 2020 with a huge sale to a school in
Portugal. Although it was a great start, the context for the rest of
the quarter was highly uncertain due to COVID-19. Surprisingly
the pandemic brought hundreds of new leads and that led to an
unprecedented growth that brought alongside dozens of
operation and production problems.
The factory in Hong Kong closed down for 1 month due to
government restrictions limiting supply, the sales team was
overwhelmed with sale meetings over ZOOM, the tech-support
team had to re-adapt the software to remote learning for many of
the schools, and the founders had to start thinking on how
education was going to change after this worldwide event. 
Organisational Implement a system that will:
increase productivity;
decrease pointless emails;
Based on consultation eliminate outdated files;
with system users and and, most significantly, organize the team globally.
other stakeholders,
The company requires a system that can assist in grouping emails
outline the and messages, provide video conferencing capabilities that can
requirements of the handle numerous participants and rooms at simultaneously, and
system including enable information sharing between teams.
immediate needs and The company can employ Slack, Trello, Google services, and the
Dropbox app as a solution.
any future planning
including how the Challenges the organization faces:
system needs to be • Sometimes they start the day with over 100 emails from other
rolled out to current team members who work in different time zones.
staff. • Due to ineffective communication, a full day might be lost for
very minor details in file sharing.
What type of • Everyone is still working on offline files on their laptops and
system is needed? sharing them as attachments on emails.
• The firm now relies heavily on internal emails and Whatsapp
What are the challenges groups. The team has lost many deals as a result of this
the organisation faces disorganization, and it is now beginning to have an impact on
and how can the new their morale and energy.
system help to address
The new system would have a common shared schedule and
duties that could be easily followed by everyone, which would
Who will be using help it deal with the virtual disorganization of Worlducation.
the system? • Multiple video conference rooms with a chat box can help to
streamline the workflow.
How will the system be • The new system offers a collaborative cloud storage solution
rolled out? that enables anyone to edit files and promotes online
collaboration rather than just offline work.
What are the timeframes?
Who will be using the system? – The squad can have no more
than 10 members.
What are the timeframes? – The head office will trial the changes
for two weeks before fully implementing them in a month. After
that, they will be watched and implemented across the board.


System details The technology enables team members to collaborate when it
comes to communication. Employees can work more productively
After you have on their computers and phones thanks to the fact that it can be
completed research utilized on a range of devices and platforms and promote
and obtained quotes, workplace collaboration. A few of the possibilities include group
texting, one-on-one messaging, and video conferencing.
outline the system you
Due to the system's smooth integration with other programs like
want to introduce and Dropbox, users may easily share data with one another.
how you will set it up.
Trello: • View: See all the projects your team is working on.
 An overview of how • Automation: Use Butler automation to automate operations
the system will work and tasks.
• Power-Ups: Enable your teams' preferred tools to be linked to
 Storage and Trello plugins.
service options • Templates: Using simple-to-use templates from business
from various experts and the Trello community, you can provide your team
with a road map for success.
 Upfront and
requirements /
costs / obligations

Slack: A single platform for your work and team

• Channels: Keep conversations, files, tools, and people in one
single location to stay focused and organized.
• Slack Connect: Work together with groups from other
businesses in the same way that you do with groups from your
• Apps and Integrations: Streamline operations by integrating
Slack with over 2,200 more services, including Google Drive,
Office 365, and more.
• Workflow Builder: Automate rote tasks and communication so
you can return to the kinds of tasks that can only be completed by
• Security: The core of Slack's operation is safeguarding your data
at every tier.
• Enterprise Key Management: Using your own encryption keys,
you have total control and insight over who has access to your
data in Slack.
• Pricing:


To manage the team successfully through video conferencing,
Supplier (or
chat, and the necessity for connectivity with other programs,
developer) Slack offers a superior solution with greater flexibility and a
preference variety of extensions.
Which provider /
developer / system have
you decided on? Why do
you prefer this option
over the others?


Benefits and opportunities Slack groups conversations into channels so that participants can
convene in one location to exchange ideas, reach decisions, and
Outline the benefits to advance work. No matter where they are, it enables teams to
the business of using work more quickly and in unison.
the proposed new All the conversation features we may need are included in Slack's
user-friendly UI. The overflow of communication is controlled by
features like message threads, highly customized notifications,
What are the potential and powerful search filters.
opportunities associated Slack offers unlimited users and messages with every plan, while
Microsoft Teams offers up to 500,000 members and unlimited
with this new system?
messages—roughly unlimited for the majority of businesses. Slack
only allows you to search up to 10,000 archived messages in free
workspaces, which is a significant difference.
Faster, more adaptable ways to engage with partners: Working
with partners and customers can be difficult when ad hoc
collaboration is required. By integrating everyone into your virtual
headquarters to complete tasks, Slack Connect eliminates
communication barriers and speeds up workflow.
It makes it simple to share information and work together in real
time. This is excellent for situations where you require a quick
answer regarding a deadline.
With coworkers, it is simple to discuss anything amusing or off-
Due to the platform's excellent security, your data is always
It has a mobile app that is fully functional and is available for
immediate download to your desktop.
 Increased staff involvement, effective project
management, improved communication, and seamless
project management
Legislative and • Finance Authorisation Policy and Procedures –
WORLDUCATION: Prior to the transaction being carried out, the
organisational designated authorized person must approve all financial
requirements transactions as indicated in this policy. Where applicable, this
policy should be read in conjunction with other detailed financial
Summarise the relevant
legislative and
organisational policies • Privacy Act: The Privacy Act of 1988 (often known as the
and procedures for "Privacy Act") is the main statute governing the management of
administrative systems personal information about individuals in Australia. This covers
including data security. both the federal public sector and the private sector's acquisition,
use, storage, and disclosure of personal information.
This includes
requirements around
receiving quotes from
developers and/or
suppliers, number of
quotes required and
selection requirements for
Budget The budget is not so big– a maximum of $2,500 annually.
Outline the budget Cost of new system – Slack:
requirements and
break down the cost
of new system.
A maximum of $2,500 is allotted for the budget per year.
Cost of new Slack system:

The remaining $1000 will be used for training and application

Business package: $12.50 per month with maximum of 10 users;
10 * 12.5 per month; 12 months = $1,500.

Risks The team will likely see little to no productivity benefits as a result
of the employees' lack of familiarity with the system, and it will be
Outline an overview of a waste of money to adopt the new system.
the risks for the project
and how these might be To solve this, the team will need in-depth instruction so they can
fully utilize the system's capabilities. Additionally, this would
managed to ensure a
make it simpler for the personnel to utilize, increasing
smooth implementation. productivity.

Attach: Quotes from suppliers ☐

Administrative Systems Policies & Procedures ☐


Section 2: Implementation Strategy

Issues Comments Contingency plans

1 Communicating administrative systems Implementation involves winning the support of those who will
use the system or who will be impacted by how it operates. An
organization will be guided through the process with the use of an
implementation strategy. Participating system users will
guarantee that the implementation process is flexible and open to
2 Timing Timing is a vital consideration when putting a new system into
place. The operation of the business functions should be minimally
or completely unaffected by a new system. It will also be necessary
to adhere to the system's implementation timelines. A PERT chart,
which shows how the parallel activity pathways are related, is one
Procedures Procedures can be operational (define the system and designate
individuals to carry out the system's processes) or process-
oriented (provides the instructions for performing the specific
tasks needed to complete the processes).
The Procedures for quality assurance is a set of procedures that
yield results of the highest caliber.
4 Training and support for staff You should inform the personnel about the technique of
implementation, how it works, and what that will entail for them
when offering training and assistance. The staff will be able to
comprehend whether the system will change immediately,
gradually, concurrently, or through a test project.
The sort of training and assistance provided will rely on the
implementation strategy, available resources, and financial
constraints. Depending on whether it is internal or external, this
can also change.
5 Identify training needs In order to identify the skills and knowledge required for that role,
an organization will need to determine the duties that the job
includes. It is quite simple to determine the skills and knowledge
necessary to be competent in a particular capacity after the tasks
for a job have been established.
Staff completion of a survey or questionnaire is another technique
to determine training needs.


No. Objectives Measures of Performance

1 Improved communication Insert into this section the measurements which will be used to
assess whether the objectives have been successfully achieved

2 Employees are familiar with the new system The system will be simple for all employees to use within a month,
and after two months of operation, a productivity survey will be
carried out.

3 Increased employee engagement In their regular work, every employee makes use of the new

Better overall efficiency Employee engagement and morale increase as a result of

seamless cooperation and mobile-friendly apps.


Strategy for Achieving Objectives

Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name Completion notes

Purchasing and sourcing Identify the needs of the system and the best choices. Administr Done
May 02 ative

Find the best possible option. May 10 Administrati Done

ve manager
Message the supplier May 11 Administrati Done
ve manager
Integration Install the free versions for testing purposes. May 15 Administrati Not yet
ve manager
Install the corporate version for ongoing use. May 20 Administrati Not yet
ve manager
Testing and training User training May 25 Administrati Not yet
ve manager
Group of 10 testing May 31 Administrati Not yet
ve manager
Ongoing maintenance Monthly Administrati Not yet
ve manager


Section 3: Implementation activities

The following describes the procedure's development process:

Procedure development
 Setting goals and objectives is step one.
Outline the process you  Planning is step two.
took to develop this  Reviewing the process is step three.
procedure.  Putting the plan into action is step four.
 Monitoring and reviewing is step five.
How does it integrate
with and adhere to Because plan takes into account both routine organizational goals
other administrative and daily operations to make sure they are in conformity with the
procedures within the company's policies and regulations, the plan is linked with the
business? company's procedures.

Distribution The revised policies will be emailed to staff members and posted
on the company intranet.
How did you distribute If necessary, they can be distributed in hard copies.
and communicate the
new procedures to
You need to attach
evidence of this which
may include email, memo
or evidence of this
happening at a meeting.

There are no outside charges associated with the training, which I

Training development
will oversee since I am familiar with the system.
Who did you train? The Worlducation employees who will use the system have
received training.
Outline the process
The training will be given utilizing previously recorded screen
and approach you recordings, as well as written and spoken instructions that will be
took to developing this sent through email so they may be easily found in the future. I
training including the may offer screen sharing assistance if they are still having
instructional style and problems understanding the instructions.
To accommodate diverse learners' learning preferences, I offer
mediums used.
the user a variety of learning options, including written and visual
How did you ensure it aids.
aligns with your Because I use screen sharing to help the workers, they are
audience’s learning
preferences and the
How does it ensure staff
are supported?

Future use Participants with a variety of learning challenges or requirements

might have their training tailored to fit their needs.
How can the training be Group video conferencing can be used for training for a variety of
adjusted to suit a wide participants, as long as everyone is prepared for the session and
array of participants has access to the necessary learning resources.
To accommodate diverse learners' learning preferences, I offer
including those with
the user a variety of learning options, including written and visual
different learning needs aids.
or requirements?
Provide examples.

Monitoring The training assessment will be able to identify the various

learning preferences of the personnel. Based on the findings of
When running the this evaluation, I will examine and modify each employee's
training, how did you training goals. Employees would be encouraged to study and train
ensure full participation more effectively as a result. At the conclusion of each week or
month, I would hold feedback and evaluation sessions to see if
and staff buy in?
they had progressed and to decide what needed to be modified in
How did you monitor the training procedure to take the staff's preferred learning style
staff attitudes and into account.
Use visuals to track employee emotions and engagement. Check if
they are actively attending the study session and evaluate the
How did you monitor that results. If they are accustomed to the new system, they will learn
the training was positively.
By the end of the month I will audit questions about the new
understood and well
system and if they pass the test I will check if the staff
received? understands the training process. If not, I know what to educate,
How did you ensure your train them more.
The staff entered at the end of every training session will be used
presentation style suited
to change the presentation style of future sessions.
the audience and what
changes did you make if
it wasn’t?


Contingency management • Continual employee feedback to better understand the system
and identify potential areas for improvement.
What issue did you • As soon as a problem is reported, look into it to ensure that it
respond to and how did has the least negative impact feasible.
you manage this?
How did you ensure this
had a minimal impact on
the user?

Attach: Procedure you have developed ☐

Evidence of distribution ☐

Training session materials ☐


Section 4: Monitoring

Analysis of user responses User 1

Although it is generally nice, occasionally I require a file and it is
Identify issues and trends not located where it should be. It generally appears when I check
in user responses. Include in a few hours. It is quite annoying! I have to admit that there are
usage, security and instances when I would prefer to use my previous method.
User 2
output in your analysis.
I remove the file from the networked folder and edit it on my
desktop. When I am finished, I upload it, so it is essentially the
same as working on my desktop alone.
User 3
It ought should be simpler than what I'm used to, but that isn't
always the case. In the previous arrangement, after working on a
file that was given to me, I would email it back to my boss. Now,
I'm unsure of what was done and by whom.
In certain cases, I even have trouble finding the file.
User 4
It is fairly decent, but occasionally, even after a search, the file I
require is nowhere to be found. The next day, when I check, it is
always there, but not always when I want it.
User 5
It's not horrible, but it is difficult. For example, should I correct
the file myself, or has another editor already done so? There were
no errors in the file, therefore I'm positive I modified a document
that had recently been proofread by another person.
User 6
I enjoy it. I have no issues. It fulfills my needs in that regard.
User 7
I've found it to be fairly user-friendly, and I now know where all
the files are.
I haven't experienced any security difficulties with the system, but
just to be safe, I back up all of my files every Friday afternoon.

Staff does not effectively use the search bar and folders,
according to user answers and complaints.
• Additionally, I would conduct training on these subjects to make
sure that they have a better understanding of the new system
because a new staff member will be working there the following
month and is required to complete systems training as part of
their introduction.


Solutions Give staff more system training.
Sort the files into folders according to the teams, divisions, and
Document solutions to dates of last editing.
issues and steps you will Help them with the search box by adding file-specific keywords,
take to make dates, and other information.
modifications to the
Include modifications to
procedures and training
and attach evidence once
you have updated these

Communication strategy Employees will be notified of the changes via email.

To make sure that everyone on staff is aware of how to replace
How will modifications be their present method with the new one, I will conduct a final
notified to staff? Where evaluation during training sessions.
will revised procedures be
located and how will staff
know to replace their
current procedure with
the new one?

I would include tests and open chat sessions at the conclusion of

Training session
every training session to make sure they had understood the
Outline the process and material.
approach you took to This would include the entire team, enabling staff to understand
modifying this training the training more effectively and enabling me to immediately
spot system problems based on staff feedback.
and why.

Attach: Modified procedure ☐

Evidence of distribution and notification to staff ☐


Revised training session materials ☐


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